Sample fire inspection reports. Sample fire safety inspection report

Fire danger is a serious fact that requires close attention. That is why one of the mandatory documents that are drawn up at enterprises various types, is a fire hazard inspection report.

Such an act has a large number of various nuances, allows you to solve many various tasks. The compilation process is carried out by a special commission of qualified specialists with a certain level of training and the necessary permits.

Based on this document, it is possible to protect your rights in court and achieve other goals.

Basic information

Today, there is no generally accepted, standard format for the inspection report of devoured objects. At the same time, there are certain recommendations on the basis of which it is necessary to create such a document.

There are certain legislative norms regulating the procedure for checking fire safety at a facility.

The document is drawn up in accordance with these standards. The condition of the object must be assessed according to certain rules. At the same time, there are many different features.

Key issues that are best considered in advance include:

  • what do you need to know?
  • what is the purpose of the document?
  • legal regulation.

What you need to know

The term “fire safety” refers to the state of a building’s protection from fire. It is for the purpose of assessing this indicator that the corresponding act is formed.

It reflects detailed information on this occasion. Certain fire safety standards have been established. They are strictly individual depending on the purpose of a particular structure or building.

The highest requirements are set for schools, as well as other buildings where a large number of people are present at the same time.

There are many fire safety requirements. It is for the purpose of verification that a special act is drawn up.

During the inspection process, the following is usually checked:

  • condition of hydrants;
  • availability of special evacuation schemes;
  • the presence of a sufficient number of fire extinguishers;
  • other.

When checking, do not forget about the need to create a list of recommendations regarding these fire standards.

If you are familiar with it, you must use the current edition, dated 2019. The NAP under consideration includes sections:

A complete list of concepts used in the law
Additional legislative acts affecting the issue of fire safety
Basic requirements for fire safety
Main tasks, types of fire protection
The role of the state fire service is outlined
How fire supervision is carried out at the state level
What powers do federal fire safety authorities have?
List of powers of local government bodies
A complete list of regulations within the framework of which fire safety is regulated
How fire safety measures are developed
Regulations for extinguishing fires, as well as performing rescue and emergency operations
How work is carried out, implementation of various procedures in the field of fire safety
The process of recording the fires themselves, as well as the consequences of their occurrence
Fire safety technical support
A complete list of responsibilities and rights in the field of fire safety
What is the liability for violations in the field of fire safety?
Administrative responsibility for officials and heads of organizations
How to bring regulations in accordance with the considered federal law

An act of the appropriate type must comply federal legislation. Otherwise, it may simply be declared void at the legal level.

As a result, it is impossible to use it for its main purpose. Therefore it is important to avoid various errors in compilation.

In addition to the general federal law discussed above, which applies to all objects without exception, there are others.

These legislative acts include:

In addition to these NPDs, there are specialized ones for objects with increased fire danger. These are oil wells, nuclear power plants and some other objects (gas distribution substations).

If there are problems, you will need to carefully read all the nuances in advance. This will avoid various kinds of troubles.

Detection of defects in the operation of the designated equipment must be appropriately reflected in the report. Based on this, repair work will subsequently be carried out.

Fire alarm

Today there is great amount the most different types fire alarms. But most of them operate on the same principle.

That is why the fire alarm testing process is carried out in a standard way. A special act is drawn up in each case.

The person in charge of the enterprise must properly draw up the form and fill it out.

Sample of filling out the form

The form itself may be standard. In this case, it usually includes the following main points/sections:

  • exact name;
  • date and place of compilation;
  • name of company;
  • date of testing;
  • a complete list of all members of the commission - names and positions are indicated;
  • denoted by Technical information regarding the equipment being tested, for example - the number of fire hydrant risers, the type of manual fire nozzle, etc.;
  • a reference to a normative act is indicated (for example,);
  • at the bottom of the documents a conclusion is made regarding the test;
  • list of comments (all deficiencies to be eliminated are indicated);
  • signatures of all commission members are affixed with a transcript.

There are a large number of different nuances that arise when drawing up a fire safety inspection report at various types of facilities.

To avoid mistakes, you should carefully study the regulatory documentation on this matter. This way you can avoid a variety of difficulties.

Fire safety inspection report– a document that is drawn up by several persons and confirms the fact of a fire safety inspection. Any regulatory measure at a supervised fire safety facility must be completed by drawing up a corresponding document. The fire safety inspection report is drawn up by an authorized person or his commission; this is a document of strict accountability, which must be drawn up on a unified form. The act indicates the actual address of the facility where the inspection was carried out, the information of the manager and the information of the person responsible for fire safety.

