Jawbone UP24 review: now with Bluetooth. Jawbone UP24 fitness tracker review: health is in your hands Who has priority when crossing an intersection with a bicycle path

I’ll say right away: I’m not an athlete and I don’t watch my weight. I'm too lazy to go to the gym and weigh myself. But, like many people, one of my main problems is sleep. Or rather its disadvantage. It is not customary here, as in Japan, to select a work schedule for employees depending on their ability to work at a certain time of day. Therefore, for the most part, everyone has to work hard from nine to six. And no one is interested in the fact that just after six I am more productive - sit down and work. So it turns out that my routine is not the same as everyone else’s: in the morning I can’t lift my head from the pillow, and at night I can’t fall asleep before 3 o’clock. Alarm clocks work, but turning them off is not a problem in order to continue sleeping peacefully. And this was precisely the reason to take a closer look at the UP bracelet from Jawbone. But let's take things in order.

1 package

There is nothing remarkable in the small box, perhaps, except for the most important thing: a special slot with which you can determine which size is right for you. Take, for example, size M, thread your hand through and see if your future purchase fits the size of your hand. If it squeezes, then try a different size, if it fits, then you can safely buy.

It is worth noting that the first three generally accepted sizes are a little small. I took the medium one for myself, but it turned out that it “looses” a little during the day, and “S” is small and compresses the brush too much. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to try on the bracelet itself before purchasing, do so.

In the package itself, in addition to the bracelet, there is a small book with a manual and an adapter from USB to 2.5mm jack. When you first open the package, the presentation is lost, so if you are going to give a bracelet to someone, do not check it in advance.

2. Appearance

The bracelet itself is available in three colors: black, light gray and blue. There are no clasps or clips, you just put the bracelet on your hand and that’s it. Very convenient, you don’t need to unfasten anything if you want to quickly take it off or put it on. The design itself is light, quite durable, bends well and practically does not interfere with the hand. Although those who like to sleep on their arm instead of a pillow will be somewhat constrained in terms of comfort. It’s not very comfortable to rest your head on your hand with a bracelet, so you’ll have to either move it to the other hand or get used to the pillow.
The design of the bracelet itself is covered with a hypoallergenic synthetic coating, similar to rubber, and does not cause any unpleasant sensations when worn.

At one end of the bracelet there is a functional button, and at the other there is a plug for a 2.5mm jack for charging. The button travel is small, but pressing it is felt well. The connector plug fits tightly, so you don’t have to worry about moisture getting inside it.
True, those who like to shower with a watch will be disappointed. Although the bracelet is waterproof (that is, you can get it wet in the rain and wash your hands with it - no problem), nevertheless, it is not recommended to take water procedures with it. The same applies to the pool, be careful!

On the bracelet itself there are two operating mode indicators: the sun (day mode) and the moon (night mode). The indicators are always off and do not waste power just like that, turning on only when the button is pressed. Purely theoretically, for convenience, it would be possible to make a watch that shows the time “on request,” but the bracelet is still a sports accessory, so there is nothing like that in it. If you want to know the time, look on your smartphone or a regular watch.

A Bluetooth module is hidden inside the design, which helps synchronize the bracelet with a smartphone application (in previous versions of UP, synchronization was carried out by connecting the bracelet itself to the headphone jack of your iOS device). Whenever the application is launched, UP wakes up and transfers all accumulated data to the smartphone. I don’t understand how people used previous versions, since each time removing the bracelet from your hand and connecting it to your iPhone is a thankless and time-consuming task. Although the process is quite fast, I still expected more (for example, background synchronization).

It is worth mentioning the battery, which is stated to work for 7 days. In fact, it all depends on the intensity of use. The first time, after being fully charged, 10 days passed before the bracelet began to signal that its charge was running out and it was time to charge.

3. iOS app

Perhaps the most interesting thing. I’ll warn you in advance: the application is not universal, it was made exclusively for the iPhone, however, installing it on the iPad is not a problem (but with all the ensuing adaptations in the interface).
The purpose of the application is to count the number of steps taken and monitor your health. Only the first is done automatically; the application needs help with the second.
To begin, you will be asked to activate and personalize the bracelet. To do this, you need to fill in some information about yourself, such as gender, height, weight, etc. Based on the data you enter, you will be told that people with the same parameters walk on average so many steps per day and sleep so many hours. This can serve as some kind of guideline or incentive to stick to the routine.

