Training in working with GIS Zulu and calculations of heat, water supply and sewerage networks ZuluThermo, ZuluHydro, ZuluDrain. Layered data organization

instrumental geographic information system

The ZuluGIS geographic information system is intended for the development of GIS applications that require visualization of spatial data in vector and raster form, analysis of their topology and their connection with semantic databases.

Using ZuluGIS, you can create all kinds of maps in geographic projections or plan diagrams, including maps and diagrams of utility networks, work with a large number of rasters, conduct joint semantic and spatial analysis of graphic and tabular data, create various thematic maps, export and import data.

A distinctive feature of the ZuluGIS geographic information system is that utility network diagrams are created with support for their topology, which allows built-in modules for performing hydraulic calculations and constructing piezometric graphs.

Layered data organization

Graphic data in ZuluGIS is organized in layers. The system works with the following types of layers:

  • Vector layers
  • Raster layers
  • Relief layers
  • WMS Layers
  • Tile Server Layers

The layers displayed in a single map can be either local to the computer, layers from one or more ZuluServer servers, or, as in the case of WMS and Tiles, on servers from other manufacturers

Vector data. styles. data classification

The system works with the following graphic types of vector data: point (symbol), line, polyline, poly-polyline, polygon, poly-polygon, text object. The editors for symbols, line styles, and fill styles make it possible to set custom object display parameters.

A vector layer can contain objects of different graphic types.

To organize layer data, you can create classifiers that group vector data into types and modes. Each data type within a layer can have its own semantic database.

Raster data

ZuluGIS provides simultaneous work with a large number of raster objects (several thousand).

The raster is linked to the terrain point by point either manually or in the map window. It is possible to import referenced objects from Tab (MapInfo), Map (OziExplorer) and ESRI World file reference files.

Raster correction using “rubber sheet” methods, affine transformation, polynomial of the second degree.

Setting the visible area (cutting off the border design without raster conversion).

When displaying raster objects in a map projection different from the raster reference projection, raster points are reprojected on the fly.

Working with geographic projections

Zulu can work both in local system coordinates (plan diagram), and in one of the geographical projections.
List of supported on this moment projections can be viewed

The system supports more than 180 datums, including PZ-90, SK-42, SK-95 according to GOST R 51794-2001, WGS 84, WGS 72, Pulkovo 42, NAD27, NAD83, EUREF 89. The list of supported datums will be expanded.

The system offers a set of predefined coordinate systems. In addition, the user can specify his own coordinate system with individual parameters for projections supported by the system. In particular, this feature will allow, with known parameters (transition keys), to bind data stored in the local coordinate system to one of the global coordinate systems.

Data stored in different coordinate systems can be displayed on one map, in one of the projections. In this case, the recalculation of coordinates (if required) from one datum to another and from one projection to another is carried out when displaying “on the fly”.

Data can be reprojected from one coordinate system to another.

Semantic information. Working with different data sources

Semantic information can be stored both in local tables (Paradox, dBase) and in databases Microsoft data Access Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase and other ODBC or ADO sources.

For ease of access to semantic data, ZuluGIS offers its own “data sources”. Like ODBC DSN data sources or OLEDB UDL data links, these data sources can be used when adding tables to a database or selecting tables for other operations.

Data sources can be used either locally in the single-user version of Zulu or on the ZuluServer server. In the case of a server, they can be published and used by ZuluServer users.

Read more about working with semantic information

Generator of spatial-semantic queries

Zulu allows you to analyze data, including spatial data (geometry, area, length, perimeter, object type, mode, color, text, etc.).

The system allows you to make random data samples according to specified conditions with the ability to select objects, save the results in tables, and export to Microsoft Excel.

Spatial queries can simultaneously involve graphical and semantic data belonging to different layers.

Queries can be generated directly on the map, in semantic information windows, special query generator dialogs, or as an SQL query using the OGC extension.

See spatial queries for details.

Network modeling and topological problems on networks.

Along with the usual GIS division of objects into contours, polylines, and symbols, ZuluGIS supports line-node topology, which allows you to model utility and other networks.

The topological network model is a network graph, the nodes of which are point objects (wells, sources, valves, switches, intersections, consumers, etc.), and the edges of the graph are linear objects (cables, pipelines, sections of the road network, etc. .)

The topology editor creates mathematical model network graph directly in the process of entering (drawing) graphic information.

Using a network model, you can solve a number of topological problems: finding the shortest path, connectivity analysis, ring analysis, shutdown analysis, search for disconnecting devices, etc.

The Zulu network model is the basis for our utility network calculation modules ZuluThermo, ZuluHydro, ZuluDrain, ZuluGaz, ZuluSteam.

Terrain modeling

ZuluGIS allows you to create a terrain model. The initial data for constructing a relief model are layers with isolines and elevations. Based on these data, a triangulation is constructed (Delaunay triangulation, with restrictions, taking into account isolines), which is stored in a special type of layer (relief layer). The presence of a relief model allows you to solve the following problems:

Determining the height of the terrain at any point within the boundaries of triangulation, calculating the surface area of ​​a given area, calculating the volume of excavation work in a given area, constructing isolines with a given height step, constructing flood zones, constructing an elevation raster, constructing a longitudinal profile (section) along an arbitrarily specified path .

Different ways to display a terrain layer:
triangulation mesh, relief shading with a given direction, height and angle of illumination, slope exposure, slope display.

Automatic entry of data on elevation marks in all engineering calculation modules (ZuluThermo, ZuluHydro, ZuluDrain, ZuluGaz, ZuluSteam).

For more details on working with relief, see

Displaying polygons in pseudo-3D mode

In this mode, polygonal objects are displayed in the form of prisms, the lateral edges of which are proportional to the specified height.

Heights are set in one of the fields semantic base data either in meters or in the number of floors.

You can adjust the tilt of objects, the color of the side faces and edges.

Seal. Print layout

Maps are printed with different settings. The layers to be printed, the print area, scale, number of pages, paper size and orientation are set. For details about print settings, see

In addition to printing a ZuluGIS map using print settings, it is possible to create printables using print layouts.

The print layout is used to prepare printed documents containing map images, text, and graphics. Layouts can be placed as part of a Zulu map, or stored as separate layout files.

Data import and export

ZuluGIS imports vector data from DXF (Autocad), Shape (ArcView), Mif/Mid (MapInfo) formats. From Shape and Mif, data is imported along with attribute bases and taking into account the geographic projection.
Raster objects are imported from Tab (MapInfo) and Map (OziExplorer) formats.

Vector data is exported to DXF (Autocad), Shape (ArcView), Mif/Mid (MapInfo) formats. In Shape and Mif, data is exported along with attribute bases and taking into account the geographic projection.

In addition, it is always possible to use the ZuluGIS object model to write your own converter.

Working with WEB WMS service

The system allows you to receive and display spatial data on a map from web servers that support WMS (Web Map Service) specifications developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

WMS server data is connected to the system in the form of a special ZuluGIS layer (WMS layer). This layer can be displayed on the map in various combinations with any other layers.

Read about connecting WMS server data to ZuluGIS

Working with Tile Server Layers

Many GIS servers such as Google maps, OpenStreetMaps, Wikimapia, Yandex maps, Nokia maps, Kosmosnimki and others, have the ability to provide cartographic information in the form of raster images, cut into small parts - tiles or tiles. These tiles form an image of the entire territory at several fixed scales. All tiles of the same scale form a level. Those. Each tile on one level is represented on the next level by four tiles. The collection of tiles of all levels forms a tile system.

ZuluGIS provides functionality on using map data from such Tile servers as map layers.

Read more about working with Tile servers

Open architecture. ZuluGIS extension modules (plug-in). Library of GIS components ZuluXTools

The system is designed to be expanded by both our products and user programs.
The plug-ins architecture (additional plug-in modules or system expansion modules) allows you to use ZuluGIS as a GIS platform (or GIS environment) for running other applications, as we did in thermal and plumbing calculations.
In addition, ZuluGIS has the ability to create macros in the Visual Basic Script (VBScript) and Java Script (JScript) programming languages. For quick access, macros can be assigned to new toolbar buttons.

An object model (COM) is used to programmatically communicate extension modules and scripts with the ZuluGIS system and layer data. Diagram object model look
Based on the same object model, users can integrate work with our data into their own applications using the ZuluXTools library of GIS components.

