Nygma chemistry equations. Nigma - Nigma search engine with an emphasis on mathematics, chemistry, music search and much more

What do all RuNet search services have in common? They do not allow you to filter results.

Today, even the most venerable search services do not allow you to configure the relevance of a query as flexibly as a search engine with a cute spider on its logo (the name of the family of which served as the letter identifier for the search engine).

Besides, nygma is the only one search system, which embarked on the slippery slope of searching for music and torrents, so ardently disliked by copyright holders.

In its output you can listen and download any songs. Against the backdrop of the copyright hype, this looks at least bold. In any case, “not caught, not an artist.”

Another radical difference is the ability to solve chemical equations right in the search bar. To do this, you just need to enter an example, and the search engine will independently solve it and show the conditions and features of the chemical reaction.

Search engine features

Nigma has relatively small human resources (several dozen employees) and adequate funding. Our own index database is small, but using public databases from other services can significantly expand your search capabilities.

Moreover, each of the seven services can be disabled at any time. In this case, the results will not appear indexed by the disabled search engine.

Thus, you can use your usual search engine (Google, for example), but with a convenient system for adjusting relevance.

Issue clustering

The search engine generates from the results separate groups(clusters). In this way, information, commercial and entertainment resources are separated. The user can filter out results that he does not need.

The filter on the right side of the screen allows you to customize search results in detail, excluding marked keywords.

It is enough to put a check mark next to the necessary queries, and a cross next to the unnecessary ones and click the “Filter” button so that only the results that interest the user remain in the search results.

Smart Tips

However, interesting things begin even before search query will be finalized. The search engine provides answers to some questions, such as “the capital/currency of such and such a country” before the search results, in a drop-down menu in the query line.

This allows you to receive necessary information without even visiting the pages (hence without dealing with the advertisements placed on them). Most of this information is taken from the free encyclopedia; next to each result there is a link to the source.

When you hover your cursor over the result, a small help message will appear with basic information. In most cases this will be sufficient. The advertising display is organized in the same way.

Isolation of official sites

At Google help or Yandex, sometimes it is completely impossible to detect the official website of a particular company. The search results are filled with the fruits of the labors of SEOs all over the world, but it doesn’t contain what you need. Nygma overcame this “sore” too.

In its issue official resources companies are marked with a special “thumbs up” icon.

Search engine services

In addition to interesting Internet search capabilities, Nygma has many other additional services. Search by music and torrents, computing capability in the search bar and a developed currency converter. Below you will find more details about each of the services.

Computing facilities

Among the sadly small audience of the search engine there are many schoolchildren and students. The service owes its popularity to its excellent computing capabilities.

Their presence is natural, given that the project was created by a student at Moscow State University and has the support of Stanford University. To solve an equation, just enter it into the search bar.

If necessary, the Nigma search engine will show the sequence of actions for solving a mathematical equation. In addition to linear equations, Nygma is also capable of solving systems of equations.

A full list of possibilities is available at the “List of tasks to be solved” link located under the answer.

And if writing formulas is inconvenient, you can type the example directly in text

It was Nygma mathematics. The same possibilities are available for solving physical and chemical (inorganic and organic) formulas.

Nigma search system chemistry allows you to enter formulas not only using notations chemical elements, but also with their names.

In this case, a converter works between systems of quantities that can be indicated in words and used in formulas.

There is also a built-in currency converter that perfectly recognizes slang names for currencies.

Credit must be given to the small group of people who are developing such useful functions resource. I would like to believe that in the future the search engine will “shoot” like its “senior colleagues” Google or Yandex.

Search form builder

Anyone can place a search form from Nigma on their website. For this purpose there is a special constructor. The whole process takes place in three simple steps. First, you will need to select a design option for the form itself and the search query button.

Then assign possible places and search types.

Click “Get code” and copy the code that appears in the form to your website. The search form is ready to use. Computational functionality is not available in it, but it is organized quite well.

The Russian intelligent search engine, known as Nigma, originally had a name written in Latin, namely Nigma. After Cyrillic domains were introduced a few years ago, the search system changed its name. Now it is called Nigma.rf. However, the site is also still available at Nigma.ru.

