Learning to quickly type on the keyboard. Blind printing method

In order to learn to type quickly on the keyboard, many sign up for speed typing courses, undergo training and pay money to purchase various educational materials. This is not necessary. In this article we will tell you how to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard for free and on your own. But before moving directly to the tips, recommendations and review of programs for learning fast typing, I would like to say a few words about the benefits that a person who acquires this skill acquires.


The main advantage of fast printing is time savings. For people whose daily work associated with the set huge amount symbols and texts, this skill is simply priceless. In addition, the fast typing technique has a beneficial effect on productivity and earnings in professions such as copywriting and rewriting (however, there are many professions where this skill is useful).

Having learned how to quickly type on the keyboard, you will be able to enter text more rhythmically, which in turn will reduce the degree of increase in psychological and physical fatigue. You will even get some satisfaction from how quickly and freely your fingers move across the keyboard, and therefore overall enjoyment of your work.

When trying to find a job, this skill can help you find a job sooner. He will certainly become good addition to your other skills and abilities indicated in the resume and announced when passing an interview.

Another significant advantage of fast typing on the keyboard is the logical presentation of the full scope of thoughts. By learning to type quickly on the keyboard, you can easily keep up with the flow of your own thoughts when writing something new. After all, sometimes it’s enough to get distracted for a split second while looking for the desired key so that the thought leaves you.

Our eyes get tired faster when we constantly look from the monitor to the buttons and back. Therefore, by mastering the touch typing method, we also take care of our vision.


First you need to remember the location of the keys. We can suggest the following exercise. For ten to fifteen seconds, look at one of the three rows of the keyboard containing letters (it is better to go in order and memorize the top row first). Then try to reproduce them in the correct order on a piece of paper. This exercise should be repeated several times for each row until you can reproduce the order of the letters (in your head or on paper) automatically. Next, you can try typing the entire alphabet from “A” to “Z” on the keyboard. Do this until you can do it quickly enough. Bad memory? Read, or rather watch and repeat - “ Exercises for memory development».

Also for those who want to start learning how to quickly type on a keyboard, it is important to choose the right tool. For a professional or someone who aspires to become one, best choice there will be an ergonomic keyboard (where the buttons are divided into two areas empty space, for right and left hands), or in extreme cases, a regular curved keyboard will do.

An important role in mastering the skill of high-speed typing is played by correct location at the desk, posture, posture. You can find out how to position yourself correctly and comfortably from this article - “ Organization of a workplace when working at a computer».

Even the perfect skill of typing with several fingers will be greatly inferior modern methods printing (for example, such a technique as blind ten-finger typing). Therefore, in order to learn to type faster, you need to use as many fingers as possible on both hands. Some speed typing programs define different keys for each finger. Of course, at first it will be difficult to adjust to a new way, because relearning is always difficult. But gradually you will forget the two-finger method and begin to work according to new rules. The main thing is to notice in time the moments of transition to an old habit and return to the one you are mastering.

The touch typing method, formerly known as American ten-finger touch typing, was developed by a stenographer on one of the American ships, Frank Edgar McGurrin, in 1888. Basically, at that time, when typing text on typewriters, people used the sighted eight-finger method. McGurrin, being the only one who uses the method he invented in order to prove its superiority, proposed a bet to a certain Louis Trobe. Having won the bet and five hundred dollars on top, Edgar McGurrin proved the superiority of the touch printing method. And for more than one hundred and twenty years, secretaries, typists and people of other professions have been trained in rapid typing using a technique invented by an American stenographer, which has made it possible to increase labor productivity significantly.

When mastering the touch printing method, it is better not to rush at first. Try to avoid mistakes and typos. Of course, speed is the main thing here, but it will drop significantly due to excessive haste and constant text editing. In any case, speed will come with experience, but in the meantime, make sure it’s correct, write thoughtfully and carefully.

Regular practice is the basic rule for acquiring any skill and any ability, including the ability to type quickly. So if you decide learn to type quickly on a computer keyboard, don't be lazy and exercise more. If you want to achieve good typing speed, don't try to learn the method in one sitting. In order for a skill to be formed and gradually consolidated, it is better to work on it less, but more often. You can start with twenty to thirty minutes, gradually increasing your daily work time.

