Windows OS does not load. Using a restore point

Very often we encounter operating system problems. The issue is especially unpleasant when Windows 7 does not start at all. But let’s look at everything in more detail. In order to correctly and reliably understand this issue, it would be good to study its main components.

After all, this problem does not happen on its own. In the article we will also tell you what to do to try to quickly resume Windows 7 (if possible).

You can contact our service for a solution to this and other problems of laptops and computers using the contacts in the header of the site and our specialists will do the work inexpensively, efficiently and on time

And so, let's go.

The operating system (OS) Windows 7 and its predecessors are very popular, and a huge amount of money is spent on their development. Despite this, it happens that they often do not work very stable or do not want to start at all.

Moreover, it would seem that you didn’t do anything special at the computer, but Windows works unstable and incorrectly. Well, since a lot of important and necessary information(), then a sudden interruption in work can bring a lot of trouble.

You have to take the computer in for repairs, and there is a possibility of losing all important information on the hard drive (as a result, if you try to solve the problem yourself). And these are usually working documents and educational documents, ranging from electronic lectures to coursework and a lot of others important files.

Almost everything lost (deleted) can be restored; for more details about this service, read the article recover data. Therefore, you should never hope that “it will carry me through.”

It is important to understand that many problems can be avoided by treating the operating system correctly.

Common reasons why Windows 7 won't start

One of the reasons is the inability to boot due to damage to the OS registry, as a result of which it cannot boot and proceeds according to instructions, i.e. does a reboot in the hope that the next boot will fix the problem.

The situation is, of course, not simple; to understand it, it is worth finding out the possible reasons for its occurrence.

So why might Windows 7 crash? This usually happens for the following reasons:

  1. Failure in computer parts, which can also occur due to problems with the network power supply
  2. Malware or viruses that damage the registry itself (need good antivirus, even a free one will do, but it’s reliable)
  3. Hard drive failures - its complete or partial failure. Most often without special repairs. service or replacement is not necessary. Moreover, it would be nice to always monitor its status, since you can instantly, if it breaks, lose all your accumulated files on your computer
  4. Problems with file system, can be restored, but the process is not simple and requires special knowledge and tools
  5. Also, if you installed some new device due to which a failure occurs, namely a problem with the drivers of this device, which simply may not be suitable for this operating system
  6. And what happens not so rarely is mechanical damage hard drive, i.e. if you somehow dropped or hit it (the system unit gave in or the laptop was dropped, etc.) or its service life has simply expired

If we summarize for the reasons listed above, then at home you can only cope with point 2.5 at best. Most often, you cannot do without additional help. You ask, what is the benefit of the article then? Well at least:

  • You save time, do not waste it on unsuccessful attempts to fix the problem, but immediately contact professional help. This way you save time and sometimes money
  • You will also find information here about what breakdowns most often occur, which means you will pay more attention to these points in order to prevent them (fortunately there is plenty of information here on the site and on the Internet in general) or to know how to act most quickly when they occur, which again saves time

Popular ways to solve the problem of starting Windows 7, that is, what can be done on the spot without asking for help

Running Last Known Good Configuration

The simplest thing you can try right away is to select Run Last Known Good Configuration in the menu that appears when loading the OS. This method, although not often, can help; it sends the OS to the last successfully saved point to boot from it.

It activates like this: When booting your PC, press the F8 key. Thus, a black screen with command lines should appear in front of you. We select the launch of the last known good configuration we need:

As a result, a reboot will occur and an attempt to boot from the last successfully recorded version of the system, in which everything worked stably. This doesn't always help. So, if it doesn’t work, then read on.

Starting in Safe Mode

Next we can use a method like " safe mode", i.e. loading Windows 7 in safe mode. This mode is turned on again when you boot the computer with the F8 key, or rather, a selection menu only appears there. It’s in it that we select “safe mode” at the top.