Calculations of utility networks

In the form of ZuluGIS extension modules, applications for hydraulic calculations of utilities and a module for constructing piezometric graphs are implemented:

  • ZuluThermo - calculations of heating systems
  • ZuluHydro - calculations of water supply systems
  • ZuluDrain - calculations of drainage systems
  • ZuluGaz - gas network calculations
  • ZuluSteam - steam pipeline calculations

“Geographic information system Zulu 7.0 Description of new functions 1. Introduction 2. Working with geographic coordinates and projections 3. Lists...”

Geographic information system

Description of new features

1. Introduction

2. Working with geographic coordinates and projections

3. Lists of supported projection types and datums are given in paragraph 11, “Mode


3.1. Setting the map display projection

3.2. Setting the Layer Data Storage Projection

3.3. Reproject layer data from one projection to another

4. Linking maps in the local coordinate system to geographical system coordinates..8

5. Working with rasters

5.1. Using MapInfo and OziExplorer geolocation files

5.2. Converting raster objects

5.3. Specifying rasters

5.4. Linking rasters to the map

5.4.1. Specifying raster anchor points

5.4.2. Trimming raster boundaries

5.5. Descriptor File Format

5.5.1. Heading

5.5.2. Options

5.5.3. Anchor points

5.5.4. Display area

5.5.5. Example descriptor file

6. Terrain model

6.1. Relief creation

6.2. Terrain properties

6.3. Construction of isolines (horizontal sections)

6.4. Constructing flood zones

6.5. Building a profile

6.6. Calculation of area and volume

6.7. Construction of a relief raster

7. Working with layers according to the WMS specification

8. Line style editor

8.2. Line style editor

8.2.1. List of style elements

9. Query generator

9.1. Sampling data by condition

9.1.1. Field selection dialog

9.2. Formation of groups of objects by condition

9.3. Fetching data by SQL query

9.4. Data panel

10. Export data in MS Excel format

10.1. Creating and editing data export templates to Excel

10.2. Template file in .xlt format

11. Print Layouts

11.1. Layouts panel

11.2. Tables in layouts

11.2.1. Adding tables

11.2.2. Filling tables

11.3. Changing the text direction

12. Anti-aliasing mode

13. Application. Supported projection types and datums

1. Introduction B new version The Zulu 7.0 geographic information system introduces numerous new features.

The main new features described in this document are:

Working with maps in a geographic coordinate system (see paragraph 2, “Working with geographic coordinates and projections”);

Linking maps in a local coordinate system to a geographic coordinate system (see paragraph 4, “Linking maps in a local coordinate system to a geographic coordinate system”);

New tools for linking raster images (including satellite images) to coordinates (see paragraph 5, “Working with rasters”);

Relief modeling (see paragraph 6, “Relief model”);

Remote work with layers according to WMS specifications (see paragraph 7, “Working with layers according to the WMS specification”);

Editing line styles of vector layers (see paragraph 8, “Line Style Editor”);

Executing queries on spatial map data in accordance with OGC specifications (see paragraph 9, “Query generator”);

Generation of tabular reports and free-form reports in MS Excel format based on Excel templates xlt format (see paragraph 10, “Exporting data in MS Excel format”);

New features for working with print layouts:

o Layout panel (see section 11.1, “Layout panel”);

o Adding tables to layouts (see section 11.2, “Tables in layouts”);

o Changing the direction of text in the layout (see section 11.3, “Changing the direction of text”).

Smoothing mode when displaying maps (see paragraph 12, “Smoothing mode”)

2. Working with geographic coordinates and projections In Zulu version 7.0, work with spatial data can be carried out not only in the local Cartesian coordinate system, as in previous versions, but also in different geographic coordinate systems. It supports the creation of maps in such projections, display (with the ability to show data specified in one projection in another projection), import of spatial data in the formats of other systems (MapInfo, OziExplorer) taking into account the coordinate system and conversion of maps from a local coordinate system to a geographic one.

3. Lists of supported types of projections and datums are given in paragraph 12, “Smoothing mode” In Zulu 7.0, it became possible to use line smoothing when working with vector map layers. The anti-aliasing mode allows you to improve the visual perception of data by slightly reducing the speed of the system. The anti-aliasing mode is individually set for each card and can be turned on and off as needed.

To configure the parameters of the current map, execute the menu command Map|Settings, or click right click mouse in the working area of ​​the map and select Properties in the menu that opens. The Smoothing lines checkbox in the dialog that opens is responsible for smoothing. To enable the anti-aliasing mode, select the checkbox, and to disable it, clear the checkbox.

The default smoothing parameters for maps are set in the general settings dialog (Tools|Options menu, Map tab);

Application. Supported projection types and datums."

In the settings of each map layer in GIS Zulu the projection and coordinate system in which the spatial data of this layer is stored is specified. This projection is called the "data storage projection". The data storage projection is selected in accordance with the projection of the source data, on the basis of which layer objects are formed (printed maps, geodetic survey of the area, etc.).

Map settings define the projection used to display map data on the screen. This projection is called the "mapping projection".

When displayed on the screen, data stored in map layers “on the fly” is converted from the storage projection specified for the layer to the display projection of this map. When storing data in a layer, the reverse transformation is performed - from the display projection to the layer data storage projection. Thus, it is possible to store data in one projection and display it in another, and one map can contain layers with different data storage projections, and data from one layer can be displayed in different maps in different display projections.

Reprojection of spatial data in layers from one projection to another is also supported.

3.1. Setting the map display projection The map display projection parameters are set in the Map projection tab of the map parameters dialog. To call this dialog, execute the menu command Map|Settings.

“Map projection” tab of the map parameters dialog You can select a projection from the list of ready-made projections (the most commonly used projections are suggested), set projection parameters manually, or load a projection from a map layer or from a layer file on disk:

Selecting a finished projection.

To select a ready-made projection, select the projection type in the projection types field, and then select the required projection from the list of projections. In the projection parameters area, a list of parameters of the selected projection will be displayed, but without the ability to edit them;

Setting the projection manually.

To set projection parameters manually, select “Set” in the projection type selection field. Specify projection settings in the fields of the projection parameters area;

Import projection parameters from another layer of this map.

To import a projection from another map layer, select “Select by map layer” in the projection types field and select the layer whose projection you want to use for the map in the projection list area;

Import projection parameters from a layer file.

To import projection parameters from a layer file saved on disk, click the Import button to the right of the projection type selection field and select the layer file with the required projection in the standard file selection dialog.

In the display parameters area, settings that control the display of projection data on the screen are specified.

The settings are divided into several groups:

Degree grid. Controls the display of the degree grid on the screen:

o The degree grid is displayed only if the Display checkbox is selected;

o The color of the grid lines is specified in the Color field;

o The grid line spacing in latitude and longitude (in degrees) is specified in the Latitude spacing, degrees fields. and Longitude step, degrees;

Filling. Controls the display of the background fill;

o The fill is displayed when the Display checkbox is selected;

o The fill color is specified in the Color field.

The Measurement system switch specifies the coordinate system used:

Cartesian, or spherical;

In the Units of Measurement field group, you specify the units of measurement used for coordinates, distances, and areas.

3.2. Setting the layer data storage projection To configure the layer data storage projection parameters, open the layer structure dialog.

There are two ways to open this dialog:

Select the menu item Layer|Layer Structure... (or click the button on the toolbar), in the standard selection window that appears, select the required layer and click the Open button;

Or, right-click on the layer name in the panel Workplace and select in the window that opens context menu item Structure.

–  –  –

You can select a projection from a list of ready-made projections (the most commonly used projections are suggested), set projection parameters manually, or load a projection from a layer file on disk.

Selecting a finished projection. To select a ready-made projection, select the projection type in the projection types field, and then select the required projection from the list of projections.

In the projection parameters area, a list of parameters of the selected projection will be displayed, but without the ability to edit;

Setting the projection manually. To set projection parameters manually, select “Set” in the projection type selection field. Specify projection settings in the fields of the projection parameters area;

Import projection parameters from a layer file. To import projection parameters from a layer file saved on disk, click the Import button to the right of the projection type selection field and select the layer file with the required projection in the standard file selection dialog.

After completing the map projection settings, click the dialog's OK button to save the changes and close the dialog.