Unlike most of the most popular search engines, such as Google, Yandex, Bing or Yahoo, Nygma is not as popular among users. However, it is truly worthy of your attention due to some unique features. Quite a bit of money, but a lot of effort, was invested in the development. The creators have firmly established Nigma's position as a Runet search engine. Currently, attempts are even being made to enter the Southeast Asian market.

What is the principle of Nygma's work?

Many people call Nigma just a specific add-on over other search engines that have their own robots that index the Network in search of sites. But, in addition to their own index database, the creators also use other people’s databases, which are freely available. Nygma's share in the total data flow is not known for certain. The system is maintained by only a few dozen people, and probably not too much money is invested in indexing the Runet.

The main idea is to sort the results into categories. This process is otherwise called clustering. Its essence is to issue, upon request, the maximum number of documents corresponding to it. At the same time, headings and snippets, that is, small descriptions, are provided along with links. In this, Nigma differs from other search engines that find a huge number of files.

Google, Yandex and others are not always able to accurately determine what exactly the user wants to see on the first pages search results. In the vast majority of cases, multitasking plays a role. Various developers decide this problem differently. As for the creators of Nygma, they offer us special filters that can highlight certain clusters. In addition, filters can also remove these clusters.

If you open the Nigma search engine, you can see the filters on the left. Select the required clusters by placing a cross or a tick in front of them. A cross excludes a parameter from the search, while a tick does the opposite. This allows you to identify what is required in half a minute, thus getting rid of the gigantic display of unnecessary sites. This is how we increase relevance to our own needs.

History of the development of the Nigma search engine

Initially, the system, which was first launched about eleven years ago, had a fairly simple interface. But it was at that moment that the time to launch Nygma on the market was lost. It was already happening then rapid development other search engines, which lasted ten years. Yandex was then actively conquering its financial niche, and Google continued to conquer the Runet itself.

But, having appeared, Nigma had a number of advantages over the same Google, which at that time did not seriously take into account the morphology of the Russian language. Thus, it was quite possible to receive your “profit” from the search engine’s database. Google quickly corrected its own shortcomings, eliminating a small competitor from its path.

Nygma developers had to create new “features” of their system. And ultimately, the main ones were the ability to use broader hints, highlighting official online resources and identifying them. It was also possible to install special settings issuance. These settings are called "Math and Chemistry". The system allows you to search separately for torrent files or music tracks.

Perhaps the ability to search for files and compositions is the most important difference from other search engines. The latter try to stay as far as possible from anything related to copyright.

Latest updates

Four years after launch, the interface changed. At the same time, it became possible to search in Nigma by books in online libraries and by images from other search engines. The fact that the development was carried out by people directly associated with the Moscow state university, became the reason for the emergence of the “Mathematics and Chemistry” tool, which greatly facilitated the study of many students and schoolchildren.

The essence of this great feature is that address bar you can specify a specific mathematical equation or expression. The same applies to chemical formulas. As a result, we receive not only an answer, but also a solution, not only in digital, but also in literal meaning. If there are problems with typing special characters, such as “x”, “y”, “logarithms” and so on, then you can simply enter a line in Russian, Nigma-mathematics will translate it into classical form.

Nygma-chemistry allows the system to be used even by those who have already forgotten what this item is. It is also possible to enter queries in text, and the system will translate. You can refer not only to sections of inorganic chemistry, but also organic.

As for the Nygma music section, here you can listen to the selected composition using the player built into the search engine, and even download it.

Every day, entering the open spaces worldwide network Internet, we use a variety of search engines. Google and Yandex have long been the world leaders, but in parallel with them there are many others popular search engines: Rambler, Yahoo, Bing. All of them, not without reason, have acquired their fans, but none of these systems can boast of the same high-tech and intelligent search algorithm as Nigma.ru.

What is Nigma.ru?

Nygma is an intelligent search system that appeared on the Internet in the spring of 2005, thanks to the efforts of students, graduate students and former students of Moscow University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics, Psychology and Cybernetics. In addition, representatives of Stanford University also worked very fruitfully to improve this system.

At first glance, you may think that this search engine differs from its competitors only in its attractive design, but it works based on an innovative clustering method. By entering a search query into Nigma.ru, you will certainly receive information that best suits your requirements due to thematic grouping of search results.

In many sources, the Nigma.ru site is called not an independent search engine, but a modern add-on over other search engines. The thing is that Nygma is equipped not only with her personal search robot, which actively indexes the RuNet, but also receives data from public databases of popular search engines. You can select from the drop-down list of search engines exactly those items that you need, or get rid of unnecessary ones. By default, Nigma.ru uses data from all systems.

