The laptop is heating up. Why does my laptop get hotter when playing games than during normal work? Software solutions for high CPU temperature

When purchasing a laptop, users often wonder about the quality of its cooling system. Therefore, guided by the principle “the more expensive, the better,” they buy the most expensive devices. But even expensive laptops get hot. What to do in this case? How to prevent the device from overheating and avoid its breakdown?

Why does my laptop get hot?

Both a computer and a laptop consume a certain amount of electricity during their operation. Some of it inevitably turns into heat. This heat is generated by components such as:

  • CPU;
  • Video card;
  • Chipset (if any).

The heat that these components emit is pushed out of the case by a radiator with a cooler, and cooled air returns to the parts. However, than more load on the video card and processor, the more they heat up and the cooling system does not cope with its task. This can be seen in the example of launching a modern heavy game.

However, it is worth noting that the following trend is emerging every year: new generation video cards and processors are produced using a sophisticated technical process. The cooling system is also being improved and the parts heat up less. However, older laptop models get hotter. The same applies to gaming laptops, which even after purchase and the first hour of use heat up to temperatures of 70 degrees or higher.

The situation is different with budget models laptops. They have little computing power, but they also heat up significantly less. Therefore, purchasing an expensive Asus model, Aser or another manufacturer, the user must take care in advance of high-quality cooling of the device. To do this, you should buy a laptop stand, a removable cooler, and clean it from dust and other accumulations every 6 months.

What to do if your laptop gets very hot?

The laptop may become warm when different conditions, and therefore the solution to the heating problem depends on each specific situation.

Option 1: The laptop gets very hot while playing

If the laptop gets very hot while playing or working with a heavy program, it means standard system cooling is not enough to cope with heat transfer. You need to buy a special laptop stand or raise it back housings. If the thermal sensors show over 80 degrees, then some part of the cooling system is defective. It is worth cleaning and lubricating the cooler and checking the radiator for dust.

There are also external coolers on sale that are inserted into the side holes of the ventilation system.

Option 2. The laptop gets very hot, freezes and crackles

If the laptop makes a cracking noise while working and this noise does not come from hard drive, it is worth cleaning the cooling system. Often lint and dust clog the cooler. As a result, the clogged axle cracks with dust and the fan speed decreases. The laptop gets hot and starts to freeze and slow down.

You can clean your laptop from dust yourself or by contacting service center.

Option 3. The laptop gets very hot and turns off after turning it on

Once turned on, the laptop cannot turn off for no reason. If before this problem occurred the laptop was noisy and overheated, it means that the cooler did not start at system startup. As a result, the BIOS responded to this problem and, by issuing a warning in the form of a black screen, turned off the device to prevent overheating and damage to one of the components.

If the cooler does not work, you can try lubricating or replacing it.

Option 4. The laptop gets hot, makes a lot of noise and crashes after a few minutes

If the laptop makes noise, heats up, and after a few minutes turns off unexpectedly, it means that the thermal paste on the processor, video card or chipset is dry and needs to be replaced.

To do this, it is better to contact a specialist, since replacing thermal paste alternates between removing the radiator, cooler, and processor, and these components must not be damaged.

How to prevent the system from overheating?

In most cases, the laptop heats up due to dust and lint that clogs the radiator and cooler blades. Compliance with several simple rules will help avoid overheating and damage to the device.

  • It is not recommended to use the laptop on soft surfaces. Lint from the carpet, bed or tablecloth can clog the cooling system.
  • Most of the dust in the room settles at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor. It is advisable not to leave your laptop on low cabinets or tables, especially not to work on them.
  • It is not recommended to work with a laptop in a room where repairs are being carried out.
  • As a preventative measure, you need to clean the device from dust and lint every 6 months.
  • To prevent your laptop from overheating, you should buy a special stand.

Why is this happening and what to do. This question can be answered immediately. And, most likely, you know the answer yourself. Yes, overheating is dangerous because it can lead to breakdowns and, as a result, to spending money on repairing a laptop or buying a new device. What exactly will have to be done in a particular case depends on the degree of damage and the reasons why the laptop is heating up. Let's figure out what overheating can lead to and, most importantly, why it happens. Everything is very simple….

Consequences of overheating...

A laptop is like any other electronic device, consists of a set of boards and microcircuits having the maximum permissible temperature operation. If it is exceeded, the microcircuit fails (burns out), which can lead to complete (the laptop will not turn on) or partial (some elements, such as USB ports, will not work) failure of the device.