3.3. Reprojecting layer data from one projection to another It is possible to reproject data in a layer when it is copied to a new layer

To copy a layer:

1. In the Layer menu, select the Copy... Layer copy dialog will open;

–  –  –

2. In the Source layer combo box, select the layer to copy;

3. In the name line, specify the full path to the new layer file (use the button);

4. In the name field, specify a custom name for the new layer;

5. In order to reproject the spatial data of a layer into another map projection in a copy of the layer, click the Coordinate system button and set the required projection in the dialog that opens (see section 3.2, “Setting the layer data storage projection”);

6. Select the desired copy option:

Graphics and tables - when selected this option All layer information will be copied, including graphics and a database with all previously entered information.

Graphics only - copied only graphic information without databases.

Structure only – only the layer structure is copied.

7. Click OK to begin the copying process.

4. Linking maps in a local coordinate system to a geographic coordinate system Maps made in a local coordinate system can be linked to a geographic coordinate system only if the parameters for the transition from a local coordinate system to a geographic one are known for a given map.

If the parameters are known, open the projection and coordinate system settings tab of the map parameters dialog. To do this, execute the menu command Map|Settings and go to the Map Projection tab of the dialog that opens.

5. Working with rasters In the Zulu 7.0 system, raster images are linked to spatial coordinates in all coordinate systems and projections supported by the system.

Both raster maps and plans, as well as various satellite images, for which information about the projection used, coordinate system and geographical coordinates nodal points.

Rice. 5.1. Linked raster

Rice. 5.2. Linked space images Link data is saved in a raster descriptor file (the descriptor file format is given in section 5.5, “Descriptive File Format”) and does not affect the contents of the raster graphic file; all raster transformations are performed “on the fly” by the Zulu 7.0 system.

Raster files can be linked directly in the Zulu 7.0 system, or you can use raster binding data specified for rasters in the MapInfo (tab files) and OziExplorer (map files) systems, for more details see section 5.1, “Using MapInfo and OziExplorer binding files”.

Tab and map binding files can be converted to the Zulu -.zrs binding format for greater ease of use, and, additionally, used raster files can be converted to bmp format to increase the speed of working with them (see section 5.2, “Converting raster objects” ).

In the Zulu 7.0 system, rasters can be linked to coordinates both at the stage of their definition and after they are placed on the map.

When specifying a raster (see section 5.3, “Specifying rasters”), to snap it, you must know exactly the coordinates of the points being snapped. Linking raster points on the map (see section 5.4, “Linking rasters on the map”) can be done visually, “locally”, although the most accurate is still the snapping based on the known coordinates of the points.

To link rasters to a local Cartesian coordinate system, it is enough to specify two snap points; when linking to a geographic coordinate system, it is recommended to use at least 3 points.

When georeferencing a raster on a map, insignificant borders of the raster can also be trimmed.

5.1. Using MapInfo and OziExplorer snap files To add a raster to a map using a MapInfo snap file (tab files), or OziExplorer (map files), open the add layer dialog by executing the menu command Map|Add Layer.

Rice. 5.3. Dialog for adding a layer In the dialog that opens, select the required file type (*.tab or *.map, respectively) in the File type combo box, select the required binding file in the dialog and click the Open dialog button.

When opening descriptor files of the specified formats, they are not converted to the Zulu descriptor format, but can be done additionally (see section 5.2, “Converting raster objects”)

5.2. Converting raster objects The system provides conversion of raster descriptors of the MapInfo formats (tab files) or OziExplorer (map files) used in maps into the Zulu raster descriptor format (zrs files), as well as converting rasters in maps to the BMP format. These actions allow you to increase the speed and convenience of working with these objects.

To perform the conversion, follow these steps:

Rice. 5.4 Dialog for converting raster objects

2. The dialog contains a list of raster map objects available for conversion. Select the checkboxes to the left of the objects that you want to convert (or select the All checkbox below the list to select all objects in the list at once);

3. If you need to convert raster image files to BMP format, check the appropriate box;

4. Check the Create permanent cache checkbox if you need to create permanent cache files for converted objects (creating a permanent cache file speeds up loading objects into the map, but consumes some disk space);

5. In the Folder for recording line, click the button and specify the path to the folder for the converted raster object files. If you do not specify the folder path, then the converted objects are saved in the same folder as the original objects;

6. Click OK to complete the conversion and close the dialog. The Exit button closes the dialog without performing the conversion.

When raster objects are converted, they replace the original objects in the map. In this case, the files of the original objects remain inviolable.

5.3. Setting rasters To set rasters, execute the Zulu 7.0 menu command – Raster|Set. The dialog for setting rasters will open.

–  –  –

To specify rasters, perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Open a raster. To do this, click the button Raster file dialog and select the required graphic file in the standard file selection dialog. The image will load into the dialog viewing area.

The image scale in the viewing area is adjusted using the and buttons located above the area;

2. Select a coordinate system. To do this, click the Coordinate system button in the dialog and select the coordinate system in the dialog that opens (see section 3.2, “Setting the layer data storage projection”);

3. Set raster anchor points to coordinates.

Data about anchor points is displayed in the Raster anchor points table: The N field contains the point number, the x, y fields – the coordinates of the raster point (in pixels), X and Y – the coordinates of the same point on the map, in the selected coordinate system.

The Line break checkbox under the table controls the addition of anchor points to the table. If the checkbox is checked, then information about the added point is placed in a new line at the bottom of the table; if the checkbox is cleared, the information in current line tables;

There are several ways to add anchor point coordinates on a raster:

Left-click on the desired anchor point on the image;

To add a point of one of the raster corners, click the button, or the coordinates of the corresponding corner will be added to the table;

Or enter the coordinates of the point on the raster manually in the x and y fields of the empty line at the bottom of the table. If there is no empty row in the table, click the button below the table to add such a row;

After specifying the coordinates of a point on the raster, in the X and Y fields of the line, enter the coordinates of this point in the selected coordinate system on the map. To change an already specified point, select its line in the table and set the required parameters of the point.

To delete a point, select its row in the table and click the button under the table;

4. Set up Extra options raster tasks. These parameters are set in the Dialog Options field group:

Selecting the Use persistent cache check box causes the raster to use a persistent temporary cache file, which speeds up loading the raster but increases the disk space used.

5. After specifying the raster, save its descriptor file, to do this, click the Save button and in the standard file saving dialog, specify the name of the descriptor file to be saved;

6. To specify the next raster, click the New button;

7. When you finish specifying rasters, click the Close dialog button.

In order to change the parameters of an already created descriptor file, in the raster definition dialog, click the Open button and select the required descriptor file (.zrs format) in the standard file selection dialog

5.4. Referencing rasters on a map Referencing a raster on a map is convenient in cases where only approximate coordinates of the raster are known and you need to clarify them on the ground, for example, by gluing with adjacent map segments. In addition, snapping on the map allows you to trim the edges of the raster if required.

To call the dialog for linking a raster on the map to coordinates, execute the menu command Raster|Snap….

Rice. 5.6. Raster Snap Dialog

To select the required raster object, in the Layer field of the dialog, select the raster layer in which the this object, and in the Object field select the desired object (necessary if there are several objects in the layer). In addition, the required raster can be selected before opening the dialog. To do this, first make the raster layer editable (see the user manual section “Working with layer objects, Entering and editing layer objects/Starting editing”), enter the object editing mode (button) and select the required raster on the map.

In the Settings group of settings, you can set raster display parameters:

To set the color of raster lines (only for monochrome rasters), check the Use line color checkbox and select the required color in the field to the right of the checkbox;

To set the background color (only for monochrome rasters), check the Use background color checkbox and select the required background color to the right of the checkbox;

In order to White color was transparent (only for monochrome rasters), check the Transparent white checkbox. The checkbox is only available if the Transparency field is set to "0";

The Transparency field specifies the degree of transparency of the raster;

Selecting the Use persistent cache checkbox enables the raster to use a persistent temporary cache file, which speeds up loading the raster but increases the disk space used;

To apply the changed settings, click the Apply button.

The snapping parameters dialog is used to solve two main tasks: setting raster snapping points (see section 5.4.1, “Setting raster snapping points”) and trimming insignificant raster boundaries (frames, fields, etc.), see section. 5.4.2, “Cutting raster boundaries.”

Switching between tasks is done using the buttons on the left top corner dialog: – specifying coordinates, – cropping the raster.

