Doesn't read microsd on phone. Why the phone does not see the MicroSD memory card - the main reasons

A problem with the memory card in your phone can be caused by a number of reasons. Not necessarily serious, so it’s too early to panic. But, of course, they are not excluded. Especially if you recently took aim out of anger own phone somewhere on the wall or sofa.

We wrote small instructions, for those who are no stranger to the problem of a sudden “coma” of a memory card and who cannot live without a drive. You follow it point by point. And in the end, you either magically fix everything yourself, or the technician at the service center will do the same.

Memory cards in modern devices- a storehouse of data that is most valuable to you. As a rule, everything is saved on it - photos, documents, music, other types of files that you don’t want to lose. So advice for all time: use only high-quality drives - they, of course, are more expensive. But cheap Chinese analogues not only quickly fail, killing all the collected material, but can also lead to damage to the device. This is so - for the future, if you still have to fork out for a new drive.

If you bought new map memory, and your phone does not recognize it, this means that it is either of the wrong format and is not intended for your specific model, or it contains too much memory. Usually this doesn’t happen with smartphones - only with older phones, but in life anything can happen.

So, what to do if the phone does not see the memory card...

The very first action that we will recommend to you, if the phone does not see the memory card, will be, no matter how trivial it may sound, - carefully remove it and put it back in. It is possible that you have already done this a dozen times - sharply and quickly in a fit of indignation. But in order to make sure that the problem is not a loose contact, simply repeat the procedure again. Come on, come on. Step by step, you remember, right? Carefully remove and insert, rather than pull out and push in.

Are there any changes? Go ahead. If you are determined to independently try to find the reason why the phone does not see the flash drive, then follow the second point. It will require a card reader - almost every laptop has this miracle thing. If the device sees your flash drive, this is a positive signal.

Then try to carry out a series of manipulations, which, in theory, should return the card to normal working condition. Here we have to remember computer literacy. But since you have already taken up this task, bring it to the end.

And so, find your flash drive in the “My Computer” folder, click right click and select “Properties”. Next, find the “Service” and “Check disk for errors” tab. Next, check the box next to “Scan and repair bad sectors” and click “Start”. Once the process is complete, insert the card into your phone and check if it works.

There is another way. You can try formatting the flash card. Just copy all its contents to your computer in advance. Otherwise, during the formatting process, you will lose everything that was stored in the card’s memory and all efforts will be in vain. It is possible that formatting will have to be done in two stages: the first - on the computer, the second - directly on the phone.

If the card performs “excellent” in the card reader, we hasten to both disappoint and delight you. The joy is that you don’t have to buy a new card. But the bad news is that in this case the phone does not see the flash drive due to a malfunction directly in the device.

In addition, a refusal to accept a memory card may be caused by a failure in the phone settings or damage to the software (including due to a fall). This will be confirmed if, when using another flash card, the device does not see it either. In such cases, the direct path to the service center.

When going to the service center, take your card with you too. During diagnostics (by the way, it is sometimes free, for example, at the Remfon service center), they will be able to tell you exactly where the problem lies: directly in the device or the memory card, and how to fix it.

If you still have questions after reading this, ask them to a consultant at our Remfona service center. If they also have questions, they will ask them to our masters, and then with 100% probability you will receive a reliable answer.

What kind of failures can cause an Android device to stop detecting a card? micro memory SD, and what to do in this case?

Majority modern smartphones equipped with a slot for microSD. Thus, manufacturers provide the gadget with a standard volume internal memory and provide users with a choice: do they need additional data storage space for some money or not. This solution is convenient for both parties and helps reduce the cost of the device - otherwise, using a flash module with a large volume leads to an increase in the price of the device.

If you decide to expand the capabilities of your gadget by purchasing a flash drive, you may find yourself in a situation where the phone does not see the microSD memory card. There may be several causes and solutions to this problem.

If you have not yet purchased an additional drive, but are planning to do so, be sure to check out ours, which contains valuable and useful information.

Checking the memory card

System failure

Sometimes minor glitches occur in the system. As a rule, a simple reboot of the smartphone or tablet helps resolve such problems. As a last resort, you can try resetting the settings to factory settings, but all data from the device will be deleted.