What does this mode provide? And it allows us to boot the OS without drivers, i.e. almost clean operating system:

  • Firstly, this may immediately suggest that the problem, if the boot took place in safe mode and you ended up in Windows, is a failure of the device drivers. You need to delete them until you find the faulty one.
  • Secondly, there is a chance to go in and, for example, scan the system for viruses using free scanner Dr.Web CureIt! - we highly recommend it if you need to clean your system from viruses. Just write it in a search engine and add “download”, then simply download it from the official website

Dust accumulation inside the system unit

Albeit not often, but the reason why Windows 7 does not boot may be simple dust or oxidation of contacts, i.e. take it and just take it out - insert all the computer connectors such as mice, keyboards, video cards, monitors, etc. And blow them out or clean them with a brush or something else.

By cleaning the parts from dust often enough, you can restore normal work PC

Reset system settings to default

The next method takes us inside system unit. It has a motherboard on which all the computer parts are attached - processor, video card, etc. And on this motherboard, if you look closely, there is usually a battery at the bottom that stores the computer’s boot settings when it is unplugged.

You just need to take and remove the battery, wait about a minute and put it back, of course this must be done with the cord unplugged from the outlet. Otherwise, the settings will not be lost. This method can help in many situations, so don't neglect it. Also, don’t forget that if the time and date on your computer get lost, just replace the battery. It’s easy to buy, just come to any “battery store :)” and say - please give me a 2032 coin-cell battery - this is exactly what you need. All things.

It’s unfortunate to conclude, but if you still can’t start Windows 7, you’ll have to reinstall it

There is a lot of information on this site on this issue in case the OS no longer starts and you have to reinstall it. In general, in most cases this is the most reliable way, in which you can get a new, high-quality and fast-running Windows.

True, we should not forget that only an experienced master can reliably carry out this process. If you decide to use the services of such a specialist, then simply contact us using the contacts in the header of the site. Don't worry, we're not saying that only we can do this, not at all.

If you can also reinstall and configure Windows quite well, then that’s just great. But it often happens that the user does not have such an opportunity, so in this case we offer our services so that the PC can be restored as quickly and reliably as possible.


And so we have looked at the main ways you can try to get out of the situation when for some reason Windows 7 does not start. Many other factors can influence the startup, we have looked at the most basic ones. We recommend contacting our service for quality help and get the fastest, most stable computer or laptop.

Before you figure out how to restore Windows 7 to start, you need to understand what the cause of the problem is. To do this, it will be useful to know a little general information about how the download occurs and what stages it includes.

General information about downloading

Conventionally, the launch of Windows 7 can be divided into three stages, which, in turn, are divided into several phases.


This is the first stage of system startup, which starts immediately after the BIOS code is executed. First, a small group of drivers starts working, allowing you to read data from hard drive. The Windows 7 boot loader (winload.exe) then begins initializing and loading the kernel. The registry hive “SYSTEM” and another group of drivers are loaded into RAM. The first stage lasts about 2 seconds and ends with the appearance of the operating system logo on the screen.


The main and longest stage of system startup. Visually, it continues from the appearance of the logo until the desktop starts loading. It consists of several phases, the duration of which can vary - from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.


During this phase, initialization occurs Windows kernels, the plug and play device manager starts working, the remaining drivers start. Errors that occur at this moment are usually associated with problems with the main components of the computer or incorrect operation of their software.


The visual start of this phase is difficult to determine, but part of it is already the empty field that appears between the splash screen and the appearance of the welcome screen. The system at this moment performs the following actions:

  • Initializes the registry.
  • Starts the next wave of drivers that are not marked "BOOT_START".
  • Starts subsystem processes.

Most often, problems during this boot phase are related to video card drivers.


WInlogon.exe is the file that launches the welcome screen, so the “WinLogonInit” phase begins at this point. During this stage scripts are executed group policies, services are started. The duration of the phase varies greatly depending on the processor power.

Failures at this stage are often caused by incorrect operation third party applications, including antivirus.


Begins with the start of the shell and ends with the start of the window manager. During this phase, program icons appear on the desktop and services continue to start. These processes are accompanied by an increase in the load on the computer hardware - processor, RAM, HDD.

