Independent rating of the best Russian blogs. Visual Shards Blog

I think that they are of particular interest to journalists, television people, everyone who is chasing sensations, as well as fans and admirers of the talent of famous personalities.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a public person who does not have his own blog. It is not a fact that the author of the blog edits it himself; often, blogs are written by professional journalists or writers on behalf of a famous person, but readers have no idea about this. Of course, the author of the blog says what to write about, the main thoughts and theses, but experts in their field add a beautiful veil.

If you have a favorite actor, musician or politician, enter his last name and phrase into the search, for example “Andrei Makarevich’s blog” and enjoy communicating with your idol.

The most interesting blogs I read

I want to say right away that I don’t have time to read a large number of blogs and I have limited their number for myself.

When I created this blog and I chose a rather competitive topic (making money on the Internet, creating a blog, information business), I more than once wanted to change the topic or create a second website.

The thought of creating another diary on a different topic constantly sits in my mind and, from time to time, reminds me of myself. 🙂

But over the course of a year of editing the blog, I noticed that I was most interested in reading posts on topics similar to mine. Here are the most interesting:

  1. Mikhail Shakin's blog -

Most interesting blog in my opinion, there is a lot of fascinating material, versatile posts, everything is clear, practical, a lot valuable advice on maintaining, optimizing and promoting websites.

It is rare to find in the blogosphere those who do not know Mikhail’s blog. If you are one of them, I recommend becoming a regular reader and studying this resource from cover to cover. If Mikhail reviews various services or programs, he does it in great detail, always gives several options and reveals their advantages and disadvantages.

It’s a pity that notes on Mikhail Shakin’s blog are published quite rarely, but each of them contains a lot of useful information.

2. Website of Evgeny Popov -

This is a classic and the basis of all knowledge for those who create websites and engage in information business. Evgeniy Popov’s materials are the most up-to-date, have a lot of practical use, are clearly presented, and are supplemented by wonderful video podcasts.

Often his courses cost a lot of money, but in order to develop, you need to invest money in your development.

I recently interviewed Evgeniy, by the way, I spent 2 years trying to get him)) Read it, you’ll like it:

For me, this is like the ABCs for a first grader, it is necessary to learn from the very beginning. I recommend everyone to study this resource and regularly read new articles, you will find a lot of useful things, I guarantee.

3. Personal SEO blog of Sergei Koksharov

The blog is dedicated to SEO, analytics, SEM and many other issues. All materials have been personally verified by the author on other sites, all analytical calculations, observations, analysis of various algorithms and innovations of search engines are revealed in an easy and accessible language.

At first I thought that it was simply impossible for beginners to understand everything Sergei was talking about, but gradually studying the articles I realized that it was possible to figure it all out. Firstly, you need desire and desire, and when experience also appears in these SEO issues, then it will become easier to digest such terms))

4. Lemur Blog -

Dmitry has a diary with quite varied topics, from creating an online store to various technical innovations and services.

The presentation of the material is very interesting, not like everyone else, and this attracts. I can’t say specifically what exactly is unusual about Dmitry, but maybe you can determine it))

The traffic indicators on the blog are very significant, despite the fact that the TIC and PR are quite modest, that’s what I like :)

This is proof that you shouldn’t chase baby bumps, but that you need to work on content and communicate correctly with your readers.

5. Blog of Sergei Sosnovsky -

Also quite a famous blog with a lot of valuable information, practical advice and various competitions.

I like the way Sergei presents information, responds to comments or advice, and conducts a dialogue with readers. It has constant movement, new products, competitions, prizes, a lot of positive things, in general, it’s light and comfortable.

He is a very sociable and pleasant conversationalist; if you are interested, you can read mine.

In addition to notes on creating and optimizing websites, I like to read about travel, answers to reader questions, and various experiments based on personal experience author. Come in, you won't regret it.

6. Blog of Maxim Dovzhenko -

Maxim has the youngest diary compared to those presented above, but the information and manner of presenting the material are very detailed and voluminous, or something. I have never seen such large posts before, with so many pictures, tables and explanations.
It is noticeable that Maxim works very seriously on his project, communicates and helps his readers on various issues.

