Thor is not installed. History and principle of operation of the tor network

IN Lately Interest in the anonymous network is constantly growing. And there are many reasons for this..

“Democratic reforms” in the world are in full swing. The governments of almost all countries now sincerely consider themselves to have the right to decide where their citizens go, what to watch and what to read. Bundles of laws, “with the best intentions” churned out by dumas, councils and parliaments, increasingly define the boundaries of the reservations within which the existence of users on the global Internet is now only possible.

“Don’t go there - come here. Otherwise the snow will fall on your head and you will be completely dead” © “Gentlemen of Fortune”.

Another tense moment is the ongoing revelations of Edward Snowden, from which it is clear that the total surveillance of everyone by the special services has already acquired a truly global scale. Of course, the overwhelming majority of people have nothing to hide, but it is extremely unpleasant to realize that you are under the constant surveillance of special forces, your every step is monitored and recorded, and someone regularly tries to pick their naughty little hands in your “dirty laundry.” And it doesn’t matter for what purpose he does it, whether his intentions are good or not.

Why is it needed, this Tor?

All more people They are trying to preserve the inviolability of their private lives from the long nose of the special services. More and more people are trying to get rid of the “fatherly care” of state officials and want to exercise their constitutional right to independently decide where to go, what to choose, where to look and what to do.

And then it comes to their aid anonymous network Tor. Since it can provide an individual with a significant weakening of obsessive attention, simultaneously removing almost all restrictions on movement around World Wide Web. Tor will hide your online identity, hiding everything you did on the Internet and where you went.

In addition, the Tor network has another small practical bonus. It quite often allows you to bypass such an annoying thing as an IP ban on various sites. It's a small thing, but nice.

What is Tor and how does it work

So, what is the anonymous Tor network? Tor is an abbreviation for The Onion Router (for those who do not know bourgeois, but are curious, see the translation in). If anyone is interested in boring technical details, let him stomp on Tor page on Wikipedia and understands it. I would like to be a little simpler - on the same page on Lurkomorye. I’ll try to quickly explain it “on my fingers”.

Although this network operates on the basis regular internet, but in it all the data does not go directly from you to the server and back, as in a “big” network, but everything is sent through a long chain special servers and is encrypted multiple times at each stage. As a result, the final recipient, that is, you, becomes completely anonymous for the sites - instead of your real address, a completely wrong IP is displayed, which has nothing to do with you. All your movements become impossible to track, as well as what you did. And intercepting your traffic also becomes completely useless.

This is in theory. In practice, sometimes things are not so rosy. But about everyone possible problems we'll talk a little later. You're already tired of the long and boring introduction, aren't you? Can't wait to install and try this miracle? Well, let's go!

Let's start using Tor?

Tor is a rather complicated device to install and configure. And in not so ancient times, connecting an ordinary “kettle” to it became a far from trivial task. However, today everything is much simpler. Smart and kind people took all the necessary modules, collected them into a coordinated pile, configured everything as needed and stuffed it into single package. This package is called . And after downloading, all the fuss with it comes down to the usual unpacking and subsequent stomping on the “I want Tor!” button. And Tor appears.

Of course, computer geeks and those who have nothing better to do or want to amuse their feelings can, as before, download everything required modules separately and chew through the multi-page technical “Kama Sutra”, trying to tie it all into a single whole, and somehow set up and launch the resulting structure. Let's wish them good luck, and let's move on to something more rewarding.

I advise you to pay attention to the link on this tab “ Checking Tor Internet Settings" Clicking on it will help you finally make sure that you are actually now on an anonymous network. By the way, there is also a link to a short guide.

So, you are now invisible. However, before your head completely spins from anonymity and imaginary impunity, I will hasten to slightly spoil your mood. Just like that, purely out of personal harm.

I simply have to tell you about some of the “pitfalls” of the Tor network, so that when looking for adventures in your “lower hemispheres,” you don’t hurt them on these stones.

A little security in Tor

So, what Tor cannot protect against. Tor will not be able to protect a person from his own stupidity. If a person has only sawdust instead of brains in his neck growth, or he is purposefully looking for problems for himself, then he will definitely find these problems. And no Tor will help here. Learn to use your brain and exercise basic caution. Tor will also not be able to protect you from chatty programs on your computer. Any plugin or add-on in the browser can instantly “multiply your entire anonymity by zero.” And the browser itself...