Problems at this stage are usually associated with insufficient power of the equipment or its malfunction.


The last stage, which begins with the appearance of the desktop and ends after all startup components have loaded. At this stage, all applications that start with Windows begin to work. After the “PastBoot” stage ends, the system goes into idle mode.

Problems that arise at this stage are usually related to viral activity or incorrect operation of automatically downloaded programs.

Crashes at various stages of loading

Problems at different stages Windows startup manifest themselves differently: some are related to hardware, others to the registry, and others to drivers or important system files. Therefore, it is so important to understand what processes occur when the system starts up so that you can quickly determine the cause of the problem.

Hardware problems

It is often difficult to determine what is not working - some specific equipment or operating system. However, based on some signs, certain assumptions can be made about which device has failed:

All the errors described are usually related to the computer hardware, however, there may be exceptions.

Boot files are damaged

The appearance of a message like “Bootmgr is missing” at an early stage of system startup indicates the absence of critical files, without which Windows cannot boot.
However, sometimes no notifications appear - the cursor just blinks on the screen, but no progress occurs.

Bootmgr is a standard Windows boot loader that is not accessible to the user, as it is stored on a separate hidden partition. You can’t accidentally delete it, but you can format it unknowingly hidden volume using external media.

When booting from external media the hidden volume with the bootloader looks like this:

Other files important for startup are stored on system disk in the "Windows" directory. System registry data is also stored here.

The registry is damaged

If the registry is damaged or inaccessible, Windows may not even start loading. In this case, the system usually diagnoses the error on its own and offers to run the recovery tool.

Often, the built-in system restore tool can help you fix a registry problem by copying its configuration files from a backup store. However, there are situations when there are no registry files on the hard drive or they are inoperative. In this case, the user must manually perform the system registry recovery procedure.

Startup recovery tools

The easiest way to restore startup is to use the built-in Windows tools:

A list of means for restoring system functionality will appear, in which you must select “Startup recovery”.
It will scan and automatically correct any errors found, if possible.

If nothing happened with the launch, you can try to restore the system by rolling it back to previous state. Everything is standard here: select a control point with a working configuration and return the system to that period.

Another method that often helps is restoration Windows boot loader via the command line. You can also launch it through the “Recovery Options” menu. On the command line you need to enter several queries (all commands are entered without quotes):

After successful implementation all commands and the report appears, Windows 7 should start running normally.

The topic that I want to discuss in this article is very popular and talking about it in detail so that you understand how and what to do is not so simple. But still, I will try to describe possible ways What to do if Windows 7 does not boot on your laptop or computer. We will also find out why this could happen?! The task ahead of us is not an easy one, namely, to correct the current situation, but there is no need to be afraid. Just follow the clear instructions and everything will be great! Some points may be suitable for other operating systems, but I will focus on Windows 7.

Dear reader, if you really want to solve the problem, then I strongly recommend reading the article in full, and then drawing some conclusions. I cannot talk about all the nuances in one paragraph.

Safe Mode and Last Known Good Configuration

This is a must try! Reboot the computer, press the F8 key continuously.

Attention! In Windows 8, entering Safe Mode is a little different, so it's best to follow the link below to find out all the details. In the list that appears, we are interested in the item called “Last good configuration(additionally)". Select and press Enter.

About how to enter safe mode on different systems:

What to do if the information above did not help you? We repeat the steps described in previous paragraph, but select “Safe Mode”.

Next, you can make a choice: fix the problem due to which Windows 7 does not boot manually, or try to do it in semi-automatic mode. Usually I do everything manually, for example, if Windows does not boot after installing the drivers, then I delete the drivers and try to boot. I think you understand that manual method demands from you more knowledge, so Windows offers you another option, which I'll describe below.

If everything loads, go to the Start menu, Control Panel, System and Security. In the “Support Center” tab, click on the inscription “Restore the computer to a previous state.” See the “Run System Restore” button? Great, then you've come to the right place.

Now click it and follow the instructions.