Why does my laptop get so hot...

  • Poor ventilation. Each laptop has fans installed, they “drive” the air and thereby cool the most important elements. In order for air to get inside the device, there are special holes on the surface of the case. Sometimes they become clogged with dust and thereby prevent efficient cooling laptop, the article presents photographs of what will happen to the computer if it is not cleaned. In addition, the ventilation properties may deteriorate due to improper use of the device, for example, when using the laptop on your lap, blanket or any other soft surface that covers the openings intended for air exchange.

  • Thermal paste drying. Thermal paste helps dissipate heat from the processor to the heatsink. If it dries out, the processor stops cooling.
  • Damage to the cooling circuit inside the laptop. Heat is no longer effectively dissipated, the temperature rises and particularly energy-intensive elements (processor, video card, hard drive) fail.
  • Malfunction electronic components. For example, one of the microcircuits on system board and started to get very hot. As a rule, in such cases, the laptop case begins to heat up very much in the place where this chip is located. In this situation, laptop repair will be required, including replacing the faulty element.

The first signs that your laptop is overheating...

  • Continuously running fan, especially when playing games or watching movies.
  • The laptop turns off by itself. This happens especially often when launching system-intensive programs - the same games and video players. During some time required for cooling, the laptop does not turn on.
  • The laptop often freezes. However, it is worth saying that this is not always due to the fact that the laptop is overheating. In most cases, freezing can be caused by errors in the operation of programs, operating systems, or drivers.
  • There are periodic slowdowns in games. Extra squares, lines and other “artifacts” appear on the screen, the laptop turns off during the game.

All of the above is related to the operation of the laptop protection system. The processor and video card have special thermal sensors that record the temperature of the chips. As soon as it exceeds the maximum allowable, the system forcibly reduces the laptop's performance until it cools down. It is at these moments that slowdowns appear, in some cases protective system may lead to self-shutdown laptop or reboot (most often).

Check the temperature of the most important components of the device and determine that it is overheating, and not software errors, Can special programs(eg HWMonitor). To determine that the laptop is heating up, it is enough to look at the temperature of the device immediately after turning it on and after some time (10-20 minutes) of intensive use (for example, playing a modern game).

My laptop is overheating, what should I do?

  • Carry out prevention. With a certain frequency (1-2 times a year). It is best to contact a service company about this, as it may lead to serious damage. There are often cases when, while cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, users knocked out the video chip (above which, in fact, the fan is located) with static electricity or, having confused the bolts, broke motherboard. In both cases, laptop repair is inevitable.
  • Change thermal paste. This needs to be done every few years. Just like in the case of cleaning a laptop, this operation is best left to specialists.
  • Use cooling pads. Today there are many devices on the market designed for forced cooling of laptops. They are very effective and can extend the life of the device for many years. If suddenly such a stand is not at hand, and the laptop gets hot, you can use a folk trick - raise the laptop above the table level, placing some object under it. This will increase the air gap under the device and provide more efficient cooling.
  • Follow the rules for using a laptop. Try, if possible, not to use the laptop on your lap or a soft surface (for example, placing it on a pillow), and do not cover the openings on the device body used for air exchange.

This article will be useful for those whose laptop turns off, freezes or slows down various applications. The cooling of the laptop may be to blame. From this article you will find out whether your laptop is overheating and if it overheats, you will be ready to deal with it.

Reasons for laptop overheating

It should be said that the problem of overheating is quite common in laptops.

First, you need to understand why the laptop overheats.

The reasons for this may be the following:

1. Cooling system is poorly designed. Everyone knows that laptops are all different and assembled differently. And of course they have different systems cooling. Some laptops have an excellent cooling system and have a reserve, while other laptops do not. As a result, some laptops work stably and do not overheat, while others cause inconvenience in work due to overheating.

2. Dust settling and other debris in the cooling system. This happens quite often. Dust settles in front of the radiator on the fan side and can reach a thickness of 5-10 mm. Of course, due to dust, heat is retained and the cooling system cannot cope, as a result the laptop overheats.

3. Lost contact between the surface of the chip and the heat sink plate. Similar cases also occur. How more computer works the more the thermal paste, which is located between the chip and the plate, hardens. Of course, hardening leads to a deterioration in its properties, and in the event of an impact or some kind of shock, it may simply fall off, and this will lead to the formation of an air gap, which will greatly complicate heat transfer, which will lead to overheating of the chip.