After specifying the required raster binding parameters, click the Save button to save the changes to the descriptor file. If, when moving to another raster layer through the Layer field, or when closing the dialog, unsaved changes are detected, a corresponding notification appears.

After finishing working with the dialog, click the Exit button to close the dialog.

5.4.1. Setting raster anchor points To switch the dialog to the mode for setting raster anchor points, click the button in the upper left corner of the dialog (see Fig. 5.6).

First, you need to specify the coordinate system corresponding to the given raster (in which the map was created or the satellite image was saved). To do this, in the Coordinate system line, click the Change button and select the required coordinate system and projection (see section 3.2, “Setting the layer data storage projection”).

Next, set the raster anchor points to coordinates. Data about anchor points is displayed in the anchor table under the Coordinate system line. The x, y fields contain the coordinates of the point on the raster (in pixels), X and Y – the coordinates of the same points in the selected coordinate system.

Adding new anchor points (if there are no points or there are not enough of them) is done as follows:

1. The mouse cursor looks like. Move it to the raster point to snap and click with the left mouse button. An icon will be added at the specified point, the cursor will take the form, a new line will be added to the binding table, for created point snaps (the coordinates of the raster point, in pixels, will be added to the x and y fields);

2. Left-click on the map point where the selected raster point should go. An icon will be displayed on the map, the geographic coordinates of the specified point will be added to the X and Y fields of the table, the raster will be converted taking into account the specified transition between points, and the mouse cursor will again look like;

3. Repeating steps 1, 2, set the remaining anchor points.

While entering anchor points, you can cancel the entry of the last point by right-clicking and selecting the Undo last point command in the context menu that opens.

To edit the position of an already specified anchor point, select its line in the anchor table (the map will be centered at the selected point), then enter the required coordinates in the x, y and X, Y fields, or drag the point markers and to the required positions with the mouse.

To delete an anchor point, select its row in the table and click the Delete button to the right of the anchor table.

5.4.2. Cropping raster boundaries To switch the dialog to the mode of cropping raster boundaries, click the button in its upper left corner.

–  –  –

Cropping a raster is done by setting the boundary of the displayed part of the raster. Raster points located inside the border are displayed, points outside are hidden. In this case, no physical change is made to the raster, and hidden parts of the raster can always be displayed by editing the raster border.

Rice. 5.8. Clipping a raster border

The boundary of the displayed part of the raster is formed in the form of a polygon, the point data of which is stored in a table located under the Coordinate system line. The table consists of two columns: x and y, with the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the raster boundary points (coordinates are given in raster pixels).

There are two ways to set the boundary: manually and using anchor points.

When doing it manually:

Boundary points are indicated on the raster using the mouse. Before manually specifying boundary points, no boundary points must be specified (the table of points must be empty).

To define a boundary, left-click on the raster point where the first boundary point should be located, then on the second boundary point, etc., until all the boundary points are plotted. During the process of drawing border points, the areas of the raster cut off by the border are displayed in a paler color.

All boundary points must be plotted in one go; subsequently, new points cannot be added; you can only edit and delete existing ones; you can also delete all boundary points and plot them again.

When specifying boundary points using anchor points:

Boundary points are set automatically, in accordance with the anchor points specified for the raster, and the location of the boundary points does not necessarily coincide with the location of the anchor points, but is interpolated taking into account the projection and coordinate system used. To create a border using anchor points, click the By anchor button in the dialog.

After drawing the boundary points, their positions can be edited; this can be done either by simply dragging the points with the mouse to a suitable position, or by specifying the exact coordinates of the point (in raster pixels) in the table.

If you need to delete a boundary point, select its row in the table (or click on the point on the raster) and click the Delete button to the right of the table. To delete all points in the table, click the Delete all button.

5.5. Descriptor File Format A description of a bitmap image is contained in text file with ZRS extension

The file consists of the following blocks:

Title (see clause 5.5.1, “Title”);

Binding parameters (see section 5.5.2, “Parameters”);

Anchor points (see section 5.5.3, “Anchor points”);

Display area (see section 5.5.4, “Display area”);

The file blocks are described in more detail in the following subsections and an example of a descriptor file is provided (see section 5.5.5, “Example of a descriptor file”).

5.5.1. Heading

The header consists of three lines:

–  –  –

5.5.2. Parameters Depending on the coordinate system of the anchor points, the number of parameters may vary. Each parameter (see “Table 5.1”) is specified in a separate line of the file.

Parameter format: name, colon, space, value Table 5.1. Descriptor options

–  –  –

5.5.3. Anchor points The first line of the block has the form: Points: n, where n is the number of anchor points. Next, follow the lines, according to the number of anchor points, containing the coordinates of the anchor points in the format:

X raster space Y raster space N terrain space E terrain X,Y raster – integers specifying the coordinates of a point on a raster in pixels. The X axis is directed to the right, the Y axis is directed down.

N, E terrain – decimal numbers specifying coordinates on the terrain corresponding to the above projections and units of measurement. The N axis is directed upward, the E axis is directed to the right 5.5.4. Display area The display area is a polygon whose vertices are defined by a sequence of points on the raster. This section may not be present in the bitmap descriptor.

First line: CutPoints: n, where n is the number of vertices of the polygon Next, follow the lines, according to the number of vertices of the polygon, containing the coordinates of the points on the raster:

X rasterspace Y raster X,Y raster – integers specifying a point on the raster in pixels. The X axis is directed to the right, the Y axis is directed down.

Point (0, 0) is the upper left corner of the raster.

5.5.5. Example of a descriptor file Zulu GIS Data Version: 7.0 Type: raster File: 001M--J39.GIF Timestamp: 30103300-698323200 Units: degree Xmin: 3972564.670000 Ymin: 216600.080000 Xmax: 4444092.370000 Ymax: 7839 36.560000 Datum: 1001 Projection: 8 K0: 1.00000 Lon0 : 51.00000000 FE: 500000.000000 FN: 0.000000

Points: 9

188 79 40.000000 48.000000 2211 101 40.000000 51.000000 4231 54 40.000000 54.000000 146 1828 38.000000 48.000000 2225 1848 38.000000 51.000000 4297 1803 38.000000 54.000000 99 3575 36.000000 48.000000 2236 3596 36.000000 51.000000 4363 3550 36.0000 00 54.000000 CutPoints: 32

6. Relief model If there is a layer (layers) containing isolines and/or points with relief elevations and a database with elevations connected to it, it is possible to build a relief model for further processing and analysis. For example, to determine the height at any point on the map, analyze flood zones, and construct isolines. In addition, you can perform calculations of the areal and volumetric characteristics of surfaces, slope, relief hillshading, construct a transverse profile along a given path, etc.

After the model is built, it is saved as separate file, and is added to the map as a layer. In the following, the terrain model will be called a terrain layer.

The relief model is a triangulation in which the heights of the vertices of all triangles are known.

The system allows you to build several types of triangulations.

1. Delaunay triangulation. This is a triangulation in which no vertex of a triangle is contained within a circle circumscribed around any triangle such that none of its vertices is the given vertex. In this case, only elevation points and vertices (but not edges) of polylines and polygons are used when constructing;

2. Delaunay triangulation with restrictions. In this case, not a single triangulation edge (triangle side) should intersect the edges of polylines and polygons, i.e. all segments of the original polylines and polygons must pass along the triangulation edges;

3. Triangulation with relief improvement. In this case, additional vertices are added to the original set of vertices in order to exclude the presence of triangles, all of whose vertices would have the same height (for example, they would belong to the same isoline). This method rids the terrain model of horizontally located triangles that distort the terrain picture.

If there are isolines (polylines and polygons) in the source data, it is better to use triangulation with relief improvement to build a relief model.

If only point objects (elevation marks) are used as source data, then a Delaunay triangulation will be constructed in any case.

6.1. Creating a relief As mentioned earlier, to create a relief layer you need one or several layers with images of contour lines or elevation points of the relief, with a connected database, in one of the fields of which the heights of objects in meters are specified.

To create a relief:

1. Load a layer with contour lines or relief elevation points into the map;

2. Execute the menu command Map|Relief|Create.. The dialog for creating a relief will open;

–  –  –

3. Specify the layers on which the relief will be created. The relief can be built using data from several layers, for example, a layer with contour lines and a layer with elevation points.

Information about the layers used is given in the list at the top of the dialog.

