Setting up Wi-Fi with a static connection. Setting up a router: detailed instructions for dummies

For a very long time, I was going to write this instruction, but it still didn’t work out. And now, the long-awaited moment has finally arrived :)

In this article, I will tell you and show everything in detail in pictures how to set up Wi-Fi router without a computer. Having only the router itself and the tablet. Well, or a smartphone. Moreover, it doesn’t matter which operating system your tablet (smartphone) is working. It could be Android, iOS, or Windows Phone. Can be configured from iPad or iPhone.

I was often asked in the comments whether it is possible to set up a router with only a phone or tablet. What to do if there is no computer, laptop, netbook, etc. in the house. It’s not difficult to imagine a case when you don’t have a computer, but there are many mobile devices that can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. And you decided to buy a router to distribute the Internet to your devices.

But here a problem arises: “How can I configure this router if I don’t have a laptop. For example, there is only a tablet. Where can I find instructions, and is it even possible to do this?” Yes, you can. I'll tell you now. You can, of course, borrow a laptop, for example from friends, and configure it according to these instructions “ “. But this is not at all necessary.

What do we need?

We need the router itself, and some kind of mobile device that can connect to wireless network. From which we will carry out the configuration. Well, the Internet should be in your home, I think this is understandable.

I checked everything and everything works. I will show the whole process using the same router as an example Tp-Link WR841N, and tablet ASUS MeMO Pad FHD 10, which runs on Android. You may have another device, such as a smartphone. It’s just much more convenient on a tablet due to the larger screen.

As for the router itself, it can be anyone, not necessarily Tp-Link. If you have, for example, Asus, D-Link, ZyXEL, etc., then only the control panel will be different. And so, in general, everything will be the same as in this instruction.

Preparation: connecting the router

First of all, I advise you to do full reset settings on your router. It doesn’t matter whether it’s new from the store or has already worked somewhere, the settings need to be cleared. Perhaps it has already been configured, and we do not need any old settings. Because of them, many problems can arise. Therefore, look at the article ““, and do as it is written there. Done? Great, let's continue. If something doesn’t work out, we continue the same way, let’s hope that there are no settings that we don’t need.

We screw the antenna to the router (if they are removable), then connect the power cable and plug it into the outlet. We connect to the blue WAN connector network cable, Internet. Which was brought into your home by the provider (it would be good to be sure that the Internet is working and paid for. Otherwise, problems may arise during the setup process, and you will think that the router or the setup method is to blame).

Connected, the indicators blinked, everything is fine. If, after connecting to the network, the indicators on the router do not light up, then it is possible that it is turned off by a button, which may be on the body of the router itself. Check it out.

Now we pick up a tablet, smartphone, phone (whatever you have), and move on to the next point of our instructions.

Let's start setting up the router from the tablet

By default, Wi-Fi protection is not installed and your network is open. Now we will connect the tablet to it (this is in my case, when I continue to write a tablet, I will have to enter the device from which we are setting up).

Go to network connection settings (we need to turn on Wi-Fi).

Here, attention! It will have a standard name and will be open. It is important to choose our network. If in doubt, simply unplug your router (turn Wi-Fi off and on on the device itself), and see if the network disappears. If yes, then this means this is your network, select it.

A window will appear. Just click Connect.

If everything is fine, the status “ Connected“, and an icon with network divisions will appear at the top.

That's it, our tablet is connected to our wireless network. You can start setting up.

Setting up a router via a browser on a tablet

We need to launch any browser. It's definitely on your device. It could be Google Chrome, or some other standard one.

In the browser, click on address bar and enter the IP address of our router. Usually this , or . You can see this address, and the standard login/password, at the bottom of your router. They should be indicated there.

So, we type this address in the browser, on the tablet, and press the button Go(open, etc.) .

A window will appear asking for your login and password. Enter the standard ones, usually admin and admin, and click To come in.

So we got into the settings of our new router. Half the work has already been done :)

Set parameters for connecting to the Internet

First of all, we need to configure the router to work with your ISP. So that he can connect to the Internet and distribute it via Wi-Fi. To do this, we need to know the parameters that your provider gave you. Need to know the technology it uses (Static IP, Dynamic IP, PPPoE, L2TP), and depending on the technology, the necessary parameters. You can check all this data with the provider’s support. At the same time, check whether the provider binds by MAC address u.

Attention! If your provider binds by MAC address, then you need to call your provider's support and ask them to bind the Internet to the router's MAC address. You can see the router's MAC address on the sticker below.

This is the most important point. If you make a mistake here, your devices will be .

These parameters must be set on the tab NetworkWAN. Against WAN Connection Type select the required technology. And based on a certain technology, we set all the necessary parameters: name, login, static IP, or DNS.

Then, when all the settings are specified and checked, press the button Save to save settings.

Please pay attention Special attention, the settings I wrote about above. As I said, they are the most important.

Settings Wi-Fi networks

Opposite the point Wireless Network Name, set the name of your Wi-Fi network (write only in English letters, numbers are fine). This name will appear on all devices.

Against Region, indicate the country where you live.

If a window appears, just click Ok.

Installing protection on a wireless network

Open the item WirelessWireless Security.

Choose WPA/WPA2 – Personal(Recommended).

Opposite the point PSK Password create and write down a password. This will be used to connect to your Wi-Fi. Use english letters and numbers. Make your password at least 8 characters long. Stick to letter case, it matters.

Be sure to write down the password on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place so as not to forget. Otherwise you will have to reset all settings and configure again.

