I can't create a backup on my iPhone. What to do if iPhone backup is not created in iCloud

Hi all! You need to make backup copies - that's a fact. And, as we know, Apple company offers us two excellent options for backing up information - with iCloud help or iTunes. And if with iTunes everything is more or less clear - connected to the computer and “OK”, then with iCloud there may be problems. Which? The most varied.

For example, just recently my iPhone started“delight” me with a notification with the following text: “iPhone - failure Reserve copy. There's not enough iCloud storage free space to back up your iPhone data." You take your phone off the charger, and then there’s this error. You see he doesn't have enough space!

Let's see why this happens and what can be done about all this? Let's go!

General information or why iCloud copying fails?

Here I will not describe at length and in detail about the “cloud” service itself (especially since I have a separate one), but I will highlight some main points.

So, iCloud is, in addition to an account, also a remote storage location for information (photos, videos, program data, messages, contacts, notes, backups and much more) of your iOS devices.

But the size of this storage is not infinite - Apple allocates only 5 gigabytes for free for any user. And when you do not fit within these limits, the error “Backup failed - not enough free space” appears.

What can be done and how to fix the problem?

There are several options to get rid of the backup error.

Method number 1 - Pay

Everyone wants money and Apple is no exception. For a relatively small amount of money, you can simply change your tariff plan iCloud and switch from free (5 GB) to any other plan with more memory. So to speak, buy more extra space in the "cloud". How to do it?

Open “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Buy more space” and select the tariff that suits you.

After payment, iCloud storage increases, which means there is already enough space for your data - a copy begins to be created without any failures.

Method number 2 - Free, but relatively long

Don't want to pay anyone? I fully understand your desire - there is never too much money, but here more Apple will charge the subscriber every month. We were completely stunned!

Well, you can do it for free. But then you will have to “keep within” 5 GB cloud storage. To do this, go to “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Management” and see what documents and data are stored there.

Do you see how something extra is taking up precious space? Feel free to turn it off.

It’s also worth paying attention to “iCloud Photo Library” (Settings - Photos and Camera). If this option is enabled, then your photos and videos are forced to be sent to the “cloud”, thereby “eating up” storage space.

But sometimes a situation like mine can happen - there is as much as 4.9 GB of free space (out of 5 GB free), and when creating a backup iCloud copies it still crashes. Why is this happening? The thing is, the size of the next copy is much larger than 5 GB - the iPhone cannot create it because it will not fit into the allotted limit.

You can also view this information for yourself by opening the “Backups” tab in iCloud storage. Moreover, here you can always correct the data that will make up the copy (in order to “fit within” the allotted 5 GB) and, perhaps, you will even succeed!

Method number 3 - Free and fast

However, you can get rid of all these annoying signs indicating backup failures in a simpler way.

It is enough to disable the creation of copies in iCloud and use the same iTunes for this, where the space for your data will be limited only by the size hard drive computer.

To do this, open “Settings - Your account - iCloud” and move the slider opposite the corresponding menu item.

That's it, there will be no more failures. Victory!

Now a backup will be created on your computer automatically when you connect and sync with iTunes. And it’s better not to put this matter off long box, but going and doing it right now certainly won’t hurt, believe my little experience :)

P.S. Do you want more free free space in iCloud? Me too! Let's combine our efforts - put "like" and click on the buttons social networks. I’ve already put my “+1”, it’s up to you! :)

P.S.S. After reading the article, do you have any questions or questions? Be sure to write in the comments - we’ll try to figure it out together!

When an iPhone backup fails in iTunes or iCloud, the device displays a series of errors: “Creation failed backup copy", "Error in creation...", etc. This makes it impossible to continue the operation, but there are a number of ways to deal with the problem.

Before considering options to fix the problem, users need to research why they most often fail to back up their iPhone:

  • Outdated iTunes version.
  • It's over free place.
  • The cable connected from the device to the PC is faulty.
  • Unstable Internet connection, lack of required speed or traffic.
  • A previously performed backup was interrupted, and iTunes does not provide the opportunity to continue the operation, since there are already other similar files.
  • Problems in the device itself.

