The need to drink was not shown by the breathalyzer. Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer and how to do it? Mints, chewing gum

A traffic police inspector stops you and asks you to “blow into the tube.” You are confident and agree, and suddenly the device shows that you are drunk. Congratulations, you did it all wrong. How will be correct? Our lawyer shares his experience.

There are, of course, people who don’t drink at all, but most often in such cases they are tormented by doubts. What if it hasn’t cleared up yet from the weekend, despite the fact that it’s already the end of the week?! And you, like most drivers, make another mistake. Tell the inspector that yes, three days ago you sinned and drank one bottle of beer, naively relying on his understanding. Don't even hope, miracles don't happen. You just announced your use, and this is a direct path to doctors for examination.

So how to behave competently in this case?

Let's look at the same situation, only with your correct actions.

So, an inspector stops you and asks you to take an alcohol test. And you, before blowing into the phone, answer that you will gladly comply with his demand, but only after he finds two witnesses, who cannot be his colleagues, or starts video recording what is happening, and then draws up a protocol on your removal from driving a car.

Warn the inspector that you are sober and therefore, if his device shows something bad, then you yourself will demand a trip to the doctors! And he will have to draw up another protocol on sending you for a medical examination, in which he is obliged to indicate the signs of your intoxication.

After your words, most likely, the inspector will simply let you go.

Well, if the inspector nevertheless found witnesses or a video camera and drew up a report, then ask him for a certificate for the breathalyzer and the original certificate of verification of the device.

Let me remind you that testing you for alcohol on the road using a breathalyzer is measured taking into account the device’s permissible error of 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled air. Therefore, it will not be superfluous if you check with the inspector what his error is. technical means. If the device shows a value of 0.16, you are sober.

And remember that a roadside examination is not proof of your intoxication; it will only be direct evidence if you yourself agree with its results!

Under no circumstances refuse to undergo a medical examination, otherwise you will have to walk for two years, and you will also have to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

Then, if you do not agree with the results of the breathalyzer, then insist on going to the doctors yourself.

In the protocol handed over to you for signature, indicate that the inspector accused you of being drunk without any reason. They did not drink alcoholic beverages. You do not agree with the alleged violation and require the help of a lawyer. And if an inspector stops you outside a traffic police post, citing a document check as the reason for the stop, then be sure to reflect this fact in the protocol. Since checking documents is not the reason for stopping outside a stationary post, which means that there is already a violation on his part.


So, you are sent for examination. You will most likely go with the police in their car. Question: what to do with your car? Even if the breathalyzer shows something, you are not yet recognized as drunk, so you cannot evacuate the car; it must remain at the stop site. If the examination finds you drunk, then you will either have to be taken to the impound lot or handed over to your friend or relative who is registered with the OSAGO (if you have unlimited insurance, anyone with a license can get behind the wheel).

Upon arrival at a medical facility, ask the doctors to show you a license to conduct a medical examination, as well as a certificate of conformity of the devices they use.

Physicians must take two measurements of instrument readings with an interval of 20 minutes. Regardless of the results, the doctor draws up a medical examination report in triplicate. The act is signed by a doctor and certified with a seal. One copy of the act is given to you.

Doctors record each medical examination procedure in a special journal.

If you are found drunk, the inspector is required to draw up a report on the administrative offense. In the protocol, you should definitely indicate that you do not agree with it, since you did not drink alcohol, and that you require an independent medical examination. Enter the time.

Next, the inspector draws up a second protocol “On the detention vehicle“, after which your car will be towed until the reason for the detention is eliminated, that is, until the testimony of the next examination, which will refute the result of the medical examination. Therefore, I repeat, it is better to transfer your car to reliable hands in advance and then there will be nothing to evacuate.

And know that you have exactly 2 hours to undergo an independent paid examination from the time specified in the medical examination report.

And the inspector also does not have the right to confiscate your driver’s license and issue a temporary permit, as he should have done before, since such a thing as a “temporary permit” no longer exists. Your obligation to surrender your driver's license will begin from the day when the court order depriving you of the right to drive vehicles comes into force - from that moment you will have exactly 3 days.

