The Internet does not load on the laptop. Pages take a long time to load in the browser: all possible reasons and solutions

Today we are all highly dependent on the Internet. And when it doesn’t work, panic immediately sets in, your heart sinks into your heels and life seems meaningless. It may be funny to you, but for some it really is.

The user is especially lost when the Internet is connected, but does not work. Today I will tell you why this happens and what to do if this happens to your network.

Why doesn't the Internet work?

If you are connected to the Internet, but it is not working, the first thing you need to do is find the cause of the problem. To do this, you need to restart all devices that are connected to the Internet. This means a router, a computer, etc. Most often, such a reboot completely solves all problems with the Internet, and it starts working properly. If, after rebooting the router and computer, you do not get the expected result, move on to the next “therapeutic” procedures.

Today, most people connect to the Internet by means of Wi-Fi router. If you have the same, then you need to check whether the Internet access indicator on the router is on or not. For those users who use TP-Link router, the Internet access signal is marked with a globe icon. On other routers this signal Most often they sign “Internet”.

If the indicator is off, you need to check your router settings. If everything is fine with them, then we call the technical support of our provider and ask why there is no Internet, perhaps just a repair of the highway or network.

But, if the indicator is on, then there is a connection and the provider is not to blame. Check Internet access on other devices. It doesn’t matter what it will be - a phone, a tablet or another laptop. This way you can figure out which direction you should dig next to solve this problem. I’ll say right away that the case when a router is connected to the Internet, which is known to work well, but at the same time it does not distribute it to other devices, is considered a very rare case. The reason for this problem lies in the failure of the router. It's not difficult to fix this. You need to reset all settings to standard and reconfigure it again, remember that after the reset all settings will be lost and the Internet may not work until the router is configured correctly!

Cases often occur when only one device or computer cannot connect to the Internet using a router, but everyone else can easily access it. In this case, you need to look for the cause directly on this device.

If you are connected to mobile Internet via a USB modem or WiFi module connected to a USB port, then try disconnecting it and reconnecting it. If this doesn't help, try using a different port to connect. Perhaps reinstalling the driver will help you solve this problem.

Checking your Internet connection in Windows

In the case when the Internet is connected to your PC or laptop, but does not work, and at the same time you are one hundred percent sure that the reason for this is incorrect settings, then you need to follow a series of procedures that will quickly solve your problem.

You need to start reconfiguring by pinging any popular site. To do this, press the combination “Win ​​+ R”. This will bring up the “Run” window.

In the text input field, you need to enter the following “cmd” and click on “OK”. If you are not a fan of my site, you can write Google. After that, press enter and wait for the result. If everything is fine, the server will send you something like this:

If the response from the server contains the line “The connection check failed to find the Check the host name and try again”, then you need to type another command, for example “ping .”. This is the IP address of the public DNS server from Google, which will always be available. If the computer has access to external network is available, then the answer will be the same as in the picture above, but with different numbers after “answer from...”.

If a ping passes through an IP address, but does not open in the browser, then most often this indicates that there is an Internet connection, but the network does not work due to incorrect configuration network card, namely, the DNS server address is not written in them or is written incorrectly. I'll tell you how to fix this a little later.

If you observe a different response from the server, then you need to check access to the router. We will also check using ping. You can find out the router's IP address on a sticker that is glued to reverse side his body. Most often, the IP address of routers is “” or “”. The first address is registered on my router, so I received this answer:

If the router pings, but the Internet node does not, then most likely the reason lies again in the settings of the router or in the router itself.

But if the router is unavailable for server requests, then there is a reason to go into the settings network adapter on the computer. But, before doing this, disable your antivirus and firewall, if you have one. Sometimes it is these two “comrades” that cause problems with the Internet.

If after this the Internet does not work, although there is also a connection, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” again, but now in the “open” field we write “ncpa.cpl.”.

If you have entered everything correctly, a network window will open. Windows connections. In it you need to find your active connection and click on it right click mouse, then select “properties.” In the window that opens, look for the line “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and double-click on it to open the protocol parameters.

Check “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically”. Click OK and check the result in the browser.

If this does not help, then check the box “Use the following addresses.” You need to register the IP address from the subnet of your router. If it has IP, then set the computer to If the router uses , then on the PC it will be Mask You must specify the router address as the gateway. Register it as the preferred DNS server. An alternative DNS can be specified as the server from Google -

In any case, watch my video on speeding up the Internet, if you apply all the settings, the Internet should work.