Another thing I really like about a blog author is how he plans his articles. He outlines a whole topic, breaks it down into auxiliary ones, and gradually reveals it in detail. After that, he moves on to another topic, I’m sorely lacking in this, I can’t get used to making plans for notes.

I understand that advertising your direct competitors is not entirely good, but, on the other hand, where are they and where am I. I understand perfectly well that it divides us long distances, but every soldier should dream of becoming a general, otherwise he is worthless.

When I was looking popular blogs, I was surprised by the number of requests on the topic of knitting, needlework, crocheting:

Here’s another niche for a website or information product :)

I wanted to find popular ones personal diaries on the topic of sports, travel, healthy image life, literature, I started reading them regularly, but it didn’t work out. They don’t grab me, I read a little, and I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to. Many resources about sports are maintained by a whole team of like-minded people and calling them a blog is somehow not logical in my opinion.

These are the popular blogs I read, this is my subjective opinion, of course. Are there any webmasters listed that you haven’t heard of yet?

Which popular bloggers do you know who write on a topic other than information business and creating and promoting websites and making money on the Internet?

That's all for today, see you!

(but if you don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to ask, we’ll tell you!), today we’ll talk about the measure of the popularity of your blog, that is, what are the ratings. Agree, useful knowledge for those who are planning to take them by storm :) Well, even if nothing like that is included in your plans, I think this knowledge will still not be superfluous and will come in handy someday.

We won’t write anything about ratings for now. third party services(we are now talking about the ranking of Yandex blogs - but if you want, we can make a separate lesson with comments from their employees), but we will analyze in detail LiveJournal ratings directly. Because it's our product, we can talk about it with confidence and not make wild guesses.

On this moment exists in LiveJournal three ratings: rating of posts, and rating of communities. This is in general. Each of them has several types - and that’s what we’ll talk about today.

If you are still a complete beginner and have trouble navigating the cozy world, I will briefly note that LiveJournal has magazines (that is, individual blogs) and communities of interest - in the following lessons we will tell you in detail about them. On the home page you can find tops, that is, their short versions, but the full ones are on the pages of the ratings themselves. We will not touch on the rating of posts for now and will return to it in a separate lesson, but for now we will discuss ratings of users and communities.

User rating

The user rating is actually a list of the most popular LiveJournal bloggers. It is presented in two forms:

- one - according to the social capital already known to us, that is, it shows the authority of a particular user according to many quality indicators. It does not take into account bots and this is the rating that is shown by default.
- second - based on views of magazine pages. Since the statistics of each blog are not publicly available, on the page of this rating you can see a clear and truthful picture of the traffic to certain blogs.

As I said above, on the main page of LiveJournal there is short version user rating, which includes the top 10 users by default social capital. User ratings are updated once a day and, probably, it is not worth saying that the results in the ranking are based on social capital and views for the same magazine will be different. If you want to find out what position your or someone else's blog occupies in the ranking, use the special search form, it looks like this (and yes, pay attention to the tabs on the right and center):

Community rating

The community rating is a list of the most popular communities in LJ, and it is presented in three different types. This rating is calculated:

Regarding social capital, the principle is absolutely the same as for users. It is worth noting that the impact on social capital is not the number of those who joined the community, but who joined it, that is, only watch, not join.
- by community members - their number is indicated in the community profile.
- from looking at the magazine pages, everything seems to be clear here :)

In the case of rating communities in the top, the main page also displays rating data on social capital. And again, if you want to find out what position a certain community occupies in the ranking, use the special search form.

Rating by country

All ratings, in turn, are divided into ratings by country. Or rather, now there is overall rating for all Cyrillic users, it is shown by default, and there is a Ukrainian rating - this includes those who indicated their country of residence as Ukraine in their profile settings (and it is for such users that Ukrainian is displayed by default). You can switch between these ratings easily and simply using the “General” and “Ukraine” tabs - both on the ratings pages themselves and on the main page. Both of these ratings are visible to all users subscribed to Cyrillic services.