If there were violations on the part of the inspector when sending you for a medical examination or he took you to the doctors sober, you wasted your time, then immediately send a complaint against him. And you can appeal the inspector’s actions to his immediate superiors, to the control and preventive department of the traffic police, to the Internal Security Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate or to the prosecutor’s office, and immediately to a lawyer. Then perhaps you have a chance to get your license back before the trial.

According to Article 137.5 of Order No. 185 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the driver is found sober, then the traffic police inspector is obliged to take him back to the car. He shouldn’t go with you to the independent examination, so you’ll have to take a taxi from there.

Question: what should you do if your car was taken away on a tow truck while you were undergoing a new inspection? Look for the inspector who signed the report on the detention of the vehicle; his information is in the report. Based on the paper from the medical center stating your sobriety, he must put a stamp from the duty department on a copy of the protocol - this will be your permission to pick up the car from the parking lot.

There is still the issue of paying for tow truck services... But this is a topic for a separate conversation, to which we will return soon. Be confident in communicating with the inspector and learn to competently defend your rights!

Below, especially for you, we have compiled a visual infographic with an algorithm of actions. Print this picture and take it with you!

amp;amp;lt;a href=»»amp;amp;gt;Did you have to take a breathalyzer test from a traffic police inspector?amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp; gt;

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Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer and how to do it?

For the first time, you are driving slightly under the chafe, and the vigilant inspector is already waving his baton asking you to slow down... What to do? Cause panic? Should you refuse the breathalyzer or try to fool it?

If these are modifications without a mouthpiece, inexpensive or semiconductor, then you can try.

In other cases, you shouldn’t even ask the question “How to fool a breathalyzer?” – failure will still be expected, because the majority of representatives of the law are “armed” with electrochemical models.

Is it possible to fool a modern type of breathalyzer?

More precisely, not to deceive, but to influence the indicators in order to slightly reduce the effect, because the thin sensor is capable of responding to the smallest details.

  1. The level of alcohol is closely related to the period of its consumption, that is, the more distant it is, the easier it is to cheat the breathalyzer. The fact is that during the first 10 minutes, particles of alcohol are retained in the oral cavity. They are the ones who influence the inflated indicators, immediately getting into the exhaled air. But if more than 10 minutes have passed since consumption, the device detects alcohol vapor in the lungs, which is what it was originally designed for. Therefore, it is worth trying to delay testing so that the alcohol disappears from your mouth and the numbers turn out to be a little lower.
  1. Before blowing into the tube, ventilate your lungs by taking several active exhalations/inhalations. Alcohol vapor will be diluted by air masses, and the indicators will be lower than real. At least for a little bit. The result is especially approximate on devices with semiconductor sensors. It is possible to cheat a breathalyzer of this modification: the data will be halved.

How to fool a breathalyzer?

  • exhale air not into the tube, but past it, hoping for dark time days or due to inspector negligence;
  • drink any vegetable oil - approximately 70-80 milliliters will help you cheat the breathalyzer, or at least try;
  • eat a hearty meal at the holiday table, that is, try to have a hearty snack;
  • before the trip, visit the sauna or spend several hours in a steam room or bathhouse to reduce the effects of alcohol.

How can you fool a breathalyzer? When leaving the table, do not rush for the steering wheel of the car, but lie down and get some sleep. Or don't drink alcohol at all. The latter is the surest way to avoid getting a fine.

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer using traditional methods?

Vigorous ventilation of the lungs has already been discussed above, as well as delaying the moment of blowing. With a mouthpiece-less device, you can try to blow as hard as you can, but keep the device away from your mouth, although this method of deceiving the breathalyzer will no longer work - such models are almost never used. In addition, you can:

  • drink something that does not contain alcohol;
  • use the Anti-Police additive;
  • do not breathe intensely into the tube;
  • and monitor your condition before each trip;
  • eat a few coffee beans;
  • chew a clove of garlic;
  • find out your norm and not go beyond what is permissible with ppm tracking;
  • snack on white chocolate or eat a piece of it before taking a breathalyzer test;
  • perform several active physical exercises, which, they say, also helps if you don’t know how to fool the breathalyzer in another way.