Increasing Internet speed to the maximum!

I hope that at least one of the methods will definitely help you regain access to the Internet. If none of the options for solving the problem helped you, then you will have to call a specialist who will determine the true cause and solve the problem. But I’m sure it won’t come to that and you’ll fix everything yourself.

Problems with the browser when it does not open pages are familiar to many users. It seems that you paid for the Internet on time, and all the parameters were configured correctly, but the application refuses to follow the links.
There are cases when sites do appear before the user’s eyes, but they do so very, very slowly. Sometimes the problem relates exclusively to video files or images posted on resources World Wide Web. A common situation is when only one browser does not want to launch Internet pages, while other browsers perform their functions properly.

The first task that arises before the user is to find out the root cause of this problem.

Experts identify sources of problems due to which Internet browsers may not be able to access all sites at the same time:

  • Registry;
  • Hosts file;
  • Virus and antiviruses;
We should not forget that sometimes the reason is hidden in TCP protocol IP or in static routes.

Registry check

If you encounter difficulties while opening web pages, the first thing you should pay attention to is the registry. Check it and if there are errors, edit its contents.
How to open the registry? Theoretically, you can search the system drive. However, more quick option– get there through the command execution utility. Press Win + R, then type regedit and confirm with the Enter key.
An editor will appear on your screen. Check out what the registry contains. On the left are the sections, one of them is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Sequentially select the following subsections: first SOFTWARE, then Microsoft, followed by Windows NT, then CurrentVersion and finally Windows. On the right you will see the parameters. You should be interested in the AppInit_DLLs parameter. Make sure its value is empty. If it represents a file path, then erase all the text. Editing is available using context menu, launched with the right mouse button.

Try to get to the AppInit_DLLs parameter and the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section. It should also remain empty. If the value still had to be edited, then restart the computer. In most cases this algorithm is an effective solution.

Hosts file

Testing for problems associated with this file can be done using Skype programs. If it works, but one or all browsers do not, then you need to change the text in the hosts file. In practice, this problem only affects certain sites, so check a few different links.
You can find this file at this path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Its peculiarity is the absence of any extension.

For normal operation it is necessary that last line was next text: " localhost". If there are further certain records, then they were definitely created artificially. It is highly likely that this was done by a virus. Therefore, erase all unnecessary text and reboot the system. Launch the site in a web browser. If the problem persists, go to the next step.

DNS problem

If the browser does not open pages precisely because of DNS, then this reason can be corrected quite easily. Run command line through Start – System Tools or by entering the “cmd” command in the search bar of the Start menu.
To do this, several packets are sent towards the server of any working site. Experts call this action “ping.” And all because the command is called ping. For example, enter ping and press Enter.

If in response you received several lines with the parameters “number of bytes”, “time” and “TTL”, then everything is fine. If a message appears that the site could not be detected, it is probably all about the DNS. You can be 100% sure of this by introducing ping commands Got a normal response? If yes, then the problem is in DNS.

This inaccuracy in the properties of the Internet connection is corrected. Disable automatic filling and enter the value manually. Enter the value in place of the primary DNS server, and in place of the alternative one. Afterwards the Internet should work the same way as before.


The normal operation of browsers may be interfered with malware. As a rule, when acting Skype viruses just as in the case of the previous problem, it will continue to fully perform all functions.

Viruses are often aimed at certain programs. Some of them are intended for specific browsers. At the same time, it is very difficult for the user to independently detect the presence of a Trojan or other type of virus on his computer. Therefore, you cannot do without the help of special utilities.

A program called antimalware can be a savior for the user, which effectively combats malicious files. Most of these programs are not free. More precisely, certain functionality is available to everyone, but full version Only its buyers receive the program. Only purchased and timely updated antiviruses can guarantee 100% protection.

This type of virus like Trojan.Winlock is specifically blocked network access and certain functions of web browsers: Opera, Chrome, Yandex, etc. Many users have already encountered an unpleasant situation when a request appears on the screen to enter an SMS in order to unlock further work with the browser. It is almost impossible to close either the deposit or the window with a standard click on the “cross”. You will have to use the help of the Task Manager. Be sure to scan your system with an antivirus after this.

Sometimes malware blocks popular sites. This difficulty is often encountered by users of VKontakte and other social networks. They block viruses and sites that host anti-virus content.

