Description of the structure of heating networks. Characteristics of heating networks of a given area

The main objectives of the TP are:

  • - Conversion of the type of coolant
  • - Monitoring and regulation of coolant parameters
  • - Distribution of coolant among heat consumption systems
  • - Disabling heat consumption systems
  • - Protection of heat consumption systems from emergency increases in coolant parameters
  • - Accounting for coolant and heat costs.

The heating point is equipped with: heat exchangers, pumps (network, make-up), devices for recording coolant parameters. Heated water from the thermal power plant under pressure enters the heat exchanger. On the other hand, cold water enters the heat exchanger through network pumps. By giving up part of the energy to heat the network water, the water from the thermal power plant is cooled and supplied back. Heated network water of the required temperature is supplied for heating and hot water supply to the population.

Pipeline structures

Water heating systems are used in two types: closed (closed) and open (open). In closed systems, network water circulating in the heating network is used only as a coolant, but is not taken from the network.

In open systems, network water is partially (rarely completely) removed from subscribers for hot water supply.

Depending on the number of pipelines used to supply heat to a given group of consumers, water systems are divided into one-, two-, three- and multi-pipe. Minimum number of pipelines for open system one, and for a closed system - two.

For the city of Orsk they will apply closed system heat supply, elevator.

Closed two-pipe water heating system.

2-air valve; 3-water tap; 4-heating device; 5-check valve; 12-flow regulator; 15-elevator; 16-pump; 17-feed pump; 18 network pump; 19-feed regulator; 20-net water heaters; 21 peak boiler.

The connection diagram shows the dependent connection of the heating installation. Water from the supply line of the heating network enters through the flow regulator valve 12 directly into the heating system of the building, passes through the heating devices 4 and gives off heat to the surrounding air. Chilled water enters return line heating network.

According to this scheme, water heating systems of industrial enterprises are usually connected to the heating network.

In the case when the maximum water temperature in the supply line of the heating network does not exceed 95 o C, heating systems of residential and public buildings are also connected according to this scheme. In most cases, heating systems of residential and public buildings are connected to water heating networks using a dependent circuit with a mixing device (

Structural elements of heating networks.

All pipelines of subscribers are installed underground - trays. Heat cameras are installed to connect subscribers and switch directions. To compensate for thermal expansion, gland compensators are installed in thermal chambers. The central pipeline is made W375mm - 219mm. Subscribers are connected via a Ø108mm-89mm pipeline. Subscriber pipeline after the elevator Ш57mm.

Hydraulic mode of the heating network 6 kg/cm 2 - direct pipeline, 2 kg/cm 2 - return pipeline.

For the DHW system of subscribers, boilers are directly installed in the building (bathhouse, schools, kindergartens, hospitals).

3-4 subscribers are connected to one elevator node.

Economic efficiency of systems district heating With the current scale of heat consumption, it largely depends on the thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. Thermal insulation serves to reduce heat losses and provide permissible temperature isolated surface. The struggle to reduce transport heat losses in heat pipelines is the most important means of saving fuel resources. Additional costs associated with applying thermal insulation and anti-corrosion coatings are relatively small and amount to 5-8% of total cost heating networks, but high-quality insulation increases the metal’s resistance to corrosion, which significantly increases the service life of pipelines. Thermal insulation improves the working conditions of operating personnel and allows you to maintain high coolant parameters at a great distance from the heat source.

Thermal insulation of pipelines and heating network equipment is used for all installation methods, regardless of the temperature of the coolant. Thermal insulation materials are in direct contact with the external environment, which is characterized by continuous fluctuations in temperature, humidity and pressure. The thermal insulation of underground and especially heating pipelines is in extremely unfavorable conditions. In view of this, thermal insulation materials and structures must satisfy a number of requirements. Considerations of efficiency and durability require that the choice of thermal insulation materials and structures be made taking into account installation methods and operating conditions determined by the external load on the thermal insulation, groundwater level, coolant temperature, hydraulic operating mode of the heating network, etc.

Materials used as a heat insulator must have high heat-shielding properties and low water absorption during long term operation. Water absorption and hydrophobicity (the property of surface water repellence) are important for maintaining the initial thermophysical properties of the heat-insulating material and for saving heat supply. The thermal conductivity coefficient of most dry insulating materials varies within the range of 0.05--0.25 W/m°C; with moisture, the thermal conductivity coefficient sometimes increases by 3--4 times.

The thermal insulation properties of the same materials deteriorate significantly with increasing bulk density. Heavy thermal insulation has a destructive effect on the retaining mesh and wire; sagging thermal insulation breaks off from the pipeline and equipment and does not fulfill its intended purpose. In this regard, insulating materials and bandage fastening (mesh, wire) must have high mechanical and corrosion resistance that can withstand the effects of external load and humidity.

High demands are placed on the chemical purity of insulators. Insulating materials containing chemical compounds that are corrosive to metal are not allowed for use, since when moistened, these compounds are easily washed out of the thermal insulation, falling on metal surfaces and causing their corrosion. The most aggressive elements are sulfur and sulfur oxides (SO3, SO2), contained in large quantities in various slags and mineral wools. Slags and wools are among high-quality insulators, but the sulfur oxide content of more than 3% makes them unsuitable for use in damp conditions.

Some fillers, such as asbestos, asbozurite, sawdust, reeds and other, mainly organic materials, change their structure when moistened, crack and rot, as a result of which they are also not recommended for thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation materials are used in the form of granular, fibrous and pasty masses that do not have the necessary structural strength, as well as in the form of piece molded products.

An important link in the heating system is heating network, through which heat is transported from the heat supply source to heat consumers.

Heating networks can be classified according to the type of coolant used in them, as well as according to its design parameters (pressure and temperature). Almost the only coolants in heating networks are hot water and water steam.

Water vapor, as a coolant, is widely used in heat sources (boiler houses, thermal power plants), and in many cases in heat supply systems, especially industrial ones. Communal heating systems are equipped with water heating networks, and industrial ones are equipped with either only steam, or steam in combination with water networks used to cover the loads of heating and ventilation (HV), air conditioning and hot water supply (DHW). Water heating networks are mostly made of two pipes with a combination of supply pipelines for supplying hot water from heat sources to heat use systems and return pipelines for returning the water cooled in these systems to heat sources for reheating.

The supply and return pipelines of water heating networks, together with the corresponding pipelines of heat sources and heat use systems, form closed water circulation circuits. This circulation is supported by network pumps installed in heat sources, and for long water transport distances, also on the route of heating networks (boosting pumping stations).

In some cases, water heating networks are made with three or even four pipes. Such an increase in the number of pipes, usually provided only in certain sections of heating networks, is associated with doubling either only the supply (three-pipe systems) pipelines for separate connection to the corresponding pipelines of the hot water or heating systems, or for redundancy of the supply and return pipelines.

IN large systems centralized heating, there is a need to divide water heating networks into several categories, each of which can use its own heat supply and transport schemes.

The standards provide for the division of heating networks into three categories: 1. Main - from heat sources to inputs into residential neighborhoods (blocks), enterprises;

2. Distribution - from main networks to individual buildings;

3. Networks to individual buildings in the form of branches from distribution networks (or in some cases from the main ones) to nodes connecting the heat use systems of individual buildings to them.

It is advisable to clarify these names in relation to the accepted classification of centralized heat supply systems according to their scale and the number of consumers served. Thus, if in small systems, heat is supplied from one source only to a group of residential and public buildings within one microdistrict or industrial buildings of one enterprise, then there is no need for trunk networks and all networks from such sources should be considered as distribution networks. This situation is typical for the use of group (quarter) and microdistrict boiler houses as sources, as well as industrial boilers serving one enterprise. When moving from such small systems to regional ones, and even more so to inter-district ones, a category of main heating networks appears, to which the distribution networks of individual microdistricts or enterprises of one industrial region are connected. Connecting individual buildings directly to main networks, in addition to distribution networks, is extremely undesirable for a number of reasons, and therefore is used very rarely.

