I turned off the laptop incorrectly and it won't turn on. The laptop does not turn on from the power button - repair overview

If your laptop does not turn on, the problem may be both hardware and program level. In order to correctly diagnose the cause of the problem, you must correctly understand the process of booting a computer device.

Let's agree that today the problem will be attributed to the stages before loading operating environment, since failures at this stage of computer boot constitute one large separate topic. By the way, we have already looked at .

Let's just say that these two topics overlap greatly and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the problem of loading the operating environment from the problem of turning on the portable device itself.

Laptop won't turn on - power supply is at fault

Often the culprit of a failure when turning on a laptop, like any PC, is a damaged power supply or a damaged cable. It does not supply power in the required quantity to the mobile device or does not supply it at all, as it has completely failed. The power supply can supply significantly less voltage to the laptop input than is necessary.

For example, a number of laptop models require 19.5 V, and bad block produces, for example, only 9 V, so the laptop cannot start. Here you will need a tester to measure the voltage supplied by the unit. In any case, the faulty power supply should be replaced with another original one or with a universal one, which allows you to adjust the required power level.


An equally common culprit for problems turning on a laptop is the battery. If laptop with the battery removed, connected directly to the network only using a power supply and it starts without errors, then the battery is the cause of the failure.

Sometimes it happens that the laptop does not want to start with the battery removed, then you need to look for a replacement for the failed battery. And although the laptop “can” start and work without a battery, this mode of operation is very dangerous. In this case, you will need to turn it on from uninterruptible source nutrition.

Connected external peripherals

Sometimes connected peripheral devices can also lead to problems associated with difficulty starting a laptop. Therefore, to diagnose this problem, you should disconnect all external devices that are connected to the laptop: printers, flash drives, external drives And so on. Such behavior mobile device may result from a conflict with the connected device.

If the problem goes away after disabling all external devices, then you need to determine which of them causes the laptop computer to fail to turn on. But if the problem is not overcome, then the diagnosis should be continued.

Or there may be several devices connected to the laptop at once, one of which introduces a conflict

Power button

TO possible reasons The problem under consideration also includes a malfunction of the power button. IN various models laptops, its location is not the same. Most often it can be seen near the top of the laptop case.

To deal with the problem yourself, you need sufficient experience in laptop repair, and therefore in this case it is better to take your computer to a service center. And the causes of failure in the case of a button may be a break in its cable or copper contacts that have lost their properties.

Power button and its cable:

Black display when laptop is on

Sometimes they say that the laptop starts, but the display does not show anything - it remains black. In this case, the indicators light up, the operation of the cooling system components (the noise of coolers) is heard, but the monitor display turns out to be indifferently black.

The reasons for such strange behavior of the laptop can be anything, including a faulty graphics card, since it is she who forms and displays the image. The reason may also be in the display itself.

VGA cable and its connector on a laptop for connecting an additional monitor

To check whether the laptop monitor is the culprit of the failure, you need to connect a known working monitor to the laptop, having first found a VGA or HDMI port. If additional monitor When the laptop starts, it shows the entire loading progress, which means the problem is native monitor laptop.

However, if the additional monitor does not show anything, then the problem may be in a failed video card. IN in this case you need to take your laptop to a service center.

Constant reboot

A hardware problem with turning on a mobile device also includes its incomplete turning on. In this case, the laptop starts up and the monitor turns on, on which messages are displayed with the results of the system self-test.

Each of the messages appears on a black display if the option to show them is enabled in the BIOS. However, at some stage of the self-test, the laptop begins to suddenly reboot. Most often, overheating is to blame for this behavior of the device, and therefore it would not hurt to open the laptop and clean it from dust inside.

Let us also add that booting the computer carried out by the I/O program is accompanied by sound signals if the BIOS detected a boot error. Also, this program displays an error message.

Operating system not found

Below is the search error boot entry on the hard drive (BIOS does not detect the 55AAh signature on the hard drive):

This type of failure can be attributed to both hardware and software errors. At one of the boot stages, the BIOS looks for boot sector operating environment, where the boot loader code is located, to which the active boot phase should be transferred and which should begin loading the operating environment.