4. Incorrect operation laptop. For many laptops, heat dissipation is carried out through holes that are located at the bottom of the laptop. Thus, if the laptop is placed on a soft surface, the holes will overlap, and because of this, the laptop will begin to heat up. The same thing happens when the laptop is running with the lid closed. The holes from behind the lid become blocked and the laptop overheats.

How do you know if your laptop is overheating?

Now we will find out what symptoms occur when overheating.

List of problems caused by overheating:

  • The laptop turns off without your intervention.
  • Slows down or freezes.
  • Freezes or micro-stuttering occur during the game.

This is due to the fact that overheating protection is automatically triggered. Automatic protection works due to the fact that modern processors, chipsets and video cards have a thermal sensor, which, after detecting overheating, lowers its frequency and voltage, due to which it tries to combat overheating. In addition, the laptop may simply freeze or turn off. If the video card overheats, then squares, dots, lines and other defects may appear on the screen. If the processor is overheated, the laptop will either freeze or turn off with a characteristic sound defect. In order to be completely sure that the laptop is overheated, simply measure the temperature. Now I will tell you how to do this.

In order to measure the temperature of a laptop, just download and install the HWMonitor program.

In addition to the HWMonitor program, you can use Open program Hardware Monitor. The main advantage of this program is that it builds a temperature graph, displays the frequency and load of each component, and also shows information about frequencies.

And so, after the utility has been downloaded, it should be unzipped and launched. After you launch it, it will show you the minimum, maximum and current temperature value since the laptop was turned on. We are interested in the line with the maximum temperature value.

After this you will need to launch the game or some other powerful application, which will greatly load the laptop. Next, we play for 15 minutes, after which we look at the value in the HWMonitor program.

It is important to know that the HWMonitor program must be minimized. If you run it after you have played for 15 minutes or during the game, the data will not be accurate. This happens due to the fact that without load, the video card and processor drop the temperature quite quickly.

Now let's talk about the values ​​that we will see in the program window:

  • THRM - chipset. Digit in maximum value shows to what temperature it was able to warm up during the game.
  • Core#0 and Core#1 - denotes the core of the process. The numbers show the temperature to which it reached during the game.
  • GPU Core - video card chipset. The number corresponds to the temperature.
  • HDD - hard drive.

Temperature range:

  1. For CPU normal temperature under load it is 75-80 degrees. If the temperature value is more than 90 degrees, then the processor has overheated.
  2. For a video card, the normal temperature is 70-90 degrees, everything else is overheated.
  3. Normal hard drive temperature is 50-55 degrees or lower. If this value is higher, then feel free to copy important data, otherwise you can easily lose it.
  4. The normal chipset temperature is 90 degrees.

I would like to say that the temperature may also depend on the model of a particular device. Eg, nVidia video card GeForce 8600M GT has a normal temperature of 90-95 degrees, in turn nVidia GeForce 9500M GS optimal temperature 80-85 degrees.

If, after testing your laptop for overheating, you find that the temperature is normal or even below optimal, but the computer nevertheless slows down, freezes, or even shuts down, the problem should be looked for in the operating system and drivers. In order to fix these problems, you should first update your laptop's BIOS. BIOS can be obtained from the website of your laptop manufacturer. If updating the BIOS did not fix the problem, then you will need to remove the old one and install new system, update all drivers, install the most latest versions programs. If this does not correct the situation, then there is only one thing left to do, contact the service center, where they will find and most likely fix the problem. Repairing such breakdowns at home can be quite difficult and even impossible.

How to cool a laptop?

But if the laptop still overheats, then you should take the following measures to cool it.

The four main methods used to lower the temperature of a laptop are:

1. Place an object under the rear end so that a raised area is formed.

2. Start using a special cooling pad.

3. Remove all dust that has settled in the cooling system.

4. Replace thermal paste.

Take a closer look at each of the above methods.

Most often, the air that cools the computer components enters the laptop through slots and holes that are located in the bottom of the laptop. Some air is also sucked through the keyboard. After we lift the end of the laptop, we will increase the amount of air sucked in, thereby improving its circulation inside the laptop. After this, the temperature of the laptop may drop by 5-10 degrees, which, of course, stabilizes its operation. You should understand that you can put anything under the end, from a book to a package of gum. This is the simplest and most accessible way.

This method, like the previous one, is quite simple, and most importantly, effective. The whole point is that the laptop is placed on a special stand with a fan. Cooled air enters the laptop through the holes on the stand, which cools all its internal components. Using similar method, you can lower the temperature of the iron by 5-15 degrees.

