Navigator online without downloading. Why is a navigator bad and why should you abandon it?


Get directions by car

This service allows you to quickly get a route between any cities

Russia and Abroad, and immediately see the route laid out on the map.

Why do you need a distance calculator?

Look at which cities will pass the route, you will be able to decide in advance on a place to stay for the night.

You will see the approximate fuel consumption for the entire trip and be able to estimate financial
expenses. You will know how long you will spend on the road.

How to get directions by car?

First you need to set the starting and ending points of the route. In the calculator

The calculation has two fields - “city from” and “city to”. Enter in the appropriate fields

Names of cities.

In the “fuel consumption” field, enter the corresponding characteristics of your car

(in liters per 100 kilometers). In the “fuel price” field - the average price of gasoline,
with which you fuel your car.

This data is needed to calculate the total fuel costs for the entire trip.

In the “additional distance calculation settings” tab, you can specify more

Several conditions:

- “Detour countries” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified countries.

The function is especially useful for international transport. Allows you not to stop by

To the territory of countries with a visa regime and avoid customs inspections.

- “Detour of cities” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified

Cities. If you do not want to pass through a certain city, enter its name in

This field.

- “Detour routes” - exclude the specified routes from the calculation.

- “Through cities” - the function allows you to navigate a route through a specific

A city or cities, even if they lie outside the shortest path.

- “Speed ​​on the road” - there are 4 types of roads - territorial,

Regional, highway, motorway. You can exclude one from the calculation

Or several types.

You can plot a route by car in one of two modes:

The shortest route is the minimum distance from one city to another;

The fastest route - the minimum travel time (only


After you have set all the conditions, click the “calculate” button.

On the map that appears, the route will be marked with a thick red line, and all cities along the route will be marked with red markers.

The calculation results are presented in the form of a table, which shows the length of the entire path, the time in

trip, total fuel consumption and the amount this fuel will cost.

The table also contains a list of all cities through which the route is laid, with

Division into regions and countries.

The results obtained can be printed on a printer and taken with you on the road instead

Atlas. If you have the ability to access the Internet in your car (for example, through

satellite or cellular network), you can check the route and correct it in

Depends on the circumstances.

Please remember that the calculations use average data. That's why

The results obtained are only indicative values ​​and not exact figures.

Driving in a dream is your life. It depends on the nature of the road, fellow travelers, vehicles and surprises.

Driving in a circle means that your thoughts revolve around the same subject and you cannot find a way out of the current situation.

See interpretation: road; vehicles by name: horse, racing, movement, car.

Riding calmly and measuredly is a sign of well-being in all matters.

Falling off a horse in a dream means bad luck; seeing someone falling off a horse in a dream means losses.

Getting off a horse is a sign of deterioration of the situation and discord with loved ones or friends.

Riding on horseback in the company of men is a good sign and promises profit; in the company of women - a bad dream, which portends trouble through deception and gossip.

Riding in a carriage (carriage) is a bad dream for the sick, as it predicts death for them; But for military men, the dream promises a promotion.

For those who seek to improve their condition through a risky venture, such a dream predicts failure and debt.

Driving through a forest, desert or abandoned city means failure or misfortune.

Riding in a rich carriage (or an expensive car) in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Riding a chaise (cart) on a bumpy road is a sign that you are going through difficult days, but they will end, and your ordinary life will seem like paradise to you.

Riding wild animals in a dream is a sign of victory over enemies.

Riding in public is a favorable dream for those who hold a responsible position, strive for power, or have subordinates.

For other people, such a dream promises losses and troubles. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that you will shamelessly use people for your own selfish purposes.

The horseman in your dream is a messenger. Look how he looks: this is the news you will receive.

Enter the city on horseback. For a patient, such a dream promises recovery, and for someone who has lost something and wants to find it, the dream promises good luck in his search and subsequent success.

Leaving a city (village, house) in a dream is a bad dream.

He predicts a quick death for the sick, and defeat, injury or death in battle for the military. For other people - failures in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Riding

To dream of riding a horse or another animal suggests that if you show more initiative in your relationship with the person you are attracted to, very soon the situation will change in the direction you desire.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try something original.