As the new day begins, UP will begin counting the number of steps you have taken. It should be noted that the bracelet counts quite accurately. I left the house, walked to the minibus stop - the bracelet clearly counted the distance I had traveled. Then, when I got on the bus and drove along our bumpy roads for about an hour, the bracelet did not count any extra steps.

The bracelet also monitors you while you sleep. Press and hold the button on it to switch from day mode to night mode, and the UP will track your sleep. In the morning, you will be able to see statistics on how you slept (how long it took you to fall asleep, how many times you woke up, how many hours you slept, and how long it took you to run to the refrigerator at night). Similar statistics at the end of the day can be viewed for your daily activity; this applies not only to the number of steps taken, but also their mileage, the time at which you walked, and so on.

In addition, it is possible to more carefully monitor your condition. You can enter into the app everything you eat and drink during the day. The application has a huge product database, so if you indicated what you ate and in what quantity, then they will kindly calculate the added calories, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. Those who like to keep themselves in shape will be pleased. If there is no place for your dish from the entire extensive database of products, you can add it manually. And if among the purchased food there is food with a barcode, then it can be scanned and the product can be added to the food eaten.

Take, for example, a bottle of kefir, scan the barcode and you’re done. The application itself recognizes what exactly you consumed and how much benefit it added to you. Fast, simple and convenient. But, unfortunately, it is limited. There are no barcodes on the cooked soup, so adding it will be more time consuming.

In the application, you can also indicate what you did. We are talking, of course, about training. You went to the gym, entered the time and type of workout, and the application itself calculated how many calories you burned and how much fat you burned.
But for those lazy people who don’t want to do this, there is a little help - the so-called tips. They are not disabled in the settings and are updated once a day, based on your activity statistics.

In addition to other statistics you can view and prompts to motivate your next actions, the app allows you to add friends (from Twitter, Facebook or Contacts) who also have a Jawbone bracelet. Comparing each other's statistics is another stimulating moment. In this case, wearing a bracelet takes on a certain competitive aspect between friends. And who doesn't want to be first?

Another interesting feature: support for third-party services such as Run Keeper and IFTTT. There are 15 such services in total and each of them can be connected to your UP. For example, for owners of Philips Hue light bulbs, there is a very cool recipe: when your UP wakes you up in the morning, the lights in the room automatically turn on. Or, for example, for owners of WeMo outlets, there is also a great way to wake up more alert: if you slept less than a specified time, then when you wake up, the configured recipe will send a signal to the WeMo outlet, which will turn on itself to brew your morning coffee. And, as you understand, there can be a huge number of such examples.

4. General impression

Well, now about what my impression of this bracelet is. I've been wearing it for about a month, but I was able to fully test it only for about two weeks due to reasons beyond my control.
As I wrote at the very beginning, I don’t particularly monitor my weight, and I simply ignore the gym, so the main selection criterion was only the alarm clock. For me, opening my eyes in the morning is pure hell (and I seem to know what they will torture me with there), so the “smart” alarm clock was extremely interesting to me. And most importantly, it works. Although skeptics claim that this is just a “placebo effect.” In any case, it works.

When setting an alarm, you can specify the so-called “smart sleep” window from 10 to 30 minutes. During this interval, the bracelet begins to more closely monitor how you move in your sleep and wakes you up at a more appropriate time in the “light sleep” phase - this contributes to a more alert awakening. The vibration with which the bracelet wakes you up, frankly, is not the most pleasant, and just like a beeping alarm clock, you want to turn it off as quickly as possible. However, it is still much better and more effective. In addition, you do not disturb anyone’s sleep with extraneous sounds, but quietly and calmly get up and get ready. Of course, you need to understand that if you sleep 3 hours a day, then even UP will not be able to help you wake up easily.

For those who like to take a nap after lunch, there is also a great opportunity to take a little nap and wake up more rested. For this, there is a special option “Daytime sleep”, which can be activated if you decide to get some sleep. The time of such sleep begins to vary from 5 minutes, so if coffee does not help and you are no longer able to hold your head, then perhaps by sleeping a little during the daytime, you can end the day quite cheerfully.