Touch ten-finger typing method

As you may already understand, the basic rule of the touch typing method is to type text with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard.

This method involves placing your hands on the keyboard while typing in a specific way. The base of your palms should be located (lie) on the front edge of the laptop case or, if you have an ergonomic keyboard, on the wrist rest. In this case, the shape of your hands should be as if you were holding a tennis ball in your hands.


Each finger of both hands has specific keys assigned to it. This is no coincidence! On any keyboard, the arrangement of letters and symbols is planned specifically for the ten-finger typing method. The use of the principle of the greatest probability of using a particular key when determining the keyboard layout is what makes this method so popular, profitable and durable. This layout has remained unchanged for many years.

So, the buttons on all keyboards are arranged in six rows. You don’t have to think about the top row (“Esc”, “F1”, “F2”...) when touch typing, since it is not used and is more auxiliary. The series of numbers that follows is used by some, but not by others. Some people use instead of the top row of numbers digital block, which is located to the right of the main one. They explain this by the fact that the fingers have to reach far, and this affects speed and an increase in the number of typos. Well, it’s convenient for anyone. However, it’s still worth mastering the top row with numbers.

Learning how to quickly type on a keyboard begins with the initial placement of your fingers.

There are several known ways of placing fingers, but you can see the main one in the figure:

  • The fingers of the right hand should be positioned as follows: the little finger is above the letter “F”, the ring finger is above the “D” key, the middle finger is above the “L”, the index finger is above the “O”.
  • The fingers of the left hand take the position: the little finger is above the “F”, the ring finger is above the letter “Y”, the middle finger is above the “B”, and the index finger is above the “A” respectively.
  • The thumbs are positioned above the spacebar.

Initially, in order to control the correct placement of the hands, the index fingers should feel the small protrusions present on the keys of the support row - “O” and “A”. Gradually, your hands will stop feeling these keys and the need to lean on them will no longer exist. Your fingers will hover over the keyboard, at a distance of several millimeters, this will be a consequence of switching to a new, more quality level print. However, forcefully accelerate this process It's not worth it, it can only do harm.

Memorizing the buttons on the keyboard with your fingers should be done in the following order: First, study all “your” letters forefinger left hand, then right; then we practice the action with the middle left finger, then with the right; after this, you should study the location of the keys with the ring finger of your left hand, then with your right; The last to practice “their” buttons are the left and right little fingers. You can immediately go the other way and try working with text. However, still the best option is the selection of texts from dictionaries for specific fingers (such dictionaries are available in any online simulator or program for quick typing).


All training programs that teach how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard, begin with a story about the correct striking technique. And it is clear to a beginner that touching the key is done with the pad of the finger, but not everyone knows that not only the finger, but the entire hand should be involved.

The basic principle of the touch typing technique is the clarity and ease of abrupt strokes, with the fingers constantly returning to their original position after each strike.

Hit the space with an edge thumb the hand that was not used during the last blow.


Rhythm plays an important role in learning to type quickly. It means that pressing should occur at equal intervals of time. By observing the rhythm, you are more likely to achieve automatic typing. And even if you think that you can type some keyboard combinations faster, still stick to a certain rhythm. To develop rhythm and learn to quickly type on the keyboard, we recommend using a metronome. This function provided by some programs for learning fast typing.


The following programs will help you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard::

  • “Stamina” (you can download it on the official website - stamina.ru) is a free keyboard simulator that will help you learn how to touch type using the ten-finger method.
  • "SOLO on the keyboard"- a training program, the author of which is a teacher at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, famous journalist and psychologist V.V. Shakhidzhanyan. As they assure on the official website (ergosolo.ru), this keyboard simulator will help you master the skill of fast typing in a fairly short time.
  • “VerseQ” (verseq.ru) is another popular program for mastering the touch typing method. This is what the creators of this simulator write: “ Literally within an hour after you start practicing on our simulator, you will be able to touch type, and after eight to fifteen hours you will be able to type at the level of a graduate of touch typing courses».

There are others, less popular programs: “Bombina” (bombina.com), “RapidTyping”, free keyboard trainer “iQwer”, keyboard trainer for children "Funny Fingers", “BabyType” is one of the first keyboard simulators that teaches fast typing in a playful way, etc.

