Communication on the Internet German topics. How to speak German

You have already watched films and listened to music in German and your listening and understanding skills are already at a sufficient level, then it’s time to start learning German through communication with native speakers.

Communication with native speakers is one of the most important steps in mastering a new language, which can significantly increase your level of knowledge. However, communicating with native speakers presents some difficulties for many. What to do if you are not planning to visit a German-speaking country any time soon?

Fortunately, the Internet and modern technologies make it possible to immerse yourself in communication with foreigners without leaving home. A list of special sites for finding companions for communication is in this article.

Photo by Ron Mader


1. is a free service that helps bring together those who want to learn a language, including German, from all over the world. The platform contains more than 1 million registered users from more than 130 countries. The main idea of ​​this site is to find penpals (penpals) to practice learning the language with them by corresponding by email. The site also allows written chat, but there is no video chat option. But who is stopping you from using Skype? :)

2. The Mixxer is a free educational site for those learning a foreign language. This service is designed to unite people from all over the globe. Chat via Skype is used for communication. There are many active people registered on the site who want to improve and practice their knowledge of foreign languages.

3. Polyglot Club. This site contains about 400 thousand people who speak several languages. The site is absolutely free and allows you to find fellow enthusiasts with whom you can regularly communicate and practice your knowledge of the German language.

3. Tandem Partners is a free service that already has more than 30 thousand users who want to find penpaul. The search process is simple and, most importantly, free. All you have to do is register, specify the desired language, select a pen pal and start communicating with him. A special feature of this site is the ability to communicate through integrated video chat, and not through Skype, as on many other sites.

5. Сonversationexchange - a site where you can improve your writing and reading skills by communicating via chat, finding yourself a pen pal. There is also the opportunity to practice German using chat, voice or video chat.

1. Phrases in German (address)

Madam (+ surname)Frau/Fräulein… (+ Familienname)
Gentlemen!Meine Herren! /Meine Herrschaften!
Ladies and Gentlemen!Meine Damen und Herren!
Mister!Mein Herr!
Madam!Meine Dame!
Young woman!Junge Frau/Fräulein!
Young man!Junger Mann!
Mister Director!Herr Director!


2. German expressions for greetings

3. German expressions accompanying the greeting

How are you doing?Wie geht es Ihnen?
Glad to see you!Es freut mich, Sie zu sehen.
How are your studies?Was macht das Studium?
What's new?Was gibt es Neues?
Fine?Geht's gut?
Are you alright?Is it all in Ordnung?

Responses to the question “How are (your) doing?”

4. German phrases for dating

I would like to introduce myself to you.Ich möchte mich vorstellen.
My name is Klaus.Ich heiße Klaus.
My last name is Weiss.Mein Name ist Weiß.
What is your name?Wie heißen Sie?
What's your last name?Wie ist Ihr Familienname?
Please meet c...!Machen Sie sich bitte mit + (Dat.) bekannt.
Let me introduce you... /(introduce you): ...Darf ich Ihnen vorstellen: …
Where are you from?Woher commen Sie?
I'm from Russia (from Rostov).Ich komme aus Russland (aus Rostow).
What do you do?Was machen Sie beruflich?
What is your occupation)?Was sind Sie (von Beruf)?
I…Ich bin…
… engineer.... Ingenieur.
…businessman.... Geschäftsmann.
…director of the firm.… Geschäftsführer.
...the owner of the company.... Untemehmenbesitzer.
…economist.... Okonome.
Where do you work?Wo arbeiten Sie?
I am working…Ich arbeite... the enterprise (factory).…in einem Betrieb. the enterprise (in the store).…in einem Geschäft.
…in the company "…".… bei der Firma “...”.
What foreign languages ​​do you speak?Welche Fremdsprachen beherrschen Sie?
I speak German a little bit.Ich spreche etwas deutsch.


I am glad!Sehr erfreut.
Very nice!Sehr angenehm.
I am very glad to meet you.Ich freue mich sehr, Sie kennen zu lernen/Ihre Bekanntschaft zu machen.
And me too.Ganz meinerseits.
We already know each other.Wir kennen uns schon.

5. German expressions (congratulations)


6. Wishes

I wish you health and long life!Ich wünsche Ihnen Gesundheit und ein langes Leben.
I wish you all the best /Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute/
all the best/all the best/alles Beste/
happiness/success/good luck!viel Glück/großen Erfolg!
I wish you success in...Ich wünsche viel Erfolg bei (in)…
Bon appetit!Guten Appetit!
For your health!Auf Ihr Wohl!
Cheers!Prosit! /Prost!
Bon appetit!Mahlzeit. /Guten Appetit!


7. Farewell

Goodbye!Auf Wiedersehen!
Till tomorrow!Bis morgen!
See you soon! /Bye!Bis bald/nachher/dann/später/gleich!
All the best!/All the best!Alles Gute!
Bye! Hello!Tschüs!

German expressions accompanying farewell

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German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. Germany is a country with a developed economy, an interesting history and a bunch of beautiful cities. This means that German can be useful both for business and work, and for exciting travel.

website I have collected for you the best resources for learning the language of Goethe, Nietzsche and Til Schweiger. Das ist Fantastisch, isn't it?