Of course, I’m not a fan of sleeping during the day, but I still used this function once. It works exactly the same as a regular alarm clock, with the only exception that it “monitors” your sleep from beginning to end.

5. Price

Overall, I am pleased with the bracelet (everything except the price in Russia). Official resellers ask about 9 thousand rubles for the device, and “gray” sellers ask about 500 rubles less. It seems to me that this is a lot, so I recommend purchasing from the Amazon store, which will send you a bracelet within 10-15 days. And the price, including delivery, will be about 6,500 - 7,000 thousand rubles.

While most manufacturers are just entering the smart bracelet market, Jawbone has already released the third generation of its device from this currently popular category. The new version of the bracelet is called Jawbone UP24. Many users believe that thanks to its experience in developing such devices, the company should create a gadget that will leave competitors far behind and become a kind of standard among smart bracelets. Is this so? Let’s try to figure it out together.

Design and construction features

If we talk about the appearance of the Jawbone UP24, then at first glance it is difficult to distinguish the third generation bracelet from, say, the second. If you look more closely, the new product is revealed by a modified design on the device’s body.

In fact, there are much more differences. So, Jawbone UP24 has become a little thinner than the second generation bracelet. The reason for this “weight loss” lies in the use of a thinner plug - now it is a 2.5 mm plug rather than a 3.5 mm plug.

The only mechanical button with which this bracelet is controlled has also been changed. In the new version it also became a little smaller.

If you look at the new version of the bracelet in general, its appearance has remained virtually unchanged. And this is somewhat frustrating. Many potential buyers hoped that the third generation of this bracelet would receive a new look, because even much more famous companies do not allow themselves to use the same style three times.

By the way, the old design of the Jawbone UP24 means that most likely the problem with the unexpected failure of the device has not disappeared. Moreover, breakdowns often occur even before the end of the warranty period. It is quite possible that the new product inherited this feature along with the old design.

Since we are talking about the design of the bracelet, it is worth paying a little more attention to it. As before, the basis of the device is a bent sheet of high-quality spring steel. It contains all the electronics necessary for the operation of the Jawbone UP24, covered on top with hypoallergenic rubber.

Note that this design has a very limited degree of bending. According to representatives of the manufacturer, this is precisely the reason for the frequent breakdowns of the device - users simply put it on and take it off incorrectly. Jawbone even created a special video that shows how to do it correctly.

Of course, there is a possibility that following these video instructions exactly will reduce the likelihood of the bracelet breaking to almost zero, but a design that contains such an engineering miscalculation can hardly be called successful. True, Jawbone UP24 has a built-in Bluetooth module for synchronization, so the new bracelet no longer needs to be removed as often as before.

Wear resistance

Almost the entire body of the new Jawbone UP24 is covered with special hypoallergenic rubber, which can be either black or orange. This material is not only pleasant to the touch, but also does not cause skin irritation when used.

True, it still has one small drawback - when the bracelet comes into contact with clothing or other parts of the body, its surface quickly wears off. Fortunately, this has virtually no effect on the appearance of the Jawbone UP24.

Like its predecessors, the new generation of Jawbone smart bracelet is not afraid of water - it can be safely immersed in water to a depth of 1 meter for up to 30 minutes. But at the same time, the manufacturer does not recommend using the Jawbone UP24 when swimming, although it is still not necessary to remove it to go to the shower.


If you follow the video instructions discussed above, the Jawbone UP24 fits on your hand with almost no problems. True, it fits on the hand itself somewhat worse than the same Fitbit Force. But this is a design feature of this bracelet, as is its increased grip on clothing.

The new generation of Jawbone bracelet still comes in three sizes. The choice of one option or another depends on the size of the owner’s wrist, and it can be determined using the appropriate instructions, which are available on the manufacturer’s website. If the size was chosen correctly, then Jawbone UP24 does not cause negative sensations when worn and does not put pressure on the hand.

As for controlling the bracelet, you can use either a button on the device itself or a special application for a smartphone. In the first case, you need to press the key in a different sequence.


Currently, Jawbone UP24 only supports synchronization with the iPhone, and the bracelet is connected to it using Bluetooth 4.0.

Unfortunately, there were problems here too. Although Bluetooth 4.0 is used successfully by many devices, the Jawbone UP24 works well with it occasionally. A special application does not always detect the bracelet the first time, which is why the Jawbone UP24 has to be turned on and off. There is a possibility that the roots of the problem lie in the application itself and everything will be fixed in the next update.