But it often happens that the master boot record may not be found due to the fact that the user, for example, forgot to partition HDD to partitions or due to the fact that the MBR was damaged. In this case, the BIOS can issue a number of the most various errors up to “There is no operating system” or Missing operating system.

This also includes the problem of a damaged boot manager of the operating environment bootmgr, the absence of which or the damage of which is also reported through BIOS resources.

Below is the boot manager search error (Not found or corrupted small file bootmgr)

There are many reasons for problems with turning on a laptop. In this article we have considered only a few that may be available for diagnosis by the most by simple means. However, not all of these problems can be fixed at home with minimal experience.

Most of these problems must be resolved in service centers. Among the reasons discussed in the article for failures to turn on a laptop: problems with the battery, power supply, video card, monitor display, conflicts between the laptop and connected peripherals, problems with dust and overheating internal components laptop computer. However, power-on failures can also be caused by faulty hard disks, failed RAM, microcircuits of chips involved in wiring motherboard And so on.

Many problems may not be purely hardware in nature, but software-based, as happens when there is no master boot record, when the BIOS is unable to correctly determine the first boot sector of the disk.

So, about 8 years ago, “laptops” actively burst into the world. They immediately began to be in active demand. Therefore, before discussing why the laptop does not start, let's talk about what advantages this technology has.

Advantages of laptops

For starters, a laptop computer is a compact device that can replace a desktop PC. This is quite convenient for those who do not have large space in the apartment. A laptop, even with the largest diagonal, will take up a small amount of space on the table.

Another plus is the opportunities. In terms of power, portable computers are not inferior to their stationary counterparts, sometimes even superior to them. And in general, you will agree that a laptop is more convenient and practical - if you wanted to watch a movie while lying on the couch - please! If you want to sit at the table - no problem! The quality of the "laptops" is no worse than desktop computers. But sometimes a problem may arise - the laptop does not start. Let's look at why this can happen and how to deal with it.

There is no reaction

So, let's look at a rather rare, but very sad reason why a laptop won't start. You are trying to turn on your little “iron friend”, but it does not react to your actions at all. That is, no noise, no sounds of switching on, squeaks, squeals, rustling or clattering - just silence.

If you asked yourself the question: “The laptop won’t start, what should I do?” - and encountered complete absence the reaction of this equipment to all your futile attempts to turn it on, then make sure that the laptop is in good condition. Of course, this will not be as easy to do as in the case of a stationary PC, but you need to find out what the cause of “death” is. Take your laptop to a service center - they will definitely tell you whether your laptop can be resuscitated.

Is there food?

Another reason why a laptop does not start is the lack of battery charge and, as a result, the lack of power supply to the equipment. So, before going to the service center, first make sure that your sockets are in full working order. So, before you sound the alarm, try connecting your laptop to different outlets around the house.

Also, insert the battery into the laptop and let it charge for a while. A special indicator light usually indicates that power is being supplied. If it does not light up, the battery is in out of order. But the laptop can work without it, only from the network. So don't panic right away.

Doesn't start with music

It may also happen that the laptop computer does not start, but there are still reactions to manipulation. This is already a good sign - it's not a matter of technology, you don't need to buy completely new laptop. Usually a rather encouraging sign is the characteristic “squeaking” during the first seconds of switching on.

What do they signal? In general, there is great amount literature that clearly describes all the “beeps” and the reasons for their appearance in the absence full launch computer. So if you turn on your portable equipment and it beeps at you, there are two options: read the literature or take it to a service center. You can also turn to friends who have already encountered such trouble.

Air shaking

If the laptop does not start, the black screen signaling that it is “turned off” still does not light up and boot, but noise is coming from your “iron friend” - this means that you simply do not have initialization. That is, the computer seems to turn on, shows signs of life (namely: the “cooler” turns on and makes noise), the “caps” and power indicators light up and... that’s it. Nothing else. The fan spins madly, the computer freezes and does not move from a standstill.