Well, is everything clear? Any questions? :)

Well, the Live Journals service (popularly known as LJ) is still relevant and popular. And although top bloggers have long acquired accounts on fashion social networks and many of them have already become stars there, their main field of activity still remains their Live Journals. Do you want to know who you should definitely subscribe to on LiveJournal, who you should read and who you should follow, so as not to be branded a retarded person? Our review will help you with this. So, the top 10 Russian bloggers whose LiveJournal is worth bookmarking:


Live Journal belongs to Artemy Lebedev. For those in the tank, Lebedev is a famous Russian designer, blogger and traveler, owner of the Artemy Lebedev Studio. Known for his selfish position, shocking antics and abundance of obscene and expressive expressions in his work. Lebedev's LiveJournal blog - tema - has been in the top 10 of this resource in terms of traffic for several years now. During his tenure, about 2.5 thousand entries were written, for which over 1.3 million comments were received (a LiveJournal record). He is on the friend list of just under 80 thousand LiveJournal users; he himself added only 20 users to this list.

honestly "stolen" from

Instructions for creating a blog on LiveJournal

After my post about making money on a blog, I received a lot of letters with questions: “How to make your own blog?” In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, but to satisfy all readers, I am publishing a guide to creating a blog on LiveJournal.

Registration in LiveJournal

I draw your attention to the fact that instructions and guides for managing and setting up blogs are in the Help and Faq sections of LJ. In them great amount information, but often not necessary to simply start using the service. So I'll tell you about the main actions that need to be completed creating a blog.

Before you create a blog on LiveJournal, you need to get an address Email. Easiest to open Mailbox on any free email service - on Yandex, Rambler, Google or In order not to remember passwords on various postal services I recommend that you immediately forward them to your main e-mail. This way you can have an unlimited number of mailboxes, working directly with one.

If there is a mailbox, you can start opening a blog. Let's go to There's a lot here various information about LiveJournal, but we are now interested in the inscription or button "Create an account". Click and you will be taken to the registration page. You need to fill in some fields on it.


Choose your name from Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

E-mail address.

There must be a real address here, because... it automatically receives confirmation of registration, as well as all messages that are related to LiveJournal. These include messages that a comment has been made on your blog or someone has added you to their friends list.


Enter your password and remember it. It is better to use both letters and numbers in your password.

Confirm the password.

Confirm your password by entering it again.


Here, in principle, you can enter any date. LiveJournal does not require you to enter your real age. And when registering a blog, you can completely or partially hide your birthday from prying eyes.

Verifying that you are human.

This item is standard protection against spammers who conduct automatic registrations by using special programs. To check, enter the 2 specified English words. If it doesn’t work out the first time, it’s okay, next time a different one will be issued, usually more readable.

Site news.

By default, this field has a checkmark next to it with the text “ Yes, send me LiveJournal advertisements.” If you do not want to receive emails with LiveJournal news, uncheck the box.

After filling out the fields, click the button: "Create an account"

On this page we are asked to quickly create our profile. I recommend that you pay close attention to this, since in the future it will significantly affect the promotion of your blog. LiveJournal itself puts it this way: “Let others know who you are. Filling out all of these fields is completely optional, but the more you fill in, the better.” I’ll explain why - this page will subsequently be called your blog profile and will receive a unique address on the Internet, i.e. will be another blog post that is accessible to readers and search engines. Filling out the sections...

With margins “Name”, “Gender”, “Where you are” I think there will be no problems, especially since you have already filled them out and they are entered automatically. But if you want, you can change the name, because... Your nickname appears there by default.

Next comes the “What are you interested in?” section. Here you are asked to fill in the fields with your favorite musical artists, books, films, and also name your hobby. You can also list your other interests. Each interest can be represented either by a word or a phrase. Interests are separated by commas. Once you're done registering, in your profile view you'll see that interests shared by someone else have become hyperlinks. By following this link, you will find yourself on a page where other users who have the same interest are presented. Those interests that are unique will remain just text. Check their spelling carefully. Perhaps there was simply an error in them. For example: “players” and “players” - will lead to different pages.