The most common such stands cost 20-30 dollars, better ones cost 50-60 dollars. The fan of this stand is powered by the laptop via a USB connector.

3. Cleaning the internal devices of the laptop from dust

You can start cleaning your laptop from dust after 2-3 months from the time of purchase. Once all the dust has been removed, the laptop will heat up to the same level as when it was new.

This service is usually not covered by warranty. You can clean your laptop from dust yourself or by contacting a service center. Of course, it’s better to contact the service center, where they will do everything for you, efficiently and quickly for a small fee.

If you have a great desire to clean it yourself and not spend money on a service center, then I will tell you how to do it. First of all, let's partially disassemble the laptop. If you decide to remove all the dust with a vacuum cleaner, then I want to disappoint you; there will be no noticeable effect from this.

And so, before you start cleaning, you will need to turn off the computer, and if it is connected to the mains, turn it off from there. You will then need to turn the laptop over and remove the battery. This step is mandatory. After the battery is no longer in the laptop, you will need to figure out which part the fan is located in. Often the fan is covered with a large bottom cover.

As soon as the bolts are unscrewed, we begin to slowly remove the cover.

By the way, in addition to bolts, the lid can also be held in place by special latches, which must be handled very carefully so as not to break.

And so the cover is removed and a dusty radiator with a fan appears before our eyes.

To clean, we will need to remove the fan and after that, we can proceed to cleaning the radiator and the fan itself.

Cleaning should be done with a brush, dry cloth or napkin. Once all the dust and debris has been removed, you should reassemble it. After this, you can start your laptop and enjoy normal operation.

4. Replacing thermal paste in a laptop

Compared to other methods, this method is the most complex and time-consuming. In order to replace thermal paste you will need knowledge and experience. It should be remembered that the warranty is lost when replacing thermal paste. If you still decide to change it, it is best to contact the service.

The fact is that manufacturers use a thick layer of thermal paste, which hardens too quickly and then collapses, forming an air bag. And if you change the factory thermal paste to normal, then the heating of the laptop can be reduced by 5-15 percent.


Here are all the reasons why your laptop may overheat, as well as all the methods to combat this problem. I hope that after reading this article, you will be able to easily diagnose the cause of overheating and easily adjust the cooling of your laptop. I would like to believe that after reading this article you will forever stop experiencing problems caused by laptop overheating.

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Using a laptop is very convenient because you can use it not only at home, but also in any convenient place. With its help, you can perform all the same actions as on a regular PC (do work, watch movies, play various games, etc.).

The most important thing is that the battery charge is enough for the entire required time or there is a place where you can connect it to power.

Using a laptop, many people encounter such a problem as overheating, which sometimes leads to it sudden shutdown. There are a number of reasons why mobile computers get hot.

Therefore, you initially need to analyze why this is happening and, if necessary, send it for repairs.


When faced with the question of what to do to prevent the laptop from overheating, you initially need to know the reasons leading to this.

This includes:

  • Long time of continuous gaming on PC. This happens especially often if it is not intended for this;
  • Poor fan performance due to dust accumulation or due to blockage of ventilation openings, for example, by placing the laptop on something soft;
  • Thermal paste drying;
  • Running a large number of programs simultaneously;
  • Damage to the cooling circuit located inside the laptop;
  • Failure of electronic components of a mobile computer.

As you can see there are quite a few reasons, now let's take a closer look at how to eliminate each of them.

Cleaning from dust

If you are wondering what to do to prevent your laptop from overheating when you use it, you need to know that the most common reason is pressure and dust accumulation in the fan.

How, then, is cleaning carried out? You can clean the fan yourself or contact customer service.

There are two cleaning options:

  • Closed;
  • Open.

When cleaning closed, a special canister with compressed air is used, which allows you to blow dirt out of the fan. This option suitable in cases where compaction of dirt has not yet occurred.

To carry it out you will need:

  • You need to bring the cylinder in a vertical position so that the spout is located on the edge of the ventilation grille. This is done so that the remaining part of the grill can be covered with a napkin to prevent dust from spraying;
  • By pressing the cylinder valve, you need to hold it for no more than 1-2 seconds, repeating the action until all the dust comes out.

This operation is harmless for the mobile computer itself, since the fan inside is separated by a partition from the rest of the case, so all the dust will come out. It is also advisable to blow out dust 1-2 times a month.