To recharge the Jawbone UP24, you need to use a special 2.5 mm to USB adapter. In this case, synchronization does not occur when the bracelet is connected to the PC.


The third generation of Jawbone's bracelet has a built-in accelerometer, thanks to which the device can monitor the user's sleep quality. The bracelet determines the moment when he falls asleep and how deeply he sleeps and, based on this information, calculates the stages of sleep.

Based on the data obtained, the operation of the smart alarm clock is built. In theory, it works when the user is in the least deep phase of sleep. As a result, waking up with such a wake-up call is much easier.

Technically, this is implemented as follows: the owner of the Jawbone UP24 sets the alarm for the required time, and also indicates the range in which it needs to be woken up (for example, 10 or 30 minutes).

Bracelet for a healthy lifestyle

Initially, the device asks the user to take at least 10,000 steps daily, as well as sleep at least 8 hours. To follow these instructions, you will have to give up transport and travel more on foot, and you will have to go to bed earlier than most of us are used to.

Sports activities

While playing sports, Jawbone UP24 can work in activity tracking mode. In this mode, data is recorded on the duration of the session, the distance traveled, as well as the intensity and average pace of the exercises. In addition, calories burned are also taken into account.

True, this data is only enough for a basic analysis of the training performed, and this is not suitable for every type of physical exercise. Most modern smartwatches designed for athletes have much more interesting functionality in this regard. True, the Jawbone UP24 is able to connect to applications such as RunKeeper or Strava, which somewhat saves the situation.

The device transfers its data to them so that the program can work with it in the future. But it is still worth understanding this: the Jawbone UP24 is a bracelet designed to track daily activity, and not to record the user's performance during exercise.

Autonomous operation

The developers equipped the Jawbone UP24 with a built-in battery with a capacity of 38 mAh. This usually lasts for 5-7 days depending on the intensity of data synchronization.

Proper nutrition

To keep yourself in shape, it’s not enough to move a lot. You also need to eat right. To control this aspect, the creators of the Jawbone UP24 have equipped their bracelet with a product database, which has recently increased significantly. In addition, the user can add both ready-made dishes and individual products to it.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Goloborodko, culinary journalist, blogger, food editor of bit.ua shares her impressions:

“Monitoring of consumed products in the Jawbone UP application creates a very complete and accurate picture of calories consumed and their further consumption. The application independently divides all entered information into categories - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, omega-3, salt, fiber, cholesterol, etc. The built-in database contains almost all known products, as well as many dishes (even from exotic cuisines). An important point: if you take into account the calories consumed, then you should not forget about sauces and oils - they are also contained in the base.”

In custody

If we compare the Jawbone UP24 with previous generations, there are not as many innovations as we would like. Owners of the second generation bracelet are unlikely to exchange their device for a new one, especially in light of the higher price of the latter.

To be honest, Jawbone continues to remain in the same place. And this at a time when there are more and more competitors. Of course, all the innovations benefit bracelets, but there are very few of them and they are not as dramatic as we would like. They cannot help Jawbone maintain its leadership position in the smart bracelet market. And this despite the fact that the company is essentially a pioneer on it.

Buying the Jawbone UP24 only makes sense if you plan to use it in conjunction with one of the third-party applications, and also because of the truly amazing product database.


Battery life
+ Pedometer
+ Advanced alarm clock
+ Application
+ Waterproof
+ Simple controls
+ Product database


— Old design
— No information display
— Problems with synchronization
- iPhone support only
— Not very reliable fixation on the hand

In the past few years, wearing a fitness tracker has become a “trend”. The FitBit company, known for Bluetooth headsets and pocket wireless speakers, has also decided to take its place in the class of these devices. We tested the Jawbone UP24 bracelet.

Jawbone UP24 - Reviews

A fitness tracker is a device created to correct the lifestyle of its owner (nutrition, sleep, rest, fitness, etc.) to make it more correct and healthy using the device itself or a mobile application.

Fitness trackers from FitBits are models of simplicity that lack a display instead of vibrations for basic notifications. While most of its competitors were experimenting with smaller screens, the company continued to improve its smartphone applications.