Also for learning how to quickly type in online mode you can use the following services:

  • “Klavogonki” (klavogonki.ru) is both an exciting online game and at the same time an effective simulator for fast typing on the keyboard. This game has many analogues, but “Klawagonki” is one of the most popular.
  • “All 10” (vse10.ru) is a free online simulator.

And also: “Time Speed” (time-speed.ru), “VerseQ online” (online.verseq.ru) - online version the famous keyboard trainer VerseQ...

Fitness equipment and online services a lot, but I think the ones we listed in this article will be enough for training. Moreover, our list includes the best ones.

Let's summarize. The touch typing method is based on the fact that each of the ten fingers has a fixed key area that it constantly serves. The process of learning to type quickly comes down to developing “muscle memory” of the fingers. Knowing how to learn to type quickly, you just have to want it. Regular classes and the rules described in this article will help you master this skill in a short time.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Nowadays, almost every person would benefit from learning how to type quickly on a keyboard. This will help, first of all, in work, since almost all workplaces are equipped with computers. You can master fast printing techniques on your own, you just need to follow certain instructions. By fast typing here we mean “touch” typing, that is, a method in which a person does not look at the keyboard while typing.

There will be no disadvantages after learning touch typing. You'll spend your time practicing how to type correctly, but once you've mastered the material, all that's left to do is reap the rewards. There are many professions that require fast typing skills. But even if you don’t need it for work high speed typing, this skill will be your advantage in any case.

After learning this technique, you will develop the skill of rhythmically entering text. You'll also enjoy the work you do better because you'll be less tired of the keyboard.

In addition, your eyes may become less tired, since looking from the monitor to the buttons can be tiring.

It is known that the ten-finger touch typing method was developed by American court stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin in 1988. Before him, people used the sighted eight-finger method when typing on typewriters.

Edgar McGurrin has proven in practice the superiority of his development. And for more than a century, fast typing training for secretaries and other professions who need fast typing has been carried out using the technique he invented, which has significantly increased labor productivity.

Basic rules for fast printing

Modern keyboards are designed specifically for the ten-finger method. In this case, a specific finger is “assigned” to each key.

Initially, the fingers are positioned as follows:

  • left hand: the little finger is above “F”, the ring finger is above “Y”, the middle finger is “B”, and the index finger is above “A”;
  • right hand: index finger over “O”, middle finger over “L”, ring finger over the “D” key, little finger over the letter “F”;
  • the thumbs are above the space bar.

The picture shows color scheme securing your fingers to the keys. To allow you to blindly control the placement of your hands, there are small ridges on the O and A keys that you can feel with your fingers.

It is necessary to work on each finger to secure it automatic actions. For example, first we blindly practice pressing the left little finger on all “its” keys, then the right little finger, etc.

For the spacebar, the following rule is used: we press it with the thumb of the hand that was not used when the previous key was pressed.

When you strike a key, not only your finger, but also your entire hand should work. After each blow the brush returns to initial position. Thus, the printing process consists of abrupt rhythmic strokes. If you paid attention to the work of professional secretaries, for example, in some old movie, then most likely, this is how she typed.

You can practice well on special simulators, a list of which is given at the end of the article.


Try to memorize the location of the keys on your keyboard and then write them down in the correct order on a piece of paper. For simplicity, try to memorize just 1 row of the keyboard.

Try, without looking at the keyboard, to type all the letters of the alphabet from “A” to “Z” one by one. Use the ten-finger method described above.

The following tips will help you improve your typing speed:

  • A keyboard that is curved or broken in the center is considered more convenient and ergonomic. This arrangement of keys will allow your hands and fingers to be less tired.
  • Watch your posture and posture. The back should be straight, the arms should be lowered and relaxed, and should be located approximately in the middle of the abdomen (not at the level of the navel or chest).
  • Practice. The speed at which results are obtained depends on the volume of training.
  • Don't try to simplify your work: don't look at the keyboard and use all ten fingers.

Keyboard trainers

There are several free keyboard simulators that will help you master fast touch typing.