Next comes a large field “Tell us a little (or a lot if you want) about yourself:”. It allows you to post any information. More information- more content - better promotion V search engines.

In the next box on this page you are asked to select your account type - “Paid” or "Free". I think it will work for starters in 99% of cases free type, but it's up to you. All benefits paid tariff can be studied by clicking on the hyperlink located next to the account type.

After that, in the frame on the right, select the style of your account. Well, it's all up to your taste and color! then press the button: “Save and continue” Now you need to check your email at email box, there will be a letter with a link. To complete registration, follow the link. If everything is correct you will see the page:

The creation of the blog is basically complete. Now you have a blog named, where name is the name of your blog.

First blog entry.

If you are on the page above, then follow the link “Write in a journal”. If you just went to the blog with its home page, then click on the link “Post” (or " New entry") .

In the window that opens, enter the subject of the post. The topic of the post is very important, it should not only reflect the content of the post, but also include keywords.

There are two modes for entering text: visual editor and HTML. The first allows you to format text similar to how it is done in text editor Word, and the second allows you to enter text with tags. For novice users, in my opinion, it is better to use a visual editor.

Enter the body text of your message. In mode visual editor you can change the font size and color, insert and remove hyperlinks, tables, numbered or bulleted list, highlight text fragments in italics, or in bold, underlining, etc. The toolbar icons are very similar to those in Word.

The ability to cut under the cut is very important for LiveJournal users, both from the point of view of readers of his blog, and from the point of view of the blog rating search engines. This is more convenient for blog readers, because if the text of the message is long, then it will take up too much space in the friend’s feed, which is unlikely to please them. They will come to your page if they are interested in the topic, but if the topic is forced on them, they may not be happy.

And from the point of view of search engines, it is important to understand the following. In order for your resources to support each other, it is a good idea to have in each message several hyperlinks to those sites or individual Internet pages that you want to attract attention to or that you want to raise in the search results. However, if these links are not removed under the cut, then on the first page of the blog, which usually contains 20 posts, there will be twenty links of the same type. This a large number of may be perceived search engines as spam and is likely to result in exclusion from the index or downgrade. Therefore, fragments of pages that contain links of the same type must be removed under cat. There they will not look so reprehensible.

If there is a need to insert a link into the text in the visual editor mode, you should enter the text, then select it and, by clicking the “Insert/Edit link” button, add a link to the right resource in the pop-up window that appears. And if in the visual editor mode a copied piece of text that already contains a link is pasted, then this link is saved when pasted.

If you need to insert HTML tags, then it is recommended to first switch to HTML mode and add these tags there. Otherwise, they will be treated as regular text.

After entering the message, you can already send it to the blog, but for more full use blog opportunities, I recommend taking a closer look at all the fields located below the main text field: “Tags”, “Mood”, “Where are you now”, “Music”, “Comments”, “Hide”, “For adults”, “Recording available”.


Be sure to fill out the “Tags” field. These are the keywords. Firstly, users will be able to find your blog using them when they need to find materials on a specific topic. In addition, tags are usually indexed by search engines, and not just on your blog. They are collected on separate pages LiveJournal and a considerable number of various Internet resources. All these resources are visited by spiders and have separate addresses on the Internet. As a result, you receive hyperlinks to your blog from a variety of addresses, What will help you promote your blog?. Try to include in your blog tags those words that you want to promote your blog.


This section allows you to make your post more emotionally charged. Fill in at your discretion.

"Where are you now"

More too Additional Information for your friends about your location, it is optional to fill out.


Like the first section, for a more expressive post, indicate the musical composition you are currently listening to.


Depending on which option you choose will determine who you allow to comment on your posts, and whether you allow them at all. By default, comments are open to everyone unless you set otherwise when setting up your blog.


Allows you to hide comments - all or by certain parameters.

“For adults”

Here I think everything is clear. Censorship to limit access to “adult” materials.

“Recording available”

This field allows you to make the entry visible to everyone, or only to those who are added by the account owner to his friends list, or generally only to the journal owner. All. whose security level does not allow them to see the recording will not be able to see it and will not even be aware of its existence.