If minor violations are detected, instructions are issued regarding the rapid elimination of deficiencies.

Serious violations may be grounds for closure until the facility being inspected is brought into compliance with fire safety standards.

Sample fire safety inspection report

Federal State Enterprise

"Departmental security of railway transport Russian Federation»

Branch of the Federal State Enterprise VO Railway Transport of Russia on the Sverdlovskaya railway. d.

Perm VO detachment of the branch of the Federal State Enterprise VO Railways of Russia on the Sverdlovsk railway. d.
Act of carrying out control measures

Perm "__" October 20__

(place of drawing up the act)

I, senior instructor of the fire prevention sector of the Perm military detachment

(position and full name of the inspector for fire supervision in railway transport, branch of the Federal State Enterprise VO ZhDT of the Russian Federation on the Sverdlovsk Railway V.V. Golev, who carried out control measures)

on the basis of the order of NORP-2 No. 243 dated 01.10.2010. ___________________________

(indicate the date and number of the order on the basis of which the control measure was carried out)

together with the released foreman of the current repair of the Perm NGCh-1 section Podkidysheva N.I.

(position and full name of persons participating on behalf of JSC Russian Railways in carrying out control activities)

with the involvement of local heads of structural divisions of NGCh-1,

(indicate the full name of the position of the representative of the head of the division of JSC Russian Railways who was present during the control event)

guided by Art. 12 of the Federal Law “On Fire Safety” (fire safety instructions) carried out a planned measure to monitor the fire safety condition of the territory, industrial and service buildings and premises of structural units of NGCh-1 at the station. Perm-2

(specify the type of control measure)

indicate the name of the control object, its address)

During the inspection of compliance with fire safety standards and regulations, the following was established:

Administrative and service building NGCH-1

(8A Baramzina St.)

The doors leading from the 3rd floor corridor to the stairwells of the main and emergency exits are not equipped with door closers for self-closing doors.
The door closer on the doors leading from the second floor corridor to the main exit stairwell has been removed.
There are not enough signs in the third floor corridors indicating the direction of movement to the emergency exit.

Room system administrator(computer engineer) is equipped with a powder fire extinguisher. The regulations require a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.
There is no hose at the OP-5 fire extinguisher in the technical department.
The date for checking the fire extinguisher in the room has expired. No. 213.
The date for checking the fire extinguisher in the room has expired. No. 106.
The emergency exit doors from the 1st floor of the building are locked from the inside.

Emergency service NGCH-1.

There is no hose for the OP-5 fire extinguisher in the workshop.
There is no hose from the OP-5 fire extinguisher installed in the corridor near the foreman’s office.
On the doors of the warehouse, on the front side of the building, there is no sign indicating the production category, the class of the premises according to the PUE and the name of the person responsible for fire safety.

Production base NGCh-1. SBC building

The emergency exit doors from the 2nd and 1st floors are locked from the inside.
The military-industrial complex on the landing of the emergency exit is not equipped with a fire nozzle.
In the second floor corridor there is linoleum laid with unknown fire hazard indicators.
The doors leading from the 2nd floor corridor to the stairwell of the main and emergency exits are not equipped with door closers for self-closing doors.
The hatch leading to the roof of the building is not locked and there is no sign indicating the location of the key.
The civil defense training classroom is not equipped with an automatic fire alarm.
The door separating the corridor leading to the civil engineering classroom from the second floor landing is not equipped with a door closer.
There are no signs on the doors of the warehouse premises located in the SBC building indicating the category of production, the class of the premises according to the PUE, and the name of the person responsible for fire safety.
There are no fire doors in the electrical control room located in the electricians' storeroom.

Electrical shop

Fire extinguishers installed in the workshop premises have not been tested at the charging station.
The emergency exit door from the workshop premises is locked.
The automatic fire extinguishing installation (AFE) of the impregnation and drying room for electric motor windings is not working properly and is not being maintained.
No logbook Maintenance and repair of UAPT.

Carpentry shop,

The fire extinguisher installed in the VPK box has not been tested at the charging station.
The cyclone for collecting sawdust and shavings is not equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system.
There are no doors separating the corridors of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st floors from the staircases.
VPK-4 is provided with an unusable fire hose.
The door of the electrical room does not meet the requirements of the fire resistance standards.
The lumber drying chamber is not equipped with a fire extinguishing system.


Fire extinguishers whose next inspection date has expired.

Garage-hangar building

The military-industrial complex is not equipped with a box or a fire hose with a barrel.
The integrity of the protective glass on the manual fire call point has been damaged.