Large heat sources of district and interdistrict centralized heat supply systems, according to the standards, must be located outside the residential zone in order to reduce the impact of their emissions on the state of the air basin of this zone, as well as to simplify the systems for supplying liquid or solid fuel to them. In such cases, initial (head) sections of trunk networks of considerable length appear, within which there are no connection nodes for distribution networks. Such transport of coolant without associated heat distribution to its consumers is called transit, and it is advisable to classify the corresponding head sections of main heating networks into a special category of transit. The presence of transit networks significantly worsens the technical and economic indicators of coolant transport, especially when the length of these networks is 5-10 km or more, which is typical, in particular, when using ATPP or AST.

Supporting materials for the heat supply scheme for the urban settlement of Obukhovo for the period from 2013 to 2028


The current situation in the field of production, transmission and consumption of thermal energy for heat supply purposes

Heating networks, structures on them and heating points

Table of contents

1. Description of the structure of heating networks 2

2. Designs of heating networks 7

3.Technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy 8

4. Description of procedures for diagnosing the condition of heating networks and planning major (current) repairs 9

5. Description of the frequency and compliance with technical regulations and other mandatory requirements of summer repair procedures with parameters and test methods (hydraulic, temperature, heat loss) of heating networks 15

  1. Description of the structure of heating networks

Heat is transported from centralized sources to consumers via main and distribution networks. Currently, the heat supply enterprises of the urban settlement of Obukhovo use a diverse range of pipelines and equipment for heating networks, differing in purpose (main, distribution, intra-house), diameter, installation methods (above-ground, underground), and type of insulation.

The heat supply organization that has on its balance sheet and operates heating networks is JSC NPTO ZHKH. The company has on its balance sheet more than 56.5 km in single-pipe terms, of which 65.6% are heating networks and 34.4% are hot water networks.

The structure of heating networks according to the installation method is shown in Figure 1.
Drawing. Structure of heating networks of JSC NPTO ZHKH by installation method

The overall length of heating networks broken down by diameter is shown in Figure 2.
Drawing. Structure of heating networks of JSC NPTO Housing and Public Utilities in general by diameter

The length of heating networks broken down by type of insulation is shown in Figure 3.

Drawing. Structure of heating networks of JSC NPTO Housing and Public Utilities by type of insulation

Heating networks from Boiler House No. 1,Moscow region, Noginsky district, Obukhovo village, Kudinovskoe highway, no. 4.

The heating networks of Boiler House No. 1 have a length of 7.8 km in two-pipe calculation, of which heating networks make up 60%, hot water networks – 40%. Laying of heating networks underground (Figure 4). Heating networks are laid using a two-pipe method. The length of heating and hot water heating networks by diameter is shown in Figures 5-6.
Drawing. Structure of heating networks from Boiler House No. 1 by installation method
Drawing. Structure of thermal heating networks from Boiler House No. 1 by diameter
Drawing. Structure of DHW heating networks from Boiler House No. 1 by diameter

Heating networks from Boiler House No. 2,Moscow region, Noginsky district, Obukhovo village, Kombinat street, 21A.

The heating networks of Boiler House No. 2 have a length of 10.5 km in two-pipe calculation, of which heating networks make up 63.6%, hot water networks – 36.4%. Laying of heating networks underground and above ground (Figure 7). Heating networks are laid using a two-pipe method. The length of heating and hot water heating networks by diameter is shown in Figures 8-9.
Drawing. Structure of heating networks from Boiler House No. 2 by installation method
Drawing. Structure of thermal heating networks from Boiler House No. 2 by diameter
Drawing. Structure of DHW heating networks from Boiler House No. 2 by diameter
Consumers of thermal energy and hot water are connected to the networks via central heating stations. The heating station is equipped with modern coolant and heat energy metering devices. Data on the central heating point are given in Table 1.


Data on the central heating station of Boiler House No. 2

Heating networks from Boiler House No. 3,Moscow region, Noginsky district, Obukhovo village, Lenina street, 24A.

The heating networks of Boiler House No. 3 have a length of 5.0 km in two-pipe calculation and are heating networks. Laying of heating networks underground and above ground (Figure 10). Heating networks are laid using a two-pipe method. The length of heating networks by diameter is shown in Figure 11.
Drawing. Structure of heating networks from Boiler House No. 3 by installation method
Drawing. Structure of thermal heating networks from Boiler House No. 3 by diameter
Consumers of thermal energy and hot water are connected to networks according to a dependent scheme. There are no heating points.

Heating networks from Boiler House No. 4,Moscow region, Noginsky district, Obukhovo village, st. Moskovskaya, 4A.

The heating networks of Boiler House No. 4 have a length of 4.4 km in two-pipe calculation, of which heating networks make up 41%, hot water networks – 59%. Laying of heating networks underground (Figure 12). Heating networks are laid using a two-pipe method. The length of heating and hot water heating networks by diameter is shown in Figures 13-14.
Drawing. Structure of heating networks from Boiler House No. 4 by installation method
Drawing. Structure of thermal heating networks from Boiler House No. 4 by diameter
Drawing. Structure of DHW heating networks from Boiler House No. 4 by diameter
Consumers of thermal energy and hot water are connected to networks according to a dependent scheme. There are no heating points.

Heating networks from the Boiler House of the Sports and Fitness Complex,Moscow region, Noginsky district, Obukhovo village, st. Sovetskaya, 25A.

The heating networks of the Boiler House of the Sports and Fitness Complex have a length of 307 m in two-pipe calculation, of which heating networks make up 50%, hot water networks – 50%. Laying of heating networks above ground. Heating networks are laid using a two-pipe method. The length of heating and hot water heating networks by diameter is shown in Figures 15-16.

Drawing. Structure of thermal heating networks from the Boiler House of the Sports and Fitness Complex by diameter
Drawing. Structure of DHW heating networks from the Boiler House of the Sports and Fitness Complex by diameter
Consumers of thermal energy and hot water are connected to networks according to a dependent scheme. There are no heating points.

  1. Heating network structures

Heating networks in all heating network areas have all possible types of installation: above-ground, underground channel and non-channel. Overhead laying is used mainly when crossing natural barriers.

In this case, pipelines are laid along overpasses and low-standing supports. When using channelless installation for the last 10 years, pipes insulated with polyurethane foam have been used.

Shut-off valves are installed at pipeline branches. Steel gate valves, ball valves, and butterfly valves are used. In recent years, during major repairs and installation of new sections of heating networks, preference is given to installing ball valves.

To ensure the possibility of prompt switching on networks, the installation of sectional disconnecting devices is provided. The number of sectioning devices for the linear parts of the highway is determined by the requirements of SNiP and the topology features of each system.

To service shut-off valves during underground installation, heating chambers are installed on the networks. Thermal chambers are made mainly of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures or brick, equipped with pits, air outlets and drainage devices.

  1. Technological losses during thermal energy transfer

At JSC NPTO ZHKH, which is the heat supply enterprise of the urban settlement of Obukhovo, annual calculations are made of the standard values ​​of technological losses of coolant and thermal energy in heating networks and heat consumption systems. Calculations are made in accordance with the “Instructions for organizing in the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation work on the calculation and justification of standards for technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 No. 325. Figure 15 shows the shares of actual losses of thermal energy for 2012 depending on the power of the thermal energy source.

Drawing. The share of thermal energy losses depending on the power of the source
Table 2 shows the actual indicators of technological losses for boiler houses of JSC NPTO ZHKH.
Table. Heat energy losses in boiler houses of JSC NPTO Housing and Public Utilities


Boiler house name, address

Net supply of thermal energy, thousand Gcal

Actual losses of thermal energy, Gcal

Actual thermal energy losses, %


Boiler room No. 1


4 596,6



Boiler room No. 2


10 119,2



Boiler room No. 3


1 716,4



Boiler room No. 4


2 687,7

  1. Description of procedures for diagnosing the condition of heating networks and planning major (current) repairs

The heating network diagnostic system is designed to form

package of data on the state of heating mains in the urban settlement of Obukhovo. In conditions of limited funding, it is advisable to plan and carry out repairs of heating networks based on their actual condition, and not depending on their service life. In this case, non-destructive diagnostic methods are preferred. The basis for describing procedures for diagnosing the condition of heating networks is RD 102-008-2002 “Instructions for diagnosing the technical condition of pipelines using a non-contact magnetometric method.”