That is why the package we are considering uses a specially modified version of Ognelis. By the way, does anyone else need to be reminded that Windows itself is one huge Trojan and a spyware? ( Linux people can breathe freely here - they never worry about such childhood problems of “windows”). Tor will also not be able to protect you from viruses and hackers. Well, it's not designed for that! Get yourself a normal antivirus and firewall, configure them correctly and learn how to use them - and sleep well.

The main problems of the anonymous Tor network

Okay, I’m finishing my lyrical digression and moving directly to the problems of the Tor network itself. The first thing that catches your eye is the speed. Page loading speed. Although the words “speed” and “rushing” are clearly inappropriate here. Pages are loading much slower than usual. This is the price for anonymity. The page you requested, before it gets to your browser, hangs around for a long time between servers around the world. It should, however, be recognized that the situation now is much better than a couple of years ago, and it’s quite possible to live at this rate. If you get used to it a little. No matter what, the network is developing and growing stronger.

Intelligence services

Another - and perhaps the main - problem of the Tor network is intelligence agencies. They just can’t come to terms with the fact that crowds of users roam the Internet freely and uncontrollably without their “ all seeing eye" And they are constantly making all kinds of attempts to change the situation. The attempts are varied, even downright criminal. Before viral hacker attacks and hacking, targeted infection of software and servers with Trojans. Although not often, sometimes their efforts end successfully for them, and entire segments fall out of the “onion” network, and a “pative van” comes to one of the unluckiest (or the stupidest, or the most arrogant). But you’re not going to do anything criminal in Tor, are you? This is all to ensure that you do not relax too openly and always remember that Tor is not a panacea, and any anonymity is relative. And if you decide to play gambling with the state, then your capture is only a matter of time.


In addition to intelligence agencies representing the interests of states, government officials often pose a problem for the anonymous Tor network. The desire to “keep and not let go” in people who have seized power is ineradicable. Occasionally, in relation to some things, this desire is completely justified and fair, but more often than not, it is not. And the bit of freedom granted by Tor acts like a red rag on them. The Tor network is already banned in some countries. Legislatively. There was such an attempt in Russia. So far only in the draft version. Whether and when this project will become law, I do not know. On this moment The Tor network in Russia operates without restrictions. If they ban it, something else will be found instead. I won’t lay out here verbatim folk wisdom on this matter, but I’ll say it a little softer and more streamlined: “For every action there is a reaction.”


Another scourge for Tor is hackers. Some of them are ideological. and some are simply stoned to *** (sorry for the unparliamentary expression). Periodically, most often during a spring or autumn exacerbation, they organize “crusades”, trying to “cleanse the world from filth.” At the same time, the opinion of the world itself does not bother them at all. They feel that they have the right to decide for everyone. Not long ago, there was a “campaign” against, let’s say, unconventional porn on the Tor network. The thing is in this case quite godly. However, along with porn, a bunch of completely white sites were also cut down. Just like that, in passing. And who said that next time they will limit themselves to only this? So know that if your favorite “onion” site suddenly stopped opening, then it is quite possible that these are the actions of one of these with sore brains.

Infected files

Hackers are closely related to the problem with infected files of the Tor Browser-A. And here the ears of various intelligence agencies are often peeking out, trying to plant their Trojan on you instead of an anonymous network. For example, in App Store they still offer to download the infected Tor Browser. Moreover, the App Store administration was notified about this several times back in the fall. However, the Trojan is still there. Strange situation and strange slowness. True, all the strangeness instantly disappears when you remember that the tender and reverent friendship between Apple Corporation and the US NSA is growing stronger day by day. So download the files of Tor itself exclusively from the official website, or our engine, in fact, will also give you the file directly from the official website.

Minor disadvantages of Tor

The review of more or less serious problems of the Tor network is over. Let's move on to minor troubles. I have already spoken about periodically disappearing sites. Now about Russian sites in this anonymous network. They are few. But they already exist, and there are more and more of them. And even on many foreign-speaking forums there are sections for Russians. So where to wander and who to talk to you will find. However, the main language on the Tor network is still English, and everything delicious on this network is in bourgeois. Although all kinds of dictionaries and dictionaries are always at your service.

