Numerology of your phone number. Meaning of numbers

In numerology, the number 3 is associated with something divine, absolutely perfect. Everyone knows that three is a sign of the trinity, one of the most mysterious, beautiful and lucky numbers.

In the article:

The meaning of the number three in numerology and more

Even without knowing numerology, you can understand that the number three is actually unique. It is found literally everywhere, has many reflections in human life, in the religious sphere, in magic.

In the Christian religion, three is sacred, because it represents the Holy Father, Son and Spirit. Their holistic energy symbolizes boundless love and light. What other ones are there? Interesting Facts, associated with three?

  • 3 heavens of heaven.
  • Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day.
  • Three crosses located on Golgotha.
  • The Apostle Peter denied Jesus three times.
  • When meeting a friend, kiss him three times.
  • After the doxology, Orthodox Christians are baptized three times.
  • According to tradition, a full-fledged family must have at least three people: mother, father and baby.

The number has many faces and symbolizes the unity of this world. For many centuries, people believed that this number could be considered a symbol of the triple pagan deity, who appears in the guise of a young maiden, an adult lady and a decrepit old woman.

Three also symbolizes balance, maximum strength, indicating the most resistant geometric figure- triangle. This figure is directly related to the most important processes events occurring in the Universe: birth, life, death. Therefore, many witchcraft conspiracies end with the following line:

This will be accomplished by the power of three.

Troika in literature

Since childhood, we have heard about a three-headed dragon, 3 travelers that the main character meets on the road, three-eyed creatures.

And if we turn to ancient epics, then in the story of Ilya Muromets there are three wise men. In fairy tales, families usually have 3 sisters and the same number of brothers, and the hero of a fairy tale must, when performing any task, choose one of three paths.

Russian folklore once again confirms the magical meaning of the number three among our people.

The meaning of birth under the number 3 in numerology

People who are born on the third of any month are truly special. These are sunny, happy children of God who are in constant development. Such people are endowed with extraordinary energy potential and can do things that others cannot do.

May 3: Danila Kozlovsky Tom Cruise July 3 Eddie Murphy April 3

According to numerology, a person born under this number is very dreamy, but is able to fulfill most of his desires. Such people are impractical, but love to create beauty. On the third of the month Pushkin and Vernadsky were born. Such people prefer to work in a team, together with others; loneliness may not suit them. Routine is what destroys such people from the inside.

Threes try to attract maximum attention to themselves, embrace everyone, and teach them to easily cope with life’s troubles. These individuals ideally manifest themselves as writers, artists, and in the sports field. They are excellent speakers who can become wonderful psychologists.

Number 3 plant - dandelion, lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, lucky stone - amethyst, color: violet and purple.

Positive traits

The most positive 3 is their desire to live, friendliness, and cheerfulness.

They are sociable, eloquent, artistic and kind. They have a good sense of humor and love to support other people.

Negative traits

The negative qualities of a troika include excessive talkativeness and vanity. Such people become gossips. If they understand that they cannot bypass the enemy in any other way, then they begin to intrigue him in every possible way, try to annoy him, “do not play by the rules.”

Often such people are very petty and experience constant anxiety. Unfortunately, the proverb “he sees a straw in someone else’s eye, but does not notice a log in his own” applies to those born under a three. These people are very intolerant of the shortcomings and failures of others, and can be very impatient, boastful and jealous.

The magic of number 3 in human relationships

For those who are, it is very important to know that they are loved and in demand by the opposite sex. Without emotional harmony, such people will not be able to live a normal, harmonious and happy life. Like no one else, they are capable of loving, being faithful to their partner, or often sacrificing personal interests and desires in the name of the couple’s future.

A lot of events always happen in the fate of such a person. These individuals always want to be admired and dream of being significant (both in the eyes of just friends and a loved one).

Children born under the number 3 do not need to talk about shortcomings or focus their attention on this. On the contrary, you should be more supportive of them, encourage them for success, good behavior and make efforts to develop their talents. Such children are very susceptible to everything that others say and are easy to re-educate. However, offensive criticism is remembered by them for many years.

Any mobile operator offers special conditions to calls within your network, and today you can call not only for free, but also unlimited. Of course, a lot depends on the type of tariff plan, but sometimes it happens that a call within the operator’s network costs the same.

This is due to the fact that most people determine whether a number belongs to a particular mobile operator by the first three digits telephone number. Yes, this is partly correct, since network codes are distributed between operators. However, there are also nuances that do not allow us to determine the operator cellular communications only by what three digits the number begins with mobile phone.

Today we will tell you whether it is possible to accurately determine by the first three digits of a mobile phone which cellular operator it belongs to.

What do the first 3 digits of the numbers mean?

First, let's figure out what a phone number is. It usually consists of ten digits, but the phone number itself is actually only the last seven.