It is necessary to begin diagnosing the condition of the heating network with an analysis of design, executive and operational documentation. Analysis of design and operational documentation can be carried out in accordance with RD 39-132-94 “Rules for the operation, inspection, repair and rejection of oil field pipelines”, or in accordance with RD 12-411-01 “Instructions for diagnosing the technical condition of underground steel gas pipelines” . The results of the analysis of design, executive and operational documentation are recommended to be drawn up in the following form: (Form 1 RD 102-008-2002).

Initial data for the analysis of design, executive and operational documentation:

1. Name and affiliation of the organization operating the pipeline;

2. Full name, purpose and code of the pipeline, purpose of commissioning;

3. Total pipeline length, m; plan diagram and profile of the pipeline route with references to above-ground structures, water barriers, road crossings, intersections, tie-ins, etc.

4. Design pressure, MPa

5. Working pressure, MPa

6. Information on the corrosive aggressiveness of the transported product and the surrounding soil (the danger of pitting according to ISO 11463, biocorrosion according to RD 39-3-973-83, calculated data on the rate of local corrosion according to nominal indicators);

7. Information on the number, causes of failures (accidents) and completed repairs of the pipeline with references to sections of the route;

8. Dates of previous diagnostic examinations, main conclusions based on their results, performing organization;

9. Additional information.

Then the pipeline route is inspected. It is recommended to carry it out in accordance with RD 34-10-130-96 “Instructions for visual and measuring control” to obtain information about the current state of the heating network and clarify the volume preparatory work. It is recommended to document the inspection results in Form 2 RD 102-008-2002 (Figure 16).

Drawing. Results of visual inspection of the heating network route
Then they begin preparatory work, which is carried out before the start of diagnostic work. Diagnosis of the condition of heating networks begins after completion of all preparatory work. During the survey work, a Field Survey Journal is maintained in Form 3 RD 102-008-2002 (Figure 17).

Based on the results of the field stage of the magnetometric survey, a Protocol is drawn up in Form 4 RD 102-008-2002 (Figure 18).

After the completion of the field stage of the survey, office data processing is carried out in stationary conditions. It is carried out with the aim of clarifying the coordinates of sections of the heating network, as well as assessing the danger of defects and the general stressed state of the heating network in order to rank its sections according to technical condition classes. Based on the results of data processing, a “List of Identified Anomalies” is compiled.

Based on the results of the analysis of all collected information a “Conclusion on the technical condition of the diagnostic object” is drawn up. In the process of forming the Conclusion, the information received is systematized, reflecting the main results in the form of tables, graphs and a combined situational plan diagram of the heating network route.

Drawing. Field log of magnetometric survey

Drawing. Protocol for performing field work on non-contact magnetometric survey

With help various methods diagnosing the technical condition of the heating network can answer the question - which areas need priority replacement, and which areas can be managed with local repair work. Depending on this, planning of major (current) repairs should be carried out.

The existing variety of types of diagnostics of heating networks using non-destructive testing methods makes it possible to obtain a complete and accurate picture of the technical condition.

For example:

Acoustic emission method tested in world practice and allows you to accurately determine the location of defects in a heating network under variable pressure.

Ground thermal imaging method using a thermal imager.

Area thermal aerial photography. This method is very effective for planning repairs and identifying areas with increased heat loss. It is advisable to take photographs at a time when the heating system is working, but there is no snow on the ground, i.e. in spring or autumn.

Method NPK "Vector".

Wavemaker Method- this modern ultrasonic system is designed to assess the condition of pipelines and allows you to quickly detect corrosion and other defects on the external and internal surfaces of heating networks (the so-called pipe screening testing system).

The enterprise must organize repairs of heating networks - capital and current. For all types of repairs of heating networks, long-term and annual schedules must be drawn up. Schedules for major and current repairs are developed based on the results of an analysis of the diagnostics performed and identified defects. The procedure for carrying out current and major repairs of heating networks is regulated by the following documents:

  • Standard instructions for the technical operation of heating networks of municipal heat supply systems (approved by order of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 13, 2000 No. 285);

  • Regulations on the system of scheduled preventative repairs of the main
equipment for municipal heat and power enterprises (approved by order of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR dated April 6, 1982 No. 214);

  • Instructions for the overhaul of heating networks (Approved by order of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR dated April 22, 1985 No. 220);

  • RD 153-34.0-20.522-99 “Standard instructions for periodic technical inspection of pipelines of heating networks” (approved by RAO UES of Russia on December 9, 1999);

  • SO 34.04.181-2003 “Rules for organizing maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks” (approved by RAO UES of Russia on December 25, 2003).
When planning major and current repairs of the heating network, it should be kept in mind that the standard service life is 25 years.
  1. Description of the frequency and compliance with technical regulations and other mandatory requirements of summer repair procedures with parameters and test methods (hydraulic, temperature, heat loss) of heating networks

The term “summer repairs” refers to planned preventative repairs carried out during the inter-heating period. With regard to the frequency of so-called summer repairs, as well as the parameters and testing methods of heating networks, the following is stated:

1. Technical inspection of heating networks must be carried out at least once every 5 years (clause 2.5 of MDK 4-02.2001 “Standard instructions for the technical operation of heating networks of municipal heat supply systems”);

2. Equipment of heating networks, including heating points and heat consumption systems, before start-up after summer repairs must be subjected to a hydraulic test for strength and density, namely: elevator units, heaters and water heaters for hot water supply and heating with a pressure of 1.25 working, but not below 1 MPa (10 kgf/cm2), heating systems with cast iron heating devices with a pressure of 1.25 working pressure, but not lower than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2), and panel heating systems with a pressure of 1 MPa (10 kgf/cm2 2) (clause 5.28 MDK 4-02.2001).

3. All heating networks from the source of thermal energy to the thermal points of heat consumption systems must be tested for the maximum temperature of the coolant; this test should be carried out, as a rule, immediately before the end of the heating season at stable daily positive outside air temperatures (clauses 1.3,1.4 RD 153 -34.1-20.329-2001“ Guidelines for testing water heating networks for maximum coolant temperature") The frequency of these tests is determined by the technical manager of the operating organization. Temperature tests must be carried out at stable daily above-zero outside air temperatures. The maximum temperature should be taken as the maximum achievable temperature of the supply water in accordance with the approved temperature schedule for regulating heat supply. The water temperature in the return pipeline during temperature tests should not exceed 90°C (clause 6.91 of MDK 4-02-2001). Testing of heating networks for the maximum temperature of the coolant must be carried out in accordance with RD 153-34.1-20.329-2001 “Guidelines for testing water heating networks for the maximum temperature of the coolant”.

It should be borne in mind that the test for the maximum coolant temperature of heating networks operating long time and having unreliable areas, should be carried out after summer repairs and preliminary hydraulic testing of these areas for strength and density, but no later than three weeks before the start of the heating season. It is prohibited to simultaneously test heating networks for maximum coolant temperature and hydraulic testing of heating networks for strength and density. When testing for maximum coolant temperature, the water temperature in the return pipeline of the heating network should not exceed 90 °C.

Heat networks must be tested for hydraulic losses in order to determine the operational hydraulic characteristics of pipelines, the condition of their internal surface and actual throughput. This type of testing is carried out in accordance with RD 34.20.519-97 “Guidelines for testing water heating networks for hydraulic losses.” Testing of heating networks for hydraulic losses should be carried out once every five years. The schedule for these tests is established by the technical director of the operating organization (clause 6.97 of MDK 4-02-2001).