Warehouse buildings

Indicators of production category, room class according to PUE on entrance doors All warehouses require updating.
Warehouse No. 21 contains unused electrical equipment and wiring.
The fire alarm system in the warehouse buildings was not working properly at the time of the inspection.
In the electricians' storeroom near the passages, the electrical wiring was laid in violation of the PUE; there is no protective cap on the lighting fixture.

Auto garage

An electric cable is laid across the flammable roof of the garage building.


Regular maintenance of the automatic security and fire alarm system protecting the warehouse and production facilities of the base is not carried out.
An electric furnace without a thermostat is used in the walk-through rooms.
The watchman's instructions on what to do in case of a fire require revision.
Telephone connection is not working properly.
There is no non-flammable, thermally insulating stand under the electric kettle.
The APS maintenance log is not filled out properly.
Spare keys to the gates and premises are not signed.

Dormitory building and DOLB (Genkel St. 9)

The OU-3 fire extinguisher in the watchmen's service area is not working properly.
The dormitory manager's office is not provided with a reminder about the need to de-energize electrical appliances before leaving the premises.
There is no sign in the manager's office with the fire department call number.
OU-3 fire extinguishers installed in fire hydrant boxes on staircase landings are not suitable for use, because Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are equipped with hoses from powder fire extinguishers.
The inspection date for the fire extinguisher in the DOLB smoking room is past due.
In the pantry room, located in the waste collection chamber, there is an electric lighting lamp without a protective cap.
In the pump room, the OU-3 fire extinguisher does not have a socket.
On the doors of the storerooms in the basement there are no names of the responsible persons to whom these storerooms are assigned.
There are no boiler rooms in the basement safety glass on lampshades.
The basement adjacent to the boiler room has not been cleared of flammable debris.
The duty operator's room is not equipped with a sign with the fire department call number.

General notes on the entire Perm section

There is no numbering of internal fire hydrants at facilities equipped with internal fire water supply.
There are no inventory numbers, operational passports for fire extinguishers, or a maintenance log for fire extinguishers installed in industrial and service buildings.
Evacuation plans from buildings were not carried out in accordance with GOST 12.2.143-2009.

Measures taken: One copy of this act was handed over to the head of NGCh-1 V.V. Bokov.

(indicate measures to eliminate violations taken by the fire inspector at the railway:

Order No. 13/12/2012 was issued to eliminate the identified violations of the safety regulations.

departmental fire supervision order, order to suspend operation, attached to this act,
___________________________________ their numbers and dates)

Explanations of persons who are responsible for violations of fire safety standards and regulations _______________________________________________

(also provide information about familiarization or refusal to familiarize yourself with the manager’s act

Divisions of JSC Russian Railways or its representative, as well as persons present during the

control measures, their signatures or a record of refusal to sign)


(indicate attached documents related to control activities)
__________________ art. NORI Golev V.V.

(signature) (position, full name of fire inspector

"____" ________________20__

Head of NGCh-1 Bokov V.V.

(signature) (position, surname, initials)

Legislative support for fire safety inspections

Fire inspection inspections are regulated by No. 820-FZ “On State Fire Supervision” adopted in 2004. This regulatory act establishes the procedure for conducting inspections, the powers of inspectors, the rights and obligations of the person or organization being inspected, and the frequency of inspections. In accordance with this law, the fire inspectorate is obliged to notify the person being inspected in advance about the fact of the upcoming inspection, and to carry out the inspection itself no more than once every 2 years, with a duration of no more than 1 month (increasing these periods is possible only in exceptional cases). More frequent visits by the inspector are permitted subject to monitoring of compliance with the inspection instructions regarding previously identified violations.

Based on another regulatory act - No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state. control..." public authorities, namely the General Prosecutor's Office and the monitoring organization itself, not only send a notification of inspections to the person being inspected, but also publish in the public domain a plan for conducting them, including a plan for fire inspections. Any entrepreneur can enter the name of his organization (or individual entrepreneur), TIN and as a result find out whether a fire safety inspection will be carried out in the coming year.

Step 1: Start Fire Check

So, the beginning of a fire safety inspection is to receive notification of the date of the inspectors’ visit, the timing and procedure for conducting the inspection. On the date specified in the notification, a fire inspector will come to you and the first thing he must do is present you with a written order from the head of the fire department (or his deputy). Without presenting this document, no fire safety inspection can be carried out.