Next, you will need to select a restore point. In my case, I am asked to select a point on the 23rd, and now the calendar shows the 29th. Therefore, you need to click on “Search for affected programs” to find out what actions you will need to take after recovery.

So, you have familiarized yourself with the affected software when restoring the system and now you can close this window. After closing the window, click “Next”.

If you were unable to enter safe mode to restore Windows operation, then there is no need to despair. Below we will look at another method.

Note: at the very beginning, when Windows 7 was just coming out, there was one strange glitch that you might have too. When you turn on the computer, the welcome screen follows and a black screen appears. As I remember, it seemed like there was still an arrow, but nothing else was visible. The cure was very simple - go into safe mode and restart the computer as usual. After that I was able to log into my account without any additional manipulations with Windows.

You may need to reinstall Windows

This option should be considered when you have tried to revive Windows, but all attempts have produced no results.

The very first thing that comes to mind for many, and for me too, is reinstalling Windows 7. But this method, you see, is very long, and if you are a busy person, then access to the computer should be almost constant. Reinstallation is suitable for those who have a lot of free time or do not have time to understand more quick methods, or for those who will not be helped by any of the methods listed below for restoring the operating room Windows systems.

I will not dwell in detail on installing Windows, since I wrote about this on my blog:

Here brief instructions: since you do not have access to the desktop, go to the BIOS, look for the Boot or Advanced BIOS Features tab, or search for it yourself. Then in it we find the line “1st Boot Device”, set the value to CD-ROM. What have we done? What we did is that now when the computer boots, it will boot from the disk that is installed in your CDRom, and not from the hard drive. After turning it on, when the inscription “Press any key...” appears on a black background, press any button and get into the Windows installation wizard. Then follow the instructions on the screen.

You can read more about how to boot from disk in my article: “”.

I decided to talk about the installation at the very beginning, because if you were going to reinstall Windows, then perhaps this is some kind of sign to implement it))). But as I said at the very beginning, we will now try to bring your Windows back to life without reinstalling it.

System Restore

First of all, you can use the function that is in the installation disk “System Restore”. I will give an example of the Windows 7 system, but if you have a different system, then this is not a reason to think that you cannot do on your system. The names of the buttons may differ, but the principle remains the same.

So for this procedure we need installation disk with Windows or its image (can be downloaded on the Internet). If you are unable to download the image or do not have a disk, then write to me by email [email protected] or contact your friends who have already installed Windows themselves.

If you don’t have a working disk drive or don’t have one at all, then the article “” will help you create a bootable flash drive.

When do you have stock Windows distribution, then insert it into the drive and restart the computer. If the BIOS is configured for installation, you will see the line:

When it appears, press any key.

If it is not there or Windows boots as usual, then you need to make manipulations in the BIOS. Namely, set loading priorities. Usually the hard drive is set in the BIOS settings, since that is where your Windows is installed.

In order for the computer to start booting from the disk that is in your drive, you need to go into the BIOS and specify CDRom as the first device to boot. I have already talked about this above, if you have not read this point, then it’s time to do so.

So, you pressed any key, now a window will appear where you click “Next”.

In the next window you need to click “System Restore”.

A search will occur. installed systems. If you have one system installed, then there will be one operating system in the list. Select it and click Next.

Often on at this stage A message may appear asking you to restore your system. If this message will be displayed on your screen, then click “Fix and restart”. After that, try to log into your account.

If the message does not appear, then in the next window you select your system and click “Next”.

After this, a window will appear where you can select system recovery methods.

automatic solution Problems.

System Restore - you can use this method, but on the condition that this function was turned on.

Restoring a system image – if you have Windows image recovery.

Command line- by using certain commands you can revive Windows. This method will be discussed further.

Now click “Startup Repair”. Now you need to wait a bit for the utility to try to automatically find the problem and solve it.

System Restore via Command Line

Then enter and press Enter.

A list of commands that can be used in this utility will appear; now you need to enter: Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and press Enter.

Now enter . exe / , then clicking on Enter. Next, exit the utility by typing exit and pressing Enter. Now you can try to log into your account, since the recovery work is completed.