Debunking myths

No matter what they say, the deception of a progressive-type breathalyzer is not very realistic. It analyzes the collected material at the molecular level, so it senses even a tiny fraction of ethanol. As a result, only a traffic police representative can be shocked with garlic, chocolate and coffee, but not a delicate device.

Physical activities, exercises, sleep, and a steam room allow you to remove alcohol rather than mask its presence.

The “weak exhalation” is also an outsider, since modern samples will not show the result until they receive a sufficient amount of air for analysis. The only right decision is to give up alcohol before the trip or not to abuse it at all. Then you won’t have to think about how to fool the breathalyzer.

You can buy a breathalyzer for personal use in our store with a 5% discount. H To get a discount use the promo code: DISCOUNT2017

Finding out after what time a breathalyzer does not show alcohol in the exhaled air will be useful for all car owners, especially if the work is related to public transport management.

Also, this knowledge will be useful to everyone whose line of work involves great responsibility, especially for people’s lives, because the body does not recover immediately after sobering up, and, accordingly, all mental processes and reactions to what is happening remain inhibited.

How to independently calculate how long it will take for alcohol to leave the body?

Approximately 100-130 mg of alcohol is produced per kilogram of weight per hour.

50 grams of vodka is equivalent to 0.5 liters of beer. You can answer the question of how long it takes for vodka to evaporate by calculating that it takes approximately 2-3 hours for every 50 grams.

If a glass of vodka 200 grams was drunk, then the alcohol withdrawal time will be approximately 12 hours. For example, in a man of average weight (from 80 to 90 kg), 5 bottles of beer will excrete the same amount as 250 grams. vodka - 12 hours.

And for a girl, even one glass of champagne takes about two and a half hours. A bottle of red wine contains 750 grams and will take approximately 18 hours to hatch.

The rate at which alcohol evaporates depends on several factors:

  • the amount of food previously taken;
  • metabolic features.

If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it will disappear faster than after eating. Ethyl alcohol does not stay long in an empty stomach. In this case, intoxication occurs quickly, and the process of sobering up quickly occurs.

The female sex is less resistant to drinking, and their weathering occurs 20 percent slower than in men.

When there is food in the stomach, the hops remain until all the food is digested. In this case, the person becomes intoxicated much longer, and remains intoxicated for a longer time.

In one and the same individual, at different periods, the same amount of drink is broken down differently. This depends on the state of the body at the time of the feast, on the individual characteristics of metabolism.

Therefore, it is impossible to independently calculate how long it will take for a breathalyzer to accurately show the absence of traces of alcohol in the body. Even based on the data from the table of the ratio of weight, alcohol consumed and the approximate time of its elimination.

Since in the Russian Federation there is a law that only a driver with complete absence alcohol in the body, it is most reliable to use a personal breathalyzer. And before the trip, after the previous event, you will definitely check it.

How to measure the concentration of alcohol in the body?

  1. Determination of the amount of alcohol in exhaled air. With this method, the car enthusiast breathes into the tube of the measuring device. The maximum rate is 0.16 ppm per liter of exhaled air.
  2. Determination of the amount of alcohol in the blood. This diagnostic method is used in medical institutions where a driver is admitted who is suspected of consuming prohibited alcohol-containing liquids. Blood is drawn for testing. Maximum value is 0.35 ml/l.

The second method is considered a more objective indicator. Ethyl alcohol is removed from a person for a very long time, so even with acceptable breathalyzer readings, during a clinical study, the test can still show the presence of intoxication.

Depending on the alcohol content, an indicator is calculated, which is called ppm, that is, the degree of intoxication.

0.1 ppm equals 0.045 mg of alcohol per liter of blood. This is a quantitative indicator.

Breathalyzers are used by traffic police inspectors to check the driver for alcohol intoxication.

It is important to know that when passing a breathalyzer on traffic police devices, the indicators will be calculated from the emitted vapors of the drink in the exhaled air, and not its content in the blood.

There are cases when there are no longer any traces of alcohol in the blood, but it will be detectable in the air. These are situations where the motorist has taken medications such as Corvalol, Valocordin, or valerian.

