Scientific tasks thesis. Tesis Tesis sun

TESIS is a complex of space telescopes being developed at the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Physical Institute Russian Academy Sciences (FIAN) to study the structure and dynamics of the solar corona with a spatial resolution of up to 2 arc seconds and a time resolution of less than 30 seconds.

TESIS also includes the Sphinx solar spectrophotometer (SphinX; Solar PHotometer In X-rays), created at the Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw.

The main goal of the experiment was to continuously monitor and analyze solar activity and search for answers to the most pressing questions in solar physics, such as the problem of heating the solar corona, the mechanism of solar flares, the nature of the solar cycle and others.

TESIS was installed on board the Russian satellite CORONAS-PHOTON (the last of the three satellites of the CORONAS space research program), which was launched on January 30, 2009 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region. Guarantee period The operation of the satellite and its scientific equipment was 3 years, but in fact the spacecraft failed after 10 months of operation. During this time, the TESIS telescope complex obtained about half a million new images of the solar corona, solar flares, coronal mass ejections and other phenomena, and also recorded about 50 hours of video material.

Scientific objectives of TESIS

  • Study of the structure and dynamics of the solar corona and the transition layer of the solar atmosphere in the temperature range of 0.05-20 million K.
  • Monitoring and registration of solar flares. Study of the mechanisms of their occurrence and development features by analyzing time profiles and spectra of flare radiation and changes in the structure of magnetic fields in the region of flares.
  • Spectral diagnostics (determination of density and temperature composition) of hot plasma in active regions and flare regions.
  • Study of non-stationary phenomena (coronal plasma ejections, eruptive prominences, transient phenomena) in the solar atmosphere and the study of their geomagnetic efficiency.
  • Development of methods for early forecasting of magnetic storms and disturbances in the earth's magnetosphere.

    Composition of TESIS tools

    The TESIS equipment complex includes 5 scientific instruments:

    • MISH- the MgXII Imaging Spectroheliometer)
    • EUSH- the EUV Spectroheliometer)
    • FET- the Full-disk EUV Telescopes)
    • SEC- the Solar EUV Coronograph)
    • X-ray photometer-spectroheliometer SPHINX ( SphinX).












    Study of the spatial distribution and dynamics of hot solar plasma in the temperature range of about 10 million K

    Bragg spectroheliometer with spherical curved crystal mirror

    Line doublet of the hydrogen-like ion MgXII 8.418 A and 8.423 A

    (full disk of the Sun)

    2 corners sec. per pixel

    Spectral diagnostics of physical parameters (density and temperature) of solar plasma in the temperature range 0.05-20 million K

    Extreme ultraviolet spectroheliometer with oblique incidence diffraction grating and focusing multilayer parabolic mirror

    Range 280-330 A

    (The full disk of the Sun compressed along the dispersion axis)

    4.4 ang. sec. (
    perpendicular to the dispersion axis) 1.5 arc. min. (along the dispersion axis)

    (telescope 1)

    Obtaining images of the Sun with high spatial and angular resolution in the temperature region of about 15 million K

    Range 130-136 A

    (full disk of the Sun)

    1.7 ang. sec. per pixel

    (telescope 2)

    Obtaining images of the Sun with high spatial and angular resolution in the temperature region of about 50 thousand K

    Herschel system telescope with multilayer parabolic focusing mirror

    Range 290-320 A

    (full disk of the Sun)

    1.7 ang. sec. per pixel

    Study of the structure and dynamics of coronal ejections of matter at distances up to 4 solar radii

    Coronagraph of the Ritchie-Chrétien system

    Range 290-320 A

    (inner and outer corona at a distance of 0.7 to 4 solar radii)

    5 corners sec. per pixel

    Each of the telescopes is a stand-alone instrument and is capable of operating independently of other scientific instruments, as well as in conjunction with them.

    Imaging spectroheliometer in the MgXII line 8.42 A ( MISH)

    Tool Soft X-ray Bragg spectroheliometer with spherical curved mirror
    Bragg angle 82 o .08
    Wavelength range doublet of MgXII lines 8.418 A and 8.423 A
    Focal length 1376 mm
    Mirror aperture 71*103 mm
    line of sight 1 o .15 (full disk of the Sun)
    Angular resolution 2 corners sec per pixel
    Temporary resolution from 1 sec (shooting an area on the Sun) to 10 sec (shooting the full Sun)
    Image detector
    CCD pixel size 13.5*13.5 microns

    The MISH instrument is a Bragg imaging spectroheliometer for recording monochromatic images of the Sun in an extremely narrow spectral range of wavelengths in which the resonant doublet of lines of the hydrogen-like ion MgXII with wavelengths of 8.418 A and 8.423 A is located.