To add a data layer:

a. Click the Data button. A data selection dialog will open;

–  –  –

d. In the Field combo box, select the layer database field in which the elevations are recorded;

e. Click the Select button to close the selection dialog and add the selected data to the list (The Cancel button will close the dialog without saving changes.);

f. If you need to add another layer, repeat steps a-e for it.

4. In the Triangulation section, select the required triangulation type:

with restrictions;

with improved terrain.

Triangulation with relief improvement is most often used;

5. By default, for the created relief layer, the coordinate system of the layer from which the data for constructing the relief is taken is used.

If necessary, you can change the coordinate system of the created relief layer; to do this, click the Change group of settings Coordinate system button and specify the required coordinate system and projection (see section 3.2, “Setting the layer data storage projection”);

6. In the Layer for recording settings group, set the parameters of the relief layer to be created:

In the File name line, click the button and in the standard file selection dialog that appears, specify the path and name for the file of the layer of the relief being created;

In the Title field, enter a custom title (by default it is the same as the file name);

From the Color list, select a color for the relief being created;

In order for the layer to immediately load into the active card, select the add to map checkbox;

7. To start creating relief with specified parameters Click OK.

The figure below shows a relief created on the basis of two layers: a layer with contour lines and a layer with relief elevation points. When creating the relief, triangulation with relief improvement and a local rectangular coordinate system were used.

–  –  –

6.2. Relief properties A relief layer, just like a regular vector layer, can be displayed differently in different maps, with different transparency, illumination, etc.

Attention: All settings made in the following way apply only to the current map, and are saved ONLY when saving the map. Accordingly, when adding this layer to another map, the settings made for the first map will not be applied.

To set up a relief layer:

1. Execute the menu command Map|Layer Settings or click the button on the toolbar.

2. In the Loaded Layers window that appears, select the relief layer and click the Settings button. The terrain settings dialog will open;

–  –  –

Rice. 6.6. “Triangles” tab of the terrain settings dialog

5. When finished setting the layer settings, click OK to save the changes and close the dialog. The Cancel button closes the dialog without saving changes.

6.3. Construction of isolines (horizontal sections) Isolines are lines of the same level. Constructing isolines is an effective way to identify places with the same height value. Contours are also useful in representing a surface because they allow you to visualize flat and steep areas of a surface based on the distance between contours.

In Zulu, contour lines are drawn from the terrain layer and then saved into a separate vector layer.

To construct isolines:

1. Execute the menu command Map|Relief|Construction of isolines. The dialog for constructing isolines will open;

–  –  –

2. In the Relief layer list, select the layer to construct isolines;

3. Set the initial height, final height, and relief pitch in the appropriate fields. If you need to construct isolines only at one level, check the At one level checkbox and set the initial height;

4. In the Layer to record line, click the button, specify the path and file name of the created contour layer in the standard file selection dialog and click the Save button;

5. In the Layer name field, enter a custom name for the contours layer;

6. Isolines can be constructed in the form of polylines and/or polygons; check the required box and set the color of the isolines in the Color from and to fields;

7. If you need to create a height table, check the Create height table checkbox;

8. If the created contour layer should be immediately added to the map, then check the Add layer to map checkbox;

9. To finish creating the contour layer, click OK. The Cancel button will close the Constructing isolines dialog box without saving the changes. The figure below shows an isolines layer in which the isolines were built with a height step of 10 m, the isolines were built in the form of polylines and polygons.

–  –  –

6.4. Constructing flood zones A flood zone is an area on the relief model that would be filled with water if the water level at a given point on the relief exceeds a given amount.

In Zulu, flood zones are built from the terrain layer and then saved as a separate vector layer.

To construct flood zones:

1. Make the relief layer active.

2. Set the selection mode to –, and using the left mouse button, specify the point from which the zones will be created.

3. Execute the menu command Map|Relief|Flood Zones. A dialog for constructing flood zones will be displayed with the coordinates of the previously specified point in the X m, Y m and Z m fields. A dialog for constructing flood zones will open;

Rice. 6.9. Dialogue for constructing flood zones

4. In the Water level excess and Height step fields, specify the excess level and height step, respectively. Values ​​are entered from the keyboard. If flood zones need to be built at only one level, check the At one level checkbox; in this case, the height step is not specified;

5. In the Layer to record line, click the button, specify the path and file name of the created contour layer in the standard file selection dialog and click the Save button;

6. In the Layer Name field, enter a custom name for the flood layer;

7. Flood zones can be constructed in the form of polylines and/or polygons; check the required box and set the color of the contours in the Color from and to fields;

8. If you need to create a height table, check the Create height table checkbox;

9. If the created flood zone layer should be immediately added to the map, then check the Add layer to map checkbox;

10. To finish creating the flood layer, click OK. The Cancel button will close the Construct Flood Zones dialog box without saving the changes.

6.5. Building a profile An elevation profile shows a graph of elevations along given path The construction of an elevation profile in the Zulu 7.0 system is performed on a layer of pre-built relief. The Relief panel must first be added to the Zulu 7.0 system toolbar (move the mouse pointer on the Zulu 7.0 toolbar, right-click and check the box in the Relief line of the list that opens).

To build a profile:

1. Click on the toolbar button Set path - ;.

2. Specify the path for the profile; the path is displayed as a polyline; its application is similar to entering a regular polyline. Waypoints are fixed by pressing the left mouse button, and to finish entering the path, double-click the left mouse button. To cancel the last entered point, right-click and select Cancel last point in the context menu that appears;

–  –  –

To delete a path, click the Clear terrain button on the control panel.

Figure 6.11 shows a longitudinal profile built along the indicated path.

6.6. Calculation of area and volume The Zulu system provides for the calculation of areas and volumes of closed areas on the map, taking into account the relief. Calculation of area and volume is possible only if there is a relief layer. If desired, after calculations, coloring can be done and the results can be recorded in a separate layer. The Relief panel must first be added to the Zulu 7.0 system toolbar (move the mouse pointer on the Zulu 7.0 toolbar, right-click and check the box in the Relief line of the list that opens).

To calculate area and volume:

1. Click the Set region button on the toolbar - ;

2. Specify the area to be calculated. The area is specified similarly to a polygon.

The points of the region are fixed by pressing the left mouse button; to finish entering the region, double-click the left mouse button, and the first and last points will be connected in a straight line. To cancel the last entered point, right-click and select Cancel last point in the context menu that appears;

Rice. 6.12. Constructing a region to calculate volume and area

3. Execute the menu command Map|Relief|Area, Volume. The dialog for calculating areas and volumes will open (see Fig. 6.13);

–  –  –

4. In the Section level window, specify the section level in meters.

5. Click the Calculation button, after which the calculation results will be displayed in the dialog fields;

6. If the results need to be displayed on the map and recorded in a separate layer, then for this you need to set the colors of the areas in the appropriate sections. Next, in the Layer to record line, click the button, specify the path and file name of the layer to be created. In the Layer Name field, enter a custom name for it.

7. If the created layer should be immediately loaded into the active map, then check the Add layer to map checkbox, and then click the Write answer to layer button.

8. To close the Calculate Area and Volume window, click Exit.

6.7. Construction of a relief raster The system provides for the construction of a raster image based on a relief layer. To build a relief raster:

1. Execute the menu command Map|Relief|Record to raster. The dialog for creating a raster will open. Create a raster by triangulation. The demo window on the right side of the dialog displays an approximate view of the coloring with the specified parameters;

–  –  –

2. In the Layer combo box, select the relief layer from which you want to create a raster;

3. In the Number of points field, select the number of points of the generated raster (by larger side created raster). When “Auto” is selected, the number of points is selected automatically;

4. If you need to colorize the raster by height, check the box in the Color by height settings group and set the colors for coloring in the Color from and to fields;

5. To add a relief hillshade (lighting) to a raster, select the Relief Hillshade settings group checkbox and specify the height scale, the direction of the light source (in degrees) and its angle above the horizon (in degrees) in the appropriate fields.

In the Level field, the coefficient of mixing between the height coloring (if used) and the hillshading is specified. The value can vary from “0” to “100”, with a value of “0” only coloring is applied, with “100” only washing is applied;

6. In the Raster object line, click the button and specify the path and file name for created file raster image;

7. If you want to add the created raster object to the map, check the Add layer to map checkbox;

8. To finish creating the raster, click OK. The Cancel button will close the Create triangulation raster dialog box without saving changes.

