ASUS laptop does not turn on, what should I do? “The laptop won’t turn on, what should I do?” Don't panic, Lord.

Good day, dear friends! Today, I would like to discuss enough with you popular topic, namely: Why doesn’t it turn on ASUS laptop?

There are actually quite a few reasons for this. Let me, by tradition, first write absolutely all the reasons why an ASUS laptop does not turn on, and then we will look at each of them in detail.

  1. The charge has run out.
  2. There is no electricity at the outlet.
  3. The battery is faulty.
  4. The power cable is faulty.
  5. The charging socket is faulty.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the reasons.

  1. The charge has run out.

Most often, an ASUS laptop does not turn on for this very reason. Connect the power cable to the socket and try pressing the power button. If there are no changes, check whether the power supply itself is plugged into the outlet. Usually, when the battery is low, one of the lights responsible for the battery should blink, indicating that the laptop does not turn on for this reason.

When you plug the power cable into the laptop, it should light up, indicating that the laptop is charging. (By at least, most mobile PCs have such a light) You can already turn it on and use it. If after connecting the power cable the laptop does not come to life, read the article further.

  1. There is no electricity at the outlet.

Also, the ASUS laptop does not turn on due to the fact that its battery is dead, and even when you plug in the power cable, nothing will change. One of the most simple reasons The explanation for this is the lack of electricity in the outlet. To check this, try turning on the light, TV, desktop computer and so on household appliances. If they refuse to work, wait until they give you electricity.

  1. The battery is faulty.

But what to do if there is electricity, but the ASUS laptop still does not turn on? First, try starting the laptop without a battery with the power cable directly. To do this, first insert the power cable and press the power button. It is quite possible that the laptop will work, but the battery has simply outlived its usefulness and requires repair or purchase of a new one. If it doesn’t help, then read the article further.

  1. The laptop needs to be cleaned from dust.

It is also possible that you were playing on your laptop or watching a movie, and it turned off by itself. This very often happens because the laptop is overheated and therefore does not turn on. Find the radiator grille and touch it. If it is very hot, you need to remove the battery, and

  1. The power cable is faulty.

This is another one of common reasons, due to which not only the ASUS laptop, but also other laptop models do not turn on. Usually there is a light on the power supply, which indicates that the unit itself is connected to the outlet, which means it is most likely working. If this light stops lighting, take the power supply to a service center. Perhaps it can be restored. If the light is on but there is no power, then perhaps the reason lies in a broken power cable. Take a good look at the cable for any problems. If necessary, it is not difficult to do it yourself using a soldering iron knife and electrical tape. Also, the reason that the ASUS laptop does not turn on may be a faulty charging socket.

  1. The charging socket is faulty.

This reason is also quite common. If the power cable inserted into the laptop is very weak, most likely you need to replace the socket. Read more about how this is done.

  1. Other serious hardware problems.

If you have tried all the options described above, and the laptop still does not turn on, then I recommend that you take it to a service center for diagnostics. Maybe someone in your family dropped it or some kind of liquid. In any case, you are unlikely to solve such a serious problem on your own at home. Diagnosis is not worth it big money. Sometimes, for example, when seriously damaged motherboard, easier to buy new laptop than repairing an old one (the money will be about the same.)

This concludes the article “ASUS laptop does not turn on” to its logical conclusion. I really hope it helped you. My friend also wrote an article on a similar topic. Maybe you'll find something there that I missed here. Write your questions in the comments and I will try to answer them. Good luck to you!

Any laptop user may find himself in a situation where he cannot turn on the laptop.

And the first question that comes is “Why doesn’t the laptop turn on and what should I do? "

Today we will talk about this. Situations are different and there is no point in panicking right away, because the reason may not be as terrible as it seems to you at first glance.

The most basic thing that can happen is failure of the battery or its complete discharge, we'll talk about this a little later. And yet, why might a laptop not turn on?

Laptop won’t turn on: “The laptop turned off and won’t turn on again.”

The most common problem for most laptop users.

Make sure that the laptop is connected to the network, whether the power supply is connected to the laptop, or whether the plug is not coming out. If the laptop turns on after connecting to the network, check the functionality of the battery; it may need replacement.

P.S Once on the forum I came across the topic “Why the Asus laptop does not turn on.” There were about 10 pages of discussions, everyone offered their own options for what could happen, but some smart person advised to check the network connection. After that, the laptop turned on and started working.

The laptop does not turn on: “the laptop turns on but does not load Bios”

After pressing the power button, the power indicators light up, the cooler is heard and hard drive, But Bios loading does not occur or the Bios loading does not complete and freezes - this is the fastest way to crash Bios work and it needs to be reinstalled.

Reinstalling Bios can be done by any service center for repairing computers or laptops, you can also do reinstalling Bios manually (this will save you somewhere between 2000-4000 rubles).

But this does not mean that Bios has failed 100% and it needs to be reinstalled.

This also includes problems related to: northern or south bridge, hard drive, RAM, video chip, processor.

P.S. While writing this article, I Googled “Why won’t my laptop turn on” and got a very strange answer. In the first place was the link “ Asus laptop does not turn on" just with the problem of Bios performance. To my surprise, this topic turned out to be very discussed. Although I myself have been using an Asus laptop for many years and have never encountered such a problem.