Heating networks must be tested to determine heat losses. The purpose of thermal tests is to determine heat losses various types gaskets and pipeline insulation structures specific to a given heating network. Based on the test results, the insulation condition of the tested pipelines is assessed under specific operating conditions of the gaskets. Tests should be carried out on those sections of the network in which the type of laying and insulation design are characteristic of a given network, which makes it possible to extend the test results to the heating network as a whole. Thermal tests must be carried out once every 5 years. At the same time, changes in the thermal properties of insulating structures are revealed due to e aging during operation, commissioning of new and reconstruction of existing heating networks (RD 34.09.255-97).

Characteristics of heating networks

Heat is transported from the boiler house to consumers via trunk and distribution networks.

From the main heating networks, heat is transported to consumers through distribution heat networks, then through intra-block networks. Connection of consumers to heating networks is carried out through individual thermal chambers.

The network diagram is two-pipe, dead-end.

The coolant of heat supply systems from boiler houses for heating and hot water supply systems is superheated water with a maximum temperature in the supply pipelines of 95 C and in the return pipelines of 70 C.

The heat supply system is closed.

Regulation of heat supply in boiler houses is high-quality, according to a normal heating schedule.

Subscribers are connected according to a dependent circuit, through thermal chambers, partially with thermal energy and coolant flow metering devices.

Heat networks from heat supply sources are laid both underground and above ground.

The existing heat supply system for the housing and communal sector has a significant percentage of wear and tear installed equipment boiler houses and heating networks and needs modernization. A significant portion of heating mains have exhausted their capacity reserves or are significantly limited.

Teploset LLC rents 4 boiler houses with installed capacity:

Boiler room No. Gkall

Boiler room No. Gkall

Boiler room No. Gkall

Boiler room No. Gkall

Safety valves are installed in each boiler room to protect against overpressure.

Boiler room No. 1

Object name

Goals, activities

Replacement of the main collector of the heating network due to wear and tear over its service life. As well as replacing outdated insulation with a more technologically advanced material such as polyurethane foam, to reduce heat loss in sections of heating networks.

Heating network collector on the street. Voroshilov from TK-7 to TK-11

Heating network collector on the street. School from TK-23 to TK-25

Heating network collector on the street. School from TK-23 to TK-36

Heating network collector on the street. Soviet from TK-55 to TK-63

Replacement of the heating network collector due to wear and tear over its service life. As well as replacing outdated insulation with a more technologically advanced material such as polyurethane foam, to reduce heat loss in sections of heating networks.

Heating network collector on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya from TK-72 to TK-86

Heat network collector from TK-73 to TK-79

Replacement of the heating network collector due to wear and tear over its service life. As well as replacing outdated insulation with a more technologically advanced material such as polyurethane foam, to reduce heat loss in sections of heating networks.

Boiler room No. 2

Boiler room No. 3

The main collector of the network from boiler room No. 3 to the main building of BPNI

Current repairs of the main collector of the heating network - replacement of outdated insulation with a more technologically advanced material such as polyurethane foam, to reduce heat loss in sections of the heating network, and replacement of dilapidated sections of the heating main (68 l/m d150 mm.)

The boiler room needs modernization because the equipment installed in the boiler room, the boilers, are outdated and need to be replaced.

You can also consider the option of installing a block boiler room for heating consumers.

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In modern conditions, the state of housing and communal services is in crisis, modern problems and the need for change are determined by the economic system during the Soviet period. The state of housing and communal services at that time was characterized by the state form of ownership and the administrative nature of management. Distinctive features this system:

1. planned unprofitable enterprises, low economic efficiency and labor productivity;

2. distribution of resources was centralized; credit and financial mechanisms were almost completely absent;

3. enterprises were given the function of providing workers with housing and maintaining the housing stock.

The economic situation in the housing and communal services sector has worsened during the transformation. At the beginning of the period of economic reforms, most of the property in housing and communal services was transferred to municipal ownership, while the volume of budget subsidies decreased to 1/3 of the estimated need, which led to a decrease in funding for housing and communal services. As a result, there was a sharp increase in the level of depreciation of fixed assets, and the number of accidents increased.

In the harsh climatic conditions of Russia, one of the most important elements of housing and communal services is heat supply.

The strategic goals of heat supply are 3 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2003. No. 1234-r:

1. reliable supply of heat to enterprises of the economy and the population of the country;

2. increasing operational efficiency and ensuring sustainable development of the industry based on new modern technologies;

3. maximum efficient use cogeneration opportunities.

To achieve these goals it is envisaged:

1. development of a program for reforming heat supply in Russia and creating a state system for managing heat supply processes;

2. revision of the heat supply policy for cities and enterprises in terms of optimally reducing centralization in order to increase the reliability of heat supply and reduce the costs of heat energy transmission;

3. development and implementation of state regulation measures to ensure the commercial efficiency of district heating to preserve primary energy resources, reduce harmful emissions from energy sources into the environment, and rational use of urban areas.

Thermal energy production is projected to grow (Fig. 14): in 2010 - by 9 - 13 percent and in 2020 - by 22 - 34 percent more than in 2000. At the same time, it is planned to increase real consumption of thermal energy by 1.4 - 1.5 times by reducing losses and using the high energy saving potential in this energy sector.

Since heat supply in Russia is of great social importance, increasing its reliability, quality and efficiency is a non-alternative task. Any disruptions in the provision of heat to the population and other consumers have a negative impact on the country’s economy and increase social tension. Therefore, in the future, the state must remain the most important subject of economic relations in the industry.

The planned levels of heat supply development, radical modernization and technical re-equipment of the industry will require a significant increase in investment. The main source of capital investments will be own funds industry enterprises, state (municipal) financing, borrowed funds, including those raised on project financing terms.


1.1 Characteristics of the main forms of ownership in housing and communal services

Initially, all organizations were owned by the state, but later, with the development of market relations, owners appeared. At the same time, such organizational and legal forms as business partnerships, business societies, unions, associations, and municipal unitary enterprises appear.

Business partnerships and companies are recognized as commercial organizations with authorized (share) capital divided into shares (contributions) of founders (participants). Property created through the contributions of founders (participants), as well as produced and acquired by a business partnership or company in the course of its activities, belongs to it by right of ownership.

In the cases provided for by this Code, a business company may be created by one person, who becomes its sole participant.

2. Business partnerships can be created in the form of a general partnership and a limited partnership (limited partnership).

3. Business companies can be created in the form of a joint-stock company, a limited liability company or an additional liability company.

4. Participants in general partnerships and general partners in limited partnerships can be individual entrepreneurs and (or) commercial organizations.

Participants in business companies and investors in limited partnerships can be citizens and legal entities.

Business partnerships and companies of one type may be transformed into business partnerships and companies of another type or into production cooperatives by decision of the general meeting of participants in the manner established by this Code.

A production cooperative (artel) is a voluntary association of citizens on the basis of membership for joint production or other economic activities (production, processing, marketing of industrial, agricultural and other products, performance of work, trade, consumer services, provision of other services), based on their personal labor and other participation and association by its members (participants) of property share contributions. The law and constituent documents of a production cooperative may provide for the participation of legal entities in its activities. A production cooperative is a commercial organization.

Members of a production cooperative bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the cooperative in the amount and in the manner prescribed by the law on production cooperatives and the charter of the cooperative.

A unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right of ownership to the property assigned to it by the owner. The property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible and cannot be distributed among contributions (shares, shares), including among employees of the enterprise.

1.Only state and municipal enterprises can be created in the form of unitary enterprises.

2. The property of a state or municipal unitary enterprise is respectively in state or municipal ownership and belongs to such an enterprise with the right of economic management or operational management.

3. The corporate name of a unitary enterprise must contain an indication of the owner of its property.

4. The body of a unitary enterprise is the manager, who is appointed by the owner or a body authorized by the owner and is accountable to him.

5. A unitary enterprise is liable for its obligations with all its property. A unitary enterprise is not liable for the obligations of the owner of its property.

6. The legal status of state and municipal unitary enterprises is determined by this Code and the law on state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Associations of legal entities (associations and unions)

1. Commercial organizations, in order to coordinate their business activities, as well as to represent and protect common property interests, may, by agreement among themselves, create associations in the form of associations or unions that are non-profit organizations.