To call any ten-digit number, you must add at the beginning special code. It can be an eight or Russia code +7. By the way, if you call from another country, the number must be dialed exclusively in international format, since the number eight we are used to will not allow us to call from abroad, just as it will not allow us to call from Russia to another country.

Besides the most unique cell number There are 3 initial digits - the telecom operator code. Officially, the first three digits of a mobile number are called the DEF code, which can be used to determine which operator the number belongs to, and even the region.

In Russia there are a hundred such codes in total and they all start with nine. This means that if the first 3 digits in the mobile operator code begin with another digit, then it is not a cell number.

Codes mobile operators, Unlike wired communication, are not geographically linked, and numbers of different regions can begin with the same code. In total, about eighty DEF codes are used today, and the rest are kept in reserve. It can be used when a certain cellular operator has exhausted all its numbering capacity in separate code or region.

At the initial stage of market development, cellular operators had their own codes, which belonged to them entirely. Previously, it was possible to determine from the initial figures mobile operator with one hundred percent accuracy, however, over time the situation has changed. Now it is impossible to distinguish numbers by operator code.

One DEF code contains ten million seven-digit numbers. Not every cellular operator needs such a quantity, and therefore the number capacity in one code can be divided among several operators. In this regard, it is impossible to distinguish numbers by operator code, since for this it is already necessary to take into account the first 4-6 digits.

So, many people believe that if a number starts with code 900, then it is Tele2. Yes, indeed, most of the numbers in this code belong to him, but along with him, more than a dozen other operators use it. For example, if a seven-digit number starts with 335, then this is Beeline.

Is it possible to identify an operator by DEF code?

Theoretically distinguish telephone numbers different operators It’s possible with code, but in practice it’s not only difficult, but also impossible. After all, first you need to have at hand the entire database of how DEF is used by operators, and calculate the number not only by the code itself, but also by the numbers of the subscriber number. However, even in this case, the result obtained may be incorrect.

This is due to the fact that it is possible to switch from one provider to another while maintaining the phone number, which migrates to another network along with the code. Accordingly, it will not be possible to distinguish a Beeline number from other operators by the combination of the first digits, since the principle of the code for different providers no longer applies.

How can you identify an operator?

You can find out the operator by phone number, but only the first three digits will not be enough. To do this you will need the full number. The simplest and most reliable option is to search via the Internet.

To do this, just go to the official website of TsNIIS - an operator for porting numbers from one provider to another. Here you can get the most accurate data in real time, and even see statistics on the use of number portability, which is updated daily.

There are also corresponding pages on the websites of some operators where you can get necessary information. Some operators also offer the ability to dial from your phone special team to determine the operator by phone number. However this service may be paid, depending on the operator.

Any mobile phone number for everyone cellular company, which provides its services, includes ten digits. It is important to understand that cell numbers, even from one mobile operator, will vary depending on your location (region). In this case, a situation may arise when SMS messages and calls begin to arrive from unfamiliar cell numbers. In connection with this circumstance, many inquisitive citizens have a desire to find information about which mobile operator or which settlement received an SMS message or phone call.

However, there is not as much information hidden in the phone number itself as other citizens suspect. In this article we will introduce you to what exactly each digit means in the telephone number of cellular operators in the Russian Federation.

Cellular operator numbers

1. Let's start with the very first digit of the telephone number "8" or "+7". These numbers encrypt the country code, in our case it is Russian Federation. The number eight differs from seven with a plus only in that the latter implies access to communication between countries, and the number “8” allows communication within the Russian Federation and allows you to dial the following code.

2. The next item is two numbers indicating the cellular operator. It is this number that determines which operator the call was made from, for example, 91x belongs to MTS, and 92x belongs to Megafon.

3. The next digit from the number series indicates the region from which the call was made. However, there is no clear gradation here. For example, the Beeline telephone code "963" can be present in all regions of our vast country. You also need to know that the first three digits of the number are called “DEF” - code. So the code “903” was one of the first to appear in Beeline, followed by the code “905”. For example full list Beeline codes are:


Everything flows and changes and nothing is eternal in this sublunary world. What am I talking about? Moreover, a law has appeared in the Russian Federation according to which anyone can switch from one mobile operator to another and at the same time completely retain their number. Therefore, now it will no longer be possible to determine with great certainty which particular cellular operator the call was made from. However, it is worth noting that although this service exists, but so many people have used it, it is probably not very popular.

What does your phone number mean?

Your mobile phone number can tell a lot about its owner and his fate. The whole secret of the number is kept precisely in the numbers that have great importance in Numerology.
Fortune telling by the phone number that you use every day has a significant impact on all your activities, your communication with colleagues, friends, your character and your life.