XXI century - era computer technology. Today, the inability to type on a keyboard is comparable to the inability to use ballpoint pen. In a time when every minute is valuable, typing slowly is an unaffordable luxury that limits a person's capabilities in the modern world.

Why do you need to type quickly?

Quite recently it was a rarity. The ability to type any text, despite the keyboard, was equated to magic. Only a few possessed such skill. Now everything has changed a lot, and high-speed printing is a frequently used, professionally valuable skill. Many employers, when selecting employees whose activities will be related to computers, specify proficiency in touch typing as one of the main requirements for applicants.

Nowadays, not only operators need to type quickly computer typing in publishing houses, but also accountants, economists, office clerks - everyone whose work is related to the creation of electronic documents.

Which keyboard is considered optimal?

So, there are many services that help determine how fast you type. You only need to type at speed for a minute, and after that the treasured number appears. But what is it compared to? What print speed is considered good?

For those unfamiliar with touch typing, it is likely that you will not be able to type more than 150 characters in one minute. Looking at the keyboard and using two fingers, it is difficult to achieve high speed. And even if you have already learned how to type using the ten-finger method, do not expect high typing speed to appear immediately. At first it will be about 200 characters per minute, which is not bad. A typing speed that “keeps pace” with normal speech is considered comfortable. The more training, the faster it increases. Once you reach 300-400 characters per minute, start to be proud of yourself. Professionals can boast of this speed.

But even if you can do this, it’s too early to relax. The world record for typing speed was set in 2005, and ten years later, no one can beat it. It is 750 characters in one minute.

How can you increase your printing speed?

We have set a goal - to learn how to quickly type text on the keyboard. What will come of this is still unknown. Perhaps you will receive praise from your boss and a promotion, or a miracle may happen and a new name will appear in the Guinness Book of Records. In any case, such a valuable skill will not be superfluous; it will make working at the computer more efficient and help save time.

Often, beginners try to increase their speed by simply entering texts on the keyboard, and spend more than one hour doing such a monotonous task. Let's say right away - it's a waste of time if you don't use the right typing technique.

The touch typing method is what will help. This is the only thing The right way giving typing. Only after mastering the principles of this method can you devote time to training. In this case, they will be effective, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Touch typing - how is it?

This method of typing appeared at the end of the 18th century. In those days, computers were out of the question, because mass production of typewriters had just begun. Training speed dial no attention was paid to the text. Everyone was looking for convenient methods of working on keyboards. The most effective method turned out to be typing without looking at the keyboard and with the distribution of keys for each finger.

This method began to be called the ten-finger method because it involves all ten fingers on the hands, and the blind method - because when typing text, you don’t have to look at the buttons. As you learn touch typing, you will memorize the location of every letter and every sign on the keyboard. Does this seem difficult? Nothing like this! After just a few days of training, your fingers themselves will begin to look for the buttons in the right place. Moreover, each of the ten fingers has and accurately remembers its work zone.

Two important principles of the ten-finger method

Users who have been using touch typing for a long time follow two basic rules without thinking about it. Beginners will need to try hard. So, if you decide to master the touch typing method on the keyboard, remember:

1. Each finger presses only certain, “its” buttons. This is clearly shown in the figure below.

The color of the finger corresponds to the color of the keys that it must press.

2. Looking at the keyboard while typing is strictly prohibited. This habit is the main problem for beginners. Getting rid of it is not as easy as it seems. At the beginning of training, there will be many typos that will have to be corrected, but over time, tactile memory will begin to develop, and you will stop thinking about every movement. The fingers will press the correct buttons themselves.

Only by adhering to these principles can you quickly learn to type on the keyboard. If you ignore at least one of them, you will wait a very long time for results.

How long does it take to learn to touch type?

The blind ten-finger typing method can be mastered in a month with daily training. Don't be afraid, you won't have to spend 10-12 hours typing for 30 days. Three-hour classes, but regular ones, are enough.

Often beginners, having a great desire, mastered touch typing in two to three weeks. This does not mean that after three weeks the typing speed will be 300-400 characters per minute. To achieve this speed, further training is necessary. This does not necessarily have to be targeted work on simulator programs, you just need to apply the acquired skills when using a computer.