Further. It should be remembered that the Tor network is fundamentally not moderated or controlled by anyone. Sometimes some kind of control is found on individual sites when their owners set rules for their visitors. But not more. Therefore, you may well stumble upon things that shock you. Be prepared for this. Also in this network there are various scumbags, outright schizoids, maniacs and other freaks. There are plenty of them on the “big” Internet, but on the anonymous network they feel more comfortable and are not particularly embarrassed. Their percentage is much smaller than government officials are trying to tell us, but they exist. And if you have minor children, I recommend protecting them from Tor.

And in general, I urgently demand that the Internet be protected from children! This will only benefit the Internet. This will make him much safer.

Well, in general, I told all the horror stories. Let me just remind you about viruses that Tor will not protect you from - protect yourself. Well, about anonymity once again - it is never one hundred percent, use your gray matter more often.

And for dessert, a small list of “onion” sites, so to speak, for overclocking.

Goodies and bonuses - a small list of “onion” sites

By the way, if you haven’t realized yet, in Tor Browser you can open both regular sites of the “big” Internet, bypassing some inconveniences, and special sites of the anonymous “onion” network. These sites are located in a special pseudo-domain zone .onion(look carefully at the address). They do not open from the regular Internet. At all. Only from a running and connected Tor Browser.

  • Tor Wiki(http://torwikignoueupfm.onion/) - Directory of Tor links.
  • The Hidden Wiki(http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) is the first site where every new user of the Tor network should look. Contains links to almost all resources of the “onion” network. Often inaccessible due to huge influx of visitors.
  • The Uncensored Hidden Wiki(http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) - mirror of The Hidden Wiki. Moderation is minimal.
  • TORDIR(http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/) - a large catalog of “onion” sites.
  • Tor Search(http://kbhpodhnfxl3clb4.onion/), Torgle(http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/torgle), TORCH(http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/) and The Abyss(http://nstmo7lvh4l32epo.onion/) - search engines on the Tor network, at least one of them works.
  • Flibusta(http://flibustahezeous3.onion/) - a mirror of the famous library in the “onion” network (RU language).
  • OnionNet(http://onionnetrtpkrc4f.onion/) - IRC network. The main language of communication is English. Different channels for discussion, even illegal. Additional servers: ftwircdwyhghzw4i.onion, renko743grixe7ob.onion, nissehqau52b5kuo.onion.
  • vTOR“e(http://da36c4h6gxbckn32.onion/) - social network. interest clubs, blogs, forum.
  • RAMP(http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion/) - the largest for today trading platform in the Russian-language segment of the Tor network. Recently, there have been a lot of complaints about the actions of the administration and the increasing number of cases of scammers. (So ​​don't click your beak and keep your eyes and ears open) At the same time, the most big choice throughout the entire network. And the highest prices.
  • RUForum(http://ruforumqewhlrqvi.onion/) - Russian-language forum with communication and sale of everything that is not allowed. Recently it has been closed to outsiders. Registration is paid - $10.
  • Amberroad(http://amberoadychffmyw.onion/) is one of the largest shadow trading platforms.
  • Assassination Market(http://assmkedzgorodn7o.onion/) - betting on guessing the date of death of all sorts of bad people. Anyone can add a person to the list or increase the bid on existing positions. At the moment, Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke are in the lead.
  • Hack IT(http://tuwrg72tjmay47uv.onion/) - a live service for hiring hackers.
  • WikiLeaks(http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion/) - I hope there is no need to explain what this is? Mirror in the “onion” network (ENG).
  • Onion-Portal(http://ximqy45aat273ha5.onion/) - guide to the “onion” network (RU).
  • http://k4bmdpobhqdguh2y.onion/ - blog about new hidden network services (ENG).
  • Lukochan(http://562tqunvqdece76h.onion/Lukochan/) - large board (ENG, RU).
  • Silk Road(http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion) - another large anonymous trading platform (ENG).
  • Keys open doors(http://wdnqg3ehh3hvalpe.onion/) - site about hacking game consoles and all kinds of gadgets (ENG).
  • http://n2wrix623bp7vvdc.onion/hackingservices.html - a resource about hacking social networks, etc. (ENG).