In most cases, rebooting the system is sufficient, but if repeated error, it is worth paying attention to other causes and conducting diagnostics.

How to understand why the operation cannot be performed:

  1. Connect the device to your PC and see if it appears in iTunes. If this does not happen, there is a high probability of a software problem or a damaged cable.
  2. If you have several computers or MACs, you can try to perform the procedure through them when this cannot be done on one PC. If everything works on others, then the problem is not in the iPhone.

When the device reports that the copy is damaged, it is advisable to contact the technician, because... self-recovery files may lead to additional errors and loss of information.

Restart is one of the most simple methods getting rid of errors during backup, and everything is done very easily:

  1. Find the power button and press it for 10 seconds.
  2. When a red button appears on the display, swipe to the right with your finger.
  3. We wait for the device to turn off, then turn it on by pressing the same power key.

Checking your Internet connection

Poor internet connection speed can also interfere with the procedure. To check it on a PC, you need to take several steps:

  1. Go to a specialized website. For example: speedtest.net/ru
  2. Select the “Start scan” function.
  3. Wait one minute. At this time, the program will automatically check your connection speed and then display the final results. It is advisable to close all windows in the browser - they can lower them, since when sites are open, data is still received and transmitted.
  4. At the end, the ping will appear - the connection reaction time, and the lower it is, the better. Optimal value– 40m/s. The speed of data transfer and reception, measured in MB or GB, is also displayed here: it all depends on what indicators are declared by the provider.

iPhone owners can check the Internet speed directly on their gadgets. To do this, just download Speed ​​app Test and use it according to the instructions described above. Any action depending on the situation will lead to the appearance of indicators with an accuracy of up to 99%.

If the connection is established with using Wi-Fi, the fault may be a malfunction of the router, and you also need to pay attention to it: for example, check whether other devices are connected to the access point.

Application update

If you plan to perform a backup from using iTunes, you need to make sure that the latest version of the program is installed on the system; errors may also occur due to outdated software. How to do it:

  1. Open the application and go to the “Help” section.
  2. For search latest version go to the “Updates” menu.
  3. We are waiting for iTunes to produce automatic search updates. If they are found, the program will install them on its own, only confirmation is required.

This solution is effective, and after installing the updates, you will need to delete old backups (if any) and then perform the operation again.

Updating iOS and programs

After the release of iOS 9.2.1, all applications are updated to automatic mode, but many people still have problems with auto-update. To check the device, it is recommended to make sure that the latest firmware version matches the OS, and also check for updates:

  1. Go to settings, select “General”.
  2. Move down and find the “Software Update” section.
  3. The system automatically scans for iOS updates. If they are available, you will be prompted to install them or perform the operation later.

Freeing up disk space

Capacity cloud drive in iCloud is limited, and if it is full, this problem can only be solved by purchasing additional volume. What is needed for this:

  1. Go to settings, then select “iCloud”, then – storage.
  2. Click on “Change storage plan” and select a tariff for 20, 20,200, 500 GB or 1 TB. The price will depend on the selected volume.

In rare cases after purchase additional package The disk capacity does not increase. If such a problem occurs, you should contact Apple support and describe the situation.

If the copy is not made through iCloud, but directly through the PC, there is probably no free space on the computer hard drive, so you need to free it up to solve the problem. How to do everything:

  1. Open “Add or Remove Programs”.
  2. Let's see which programs are not used.
  3. We perform uninstallation.

Sign in to your Apple ID account

You may receive an error when signing in to your Apple ID, so here's what you need to do:

  1. Go to settings, look for iCloud, click on the icon.
  2. Choose account, then we exit it and produce re-entry by entering your username and password.

Deleting old backup versions

The presence of old backups in iTunes or iCloud is the most common reason why you cannot create a new one.

How to delete data from iTunes:

  1. Open the program, go to settings, then to the “Devices” tab.
  2. A list of all files will appear in the window that opens; they need to be uninstalled.