What could it be? There are several reasons. The first, perhaps the least pleasant, is the lack of hardware. To be more precise - the processor or random access memory. That is, of course, these “spare parts” are available, but they are in a faulty condition. A more favorable reason for fixing it yourself is a broken BIOS. In this case, you need to reinstall it and try to turn on the computer. By the way, if the laptop does not start, do not try to replace its components yourself - you are more likely to be left without portable equipment finally.

Eternal reboot

If you have read everything that was said earlier, but are still looking for a solution to the problem “the laptop will not start, what to do,” then study the article further. Now we move on to more “pleasant” reasons.

It may turn out that the system will not boot, but the computer seems to show further signs of life, but at the very last moment it goes to reboot. And so on until you turn it off yourself. This behavior is a BIOS failure signal. It is quite common for the BIOS to fail due to overheating of the processor and dust accumulation in the cooler. Sometimes the cause is damage to the computer's power supply system - it tries to turn on, but there is not enough power. So if your laptop won't start - Asus, HP, Samsung or any other - take it to full diagnostics to a specialized center. Still, if computers are not your element, just entrust your work to professionals.


Now let’s get closer to more “down-to-earth” options for why the laptop won’t start. Quite often problems arise directly during loading. operating system. For example, Windows does not start on a laptop at the very beginning of initialization. That is, at the stage of the appearance of a characteristic company icon. Why won't my laptop start?

This kind of problem occurs mainly due to the fact that the computer simply does not see the hard drive on which the operating system is installed. Thus, if you are absolutely sure that the problem is not with the processor or RAM, then check if everything is fine with your “hard drive”. This action is done by studying the BIOS. If, for example, you don’t see HDD in the download queue settings, then the problem is with the hard drive. In this case, it must be replaced. It is not recommended to touch fragile and small laptop equipment yourself. Replacement hard drive on a laptop - the procedure is delicate and quite complicated.

Restart while loading

If a laptop does not start - HP, Asus, Acer or any other (regardless of the manufacturer) - while loading the operating system, or rather the OS is constantly rebooted even before you can see your desktop or even the words “welcome” ", then there are quite a lot of problems here. The most common are virus attacks. But some glitches and malfunctions may also occur. If you are faced with this problem, then the simplest solution is to reinstall the operating system. Just install a clean Windows on a formatted hard drive, and all startup problems will be solved. Of course, if you like to dig deeper into the root of the problem, you can try running in safe mode and look for what exactly is the matter in order to bypass the process of “demolishing Windows.”

There is sound, but no picture

It also happens that the laptop does not start - a black screen appears immediately after you see signs of loading the BIOS. With all this, the sound from computer is coming- characteristic noises and Windows boot music are heard. In this case, the behavior of the computer indicates that you most likely have problems with your video card. Most likely, it is simply broken or damaged. What needs to be done in this case? Of course, change “spare parts”. If you have a great desire and the appropriate skills, you can carry out this fascinating procedure yourself. Nevertheless, it is not worth the risk - computer malfunctions, “cured” by inept hands, can lead to the destruction of equipment completely and irrevocably.


So, your laptop won't start. What to do? If you have been working safely on your “machine” for a long time, and the possibility of a lack of electricity, batteries, or malfunction of any computer hardware has already been ruled out, then most likely the problems are caused by viruses.

As you know, they have taken place throughout the history of the PC. Hackers and other ill-wishers are ready to do anything to obtain information and damage it. Thus, various “Trojans” can bring your computer to a state of “white heat”, in which you lose control of your operating system. In addition, viruses can erase information. Absolutely any. Subject to attacks personal files of different contents, but first of all, when a computer “diseases” they suffer system files. So in a simple way some important details of your "OS" can easily be erased from the face of the earth. In fact, after important files will be deleted, then the first time you restart the system you will be faced with the fact that the laptop will not start. - this is the name of the picture when only a black screen opens in front of the user when loading the computer. In the best case, a cursor will appear that you can move around the monitor.