This document must contain information about the date of the inspection, its type, the name of the organization being inspected (or individual entrepreneur) and, most importantly, the full name. and the rank of inspector. You need to check all this information most carefully and if any discrepancies are found, demand that the document be replaced with a reliable one (for example, another inspector came to you). In addition, inspectors do not have the right to exceed the inspection periods stated in this order.

It would be a good idea to take a photocopy of the fire safety inspection order so that you can always refer to its contents and monitor the inspector’s actions for violations.

Step 2: Document Verification

After the fire inspector confirms his authority, he will first ask you to present documents that are necessary to comply with the fire safety regime of the controlled facility. The list of such documents may vary depending on the type of activity performed, the danger of production, the size of the premises, the number of employees, and so on. However, this list will definitely include:

The need for fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment in the premises depends on the area and specific use of the building. You can find out whether the building or premises you are using falls under current standards in the so-called NBP 110-03 “List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection automatic installations fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm systems.”

inspection reports of fire hydrants or water pipes (if your building has them, of course).

Step 3: Checking the fire safety of the premises

After checking the documents, the inspector will begin a direct inspection of the building (or premises), during which he will check:

compliance of the evacuation plan with the actual configuration of the premises

finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings

Availability, correct location and status of emergency exits

the condition of the bars on the windows - they must be opened from the inside if all the windows in the room are barred

availability, quantity, condition and correct location of fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment

general condition of the room, passages and escape routes for clutter

availability of information signs about evacuation routes, fire exits, designation of fire extinguishers and indication of the telephone number in case of fire

presence and condition of fire warning systems (for those premises where more than 10 people work)

Step 4: Drawing up a fire safety inspection report

Based on the results of the control activities, the inspector must draw up a report on the fire safety inspection performed. Even during the process of inspecting the premises and checking documents, he may ask for explanations about any identified violations or shortcomings in the organization of fire safety. Taking these comments into account, and also based on generally accepted practice, a Fire Inspection Report is drawn up. As a rule, its preparation takes 2-3 days, after which the fire inspector presents it to the head of the inspected legal entity or individual entrepreneur against signature.

The Fire Inspection Report contains:

information about the compiler (inspector) and the company being inspected, the date of the inspection

description of the current fire technical condition checked premises

list of identified violations with an appeal to current fire safety standards

measures of influence on the violator, responsibility assigned to him

explanations of those responsible for the identified violations

notes indicating that the person being inspected (or his representative) has familiarized himself with the act, as well as agreement or disagreement with its contents and information about violations

in case of detection serious violations, the protocols drawn up during the inspection of persons responsible for fire safety are attached to the act.

If you do not agree with the contents of the Fire Inspection Report, it does not record your explanations, you consider the violations or enforcement measures to be unfounded, then be sure to indicate “I do not agree” in the form of the report and argue in detail for your position.

From current practice, it can be argued that fire safety inspection is a serious matter, but rarely leads to serious liability in the event of the initial discovery of non-serious violations. In most cases, the fire inspector is limited to a warning and draws up an appropriate order with recommendations for eliminating the violation, as well as indicating the time frame for checking compliance with these instructions. If you maliciously violate fire safety regulations, or do not comply with the instructions of fire inspectors, then you cannot avoid administrative liability, and in extreme cases, the initiation of criminal proceedings.

The guarantee that right moment automatic system fire safety system will work as it should and thereby preserve people’s health, it is necessary to regularly check its performance. Here it is necessary to clearly separate two concepts: maintenance and checking the functionality of the system. The first option involves carrying out the work by the enterprise or organization itself, the second involves the involvement of licensed contractors.

In addition, the results of such work are regulated in different ways. After maintenance, the results are recorded in the log book, and after checking the operation, a corresponding report is drawn up.

What kind of document is this

The performance certificate itself is an official document, which is drawn up by several officials and confirms the work performed and the facts established. The parties constituting it are head of the enterprise, who is responsible for organizing fire safety, as well as licensed contractor representative.

Basically, to monitor the performance of the system, they check the serviceability of all devices and instruments included in it, the correct placement of all technical means, and also check that there is no interference with their work. In addition, the electrical insulation strength and protection of all electrical wiring contact connections are checked.

Check procedure

As for this procedure, it comes down to two options:

  • The first option involves assessment of the operating condition of the entire system. To carry it out, conditions are created under which the operation of the system’s sensors is simulated. To do this, the control panel sends special teams. It is also possible to use mechanical switches and magnetic keys that trigger an alarm. The only negative This test is that it is impossible to check the operation of the sensitive elements on which the response in real emergency situations depends.
  • The second option is designed for fire simulation. For this, a telescopic hose is used, at the end of which a metal cup is attached. A special heating device or preparation is placed in it, which simulates smoke. Such a check will show how correctly the system works. The main disadvantage this option are large time costs for its implementation.