    • filter;
    • focusing crystal mirror;

    The optical design of MISH is based on the principle of crystalline Bragg reflection with an angle of incidence close to normal (82 o .08). X-ray radiation from the Sun is focused onto a 2048*2048 pixel CCD detector using a spherical mirror made of a curved quartz crystal. Intense radiation in the visible and ultraviolet range is cut off by two filters, one of which is located in the input window of the optical system, and the second is deposited on the surface of the CCD matrix. Once the spacecraft is launched, the MISH spectroheliograph will be the only instrument in the world to provide images of high-temperature coronal regions with temperatures of about 10 million degrees.

    The radiation receiver (CCD matrix) allows you to resolve details in the Sun with a size of about 2 arc. seconds (approximately 1500 km). The instrument's field of view is 1 o .15, that is, it completely covers the disk and corona of the Sun at a distance of more than one radius above its surface. Thanks to this, the spectroheliometer will be able to study the spatial distribution and dynamics of high-temperature plasma not only on the surface of the Sun, but also at very high altitudes.

    The instrument will also enable a series of continuous solar surveys with very high temporal resolution (less than 10 seconds of delay between two consecutive images).

    Extreme ultraviolet spectroheliometer ( EUSH)

    Tool Spectroheliometer full disk Extreme ultraviolet solar with oblique incidence diffraction grating and focusing parabolic multilayer mirror
    Wavelength range 280 - 330 A
    Focal length 600 mm
    Mirror aperture 5*80 mm
    line of sight 1 o .24 (full disk of the Sun, compressed along the dispersion direction)
    Spectral lines Ion lines HeII, SiIX, SiXI, FeXIV-FeXVI, MgVIII, NiXVIII, CaXVII, AlIX, FeXXII and others
    Angular resolution 4.4 ang. sec per pixel (perpendicular to the dispersion) and 1.5 arc. min per pixel along dispersion
    Temporary resolution 30 - 600 sec
    Image detector Back-incidence CCD 2048*2048 pixels
    CCD pixel size 13.5*13.5 microns

    The EUSH instrument is an imaging spectroheliometer operating in the extreme ultraviolet range in the wavelength range 285-335 A. In this region there are spectral emission lines of HeII, SiIX, SiXI, FeXIV-FeXVI, MgVIII, NiXVIII, CaXVII, AlIX, FeXXII ions, formed when plasma temperatures from 5*10 4 to 1.2*10 7 degrees, as well as emission lines of some other ions.

    The spectroheliometer consists of the following fundamental elements:

    • diffraction grating;
    • filter;
    • radiation detector (CCD matrix).

    A diffraction grating is a dispersive element that spatially separates radiation fluxes from different lines range 295-315 A.

    Radiation in the visible and ultraviolet range is blocked by thin-film filters, one of which is installed in the input window of the instrument, and the second is sprayed onto the surface of the detector - a back-incidence CCD matrix measuring 1024 * 2048 pixels.

    The main scientific goal of EUSH is multi-wavelength spectral diagnostics of coronal plasma: determining its temperature composition, density and differential emission measure by comparing the emission intensity of one object in different spectral lines. Unlike slit spectrometers, which detect radiation only from a small region of the Sun cut out by the slit, the EUSH instrument allows simultaneous plasma diagnostics of the entire solar atmosphere. Due to the peculiarities of the optical design, the angular resolution of the spectrometer depends on the direction. Perpendicular to the dispersion axis (the Y axis of the image), the resolution is about 4.4 arcsec. sec. Along the dispersion axis (X axis), the image of the solar disk is compressed by approximately 20 times. Thanks to this, images obtained in different lines do not overlap. The angular resolution along the dispersion direction is approximately 1.5 arcsec. minutes.

    Two extreme ultraviolet telescopes ( FET)

    The FET instrument includes two Herschel telescopes with multilayer parabolic mirrors of normal incidence.

    Each telescope contains the following fundamental elements:

    • entrance window with closing panel;
    • filter;
    • artificial moon (telescope 2 only);
    • multilayer focusing mirror;
    • radiation detector (CCD matrix).