These medications contain alcohol. Although the maximum permissible dose of medication is very low, the device’s readings will indicate the content of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air. There will be no alcohol in the blood, since it will not have time to get there, immediately oxidizing in the stomach.

How many ppm the breathalyzer will show depends on the time elapsed since drinking alcohol and the dose.

Until 2013 by law Russian Federation the permissible amount of alcohol should have been 0 ppm.

Today, the permissible level of 0.2 - 0.3 ppm in the blood is allowed only because the measuring instruments may have a factory error in the final data.

What is associated with different metabolisms, people with high level endogenous, that is, natural alcohol. This range is also necessary so that a driver who has taken a drug containing alcohol can drive.

Foods to be consumed with caution

The following are foods that may result in a breathalyzer test: positive result. They should be used with caution before driving a car.

These products include:

  • stale bananas,
  • fermented milk,
  • chocolate,
  • citrus,
  • warm juice,
  • black bread with sausage.

After eating such food, a small amount of ppm is detected. Until 2013, when the law set the alcohol content to 0 ppm, many people were fined and lost their driver's license after eating such a breakfast.

Calculation algorithm

There is a convenient Vermak formula that allows you to calculate after what time the ppm indicator will be optimal for driving a car.

The following data is taken into account for the calculation:

  1. The alcohol content in the bottle of the drink you are taking. Dosage information is found on all labels.
  2. Weight of a person who drinks strong drinks. The final concentration of ethyl alcohol depends on the volume of blood in the human body. Volume, in turn, is related to body weight.

Since the effects of alcohol on men and women differ, a correction factor has been introduced. For women it is 0.6, and for men it is 0.7.

The formula looks like this:

Mass of alcohol in grams (see on the label) + weight (kg) + correction factor = number of ppm.

Despite all the variety of breathalyzers, the accuracy of their readings, as well as the many calculation methods indicating whether the alcohol content has evaporated, the most reliable way to avoid trouble is simply not to drink at least 24 hours before any trip.

Coffee, mint, mouthwash, garlic and even a tablet with miraculous properties - you can read so much on the Internet in various forums and in comments about ways to fool the breathalyzer of traffic police officers. Is it really possible to change the breathalyzer readings during an on-site medical examination, which can be carried out by traffic police officers if they suspect the driver is intoxicated or simply hungover? We checked.

What kind of country are we where many people, instead of following the law, are constantly looking for ways to circumvent it. Look around you: people are grumbling about the fact that in our country many laws simply do not work. Remember how we recently discussed the “golden boys” who provoked a traffic police chase in an SUV, as a result of which brave young guys from wealthy families showed what a German charged SUV is capable of. Or Mara Baghdasaryan, whom even children probably discussed and condemned for racing on the roads.

As you can see, society, prompted by the media, has actively begun to shame such major drivers, for whom the law is like spam in their mailbox.

Unfortunately, such an attitude in society does not mean that we have become more law-abiding. Many Russians still have a negative attitude towards other people breaking the law, but despite this, they continue to break it themselves. It is enough to look at the situation on the roads of Russia (to do this you just need to study the statistics of road accidents), and it immediately becomes clear that the Rules traffic For many car enthusiasts, they exist only on paper.

Here's an example. You won’t believe how many people are looking on the Internet for information on how to fool traffic police cameras, which will probably soon be hanging on every pole. There are also many requests on the Internet about not paying a fine.

Horror! Entire threads of popular Internet forums are devoted to these topics.

But this is not what interests people most. You won’t believe it, but most often car enthusiasts discuss breathalyzers on the Internet. What is this for? Here's what it's all about.

To begin with, we suggest you read our article “How long before you can drive after drinking alcohol.” In it, we published a survey we conducted on the topic “Do you drive with a hangover?” Check out the results - you'll probably be surprised. As it turned out, almost half of those surveyed get behind the wheel in the morning with a hangover. Agree, the result is shocking. After all, driving with a hangover is very dangerous, and if there is residual alcohol in the body, it is also illegal.

Now do you understand why so many people are looking for information about breathalyzers on the Internet? And now attention - what follows is even more interesting. Do you know what car enthusiasts look for most often when they type in search bar"breathalyzer"? Information on how to deceive this device.

