Youtube Analytics is not updated, spam on YouTube and more. Updated YouTube - now even more videos on the screen YouTube is not updated

Today I’ll give you a couple of tips for beginners, in case you don’t know what to do when:

The video screensaver image is not saved

A fairly common problem that I have encountered more than once. It happens that after downloading a video, you upload your own picture, so as not to use the options offered by YouTube, but to make your own, but... The picture is loaded and not saved on the video.

Problem: glitch on youtube (sometimes appears, sometimes disappears).

Solution: after you have added and saved the video, try changing the picture by clicking edit, selecting information and settings, and adding your picture, clicking edit image.

Youtube Analytics is not updating

An equally rare request to the PS. Youtube Analytics is not updated for a long time for you too? It's okay, apparently, this is the norm and there is nothing surprising about it. Youtube Analytics is not updating 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days? Wait one more day and everything will be fine. This may sound strange, but your requests to the PS will not affect the update of YouTube Analytics in any way, so just don’t panic.

Spam on youtube

Oh, and spam on YouTube bothers me. Sometimes something just unreal happened, especially a lot of it in videos where they talk about making money (my observations). To forget about what it is spam in youtube comments All you have to do is go to the settings of a specific video and choose: allow approved comments, or prohibit comments on this video completely.

In the first case, letters from spammers from YouTube will end up in spam. If you are willing to spend time cleaning, you can do so, but you can also disable comments on this video. AND spam on youtube will never bother you. True, there will be no comments in this video.

Sometimes this is the best option, since bots or human spammers come in only to leave a comment, and such a second action is accepted by YouTube as a refusal to view, and this has a bad effect on the audience retention rate.

Today we will look at:

Often, many users experience problems updating some applications on their smartphone. In particular, this also applies to situations when YouTube is not updated on Android, and the system displays error 104 with a message to try again later. Especially for you, we have described several simple methods that will help solve the problem with error 104 in the Play Market and again allow you to update other applications without any obstacles.

Method 1: Clear cache and data

Very often YouTube does not update on Android and displays error 104 due to the fact that the cache on your device is full. If you don’t know how to do this, then we have previously written about how to clear memory and cache on smartphones running Android, as well as on iPhone devices.
Now restart your device and try updating YouTube again.

In most cases this method works. However, if it does not help you, then move on to the next method.

Method 2: Updating your Google Account

Completely deleting all old ones and creating new Google accounts can also help make the YouTube update error 104 disappear. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to “Settings” - “Accounts” - “Google” and delete all existing accounts.
  2. Next, return to the Play Store and log in to the account you are using again.
  3. Accept all of Google's terms and conditions, and then configure the necessary settings.

After the subsequent update of the YouTube application, the program should update successfully without error 104 occurring on your Android.

Method 3: Factory reset

Factory settings are the settings that were installed on the phone before you purchased this device and began to actively use it. Returning the default settings is very likely to help get rid of the problem when YouTube does not update on Android and shows error 104.

Bottom line

Error 104, which may appear when updating the YouTube application and not only can be solved very easily and does not require special knowledge. The main thing is to follow the instructions described above and you will definitely succeed. If something doesn’t work out for you or you have questions about this topic, ask in the comments under this topic, and we will try to help you.

Let's look at why YouTube gives an error and doesn't work. Find out how to fix website problems.

YouTube is the largest video hosting and the most popular Internet platform for bloggers and viewers. Every day the resource is visited by hundreds of millions of users from all over the world.

Over the 12 years of its existence, the site has grown from a simple source of short videos to a full-fledged platform for the development of creativity.

You can find content for any audience on YouTube.

Also, the site is a cross-platform service. This means that users of computers, smartphones and tablets can work with it in the form of a client program.

Today YouTube has working versions of the software for all existing operating systems.

Causes of errors

Due to testing new features, users often encounter problems with YouTube.

Almost every week information appears on the network about short-term failures and malfunctions in the service.

In 90% of cases they occur on the server side of the site. Developers regularly test new functionality, develop algorithms and test their operation. All this is the main reason for periodic slowdowns of video hosting.

Also, the problem may appear on the user's side.


  • Slow Internet connection;
  • Browser errors. In this case, the site itself will not load;
  • Problems with your account.

Also, bugs may appear in the mobile application for smartphones. Below you will find solutions to all possible video hosting problems.

Error 404 on YouTube

Error 404 is the most common error code that can occur on any website.

The problem appears in three cases:

  • The user provided an incorrect link to the site page;

If your browser has a YouTube cache, instead of the text “Error 404” you will see this page:

  • No response received;

Due to too large a flow of requests, the server may crash.

In this case, the error will appear simultaneously for several users on all devices.

The only thing you can do is wait until the site administrators solve the problem.

As a rule, on YouTube all problems are resolved in a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

  • Software incompatibility.

After automatically updating the mobile OS, the YouTube client application may be incompatible with the system, which is why difficulties arise with loading data.