It may seem at first that you are typing slower with the touch typing method than with the two-finger “sighted” method. In this case, the main thing is not to worry and not to give up further use of touch typing. In a couple of weeks at most, a tendency towards an increase in speed will become noticeable.

Touch Typing Basics

The ten-finger printing method has several variations, similar to each other in the main points.

Before you start typing, your fingers are in a strictly defined place. They return there in pauses between entering words or sentences. We immediately need to find the supporting row of the keyboard. This is the third row of keys from the bottom. The left hand is placed on the letter A, and the right hand is placed on O. The remaining fingers occupy places above the adjacent buttons. To quickly determine the position of the support keys on any keyboard, they are marked with small raised protrusions. As you improve your skills, you will learn to feel correct position hands without touching the keys.

Each finger presses only the letter buttons closest to it, according to the color scheme.

Each one is also pressed only with a certain finger. Towards the right click special buttons It's more difficult to get used to than with an alphabetic keyboard.

The key is used to delete erroneously entered characters and is pressed with the little finger on the right hand.

To press the Key, use the little finger on your left hand.

A frequently used button, we use our right little finger to press it.

There are two keys on the keyboard. If you need to change the case of a letter that is entered using any finger of your right hand, then press with your left little finger, and vice versa.

The keys and [Space] are pressed with the thumb. Individually, everyone can use their left or right hand for this.

Keys are pressed using the right or left little finger.

This type of printing does not create unnecessary stress on the joints of the hands and makes it possible to work productively on typing for a long time.

Literature to help

IN Lately In addition to keyboard trainers, there are also printed publications on the topic of speed dialing. Books on this topic are published in the form of tutorials and, in addition to theory, also contain practical tasks.

  • “Touch typing and hot keys” is a textbook for mastering touch typing by E. G. Avsharyan. It was published in 2008. The tutorial will help you short time master the skill of high-speed typing using the ten-finger method and additionally introduce you to “hot” buttons in MS Windows.
  • "Tutorial for touch typing." This book was published in 2013. Author - Vladimir Andrianov. The textbook introduces us to the history and types of keyboards, the theory of the touch typing method, offers typical exercises and reviews existing keyboard simulators.
  • “Tutorial for fast and correct typing on a computer” - an express course by N. M. Berezin. The book was published in 2006. The author promises, using his own method, to teach touch typing at a speed of 120 characters per minute in 120 hours.

Education software

Theory is certainly important, but only by studying the concepts is it impossible to master the ten-finger touch typing method. The simulator is 80% of success in this matter. Special programs, intended for speed typing training, are not that uncommon. The principle of training in different keyboard simulators may differ. But they are all aimed at achieving one goal - to teach you how to type quickly quality texts without looking at the computer keyboard.

The most popular keyboard trainers

Which free programs Will they help you quickly learn to type on the keyboard? There are a lot of such applications. Let's look at the most popular programs that help you master the touch typing method:

This is only a small part of what can help those who want to master touch typing with ten fingers. The choice is huge, and if you don't like training on a certain simulator, don't give up on your goal, but try something else. You will definitely find the method that will be most effective and at the same time interesting for you.

Advantages of the method

In conclusion, let's specify the benefits obtained from mastering the touch typing method:

  • Whatever one may say, the first advantage will always be saving time. The typing speed on the keyboard is at least doubled. The time required to work with documents is proportionally reduced.
  • Opportunity If your gaze is focused only on the document while typing, it is easier to form thoughts, and at the same time the opportunity to notice an error in the text increases.
  • The monotonous process of typing letters on the keyboard becomes more dynamic, which helps avoid fatigue.
  • Opportunity additional income. As already mentioned, the ability to type quickly using the ten-finger method is a valuable professional skill. In addition, there are a lot of areas where you can make money from this. For example: paid typing, copywriting, selling articles, etc.

In the 21st century, most information is online, most businesses are built over the Internet, and most books, articles, publications, essays and documents are printed on a computer. This applies to absolutely everything – from legal documents to works of art. Document Microsoft Office Word is very convenient because it can be sent by e-mail, attach to Google Drive or save to a flash drive, and also convert to pft.