What does this mean? Unfortunately, this fact clearly indicates that people in our country are not ready to give up drinking alcohol, as well as early car trips. For example, to work. So our citizens are looking for life hacks, tips and ways to fool breathalyzers, in the hope of finding the holy grail that will allow them to both drink and drive.

These are the strange times we live in: people heatedly discuss others breaking the law, while they themselves break it every day, driving either drunk or hungover, putting all road users at risk.

Is it possible to fool the breathalyzer?

To dispel all sorts of myths, speculation, etc., we decided to check whether it is possible to fool the breathalyzers used by traffic police officers to identify drunk people on the road.

First, let's find out how a breathalyzer works.

Breathalyzer, or breathalyzer, is a device for assessing the alcohol content in a person’s exhaled breath. The breathalyzer was developed by Robert Frank Borkenstein. This device was first registered under the trademark on May 13, 1954.

But the history of the breathalyzer began long before its serial sales began.

Thus, research into the possibility of using human breath to test alcohol levels in the body began at the end of the 19th century, when Francis E. Anstey established that small amounts of alcohol are excreted in human breath.

But Robert Frank Borkenstein, working in the US police and also as a professor at Indiana University Bloomington, created the world's first practical device that allows one to determine the alcohol content in the body from the air exhaled by a person.

If his first breathalyzer used chemical oxidation and photometry to determine alcohol in exhaled air, then later breath analyzers were improved and could determine the concentration of alcohol in the human body using infrared spectroscopy.

In 1967, Bill Doocy and Tom Parry Jones developed and sold the first electronic breathing apparatus in Britain.

IN currently The most common breathalyzers around the world are electronic breathalyzers with electrochemical sensors that determine the amount of alcohol in the exhaled air.

Breathalyzers with infrared sensors are less commonly used. Previously, breathalyzers with semiconductor sensors were also used, but due to the large error and instability of measurement reliability, such breathalyzers are practically not used at the moment, with the exception of cheap Chinese analogues presented on the mass market.

How do breathalyzers with electrochemical sensors detect the alcohol content in exhaled air?

When a person exhales air from the lungs, it enters the breathalyzer analyzer. Any ethanol (alcohol) present in human breath is oxidized to acetic acid at the anode:

CH 3 CH 2 OH (g) + H 2 O (l) → CH 3 CO 2 H (l) + 4H + (aq) + 4e -

At the cathode the amount of atmospheric oxygen decreases:

O 2 (g) + 4H + (aq) + 4e - → 2H 2 O (l)

The general reaction is the oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid and water.

CH 3 CH 2 OH (l) + O 2 (g) → CH 3 COOH (aq) + H 2 O (l)

The electrical current produced by this reaction is measured using a breathalyzer microcontroller. Next, the data is displayed on the breathalyzer screen, showing the ethanol concentration in the air exhaled by a person.

Electrochemical sensor used in breathalyzers

Such operation of a breathalyzer is possible thanks to an electrochemical sensor, which is an electrochemical cell with two plutonium electrodes on the anode. This anode is deposited with a catalyst specific to ethanol (alcohol/alcohol).

Thanks to this catalyst, ethanol enters into a redox reaction releasing free electrons.

Breathalyzers with infrared sensor use the principle of absorption infrared radiation ethanol (alcohol) vapors. Such modern innovative breathalyzers are a kind of spectrophotometers that are tuned to a specific absorption wavelength.

As you can see, modern breathalyzers are quite technologically advanced devices that can detect even individual molecules of alcohol in the exhaled air. That is, if a sensitive chemical sensor or infrared sensor detects the presence of ethanol molecules by oxidizing alcohol on the sensor to acetic acid or by shifting the infrared spectrum, then the breathalyzer will show the exact alcohol content in the exhaled air.

But is it possible to deceive these smart devices? After all, there are rumors among car enthusiasts that this can actually be done. And what do you think? Do you believe in such stories? In fact, in most cases you will not be able to fool even the cheapest breathalyzer. After all, to do this, you need to change the laws of chemistry and even physics. Weak? Certainly. This is only possible for supermen in American comics and the heroes of the film Interstellar.