Video won't play

There are situations when the site loads without problems, but a playback error appears in the video display form.

If your browser uses Flash Player to display media, We recommend updating the service:

  • Go to the official Adobe Flash developer page at;
  • Click on the “Download” field;
  • Wait for the installation file to download and run it.

Wait for the installation to complete and restart your PC.

Try re-launching the video on YouTube.

Everything should work without failures. If the video is not being produced, delete the browser cache using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl - Shift - Del.

The site does not load in all browsers

If you cannot access the site from all browsers installed on your computer, most likely the resource address is included in the list of system restrictions.

This is the result of malware.

To solve the problem, you need to edit the HOSTS file.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open the folder in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc ;
  • Find the HOSTS file without extension and open it with notepad;
  • Find the last line of the text document. It should be " localhost". If there is other data below this line, it needs to be removed. Next, save the changes and reboot the device. After this, access to YouTube will open.

Problems adding videos to Youtube

Not only viewers of TV channels, but also their creators encounter site bugs.

Recently, there have been a large number of complaints about problems with monetizing videos, filtering comments and views.

There is also a bug in loading videos onto the site.

When you add a file from your computer to YouTube, everything freezes or the download does not finish even after a day.

This problem is described in detail in the site's community rules.

The following are the reasons for slow video loading:

  • Low data transfer speed over the network;

Your ISP can limit traffic.. We recommend testing your download and upload speeds using the online services Speedtest or Multitest.

  • You are adding a video in an invalid format. The service supports a limited number of extensions. When you try to load a format that is not supported, an error occurs or the video continues to be added endlessly. Use MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, FLV, WEBM, ProRes formats;
  • The maximum video length is 12 hours. YouTube doesn't ignore attempts to add a longer video. If you see entries on the site for 13, 15 hours, this means that they were loaded even before the adoption of the restriction rules.

Please note the video size, it should not be larger than 128 GB. To reduce this indicator, you can use applications for compressing MP4, AVI, FLV and other formats.

The viewed entry has disappeared

Users of the site may encounter problems playing a particular video. At the same time, the video hosting itself will work without failures.


  • The video is blocked at the request of the copyright holder;

If a channel owner has uploaded a video that contains content from other authors, the video will be automatically blocked after a few days.

When you try to open the player, you will see the message “Blocked by copyright holder.”

  • The author of the video has restricted access to the recording.

Channel owners can configure the display mode of previously added videos.

Videos may be added to a private playlist, only accessible through a link, or not playable in a specified list of countries.

In the first two cases, you will not be able to watch the video, but in the second, you can enable VPN.

This way, the contents of the page will become available, because the country of the account will change.

YouTube doesn't work on Android - solution

If the Youtube application stops working on Android, there is a simple and effective way to solve the error. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to your smartphone settings and select “Applications”;
  • In the list, click on the YouTube field;
  • In a new window, you need to delete all the settings that are in the program. Click on the buttons “Erase content”, “Delete default settings”. It is also recommended to uninstall updates.

Then restart the client application. Its old version will be displayed.

You can update it via Google Play as described above.

Bottom line

YouTube is a functional service for watching videos. The site is constantly updated and updated with new features, which may cause users to experience playback errors.

If YouTube stops working on your device, first determine the type of problem: eliminate the possibility of bugs in the browser, clean the HOSTS file, or use a VPN to access videos blocked in your country.

Thematic videos:

Sometimes users encounter a problem when YouTube does not work on Android - the application does not start, it starts but crashes with an error, videos do not play or they do not load well, although the Internet speed is good and other similar things happen.

Such phenomena can appear both on the phone and on the tablet, when connected via WiFi or when working with regular mobile Internet. No matter how the problem with YouTube not working on Android manifests itself, the reasons for its occurrence are almost always the same.

Why is this happening

The most common cause of YouTube not working on Android is updates. If YouTube stopped working after the update occurred, then this is exactly the reason. In this case, most often no error appears, and the application simply crashes.

Although it is possible that there may be some kind of error, this is extremely rare. The fact is that the update may not be done correctly, causing compatibility issues. And if the operating system does not know how to work with new information, it will not launch anything.

The second reason for this problem may be hidden in the cache. This is temporary data that clogs up the system if not deleted. Any operating system has some kind of cache, and if you don’t do anything with it, it will definitely fill the system with garbage.

In our case, there may be too much of this cache, and the system simply will not have time to process it or will process it for a very long time, to the point that it will crash altogether due to the fact that there is some kind of time limit on loading. It could also be that the system "realizes" its inability to process the entire cache and simply won't launch the YouTube app on your phone or tablet.

Finally, the third reason is that some other information that relates to this application is loading it too much or is simply affecting it badly. So this information may contain viruses or something else that the system will not be able to process at all, so, again, it will simply turn off or some kind of error will appear.

It happens that YouTube stops working immediately after downloading or watching a video. This means that the reason is definitely in it and it is precisely this that needs to be simply removed. However, deleting all other data will also not hurt, because it is impossible to say for sure that the reason is in this or that file.