In the following video you can see the procedure for carrying out this procedure:

Process of filling out the document

The act is completed in two copies. When compiling it, it is necessary to indicate:

  • The address of the object that is being checked.
  • Type of fire protection system installed.
  • List of work performed.
  • Verification deadlines.
  • The final conclusion about the condition of the equipment, which may contain identified violations or their absence.

After completing the main part, officials put signatures and certify them with a seal.

If deficiencies in the system are identified, a set of measures to eliminate them is developed based on the report.

Fire alarm testing is carried out at least once a quarter, and each fact of such verification must be recorded in an act. Because this document may be needed at any time, you need to remember that smoke extractors must be checked at least once a month, and heat sensors - three times a year.

All actions to determine the correct operation of the fire alarm are carried out in order to determine the correctness of its functioning. In addition, inspections help determine whether the system complies with all regulations and requirements that apply to the this moment, and confirmation of this is the corresponding act.

​Timely checking the functionality of the fire alarm system, hereinafter referred to as the fire alarm system, allows you to minimize the likelihood negative consequences which may arise in case technical malfunction fire safety warning systems. To monitor the functionality of fire alarm equipment, such actions must be carried out at least once every three months with the obligatory drawing up of a corresponding report reflecting the result of the check.

The installation of a fire safety complex is legally entrusted to the heads of enterprises, organizations or any institutions associated with the permanent or temporary stay of people. Installation must be carried out by a qualified contractor who has a specialized license to carry out this type of work. In the future, inspection of the technical condition is carried out with the involvement of the contractor organization that installed the substation equipment. The customer, represented by the manager, should take an extremely responsible approach to choosing an organization with which to enter into an agreement for the installation and maintenance of fire alarm equipment, because the slightest malfunction of the response and warning systems in the event of a fire can lead to fatal consequences.

The main functions of fire alarm systems are detecting a fire at the initial stage and launching fire alarm devices. Additional features automatic fire alarm systems:

  1. Automatic switching on evacuation control systems.
  2. Start ventilation mode.
  3. Activation of automatic fire extinguishing devices.

Performing a system check

Due to the high importance of fire alarm devices for preserving the life and health of people in a critical situation, regular monitoring of the operating functionality of the equipment is necessary. The head of an enterprise, institution or organization is obliged to authorize inspections of the PS with the involvement of representatives of the contractor organization with whom an agreement was concluded for the provision of this type of service. This event should be carried out at least once a quarter, and at facilities with high degree fire hazards are even more common.

Important! A contractor who does not have the appropriate license is not authorized to install and test fire alarm system equipment.

To carry out initial testing of the PS, it is advisable to involve a state fire inspector. Despite the fact that its presence is not mandatory, such a measure will help in the future to avoid possible complaints from fire authorities. After monitoring the quality of equipment operation, a fire alarm inspection report is drawn up in two copies, which displays the results obtained during the inspection on the operability of the substation, the presence or absence of any violations or technical failures.

An assessment of the technical condition of the substation must certainly be carried out in the presence of the boss, the manager of the facility, hereinafter referred to as the customer or the person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise, whose powers are confirmed by the internal order of the organization. The person responsible for fire safety is assigned the following functions:

  1. Monitoring compliance with the requirements of fire authorities.
  2. Active promotion of fire safety measures.
  3. Monitoring the operation and maintenance of all fire protection means and systems in proper working order, in particular, carrying out regular checks installed equipment PS with the mandatory drawing up of a report on the results obtained.

A sample of filling out documentation on the control of fire alarm equipment is fixed in Appendix No. 19 to Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 292 dated May 28, 2012.

Mandatory information, which should be contained in the document:

  1. Legal address the object at which the inspection is being carried out.
  2. Type of installed equipment.
  3. List of persons present during equipment inspection. The customer and the contractor actually carrying out verification activities of the system's operability must be indicated separately.
  4. Scheduled list of events carried out.
  5. Dates.
  6. Conclusion on the results, notes containing information about all identified violations or their absence.
  7. Signatures with transcripts of those present.

A copy of the act is sent to the fire safety inspector authorized to exercise control over the facility, if the inspector was not present in person during the inspection. The originals, in the amount of 2 pieces, remain one copy each with the customer and the contractor who carried out audit actions to monitor the performance of the systems at the site.