    The first telescope operates in the wavelength range 130-136 A, where during solar flares the emission lines of iron ions FeXX 132.84 A and FeXXIII 132.91 A dominate. Since intense radiation in these lines is formed at a plasma temperature of at least 10 million degrees, the images obtained first telescope, will provide data on the spatial distribution and dynamics of the hottest solar plasma, which appears in the corona only during flares.

    The second telescope detects radiation in the spectral wavelength range 290-320 A, which, among others, contains the extremely intense line of ionized helium HeII 303.8 A. Radiation in the 303.8 A line is formed by plasma with a temperature of about 70 thousand degrees, located mainly in the transition layer of the solar atmosphere .

    Both telescopes can operate simultaneously and also carry out independent observing programs.

    The image of the Sun in both telescopes is formed by parabolic mirrors with multilayer coating. Visible radiation and ultraviolet radiation are blocked by thin-film filters located on the front panel, as well as sprayed onto the surface of radiation detectors. The entrance window of the second telescope, operating in the wavelength range 290-320 A, is equipped with an artificial “moon”. When the moon is closed, this makes it possible to detect weak radiation from the solar corona at a distance from 0.2 to 4 solar radii. When observing the distant corona, the parabolic mirror is tilted using special system control and focusing mechanisms.

    The image detectors in both telescopes are back-incidence CCD arrays measuring 2048*2048 pixels. Field of view (1 o .0) allows normal mode observe the full disk and corona of the Sun at a distance of up to 0.5 of its radius. Angular resolution is about 1.7 arc. seconds per pixel.

    The temporal resolution of telescopes depends on the observing mode. When recording images of the full disk, it is approximately 10 seconds, and when observing individual solar regions it can be reduced to 1 second.

    Extreme ultraviolet coronagraph ( SEC)

    Tool Coronagraph of the Ritchie-Chrétien system
    Wavelength range 290 - 320 A
    Focal length 600 mm
    Mirror aperture ring with outer radius 85 mm and inner radius 25 mm
    line of sight 2 o .5 (solar corona from 0.7 to 4 solar radii above its surface)
    Angular resolution 5 corners sec per pixel
    Temporary resolution 100 - 600 sec
    Image detector Back-incidence CCD 2048*2048 pixels
    CCD pixel size 13.5*13.5 microns

    The SEC instrument is a solar coronagraph of the Ritchie-Chrétien system, operating in the wavelength range 290 - 320 A, in which the very intense emission line of helium HeII 303.8 A is located. The field of view of the instrument (2 o .5) allows observing the solar corona at distances from 0.7 up to 4 radii above its surface.

    The coronagraph consists of the following fundamental elements:

    • primary filter;
    • primary mirror;
    • secondary mirror;
    • detector filter;
    • radiation detector (CCD matrix).

    Two mirrors, primary and secondary, reflect and focus ultraviolet radiation from the Sun onto an image detector - a back-incidence CCD matrix measuring 2048 * 2048 pixels. Radiation in the optical range is blocked by two thin-film filters, one of which is located in the input window of the instrument, and the second is located in front of the CCD detector. An artificial moon is sprayed directly onto the surface of the detector.

    The main scientific task of the coronagraph will be to monitor and study coronal mass ejections and study their connection with storms in the Earth's magnetosphere.

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Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

The TESIS telescope complex on board the Coronas-Photon satellite
  • Multilayer oblique incidence mirrors with large aperture
  • Focusing crystal quartz mirror
  • Multilayer filters
  • CCD matrices reverse fall size 2048x2048 pixels
  • 14 bit ADC
  • multi-layer filter coating
  • 17 microstepper motors to control shutters, guides, focusing mechanisms, etc.
  • Thermal stabilization system based on heat pipes
  • Active and passive cooling CCD detectors
  • Instrument orientation system based on star trackers
  • 64 million operations per second
  • 256 MB onboard memory
  • Full control of mechanics and scientific equipment
  • 4 reading channels independent from each other
  • On-board software update
  • On-board processing and compression of data, including attitude data from star sensors

TESIS- space complex telescopes, intended for research Sun V X-ray region of the spectrum. TESIS installed on board the space observatory " Coronas-Photon", which was launched January 30 2009 into an elliptical Earth orbit of 562×539 km with an inclination of 82.5°.

about the project

The TESIS complex has been developed since 2003 at the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory, where full cycle of this experiment - from the formulation of its scientific tasks and the development of technological models of scientific equipment to the creation of a flight sample of the instrument and its installation on board the spacecraft.