Open cleaning involves removing the cooling system from the mobile PC and is therefore recommended to be done only by specialists.

You should resort to this type of cleaning only in cases of extreme necessity, for example, when the overheating is so strong that the laptop turns off on its own.

Incorrect operation

Of course, the laptop is very easy to use; those who use it are not always aware of the operating rules.

Therefore, when the question arises of what to do to prevent the laptop from overheating, you need to remember that it cannot be placed on a soft surface. Thus, the ventilation holes are blocked, which leads to its heating.

It is also advisable to purchase a special cooling pad that will protect your mobile computer from heating.

Using multiple programs at the same time

There is another option that can cause a laptop to heat up, and that is the operation of several programs at once that start when the device starts.

To check and disable do not necessary programs the following is done:

  • Hold down the Win keys (the checkbox between Ctrl and Alt) and R at the same time to call system window to search for “Run”;
  • Enter the word msconfig and click on “OK”;
  • In the window that appears, select the “Startup” tab;
  • Disable programs that should not run simultaneously with the system, but only when necessary. That is, you simply uncheck them.

Reinstalling the system

Another reason for laptop overheating may be a clogged operating system. This is due to the installation of a huge number additional programs, downloaded files and other software garbage.

Of course, it’s easier to clean the system and remove what is not needed, but if a lot of garbage has accumulated, then the easiest way is to reinstall the OS.

It should also be noted that if the above methods do not work, the laptop continues to heat up, then you should take it to a service center. Because other diagnostic options for solving the problem involve disassembling the PC.

When faced with the question of what to do to prevent the laptop from overheating, you should do the following:

  • Periodically blow out the fan to prevent dust accumulation;
  • Do not place the laptop on a soft surface (bed, sofa, etc.);
  • Do not use great amount programs at the same time and it is advisable not to play on a mobile PC for a long time, especially if it is not intended for this;
  • It is advisable to purchase a cooling pad. If this is not possible, then while working, slightly raise it above the table level, for example, using a book or something else;
  • If necessary, if you have no experience in this matter, it is better to entrust the work to a specialist and do not engage in amateur activities.

All of the above tips can help extend the life of your laptop.

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Overheating of laptops is one of the main problems that arise during their operation. In this article we will look at the main signs of overheating, as well as ways to solve this problem.

The main reason for laptop overheating is dust. Like desktop computer During operation, the laptop accumulates inside the cooling system a large number of dust. This results in cooling problems.

Also, some initially have problems with cooling. Especially often with a thin body.

Laptop clogged with dust

There are a number of signs that indicate overheating.

  • The laptop started making too much noise. An increase in noise level is a characteristic sign of overheating. The rotation speed of the cooler inside the laptop case is adjusted relative to the temperature internal components. If the cooling system does not work efficiently due to dust or another reason, the cooler will constantly operate at maximum speed, which means it will make a lot of noise. An increase in noise levels under load is quite natural. But if your laptop starts making a lot of noise immediately after turning it on, then you definitely have a cooling problem.
  • Strong heating of the case. Another characteristic sign of overheating.
  • Freezes and unstable operation. Cooling problems will definitely lead to unstable operation.
  • Ripples or streaks on the laptop screen. Rippling on the screen may indicate problems with processor overheating or.
  • Some or all ports are not working. Problems with other ports can cause overheating South Bridge laptop.
  • Overheating necessarily leads to the computer shutting down or rebooting.

What to do if your laptop overheats

In case of serious problems with overheating, for example, if the laptop reboots, turns off or is unstable, you should immediately contact a service center. Otherwise, such critical overheating will sooner or later lead to damage to the processor or other components of the laptop. And such a serious repair may turn out to be little cheaper than buying a new device.

If the overheating of the laptop is not critical or occurs only during load, you can take a number of actions to increase the cooling efficiency of the laptop yourself.

  • Do not place the laptop on soft surfaces. On soft surfaces, the vents on the bottom of the laptop become closed and cooling efficiency is significantly reduced.
  • Buy a special laptop stand or table with active cooling. Stands and tables with active cooling (fan) are the most effective solution overheating problems. The only drawback is the increased noise level. In addition to cooling the laptop, such devices have other advantages, such as a built-in USB hub,.
  • Use integrated graphics. If your laptop provides the ability to switch between integrated and discrete graphics cards, use the discrete graphics card as little as possible. Using integrated graphics will significantly reduce the processor temperature.