You can always use special filters to filter out inappropriate results. For example, remove online stores from the search. As a result, find necessary information It can be done not only easier, but also much faster.

The programmers who created Nigma.ru based the work of this site on their developments in the field of creating artificial intelligence. Modeling of intellectual activity is carried out through modern computing machines. The creators of the project plan to organize not a simple search engine, but smart system, which will not give the user a link to the site, but will provide him with an answer to asked question. Ideally, it will select the most appropriate data based on the results of the analysis of the request and the existing documentary base.

Features of the Nigma.ru system

Recently, this search engine has become available to its users not only at Nigma.ru, but also through the Cyrillic domain Nigma.rf. Unlike other search engines, Nigma has rather modest human resources, as well as limited financial capabilities. It is known from official sources that Nigma.ru has only a few dozen employees, but this does not at all prevent the resource from developing at a fairly rapid pace.

Clustering, which underlies the operation of the system, actually sorts the results into shelves so that it is much easier for the user to sort the received data. Sometimes it is quite difficult for search engines to understand what exactly a person wanted to find. Each of them struggles with this problem in their own way. Yandex employees came up with a technology called Spectrum, but it only partially copes with solving the given problem. That is why Nigma was equipped with special filters that make it possible to identify specific clusters or remove certain items from the search results.

Left work panel search engine displays a list of filters. You can exclude all unnecessary items and then reintroduce them into the search if necessary, or reset the settings and start over. As a result, just a few clicks will help you quickly filter out a lot of inappropriate results and achieve the highest possible relevance of your query.

From the history of creation

It was this idea that formed the basis for the creation of the innovative search system Nigma.rf. The author of the concept was a certain Lavrenko, who at that time worked at Mail.ru. The implementation of the project was undertaken by Vladimir Chernyshev, a student at the Faculty of Cybernetics at Moscow University. It took specialists a year to launch the project, and already in 2005 users were able to try it out in practice.

At first, its creators wanted to compete with other search engines, but the main competitors had already reached a serious level of development by that time and did not want to stop there. Yandex and Google came to the forefront and firmly established themselves there. Significant financial investments into the development and improvement of these systems continue today, rapidly gaining momentum. At that time, Google could not yet boast of taking into account Russian morphology, but Nigma did not use even this advantage to receive dividends. In addition, this topic has soon lost its relevance.

This forced the specialists from Nigma to work hard to create something that no other search engine had. Special attention deserves a search add-on Nigma mathematics and chemistry. In addition, there is a separate search for torrents and music tracks.

Nigma Mathematics, Chemistry and Music

Do you urgently need to calculate the discriminant, square a number, multiply by PI, or calculate the cosine of an angle? The Nigma search engine will do everything for you. To do this, just write the query in the search bar, and then admire not only the result of the solution, but also its progress. I think this is especially relevant for schoolchildren and students, but it can also be useful for engineers.

Enter a text description and get not only correct view equation, but also its solution. Even if you write an equation with errors, a special spell checker will correct them immediately. Nigma Mathematics can easily solve this and more complex problems.

Nigma Chemistry will clearly show you what chains of chemical compounds look like, working even with complex formulas organic or inorganic chemistry. IN in this case The request can also be entered in plain text.

Built-in player in the system Nygma Music allows you not only to find the desired song or artist, but also to listen to a musical composition or receive a direct download link.

While listening to the found song, you will be able to familiarize yourself with sites where you can download the song indicating a specific bitrate. By registering on the site, you can also add your own works to Nygma’s musical database. Searching torrents through Nigma will help copyright holders of specific software or video track the sources of violation of their legal rights.

Nygma's hints for relevant searches

The Nigma search engine was created to simplify the lives of Internet users. That is why the system has special prompts with several query options. Sometimes you can get the answer to your question without even going to the search results.

The physical unit converter in Nigma understands its users perfectly, so there is no need to worry about the correctness of the entered query.

The Nigma search engine has many more interesting search tools in store for you. To decipher the abbreviation, it is not at all necessary to go to specific sites, since you can get all the necessary information in the description. This search engine always marks the official websites of companies with a special icon.

Nygma is improving every day, so we can expect other useful innovations from it in the near future.

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