How to convert a file from Word to PDF and vice versa can be found in the article:

Thanks to correctors for stylistic and grammatical errors, printing documents and books has become not only convenient and fast, but also more competent. Therefore, today many freelancers want to learn how to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard. Many journalists and copywriters literally compete with each other in such an aspect as typing speed.

How to learn to type touch? Is it possible?

Indeed, a lot depends on this. Typing speed affects the efficiency and success of a freelancer, the number of characters that can be printed per hour, and, of course, the salary and length of the working day.

Such nuances as the quality of the article and literacy are no less important factors that determine the success of a copywriter. However, if these two points are in place, it’s time to seriously think about printing speed.

Today it is as popular as speed typing courses were previously.

So, let's learn how to quickly type on the keyboard using the ten-finger touch typing method. First of all, you need to print out a diagram that shows which finger is responsible for which key. Place the sheet in front of the keyboard. You just need to unlearn how to press keys with the wrong fingers. This is the essence of the method.

Its effectiveness lies in its extreme simplicity. You no longer need to memorize anything and constantly train to type complex sentences at speed, gradually going crazy. At the same time, you can look at the keyboard; this is not prohibited. Moreover, there is no need to waste time on complex exercises. Just type articles as always, but using this scheme as a guide, and after a while you will learn to type touch-touch. You just have to learn how to press the keys with the appropriate fingers.

At first, the printing speed will be, on the contrary, lower. The main thing at the initial stage– this is not speed, but the consolidation of a new skill. When it is mastered to the level of a spinal reflex, you can increase the speed and not look at the keyboard at all. If you have to type a lot every day, then the skill will develop in a few days, maximum in two weeks. And then you simply won’t be able to type any other way – only blindly and only quickly!

Below is a correspondence diagram and a diagram of the placement of hands over the keyboard.

However, this scheme has one drawback - putting the left little finger under the ring finger is very inconvenient, so there is an improved scheme given below.

An important aspect is the striking technique when printing. Touch typing is very easy if you master the skill of hitting the keys correctly with your fingers. Few people even pay attention to how exactly to press - with the pads of their fingers or their other parts. In fact, it is important to use the entire hand, not just the pads of the fingers. The blows should be characterized by clarity and abruptness, and from time to time the fingers should return to their original position. Rhythm also plays an important role.

If typing is rhythmic (when each button is pressed after the same period of time), then the overall speed of typing also increases. If you type certain characters faster and others slower, this will not help you master touch typing. Rhythm is always more important. To make your task easier, use the metronome provided in some online touch typing programs and simulators.

Free online services for learning fast typing

So, how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard? Let's look at a few major online programs that provide typing training:

  1. Stamina;
  2. VerseQ online;
  3. All 10;
  4. Time Speed.

And now about each in order.

Stamina provides the program, which shows you how to learn to touch type step by step. The first step includes 46 lessons, the second - practical exercises to consolidate typing skills (lessons 47-140). The third part consists of assignments for writing texts on various topics. And not just training sentences and phrases. The fourth step is writing jokes and other jokes (lessons 141-149).

Finally, the last lesson (150th) is the exam. Each lesson has a length limit of 900 characters, so you won’t be overwhelmed. Even if you type at a snail's speed (60 characters per minute, for example), one lesson will take 10-15 minutes maximum. Each lesson begins with phrases. Which are often encountered when writing texts. Next comes the text, where each word corresponds to a specific symbol. A simple example: lesson "A" will contain words with that letter. The second part includes full sentences with basic grammatical forms, and the sentences themselves do not have any special meaning.

Has several unique moments. Thus, learning begins with all the letters of the alphabet at once, and also includes memorizing with the fingers the “chords” of the keys that are characteristic of this particular language. The learning itself happens unnoticed; the program itself adapts to the individual mistakes of each student. An additional advantage is the use of a differential approach to training time for frequently and rarely encountered symbols. The very work with this program is psychologically relaxing and makes learning to type on the keyboard more enjoyable.

VerseQ online program (certificate)

"All 10"- a typing simulator with many advantages. For example, there is Russian and English keyboard layout, training can be continued exactly from the point where you left off last time. There is an option to compete in speed typing with other users online. After completing the training courses, you will receive a certificate of typing speed and typing quality.