If, by decision of the participants, an association (union) is entrusted with conducting business activities, such an association (union) shall be transformed into a business company or partnership in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, or may create a business company for carrying out business activities or participate in such a company.

2. Non-profit organizations may voluntarily unite into associations (unions) of non-profit organizations.

An association (union) of non-profit organizations is a non-profit organization.

3. Members of the association (union) retain their independence and rights as a legal entity.

4. The association (union) is not responsible for the obligations of its members. Members of an association (union) bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of this association (union) in the amount and in the manner provided for by its constituent documents.

5. The name of the association (union) must contain an indication of the main subject of activity of the members of this association (union) with the inclusion of the words “association” or “union”.

Rights and obligations of members of associations and unions:

1. Members of an association (union) have the right to use its services free of charge.

2. A member of an association (union) has the right, at his own discretion, to leave the association (union) at the end of the financial year. In this case, a member of the association (union) bears subsidiary liability for its obligations in proportion to his contribution for two years from the date of withdrawal.

A member of an association (union) may be expelled from it by decision of the remaining members in cases and in the manner established by the constituent documents of the association (union). With regard to the liability of an expelled member of an association (union), the rules relating to withdrawal from the association (union) apply.

3. With the consent of the members of the association (union), a new member may join it. The entry into an association (union) of a new member may be conditioned by its subsidiary liability for the obligations of the association (union) that arose before its entry.

1.2 Legal status of the enterprise Heating Networks LLC, purpose and subject of activity

The thesis project examines the limited liability company “Heat Networks”. Limited liability companies are organizations created by agreement legal entities and citizens by combining their contributions for the purpose of carrying out economic activities

According to Russian legislation " Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one)" dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on June 29, 2009) a limited liability company is a company whose authorized capital is divided into shares; The participants of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares.

The number of participants in a limited liability company should not exceed the limit established by law Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 02/08/1998 (as amended on 12/30/2008) “On Limited Liability Companies” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 01/14/1988), i.e. e. fifty. Otherwise, it is subject to transformation into a joint stock company within a year

The founders of the company enter into an agreement among themselves on the establishment of a limited liability company, which determines the procedure for their joint activities. Constituent document of the company is the charter. The charter must contain information about the size of the authorized capital, the composition and competence of its management bodies, the procedure for their decision-making and other information.

The Charter of the limited liability company "Heat Networks" contains the following sections:

1. General Provisions;

2. goals and objectives of the Company’s activities;

3. legal status of the Company;

4. authorized capital;

5. issue of bonds;

6. rights and obligations of participants;

7. transfer of shares.

In accordance with the charter, the purpose of the Company's activities is to generate profit.

To make a profit, the Company has the right to carry out any types of activities not prohibited by law, including:

Production, transmission and sale of thermal energy to consumers;

Construction, installation, repair and adjustment work in the field of heat and power engineering;

Operation of energy equipment and facilities in accordance with current regulatory requirements;

Ensuring the integrated development of the heat and power sector;

Development technical specifications for heat supply to new and reconstruction of existing facilities and monitoring their implementation;

Carrying out research and experimental work;

Providing transport services;

Creating conditions for practical application achievements of science and technology;

Any other activity not prohibited by current legislation.

The main activity in accordance with form No. 22-ZhKH (consolidated) is the provision of services such as hot water supply and heating (Table 1).

Table 1 - Main activities of Heat Networks LLC

Diagram 1 - Main activities of Heat Networks LLC

Based on the diagram, it can be seen that the largest income for the Heating Networks organization comes from heating, 25,312 thousand rubles.

The authorized capital of the Company is 10,000 rubles, which determines minimum size of the Company's property, guaranteeing the interests of its creditors.

Also, in accordance with the charter, the Company’s participants have the right to:

Participate in the management of the Company’s affairs in the manner established by the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” and this charter;

Receive information about the activities of the Company and get acquainted with its accounting books at any time;

Take part in the distribution of profits;

Do not disclose confidential information;

Fulfill assumed obligations towards the Company;

Provide assistance to the Company in carrying out its activities;

The number of members of the Society should not be more than fifty.

A member of the Company (in accordance with clause 7 - transfer of shares) has the right to sell or otherwise assign his share in the authorized capital of the Company, or part of it to third parties. All rights of a member of the Company that arose before the assignment of the specified share are transferred to the acquisition of a share in the authorized capital of the Company. A member of the Company who has assigned his share in the authorized capital of the Company bears an obligation to the company to make a contribution to the property that arose before the assignment of the specified share, jointly and severally with its acquirer.

1.3 Enterprise management structure

There are such management structures as linear, functional, line-staff, divisional, matrix, brigade and project.

For effective management of an organization, it is necessary that its structure corresponds to the goals and objectives of the enterprise and is adapted to them. The organizational structure creates a certain framework, which is the basis for the formation of individual administrative functions. The structure identifies and establishes employee relationships within the organization.

The structure of the organization also determines the structure of subgoals, which serves as a selection criterion when preparing decisions in various parts of the organization. It establishes the responsibility of organizational units for a thorough study of individual elements of the external environment and for transmitting information about events that require special attention to the appropriate points.

Most often in the field of housing and communal services there are linear and linear-functional structures.

The linear organizational structure is based on the principle of unity of distribution of orders, according to which only a higher authority has the right to give orders. Compliance with this principle should ensure unity of management. Such an organizational structure is formed as a result of constructing a management apparatus from mutually subordinate bodies in the form of a hierarchical ladder, i.e. Each subordinate has one leader, and a leader has several subordinates. Two managers cannot communicate directly with each other, they must do so through the nearest higher authority. This structure is often called single-line. The advantages of this structure include:

Simple construction

Unambiguous limitation of tasks, competence, responsibility

Rigid management of governing bodies

Efficiency and accuracy of management decisions


Difficult communications between authorities

Concentration of power in the top management

The linear management structure is used by small and medium-sized firms engaged in simple production, in the absence of broad cooperative ties between enterprises.

A manager has several subordinates.

Figure 1 - Linear organizational structure

The organizational management structure of Heat Networks LLC is linear-functional.

The linear-functional structure is a combination of a linear structure with a system for highlighting certain functions. Under line managers, special units are created that help the line manager in performing certain management functions.

These headquarters can:

Be limited central levels management;

Be located at several levels of management;

Form a staff hierarchy at all levels of management.

Headquarters at several levels of the hierarchy must provide advice and participate in the preparation of decisions, but they do not have the rights to make decisions and direct lower-level units or performers.

The larger the company and the more complex it is control structure, the more pressing is the issue of coordinating the activities of functional services or creating large specialized units with highly qualified specialists. The advantages and disadvantages of a linear-functional structure include:


Opportunity to get high degree professional specialization of employees

Accurately identify locations and required resources (especially personnel)

Promotes standardization, formalization and programming of the process


Makes horizontal alignment difficult

Has difficulty responding to change

Figure 2 - Linear-functional structure

The LLC Heating Networks company has the following line managers and functional departments:

1. director - all line managers are subordinate to him. Manages the organization as a whole, manages individual functional and production divisions;

2. Ch. economist - the economic department is subordinate to him. Implements the financial analysis activities, filling out and submitting statistical reports, forecasting activities.

3. Ch. accountant - subordinate to the accounting department. Manages the motivation of labor behavior, standardizes and tariffs the labor process, develops remuneration systems, develops forms of personnel participation in profits and capital, develops forms of moral encouragement for personnel, and maintains accounting records;

4. The HR specialist performs the functions of the recruitment and personnel accounting subsystem. Organizes the recruitment of personnel, organizes interviews, assessments, selection and hiring of personnel, records the admission, movement and dismissal of personnel, organizes the rational use of personnel, employment management, documentation support for personnel management;

5. Occupational Safety and Health Engineer - subordinate to the Labor Safety Department. Performs functions such as compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and labor ergonomics, compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics, labor and environmental protection, protection of the organization and individual officials, ensuring safety precautions;

6. Head of the heating networks maintenance section - the main task is to maintain heating networks in working condition, repair and maintenance.