Thus, the only right decision for the user is to take care of protection for the computer in advance. Popular antiviruses are the best PC protectors. Although they are paid, they cope with their functions with “five plus” results. Experts advise not to save money on information security, especially for those who have important data stored on their computer.

Free antivirus programs are suitable for those who do not use their computer as a work tool.

Antiviruses and firewall

Often, antiviruses themselves prevent you from accessing certain sites. And although such blocking is a security measure, if you really want to click on the desired link, you can remove it. By the way, standard tools Security software such as firewalls also tend to impose such restrictions on users.

Overcoming this limitation is done by setting up an antivirus program.

As for the firewall, its configuration in most cases is the work of the system administrator.

Static routes

Fake entries in the routing table are often the root cause of lack of access to sites. In the presence of large quantity such records, deleting one at a time can take an entire hour of your time. The “route -f” command was invented for this purpose. You must enter it on the command line. This command will clear the entire list of routes.

Resetting TCP IP Settings

Last possible variant– this is to reset the TCP IP parameters. Launch Command Prompt. First enter the command " netsh winsock reset", followed by "netsh int ip reset".
You need to check the result after rebooting the system.


Practice shows that the second and subsequent problems with opening the browser, the solution is found much faster than the first time. There is always the option of calling a specialist who will absolutely find the problem. However, to do this, make sure that you have entered your network settings correctly, and that the date for making payment for the Internet has not yet arrived. An even more drastic method could be reinstallation operating system. However, be sure to back up your important data first. Sometimes reboot Windows makes it possible to deal with the difficulty faster than all of the above methods. This is especially true for Windows systems 7, 8 and 10, because drivers are installed automatically in them.

Today, cases of users turning to computer repair companies have become more frequent, and the reason is the fact that when the Internet and various instant messengers are working, the browser refuses to open the pages.

The problem can be formulated in different ways, but the meaning remains the same: after launching the browser and trying to open the page, after a long wait a message appears that the browser could not display the page. At the same time, everything else that uses the Internet works without problems. Resources respond perfectly.

It happens that Internet resources can be very difficult to open on one browser, but all others cannot do this. But there is a way out of this situation; the main thing is to follow certain instructions.

Fixing the problem

IN global network You can find many assumptions that such problems can be caused by errors in hosts files, problems with DNS server addresses or proxy settings in the browser settings. But in this case, this is not always the real cause of the problem.

Registry problems

Initially, you need to work with the registry. To get into it, you need to click on Win + R and enter regedit in the line that appears. Then click OK. This will open the registry window. Here you need to enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\.

On the left side of the window the parameters and values ​​will be displayed in a list. It's worth noting that the AppInit_DLLs parameter must be filled in. As a rule, it specifies the path to the library.dll. It is recommended to delete it by right-clicking on it and clicking “Change value”.

Then you need to look for the same entries in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section. In this folder you need to perform the same actions. Next, you need to restart your PC and try to launch the site in some web browser. For the most part, this problem is solved in this way.

Malicious utilities

Also, pages may not open due to the activity of various malicious or unwanted applications. It is important to remember that such malware is not always detected. antivirus programs, so users are not even aware of their existence.

There are many ways to combat such malware. specialized programs However, not all of them are able to effectively solve this problem. The most effective of them is considered Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, which in this case will come in handy. After the removal procedure, you must restart your computer.

Static routes

You can also check static routes to resolve the issue of pages not opening. To do this, you need to launch the command line and enter route-f in it and press Enter. These steps can clear the list of static routes, which may help get rid of this problem.

If you previously configured routing to provide access to Internet provider sites or for any other purposes, then you will have to repeat this process. Often this is not necessary.

Examination hosts file

As a rule, when pages refuse to open in web browsers, this method is not always effective, but it is still worth trying. It is often used for problems with social network pages. In this case, you should visit the directory C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file in it. Here you need to pay attention to the bottom entry localhost.

If there are any lines below it with inscriptions that are not clear why they are needed, you can safely delete them. After this, you need to restart your PC and try to open a website in a web browser.

DNS problems

If, when trying to launch any resource, the web browser displays a message stating that DNS server is not responding or has a malfunction, most likely this is the reason. In this case, you need to follow several steps. In this case, after each one you should try to open the site.