You can also try updating the boot code by entering the command bootsect /NT60 SYS. Then leave as a team Exit.

If the above commands did not help you, then go to the command line and enter Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd. With this command you will do scanning hard disk to find the systems installed on it.

When the scan is finished, a list of installed operating systems on your hard drive will appear. To add it to the download list, click Y And Enter. After successful completion of the operation, enter Exit and press Enter.

So, we have dealt with the command line. In principle, this should help to get your system to boot.

Inactive hard drive partition

This situation does not occur often, but it is still necessary to talk about it, otherwise the article can be said to be truncated. Let me give you an example, after which you will understand what's what.

Let's say you have several Windows operating systems installed on your computer, which are installed on different hard drives. If sections of hard disks are assigned incorrect attributes, then you will have problems loading a particular version of Windows.

To check or fix this, you can use the Acronis boot disk Disk Director to change partition attributes. So, download and burn boot disk Acronis Disk Director and boot from it. How to do it? Insert the disc into the drive, restart the computer, and it will begin booting from the disc in the drive. But before that, check your download priorities. There should be a CDRom, just like when installing Windows. We have already talked about this in this article above.

When the program loads, pay attention to the checkboxes that are on the hard drive partitions.

In the image above we see that the checkboxes are on the second partitions of the hard drive. You need to make sure that these checkboxes are on the first sections. We got to practice ;). You need to click on every first hard section disk right click mouse and select "Mark as active".

A message should appear where you click “OK”. This is what it looks like after the whole procedure:

Now all that remains is to click on the “Run” checkbox, wait for the operation to complete and restart the computer. Be sure to remove the disc from the drive.

Hardware problems, BIOS and viruses

HDD. If your system unit, or rather your hard drive, makes suspicious sounds: clicking or tapping, then there is a possibility that the hard drive needs to be replaced. To make sure of this, you need to open the cover of the system unit, turn on the computer and listen to work hard disk. Also check the connection of the wires with hard drive. It is possible that the wires have become disconnected and the computer cannot see the hard drive.

If you suspect that the problem is with the hard drive, then you need to copy all important data to another medium. Otherwise, you may lose them completely.

BIOS. Go to BIOS settings and put the hard drive first so that the download starts from there. Above we looked at an example where we set up a CDROM; you do the same with a hard drive. Just don’t forget to save the changes in the BIOS by pressing the F10 key.

The second method – you won’t believe it, but it actually works! Just go into the BIOS and, without changing anything there, exit, saving the changes that in fact did not exist (by pressing the F10 button). I personally once fixed my friends’ laptop this way, and when they asked me how I did it, my answer was: “Magic and nothing more 😉.” So give it a try, maybe everything will be much easier than you think.

Viruses. Sometimes viruses prevent Windows from booting. If there are viruses on your computer, you need to scan the entire disk for viruses. Here are articles that will be useful to you: “” and “”.

Of course, if you check your hard drive for viruses, you will need to disconnect it and connect it to another computer, since in your case Windows will not load. Or you can use special boot programs, with which you can check your computer for viruses even if you cannot boot your Windows. Here are a couple of them: and.

Attention! There are cases when, after installing updates, Windows 7 stopped loading! Therefore, you may want to try uninstalling recent updates that were installed before the Windows boot problem occurred.

Important! If you see a specific error on your screen, I recommend using a search in Google or Yandex. You can enter into the search not only the error code, but also the words that are used in it. Thus, you will save your time searching for the problem and its solution.

Important! If the system unit makes squeaks when turned on, then you need to use this squeak to determine the problem. Ask how? Here's an article on this topic: "".

That's all I wanted to say. The article turned out to be long, and I sincerely hope that at least one of the methods I described helped you.

Says a lot of unnecessary things, but there is useful information for you:

There are often cases when, after installing a program, driver, accidentally deleting a system file or virus attack The Windows 7 operating system begins to slow down or stops functioning altogether. If your computer doesn't have important information, then you can simply reinstall it. Otherwise, the system restore function will help you. This tool returns the OS with all data on the hard drive to a working state.