Late last year, Jawbone released the Jawbone UP24 health sensor, the most significant update to the line in its three-year history. The biggest change, from a hardware point of view, is the move to Bluetooth syncing. The update release also brought version 3.0 of the software, with better real-time tracking and more targeted targets.

From motion tracking to calorie counting to existing sleep intervals, the Jawbone UP24 aims to be a complete all-in-one solution.

Jawbone fitness tracker

The UP24 is almost identical to its predecessor, except for the thin stripes of the pattern on the front side. Like before, the Jawbone UP24 bracelet is a flexible band, with a hole at one end, with metal tips that limit the length and say that not one size fits all.

The size must be selected individually, the large ones seem to be designed for the wrists of sumo wrestlers and can easily wrap around the trunk of a small tree. To prevent the bracelet from cutting off the blood supply during exercise, do not take small ones.

Appearance of the UP24 bracelet

The removable metal cap at the end is designed for a 2.5mm jack and is used to charge the device via the rubber USB adapter included in the kit.

The other end of the band has a small metal button that you press and hold before going to bed to mark a given period of time and track your sleep, which is indicated by the blinking moon icon on the Jawbone UP24 - next to the button.

Use and operation

More sophisticated smartwatch-based devices can do this automatically, thanks to a built-in thermometer and pulse tracker that can tell you exactly when you sleep. The Jawbone UP24 fitness band requires you to manually trigger it, but on the other hand, it's much more comfortable in bed than a big, bulky fitness watch.

Using Jawbone

The Trekker is naturally waterproof, so you can shower and wear it in the rain without taking it off without body sweat ruining it, and it's not exactly designed to take you for a swim.

When the battery is low, the bracelet will vibrate and the sun icon will flash five times. The same icon will also indicate notifications. There is also a battery life indicator. Even with all these notifications, I still managed to miss the warning the first time, and swiped the device half my normal distance.


Without a display, you will need to use the Jawbone app to look at the data from your UP24. Considering all the additional tracking, the company has added a lot of information control capabilities for a single application in three years. Fortunately, the application itself is clear and uncomplicated.

UP24 software

On the main page there are two bars - sleep and movement, purple and orange, respectively. How to eat, how many times per day, and percentage of the recommended daily goal. Once you've completed your goal, the bar notifies you - or at least it tries to. You can also customize both of these defaults by clicking on the bar.

Fitness enthusiasts will certainly complain that the Jawbone UP24 wristband lacks more specific tracking for activities such as running, cycling and swimming.

Jawbone Software

Just below that is a slider to check your progress relative to other days of the week, and there are flash cards that offer health tips, fitness motivation, and random goal-related trivia.

Once you have achieved a certain goal, motivators encourage you to increase your goals. It's a little like having a personal trainer.

By scrolling down, you will find many different graphs of how much you walked and slept during the day. Clicking on any of them will lead to a full-screen distribution of these activities. For walking, you get the number of steps, how many miles you've walked, and how far you've fallen short of your goal. The app will also show you the time you're active, the number of calories you've burned, and how much time you've spent idle.


For a more complete overview, the application has many other graphs and measurements of activity, hours, path, trends, histograms for comparing activity, etc., etc.

Maintaining a food log is done manually. You need to find your food in the database and find out how much you ate. If you eat a lot of packaged foods, you can scan their barcode, which is a little shorter.

There are actually a lot of benefits to using apps to track these things, and of course there are much more reliable standalone calorie counting apps.

Same for weight. You must manually add all the data, and the application will begin plotting your progress (or showing your lack thereof).

All of this can be linked to a number of third party apps in interesting ways.

Bottom line

Bluetooth is of course a big step forward compared to the previous version. The Jawbone UP24 sports bracelet is incredibly convenient for tracking information in real time. Even with these and additional software improvements, the Jawbone UP24 health sensor is inferior to similar devices.

Jawbone fitness tracker review

If you're looking for a simple, out-of-the-way tracker, Jawbone is still a good choice for those who want more insight beyond basic counting and routine or lifestyle tracking. There are many more options now than there were when the company first entered the device market in 2011.