Just go to the “Properties” of the Internet connection and replace “get DNS server addresses in automatic mode» to addresses 8. 8. 8. 8 and 8. 8. 4. 4. After this, you should run the command line and enter ipconfig /flushdns.

Malware and third-party proxies

This is another type of problem that occurs quite often. It means that the malicious program has made some changes to the properties of the computer’s Internet Explorer, and antiviruses are not always able to help.

In this case, you need to enter the “Control Panel”, and then “Internet Options”. Here you should open the “Connections” section and click on the “Network Settings” button. Here you need to make sure that there are no proxy servers. The scenario of changing network parameters in automatic mode is also unacceptable. If something similar is present, it is necessary to bring everything into proper shape.

Reconfiguring TCP IP

If all of the above options did not bring the desired result, then you need to use this option, which involves resetting the TCP IP parameters of the operating system. In this case, you should run the command line as an administrator and enter the following commands in a row: netsh winsock reset and netsh int ip reset. After this, you need to restart the PC.

Typically, one of these options will help resolve the issue. If nothing happened and the problem remained, then you need to remember what software was installed in last days. This could be the reason for the failure of the Internet settings on the PC. In addition, it is worth scanning your computer good antivirus. If these manipulations do not bring the desired result, then you need to use the services of a repair specialist.

In addition, you can surf the forums, since there are many people with similar problems, maybe one of them has found the cause of this problem and ways to solve it.

The browser helps us surf the Internet, browse pages and find necessary information. Through it, any search query is carried out, any operation that is performed on the network. Unfortunately, even the most modern of these programs is not immune to malfunctions. Often, due to careless user actions, the normal operation of the browser is disrupted. For example, if you set the wrong settings, it may happen that the browser does not open pages or does it so slowly that you don’t have any patience. It should also be said that operational problems can occur not only due to the fault of the person who works at the computer. There are actually a great many reasons. Below are just a few of them. Those that occur most often.

Viruses, malware

So why doesn't the browser open pages? The first thing that comes to mind is that your computer has picked up some virus on the Internet. It is known that many malicious programs are aimed specifically at the operation of browsers and the Internet connection in general. The acquired virus may be a Trojan program that got onto the computer as an alleged useful file. Then the user will not even notice at what point the problems started. This also includes rootkits and various “worms”.

Solution: check your computer for viruses. Here you can use a full scan with the antivirus that you have installed, or with special search utilities Trojan programs(AVZ and others). If there are doubts about the effectiveness of the installed antivirus software, it's better to change it. Once found, reboot the computer.

Other software

Another reason why no browser ends up opening pages may be due to the installation of additional background programs. Especially those whose work is based on transmitting and receiving information from the Internet. Of course, among similar utilities there are necessary and useful ones. For example, a download wizard or various torrents. It is important to be able to distinguish between truly useful software and useless and potentially dangerous ones. Among the latter is the SkyMonk program and third party utilities to update an operating system like Bonjour. By the way, the native OS Update Center also interferes normal operation browser.

Solution: disable Windows, do not use under any circumstances third party programs, which are persistently offered for download, especially if you don’t know why you need them at all. It is better to remove SkyMonk immediately.

Memory full, extra entries

All browsers have a special type of memory that stores the most popular search queries. Accessing it requires less time, so the overall page loading speed increases. Such memory in computer slang is called “cookie” or cache. When it is full, problems arise, one of which may be that the browser does not open pages. The cause of problems is often a system disk that is filled to capacity. Usually there is a special limitation on them that not everyone pays attention to. However, it is better if the same thing is present on drive C minimal amount free space which he asks for. It is also recommended to regularly check the registry and clean it of old entries that remain afterward. Special utilities for optimizing it will help in this matter, simplifying the task to just a few mouse clicks.

Solution: clear cookies. You can use the program CCleaner cleaning or do everything manually. Most browsers do this in a very similar way, with minor differences. In Mozilla, just go to Tools, then to Settings, where in the Privacy section there will be a “Clear recent history” button. This is cache memory. It is also recommended to free up the required space on system disk and For the latter, the Vit Registry Fix or Registry life programs are suitable, although the CCleaner mentioned above will cope with the task.

Paranoid antivirus

Most antiviruses have several operating modes for ease of use. They differ in varying degrees of computer protection from external threats, and there are very meticulous options. If you select this mode, the program will carefully check each incoming connection. This, in turn, can be another reason why the browser does not open pages. This includes other security programs such as firewalls and OS firewalls. You need to carefully select their operating mode, because... it may not so much protect the computer from real threats how much to act to the detriment of the user's interests.