To delete a backup from iCloud, a number of actions are performed:

  1. Through the settings we move to the “iCloud” tab.
  2. After the information appears in the tab, find the “Management” button.
  3. Click on the “Backup” menu and delete unnecessary files.

All of the above methods are only suitable for use with a PC. To clean iCloud from an iPhone, another instruction is relevant:

  1. Click on “Settings”, through iCloud menu go to “Storage and copies”.
  2. We go to “Storage”, look at the copies of all devices displayed in the list that opens, and select those that need to be deleted.

Sometimes there is not enough space for a backup cloud service Apple, and then you need to delete unnecessary files or buy a package with additional memory.


Errors when creating a backup on iPhone through programs are a common problem. To solve this problem, there are several proven methods that will certainly help resolve problems in a matter of minutes, while the iPhone owner will not need much knowledge about the device and operation software– just follow the instructions.

“iCloud backup is not created on iOS 9” - this is exactly the question I asked Google, but I couldn’t find the answer! And the problem, in fact, is this: after updating to iOS 9, my iPhone in the backup section refuses to delete old copy, create a new one, and also displays strange information about the occupied volume. So, after calling the wonderful technical Apple support, I know how to solve this problem! More precisely, there is no solution to the problem - you need to create a backup copy in iTunes, even after the release of iOS 9.2.1! 🙁

Hurray, comrades! The release of iOS 9.3 solved the problem! But he gave birth to a couple more 🙁 For some iPhone users and the iPad refuses to activate...

No way! Or rather, not at all until the iOS update comes out!

UPD. After the release of iOS 9.2.1, my iPhone 5C still does not create backups to iCloud :)

As a result, after the almighty Google did not give me an answer, I decided to call Apple TP, where a girl with a slight accent listened to me attentively. And I told her about the following symptoms (it’s possible that you have them too):

- iCloud backup is not created:

- the old backup is not deleted from either the iPhone or Mac:

— in the backup settings there is no information about the volume of backup objects:

After half an hour of conversations, I heard what I wanted to hear - we know the problem, our engineers are trying in every possible way to overcome it, and we, in turn, are very sorry that this problem manifested itself in you. And the root of all evil - glitch in iOS 9! A recommendation was also given to temporarily create a copy through iTunes, and wait for iOS9.2, which, according to the girl at the other end of the line, should appear any moment now! 🙂

Alas, as I wrote above, even after the release of iOS 9.2.1, a backup copy is still not created in iCloud, and therefore you have to make a copy in iTunes. However, in the next few days, I want to erase the firmware on my iPhone, restore the data from an iTunes backup and try again to create a copy in iCloud. Suddenly like this difficult path will bring victory over the problem! 🙂

I hope that this problem will not affect the majority of my readers or acquaintances, but still, I repeat - for now, create a copy in iTunes! And one more thing - make sure that your iPhone/iPad has contacts, calendars and everything else with iCloud, so that in case of an emergency, at least this data is in a safe place! 🙂

To protect yourself from losing information if your Apple device breaks down, it is recommended to create a backup copy. But sometimes the operation fails and the copying fails. To correct an error, you must first identify the causes of its occurrence.

Why couldn't I create a backup via iTunes or iCloud?

Errors “Unable to create a backup copy”, “Error in creating a backup copy”, “Failed to create a backup copy” appear for the following reasons:

  • iTunes version is outdated;
  • The USB cable is not working properly;
  • Internet connection and speed are unstable;
  • too many backups have been created;
  • the problem is in the device itself.

How to fix an error in creating a backup copy

If you do not know the exact cause of the failure, then follow all the steps one by one until you solve the problem.

Reboot the system

Try rebooting the device you are using. This action will restart all processes running in background, and will probably solve the issue.

Checking your Internet connection

The problem may be with your internet connection, so try connecting to a different one. Wi-Fi hotspot, reboot the router or check the mobile network status.

Application update

If you use iTunes, make sure you have the latest version of the program installed:

Updating iOS and programs

Make sure that the applications installed on your phone or tablet are updated and the firmware version matches the latest iOS version:

Freeing up disk space

Your computer's hard disk probably runs out of space, so you can't save a backup copy. Then open File Explorer and clear the memory.