  • Deutsch-online - here you can download several options for video, audio and online courses to choose from. In addition, the site is full of additional material that will help you learn the language in a fun way: games, exercises, tests, German radio and online television.
  • is a multilingual site that combines German lessons with practical advice about living and working in Germany and Austria.
  • Speakasap - free and paid courses with audio and video accompaniment and exercises.
  • Englishonlinefree - suitable for beginners: there are reading rules, basic grammar, a phrase book, short videos, books and other materials.
  • Lingvister is an online school for learning German and other languages ​​via Skype with extensive speech practice.
  • Deutsche-welt - on the site you can find online courses, as well as many collections of courses, articles and dictionaries of the German language.
  • - the resource offers systematic online lessons, video lessons, audio books, tests, useful articles, interesting collections of words and phrases, and song lyrics.

German on social networks

Communication with native speakers

  • Livemocha is a popular social network for everyone who studies foreign languages. Training is based on the principle “if you help, they will help you.” Lessons and exercises are offered, the accuracy of which is checked by native speakers. And here you can simply communicate with other users in German.
  • Busuu is a virtual community for learning German and other foreign languages. On the website or in the mobile application, you can learn words and video chat with other members of the social network.
  • MyLanguageExchange - the site makes it possible to find a foreign interlocutor who is interested in learning your native language. Then you can talk to him on any topic in text or voice chat.
  • Lang-8 - here native speakers will help you correct mistakes in writing: you write the text, and foreign users correct mistakes and comment. Useful when preparing presentations and important letters.

Mobile applications

  • Hellotalk - simply choose the language you want to learn (more than 100 languages ​​are available) and immediately meet native speakers of that language.
  • Duolingo is a free app with well-organized and user-friendly content, perfect for beginners.
  • Tunein is an application for listening to the radio.


  • De-speak is a Russian-language blog of a German language teacher with a large number of video lessons, audio lessons, articles and topics.
  • Claudi um di e Welt is an interesting blog of a traveler from Germany in German with stories about different countries and good photographs.
  • Berlin Ick liebe dir - blog about Berlin in German. As the authors of the blog write, “a blog for Berliners, for those who love Berlin, and for those who want to live in it.” News about city cultural events, colorful reports about restaurants, exhibitions and nightclubs, stories about interesting people.

Dictionaries and vocabulary

  • Multitran is a simple and convenient dictionary with a large number of words. The local community of translators will suggest translation of a complex expression or rare word.
  • Languageguide - the site will allow you to master basic vocabulary. Hover your cursor over an item and you'll hear the correct German pronunciation of the word or phrase.
  • ABBYY Lingvo Live is a “live” dictionary where you can not only look up the meaning of words and expressions, but also ask for help in translation.

More 80% of the country's population, active Internet users are 65 million people. Two-thirds of this number are regular visitors to various social networks, this is official data from statistical studies. According to them, numerous social networks consist of more than sixty percent of Germans over 18.

Among the most popular among Germans:

  • search engine in German;
  • public social networks, including for students, schoolchildren, etc.;
  • dating websites;
  • video hosting;
  • various online auctions;
  • Internet encyclopedias, online magazines about digital technology and online dictionaries;
  • news sites and various tabloids, the so-called “yellow press”;
  • short messaging services;
  • entertainment portals;
  • professional business network;
  • Microsoft search and software products;
  • Social networks and correspondence sites.

Naturally, the most popular are German social networks and websites where the opportunity is given find the other half. In Germany, there is a site similar to Russian Odnoklassniki StayFriends .de (27%), the portal has gathered an impressive army of fans, its visitors are Germans over the age of 40. By the way, in 2006 another social network was registered in Germany, but It is not particularly popular, only 10% of users.

Until recently, the absolute leader among social networks in Germany was Facebook, but recently he has been “moved” Twitter.

For a long time, Germans considered Twitter to be a kind of information environment for drug addicts, but now the situation has changed.

Probably the whole point is that more and more football fans are creating accounts on this portal, and this is what has given an impressive increase of 10 million visits. The top three also includes Instagram and Google takes an honorable fourth place.

Networks for work and school

There is a social network in Germany
exclusively for professional contacts on Linkedin. In which there are certain rules of behavior. All visitors must be extremely correct and must write only about what they are absolutely sure of and under their real name. And the opinions they express are only their personal opinions.

Some German companies have a social media and non-disclosure clause in their employment contracts for employees with Facebook and Twitter accounts. Absolute taboos are obscenity, insults and criticism of the company's management and the company's products.

There is also a popular network in Germany StudiVZ, this network is distributed primarily among students and student youth. 90% users German social networks those aged 18 to 30 have several accounts, while Germans over 50 prefer one network.

There is also a special social network for Russian-speaking Germans and people from the CIS countries.

Responsibility and reliability, which is a characteristic feature of the Germans, is also manifested in the field of online dating. In Germany there are many similar sites for every taste. Each platform is targeted at a specific user. Site administrators carefully check contact information, so serious people use this type of service. Registration and most of the services on the site are free.

Among such sites there are those used by Russian-speaking applicants and those who are fluent in Russian. There are those for which registration is possible from 16 years of age. Parship is extremely popular; several million people are registered on it. It offers registration after 80 test questions, and partners are selected based on psychological compatibility. Posting personal data is free, as is receiving letters, but to answer them you need to pay a certain amount. This type of site includes