Each device supports a certain type of memory card, depending on the manufacturer and model. Users in pursuit of large volumes They ignore the capabilities of the gadget itself, which later causes problems, and the phone does not read or see the flash drive.

Before purchasing microSD, please read carefully technical requirements gadget. If the instructions say that it supports memory cards up to 32 GB, you should not try to use a 64 GB or 128 GB flash drive.

No contact

Another reason that Android does not recognize the memory card may be problems with the contacts - they may move away or become clogged. In this case, take out the flash drive, clean the contacts and insert it back into the device.

Damaged sectors

The problems may have arisen due to damaged sectors or incorrect formatting. In this case, you need to format the microSD card.

  1. Insert it into your computer or laptop. If the PC sees the content, copy it to the computer and only then start formatting - this way you can save everything important files and data.
  2. Right-click on the name of the drive, select “Format”. In the formatting settings in the “File system” line, FAT32 should be selected, since Android may not read other formats.
  3. Click "Get Started."
  4. Additional formatting may be required on the device itself. You can perform this operation in “Settings”, in the “Memory” section, “Format SD card”.

Problems with internal memory

There is a situation when a microSD memory card cannot be read by a smartphone. The reason may be a system failure when deleting or changing system files, sometimes this happens when the device is rooted.

In this case, you need to try to fix it in . With the device turned off, press the key combination to go to a special menu. On various smartphones different combinations are used:

  • Volume up + power button.
  • Volume down + power button.
  • Home key + power button.
  • Home key + Power button + Volume up.

When you open the recovery menu, you will see something like this:

In the list, click on Wipe cache partition(cleaning system cache) and reboot the gadget.

Serious damage

If none of the above methods help, the problem may be hardware or drive malfunction. In this case, you need to contact a specialist or buy a new card.

Don’t rush to panic and call everyone service centers, but try to identify the cause of the problem: you can get rid of most problems associated with microSD yourself with the help of our article, in which we will describe how best to do this.

If your phone doesn’t see your memory card, don’t rush to throw it away

So let's get started.

This problem is one of the most common: it can come to visit the owner of both a newfangled smartphone and the owner of an old device. We suggest that you consider the causes of this problem and how to resolve them.


  • The flash drive may not adhere to the contacts, and because of this, the device does not read it.

This problem is easy to solve: you just need to remove the battery and check the location of the card.

  • Malfunctions of the flash drive itself.

Solution: check it using a card reader, placing a microSD in it and connecting it to the computer. Or insert the information drive into another device. If the second device sees the card, then the problem is hidden in your smartphone, which is why it does not read it.

What to do if, even after checking the above situations, the phone does not see the memory card? Let's dig deeper: next block The reasons are technical. It has to do with formatting, location of the flash drive, and compatibility with your phone. We invite you to consider these problems in more detail:

More often than not, when you buy a drive or decide to clean out an old one, you are confident that you can connect it yourself. And due to lack of time or excessive confidence that if you do everything yourself step by step and according to the instructions, the formatting will be done correctly, everything turns out completely the opposite. When faced with such a task, take the time to test your skills as a qualified repairman mobile phone. This may cause your device to experience new problems, including the inability to see the memory card.

What to do in this case?

The first method is to restart your phone. Most often, the fact that the phone does not see microSD can be caused by a normal malfunction of the mobile phone. But in other situations it may force you to make complete removal all the information on the map.

The second method, which is the safest and more common, is the stripping method using a computer, which we will tell you about in detail below:

  1. First, insert the flash drive into the card reader and connect it to the computer.
  2. Wait for it to start, which should happen automatically. Otherwise, go to “My Computer”, where you will see your card in the “New Devices” section, but only if it is not burned out.
  3. Right-click on the icon and click on the “Format” function in the context menu.
  4. Click the "Start" button and wait for the process to complete.

If the problem was in formatting, then this method should have fixed it.

  • The memory card has failed.

The causes of this incident may be mechanical damage or thermal damage (from the heat, the microSD can melt and, accordingly, freeze at very low temperatures).

What to do? Unfortunately, all you can do in this situation is to throw away the old card, complain a little for the sake of decency, and buy another one.