To perform a numerology calculation on your mobile phone, you will need to add up all the numbers and come up with a total.

For example, if your phone number 8 912 212 03 72

Step 1. Add all the numbers from the number, but do not take into account the prefix ( 8)
9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 7 + 2 = 29

Step 2. We also need to add the numbers in the sum 2 + 9 = 11

We need to add the resulting numbers to derive a number that influences your destiny; in this calculation, our result is the number 11

Numerology of your phone number. The meaning of the numbers.

0. This value does not add up, but note that suddenly there is this figure. Feel free to realize your dreams and plans, higher powers will always be on your side. But if there are zeros a large number of on the phone, this may mean that you need to take on fewer obligations and relax more often.

1. Gives a strong character, intelligence, gives self-confidence. The potential that the number has will bring success in your career, the desire for leadership, and favor influence on your environment. Digital can help strengthen positions in the workplace and regulate the work process.
Patronizes the owners of the Sun unit.

2. A number that has a feminine principle and duality of nature, which brings harmony to life and will help to achieve reconciliation with others. Politeness and diplomacy come to the rescue. A number with this number helps in analyzing your own feelings and revealing your strengths. A phone number helps you negotiate with business partners and establish business contacts. Also, a deuce will help you find the most successful job.
Astrological influence of the Moon on numbers.

3. Magic number, whose masculinity is associated with the sequence of birth, life and death. The number is good for individuals with a creative beginning. Choose a number for yourself so that you can define yourself in society through your talent. In work, the troika favors tourism, advertising, and artistic professions.
Jupiter patronizes the owners of the triple.

4. The number of stability, gives self-discipline and energy. Suitable for room home phone, the four will protect you from hassles with neighbors and utility workers. There is no need to use the number for tourism and entertainment purposes. But it is well suited, for example, for construction businesses and cleaning companies. But you should beware of the four; if your personal life is not working out, you should change your number to get rid of problems.
The four is ruled by Uranus.

5. The number of the marriage union, connecting the feminine and masculine principles. The owner's problems, as a rule, are resolved successfully. The number is suitable for clarifying misunderstandings of any kind, including romantic ones. In work, this number is good for business. People are subconsciously drawn to make a call. Five influences character and allows you to develop originality, but only when establishing a connection with the owner. If communication is not established, then you should abandon the five, since the effect of the number will be the opposite.
Astrological favor of the planet Mercury.

6. Conscientious, calm figure. A number to call family and friends to resolve old disputes. It is easy to get advice and peace through this number. In business, the number six is ​​good for service firms. If the owner of the number is responsive and tolerant, the number six will help him. This number came to you for a reason, even if such qualities are not inherent in you. Sixes often find their own owners in order to help a person and gain personal happiness and success.
Six obeys Venus.

7. A magical and mysterious number, possessing the powers of secret knowledge and wise perception. The phone number is ideal for developing bonds in the mystical sphere, the sphere scientific research. Seven allows you to evaluate and perceive the world not with common sense, but with intuitive sense and feelings, develops instinct, and allows you to let everything around you pass through you. The result has both pros and cons. Due to your developed intuition, you will be protected from most failures, but this can lead to isolation and leave a feeling of “strangeness” for the outside public. It is not wise to have such a number if you need to make frequent appointments and also conduct financial negotiations. The advice you receive will also not be useful.
Owners of the number seven are under the prosperity of Neptune.

8. Helps achieve material well-being and success. The owner will prosper. The number does not allow the spirit to be refracted in achieving the goal, commitment increases. You will not find peace until you get what you want. If you encounter financial difficulties, get this number. The number will be very helpful in the field of trade and in strengthening your authority among business partners. It is recommended that meaningful conclusions be taken from this number.
According to astrological calculations, Saturn is responsible for this figure.

9. A sign of the cycle, the end of the old and the beginning of the new. The number is universal. Suitable for absolutely all matters, because it combines all the previous qualities of numbers. The number will help you in any situation and will present “gifts of fate.” The energy reserve of the nine will give you the strength to get out of any situation. The owner of such universality is often inclined to compassion, developed emotionally and intuitively.
The energy of Mars helps the owners of the Nine throughout their lives.

11. Leader's number. A versatile symbol, it can bring fluctuations in all areas of life from unquenchable energy to despondency. The owner of the number is not deprived of attention and is always accepted as a serious person. Personal life is full of pleasant surprises and positive emotions. The number supports enthusiasm in business and stimulates the resolution of problems when faced with them.

22. Successful sign. Stimulates the ability to analyze and seriously think about important matters, for the sake of which you need to work hard. For a business person, this is an indicator of reliability and status. Also transmitted to personal qualities individual. On an intuitive level, others see you as a stable and serious person.