What to do if your laptop does not start for a reason virus attacks? First you need to try to clean your computer from pests. This can be done using special antivirus programs. In addition, the remedy can help you in this matter Windows recovery. Doesn't start Asus laptop or any other - it doesn't matter. Viruses do not bypass any computer.

If you don’t want to once again figure out how to cure computer system, you can just update it. That is, reinstall. Format your hard drive and install a new OS. At the same time, make sure that this time you have a good antivirus program. In addition, be very careful when downloading certain files from the Internet. Do not visit dubious sites.

Not fully working

Another question that we will consider today is on a laptop. What should you do if you cannot install or run a toy/program? Very often you can come across this question on various forums.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why games won’t run on your computer. There are viruses, system problems, and crashes. But the most commonplace among them is the laptop’s failure to meet even the minimum system requirements. Therefore, try to ensure that the game matches the hardware.

If a particular program or other file does not run on the laptop (especially those that include a lot of graphics), then take a close look at the video card. In many laptops it is built-in, which does not allow you to install all the desired games. Even in system requirements you may come across the inscription: “It may not work on laptops with the following video cards...” Attention, attentiveness and attentiveness again.

Of course, games may also not launch due to viruses. The solution is simple - cure your computer. In exceptional cases it may be necessary complete reinstallation system or its rollback to a time when there were no failures. But there is a small problem with “rollback” - special viruses can prevent Windows from successfully completing the recovery. Do not be alarmed and think carefully about how you can remove the virus from the system. Now you know what to do if Windows does not start on your laptop. Good luck!

Every third laptop owner is faced with the problem of a “black screen” upon startup. There may be a lot of reasons that cause a problem, but before contacting a repair service computer equipment, we recommend that you perform the diagnostics yourself. We will talk about this below.

Causes of malfunction

The reasons why the laptop screen does not work can be divided into several groups:

  1. Damage to the southern or north bridge motherboard due to mechanical interference or overheating of the device.
  2. Malfunctions with central processor or video card.
  3. Broken cable, laptop matrix or backlight.
  4. The RAM malfunctioned or fell out of the connector.
  5. Malfunctions in the computer hardware settings.
  6. The battery has stopped working.

In the first three cases, repair or replacement of parts is necessary. You can try to fix the malfunctions described in the remaining paragraphs yourself.

Advice! If the laptop turns off after a long time of operation and shows no signs of life, it is likely that it has overheated. Check that nothing is blocking the air outlet, clean it from dust, and then turn it on.


Important! Determine whether the laptop starts when you turn on the power button (you can hear the noise of coolers, the hard drive, whether the LED lights up). Your further actions depend on this.

Battery check

If the laptop shows signs of life when turned on:

The laptop “comes to life” upon startup and there is a screen at hand personal computer or TV with HDMI output— check the operation of the laptop, perhaps the fault is really in the laptop:

Advice! The cause of the malfunction may be unstable work Windows. If so, roll back the system to a previous restore point or troubleshoot through command line. Enter the command sfc /scannow

BIOS Settings

Laptop users facing black screen problems were helped by a reset method BIOS settings default. If the computer shows signs of life (the coolers are working), connect it to a monitor or do the procedure blindly:

  1. Turn on your device.
  2. After turning on, press the F10 key (enter BIOS) for 10 seconds.
  3. A menu will open, wait and press F9.
  4. Press Enter (return to original settings).
  5. Press F10 (exit BIOS)/
  6. Press Enter to save your changes, exit, and restart your computer.

Important! If the previous methods were unsuccessful or your device shows no signs of life, try another option below.

Checking RAM sticks

There is a possibility that the motherboard has stopped recognizing the RAM:

If the advice in this article did not help you, we recommend contacting the service center. Most likely the problem is in the hardware. Also write to us, maybe we can find the problem together.