  • Incompatibility of the drive with the mobile device.

Your old device may simply not be adapted to the new technologies that were used to create the memory card. In this case, your phone will also not read the microSD flash drive.

  • Erased tracks in the nest are natural wear and tear of the equipment.

Buying a new mobile device will help solve this problem, since all equipment sooner or later deteriorates, even though it is made with high quality and is designed for long-term use.

We advise you to carefully check your mobile device and the card you purchased. If, after identifying all the possible reasons why the phone does not see the microSD flash drive, you did not find a match with any of the above points or could not fix the problem yourself, you should contact professionals who have been working in this field for a long time. They will conduct a high-quality and thorough inspection of your phone and inform you about the cause of the problem.

Take care of your devices and do not delay identification possible malfunctions For undefined period! Then your accessory will work for a long time and without interruption.

If you use an Android phone Samsung, bq, sony, lg, xiaomi, zte, lenovo, fly, nokia, asus, alcatel, xiaomi and so on, you will find that system storage completely filled.

This slows down the speed of work, and to free up space, they usually insert external card microSD memory

At the same time, some users complain that their Android 7 (7.0), Android 6 (6.0), Android 4.4.2 and others including latest version Android 8 does not see the SD memory card, including even the new one.

It happens that the device does not see files on the card - music, applications, photos, or does not see the formatted one.

How can I make my phone see the memory card? Are there programs for Android to see it? There are no such programs, and there is more than one reason.

If your smartphone suddenly stops seeing data on the memory card, then first of all you need to check it yourself, but let’s look at the solutions in order

The first reason why an Android phone does not see the SD memory card is dirt

Most of the users do not pay much attention to the behavior of their external drive and as a result they suffer from dust, dirt, etc. Dirt on the card can make it difficult to detect.

What to do: check the area around the metal part (contacts) and, if necessary, clean it with water or alcohol. Then dry it before putting it back into your phone.

The second reason why an Android smartphone does not see a microSD memory card is a compressed slot

The smartphone is becoming thinner and thinner, and the design is becoming more inventive. This is where a paradox arises - the phone is thin, therefore, a thick battery cannot be inserted there and the result is sad.

A thin battery does not hold a charge for a long time, so some people use non-original batteries, which are cheaper, last longer and, accordingly, are slightly larger than the original ones.

If these batteries are used, they may compress the card slot and make it unreadable.

What to do: remove the battery from the phone and install the original one working battery(at least to make sure that this is not the reason).

The third reason why the Android phone does not see the microSD memory card

Many smartphones support connectors that allow you to insert or remove external storage memory while it is running.

Only if you frequently insert and remove it, this can lead to various types of damage to the metal contacts.

What to do: you can adjust the contacts a little and, if necessary, clean them.

In extreme cases (I hope it doesn’t come to that), you will have to replace the slot - to do this you will need to go to a repair point.

The fourth reason why an Android smartphone does not see the micro SD memory card is viruses

Android users can download and install applications on the SD memory card.

Some applications contain virus files that can disrupt the operation of the external drive.

What to do: place it in the reader and connect it to your computer or laptop.

Then remove the malware using antivirus software or format it (Android viruses are not scary for your computer).

The fifth reason why an Android phone does not see the micro sd memory card is damage

To check if the drive is damaged, install it in a memory card reader and connect it to your computer.

If you can open it on your computer, then it's fine. Otherwise it may be physically damaged.

Reason six why Android does not see the microSD memory card - the phone is damaged

If you have already checked the SD card according to the above situation and found it to be in good condition, you may need to send your phone for maintenance.

There may be something wrong with the device that the external drive can't read.

To make the flash drive readable on Android devices, you must save it carefully.

What was described above is for those who are in a hurry, but for those who have time, it may remain - let’s look at the problem deeper.

Other ways when Android does not see the memory card

Today we store a lot of data on a removable memory card - photos, videos, documents and applications.

If the Android phone does not see the microsd, then there are many reasons. Don’t panic - this does not mean that your data files will be lost - the problem is usually easily solved by the smartphone owner himself.

The smartphone may not see the memory card due to incompatibility - the card is not suitable for your smartphone.