Time Speed ​​is dedicated to the ten-finger printing method. There are statistics on the growth of printing speed.

Where can I check my typing speed online?

If you are gradually mastering keyboard simulators and learning to type touch, you can always check your typing speed online. To do this, we advise you to pay attention to a very effective and popular resource - “Bombina2”. Thanks to regular inspection speed touch typing method You will very quickly learn to touch type.

So, "Bombina2" is a way to test your typing speed online that simply has no equal. This application was created for schoolchildren, as well as preschool children who need a very easy-to-use and simple touch typing simulator.

However, it’s worth noting right away that the interface is not intuitive in all places. Some navigation elements are not entirely convenient; the “Start” button at the beginning of the exercises is very faded, you have to look for it. Not everyone will understand that the cloth icon is “Exit”.

The simulator provides detailed help, which is called up on the application's start screen. The first introductory lesson explains which fingers to type on which keys. Next come the difficulty levels, which affect the number of errors in the exercises. The transition from one level to another can be done automatically, but it is only possible after completing the exercise three times in a row with a good score.

An added bonus is a logic game used to teach children. The learning process is very exciting, which is especially important for children.


Nowadays, such a skill as the ability to quickly type text on a keyboard is highly valued. Of course, the literacy and meaning of the articles themselves should never fade into the background, and they are the main priority for a copywriter or freelancer. But if you are an experienced copywriter and know how to write engaging texts and articles without errors, think about how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard.


All computer users (both active and not so active) use a keyboard. Typing is a traditional procedure when working with a computer. You can type text with two fingers, looking every now and then at the keyboard, but you can learn the touch typing method. Let's talk about this.

Every person is able to master this skill if they spend at least 1 hour on it every day for 2-3 weeks. Of course, typing will be slow at first, you will have to think before all the keystrokes. But over time, speed and accuracy will increase.

Touch typing. Advantages

Touch typing skills are important for those who work on a PC all the time. But the main advantages this method are:

key the positive side The touch printing method is a time saver. For people who constantly work on a PC and type a lot of characters, such a skill is truly invaluable. Moreover, such a technique will have a beneficial effect on the amount of work and earnings of rewriters and copywriters;

If you know how to quickly type text, then it is entered rhythmically, which significantly reduces the level of fatigue. In addition, you will enjoy the coordinated work of your hands;
This is an excellent addition to your skills in your resume, which will speed up your job search;
Another advantage is that you can logically express your thoughts and keep up with them. Sometimes being distracted for just a second can throw you off;

The touch typing method is truly effective because you spend less time working and your eyes get tired less quickly.

Your eyes get tired quickly if you constantly move your gaze from the keys to the monitor. Thus, touch typing helps preserve vision.

Rules for touch typing

If you want to learn how to touch-type, then remember the rules:

while typing text, do not look at the keys;
Each finger needs to press its own buttons.

These points cannot be violated. Even if one of the buttons seems “complicated”, you should not peek. So you only remember the wrong order, which is stored in the brain, and it’s not easy to relearn. You may make mistakes, but mistakes can be easily corrected. Over time, accuracy only increases.

Typing Rules

The location of the fingers during touch typing is the same for all languages. We will tell you about the rules of typing in Russian.

So, on all types of keyboards the buttons are arranged in 6 lines. The top one acts as an auxiliary one; it is not used for touch typing, so don’t think about it. Bottom line with "Ctrl", "Alt" and spacebar buttons. After it comes the first, second and third row. They are the key ones.

The fourth line contains numbers that are rarely used. Typically used to print numbers numeric keypad, which is on the right. This is because you have to reach far, which slows down your typing. And there are a lot of mistakes. Mastering the second row is important, but it is not necessary to concentrate on it.

The main thing is the position of the hands on the keys - the row for support “FYVA” (left little finger, ring, middle and index), as well as “OLJ” (right index, middle, ring and little finger). At first, your fingers need to be placed on the correct keys, but over time they will no longer rest on them, but will be located a few millimeters above them. This happens automatically as your skills increase. There is no need to specifically speed this up. To control the position of the hands, there are bumps on the keys with the letters “A” and “O”.

When learning, it is important to observe key rules and the placement of fingers on the buttons.