The 21st century is considered the century of new technologies, and almost every person has a computer at home. Moreover, in Lately Most users prefer to use laptops. The popularity of laptops is quite understandable - they take up little space, are mobile and are not much inferior to ordinary personal computers.

Many mobile PC users have at least once in their lives encountered a problem when the laptop stops turning on for no obvious reason; this makes most people panic. In this article I would like to highlight this problem and try to solve it at home, without the help of a specialist.

So your laptop won't turn on, what should you do? The very first thing we must determine is at what stage of switching on the problem occurs, the degree of damage to the laptop depends on this. The hardest for home remedy Laptop failures are related to its internal parts, the so-called hardware. You can determine that the fault is so deep if no action occurs when you turn on your device - the screen does not turn on, the laptop does not make noise and does not light up LED indicators, showing the operation of the device. These factors indicate a malfunction in the motherboard power supply. In most cases, problems with motherboard cannot be fixed at home by a non-professional, but before taking your computer to a service center, you can check for several minor breakdowns that cause the laptop to exhibit the same symptoms.

The laptop won't turn on, what should I do?

  • Check Charger laptop - it often happens that the failure is precisely in such a small thing: a loosely connected cable to the network, lack of voltage in electrical network or failure of the charger. If your laptop suddenly turns off and restart does not give anything, pay attention to the charging indicator. If there is no charging, but the laptop continues to function, the charge indicator should blink when you try to turn on the device - this is the most reliable indicator of a failure of the charger. But be careful, if the laptop sits for more than a day without charging, the indicator may not light up due to the battery being completely discharged.

  • Check the laptop battery - just like the charger, the battery tends to fail and prevent your device from turning on normally. In order to check the performance of the battery, you need to disconnect it from your laptop and turn on the charger directly. If your laptop starts, then the problem is in the battery and it needs to be replaced, but until you replace it, you can use the computer by charging from the mains.

  • Eliminate the possibility of a failure of the internal software (Bios) of the laptop - problems loading your device may be caused by a failure of the internal software that is used to control the laptop devices; Bios failure may occur due to a voltage drop or improper shutdown of the device. In order to de-energize the motherboard capacitors and make hard reset you need to disconnect the laptop battery, turn off the charger, i.e. disconnect the laptop. After you turn off all power devices, press the power button several times and hold for an average of 10 seconds. This procedure will remove all static from the computer motherboard and de-energize the BIOS. The next step is to connect the laptop charger, but do not connect the battery. If your device turns on, the problem is resolved and you can connect the battery.

If all else fails...

If the methods described above do not help to start your laptop, then it is highly recommended to visit a laptop repair center. This suggests that most likely the problem is in its hardware, and it is better not to repair the internal equipment of the laptop yourself.

If your laptop turns on - the screen lights up, the laptop makes noise and the LED indicators are on, it means it’s vital important devices laptop is ok. We move on to the next stage of turning on the laptop - this is loading. The download can be divided into 2 parts. The first part includes the initial boot of the laptop, it occurs immediately after turning on the device and configures internal devices laptop. Loading is controlled internally software devices - BIOS. The second part includes loading Windows directly.

Problems with hardware configuration are quite common. You can understand this if when you turn on your device, opening screensaver(black screen with white letters) and nothing further happens, i.e. laptop won't boot.

Reasons why such a malfunction may occur:

  1. Strong voltage drop;
  2. Incorrect shutdown of the device;
  3. BIOS malfunction;
  4. Failure or failure of laptop hardware.

To eliminate this problem You need to carefully read the inscriptions on the screen. If the failure occurs due to an improper shutdown or due to a voltage drop, the BIOS reboots and resets to initial settings. Most often, to continue loading, you need to press the “F1” key, this is indicated by a message in the lower left corner of the screen - something like “PressF1 to continue” or “Press F1 to load default settings”. For each BIOS version, these messages are different, so you just need to pay attention to the presence of the inscription and press the suggested key to continue.