Therefore, you should make sure that the card model is compatible with your phone. In the device characteristics you can see whether it supports this model.

Also look at what size it supports - maybe the most popular one with 32 GB is not suitable.

If you have done this, and your smartphone continues to not see the external drive, proceed to the methods described below.

The smartphone does not see the microsd - restart and reinstall the card

If the drive responds to the device, but the smartphone still does not detect it, the first thing to do is restart the phone.

If the problem was caused software error, the system will quickly detect removable storage after restart.

The memory card should be inserted into the slot without pressure until it clicks. If the problems continue, try the following method to return the device to its original state (reset).

After reset system files restore, and the smartphone will automatically return to its factory state.

Be careful - this procedure will delete personal user data and do not forget to charge the phone to at least 50%.

Android does not see the SD memory card - check the SD memory card for errors

For this method, follow several steps: simple actions:

  • connect the drive to your computer or laptop;
  • in the “My Computer” section, find it and right-click it;
  • select "Properties" and go to "Tools";
  • select “Check disk for errors” and click “Run check”;
  • On the “Options” tab, check the box next to “Automatically fix ...” and “Check and repair ...”, then run the test.
  • After scanning, insert the drive into the phone.

If checking for errors does not help, you will have to apply more advanced measures. Try formatting it.

It happens that there are mistakes, but nothing can be done. There are times when the SD card does not want to be formatted. In this case, use the next step.

If, after formatting, the phone sees the memory card, but cannot open it, then format it again, but on the smartphone.

Of course, it happens that even the computer does not see the memory card. What to do? Then most likely there is only one way out - to identify the manufacturer and try to find a program on their website that corrects their product.

If all the methods described above do not solve the problem, contact your nearest repair point, where they will reinstall you Android system or restore the memory card.

Why did Android stop seeing the microsd memory card after formatting?

This last section in our history. If you formatted an external drive on a computer or laptop, your Android phone may not see it.

Why? Because he “doesn’t understand” all the formats that computers and laptops work with.

The computer or laptop may have been formatted in ntfs format, and Android needs exFAT or FAT32.

What to do? The solution suggests itself, of course. Paste it again into the PC and below the “File system” line, select correct format and format again. Good luck.

In some cases, the phone does not see microSD, but not all users know why this happens and how to fix the problem

Moreover, this problem is serious, since it does not allow access to all the information stored on the flash drive.

For users whose phone is a player or a device for Internet surfing, this problem can pose a serious problem.

The essence of the problem

How does it manifest itself? this problem? How to understand that the phone really does not see the device? This is quite simple and becomes clear immediately after installing the memory card.

The device does not reflect that it was installed. At the same time, there is no memory card icon on the panel on the working screen, nor is it displayed in the Memory section in Settings removable media.

Accordingly, in all phone directories (for example, Music, Gallery) there are no corresponding files, previously .

Sometimes after installation external media into the phone, the device does not immediately display a message about its installation, as it usually does.

Sometimes while working with microSD it may suddenly turn off and a message like "Memory card is disabled".

In the most rare cases, the device reports that the memory card is damaged.

The problem can occur on both a new device and an old one. And also how old map memory, and with a new, empty medium. Regardless of this, the reasons are often the same in all cases.

Possible reasons

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Conventionally, they can be divided into two large groups: problems with the phone and problems with the drive itself. The first group includes:

  1. Direct damage to the memory card slot;
  2. Other hardware problems in the device;
  3. Problems with the functioning of the software, due to which the device cannot be seen.

On the side of the memory card itself there may be following problems:

  1. Failure of the device (especially when a previously working card suddenly ceases to be recognized or the device reports its malfunction, which is typical for old memory cards with a lot of wear);
  2. Physical damage contacts on the card or other problems;
  3. File system mismatch (some new file systems do not “see” old phones, then it is shown that the drive is missing).

Depending on the cause of the malfunction, one or another method of eliminating it can be chosen.

<Рис. 2 Слот>


There are several ways to deal with such problems. They are selected depending on the reason that caused the malfunction.

If this reason is not clear, then you will have to try several methods.