I intentionally do not cite all kinds of political-revolutionary-partisan resources here. Whoever needs it will find it himself.

In today's article we will talk about Internet security. Tor is one of the tools to protect against eavesdropping of your data and create a secure connection to the Internet.

I will tell you what a browser is, show you where to download it, how to install, run and configure the Tor browser on your computer.

What is TOR

Tor is free and open source onion routing software. The architecture of proxy servers that install anonymous network connections, protected from surveillance. In simple words, an anonymous network of virtual tunnels that transmit information in encrypted form.

The browser was developed by federal order at the US Naval Research Laboratory, in the Center for High Performance Computing Systems.

Where can I download

It is advisable to download Tor on its official website. But it is not always available, this is due to the fact that your Internet provider may block this site. If official resource is not available, you can download the browser yourself on the Internet or from my Yandex disk.


After downloading, a file with a cross-section of the onion appears, run it.

Select the desired language.

Select the installation folder where the program files will be unpacked. Can be extracted to your desktop.

Unpacking takes a few seconds.

The installation is complete, you can leave the Launch browser now checkboxes, add a shortcut to the start menu and to the desktop.

A folder with the program and a shortcut to launch it appear on the desktop if you leave a checkmark.

Launch setup

Launch the shortcut with Start program Tor Browser. Are opening network settings Torah. Before connecting to the Internet, you need to specify the type of your connection.

Personally, for me, the first launch of the program took a very long time, but I did not connect to the network and the browser did not start. If your process stops at Creating an encrypted directory connection, you can wait 5-10 minutes. If the browser still does not start, then most likely your Internet provider is blocking open ports input of the Torah network. I recommend going online with antivirus enabled to ensure maximum protection, for example.

Click Cancel, select the second option Configure. Your computer's Internet connection is monitored or enabled by a proxy server.

Setting up browser gateways. Is your ISP blocking your internet connection? We indicate Yes and click next.

Selecting and configuring bridges. Connect to predefined bridges, transport type: obfs4 (recommended). Each type of bridge works on in various ways connections, if one doesn't work, try others.

You can go to Help and read the information offered about help with bridge repeaters.

Local proxy server settings. If you are at home, you do not need to configure a proxy server. If you access the Internet through a company, university or school network, then it may be required. So I go online from home, then I’ll select No and click connect.

If upon connection appears Exclamation point in a triangle, it means something went wrong, you need to cancel the connection and connect again, checked more than once.

I warn you right away, it may not work the first time, so be patient. Perhaps in Kazakhstan they are blocking the Tora ports, but in Russia everything is fine.

I was able to enter when choosing bridge transport - fte. Perhaps it will work for you when choosing other types of transport bridges - experiment. As soon as you see the relay information loading, there is a high probability of launching the TOR browser.

Browser settings

This is what it looks like running browser Thor.

It is not recommended to open the browser to the maximum size; this can track the size of your monitor and track you. The developers recommend using the browser in its original size. A notification about this will appear at the top, near the address bar.

We go to any website and look at the location, for example

To change the location and IP address, click on the onion and select New Identity.

The browser restarts, go to any site and look at the location again.

They immediately try to extract our HTML5 canvas image data, I advise you to select Never for this and other sites.

When you visit any website, it changes its IP address and other security settings.

If you are used to saving passwords in your browser from email or other sites, then this habit needs to be reconsidered here. When you close your browser, all passwords, cookies, and data you entered will be deleted. This is necessary to ensure the security of your information.

I suggest you look step by step video instructions for setting up your browser.

Tor browser settings | website


Today we got acquainted with the TOR browser, found out where you can download it, how to install it, and discussed the Tor browser configuration topic in detail.

You may have questions related to setting up the TOP browser. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

You can also ask any questions related to computer topics On the page .

Thank you for reading me on

The procedure for clearing your browsing history, as well as downloads and cookies, does not provide you with an absolute guarantee of complete confidentiality. Is there another way to surf the Internet without being noticed? There is, we present to you instructions for Tor browser.