Sign in to your Apple ID account

Sign out of your Apple ID account and sign in again. On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch this is possible through the settings:

On Mac OS and Windows using iTunes, just click on the account name, then on the “Sign Out” button, and then log in to the program again.

Users report that their iPhone8/X cannot be restored from the latest backup by various reasons. In this article, we have listed the reasons and corresponding solutions when you were unable to restore your iTunes or iCloud backup.

Part 1: Fix iTunes couldn't restore iPhone

When you have problems with iPhone not restoring from iTunes backup, below you can find useful tips.

iTunes backup is corrupted or incompatible

When you are in this situation, removing damaged files backup copies - good way to fix the error - iPhone cannot restore the backup.

1. Firstly, you should find backups of your iPhone8.

On PC with Windows 7,8 and 10:

To find a list of backups, select \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

You can also do the following actions.
Find the search string:

In Windows 7, click the Start button.
In Windows 8, click the magnifying glass icon on the right top corner screen.
On Windows 10, go to the search bar next to the Start button.

Type %appdata% in the search bar and press Enter, then click these folders: Apple Computer > MobileSync > Backup.

On Mac:

Step 1: Click on search in the menu bar.
Step 2: Type or copy and paste next text: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
Step 3: Press Enter.

To find a specific backup, follow these steps:

Open iTunes program. From the menu bar, click iTunes and select Preferences.
Select "Devices".

Control-click the backup you want and choose Show in Finder.

2. Copy your iOS backups to another location, such as your desktop or external drive.

3. Open iTunes on your computer and select "Devices".

4. Select all backup files and click "Delete Backup".

5. Copy all previous backup files back to the Backup folder.

6. Try restoring iTunes again.

If this doesn't help, you may want to consider deleting all backups and creating a new backup if the new iPhone doesn't see the iTunes backup.

Error when restoring a backup

If the message says unknown error, you can't restore iPhone 8 from iTunes backup, you can turn to free Tenorshare TunesCare. Instead of trying every time to use possible solutions, offers the final solution to fix various errors iTunes sync/backup/restore.

iPhone is disabled or not recognized by iTunes

Make sure that a new version iTunes has been updated.
Check USB cable and connections.
Restart your computer and iPhone 8.
Put your iPhone into recovery mode with free Tenorshare ReiBoot to be detected.

Backup password is incorrect

If you enabled an encrypted backup and accidentally forgot backup password There is no way to restore iTunes backup to your iPhone 8 unless you remove the password using third-party software like Tenorshare iBackupUnlocker. Learn more about how to remove iPhone backup password.

Part 2: New iPhone 8/8 Plus cannot restore data from iCloud backup

In another situation, if you are using a backup iCloud copy and can't restore iPhone from iCloud iOS 11, everything is different. Most iCloud backup errors are caused by:

Not enough space on iPhone 8

If previous file backup is large enough, you may be prompted to indicate that there is not enough space to restore from iCloud backup. In this case, it is suggested to clear some space on iOS device. Tenorshare iCareFone - good tool to recover limited storage space.

iCloud recovery takes too long to complete

The problem iPhone won't complete restoring from iCloud backup is mainly caused by slow network connection, and big size file. Make sure your device is connected to a reliable and stable Wi-Fi networks, and then wait patiently.

Or you can try the backup alternative iTunes copying- UltData. Supporting both iTunes and iCloud backups, UltData processes recover with incredible speed. You just need to log in to your account Apple entry ID and select the file to backup.

Some items cannot be recovered or iCloud recovery is incomplete

When your backups contain purchases made from more than one Apple ID, you will be prompted to send a message requiring you to sign your Apple ID, otherwise the iPhone cannot be restored from the backup. Click "Skip this step" and sign in later.

Hope these suggestions work for you. Share it if this article helps in resolving your iPhone 8/8 Plus/X will not be restored from iTunes/iCloud backup.

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