Despite the absurdity of such theories, great amount For some reason people believe that breathalyzers can be fooled. Also, many are convinced that there are magic pills in the world that allegedly allow modern breathalyzers used by the traffic police and medical laboratories to mislead. Don't believe in such myths. This is scientific nonsense. It's like believing in ghosts, mediums, fortune tellers and psychics.

For example, there is an opinion that breathalyzers can be fooled with onions, breath freshener, mouthwash, toothpaste and even regular battery, hidden in the mouth.

But similar methods have been tested more than once in various tests, which have shown that all these life hacks for deceiving breathalyzers do not work.

Moreover, mouthwashes often contain ethanol, which may not only not reduce the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air, but may even increase it.

Does coffee or a refreshing shower help reduce the amount of alcohol in your breath?

It is believed that coffee or a cold shower can help reduce the amount of alcohol in the body. Experiments have also been carried out on this matter more than once and even Scientific research, as a result of which it was found that coffee and a cold shower have a stimulating effect on a person, but nothing more. That is, the concentration of alcohol in the body and, accordingly, in the exhaled air does not decrease.

There are many holidays in our country, especially on New Year's days. And where there are holidays, there is alcohol, and sometimes in large quantities! After the feast, some people get behind the wheel, citing the fact that they have “knocked down” their alcohol intoxication (that is, they have removed the smell)! Which I absolutely do not support! After all, guys, the smell is not yet a sober person, and the traffic police officers are now armed with breathalyzers that cannot be fooled! Or is it possible? Let's think today...

Indeed, is it possible to fool a breathalyzer?

Looking ahead, I’ll say - YOU CAN’T FICTION THE BREATH ALITER! And the more serious the breathalyzer, the higher its accuracy!

Of course, I watched a lot of material both on the Internet and on television, where they interrupted the smell of alcohol and then breathed into a breathalyzer, and still it showed certain data that the person was drunk!

Knocked down the smell various methods: - the most common are onions or garlic, also coffee or coffee beans, seeds, bay leaves, white or dark chocolate

There are also less accessible ones - such as nutmeg or cloves.

After such a cocktail, the smell of alcohol definitely went away. But the man still remained drunk. And the breathalyzer quickly showed this.

My experiment with a breathalyzer

Guys, I decided to do my own experiment with my breathalyzer (you can read it -). After which I will try to find out whether it is possible to fool the breathalyzer using improvised means.

We had a feast, we drank a fair amount, after which I measured the level of alcohol in the blood, without any improvised means.

The breathalyzer showed 1.9 ppm. If you evaluate the person’s condition, then this is an average severity of intoxication!

After that, I took a regular onion, was able to eat half an onion, and now I smell not only coffee, but also onions. And then I measured the alcohol level again, it did not change - 1.9 ppm.

This experiment is on video, watch it.

Guys, I also tried garlic, chocolate, and even “lavrushka” (bay leaf). But nothing really helped, it stayed the same as 1.9!

This is the conclusion! Guys, don’t try to fool the breathalyzer, you won’t succeed! Especially a professional one, like the one in the traffic police car! Of course, you can kill the smell, a traffic police inspector can do this, but nothing more! Don't be fooled by technology!

Why doesn't the smell overcome the alcohol?

It’s simple, when alcohol enters a person’s stomach, it is absorbed into the blood. Then it goes out through the lungs along with carbon dioxide, and therefore the smell from the mouth cannot in any way interfere with the alcohol vapors coming out of the lungs! The breathalyzer detects precisely these vapors and shows the level of intoxication of a person! The more vapor, the higher the blood alcohol level!

What's the result?

It's also simple! YOU CAN'T FIELD THE BRAHALATER! With no means at hand (such as onions, garlic, bay leaves, coffee, etc.), the smell can still go away, which is also not a fact (especially if you drink a lot of alcohol)! You need to wait for the alcohol to simply leave the blood, that is, to disintegrate! And only after that he gets behind the wheel of a car! THIS IS A SIMPLE TRUTH THAT EVERY DRIVER SHOULD REMEMBER! DO NOT drive drunk, you can ruin the lives of yourself and other road users!

And that’s all for me, watch and read our AUTOBLOG!