Your strength, activity and sexuality will help you conquer your partner and reach heights of sensuality that you never knew existed.

Interpretation of dreams from

Migratory birds know exactly where to fly in spring and fall. Salmon unmistakably finds its way to its native river. Cats and dogs thrown hundreds of kilometers from home are returning to their homes. If Darwin's theory is correct, then, most likely, people also once knew how to do all this, but gradually lost the skills. First, they needed the stars to navigate, then a compass and maps, and now they can’t even go buy bread without a navigator. How and why did this happen? Has the world become too complicated or have we finally become stupid?

Down with the new!

Many people consider me a conservative and a retrograde. This is partly true. I am cautious about any innovations because I am familiar with the basic principles of marketing. First: the product must quickly deteriorate or become obsolete and go out of fashion. Is it clear why? Second: the product must be a little imperfect so that the user is motivated to buy an improved version. But the improved one will also be a little imperfect, and so on. You can check the effectiveness of these concepts at least in your own car. Roughly speaking, do you ever think about changing it, and if so, how quickly after purchasing it?

Therefore, of all the new things that manufacturers of all sorts of things offer us - cheap and expensive, I accept only a little, and the rest I resolutely reject. Among the rejected items are navigators.

Before they appeared on mass sale, I traveled the length and breadth of the entire European part of Russia - I love to travel. I crossed such confusing cities as St. Petersburg and Nizhny many times in different directions. If wanderings did occur, they were very local and non-lethal - like turning two hundred meters earlier than necessary. But I learned to sense distances and directions. Good maps were always and everywhere enough to successfully achieve the goal, and I was initially skeptical about the very idea of ​​​​an on-board navigator. I even saw it as a somewhat harmful thing, since it requires power, maintenance, all sorts of re-flashing, and it also distracts a little from driving the vehicle. Some will say that maps are also distracting - well, yes, if you place them on the steering wheel while driving. But we don't do that, do we?

Communication experience

Like many other things of little use, a navigator is a good gift. Kind people gave it to me on the occasion of some holiday. This was ten years ago. The model was quite advanced for those times, but by today's standards it was squalid. Gadgets - from phones to laptops - generally become outdated very quickly due to the rapid introduction of new technologies, formats and functions, more powerful processors, more capacious memory, batteries, etc.

There is nothing to do, I adapted the gift and tried to ride with it. It's funny, cool, but, of course, terribly inconvenient - in the city for sure. I missed turns in very familiar areas. Or you were late to move into the lane needed to perform the maneuver - in some situations, the navigator’s voice gives valuable instructions when it’s too late to rush around. The culmination was driving across the metro bridge, in the middle of which the navigator, in an almost panicked tone, announced that I had lost my way and I immediately needed to take 50 meters to the right. “Everything is clear with you, dear,” I said, dismantled the device and put it in a box. Somewhere it still lies, and I continue to travel according to maps and my own memory.

Life according to the arrow

Occasionally they tried to convince me that navigators had changed a lot, they had become accurate, understandable and correct, and they were really convenient to use. I do not argue. Some people can no longer do without them. It’s like modern schoolchildren cannot do multiplication or subtraction in a column - there is a calculator!

Later, I traveled a lot as a passenger for drivers who used navigators. I didn't learn anything new about navigators. Many of the disadvantages of this group of electronic assistants have now been reduced to a minimum, but it is not possible to completely eradicate the shortcomings (or no one has set such a task for themselves - “people are gobbling it up”?).

All these years, of course, I have been following the results of the “Behind the Wheel” examinations. One or two models out of a dozen are considered more successful than the rest, but even the best examples still have something left unfinished. A slightly inferior and quickly outdated product? And, despite the obvious progress of electronic cartography, there are still addresses and objects on the real terrain that navigators cannot find with the required accuracy.

In some situations and for some conditions, a navigator is undoubtedly useful. It may be easier to drive “through” St. Petersburg or Nizhny with it. It will probably make it easier to travel around Holland. It will help when searching for the right housing - especially at night - and at the very least show traffic jams. But this is by no means an essential item. If I'm going to an unfamiliar place, the first thing I do is study the maps - paper and electronic. And there was no case that he didn’t get there.