Windows 7 system recovery methods

Windows OS developers have provided a number of standard methods recovery, however, all of them do not provide a 100% guarantee. Therefore, be prepared that you may need to use several resuscitation methods in turn.

You can restore the functionality of Windows 7 using:

  • applying the latest working configuration;
  • safe mode;
  • recovery points.

Using Last Known Good Configuration

This Windows resuscitation tool is the easiest to implement, so you should resort to it first. The sequence of work will be as follows:

After completing the above steps, automatic recovery data from the OS registry and working parameters of existing drivers. If this method fails to start the system, move on to the second method.

Safe Mode is an effective means of resuscitating Windows

Safe Mode is special option operation of operating systems, in which no automatic start installed programs as usual loading Windows. In this case, only those drivers are activated, without which the operation of the OS is impossible.

This tool is launched in the same way as the last working configuration, that is, using the F8 key. When you log in using this method, the screen resolution will change to 800x600. This is normal, so no need to worry.

The following recovery order is presented below:

  1. A boot disk with Windows 7 OS is inserted into DVD drive and starts. The system build you use must be the same as that on your computer. Therefore, if possible, take the same disk that you used when installing the operating system.
  2. When a message about autorun pops up, click “Cancel”.
  3. Open the “Run” command window, which is located in the “Start” menu.
  4. Enter the health check command system files"sfc/scannow".
  5. Some time after activation of the search process executable files all damaged or deleted system data will be copied from DVD disc and restored.
  6. If you want to monitor the progress of the recovery, you need to enter the command line by entering the command “cmd” in the “Run” window. After this, “sfc /?” is written in the line. You must log in to the command prompt as an administrator, otherwise you will not receive the required information.
  7. If the command line displays data in the form of hieroglyphs, then you will additionally need to enter the properties and select the required language there.

Using a restore point

Another effective remedy resuscitating the Windows system - applying restore points. The operating principle of this function is based on the fact that after a certain period of time the existing OS configuration is written to the hard drive. If any software problems occur, you can use the saved points and restore the computer's functionality.

Many PC users often encounter a problem when loading windows 7 freezes on the logo, that is, loading proceeds normally until a certain point, after which the operating system (OS) falls into a “stupor” and is brought into “feelings” only after pressing the Reset button.

There are many reasons that lead to this phenomenon, among which there are 5 most common ones. Let's look at them in more detail.

Possible causes and solutions

  • Virus programs are the main cause of fatal changes in the operating system;

It is necessary to use modern antivirus scanners, which will help you identify and remove malware and spyware from your PC. If the antivirus did not help, then manually end suspicious processes in the registry and startup, then find and delete all suspicious files from the hard drive.

  • Stopping the OS startup can occur due to simple overheating of the processor and chipset;

A failed cooler, old thermal paste, or a radiator clogged with dust can stop your PC from working in a matter of minutes. When the system boots, you need to use one of the many utilities to check temperature regime central processor, video cards, chipset.

If the reason is overheating, and the cooling is functioning, but is clogged with dust, then you need to clean the PC using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner.

  • problems with RAM also often lead to unplanned stops when starting Windows 7 OS;

The most common RAM problems are overheating and defects due to damage to the memory module. Unfortunately, the last type of problem can only be identified through testing.

Experts' recommendation: when overheating, use special heat sinks, which significantly reduce the risk of RAM failure. If this does not help, replace the device. A factory defect in a RAM module may surface even after prolonged use of the memory.

  • the PC falling into a “stupor” when starting the operating system often occurs due to mechanical, electronic, logical or hardware-software failures in the hard drive;

You can detect problems with your hard drive by testing, running the utility in Windows 7 or using third-party software. Extraneous sounds often become harbingers of problems with the “screw”. If strange noise and clicks appear in the hard drive, you need to do backup copy its contents and be ready to purchase a new device.