The main goal of the experiment was to continuously monitor and analyze solar activity and search for answers to the most pressing questions in solar physics, such as the heating problem solar corona, the mechanism of solar flares, the nature of the solar cycle and others.

In total, the experiment was supposed to obtain several hundred thousand new photographs and videos. solar corona And chromosphere, a significant portion of which was expected to be located in open access for viewing and scientific analysis in the experiment database and specially created photo and video galleries. However, despite a significant number of press reports about the results of the project, as well as big number published images and films, a public database of the experiment has not been created (as of May 2010).

The TESIS experiment ended on December 1, 2009 due to the failure of the Meteor-3M space platform, which housed the scientific equipment.

Scientific tasks

  • Study of structure and dynamics corona of the sun and the transition layer of the solar atmosphere in the temperature range of 0.05-20 million K.
  • Monitoring and registration of solar flares. Study of the mechanisms of their occurrence and development features by analyzing time profiles and spectra of flare radiation and changes in the structure of magnetic fields in the region of flares.
  • Spectral diagnostics (determination of density and temperature composition) of hot plasma in active regions and flare regions.
  • Study of non-stationary phenomena ( coronal plasma emissions, eruptive prominences, transient phenomena) in the solar atmosphere and the study of their geomagnetic efficiency.
  • Development of methods for early forecasting of disturbances in the earth's magnetosphere.

Equipment composition

The TESIS equipment complex includes 5 scientific instruments:

Tool Research objectives Description of the tool Wavelength range line of sight Angular resolution
MISH Study of the spatial distribution and dynamics of hot solar plasma in the temperature range of about 10 million K Bragg spectroheliometer with spherical curved crystal mirror Line doublet of the hydrogen-like ion MgXII 8.418 Å and 8.423 Å 1.15°

(full disk of the Sun)

2 corners sec. per pixel
EUSH Spectral diagnostics of physical parameters (density and temperature) of solar plasma in the temperature range 0.05-20 million K Extreme ultraviolet spectroheliometer with oblique incidence diffraction grating and focusing multilayer parabolic mirror Range 280-330 Å 1.24°

(The full disk of the Sun compressed along the dispersion axis)

4.4 ang. sec. (

perpendicular to the dispersion axis) 1.5 arc. min. (along the dispersion axis)


(telescope 1)

Obtaining images of the Sun with high spatial and angular resolution in the temperature region of about 15 million K Range 130-136 Å 1.0°

(full disk of the Sun)

1.7 arc. sec. per pixel

(telescope 2)

Obtaining images of the Sun with high spatial and angular resolution in the temperature region of about 50 thousand K Herschel system telescope with multilayer parabolic focusing mirror Range 290-320 Å 1.0°

(full disk of the Sun)

1.7 arc. sec. per pixel
SEC Study of the structure and dynamics of coronal ejections of matter at distances up to 4 solar radii Coronagraph of the Ritchie-Chrétien system Range 290-320 Å 2.5°

(inner and outer corona at a distance of 0.7 to 4 solar radii)

5 corners sec. per pixel

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Excerpt characterizing Tesis

Alexander I, the pacifier of Europe, a man who from his youth strove only for the good of his people, the first instigator of liberal innovations in his fatherland, now that he seems to have the greatest power and therefore the opportunity to do the good of his people, while Napoleon exile makes childish and deceitful plans about how he would make humanity happy if he had power, Alexander I, having fulfilled his calling and sensing the hand of God on himself, suddenly recognizes the insignificance of this imaginary power, turns away from it, transfers it into the hands of those despised by him and despised people and says only:
- “Not for us, not for us, but for your name!” I am a human being too, just like you; leave me to live as a human being and think about my soul and God.