7. Working with layers according to the WMS specification The system supports the ability to work with remote cards and data via the Internet in accordance with the Web Map Service (WMS) specification. This specification is being developed by the Open GIS Consortium (OGC).

To use data from a remote server:

1. Execute the menu command Layer|WMS. The WMS Settings dialog will open;

–  –  –

2. In the WMS Server field, enter the web server address (if it has already been entered previously, select it from the list);

3. Click the button, a list of layers read from the server will be displayed in the WMS Layers list;

4. To view a layer, select it in the list and click the Show layer button;

5. To select a layer, select it in the list and click the button; if the layer is selected by mistake, you can return it using the button.

6. Set the parameters of the selected layer:


transparency or background color;

raster format (png, gif, jpeg);

format of the received information (plain, html);

maximum width and height.

7. In the Title field, enter a custom name for the layer.

9. Click OK to close the WMS Settings dialog box.

To load a layer into a map:

1. Select menu Map|Add Layer or click the button;

2. Point to the previously created layer on disk.

3. Click the Open button.

8. Line style editor When creating linear objects on the map, various styles are used to display them.

Each vector layer contains its own library of line styles. When you create a new layer, it already contains a library of standard line styles. Moreover, all line style libraries necessarily contain line styles No. 5 (empty line), and No. 6 (solid line), reserved by the system. Other styles can be edited, deleted and created by users.

To go to the layer line style library, open the layer structure window (Layer|Layer Structure) and select Lines in the structure tree (see Fig. Fig. 8.1), the line style library will open in the right part of the structure window.

Rice. 8.1. "Lines" section of the layer structure dialog

All line styles are one of the following types:

style with linear elements (the line is filled with lines with a specified type of hatching, thickness and color);

style with symbolic elements (the line is filled with a periodically repeating or single vector pattern);

combined style (contains an arbitrary combination of several elements of the first two types).

–  –  –

Rice. 8.2. Vector shading Fig. 8.3. Vector fill Combined style Combined style is an arbitrary combination of previous styles.

Combination of linear elements: Combination of symbolic elements:

Rice. 8.4. Combined fill Fig. 8.5. Combination of vector fills

Combination of linear elements and symbolic elements:

–  –  –

8.1. Creating and editing a line style

The following actions are available with line styles in the library:

Creating a new style. To create a new line style, click the button. The line style editor will open (see section 8.2, “Line style editor”);

Change of style. To change an existing line style, select the desired style from the list and click the button. The line style editor will open, into which information about the selected style will be loaded (see section 8.2, “Line style editor”);

Delete a style. To delete an existing line style, select this style in the list and click the button;

Copying a style to the clipboard. To copy a line style to the clipboard, select it in the list, right-click and in the context menu that opens, select the Copy command;

Adding a style from the clipboard. If a line style was previously copied to the clipboard, then this style can be added to the line style library of this layer. To do this, in the list area, right-click and in the context menu that opens, select the Paste command.

Through the clipboard, line styles can also be copied between layers.

8.2. Line style editor Creating a line style comes down to specifying the elements from which the line drawing is formed.

The number of elements in a style is not limited. When displayed, style elements overlap each other.

–  –  –

After calling the editor for the new style, the dialog shown in Fig. 8.7.

The editor dialog consists of the following main parts:

General style settings area. Collected in this area following parameters style:

o In the Name field, if necessary, specify the name of the line style. A name for the style is optional. If there is no name, its number is used to name the style;

o In the Units field, set the units of measurement for the geometric parameters of the line style (pixels or millimeters). All linear dimensions, steps, shifts, thicknesses can take not only integer, but also fractional values. On screen, fractional dimensions are rounded to screen pixels, but when printed, all dimensions are reproduced accurately.

List of style elements. The list displays all elements used in this line style (see section 8.2.1, “List of style elements”);

Settings area for the current element. The set of settings fields in the list depends on the type of the selected element in the list - linear or symbolic.

Style preview area. Line preview with editable style;

8.2.1. List of style elements

Elements are drawn in the list in the same order in which they are displayed: the top element is drawn first, then the second from the top is drawn on top of it, etc.

To the left of each list item is a checkbox; the item is displayed in the style only when the checkbox is checked.

To select a list item, simply click on it with the left mouse button.

Below the list there are control buttons:

–  –  – Defining linear elements To define a new linear style element, click the button below the list of elements; to edit an existing linear element, select it in the list.

The parameters of the selected linear element are set in the fields on the right side of the style dialog:

Solid line. The checkbox specifies the line type of the element. When it is installed, the line is drawn solid; when it is removed, it is dashed. For broken lines, additional parameters are set: step, stroke length, stroke shift along the line (see.

Color. Line color. In the field, either a specific color is specified, in which case the line is always displayed in the selected color, or the “auto” value is selected, in which case the line is displayed in the color selected in the “Style” dialog when drawing lines;

Thickness. Line thickness. In the combo box you select the method for setting the thickness, and in the input field you select the thickness of the line.

The following methods are available to set line thickness:

o "constant". The line thickness always remains constant and is equal to the value specified in the input field;

o “equal to the total thickness plus.” The thickness of the displayed line is the sum of the value specified in the input field + the line thickness value specified in the “Style” dialog when drawing lines;

o "proportional". The line thickness is equal to the product of the value specified in the input field and the thickness specified in the “Style” dialog when drawing lines.

Linear dimensions. In this group of settings, you set the parameters of strokes for a broken line, and the shift across the direction of the line for a continuous line.

o The combo box specifies the method for calculating linear dimensions: “constant” – dimensions are equal to those specified in the corresponding fields, and “proportional” – dimensions are defined as a given size * line thickness value specified in the “Style” dialog when drawing lines;

o Step (only for broken lines). Sets the line stroke spacing. For example, if the step value is 10 pixels, then every 10 pixels of the line a new stroke will begin;

o Stroke length (broken lines only). Sets the length of line strokes.

If a stroke extends beyond the beginning of the next stroke (the length of the stroke + the X offset of the stroke exceeds the stroke pitch), then the protruding part of the stroke is discarded;

o X shift (only for broken lines). Offset the stroke along the direction of the line. The offset can be either positive or negative;

o Y shift. Shift the stroke across the direction of the line. The offset can be either positive or negative.

End of the line. The type of display of line ends is rounded, square, or straight. Defining symbolic elements To define a new symbolic style element, click the button; to change the appearance of an existing symbolic element, double-click the left mouse button on the element in the list.

The vector image editor shown in Fig. 1 will appear on the screen. 8.8.

–  –  –

The creation of a vector drawing is described in detail in section 8.2, “Line Style Editor”.

Once the vector image is created, a character element is added to the list of style elements. The right side of the Fill Style dialog displays fields for setting display parameters for this symbolic element. (See Fig. 8.9). To configure the parameters of an existing symbolic element, simply select it in the list.

Rice. 8.9. Character Element Options

The parameters of a symbolic element are specified by the following fields:

Symbol. An information field that displays the width and height of the character in selected units;

Element scale. Symbol scaling factor - the linear dimensions of this element are multiplied by this value;

Horizontal step. The step at which a character is displayed on a line;

Horizontal shift. The distance along the line by which the symbol image is shifted;

Linear dimensions. Method for calculating the dimensions of an element when displaying a line:

“constant” – dimensions are equal to the original dimensions of the object, and “proportional” – dimensions are defined as the original size * line thickness value specified in the Style dialog when drawing lines;

Thickness. The method for calculating the line thicknesses of a symbolic element when displaying a line: “constant” - the thicknesses are equal to the original thicknesses, and “proportional” - the thicknesses are determined as the original thickness * the line thickness value specified in the Style dialog when drawing lines;

Corner. The rotation angle of the symbol is counterclockwise;

Installation. Object installation method:

o “with a given step”. The symbol is displayed with the step specified in the Horizontal step field;

o “at the beginning of the segment.” The symbol is displayed only at the beginning of the segment; a segment is considered to be a piece of line from one breaking point to another;

o “at the beginning of the polyline.” The symbol is displayed only at the beginning of the polyline, regardless of the break points;

o “at the end of the segment.” The symbol is displayed only at the end of the segment; a segment is considered to be a piece of line from one breaking point to another;

o “at the end of the polyline”. The symbol is displayed only at the end of the polyline, regardless of the break points).