  • Sometimes, the reason why the computer “slows down” during device initialization is incorrect settings or outdated BIOS version;

Most often, this happens after installing on an old one. system board new components. The BIOS may simply not have information about them. The solution in this case is quite simple: initially return to factory settings or update the BIOS.

Sometimes you can solve the problem of your PC freezing at startup by rolling back to control point that the system creates.

To do this, you need to have a boot disk and follow a few simple steps:

  • reboot the PC and go into the BIOS. Depending on the manufacturer, the input keys may be different, most often it is Del; F2; Esc. In order to accurately determine the input key, you need to refer to the documents included with the motherboard;
  • change the download priority. To do this, go to the BOOT section, after which you need to go to the item Boot menu Device Priority;
  • highlight the 1st Boot Device item and confirm by pressing Enter. In the Option window that appears, highlight the drive and press Enter. After this procedure, the PC will be launched from this device;
  • exit this menu, then press Esc, then Exit, then Enter, and then confirm saving the settings with the Enter key;
  • insert a disk with an operating system or a boot disk into the CDROM and reboot;

Tweaking the Registry to Identify a Freezing Problem

In order to be sure to identify which process causes the OS to stop starting, you should make a small adjustment to the registry entries.

You can do this by booting with support command line by entering the command: regedit.exe.

  • in the left part of the window that opens, select the KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, after that, open SOFTWARE, in this directory find and open Microsoft, then Windows;

In this directory you need to find and open CurrentVersion, then Policies and finally System;

  • Having opened the System directory, pay attention to the right side of the window;

In it you need to find the Verbose Status file. Open it and in the tab that opens, set the value to 1; (The default value is 0)

Important! You should be aware that the file you are looking for may not exist in the registry. In this case, it must be created. Click on free space on the right side of the window, select the New menu item, and then DWORD Value (32 bits). Name the created file VerboseStatus with a value of 1.

  • after this, the registry can be closed and rebooted;

As a result, when you start the OS, you will see the system services and processes being loaded. Where it stops is the cause of all troubles.

Video: Windows 7 freezes on startup

Working with BIOS settings

The shutdown procedure often helps to get rid of the “machine” freezing during boot: often - but not always. Sometimes BIOS settings play a decisive role, changes to which almost always lead to the PC freezing.

What to pay attention to:

Panacea - resetting settings to factory settings.

Disabling devices

Let's assume that, according to the report, the system went into hibernation when loading the CLASSPNP.SYS driver.

In order to find out which device is responsible for the operation this driver, you can try disabling PC components in the BIOS one by one:

If you find a component that causes Windows 7 to freeze at the logo when loading, you can install a discrete device in the expansion slot on motherboard.

Important! If the device is replaced, the PC may not load the operating system, displaying error information on the monitor screen. To fix this, go back to the I/O system, go to the Halt On tab, and select No Errors. On the Halt On Errors tab you need to set the value to None. Now the PC will boot even if there is an error.

Factory reset

There are several ways to reset the settings to factory defaults, the most common of which are:

  • reset directly from BIOS;
  • by removing the battery from the system board;

In the first case, you should go into the BIOS and select the Load Fail-Safe Defaults option. After that, answer yes to the question about resetting the parameters and save the changes. After an automatic reboot, the changes will take effect.

Photo: Load Fail-Safe Defaults menu item

Method two, the simplest:

  • disconnect the PC;
  • remove the cover from the computer system unit;
  • remove the battery from the motherboard;
  • after 15-30 seconds, insert the battery into place;

This way the parameters will be set to default, i.e. factory settings.

Video: Installing Windows 7 + understanding BIOS

Installing a new BIOS version

In some cases, the BIOS may not provide adequate support for all components of the computer due to outdated version firmware.

This leads to them incorrect operation and Windows 7 slowdown at startup:

Important! During the update procedure, do not turn off the power to the PC. This may damage the motherboard.

The methods we have described can effectively solve the problem of your computer freezing at startup. If you think that the methods presented above do not suit you, or the PC’s functionality has not been restored, then be sure to contact service center, where professionals will solve the problem.