Of course, there is something completely safer than manually correcting history or using the “Incognito” function in all kinds of browsers. Such an application for the operating room Windows systems how to download Tor Browser for free, provides anonymous installation network connection, providing the ability to transmit information in encrypted form. You can find more detailed information about this in the following article.

Specifics of the Tor animizer browser

If you have encountered situations in which it was necessary to hide information from strangers, then the Tor program Browser Bundle will be incredibly useful for you. We invite you to download the Tor Browser Bundle completely free and see for yourself. How will this system help protect you from unwanted surveillance on the Internet that threatens your privacy and personal freedom? It's elementary.

By routing Internet traffic over distributed network, Tor anonymizer browser, does not make it possible to see from the outside what sources you are opening, and the sources, accordingly, are not allowed to know your real location. These servers are also called onion routers or multilayer routers. This ability to provide personal anonymity is used by users throughout to the globe from a variety of professional fields: bloggers and journalists, workers law enforcement and by military personnel, large and small organizations and ordinary residents in their daily lives.

Download the latest development of the Tor Browser 2.3.25-13 application from latest updates and additions. It works with all kinds of programs, including erased access clients, systems for fast information transfer, web browsers and others that use the TCP protocol.

Learning how the Tor browser works

You probably realized the importance and idea of ​​the application, and now you need to dwell in more detail on the problem regarding the operation of this system. First of all, it consists in having an initially configured Mozilla browser Firefox, through which confidential access to the Internet is made. How to use the anonymizer Tor Browser Bundle to ensure personal surfing on the Internet? First of all, you should download and load this system.

The program does not require installation, you just need to unzip Tor, and in order to increase secrecy, do it even better on a flash drive, with which you can launch the program and all options will be saved on removable media, and not on a personal computer.

Following actions:

  1. Open a document Start Tor Browser.exe, after which the control panel will load (Polipo or Vidalia shell).
  2. To establish a connection to the network, a working Internet connection is required, that is, a chain of intermediate servers is formed, which can take up to several minutes.
  3. If contact with Tor is established, then you can monitor the corresponding status. Below you will find all sorts of shortcuts: stopping and reviewing the network, server options, traffic graph, notification history, help and many others. Due to the fact that the Russian version has been created this application, all options and settings will be available in Russian, which will greatly facilitate your time online.
  4. Produced automatic start FireFox browser, which will be applied anonymously and none of your actions will be recorded.
  5. On the first page you will see a notification that informs you that the browser is designed for confidential operation, and below is information indicating your IP addresses. It replaces your real address and will be known to portals along with other false information (about the current browser, monitor extension, MAC address network adapter and etc.). Moreover, all kinds modern technologies, which prevent the possibility of obtaining customer data will be rejected.
  6. After you finish surfing the Internet in privacy mode, close all Mozilla Firefox tabs and windows. All visited pages and cookies will be automatically deleted.

Recommendation: For everyday functioning in normal (non-anonymous) mode, you need to use another browser instead of Firefox - for example, Chrome or Opera. This is necessary for proper application of the program.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that anonymity of operation is carried out only within the Tor network and does not apply to other browsers. The data also cannot be encrypted if you are transmitting the information to a specific external destination. If transmitted information has some value for you, then remember additional methods security, use an HTTPS connection or other strong authentication and encryption methods.

Advantages of using the Tor network

Now is the time to identify the main features of the application that can serve as priority reasons for its use:

  • Provides high anonymity and reliable protection against surveillance of your actions on the Internet;
  • Does not require installation into the system and works from removable sources;
  • It is completely free, downloadable without registration or SMS.
  • Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to emphasize one - the system has significant frames when displaying media files that create increased load on the servers (for example, certain videos and audio files, large photographs).

A lot of time has passed. And the situation in RuNet with government regulation has only worsened. Many sites are blocked en masse for a variety of reasons and even simply “by mistake” (because they were on the same IP with “suspicious sites”). Therefore, various types have become more in demand than ever. Interest in . After our last article, readers began to receive questions about help setting up Tor.

Questions of this nature:

1) How to work through Tor using any Internet browsers (not just a special Tor browser)?

2) How to torify any applications (for example, Skype, ICQ, etc.)

3) What should I do if my Internet Service Provider (ISP) blocks access to Tor?