7. head of the heat supply section of the Persianovsky village - providing the Persianovsky village with heating and submitting all reports on the services provided;

8. Head of the gas boiler room maintenance section - ensuring the working condition of the boiler room, repair, reconstruction and maintenance of the boiler room.

1.4 Analysis of the enterprise’s labor resources

Personnel management is a functional area of ​​activity, the task of which is to provide the enterprise with right time personnel in the required quantity and required quality, their correct placement and stimulation. The goal of personnel management is the formation of efficient teams in which employees act taking into account their own interests and for the benefit of the organization as a whole.

Personnel management makes it possible to determine the personnel policy of the organization, develop technology and apply personnel management methods, in accordance with the mission and development strategy of the organization and within the framework of current legislation.

The purpose of the course work on the topic: “Personnel and documentation support for the personnel management system” is:

1. analysis of labor resources at the enterprise Heat Networks LLC;

2. development of documentation when creating a division of the enterprise.

This topic is relevant at present, since personnel management is one of the most important places in organizing the most efficient activities in the enterprise. Highly qualified personnel become a decisive factor in the development of production and the survival of the enterprise. New competitive conditions lead to changes in the enterprise management system - personnel management is gradually coming to the fore.

Personnel movement balance

The personnel of an enterprise is a collection of workers of certain categories and professions engaged in a single production activity, which is aimed at generating profit or income and satisfying their material needs.

There are personnel in the main type of activity (industrial-production), engaged in the production of products, services, or servicing these processes, and personnel not in the main type of activity (non-industrial personnel) - social workers.

Personnel movement balance is a document reflecting the movement of personnel (headcount at the beginning of the period, at the end of the period, how many were hired, how many were fired and for what reasons).

Table 1 - Balance of personnel movement at the enterprise Heating Networks LLC for 2007-2009.

Headcount at the beginning of the period, people.

Accepted, people

Fired, people

incl. at your own request

for violation of labor discipline

on staff reductions

other reasons

Headcount at the end of the period, people.

Based on the balance of personnel movement, it can be seen that at the enterprise Heat Networks LLC for the period since 2007. to 2009 the number of staff is uneven. In general, there has been an increase in personnel, at the end of 2007. - 95 people, at the end of the analyzed period in 2009. - 98 people The largest payroll number at the end of 2008 was 112 people, this is due to the expansion of activities and, in connection with this, the hiring of 21 people. The largest number of dismissed personnel was in 2009. - 17 people, the main reason is staff reduction.

Key indicators of personnel movement

There are turnout, list and average numbers.

The staff attendance includes all employees who report to work.

The payroll includes both workers who showed up for work and those who didn’t show up.

The average payroll for a month is determined by summing the payroll for all calendar days of the month and dividing the result by the number of calendar days in the month.

The average headcount for the period under study is calculated:

Czr. = Ch n. p. + Ch k. p.,

where Nn.p. is the number of personnel at the beginning of the period, people;

Ch k.p. - number of personnel at the end of the period, people.

H Wed. (2007) = 88 + 95 = 92 people

H Wed. (2008) = 95 + 112 = 104 people

H Wed. (2009) = 112 + 98 = 105 people

Personnel turnover is a continuous process of hiring and dismissing employees, due to which the composition of the personnel is constantly changing.

It is necessary, using the data from the balance of personnel movement, to calculate the indicators of relative personnel turnover using the formulas:

K acceptance turnover = number accepted for the period_

K turnover on disposal = number of people leaving during the period

To staff turnover = number of people leaving on their own. desire and initiative

administration for the period _________________

labor resource boiler room reconstruction

Calculation of relative personnel turnover indicators:

K turnover on reception = 10_ = 0.11

K turnover on disposal = 3_ = 0.03

To staff turnover = 1_ * 100% = 1%

K reception turnover = 21_ = 0.2

K turnover on disposal = 4_ = 0.04

To staff turnover = 1+2_ * 100% = 2.9%

K reception turnover = 3_ = 0.03

K turnover on disposal = 17_ = 0.16

To staff turnover = 2+3_ * 100% = 4.8%

We summarize the calculation of relative personnel turnover indicators in Table 2.

Table 2 - Calculation of relative personnel turnover indicators

To ob. upon admission

To ob. on disposal

To staff turnover

In general, during the analyzed period there was an increase in the average number of personnel from 92 people. up to 105 people The admission turnover rate was highest in 2008. (0.2), this is due to the expansion of activities, an increase in the heating main. In 2009 the turnover coefficient for admission is the smallest (0.03), and the turnover coefficient for disposal is the highest (0.16), this trend is observed due to staff reductions.

Main reasons for staff turnover

Personnel turnover is an important characteristic of the stability of the workforce; it is characterized by personnel leaving at their own request and those dismissed for violating labor discipline. Normal staff turnover is up to 5%.

It is important to determine the motives for turnover - the immediate reasons for the dismissal of individual employees, which can be grouped as follows:

Dissatisfaction with production and economic conditions;

Dissatisfaction with living conditions;

Personal motives;

Other motives.

In the course work at the enterprise Heat Networks LLC for the analyzed period 2007-2009. staff turnover increased from 1 to 4.8%, which corresponds to the normal level of this indicator. Turnover increased by 3.8% for the following reasons: for the analyzed period 2007-2009. there is an increase in the number of dismissed personnel 1. at their own request, due to dissatisfaction with production and economic conditions (labor organization, work schedule, amount of earnings) and dissatisfaction with living conditions (housing, medical care, transportation); 2.for violation of labor discipline. Based on the above, we can say about the need to improve working conditions, increase wages, provide opportunities for advanced training, and also tighten control over discipline during the work process.

The personnel structure of an organization is a collection of separate groups of employees united according to some characteristic. They distinguish between professional, qualification, gender and age, and the structure of personnel by level of education.

The structure of personnel by level of education characterizes the selection of persons with higher education, specialized secondary, general secondary, incomplete secondary, primary.

Professional - the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties.

Qualification - the ratio of workers of various qualifications.

The course work examines the following personnel structures: number of personnel by employment category (Table 3), personnel structure by level of education (Table 4), age structure of personnel (Table 5).

Based on the calculation of personnel by employment category, we can say that in the organization the largest part industrial production personnel are workers and during the analyzed period their number increased from 60 people. up to 69 people (the percentage is 65.2% - 65.7%). The smallest number of personnel consists of employees; their number has decreased from 5 people. up to 3 people (percentage 5.43% - 2.87%), this is due to the reduction of staff and the transfer of their functions to other officials. The number of managers is uneven, it is 9.81%; 11.53%;

9.53%. The number of specialists increased from 18 people. up to 23 people (percentage 19.56% - 21.9%), which indicates an increase in the number of qualified workers, due to the expansion of the organization’s activities, the increase in heating networks and the replacement of equipment with more modern ones.

Table 4 - Personnel structure by level of education

The largest number in Heat Networks LLC is made up of personnel with secondary specialized education (44.89%), in second place are higher education (26.54%), there is also incomplete higher education (5.1%), which indicates a normal level of education of the staff . The smallest number consists of secondary and incomplete secondary education (15.3% and 8.17%), therefore it is necessary for these categories of personnel to receive a higher level of education.

Table 5 - Age structure of personnel

In general, the age structure shows that the largest number is made up of personnel from 30 to 50 years old (57 people - 58.18%). In second place are those under 30 years old (20 people - 20.4%), fewer personnel from 50 to 50 years old (13 people - 13.26%) and the smallest number over 60 years old (8 people - 8.16%). Based on the above, we can say that there is a need to replace personnel over 60 years, either by replacing them with their own personnel or by hiring them from outside.

Type of personnel policy of the enterprise

Personnel policy is understood as a system of views, ideas, requirements, principles that determine the main directions of work with personnel, its forms, methods.

The main goal is to provide functional subsystems, management systems and production systems with the required number of workers and with the appropriate qualifications.