Solution: disable the firewall by replacing it good firewall(by the way, many browsers already have built-in protection). Make antivirus settings less strict or disable firewall and Internet services. If this doesn't help, be sure to put everything back in its place.

Of course, the connection protocol is incorrectly specified, Slow internet and outdated equipment will also play a role. But this is already clear to everyone, so it makes no sense to describe these problems in detail. The only thing that can be recommended if all of the above does not help is to check the network connection settings. To do this you need to open properties network interface and see if the corresponding items are checked. Special attention you need to turn to “Internet Protocol TCP/IP”, “Scheduler” QoS packets" and "Client for Microsoft Networks".

Readers often ask me why the browser on the computer does not work. This is indeed a very serious problem, since a computer without the Internet in 95% of cases is a useless thing that takes up space on the table. To easily access the network, let’s figure out what’s the point. The solution to this problem applies to all browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome.

But before we begin, it should be noted that the question itself is posed a little incorrectly. You must clearly understand the problem in order to begin solving it. For example, browsers on the computer do not work or only one browser. If we consider the “crash” of all browsers at once, then most likely the problem is in some application that does not allow them to load normally.

The most popular problem is viruses; they are the ones that usually cause harm to the system, and the above information should not be excluded. Viruses can block not only browsers, but also other software products, which in at least some way, even indirectly, allow you to access the Internet or simple text editor. To remove viruses you can use standard antivirus, which is installed on your computer. Before checking you need to update antivirus databases to be sure of the verification.

Checking the correctness of the hosts file

Usually when the browser is not working, viruses write themselves in the filehosts. To view it, we will perform the following operations. First, go to: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. Find in the last folder etc file hosts and open it using notepad (right-click on it, select “Open” and select the Notepad program by double-clicking).

We delete absolutely all lines that should not be there. So that you can understand what an untouched file should look like, I’ll show you a screenshot of mine.

Save the changes and restart the computer! If the system does not allow you to save changes, then you need to open Notepad as an administrator. To do this, go to “Start” - “Accessories” - and then right-click on Notepad. Select "Run as administrator" from the drop-down menu. Then follow the instructions described above.

If you have little experience in these matters, then use special program to restore the hosts file. " ".

Viruses are a constant problem

To check your computer for viruses, your best bet is to download special utility with current databases, if your computer has installed antivirus, I still ask you to download and check your computer with one of the utilities: or.

The very first question that will arise is how can I download a program or access any website if my browser does not work?

Here are several options for downloading it in this situation:

  • Use a laptop or any other work computer that you have access to (work, friends, etc.), you can also use a tablet or smartphone if there is Wi-Fi.
  • The worst situation is that there is only one computer, there are no browsers. There can only be one way out here - you have a pre-installed Download program Master, which allows you to download files from the Internet without using browsers. Or you can take it from another computer. In it you need to go to Top Downloads and find Dr. Web Cureit, he is always in the first positions.
  • If you have any browser Portable versions, then try to access the Internet from this version, it is possible that a positive result will come out.

Now that the antivirus is installed, let's proceed to the next step: launch it, select search throughout the entire computer, check the entire computer, and not just drive C, as users like to do. When the utility finds viruses, you must remove them ruthlessly, but before that, go through the files where it found malicious code. Sometimes, there is a possibility of infection of working files, for example, text files or photos from your vacation, in this case you need to try to cure them, if nothing works, then delete them.

Another answer to the question why browsers don’t work lies in Windows registry. Recruiting at search bar Start menu command regedit. Go to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\ and find the AppInit_DLLs parameter on the right.

Now you need to open this parameter and specify the value 0, then click “OK”. Now right-click on it and select “Delete”. After this, restart your computer.

The problem should be resolved. If not, then reinstalling the operating system will help - this option for many will be a way out of situations, but we must not forget that if there is a problem, then there must be a solution.


If there is a problem with any program, then I advise you to try updating it through the “Tools” or “Help” menu. If the update is interrupted, then go to the official website and download new version browser you are using.

Also, from my experience, I can say that there is a possibility of glitches in new versions of programs and therefore if in this moment installed updated version, then try installing an older one. If this helps you, then you will have to temporarily “sit” on previous version, and after a few updates enjoy the new one.