It happens that internal program laptop crashes and interferes normal loading computer, but does not display any error messages. In order to fix this error, you need to set everything to default BIOS settings. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS using the “F2” key (for most modern laptops) or the del key (found in laptops from 2000 to 2008) and find the line “Load BIOS default”, in different versions BIOS this line can be located in different places. Then exit and save the parameters “Save Settings and Exit” or press F10.

If the methods described above did not help, then there is a very high probability that your equipment is malfunctioning, in particular in 90% of cases the hard drive is to blame.

After several initial boot screens, the computer displays the Windows boot screen, after which the desktop loads and the user is able to use his device. Many problems also occur when loading the operating system, but this is the most minor and easily solvable problem with your laptop, which can be solved by reinstalling the operating system. We will consider the most common problems problems in Windows boot that can be resolved without reinstalling the system. If the Windows splash screen appears and nothing happens, or the computer restarts, this problem can be resolved with varying degrees of success, most the best option- this is to reinstall Windows, but you can try to boot using the built-in debugger.

To do this, after the initial boot of the laptop, before the splash screen should appear, we press the F8 key, in the menu that appears, select the line “Last good configuration" IN latest versions Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) have the ability to resurrect your operating system using restore points - through the system restore interface. After several unsuccessful Windows downloads itself will offer to use a system rollback, which can also be called through extra menu boot the system using the F8 key.

P.S. The laptop does not turn on, what to do and who is to blame?

After carefully reading this note, you understand and understand the reasons for the breakdown of the laptop. Even if you do not have any problems, it is better to be aware of the most popular problems in order to prevent them during operation.

In contact with

If you press the power button and the laptop does not boot, then this can be called an unpleasant moment. Situations in this case can be different: the laptop does not boot (black screen and the startup process does not occur at all), the laptop turns on but does not boot, or it boots, but the screen is black, and what to do in such cases can only be decided by experienced specialist. First, let's try to figure it out a little on our own. Firstly, the laptop may not turn on at all, to understand this, just listen and look to see if the power indicators light up. Secondly, the device may show “signs of life”, that is, the indicators will light up, the noise of the fan will be heard, but the screen will still remain black. There may be many reasons why a laptop behaves this way, but there is no need to panic right away, since it won’t take much time to solve them at the Serty Service computer repair center and, as a rule, the repairs or maintenance required when such a problem occurs is relatively inexpensive. Question: “The laptop won’t boot, what should I do?” - no longer a problem!

Reasons why you may be seeing a black screen on your laptop

Basically, if a laptop does not turn on or its screen does not light up, the reasons lie in its hardware and require diagnostics at a service center. However, if the laptop does not react at all to pressing the power button, you can try removing and inserting the battery, try turning on the laptop without a battery using only the power supply. You should also pay attention to whether the battery charging indicator lights up when the power supply is connected; perhaps it is the one that has failed, and the battery is completely discharged.

The most common problems that require repair under service conditions and lead to the screen not lighting up include:

  • For relatively old laptops with a gas-discharge backlight lamp, both the lamp itself and the inverter powering it may fail;
  • Failed internal power controller;
  • Failure of the cables supplying power to the lamp or LED matrix;
  • BIOS firmware failure;
  • Problems with other laptop components that can be called more serious and expensive to repair, for example, failure of RAM or video card.

You will also not be able to start the laptop normally if it is infected with viruses or the operating system crashes, but in this case you should still see the BIOS loading process on the screen, and the problem is most likely of a software nature. You can check this, for example, by trying to boot your laptop from a flash drive or optical disk, on which it is recorded special version a system designed to test a computer and gain access to the disk when the main system does not boot.

How to solve the problem of a black screen on a laptop

If you cannot turn on your laptop at all, and you have tried removing the battery, turning it on from the power supply, and also checking the integrity of the cords and contacts, there is only one solution to the problem - take the device to a service center.

If the laptop simply does not boot and a black screen appears even as the system boots, you can try checking it for viruses by booting from a special disk or try reinstalling the system. However, if you do not have experience in performing such restoration work, it will be easier and faster to solve the problem by contacting qualified Serty Service specialists.

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