There are two types of personnel policies - open and closed.

A closed personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on recruiting new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs from among its own employees. Personnel policy of this type is focused on creating a corporate atmosphere to foster a special spirit of involvement, as well as the ability to work in conditions of shortage of human resources.

An open personnel policy is characterized by transparency for potential employees at any level, from the most basic position to senior management. The organization is ready to hire a specialist of the required qualifications without taking into account the previous place of work.

The LLC Heating Networks company has an open personnel policy.

The organizational structure of the personnel management system is a set of interrelated units of the personnel management system and officials.

An organization's personnel management system is a system in which personnel management functions are implemented. It includes a general line management subsystem and a number of functional subsystems.

The line management subsystem manages the organization as a whole and manages individual functional and production departments. The functions of this subsystem are performed by: the head of the organization, his deputy, heads of functional and production departments (at the Heat Networks LLC enterprise, the functions of this subsystem are performed by the director).

Functional subsystems:

Personnel planning and marketing;

Recruitment and personnel management;

Labor relations management;

Ensuring normal working conditions;

Personnel development management;

Management of motivation and stimulation of work;

Social Development Management;

Organizational structure development

Legal support;

Information support;

Technical support.

At the Heat Networks LLC enterprise, personnel management is carried out by the following officials (Figure 1):

1. HR specialist - performs the functions of the recruitment and personnel accounting subsystem. Organizes the recruitment of personnel, organizes interviews, assessments, selection and hiring of personnel, records the admission, movement and dismissal of personnel, organizes the rational use of personnel, employment management, and documentation support for personnel management.

2. occupational health and safety engineer - performs the functions of a subsystem for ensuring normal working conditions. Performs such functions as compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and labor ergonomics, compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics, labor and environmental protection, protection of the organization and individual officials, and ensuring safety regulations.

3. lawyer - performs the functions of a legal support subsystem. His responsibilities include resolving legal issues of labor relations, coordinating administrative and other documents on personnel management, resolving legal issues of economic activity, and providing consultations on legal issues.

4. chief accountant - performs the functions of a subsystem for managing motivation and stimulation of work. It manages the motivation of labor behavior, standardization and tariffication of the labor process, development of remuneration systems, development of forms of personnel participation in profits and capital, development of forms of moral encouragement of personnel, organization of normative and methodological support for the personnel management system.

Based on the analysis of officials responsible for personnel management, it can be noted that not all functional subsystems of personnel management have been created at the LLC Heat Networks enterprise. The management of the organization as a whole is carried out by the line management subsystem - the director of the organization. Also, the organizational structure of the management system includes: a subsystem for managing motivation and stimulation of labor (chief accountant), a subsystem for legal support (lawyer), a subsystem for managing recruitment and personnel accounting (HR specialist), a subsystem for ensuring normal working conditions (labour safety engineer). safety precautions). Based on the above, we can conclude that the enterprise has developed management of personnel behavior motivation, provides moral encouragement, and also complete legal support labor process, rational use of personnel, compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics, labor and environmental protection, all this effectively affects the activities of the organization.


2.1 Characteristics of the reconstruction object

The working project “Reconstruction of the boiler house in the village of Cossack Camps, Persianovsky rural settlement, Oktyabrsky district, Rostov region” provides for:

Reconstruction of the boiler room;

Installation of tank facilities outside the boiler house building (cold water reserve tank U=100 m3 (1 piece), hot water reserve tank U=100 m3 (2 pieces)).

Installation of a metal deaeration platform H = 11.0 m, plan dimensions 5.6x5.6 m; - dismantling of the existing diesel generator DES-500 (block), installation in its place of the diesel generator DES-315.1 (block); - dismantling the existing hot water tank U=200 m3 (1 piece); - dismantling of hot water tanks U=60 m3 (2 pcs); - dismantling of steam boiler deaerators DA-25-25 (1 piece), DA-25-15 (1 piece); - fencing the territory of the boiler room, landscaping and landscaping of the territory.

2.2 Main technical characteristics of the installed equipment

1. Water heating boiler “BUDERUS” Logano S825L 9300 kW (7.99 kW)

The hydraulic resistance of the boiler at D1 = 25 °C is 0.25;

Fuel - natural gas;

Flue gas temperature 205 °C;

Electric power of the burner fan is 37 kW;

Boiler weight - 14800 kg.

2. Water heating boiler “BUDERUS” Logano S825L 7700 kW (6.62 kW)

Efficiency of at least 92%;

Minimum inlet water temperature 50 °C;

Maximum working temperature water leaving the boiler 110 °C;

Maximum operating water pressure 0.6 MPa;

The hydraulic resistance of the boiler at D1 = 25 °C is 0.25;

Flue gas temperature 198 °C;

Electric power of the burner fan is 21 kW;

Boiler weight - 12400 kg.

3. Steam boiler “BUDERUS” Logano SHD815WT 2600 kg/hour (1.47 Gcal/hour) 2 pcs.

Efficiency of at least 95%;

Feedwater temperature 90 °C;

The maximum operating temperature of steam at the boiler outlet is 158 °C;

Maximum operating (excess) steam pressure - 5 bar (0.5 MPa);

Boiler design pressure is 10 bar;

Fuel - natural gas;

Flue gas temperature 170 °C;

Electric power of the burner fan is 3 kW;

Boiler weight - 7750 kg.

Hot water with a temperature of 100 °C from two “BUDERUS” Logano boilers with a thermal power of 7.7 MW (No. 1) and 9.3 MW (No. 2) is supplied to plate heaters manufactured by Mashimpex (Russia). Then pumps type MV150-250/286 A-R-A VARE produced by Grundfos (Germany) boiler circuit (boiler No. 1) and YB150-315/286A-P-A BA()E produced by Grundfos (Germany) (boiler No. 2) water with a temperature of 72 ° C is returned to boilers for reheating. The pressure in the return pipeline of the boiler circuit is maintained by make-up pumps type TP 32-380/2 A-R-A BARE manufactured by Grundfos (Germany). Two pumps are installed on each line (one working, one standby).

Occupational Health and Safety

To ensure safe maintenance of boiler room equipment, the following measures are provided:

Insulation of hot pipelines (surface temperature no more than 40 °C);

Working and emergency lighting for equipment maintenance;

Grounding device for protection against electric shock;

Providing equipment with protections and interlocks for safe operation;

Installation of gas alarms.

All passages and distances between equipment are taken in accordance with current standards and regulations and ensure safety precautions and fire safety measures.

The laying of gas pipelines in the boiler room is open and provides free access for regular inspection and control of pipelines and fittings.

Starting, stopping and operating boilers must be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

2.3 Technical and economic indicators of the reconstructed boiler house


Before reconstruction

After reconstruction

Type of construction


Total estimated cost of construction in pricesO-1.0 1.2000, incl. Construction and installation works without VAT

thousand rubles thousand rubles

The total estimated cost of construction in prices as of November 10, 2009, including VAT

Number of storeys

Land area

Total building area of ​​the existing

Total construction area of ​​the project

Construction volume of the building

Estimated productivity of the boiler house (taking into account the boiler house’s own needs and network losses)

Installed boiler room capacity

Annual heat production

thousand Gcal/year

Annual heat supply to consumers

thousand Gcal/year

Annual fuel consumption (gas) boiler room - natural - conditional

Installed power of pantographs, incl. lighting

Annual electricity consumption

kW. h/year

Number of staff

Specific consumption of standard fuel per 1 Gcal of supplied heat


Specific indicator on! installed productivity: a) capital costs

b) power of current collectors

c) number of personnel

Thousand rubles/Gcal/h



Determining the estimated cost of reconstruction work

The consolidated estimate was adjusted in accordance with the changes made to the site and local estimates, recalculated into current prices according to the 2010 indices.

The coefficient for cramped working conditions was excluded as unreasonable by the design.

The scope of work was adjusted according to the project and the bill of quantities.

Costs for priming and degreasing the surfaces of metal structures are excluded in accordance with clause 13, part. TSSC-2001.