33. A sign of talent on the verge of genius and a focus on benefiting people. People rarely direct their creative abilities to benefit people, so the owner himself is considered a unique person. A rare combination of numbers. The owner of the room is always ready to help if asked. Most suitable number for a medical professional. If you already become the owner of such a set of numbers, be prepared to be selfless in helping others.

44. The influence of a special set of two fours is expressed in life consistency and personal steadfastness. Such individuals can be called “rock” and support. There is no limit to the opportunities and goals you are given if you are 44. There are no goals that are unattainable. But still, if your internal energy does not correspond to such great ambitions, then you need to think about changing your number in order to protect yourself from unnecessary tossing and uncertainty in your possibilities and desires.

Fortune telling by phone online

Now on the Internet you can talk online with a real fortune teller or psychic for free without leaving your home 24 hours a day. Sometimes you can pay 300 rubles for such communication with a clairvoyant in a chat or by phone.

You can often come across the question: what numbers do Beeline numbers begin with? For example, if a subscriber is thinking about purchasing an operator SIM card or wants to clarify which mobile communications is used by the subscriber from whose number he received the call. On this moment There are a number of mobile operators, in addition to the popular " big three" Sometimes it is quite difficult to quickly determine from which phone the call was made, and even more so in what area the person who made it may be registered. What numbers do Beeline numbers begin with? How to learn to independently determine affiliation not only with a telecom operator, but also with a city/country?

What parts does a standard mobile number consist of?

The conventional format of a mobile number can be divided into several parts:

  • First- is a definition of which country the number belongs to (in our case, for Russian operators connections is “8”).
  • Second- a unique code that is an identifier of the communication service provider (you can often find the mention of Def-code; using it you can easily calculate which operator’s services the subscriber uses).
  • Third- unique number sequence, allocated to each subscriber by the telecom operator by whom it is reserved.

What numbers did Beeline numbers previously begin with?

As for the black and yellow communications giant, it also has its own numbering capacity. In the early 2000s, such combinations as 905/903 were very popular. Seeing such a code, one could say with one hundred percent certainty that the owner of the number is the person using Beeline services. Moreover, it would be quite difficult to unambiguously determine the region in which the SIM card was purchased and registered. And this was due to the fact that the operator had only such combinations - only after some time the “range” of Def codes was expanded.

By the way, you can also add Beeline code 909 to the previously listed combinations. Thus, if you meet a person with a black-and-yellow operator number, the first three digits of which are identical to one of the above values, you can confidently say that he has been using communication services for a long time or received this number from his relative. Although it is possible that he simply bought it, and the previous subscriber who owned this number simply stopped using it.

Modern Def codes of the Beeline operator

Now, by visiting an online store or contacting a communication salon, you can see that the selection of codes with which the number begins has been significantly expanded by the Beeline company. The phone number can start with a value included in the interval:

  • 900-909;
  • 951-953;
  • 960-968.

Please note that some codes may be used by other operators. For example, Tele2 numbers can also begin with the sequence 952 and 953.

How can I find out which operator and region the number belongs to?

Due to changes in legislation, it is now impossible to claim that you are the owner of the number that contains the code 905, Beeline. Currently, subscribers can keep the number they received when concluding an agreement with any operator, and use it using the communication services of another service provider. The reverse rule also applies: mobile number Beeline could previously have belonged to, for example, MegaFon. Acquainted with detailed conditions You can transfer your existing number to another operator in official sources (for example, on the resource of the communication service provider with whom the contract will be concluded in the future).

Option 1. Beeline website

On the official portal of the black-and-yellow telecom operator, just visit the “Individuals” - “Help” section. Here in the list of items you need to select number verification. In a special form, in accordance with the recommendations given, it is necessary to enter. After some verification, information about this number will be displayed.

You can also view a collection of codes for all countries and cities on this resource. Codes will be given here for each country and city. You can obtain this information by sending free message to number 5050. In the text of the message you must indicate the name of the country of interest. In response, information will be sent about which code corresponds to it.

Option 2: Third party portals

What numbers Beeline numbers begin with can also be viewed on third party resources. One of them is the online reference book “Codifier”. Here, by selecting from the list of available operators the one whose digital data interests us, you can see the full number of rooms. Please note that here you can even enter into a special form the number from which they called you, for example, and the system after short check will tell you which region the call came from and which operator this person uses.

There are many similar resources in Global network, which allow you to obtain information about telephone codes, number affiliation with mobile communication providers.


In this article, we looked at what numbers Beeline numbers begin with. The subscriber's phone, which you think is serviced by a black-and-yellow operator, may not always be in his stock. According to current legislation, the subscriber has the right to decide independently which operator’s services to use, keeping for himself the number that he previously purchased from any of them. Thus, a number with the numbers 903 can easily be found from a person using communication services, for example, from MTS.