The numbering of pages in the work begins. Preparation of the thesis

Abstracts and tests refer to individual assignments, which are considered as an independent type of written work.

Individual assignments in individual disciplines are completed by students independently under the guidance of a teacher, and contain 25-30 pages of typewritten text. The topics of individual assignments must correspond to the objectives of the academic discipline.

Individual assignments are carried out with the aim of consolidating and deepening the knowledge acquired by full-time students.

It should be noted that in correspondence and distance learning, tests are the main form of monitoring students' knowledge. The main purpose of the test is to monitor students’ assimilation of educational material in this discipline.

1. Requirements for completing abstracts and tests

The following requirements apply to completing individual assignments (abstracts and tests):

  • an individual task must be completed independently, as the author’s own reasoning based on information obtained from various sources;
  • the content of the individual assignment must be presented on behalf of the author;
  • the purpose and objectives of the essay or test must be clear and reflect the essence of the problem under study;
  • the content of the individual assignment must correspond to the topic of the assignment and reflect the state of the problem, the degree of disclosure of the essence of the problem in the work must be acceptable;
  • when developing an individual task, at least 7 different sources must be used;
  • the work should contain generalized conclusions and recommendations.

2. Requirements for the structure of abstracts and tests

The structure of abstracts and tests should contain:

  • Title page (the title page is the first page of the essay or test);
  • Contents (contents include: introduction; names of all sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the main part of the assignment; conclusions; list of sources of information);
  • Introduction (in the introduction the problem is briefly formulated, the purpose and objectives of the essay or test are indicated);
  • The main part (consists of several sections that outline the essence of the essay or test);
  • Conclusions or Conclusion (the conclusions provide an assessment of the work results obtained and offer recommendations);
  • List of sources of information (contains a list of sources referred to in the main part of the essay or test).

3. Requirements for the preparation of abstracts, tests and coursework

The following requirements apply to the preparation of abstracts and tests:

  • abstracts and tests are drawn up on A4 sheets (210x297), the text is printed on one side of the sheet at one and a half intervals;
  • font parameters: font typeface - Times New Roman, style - regular, font size - 14 points, text color - auto (black);
  • Paragraph parameters: text alignment - to the page width, first line indent - 12.5 mm, line spacing - One and a half;
  • page margins for the title page: top and bottom margins – 20 mm; right and left margins – 15 mm;
  • margins of all other pages: top and bottom margins – 20 mm, left margin size 30 mm, right margin – 15 mm;
  • the title page indicates the name of the educational institution, the topic of the abstract, the name of the training course, group number, form and course of study, full name. author, full name scientific supervisor (inspector), place and year of work;
  • each structural part must begin with a new section from the next page (Insert/Break/New Section, from the next page);
  • Pages are numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the text. The serial number is placed at the top of the page, on the right;
  • page numbering starts from the title page, but on the title page and on the “Contents” page the page number is not indicated, numbering is indicated from number 3 (from the third page);
  • the text of the main part of individual assignments is divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs;
  • sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs are numbered in Arabic numerals;
  • sections must have sequential numbering within the presented material and be designated in Arabic numerals; there is no dot at the end of the section number (for example, 1);
  • subsections are numbered within each section. The subsection number consists of the section number and the serial number of the subsection, separated by a dot. There is no dot at the end of the subsection number, for example: “1.1”;
  • paragraphs are numbered within each subsection. The item number consists of the serial number of the section, subsection, item; there is no dot between the numbers and at the end of the number, for example: “1.1.2”;
  • subparagraphs are numbered within each paragraph and there is no dot at the end of the number (for example,;
  • headings (level 1 headings) of each structural part of an individual assignment (for example, content, introduction, etc.) and headings of sections of the main part should be placed in the middle of the line and printed in capital letters without underlining and without a period at the end;
  • The headings of subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs should begin with a paragraph indentation and be printed in lowercase letters, except for the first. There is no period at the end of the title
  • illustrations (drawings, diagrams, graphs) and tables that are placed on separate pages are included in the overall page numbering;
  • illustrations must be placed immediately after the first mention of them in the text or on the next page;
  • It is recommended to save graphic materials in the following formats: .bmp, dib, .tif, .gif;
  • the table is located immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time or on the next page;
  • tables are numbered in Arabic numerals in order within the section;
  • notes are placed in the text if necessary to clarify the content of the text, table or illustration;
  • explanations of individual data given in the text or tables may be provided in footnotes;
  • formulas and equations are placed immediately after their mention in the text, in the middle of the page;
  • the individual assignment may contain references to the literature used;
  • references to sources should be indicated in square brackets, for example: , where 1 - 3 is the serial number of sources indicated in the list of sources of information;
  • the list of information sources can be placed in the order the source appears in the text, in alphabetical order of the authors' names or titles, and in chronological order.