After filling out all the required fields, all you have to do is click the button “Send to journalname”, a post will appear on your blog. This entry will have its own address on the Internet. This is, in fact, all that needs to be done in order to start blogging on the Internet.

Today, when LiveJournal is no longer a cake, it is rapidly changing with the times, with the help of financial instruments, a blog with almost any content can get to the top of the ranking. If previously interesting exclusive content ruled the roost, now it’s mostly cash injections, provocative headlines and other ways to get to the top. But most newcomers begin their acquaintance with LiveJournal from the TOP. So which blogs are really interesting?

1. . Everyone knows about Varlamov, and yet, among the daily bombardment of top posts, in my opinion, the most interesting ones are about cities. From the "bad"/"good" series. Travel notes from abroad are also good. Everything else is for everyone, but there are also many such amateurs among his army of readers.

2. macos . Varlamov is wrong about Alexander Belenky, I don’t know what went wrong between them. In fact, he’s a normal guy, I’ve known him for a long time. Which one of us doesn’t get carried away from time to time? You literally read his photo stories from different countries avidly, they are so interesting and professionally made. It’s a pity, there are fewer and fewer of them on Alexander’s blog, and more and more yellowness. But this is understandable; what is the demand, so is the supply.

3. theme . Behind the mask of an Internet boor and outrageous person lies an erudite and intelligent citizen. It’s enough to read his posts about design, urban structure, and Tyomin’s notes from ALL corners of the world (even with mediocre photos) - generally unique material that no one else has. And courage... Maybe from some complexes.

4. sergeydolya . I have been following Sergei’s blog since 2008, and I met him personally around 2012. I learned a lot (it seems to me) from him. Lump, what else can I say. It’s a pity, after switching to NIKON, for some reason the photographs became much worse.

5. nemihail . Misha has found his niche and works well, with a quickdraw. By the way, provocative headlines and a clever introduction to the cut are largely his invention, adopted today. There is even such an expression - “not to be mischievous”. In real life he is a very sociable and not at all star-studded person, respect.

6. aquatek_filips . Sergei Anashkevich is a very cool photographer and traveler. I still remember how I filmed the night sky with him in Jordan, and I also learned something from him. I am always glad to meet and travel together with Sergei.

7. dpmmax . Psychiatrist from Togliatti Maxim Malyavin, who runs a blog together with his wife, is a very pleasant person in personal communication. Besides, he’s a colleague, so it’s very, very interesting to be with him. The blog contains the most sparkling psychiatric stories, I recommend it.

8. kiss_my_abs . Sonya Gudim's blog will be primarily of interest to fit young ladies, but even for me, a person far from this topic, it is interesting to read her stories.

9. dolboeb . Anton Borisovich Nosik is the guru of Runet and LiveJournal, this is indisputable. His sophisticated analytical articles “on the topic of the day” will seem too contradictory to many, but reading them is certainly useful.

10. dubikvit . Blog filled interesting stories from the past - mainly about how certain films were made. Very exciting.

11. popados . Arthur Shigapov, who has traveled most of the world and written many guides to different countries- is bright and sharp-tongued, his posts are read in one breath. The sweetest person in life.

12. mossudmed . Notes from a Moscow forensic expert, accompanied by vivid and ominous macro photographs telling the story of why a particular person died. It will be interesting for readers with strong nerves.

13. ammo1 . Alexey Nadezhin writes daily about all kinds of gadgets and electronic accessories, conducts tests of various pieces of hardware - from light bulbs to computers.

14. doctorbel . Notes from a resuscitator.

15. lovigin . Everyone knows Peter Lovygin as a talented photographer who gets into various assholes of the world and vividly talks about them. His photographs cannot be confused with anyone else's. Master of his craft.

16. stalic . An expert in oriental cooking and the author of several books on this topic. In addition, even before the advent of Instagram, I was a professional in terms of taking perfect food photographs.

17. ljpromo . Oleg Ovchinnikov, who lives where there is a cloudless sky over the entire country, is a LJ expert. It is from his blog that you can glean secrets and lift the veils hidden from prying eyes. With all questions about ratings and other insurance companies, go to him.