Laptop won't turn on: "rebooting or shutting down laptop while working"

Most often, you reboot your laptop while working due to overheating.

This can happen during games or other heavy load on the video card or processor. Your cooling system simply cannot cope and it needs urgent repairs or cleaning the laptop from dust.

To avoid overheating your laptop, read the article “How to avoid overheating your laptop.”

P.S. Owners of Acer laptops often suffer from this problem, I don’t know why, but this is always a sore subject for this company. It is rare to find models that do not suffer from overheating.

Cooling is best thought out in Asus. Their laptop models almost never suffer from overheating. Therefore, if you are the owner of an Asus laptop and it does not turn on, then the likelihood that it is due to overheating is very low.

Laptop won't turn on: "The laptop won't turn on at all"

When you press the power button, no reaction occurs, as if the battery was pulled out and not connected to the network.

Most likely the problem is with the power supply or power connector. The cause may be a voltage surge or physical damage.

Very often under the phrase "Laptop won't turn on" people understand the phrase "Is not downloading operating system» . This question arises among people who are far from computer technology and for them it is the same thing.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. The answer will be given as soon as possible.

If, when you press the power button, the laptop does not turn on or the image appears on the screen, it will be useful for you to read this article that analyzes the reasons for this.

This symptom “the laptop won’t turn on” is divided into several reasons, which we will discuss in the relevant sections.

Indicators do not light up when turned on

In this case, we first find out whether the power supply is working and whether the battery is charged. The power supply can be checked with a tester at idle speed. If there is no voltage, then the power supply is faulty. If it is present (usually 19V), this does not mean that it is working, but needs to be checked under load. If the laptop works with another unit, then we can say that the first one was faulty. Then we either replace it. if everything is the same with another power adapter, move on to the next point.

Charging is OK, indicators are not lit

We disassemble the laptop and check whether power is going to the motherboard and whether the power connector is working. In rare cases, the laptop connector may become unsoldered, but in most cases the connector is broken due to physical impact. If the connector is faulty, go to.

If the power connector is normal, then check the power button or the board with the buttons. If the power button does not work, it needs to be replaced and re-soldered. Sometimes there are cases when the entire scarf with buttons changes.

In other cases, the motherboard is faulty, most likely the power management circuit, and in particular the switching circuit, and therefore it is necessary.

Another cause of a malfunction when the laptop does not respond to the power button is damage to the BIOS firmware. In this case, the solution is to desolder and new firmware BIOS using a programmer.

Due to a faulty battery, the laptop may also not turn on. We try to remove the battery and turn on the device.

Indicators are flashing, the laptop does not start

Usually in this case they say that the laptop turns on, but the screen is black or there is nothing on the screen.

We look at the indicators and see how they behave. If the indicator work hard At first the disk blinked a little and went out, and the operating system did not load.

If the laptop does not have a separate video card, then it is possible that the motherboard is faulty. If a modular video card is present, then you need to diagnose it and repair or replace it if it breaks.

You should check the malfunction of all devices connected to the motherboard: memory, hard drive, processor, WiFi, battery, drive. Any of the listed devices can lead to a similar situation, even bad contacts random access memory or processor socket.

Laptop screen malfunction

If the hard drive indicator shows that the operating system is loading, then you should check the serviceability of the screen - matrix or cable from the motherboard to the matrix. In particular, you can check at least partial serviceability of the video card by connecting external monitor To VGA connector laptop. By replacing the matrix or cable, you can identify a malfunction of the motherboard or screen.

Motherboard failure

A common cause of this symptom is a faulty motherboard in the laptop. There are many reasons for the malfunction - from large chips such as a chipset (South or North bridge), video card, to electronic components from their harness, cracks in the motherboard.

For the initial diagnosis of chip malfunctions, they usually use the heating method - they heat up the microcircuit that is under suspicion using, for example, a hair dryer and try to start the motherboard. If the motherboard starts working after warming up, then this chip needs to be re-soldered.

Short circuit devices

Short in the interface WiFi module, drive, controller hard disk, memory - because of this, the laptop may not turn on. To find out and eliminate the cause, you need to remove this node from the laptop and separately check its functionality.

ASUS ZenFone- line of mid-range smartphones price category with screen sizes ranging from 4 to 6 inches from the Taiwanese company ASUSTeK.

In the product quality rating, ASUS occupies one of the leading positions among manufacturers of smart electronics. However, like any other gadgets, ZenFone smartphones have weak spots. One of these places is the power/lock button.

At one point, Zenfon owners may encounter an unexpected problem when their smartphone stops responding to pressing the on/off button (also known as the screen lock button).

This problem can occur both on budget ASUS Zenfone Go and on more advanced models (ASUS ZenFone Max, ASUS ZenFone Zoom, etc.).

It should be noted that Asus smartphones are characterized by high reliability of assembly, so most often failures of the power button are the result of careless handling and violations of the rules of use.

In general, there can be several reasons for such a breakdown: from banal wear and mechanical damage to contact failure and more serious hardware and software problems.