  • Easy
  • Comprehensive stat tracking
  • Bluetooth synchronization


  • Dimensions
  • No screen
  • Too many statistics requiring manual entry

Due to numerous requests from customers, we decided to write and publish instructions for the Jawbone up 2 electronic bracelet to the world. Although upon first launch, the UP by jawbone program guides the user through all the initial settings that are necessary to use the bracelet, but still some questions remain, and it would seem obvious things are not always on the surface. This is the first part of step-by-step instructions on how to activate and use the bracelet. In it we will also look at the modes, switching between modes and the difference between them. In the second part we will take a closer look at the program itself.

So, the first nuance that you may encounter is:

How to open the box of jawbone up 2.

As it turns out, this is such an obvious question, but there are several nuances to it. As we know, packaging can be opened in two ways: simply tear or break, depending on the material, or carefully open. You shouldn’t have any problems with the first method, but for the second you will need to know a couple of secrets, which we will reveal in the instructions below.

1) To beautifully and correctly open the box of the electronic bracelet, first peel off the two seals that are located at the junctions of the cardboard and plastic.

2) After which you can safely remove the plastic box from the cardboard packaging

3) Don’t immediately try to separate the transparent “cap” from the bottom part - you may break it. To do everything neatly you need to pull the label down and the “cap up”

4) The last action that separates you from the bracelet is to remove the jawbone up 2 from the special mounts

First launch of the bracelet

For the bracelet to function properly you need:

  1. or iPad
  2. Installed UP by jawbone programs on your device. If it is not there, you need to download it from the AppStore. If you do not have an account in the AppStore, we recommend reading the article

After you have made sure that you have everything you need, it’s time to start the bracelet for the first time and synchronize for the first time. For this:

1) Launch the UP by jawbone program and click the “I have a bracelet with me” button, then connect the bracelet to your phone.

3) Enter your last name, first name and desired name for the bracelet.

4) For a more accurate accounting of the distance traveled, calorie consumption and optimal load, you will be asked to enter:

  • Date of birth

5) After entering the data, the program will tell you how much on average other people of your configuration walk - the same jawbone up 2 users. As you can see from the picture below, they walk very little.

6) This completes the personalization of the bracelet. But then we will be asked to set the planned load. Why is this necessary? So that the bracelet can show whether the plan has been completed or not. We recommend setting “recommended parameters” since they were not taken out of thin air, but rather a recommendation from experts.

7) The next step will ask us to turn on GPS data to track the dependence of mood and physical activity on your location. In principle, this does not affect the calculations of the bracelet, but it will be useful for you to understand which places have a bad effect on you and which ones are better. If you think this is obvious, then we hasten to assure you that you will be surprised.

This completes the initial setup of the bracelet. The program will give you a brief tour of the buttons, functions, and settings. We advise you to watch them, they will greatly help you get used to the new gadget.

Jawbone UP Features

At first, the brief instructions that the UP by Jawbone program gave you will be enough for you, so first we will look at the functions of the bracelet itself, and only then we will move on to the software functions.

In fact, to control the bracelet, you just need to set it up once, after which you just charge and change modes. To see what modes there are and how to enable them, you need to:

1) On the home screen, click on the icon in the upper left corner to open a list of possible actions

2) Then go to Help->Examine your bracelet. This menu will show you in pictures how to switch between the different six modes.

By pressing the bracelet button once, you can see what mode your gadget is currently in, awake or asleep.

3) You can switch between sleep and wake modes using the same single button on the bracelet. To do this, simply press and hold it.

4) To turn on the “restorative sleep” mode, so to speak, to take a nap at work after lunch, you need to make three clicks. The first two are short, the third is long (hold until the green moon blinks). After which, taking into account your night's sleep, time of wakefulness, and daytime activity, it will give you the optimal time to sleep, ranging from 27 minutes to 45 minutes

5) On the fourth page of the small instructions you will be shown how to turn on the stopwatch mode. This requires two clicks. One is short, the other is long. We will need the stopwatch mode in very rare cases, which we will consider in the second part of the instructions.

6) On the penultimate page of the excursion into the modes, we will be given essentially unnecessary information - how to turn off the stopwatch mode. Logically, we can draw a conclusion using the same order of clicks as to turn it on, and we were right. To turn off stopwatch mode in Jawbone UP 2 you need two clicks. One is short, the other is long.

7) And finally, the last page tells us not about the bracelet mode as such, but about charging the battery. So, when the sun flashes three times on the bracelet, this will serve as a signal that it’s time to recharge it. But we would see this signal extremely rarely. Why? We will talk about this a little lower in this part.