9. Query generator The Zulu 7.0 system implements queries on spatial map data in accordance with the OGC standard.

Such queries allow you to select data from different layers of the map, taking into account their relative spatial location, display reports on selected objects, and show them on the map.

Simple queries can be constructed using Zulu 7.0's simple internal query language. If its capabilities are not enough, queries can be created in SQL using the OGC extension.

The system provides three modes of query execution:

Retrieving data by condition, using the internal query language (see section 9.1, “Retrieving data by condition”);

Formation of groups of objects by condition, using the internal query language (see section 9.2, “Formation of groups of objects by condition”);

Retrieving data by SQL query using the OGC extension (see paragraph.

9.3, “Fetching data using a SQL query”).

9.1. Selection of data by condition To open the query dialog, execute the system menu command Map|Query|Selection by condition, or click the button on the toolbar.

–  –  –

The selection is made based on selected fields of one of the map layers. The layer is selected in the Layer combo box, and in the Fields to select list, check boxes mark the fields of the layer to select.

In each layer, the “Geometry” group of fields is available with fields for the geometric properties of the layer; in layers with databases, the layer database fields are also available for selection.

Note: To quickly find the required fields in the list, enter the beginning of the name of the required field in search bar above the list, only fields starting with the entered characters will be displayed in the list. The request text is compiled in the Selection Conditions field group. The request text is entered manually, in the input field, or constructed visually using the toolbar buttons above the input field. A query consists of a set of conditional expressions connected by Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT), conditional expressions can be grouped using parentheses.

The Match case checkbox under the field controls the selection method for string fields - if the checkbox is selected, the selection is made taking into account the case of strings.

When the Select from selected objects checkbox is checked, the query is executed only for selected objects of the layer

There are several types of conditional expressions:

Comparison. Condition syntax: Argument1 condition Argument2.

An expression compares arguments using a specified condition.

The following conditions are allowed:, =, =, =,. Conditions are entered directly from the keyboard or selected from the selection conditions toolbar.


o [House number] 5;

o [Street] = “Nakhimova” o

Checking the existence of a field value. Checks whether the specified field is set for the object. There are two possible options for the conditional expression:

o Field IS NULL – the field value is not specified;

o Field IS NOT NULL – the field value is specified.

For how to specify field names, see below in the description of argument types.

IS, NULL, NOT values ​​are entered manually or using buttons on the selection conditions toolbar;

Checking whether an argument matches a string pattern. Expression syntax:

Argument LIKE “PATTERN”, where PATTERN is the pattern string.

Compliance verification is carried out as follows:

o For any characters except “_” and “%”, the presence of the same character is checked;

o For “_” characters, the presence of one arbitrary character is checked;

o For the “%” symbols, the presence of any number of arbitrary characters is checked;

o for the character combination [character_set], the presence of any one character from the specified set is checked. The set can be specified by a simple enumeration of characters (for example, the presence of the character a, or b, or c is checked), or a range of characters (for example, any character from a to z, or , a number from 1 to 9). Among the characters checked, the characters “_” and “%” can be used, but not the characters “[” and “]”;

o for the combination of characters [^character_set], a discrepancy with any of the characters in the set is checked (the check is successful if the character in the position being checked does not match the set). For rules for forming a set, see the previous paragraph.


o [Street] LIKE “Nev%” – all objects with the Street string field starting with “Nev”, including: “Nevsky”, “Nevel”, “Neva”, etc.;

o [City] LIKE “_оскв[а-я]” – all objects with the string field City, starting with an arbitrary letter, continuing with the letters “оскв”

and ending with any letter in range a-z, for example – “Moscow”;

Spatial relations. Checks the spatial relationships of features in a selection layer with features in another layer. Syntax: RELATION [LayerName].

The following relationships are provided:

o “Contains.” The selection layer object contains the specified layer object;

o "Inside." The selection layer object is inside the specified layer object


o contains [Example of heating network];

o inside the [Building].

The following elements can be used in conditional expression arguments:

Layer field values. For geometry fields, simply write the field name; for database fields, write the name enclosed in square brackets.

If the field is not in the current layer (the layer on which the selection is made), then the field name is preceded by the name of the layer in square brackets, period.

The field name can be specified manually, or you can use the field selection dialog for this (see section 9.1.1, “Field selection dialog”).


o Current layer geometry field: Perimeter;

o Database field of the current layer: [Quarter];

o DB field for a layer different from the current one: [Example of a heating network].[Input node address].

Arithmetic operations and brackets: +, –,*, /,(). Action icons are entered from the keyboard or selected in the selection control panel;


o Area / 2;

o (Length +5)/4.

Mathematical and string functions. Functions are entered manually or selected in the function selection panel, opened by the Function button on the selection control panel.


o Root of object length: SQRT(Length);

o Street name in upper case: UPPER([Street]) Example of a query from several conditional expressions: (contains [Example of heating network] AND [Example of heating network].TypeName="Consumer") OR [Street] = “Nakhimova” After completion set the query, click OK, the query results will be displayed in the data panel (see section 9.4, “Data panel”).

9.1.1. Field selection dialog

–  –  –

The Field Selector dialog selects map layer fields and their values ​​to add to conditional expressions.

In the input area, at the bottom of the dialog, a line is formed to add to the request.

The line can be edited manually, or values ​​can be added to it from the dialog lists and toolbar.

In the left part of the dialog, in the Fields settings area, the fields of the map layers are selected. A layer is selected in the combo box; the list below the field displays the fields of this layer, grouped by the layer's database. When you double-click the left mouse button on the field name, it is added to the input area (taking into account the layer name).

Note: To quickly search for the required fields in the Fields list, enter the beginning of the name of the required field in the search line below the list; only fields starting with the entered characters will be displayed in the list. In the middle part of the dialog there is a toolbar that allows you to add the required operators to the generated expression (similarly selection dialog panel).

The dialog allows you to display a list of available values ​​for any field; to do this, select the required field in the Fields list and click the Update button in the Values ​​line on the right side of the dialog. In the list, below the line, a list of values ​​for the selected field will be displayed.

By double-clicking the left mouse button on a value, you can add it to the input area.

When you have completed forming the line in the input area, click the Insert button to add the line to the query and close the dialog. The Cancel button closes the dialog without adding information to the request.

9.2. Formation of groups of objects by condition The Zulu 7.0 system provides for the rapid formation of groups of objects using a query generator. To call up the dialog for forming groups by condition, execute the program menu command Map|Group|By Condition. A dialog for forming groups by condition will open.

Rice. 9.3. Dialogue for forming groups by condition

To form a group:

1. In the Layer combo box, select the layer from whose objects the group is created;

2. In the Selection Conditions field group, specify the text of the request (for more details, see section 9.1, “Selecting data by condition”);

3. In the Group combo box, select the method for forming the group:

“Create a group again” – a group is formed only from objects selected in accordance with the request;

“Add to group” – objects selected based on the request are added to an existing group (if it has already been selected);

“Remove from group” – objects selected based on the request are removed from an existing group (if it has already been selected).

4. Click OK to create the group and close the dialog.

9.3. Fetching data by SQL query

If the built-in query language of Zulu 7.0 is not enough, queries can be executed using the OGC extension of the SQL language.

Detailed information on using this extension can be found at ( general architecture) and (SQL extension) To call the dialog SQL generation queries, execute the menu command Map|Query|SQL query, or click the toolbar button

–  –  –

Text is specified in the input area SQL query. On the right side of the dialog there is a navigator for map fields (

ZuluThermo is a calculation complex with which you can simulate the thermal-hydraulic operating mode of a heating network.

ZuluThermo is an excellent assistant for a student, graduate student, designer, adjuster, or engineer involved in the operation of a centralized heating system.

Using ZuluThermo allows you to better understand the operating modes of the heating network, analyze emergency situations, evaluate modernization measures and promising development district heating systems.

The program can be used to solve various tasks such as:

Dead-end and ring roads are subject to calculation heating network, including booster pumping stations and throttling devices operating from one or more sources. The program provides for thermal-hydraulic calculations with connection to the network of thermal (IHP) and central heating points (CHS) using several dozen circuit solutions. Hydraulic calculation of the network is possible using generalized consumers without information about thermal loads and specific schemes for connecting consumers to the heating network.
"Elements from which a network is built."