To complete an individual assignment, use the following materials:

1. Design of large documents in Word 2003, described in the E-book:

2. Designing large documents in Word 2007:

3. Sample abstracts:

Sample essay for full-time students in the Computer Networks and Telecommunications course: referat - Download

Sample essay for full-time students in the Economic Informatics course: referat - Download

Sample test paper for students of distance and correspondence courses in the course Computer Networks and Telecommunications: Kontrol_rabota -

Just think - number the pages in your coursework! But how much trouble this task gives the student! How long does it sometimes take to remember, and maybe even find out?

  • How to number coursework correctly?
  • how to number pages in Word (Microsoft Word)?
  • How to put numbering on the 2nd or even 3rd page in the coursework?

It is difficult to cope with this task on your own. If you do not want to deal with numbering the pages of your term paper, entrust this task to our experts.

Numbering of pages in course work according to GOST

The pages in the course work are numbered according to GOST 7.32 – 2017 “Report on research work. Structure and rules of registration”, but you still need to look at the university’s methodological recommendations. Why? The state standard regulates the following requirements for page numbering (including for coursework):

  • use Arabic numerals
  • observe the continuous numbering principle throughout the text of the course work,
  • put the number at the bottom, in the center of the page, without a dot,
  • include in the general page numbering the title page, illustrations and tables located on separate sheets, but do not indicate the page number on the title page,
  • consider illustrations or tables placed on an A3 sheet as one page.

The requirements of universities can sometimes be slightly different, for example: do not indicate the page number on the sheet of contents (that is, the course work is numbered not even from the second page, but from the third), etc.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is the title page numbered? The page number is not indicated on the title page, but the page is included in the general numbering.

Coursework sections that are numbered? Contents (unless otherwise stated in the university manual), introduction, main part of the work, conclusion, . GOST allows for the absence of page numbering in “Appendices” if they contain their own numbering.

How to correctly number pages in a term paper?

The Microsoft Word office program makes this task easier for all students. To number pages follow the following algorithm:

Thus, all pages in the course work were numbered, including the title page, which is a violation of GOST requirements.

How not to number the title page in Word?

To exclude the page number from the title page, do the following:

  • in the same window that appeared when numbering the pages of the entire coursework, remove the marker (check mark) from the “Number on the first page” link. Thus, the numbering will start from page 1, but the number itself will not be indicated on the title page.

If you are required to number the sheets in your coursework from page 3, that is, not to put numbers on the title page and contents, then you can follow this algorithm:

  1. Place the cursor at the very end of page 2 (it is after this place in the text that we want to start numbering).
  2. In the “Insert” section in the “Break” link, place a marker on the line “New section - from the next page.”
  1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text after the break and select the “Header and Footers” link from the “View” section.
  2. After the toolbar appears, first click on the “Header/Footer” button, and then click “Same as previous”.

For the correct preparation of the report on the completed practice, strict developed standards apply - GOST. At the same time, the general requirements, the order of presentation in the report of various established forms (tables, figures, etc.), are defined in the standard number 7.32-2001. It also lists features that relate specifically to what a fully completed research report should look like.

Requirements for the formatting of the report text.

  • Document format - A4 (the size of a generally accepted “standard sheet”).
  • Indents are used: left - 25mm, right, top and bottom - 20mm, document orientation - portrait, the document is stitched as usual - on the left.
  • The font adopted for all types of work is Times New Roman. Its size is 14, the set color is in Auto mode.

When formatting each paragraph of your work, use:

  • Alignment method - by width, without indentation on the left and right,
  • The red line starts after 1.5 cm,
  • There are no spaces before or after a paragraph.
  • The interval between lines in the work is usually one and a half.

The entire final document must be numbered in general order, starting from the first sheet.

Sections of work are also numbered in sequence, but the applications used should not be numbered. Sections and subsections are subject to numbering, as well as, if available, clauses and subclauses, for example: “Section 1”, “1.1 Subsection”, “2.1.1 Clause”, “ Subclause”.

It is unacceptable to hyphenate words when writing the title of the report topic and all its sections. There should be no dot at the end.

When designing these headings, it is permitted to use the provided options for using the existing font - bold, italic, uppercase or lowercase text.

Between the sections available in the report, the indentation is set to one blank line.

It is possible that a transfer will be required within any of the specified items. They operate in the following order:

Each paragraph is preceded by a hyphen and, where necessary, lowercase letters. Difficult to write and read (е,з,й,о - so as not to be confused with zero, ъ, ы,ь) are not used.

- _____________,

- _____________,

- _____________.

A) ____________,

b) _____________,

1) _____________,

2) _____________,

V) _____________,

d) _____________.

For footnotes, their location is set at the end of the page where they are indicated, the font is the same, but the size is reduced to 10. The indentation is paragraph.

The page numbering is the same as for other types of scientific works - continuous using Arabic numerals. There is no need to put any dots, dashes or other symbols.

The title page of the practice report is always number one, this concerns the numbering of the work. And this figure is not put on it. This is established in GOST.

Each subsequent element of the work - introduction, main part, sections, subsections, right down to the list of sources - must start from scratch.