Charging the Jawbone UP 2 bracelet

As the manufacturer tells us, we need to charge the bracelet once every 10 days, but in our practice we have to charge it once every 8-9 days. We wrote above that you will rarely see the sun blinking three times. Why? Because during synchronization the program will not show:

  • % charge
  • How long is the bracelet expected to last?

By the way, the manufacturer recommends synchronization every two days. But in practice, for ourselves, we decided that we need to synchronize the bracelet twice a day:

  • In the morning to see if we have fulfilled our sleep plan. If not, we schedule all the important and difficult tasks for the morning, because we know that in the evening we will be tired. And it would be nice to take time for restorative sleep during the working day.
  • In the evening, leaving work, to see how far we have walked during the day, and how much more we need to do before meeting the quota. If more than 50%, it would be nice to plan a walk for the evening.

We have to warn you. If you put the bracelet on charge, and after a while you want to see by what percentage it has been recharged, then for the first half hour it will show with honest eyes that it is 100% charged, but after about half an hour it will show valid information.

Jawbone UP 2 manual

Jawbone UP 2 manual

Written by: Vladislav Sikorsky

Date Published: 04/17/2013

Instructions for using Jawbone UP 2. How to charge the bracelet, how to switch modes, what other functions are included in the accessory

The renowned sports accessories brand Jawbone was one of the first manufacturers of fitness or smart bracelets. The company's debut was unsuccessful, their initial product did not conquer the markets due to incorrect operation, but Jawbone also has a successful product: the model Up24.

Jawbone Up24 smart bracelet: description

Unlike most similar products, the model does not attract attention and is designed for everyday wear. The product is suitable for both active sports and parties; it looks stylish, but does not catch the eye. The Jawbone Up24 is also pleasant tactilely, because the body is covered with small ribs that add uniqueness to the model.

The design of the bracelet is original: there are no clasps at all, the smart product is wound onto the hand like a ribbon. Users note that this design is more comfortable when worn 24/7, it does not interfere with anything, does not make noise or protrudes. The bracelet is monolithic, with it you will feel comfortable in the gym, at the computer, the dimensions are small, so the bracelet on your hand does not interfere with typing. The charging connector is harmoniously located at one end of the product; it is closed with a cap and is not noticeable.

The strap-type design has the added benefit of keeping the fastener from breaking because there is simply no fastener! In order for you to wear the device comfortably, you must order a bracelet of the appropriate size: there are 3 options, marked S,M And L. The first ones are suitable for children and girls, while the last two are designed for the stronger sex. The weight of the device depends on the size: 19-23 g. The lightness allows you to wear the smart bracelet throughout the day and night without paying attention to it.

The tracker was made from hypoallergenic polyurethane. The material has already proven itself to be durable and practical, so it is not surprising that the manufacturer chose it. The color scheme is represented by three colors: orange, blue and black. Compared to other manufacturers that offer a lot of colors of interchangeable straps, Jawbone Up24 leaves no choice, but all 3 options look nice, so the shortcoming is forgiven.

Bracelet ergonomics

The Jawbone smart bracelet fits like a band, and is flexible and pliable, but the device should not be constantly bent or handled harshly. This is wearable electronics, so you shouldn’t abuse the elasticity: you can damage the “filling”.

While most similar devices are charged using a standard 3.5mm connector, the Jawbone Up24 receives power from a cable on 2.5 mm, which is very specific. The abandonment of the more classic option is explained by the fact that the need to connect the device to a smartphone via USB has finally disappeared; synchronization occurs exclusively via Bluetooth. And a smaller connector allows you to make the bracelet itself more compact.

At first it seems that the tracker is equipped with neither buttons nor a screen: the person is wearing a monolithic bracelet. In fact, the device is equipped with a pair of indicators (demonstrating the operating mode), as well as a button located at the opposite end of the connector. In terms of ergonomics, the manufacturer did a great job!

Critics complain that it lacks a clock screen, but people confuse a fitness tracker with a timepiece. The functions of the devices are different; the display significantly harms ergonomics without adding anything functionally.

To prevent the owner from removing the fitness tracker at home and even in the bathroom, the device is equipped with water protection; it is designed for everyday use, but not for deep immersion, which is worth considering.