Just as the sun and each atom of the ether is a ball, complete in itself and at the same time only an atom of a whole inaccessible to man due to the enormity of the whole, so each personality carries within itself its own goals and, at the same time, carries them in order to serve common goals inaccessible to man. .
A bee sitting on a flower stung a child. And the child is afraid of bees and says that the purpose of a bee is to sting people. The poet admires a bee digging into the calyx of a flower and says that the bee’s goal is to absorb the aroma of flowers. The beekeeper, noticing that the bee collects flower dust and brings it to the hive, says that the bee's goal is to collect honey. Another beekeeper, having studied the life of a swarm more closely, says that the bee collects dust to feed young bees and breed the queen, and that its goal is to procreate. The botanist notices that, by flying with the dust of a dioecious flower onto the pistil, the bee fertilizes it, and the botanist sees the bee’s purpose in this. Another, observing the migration of plants, sees that the bee promotes this migration, and this new observer can say that this is the purpose of the bee. But the final goal of the bee is not exhausted by either one, or the other, or the third goal, which the human mind is able to discover. The higher the human mind rises in the discovery of these goals, the more obvious to it is the inaccessibility of the final goal.
Man can only observe the correspondence between the life of a bee and other phenomena of life. The same goes for the goals of historical figures and peoples.

The wedding of Natasha, who married Bezukhov in 13, was the last joyful event in the old Rostov family. That same year, Count Ilya Andreevich died, and, as always happens, with his death the old family fell apart.
Events last year: the fire of Moscow and the flight from it, the death of Prince Andrei and Natasha’s despair, the death of Petya, the grief of the countess - all this, like blow after blow, fell on the head of the old count. He did not seem to understand and felt unable to understand the meaning of all these events and, morally bending his old head, as if he was expecting and asking for new blows that would finish him off. He seemed either frightened and confused, or unnaturally animated and adventurous.
Natasha's wedding occupied him for a while with its external side. He ordered lunches and dinners and, apparently, wanted to appear cheerful; but his joy was not communicated as before, but, on the contrary, aroused compassion in the people who knew and loved him.
After Pierre and his wife left, he became quiet and began to complain of melancholy. A few days later he fell ill and went to bed. From the first days of his illness, despite the doctors' consolations, he realized that he would not get up. The Countess, without undressing, spent two weeks in a chair at his head. Every time she gave him medicine, he sobbed and silently kissed her hand. On the last day, he sobbed and asked for forgiveness from his wife and in absentia from his son for the ruin of his estate - the main guilt that he felt for himself. Having received communion and special rites, he died quietly, and the next day a crowd of acquaintances who had come to pay their last respects to the deceased filled the Rostovs’ rented apartment. All these acquaintances, who had dined and danced with him so many times, who had laughed at him so many times, now all with the same feeling of inner reproach and tenderness, as if making excuses for someone, said: “Yes, whatever it was, there was a most wonderful Human. You won’t meet such people these days... And who doesn’t have their own weaknesses?..”
It was at a time when the count’s affairs were so confused that it was impossible to imagine how it would all end if it continued for another year, he unexpectedly died.
Nicholas was with the Russian troops in Paris when news of his father's death came to him. He immediately resigned and, without waiting for it, took a vacation and came to Moscow. The state of financial affairs a month after the count's death became completely clear, surprising everyone with the enormity of the amount of various small debts, the existence of which no one suspected. There were twice as many debts as estates.
Relatives and friends advised Nikolai to refuse the inheritance. But Nikolai saw the refusal of the inheritance as an expression of reproach to the sacred memory of his father and therefore did not want to hear about the refusal and accepted the inheritance with the obligation to pay debts.
The creditors, who had been silent for so long, being bound during the count's lifetime by the vague but powerful influence that his dissolute kindness had on them, suddenly filed for collection. A competition arose, as always happens, to see who would get it first, and the very people who, like Mitenka and others, had non-cash bills of exchange - gifts, now became the most demanding creditors. Nicholas was given neither time nor rest, and those who, apparently, pitied the old man, who was the culprit of their loss (if there were losses), now mercilessly attacked the young heir, who was obviously innocent before them, who voluntarily took upon himself to pay.
None of Nikolai's proposed turns succeeded; the estate was auctioned off at half price, and half of the debts still remained unpaid. Nikolai took the thirty thousand offered to him by his son-in-law Bezukhov to pay that part of the debts that he recognized as monetary, real debts. And in order not to be thrown into a hole for the remaining debts, which the creditors threatened him with, he again entered the service.
It was impossible to go to the army, where he was in the first vacancy of a regimental commander, because the mother was now holding on to her son as the last bait of life; and therefore, despite the reluctance to remain in Moscow in the circle of people who knew him before, despite his aversion to civil service, he took a position in the civil service in Moscow and, taking off his beloved uniform, settled with his mother and Sonya in a small apartment, on Sivtsev Vrazhek.