So now we know why the YouTube app may not work on Android. Now let's look at how this problem is solved.


In fact, there are only two ways to solve this problem. The first one is to delete updates, cache and other data related to this application.

This is done as follows:

  • First you need to open the settings and find there an item called “Applications”.

  • Now you should go to the “Application Manager”.

  • In the list of applications you need to find Youtube and click on it.

  • The user will see the page for this application. Actually, there are all the necessary buttons in order to perform the actions we need. First you need to click on the inscription “Memory”, highlighted in green in Figure 4. In the menu that opens, by pressing the appropriate buttons shown in Figure 5, the user will delete the cache and other data that may prevent the system from working normally. And if you click on options (this item is highlighted in red in Figure 4), a menu will appear consisting of only one item - “Uninstall updates”. By clicking on it, the latest updates will be removed and the application will return to the state it was in before the update.

Important: All actions within the instructions described above were performed on a device with the Android 6.0.1 operating system. Earlier versions will most likely not have a task manager. That is, when you open the “Applications” item, a list of all available applications will immediately be displayed. Otherwise the process is the same.

If all of the above does not help, you can also try reinstalling the application. To do this, you need to delete it, then download it again from PlayMarket and install it. It is best to do this via WiFi, as the application is quite heavy. To remove YouTube, it is best to use the Clean Master program.

Below you can see instructions for deleting the cache, other data and updating on an older version of Android.

Problems playing YouTube videos– slow loading, long caching or intermittent playback – can be caused by many factors, such as problems on the ISP side, too many users or devices using a given connection, errors in the software and hardware used, software settings, type of Internet connection ( wireless or wired ethernet), exceeding the download data limit or problems related to the video itself.

Some of these may require updating your browser or turning off and restarting your computer, so you might want to try opening the same page on another device first.

Check your browser

To check if your video playback problem is related to your browser (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari), try these troubleshooting tips for web browsers:

  • Refresh the page in your browser. In most browsers, you can press F5 or Command + R on your keyboard to reload the current page.
  • Close all other windows and tabs in the browser.

If you want to enjoy YouTube comfortably, update your browser regularly to ensure you always have the latest version.

How to check if your browser is up to date

Update Adobe Flash Player

Most YouTube videos are opened using a web browser plugin - Adobe Flash Player. To ensure that the video is displayed without problems, you should use the latest version of this plugin.

How update Adobe Flash Player to latest version:

  1. Check your Flash Player version.
  2. Download the latest version of the program.
  3. When the file has finished downloading, close your browser.
  4. Open the Adobe Flash Player installer on your computer and install the new version.

Enabling JavaScript

Many YouTube features require JavaScript to function properly. To enable javascript, follow these instructions.

Enable JavaScript in the browser on your computer


Enable JavaScript on a mobile device


  1. Open the browser on your device (if you haven't already done so).
  2. Press the Device Menu button.
  3. Select Other.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Check the box to enable or disable JavaScript.
  6. Close settings and refresh the page you wanted to open.


  1. Click Settings on the home screen of your device.
  2. Click Safari.
  3. Click Additionally.
  4. Make sure that JavaScript scripts enabled.
  5. Close Settings and refresh the page you wanted to open in Safari.

Clear cache and cookies

Cookies are files created by websites you visit, and your browser's cache allows pages to load faster and makes browsing the Internet easier.

Clearing your browser cache and cookies will remove page settings (such as usernames and passwords), but some pages will load a little slower after doing so because all your photos will have to be downloaded again.

How to clear cache and cookies

Google Chrome

Advice: If pages are not displaying correctly, you can use the browser's incognito mode or private mode to check if the problem is related to cache and cookies.

Google uses cookies to improve the quality of its services.

Turn off and start your home network again

How to start my home network again?

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Unplug your modem and wireless router (if you have a separate router).
  3. Wait about a minute.
  4. Connect the modem and wait until the lights stop flashing. Also reconnect your router (if it was unplugged) and wait until the lights stop flashing.
  5. Turn on your computer and try playing the video again.

Connect your computer directly to the modem

Instead of using a wireless connection, connect your computer directly to your modem or router using an Ethernet cable.

If the problem persists, try moving the modem or router to another location - interference or too much distance from this device may be causing poor communication.

If your computer is connected directly to the modem and you still cannot play YouTube videos, we recommend that you contact your hardware supplier to make sure that the modem and the Internet are working properly.

Check your internet connection

If the steps described do not help improve your Internet connection, try these methods:

  • Check to see if anyone is using your communication channel. Perhaps someone in your family is already downloading a large file just as you are trying to watch a video on YouTube.
  • Make sure your computer is not infected with viruses or spyware and has enough free space on your hard drive.
  • Move the router to another place, where the signal is stronger. The router should be located above floor level (for example, on a table or shelf) and in a central location in the home.
  • Move microwaves, cordless phones, and any wireless devices away from the router. They often interfere with Wi-Fi communications.