The battery of the Jawbone Up24 has a capacity of 32 mAh, which is enough to work for a week. When the battery is low, warning signals are displayed in the application on the smartphone. It takes 80 minutes to fully charge, after which the device returns to the user's hand. The main thing is that the owner does not lose the cap from the bracelet, since it is not easy to find it on sale.


Wireless technology available for synchronization with smartphones Bluetooth version 4.0. The bracelet works with devices running Android 4.3+ and Apple devices running IOS 9+. Jawbone Up24 synchronizes with modern gadgets without problems!

Bracelet functionality

The user will appreciate the benefits of Jawbone Up24 after downloading the UP smartphone application. It offers a lot of useful functions, from which the shortcomings of the bracelet fade into the background. The device is multifunctional and can please the user with the following features:

  • A phenomenal smart alarm clock, which is equipped exclusively with premium products. The bracelet tracks both the sleep phase and the user’s minimal movements in bed, thanks to which it clearly determines the optimal time to get up. Therefore, you need to start it for a period with a window of a couple of tens of minutes. The device will wake up the user at the optimal moment using vibration. This method helps you wake up without waking up others. Function Smart Alarm will not allow the owner of the bracelet sleep longer than your body needs. A fitness bracelet with a smart alarm clock will allow you to fully relax and easily wake up not only at night, but also during the day; the device is equipped with an appropriate mode.
  • The user has access to a comprehensive system from the bracelet application, which will allow him to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are many personalized tips available in the app. They will help you properly distribute energy, rest rationally and eat healthy for the body.
  • The owner receives daily information about the distance covered in kilometers, calories burned and other data that allows him to track his energy balance. The device is able to remember information for the last 3 months, so the user can compare indicators and draw conclusions.
  • The application offers a daily report with detailed information about the user’s activity, and here you can also find tips on increasing your workout productivity or losing weight. The owner sees exactly the useful data that will help achieve his goal.
  • If the user is not lazy to enter complete information about the products consumed per day, he will see the number of calories extracted from food. The application will tell you how to get the optimal amount of necessary components from food.
  • The user has access to information about the activity of friends and loved ones, and can compare the results.
  • The bracelet motivates the owner: if a person does not move for 10-15 minutes, the accessory will offer to warm up using vibration. If the owner has completed 5 thousand steps, the device will let you know about the achievement in a similar way. The user will not forget about walks and sports!
  • Physical activity is calculated as accurately as possible; just select the appropriate sport or fitness activity and start training. After completing the activity, all that remains is to indicate its intensity, and the device will tell you the number of calories burned.

The functionality of the bracelet is rich, so the user will receive all the information for effectively organizing activities and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of the application

The software and bracelet immerse the owner into the world of health and statistics, synchronization occurs at the highest level! The application is visual and convenient, information is presented in numbers and diagrams with icons, without unnecessary data. There are so many possibilities that the owner will spend the first couple of weeks exploring them.

Using Jawbone Up24 on the smartphone screen, the user will be able to monitor his life in the form of statistics, as well as useful information to increase activity and improve health. By storing results over time, it's easy to monitor progress, compare performance and plan workouts. The tracker is universal: suitable for both athletes and people who want to lose weight. get healthier.

Individualization will provide an opportunity to receive truly useful advice, rather than read meaningless lines of motivation. When registering in the UP program, the user enters complete information about himself, after which the software works in the appropriate mode.

Ability to work with third-party applications

In addition to the UP application, the fitness tracker is synchronized with other specialized software. Cycling enthusiasts will appreciate the opportunity to work with Wello and Strava, and for runners the application will be indispensable RunKeeper. A sports bracelet gives you maximum opportunities to achieve your desired results without being tied solely to the “native” software!


With such high functionality, the cost of the bracelet is reasonable and liberal. It is cheaper than most products from other manufacturers, which are not even close in terms of functionality or quality of models. For the money, Jawbone Up24 has few competitors, the costs will be worth it!

A smart bracelet will make it easier to organize your vacation, help you lead a healthy lifestyle and harmoniously complement the image of an active person. With its smart alarm clock and other benefits, Jawbone Up24 is an excellent option for those looking to live a more active and healthy life. The device is worth the money stated, the software is free and available on modern smartphones.

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