The product currently exists in the following variants:

  • ZuluThermo - calculations of heating networks for ZuluGIS
  • ZuluNetTools - ActiveX components for utility network calculations
Together with geographic information system ZuluGIS It is possible to develop an electronic model of the heat supply system, which allows solving the entire set of problems specified in Chapter 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2012. N 154 “On the requirements for heat supply schemes, the procedure for their development and approval”

Design calculation of the heating network

The purpose of the design calculation is to determine the diameters of the pipelines of a dead-end and ring heating network.

The source can be any node of the heat supply system, for example a source, central heating point or thermal chamber. For a more flexible solution to this problem, it is possible to change the specific linear losses, or the speed of water movement along sections of the heating network.

As a result of the calculation, the diameters of pipelines, pressure losses and water speeds, the available pressures at nodal points, and the pressure in the supply and return pipes of the heating network are determined by section.

Adjustment calculation of the heating network

The purpose of the adjustment calculation is to provide consumers with the calculated amount of water and thermal energy.

High-quality adjustment is achieved by adjusting consumers and central heating points. Excess pressure at subscriber inputs and central heating stations is suppressed using throttling devices. Throttle washers in front of customer inputs are installed automatically on the supply, return or both pipelines, depending on the hydraulic mode required for the system. The selection of mixing devices, elevators and their nozzles is carried out.

When several sources operate on one network, the distribution of water and thermal energy between the sources is determined. If the available available pressure at the source is not enough, a new one is automatically selected.
As a result of the calculation, heat and pressure losses and water movement speed are determined by area. Based on nodal points, available pressures, temperatures and pressures in the supply and return pipes of the heating network. For consumers, the amount of excess pressure, parameters of throttling and mixing devices, temperatures of internal air and water for hot water supply.

Verification calculation of the heating network

The purpose of the verification calculation is to determine the actual coolant costs in sections of the heating network and at consumers, as well as the amount of thermal energy received by the consumer under the actual operating parameters of the source.

A mathematical simulation model of the heat supply system allows you to analyze the hydraulic and thermal operating conditions of the system, as well as predict changes in the internal air temperature of consumers. Determine thermal and hydraulic misadjustment on consumers.

Example of verification calculation:

Calculations can be carried out with various initial data, including emergency situations, for example, disconnection of elements of the heating network (sections, pumping equipment, shut-off and control devices), organization of the transfer of water and thermal energy from one source to another, etc.

When several sources operate on one network, the distribution of water and thermal energy between the sources is determined. A balance is established for water and released thermal energy between the source and consumers.
As a result of the calculation, heat and pressure losses and water movement speed are determined by area. Based on nodal points, available pressures, temperatures and pressures in the supply and return pipes of the heating network. For consumers, available pressure and pressure losses on throttling devices, water temperatures at the inlet and outlet of each heat consumption system, internal air temperature.

Calculation of the required temperature at the source

The goal of the problem is to determine the minimum required temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the source to ensure that the internal air temperature of a given consumer is not lower than the calculated one.

It is possible to set the schedule cutting temperature and compensate for the undersupply of thermal energy. As a result of the calculation, a schedule for heat release from the source is prepared. The temperature schedule is plotted for the heating period with an interval of 1 °C.

Switching tasks

The purpose of switching analysis is to search for the nearest shut-off valve that allows you to disconnect (isolate) the specified object (section, consumer, etc.) from the network. As a result of performing switching tasks:

  • a list of locking devices is displayed;
  • a list of objects affected by shutdowns is generated, with the subsequent ability to print them and export them to a Microsoft Excel table;
  • disabled network objects and buildings are displayed on the map in the form of a thematic coloring;
  • the final values ​​are determined: volumes of coolant in disconnected heating networks, total disconnected load, etc.

Piezometric graph

The purpose of constructing a piezometric graph is to visually illustrate the results of hydraulic calculations (adjustment, verification, design). In this case, the following is displayed on the screen:

  • supply pressure line
  • return pressure line
  • geodetic height line
  • pressure loss line on the washer
  • building height
  • boiling line
  • static pressure line
  • table with a description of each network node: names of nodes, pressures in the supply and return pipelines, pressure losses in sections of the heating network, etc.
The amount of information displayed under the graph, the color and style of the lines can be configured by the user. To illustrate heat losses on networks, it is possible to plot a graph of the temperature drop from a source to a given consumer.

Calculation of the reliability of the heating system

The purpose of the calculation is to quantitatively assess the reliability of heat supply to consumers of centralized heating systems and justify the necessary measures to achieve the required reliability for each consumer. which allows

    Calculate the reliability and readiness of the heating system for the heating season.

    Develop measures to increase the reliability of the heat supply system.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Yaroslavl State Technical University"

Department of “Hydraulic and Road Construction”

Assignment for students of specialty 280 302 "Integrated use and protection of water resources" to perform laboratory work in the discipline "GEOINFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MONITORING OF WATER OBJECTS", Polar Division

    Laboratory work is carried out by two students on a personal computer such as an IBM PC with a pre-installed Windows XP SP2 32 bit operating system.

    Install the “Demo version” of Zulu 7.0 on your personal computer.

    Open one of the following maps through the "File" menu: C:\Program Files\Zulu 7.0\Examples\.........

    Four-pipe heating network system after the central heating substation.

    Example of a heating network

    Backbone network.

    Heat supply system with two-pipe heating network and pumping substations

    Thermal unit.

    Building - first floor.

    Kirovsky district.

  • Routes.

    In the absence of original cards (the number of subgroups of students exceeds the number of available cards), it is allowed to reuse the existing card.

In this case, the objects for working with the map should be selected different from those previously used by students.

    Perform the above manipulations with cards:

    Open the program window.

    Familiarize yourself with rearranging, changing the scale and center of the window.

    Study the process of arbitrarily moving the center of an image

    Learn the process of measuring distances and areas

    Obtaining information on a selected object

    For randomly selected objects, determine the distances between two points for these objects.

    Get information on two selected objects.

    Enter all the information received and drawings of the maps used into a file, which is presented together with the main capabilities of the GIS Zulu6.0. as reporting materials for laboratory work.

    The report on laboratory work is carried out one for two students in accordance with documents STO 701-2005 and STO 702-2005.

Features of GIS Zulu

The Zulu geographic information system (GIS) is designed for creating and editing digital maps, plans and diagrams for various purposes with the ability to solve various types of problems on their basis. The system combines the capabilities of processing graphic and semantic information and supports line-node topology.

Along with the usual GIS division of objects into contours, polylines, combined contours, combined polylines, Zulu supports line-node topology, which allows, together with other spatial data (streets, houses, rivers, districts, lakes, etc.), to model and network engineering. The system allows you to create classified objects that have several modes (states), each of which (states) has its own display style on the map (diagram). In this case, the networks are entered with automatic topology coding. The network drawn on the screen is immediately ready for topological analysis (information about connections between objects is entered automatically).

Program window.

When you start the program, a system window opens on the screen (Fig. 1)

Figure 1 Program window

In the Zulu system, setting the window view (which windows and which panels are visible on the screen) is very flexible, i.e., each user can display certain windows and toolbars depending on the operations that he needs to perform. To quickly adjust which toolbars are visible and which are hidden, right-click on any toolbar or work area of ​​the main window that is not occupied by any document window. As a result, a context menu will appear listing the available toolbars, with visible toolbars marked with a check mark. Select the appropriate menu item to show or hide the toolbar. In addition, you can select the item Settings, in order to make settings using the interface settings panel . Download panels : message window, properties window, project window and navigator possible through the menu Window.

Downloaded maps are displayed in map window . The system allows you to simultaneously open several cards, each in its own separate window. Several maps can be combined into a Project. The project structure (which maps are included in the project and what layers each map contains) is shown as a tree in projects window . IN status bar information about the current state of the system is displayed, which changes when the system operating mode changes. Commands for working with the map as a whole, as well as with layers and individual layer objects, are called from main menu of the system . For quick access to the most frequently called main menu commands, use toolbar buttons . Depending on what action the user performs, some toolbar buttons become active (colored) and others inactive (grayed). To change the map scale, move the map center, select an object or group of layer objects, use Navigation panel . IN properties window you can view information on the selected object of the active layer (dimensions, type of layer to which the selected object belongs, object key, etc.). When calling additional tasks (for example, thermal calculations) in message window information about the current state of the called task is displayed.