When preparing the content, it is necessary to use only generally accepted terms, designations and definitions of the scientific and technical direction established by regulatory documents. If it is important to carry out a contraction that is not generally accepted, then it must be justified immediately, as the text is being written.

What should not be allowed in the text of the report:

  1. Spoken speech.
  2. Use different terms for the same scientific concept.
  3. Use freely interpreted word formations.
  4. Abbreviate words not according to established, generally accepted rules.
  5. The same applies to the incorrect reduction of various indicators of physical quantities.

How to correctly insert a table into your work.

The use of tables in work allows you to more clearly use various types of digital material. The table also allows you to more conveniently compare different indicators.

GOST has defined a number of requirements that must be met for the tables in the practice report.

  • Numbering is done in Arabic numerals, the method is continuous.
  • The name is placed at the top and left, without using paragraph indentation; the table number is indicated in one line, separated by a dash. Example: “Table 3 - Table title.”
  • There must be a link to each table in the text itself. Example "Table 2".
  • The “sequential number” column, which is often found in tables, is not used in this case. If you still cannot do without numbers, they are indicated in the first column, simultaneously with the enumeration.
  • The font of the text used in the table must match the font common to the entire work.
  • In the cells of the table itself, all indicators are written without paragraph indentation.
  • Text alignment in a table is usually done horizontally.
  • After the table there should be an indent of one line.


It is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-84. As for the design features of this section in documents related to research work, clarification can be found in GOST 7.32-2001.


It is difficult to overestimate the correctness of the report on the completed practice. If you are not careful enough, you may simply not pass the defense. And then, the sanctions of the teaching staff can be the most unpredictable, from a low grade to a requirement to undergo practical training (usually instead of summer holidays)!

Formulation of coursework

General requirements

The coursework must be correctly written and properly formatted.

Completed work is submitted in a binder folder (not a file folder).

The work is presented in typewritten form or using the printing devices of a personal computer on one side of a sheet of white paper in A-4 format with one and a half spacing (single spacing can be used for tables), font Times New Roman, font size 14 (font size in tables may be smaller). The text should be printed in accordance with GOST 6.30-97, observing the following margin sizes: right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm. The paragraph is performed by retreating by 5 characters. Align text to the width of the page.

Chapter headings, as well as the words “INTRODUCTION”, “CONCLUSION”, “LIST OF SOURCES USED” should be placed in the middle of the line without a dot at the end and printed in capital letters; word hyphenation in headings is not allowed.

In the text part of the work, all words must be written in full, with the exception of generally accepted abbreviations. Throughout the work, the principle of uniformity of abbreviations should be maintained, i.e. the same word is abbreviated the same way everywhere, or not abbreviated everywhere. For example: etc. – others, i.e. - that is, to them. – name. Common letter abbreviations (WHO, ICD, exercise therapy, etc.) do not require decoding in the text. If at the beginning of the work there is no section “designations and abbreviations”, and special letter abbreviations are little known, specific, but often repeated in the text, then at the first mention the full name is written, and in brackets the letter abbreviation is given, which is subsequently used.

Construction of coursework

The names of the structural elements of the course work “Contents”, “Notations and abbreviations”, “Introduction”, “List of used sources” serve as the headings of the structural elements of the work. The main part of the work should be divided into sections and subsections. Sections and subsections should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The subsection number includes the section number and the subsection serial number, separated by a dot.

Example – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

There is no dot after the section or subsection number in the text. Subsections must be numbered within each section. Headings of sections and subsections should be printed with indentation in capital letters, without a period at the end, without underlining. Hyphenation of words in headings is not allowed. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a period.

Each section of the course work should begin on a new sheet (page).

Numbering of coursework pages

Pages works are numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the text. The page number is affixed (according to GOST 6.30-97) in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot.

The title page is included in the general page numbering of the course work. The page number is not indicated on the title page. Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets are included in the overall page numbering.

4. Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, etc.) are located in the work immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page if they do not fit in the indicated place. All illustrations must be described in the text. Each illustration must have a title, which is placed under it, and a serial number, which is written in Arabic numerals for serial numbering within the entire work.

Each table should have a general title, number, and clear row and column designations. Units of measurement must be indicated. The text provides an analysis of the table, in which the indicators given in the table are not repeated, but conclusions and generalizations from its materials are given. All tables in the text must have links.

Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals and sequential numbering throughout the entire work. The number should be placed in the upper right corner above the table title after the word “Table”. The word “Table” and the title must begin with a capital letter, the “No” icon before the serial number and the dot after it are not placed (see Appendix 1).

When quoting, each quotation must be accompanied by a link to the source, the bibliographic description of which must be given in accordance with the requirements of bibliographic standards. It is advisable to place the link in the place where it makes the most sense.

The application opens as a separate sheet, with the word “APPENDIX” (in the center of the sheet), then the numbered applications themselves are given on separate sheets. Each application should begin on a new sheet (page) with the word “APPENDIX” printed in capital letters in the upper right corner and have a meaningful title. If there is more than one application, they are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals (without the N sign), for example: APPENDIX 1.

Annex 1