The cost of containers, packaging, transportation costs, equipment and procurement and storage costs of equipment are excluded from the cost as taken into account in the base estimated price of resources.

As part of direct costs, the cost of equipment is highlighted, taking into account the appendix to TERM-2001 “Materials not included in the price tag” and introductory instructions to the departments and sections of TERM-2001.

When drawing up the estimate, the following regulatory documents were used:

The construction of the base with a thickness of 18 cm from crushed stone of the 40-70 mm fraction of grade 600 was adopted according to TER27-04-007-01, TER27-04-007-04 instead of TER27-04-006-01, TER27-04-006-04 according to the project.

The cost of the asphalt concrete mixture for the installation of the top layer of asphalt concrete pavement pavement is accepted according to the resource code 410-0002 instead of 410-0005 according to the type of work.

The costs of installing the curb are taken into account in paragraph 3.8. t, h. TER27-2001.

Harvesting of trees and seedlings is excluded as unjustified by the project and in accordance with clause 1.18, part. TER 81-02-47-2001.

In the landscaping work, local plant soil was used, the cost of its acquisition was excluded.

Preparation of seats was adopted according to TER47-01-007-05 instead of TER47-01-004-20 according to the type of work.

Planting trees with a clod of earth was adopted according to TER47-01-009-05 instead of TER47-01-009-05 according to the type of work.

Additionally, the costs of installing metal gates on metal posts according to TER 13-06-003-01 were taken into account, the cost of the door leaf was taken according to the resource code 201-0588 according to the project.

Additionally, the costs of installing gates according to TER07-01-055-09 according to the project were taken into account.

The laying of external walls was adopted according to TERr53-20-1 instead of TERr53-20-2 according to the type of work.

Reinforcement of masonry walls and other structures is adopted according to TER08-02-007-01 with the removal of mesh reinforcement made of class A-1 steel with a diameter of 12-14 mm according to the composition of the resources and the addition of mesh 4Вр-1, ЗВР-1 according to resource code 204-9184 according to the project.

The installation of door blocks in partitions was adopted according to TER 10-01-039-03 instead of TERYU-01-039-01 and TER 10-01-060-01 according to the project.

Dismantling of window fillings was accepted at the direct rate TER46-04-012-02 instead of TER 10-01-031-01.

Plaster on the mesh was adopted according to TER15-02-036-01 instead of TER 15-02-001-01 according to the project.

Additionally, the insulation of the glasses was taken into account, with the lining of the adjacent roofs in buildings covered with reinforced concrete slabs, according to TER 12-01-018-04 according to the project.

The construction of crushed stone foundations impregnated with bitumen was adopted according to TER11-01-013-03 instead of TER I-01-001-02 according to the project.

The installation of coatings on cement mortar from ceramic tiles for floors of one color with dye is adopted according to TER11-01-027-03 instead of TERr57-12-2 according to the type of work.

Additionally, dismantling of ceramic floors according to TERr57-02-03 according to the project was taken into account.

Additionally, the installation of cement plinth according to TER11-01-039-02 according to the project was taken into account.

Grouting the waterproofing surface with sand was adopted at the direct rate TER11-01-007-01 instead of TER 11-01-002-01.

Installation of scaffolding indoors for finishing work was adopted according to TER08-07-002-01 instead of TER08-07-001-02 according to the type of work.

P. 130 - Painting ceilings with latex dispersion paint on previously painted surfaces was adopted according to TERr62-17-03 instead of TERr 10-01-014-01 according to the project.

Painting walls with latex dispersion paint on previously painted surfaces was adopted according to TERr62-16-03 instead of TERr 10-01-014-01 according to the project.

Wall cladding with glazed tiles is accepted without cornice and plinth elements according to TER 15-01-019-01 with the cost of unglazed smooth ceramic façade tiles removed: 7 mm thick according to resource code 101-0277 according to the composition of resources Yu!, supplemented with glazed colored plain tiles according to 101- 0258 instead of TER 15-01-020-05.

The cost of concrete is accepted according to the resource code 401-0050 (water resistance ^4) instead of 401-0086 according to the project and clause 11, etc. to TSSC-2001.

Loading of garbage is excluded as taken into account in the TERR-2001 prices.

The construction of the foundation for the equipment was taken into account according to the price TER06-01-005-03, TER06-01-005-08, the cost of reinforcement was removed according to the composition of resources and the class of steel and consumption of reinforcement was taken into account according to paragraphs. 1.4, 1.17 t.h. to TER 81-02-06-2001 and the project.

The cost of concrete is accepted according to the resource code 401-0050 (water resistance ChU4) instead of 401-0086 according to the project and clause 11 etc. to TSSC-2001.

The cost of a 30s41p valve with a diameter of 150 mm, which is not included in the estimate and regulatory framework of 2001, is determined at current prices according to the price lists of the supplier - "Gazovik" as of 08/20/2009, agreed by the customer, recalculated to the base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment according to actual shipping documents.

- "The cost of coupling and flange fittings of various diameters produced by the Movex company, which is not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices according to the supplier’s price lists as of 08/20/2009, agreed upon by the customer, recalculated into the base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment according to actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of hot water boilers manufactured by the company "Bieuesz", gas burners "Welzbair", supplied as a set, service platforms, boiler control cabinets, partial thermal deaeration module "Ag8MT", modules of feedwater pumps with frequency control (brands according to the project) , not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices based on the commercial proposals of the supplier Buderus Optimal Equipment LLC No. 23091 dated 04/01/08 and No. 31320 dated 07/23/08, agreed upon by the customer, recalculated into base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment according to actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of plate heat exchangers (grades according to the project), which are not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices at

commercial proposals of the supplier "Mashimpex", agreed upon by the customer, recalculated into base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment according to actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of pumping equipment manufactured by Grundfos (brands according to the project), which are not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices based on the supplier’s commercial proposals dated 04/07/08 b/n, agreed upon by the customer, recalculated into base prices of 2001 subsequent adjustment according to actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of ejectors, deaerators (brands according to the project), which are not included in the estimate and regulatory framework of 2001, is determined at current prices based on the commercial proposals of the supplier “Quark” dated November 6, 2009 No. 0804-053-4, agreed by the customer, recalculated into base prices of 2001 d with subsequent adjustment according to actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of the burner control cabinet, fan station, noise suppressors (brands according to the project), which are not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices based on the commercial proposals of the supplier “Rational” dated 05/08/08 No. 088263-090218, agreed upon by the customer, recalculated in base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment based on actual goods and payment documents

The cost of a two-point refrigerator, mud traps, vapor coolers (brands according to the project), not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices according to the price lists of the supplier "Sarenergomash" as of 08/20/09, agreed by the customer, recalculated into base prices 2001 with subsequent adjustment based on actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of a set of chemical treatment equipment (composition and grades according to the project), not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices at commercial offer Termoclub-Rostov LLC dated December 7, 2009 No. TR9958, agreed by the customer, recalculated to base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment according to actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of 2-way control valves with electric drive (composition and grades according to the project), which are not included in the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework, is determined at current prices according to the price lists of the supplier “Kip-Service” as of 08.20.09, agreed upon by the customer, with recalculation into base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment based on actual goods and payment documents.

The cost of selected devices 1.6-70-St20-MU was adopted according to the resource code 300-5088-104 instead of 300-5088-103 according to the project.

The cost of AVVG brand cable with a number of cores of 5x70 mm2 is accepted according to the resource code 501-5014-0152 instead of 501-5011-0430 according to the project.

The cost of the diesel power plant DES-315.1, which is not included in the estimate and regulatory framework of 2001, is determined at current prices according to the commercial proposal of the supplier "APAES" dated December 7, 2009 No. 265-09, agreed by the customer, recalculated to the base prices of 2001 with subsequent adjustment according to actual shipping documents.

The cost of brackets for incandescent lamps 986 UZ was adopted according to the resource code 500-9045-401 instead of 500-9045-0406 according to the project.

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