Let's try to clear examples answer all these questions. To torify all (or almost all of our Internet traffic) a standard package is not suitable for us Tor Brouser Bundle which is unpacked onto your desktop or flash drive and includes already configured Tor and a special browser.

We need to install the "stationary version" on the operating system, this is the package Vidalia-bundle(it includes: Vidalia, Tor).

We install it on the system (see our article), then upon first launch we will immediately set the settings for work:

Fig.1. Tor Settings - "Exchange2

Fig.2. Tor Settings - "Network"

1) Now we begin to configure our working browsers for anonymous work throughTor.

Setting it upInternetExplorer:

In Windows 7, to do this, go to the options “Control Panel – Network and Internet – Internet Options – Connections – Network settings – Settings settings local network", put a tick in the box "Proxy server" open a tab "Additionally", we'll put it there clause 4. Socks:

See screenshots (3,4,5).

Rice. 4. Proxy server

Fig.5. Socks5

That's it, our IE works through Tor.

Setting it up Google Chrome:

Google Chrome should be your default browser operating system. Then see fig. 6:

Rice. 6. Proxy server settings

After you click on the button “Change procti server settings” You will see the already familiar Internet browser settings tabs. See screenshots (3,4,5). If you completed the previous step correctly ( Setting it up Internet Explorer ), then Google Chrome also works for you through the Tor network.

Setting up the browserOpera:

To do this, go to the point “Settings – Advanced – Network – Proxy servers.”

Check the box Socks: (and enter the following data there)

See screenshots 7 and 8.

Setting up the browser Mozilla Firefox :

For this we need Foxy Proxy Basic plugin, which we will install in the section "Extensions", see fig. 9:

Then, when the plugin is installed, select the mode "Tor proxy for all addresses"(see Fig. 10)

Rice. 10. Select Tor for all addresses

and set up the settings as in Fig. eleven

That’s it, now there will be no more “forbidden sites” left for you...

You can check your “new” IP address through the website

When you work through the Tor network, your address will be different from the one you received from your ISP.

2) Let's torifySkype,ICQ,µTorrent:

To toriff Skype, go to “Settings – Connections”, select the SOCKS5 tab, enter

See fig. 12:

The same settings must be made for ICQ.

For torrent client µTorrent:

Let's go to "Settings - Connections" and set the settings as in screenshot 13:

That's it, you can safely work with torrents.

3) Well, the most difficult question. What to do if your Internet provider (ISP) blocks access toTor?

But for this case we downloaded the distribution kit Vidalia Bridge Bundle (for Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP), This is a package for accessing the Tor network through a so-called "bridge".

See screenshot 14:

Let's briefly explain how it all works.

What does the term “bridge type repeaters” mean?

Some internet service providers attempt to prevent users from accessing the Tor network by blocking connections to known Tor relays. Bridge relays (or bridges for short) help such blocked users gain access to the Tor network. Unlike other Tor relays, bridges are not listed in public directories as regular relays. Since there is no complete public list, even if your ISP filters connections to all known Tor relays, it is unlikely that it will be able to block all bridges.

How to find bridge type repeaters?

There are two main ways to find out the address of bridges:

A) Ask friends to organize private bridges for you;

B) Use public bridges.

To use private bridges, ask friends to launch Vidalia and Tor from an unblocked area of ​​the Internet and click "Help Blocked Users" in the Vidalia "Relay Setup Page". They should then send you the “Bridge Address” (the line at the bottom of their relay page).

Unlike the operation of a regular relay, a relay in bridge mode simply transmits and receives data from the Tor network, so you should not complain about any violations to the operator.

you can find public addresses bridges by visiting The answers on this page change every few days, so check back periodically if you need more bridge addresses. Another way to find public bridge addresses is to send an email to [email protected]

TOR is a browser configured in a certain way to guarantee anonymity when using the Internet. “Incognito” mode is achieved by encrypting traffic and further routing it through servers. Using a browser allows you to hide the user's identity and protect web connections from various types surveillance. Additional option TOR is a bypass for internet blocks. Let's get acquainted with the capabilities and features of the browser.

TOR – what is it, advantages and disadvantages of technology

TOR is a tandem of modern Mozilla versions Firefox and software with an emphasis on privacy. The program is free and allows you to effectively bypass online censorship. The browser network consists of many servers scattered around the world, run by volunteers.