And old-regime taxi drivers managed not only without navigators, but even without maps. We were guided by the stars! You probably won’t find such a professional now. Although the number of roads in cities has not increased that much. Has salmon forgotten its native river? In my opinion, even an immigrant, after a year or two of working as a taxi driver or courier, can learn by heart not only the location of the streets, but also the house numbers. But if you immediately give him a navigator, he will not learn anything. So it will follow the orange arrow.

Among other things, blind trust in navigators is. I often see how, 50 meters before an intersection, a car from the far left lane suddenly begins to break into the far right lane, forcing the entire traffic to slow down and shy away. Don't even doubt it - the person is driving using a navigator. Perhaps he drives this route every day, but still doesn't remember the route. For what? There is a navigator!

It is expected that by 2020 the global car navigation market will grow by 25% (and the Russian market by 20 times). At the same time, personal portable navigators will gradually leave the scene. They will be replaced by standard systems built into the car, as well as applications for smartphones. The number of vehicles equipped with navigation systems in factories exceeded 25 million in 2015. But the real industry leader is smartphone navigation. Forecast for 2016: about 400 million application downloads.
Why is a navigator bad and why should you abandon it?

The holidays are over, but many people want to continue their vacation rather than travel to work. And some popular navigation systems sometimes help with this, “teleporting” Muscovites from the city streets directly to the sea, which, of course, is funny, but causes inconvenience if you are in a hurry on business.

Andrey Popkov, a member of the public council under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and a former professional taxi driver, told the Moscow 24 portal about how to quickly get around traffic jams and not become a hostage to geolocation.

“Today, many people drive simply using a navigator - they don’t even look around. They rely entirely on electronics, so they don’t know the city and don’t remember routes. But the technology can malfunction, and the situation on the road changes much faster than the map is updated,” – says Andrey Popkov.

It sounds logical, but one could argue that driving from memory is good in small towns. And such a huge metropolis as Moscow is impossible to learn completely. However, Andrei Popkov claims the opposite.

“I came to Moscow in the late 1980s, and while I was working, it was never a problem to find the right street or house. It took me only two years to recognize and remember the city. Even now I drive without a navigator: yes, you won’t find some right away, but the main landmarks and main streets of the area are always fixed in memory, and you can get your bearings on the spot,” emphasizes the former taxi driver.

This may seem incredible, but in order to get to know Moscow and drive around it without a navigator, you don’t need it. There is no need to even work in a taxi. It is enough to remember a few basic principles shared by the interlocutor of the Moscow 24 portal.

Screenshot: Yandex.Traffic

Firstly, Moscow is characterized by a clear pattern of organizing streets and districts. The main highways diverge radially, that is, in rays, from the city center to the region. They are connected by four ring highways, as well as small district streets and alleys, which act as “transverse links”.

Secondly, each outbound highway in each district has backups, as well as small district streets that run parallel. And if the main route of the highway or avenue is stopped, you can use them to go around the traffic jam and get back into the flow again.

Thirdly, sometimes when attempting such a maneuver you may encounter a one-way street. And here there are no specific standards, however, specialized city services constantly analyze traffic and improve the traffic pattern, therefore, as a rule, one-way roads are arranged most conveniently for each area. And in any case, if the road is blocked by a “brick”, you need to remember that somewhere then there is definitely a street nearby that leads in the direction you want.

Fourthly, the numbering of houses, as a rule, also follows a certain scheme. Houses are counted "from center to region", with even numbers on the right side and odd numbers on the left. Difficulties can be caused by various buildings and buildings, but they are rarely located at large distances from each other, so the desired house can be found by making a couple of circles around the yard.

Fifthly, before the trip you should look at a map - paper or electronic - in order to better imagine the place you need to get to, the location of streets and important objects such as railway crossings, bridges, tunnels. This is important because in some places attempts to take shortcuts can lead to a railway embankment or a dead end. Among the most difficult are the Yuzhnoportovy district, Entuziastov highway, Volgogradka, Ryazanka and other areas of industrial zones.

And sixthly, if you miss the right turn on the highway, you should change lanes to the right in order to make a U-turn at the nearest junction. If there is no interchange, and the flows are separated by a barrier, remember: three turns to the right are equal to one turn to the left.