The keys are learned in this order:

Initially, the “own” buttons are taught by the left index finger, then the right;
Then presses are practiced with the left middle finger, then with the right;
then the location of the buttons is remembered with the left ring finger, then with the right;
The last one to remember is the “own” buttons of the left and right little finger.

Take a different route, try to start working with text, but it is better to study letters for specific fingers.

So, the printing order is:

With your thumbs, press the space bar one at a time. So when last button or the sign is pressed with the left hand, then press the space bar with the same hand. In a “resting state,” the fingers hang in the air above the space;
the buttons are pressed with the nearest finger, moving one finger, then returning it to the original one. This is how capital letters are entered, and the little finger of the unused hand holds the “Shift” button;
You shouldn’t set a goal to remember where the letters are. The main thing is to remember which finger makes the movements.

Hitting technique and rhythm

All simulators that teach touch typing begin training with stroke and rhythm techniques. And it becomes clear to beginners that touching the buttons is done with the pads, but not everyone knows that not just one finger is involved, but the entire hand.

The key rule of touch typing is that you need to make light and clear strokes, all the time returning your fingers to the starting position. You need to press the space bar with the edge of your thumb.

Rhythm when learning is also important. It means that pressing is done at regular intervals. , you are more likely to achieve automaticity. And even when you think that the key combinations can be typed faster, continue to keep the rhythm. To develop rhythm and typing speed, you will need the help of a metronome.

Auxiliary keys

It's important to master the auxiliary keys first. These include Tab, Backspace, Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Spacebar.

The Backspace button is used to eliminate characters to the left of the cursor. It is located in a line with numbers; it is always pressed with the right little finger. Enter button also press with the same finger. Very rarely with the ring finger.

Typing techniques require adherence to rhythm and techniques for striking the keyboard. This way you will be able to type more quickly without having to peek.

The Tab button must be pressed with the right little finger. And Shift is used to type capital letters. It’s on both sides, and you use it like this:

if you need to type a letter right hand, then hold down Shift with the left;
if a character from the left-handed part of the keyboard is required, then Shift is held down with the right.

The Ctrl button is used to change the language. It is also on both sides. They also press it with their little fingers. The Alt button is almost never used for this method.

The spacebar is considered the most used button. Press with the edge of the thumb of one hand.

How to learn touch typing

If you are interested in how to learn touch typing yourself, then we will tell you about popular methods. The first of them is to take any story and type it. You will remember which finger to press where. And over time, you will reach the point of automaticity, since your fingers will press the required keys themselves. The method is not easy, but real.

There are other ways. One of them is a popular book from Yu.V. Kholkin, which talks about the 10-finger printing method. You can learn from it faster, especially since it’s easy to find on the Internet.

Another option is a program called Keyboard Solo. It's free, but you'll have to pay to get the full version. Download the simulator and start training. This program recognized as the best for teaching touch typing. Here training is carried out on different languages. In general, both methods are similar.

Useful programs

In order to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, we created useful programs and services:

Stamina. You can get the service from the official website. This is a free trainer for learning typing, which helps you quickly learn a method that uses 10 fingers;
the previously mentioned “Keyboard Solo.” This is a simulator, whose author is the famous teacher from Moscow State University V.V. Shakhidzhanyan. The official website says that such a simulator will quickly and easily teach touch typing;
VerseQ is considered another the most popular services for learning touch typing. The developers assure that after just 60 minutes of lessons a person begins to type without looking, and in 8-15 hours they will learn to type text at the level of those who have completed touch typing courses.

For those who want to independently study the intricacies of touch typing, there are many free services and programs.

There are other, not very popular methods. These include: Rapid Typing, Bombina, Funny Fingers, jQwer, Baby Type. By the way, the latter is considered one of the first assistants in learning typing without spying in the form of a game.

In addition, to learn the method of typing with all 10 fingers, online services have been invented:

popular "Klavogonki". This interesting game, who also acts as a trainer for teaching typing. There are many analogues, but this one is considered the most popular;
“All 10” is another free online trainer.

It is also worth noting Time Speed, VerseQ online (this online option popular trainer mentioned above).

There are many useful assistants, but those listed here will suffice for learning.

24 January 2014, 14:31

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