Anonymity is ensured by connecting to three repeaters, each of which is encrypted. As a result, it becomes impossible to calculate the path from the movement of information from the recipient to the sender.

When using TOR, a different IP address is used, which often belongs to a different country. In this case, the IP address is hidden from the sites that the user visits. Additional measure security is the encryption of visited sites from unauthorized persons who can intercept traffic movement.

This reduces the risk of online surveillance to zero. TOR also allows you to bypass Internet filters. The user becomes able to access sites and resources that were previously inaccessible due to blocking within the country.

Benefits of use:

  • protection from surveillance that may pose a threat to privacy;
  • lack of built-in user tracking systems;
  • simplicity of the system, even inexperienced user can easily cope with the program;
  • the technology does not benefit from user data;
  • browser recommended by many security experts;
  • the dynamism of the program - you can run it from any type of media, including portable;
  • the browser blocks all network functions that may pose a security threat.

Using TOR is not without its drawbacks. The main one is considered low speed downloads. In this case, the user is limited in the ability to use all the functions of some of the resources.

Download and installation process

First you need to go to the official Tor Browser website -. Click the “download” button, after which you will be presented with a table different versions. Select the appropriate one and continue downloading. If the site is inaccessible to you, you can send a request letter to [email protected]. Specify the required version, after which you will receive a download link that will not be blocked.

Tor does not require a standard installation procedure to use the program. You just need to unpack the browser on your PC and launch it from there. If you still want to install Tor, then follow these steps:

  • go to the “downloads” folder;
  • open the file, select the desired installation language;
  • select the program installation folder;
  • Click “ok” and “done”.

Installation completed. A shortcut will appear on the desktop.

How to set up TOR for personal work?

During the first launch, the program will ask you for the type of connection you need to select. TOR offers 2 connection types:

  1. direct connection – should be selected if you have unlimited access to the network; in countries where the browser is not prohibited by law, the use of the program is not tracked by the relevant services;
  2. limited connection – should be selected if access to the network is limited, for countries where the use of the browser is blocked or prohibited.

In the first case, you need to launch the program and select the “connection” section. After which the use of the browser will become available.

In the second case, it is necessary to additionally encrypt TOR bridges. Select " limited access" and press the "settings" button. Now let's move on to setting up bridges. In the window that opens, select the “connect to predefined bridges” section. Next, the program will ask whether you need a proxy to provide access to the network. Select the “no” option. Then click on “connect”.

An alternative is to select the bridges yourself. This method is rarely used, so the likelihood that you will be blocked is minimal. The user needs to go to the Tor Project website and request the addresses of existing bridges. Then you just need to follow the instructions.

After receiving the information, you can personally enter the bridge addresses in the settings and use the browser.

Features of use

Using TOR is very easy. It is a classic browser with one important feature - privacy mode. You can also visit resources and sites of interest without the threat of surveillance. However, questions may arise if, for example, you are traveling to a country where using TOR forbidden. In this case, follow the steps:

  1. go to the browser menu;
  2. select connection settings;
  3. change the method of connecting to the Internet (see the section above about limited connections);
  4. After completing the settings, click “ok” and restart the program.

When using technology, it is worth remembering that online activity will be protected only within the limits TOR browser. The program does not protect the user's other online activities. When visiting TOR history operations is only available when you are using the program. As soon as you exit it, the history will be automatically cleared without saving to your PC’s hard drive.

In order to check whether the browser is active, you need to visit the developer’s website - When using the program, you can create new identities. This can be done in the settings menu. In this case, the browser will select new relays that will provide anonymity.

When using the network, it will appear as if you are accessing the Internet under a different IP address. An additional security measure is the NoScript option. It is not active by default, but can be enabled.

Its activities are aimed at protecting the user from data leakage through scripts and protection from potentially malicious sites. To activate it, you need to click the characteristic icon, which is located to the left of the main menu key.

For full functionality, the browser must be updated systematically. The user will receive notifications about this, but periodically you need to check their availability yourself. This can be done in the “check for updates” menu section.

For what purposes do you use Tor Browser? Write in the comments!