Working with hardware

<Рис. 3 Контакты карты памяти>

First of all, you need to check what exactly the problem is. Insert another memory card into the device, and if it is detected, then the problem is in the drive itself.

If not, then the problem is most likely in the phone.

What can the user do in this case? It is recommended to clean the card slot from dust, and also wipe the contacts on the media itself. This can be done with a cotton swab.

Most likely this will not solve the problem, but sometimes it helps. However, if it turns out that the card slot is broken, then the only way there will be a replacement.


<Рис. 4 Восстановление>

Each one has a Recovery mode. Running it will allow you to “roll back” all dubious settings to factory settings.

Thus, if the device previously saw cards, but now does not see them, then this method can help.

  1. First, perform a normal reboot of the device (not turning it off and on, but rebooting);
  2. If this does not help, proceed to recovery;
  3. Press and hold the power and volume down buttons at the same time for up to 10 seconds (most often, this is how access to the recovery function opens);
  4. Once the device restarts, a special start menu, in Windows;
  5. Go to the item Wipe cache partition (this must be done using buttons or by clicking on the screen, depending on the device);
  6. Reboot your device (rebooting may take much longer than usual).

The map should now be detected. If this does not happen, then you will have to work with it on a computer.


<Рис. 5 Форматирование>

Install the memory card into your computer using an adapter. Open it through the “My Computer” section to make sure the device is working.

If the computer does not see the drive, then the memory card is faulty.

  1. Press Win + R and wait for the Run window to open;
  2. Enter the command diskmgmt.msc in it;
  3. Now a window should open in which all memory devices will be displayed - external, internal, formatted, unformatted;
  4. If the letter representing the card is the same as the letter e.g. optical drive or the like, then you need to rename the card;
  5. In rare cases, renaming may solve the problem;
  6. If the problem is not solved this way, then you need to completely format the card and create a new one. file system(of course, it is worth remembering that the data from the media must be copied before this);
  7. You can format the device from Explorer;
  8. Right-click on the memory card;
  9. A menu will open in which you need to select the line Format;
  10. A window will open in which you need to remove the marker from the window next to the inscription « Quick formatting» ;
  11. Below, indicate that you need to create a format file system (most often this parameter is set by default);
  12. Click OK;
  13. Wait for the process to complete.

After that, install the memory card in your phone. It should be successfully recognized. If this still does not happen, then it is possible that there is still a specific hardware problem.

Restoring work

<Рис. 6 Восстановление через ПК>

Restoring the operation of a MicroSD card is a specific case when a medium that was successfully recognized before suddenly ceases to be detected by the same device.

There was no damage to the media or phone, no changes in software phone number was not entered, etc.

This method can also help when the phone reports that "Memory card cannot be accessed", “The memory card is damaged, etc.”.

This method is quite effective, but only for old cards. And only on the condition that they worked properly before. There is no point in using this method for new cards.

  1. Connect the memory card to a PC or laptop to make sure it is working properly;
  2. Open Explorer and right-click on the map;
  3. Select Properties from the drop-down menu;
  4. Go to the Service tab;
  5. Run Disk Check, having previously specified the need to automatically correct detected errors and malfunctions;
  6. In the same section you can conduct Surface test With automatic recovery bad sectors(although this is not necessary).

More difficult option– this is troubleshooting by working in the HKLM branch. This is done as follows:

  1. Find the SYSTEM directory in the folder tree;
  2. In it, open the StorageDevicePolicies section;
  3. The parameters that need to be changed will appear on the right side of the window;
  4. Assign a zero value to the defining parameter (write the number zero in parentheses in the combination 0x00000000(1)).

The card should now interact normally with the phone.

File system

<Рис. 7 Файловая система>

There are memory cards in microSD HC and microSD XC formats. The second option is typical for cards with a capacity of more than 32 GB.

They have a different file system, which has its own advantages (for example, recording speed and duration of recording segments), but is not recognized by all phones, tablets and other devices.

So, some phones are simply not designed to support cards larger than 32GB. In this case, it is almost impossible to change the file system without special skills.

However, it is worth remembering that the type (HC or XC) of the card is written directly on it, so it is important to choose the appropriate one.


The phone does not see the MicroSD flash drive: what to do, how to fix it?