We will tell you in this article how to restore full functionality to a Zenfon smartphone with a broken button.

Attention! Do not try to repair a smartphone that is under warranty yourself.

IN in this case You should contact an authorized service center. DIY repair voids the warranty.

How to replace the ASUS ZenFone lock button cable

If the phone's warranty has expired or the existing damage is mechanical in nature and does not fall under warranty, you can try to bring your favorite gadget back to life on your own.

First you need to figure out what principle the power button works on, and it is as follows:

When the power/lock button is pressed, a signal is sent to the ribbon cable (flexible conductive connector) located underneath it, which is sent to the main board. As a result, the hardware part is used and the software part is activated mobile device. The push button itself is just a primitive device for sending a signal to a smartphone from the user. The main board is responsible for the operation of the phone.

As a result of intensive use, thin cables often break or become damaged. mechanical damage. This is why the ASUS ZenFone lock button does not work.

To replace the cable broken button blocking, need to:

  1. Take off back cover the device body and remove the battery;
  2. Carefully remove the body parts that prevent access to the key and the cable located under it. On at this stage It is extremely important not to damage the housing clips and maintain the integrity of all dismantled parts. The whole difficulty lies in the vulnerability of the conductors in the loop - they are very thin, and any careless action can lead to irreversible consequences;
  3. Remove the inner frame by unscrewing all the mounting screws located around its perimeter with a Phillips screwdriver;
  4. By removing the cover and inner frame of the Asus Zenfon smartphone you will have access to all internal components smartphone, including the power button cable;
  5. Using tweezers, disconnect the 2 cables with SIM card slots, disconnect the display cable and the thin power cable from the connector on the system board;
  6. Replace the power button cable, installing a new one in its original place.
  7. Reassemble the device in reverse order.


If the problem is not in the cable, but in the microswitch itself, which is located on the main board, a more complex repair will be required with desoldering the old one and installing a new switch. In this case, it is better to entrust the replacement of the ASUS ZenFone button to a specialist.

How to turn on ASUS ZenFone without a button

If the power button on Zenfon does not work, you can try to start the smartphone by connecting the charger to it. In this case, you need to hold down the volume up button to launch the boot menu. If you have a network connection at hand charger It didn’t turn out, but if you have a computer and a USB cable, you can connect your phone to it.

There is another way turn on Asus smartphone without button. To do this, you need to disassemble the gadget and forcefully close the two contacts on the lock button using a screwdriver or metal tweezers.

How to move the power button to the volume button using an application

It’s not very convenient to turn on ZenFone without the power button every time using the methods listed above, but if you can’t quickly repair the button, you can use a useful application.

After starting the device, we recommend transferring the functions of the power button to the volume button. It will help to do this special application— Power button to Volume Button (you can download it absolutely free from Play Store). This program is very easy to use, but allows you to quickly reassign the smartphone lock function to a working button.

The Power button to Volume Button application is compatible not only with Asus Zenfon smartphones, but also with the vast majority of other Android phones, and it does not require root rights. Just run the program and check two boxes next to Boot and Screen Off.


A laptop is a complex device. To enable it, a whole series of actions take place that the average user is not even aware of. The breakdown could have occurred on any of them.

  • Burned out power supply, or the cord is damaged.
  • Battery out of order.
  • Burnt out motherboard, or rather any component located on it.
  • Absent initialization.
  • Flew operating system.

Black screen when turned on

The user turns on the laptop, but the screen does not light up. This happens often. There can be many reasons:

  • Problems related to southern or northern bridge caused by mechanical interference or overheating.
  • Does not work CPU or video card.
  • Torn plume.
  • Burnt out RAM or has fallen out of the connector.
  • Wrong configured computer hardware.
  • Battery"died".

The first three points can be repaired on one's own.

In the case when the laptop turns off after long work and does not want to start - this is most likely overheat.

Should define whether the laptop turns on at all when you press the power button. That is, the indicators light up and the fans make noise and HDD. Based on this, we will have to act.


Battery replacement

Checking the loop

It may be that the monitor cable has come loose or broken. This can be checked connection another monitor.

Incorrect BIOS settings

There were cases when users with the same problem were helped reset BIOS settings to factory settings.

RAM is faulty

Alternatively, you should check, whether the RAM sticks are inserted well. They can also cause a black screen.

BIOS malfunctions

Perhaps the problem is settings BIOS. Then, as stated above, you should go to its settings and reset them to factory ones.

Freezes when turned on

This can happen for many reasons. One of them is overheat. If it is strong, then you can even feel it. In this case, you should open the laptop. If there is a lot under the body dust, then you need to eliminate it, especially the one that lies on the fans.

Perhaps the freeze is due to problems with a hard drive, when it starts to break down, it all starts with freezes. Then you need to change the hard drive, but before that it is better to visit a service center.

Problems with the operating system

When the operating system crashes or viruses get into it, problems may begin to turn on. Then it will help either reinstallation Windows or cleaning from viruses if possible. You should try to log in through safe mode , if possible, then check your computer for viruses.

Also in Lately, lead to similar malfunctions Windows updates. Then you need to roll back or reinstall.