Changing the password to access settings

We need to change the standard admin and admin, which are used to enter the router settings. So that no one but us can access the settings.

Go to the tab System ToolsPassword.

Set a standard username and password. And below, enter your new data. I left the username as admin, I came up with my own password.

Write down this password so you don’t forget.

After pressing the button Save, a window will appear again asking for your login and password. You need to provide new information (which you indicated above), and press the button To come in.

We will be taken to the control panel again.

The setup is almost complete. All that remains is to reboot our router.

To do this, go to the menu item System ToolsReboot, and click on the “ Reboot“.

The reboot status will appear.

After the reboot process is completed, the tablet will most likely display an error that it is impossible to open the address This is normal. Our tablet will simply disconnect from the router and will no longer be able to connect automatically (in the future, it will connect automatically). Since we installed protection on the network, and after a reboot, it already worked.

It is necessary to reconnect the tablet to our network by entering a password. So that you can already use the Internet.

To do this, open the panel again quick access to settings, and click on the network settings icon.

Turn on Wi-Fi and select our network. It will already have the name that we specified during the setup process.

Enter the Wi-Fi password (which we also specified during the setup process), and press Connect.

All is ready! Go to the browser and open the site!

You can connect other devices to the network!

For example, or may occur. I also wrote about this.


It was a huge article, a lot of screenshots, but there was no other way. I tried to make the article as clear and simple as possible.

As you can see, you can configure the router without a computer, but simply with mobile phone, or tablet. I think you can even set it up from a TV. And there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to follow the instructions and check the settings that you specify, so that there are no problems later.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, I will be happy to hear them in the comments!

Also on the site:

Is it possible to set up a router without a computer? Setting up Wi-Fi Tp-Link router from a tablet or smartphone updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

In this article we will help you answer the following questions: how to set up an access point, how to set up a WiFi router. Where is the best place to place it, do I need to configure it somehow? wi-fi network security, and also consider an example of setting up a router using the example D-Link DIR-300. Briefly consider the issue of configuration parental controls .

According to Wi-Fi equipment manufacturers, setting up a wireless network (WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network) is literally a matter of five minutes. We connected the wires, launched the setup wizard and everything is ready and working. In fact, there are situations where even an experienced technician spends an hour setting up the equipment.

Select a WiFi router (router) or access point

Choosing a Wi-Fi router. Transfer quickly large files or you can watch HD video over a wireless network when it (the network) complies with the 802.11n standard; it supports speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s. You can buy equipment based on the new wireless network standard - 802.11ac (supports speeds up to 1 gigabit per second) to buy a device for the future. If this is not necessary, then it is better to choose a regular router from a well-known manufacturer ( TP-Link, D-Link, Asus or Netgear and others), which comply with the 802.11n standard - this is more than enough for anyone today high-speed Internet connection, especially for home use.

PowerWi-Fi router. Please note when buying a router that there are low-power ones and there are more powerful ones. A sales consultant will help you choose the power you need.

Wi-Fi adapters. Those users who use modern laptops, V additional equipment do not need, but owners of old laptops or desktop computers(if you need to connect them to a wireless network), you need to take care special Wi-Fi modules connected to USB or Wi-Fi Card-Bus adapters.

How to locate a WiFi access point or WiFi router

In the frequency range in which routers operate, not only Wi-Fi equipment operates. For example, microwave ovens, cordless phones, and wireless extenders also use this frequency, which increases interference levels. Many factors influence a wireless network - the number and thickness of walls and ceilings, the location of the computer and wireless router, presence of other electrical appliances in room.

Try to install the router in a way that minimizes the number of walls and other obstacles between the router and the devices using it. The greatest interference to signal transmission is caused by thick reinforced concrete walls, metal doors and other metal structures.

Connecting and setting up a WiFi router for a local computer network

Connect special cable(patch cord) computer with router as in the picture. The computer must be connected to one of the LAN connectors on the router.

Now you need to configure the connection between your computer and WiFi router.

To do this, click the Start button ( windows 8) - Control Panel - Network and Internet - View network status and tasks - Change adapter settings (for windows 7, Vista: Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center shared access- Management)

On an existing connection, click right click mouse, then Properties (left)

IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:

If you find other parameters in the manual, install them.

If the connection does not occur, then I recommend checking again whether the network cable on the router is plugged into the right socket, or whether you are using a crossover cable. In the manual for wi-fi connection The router should be written on how to get into the web interface to manage the router.

If everything is connected and configured correctly, then enter or in some browser. Open the router settings page in your computer’s browser. If you have already tried to connect the router, then you need to first reset the settings using the "Reset" button on the rear panel.
On the page that opens, you must enter your login and password. If nothing is indicated in the instructions for connecting a wi-fi router, then enter the admin / admin pair; this is the most common pair, it is found in almost all popular models routers. After entering the administration mode, select the Russian language in the interface settings section so that everything becomes clear if it is present, although usually the Russian language is already installed there.

If you can’t get to the settings page (the login/password pair doesn’t work), routers have a treasured “Reset” button that resets its settings to factory settings.

Very often, connection data is printed on the back of the router.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router

We will look at how to enter data to access an Internet connection below, using the example of one of the Wi-Fi routers, but for now let’s go to the “Wireless Settings” settings section or to the “Wi Fi”, “Wireless”, etc. .p., in different models in different ways.

Now give the name of your home Wi-Fi network in "Name (SSID)". The wireless network will appear in the list under this name available networks on a device using wifi (phone, tablet, laptop).

Wireless Security

The network is installed, now it’s a matter of choosing protection. Be sure to set a password for connecting to your WiFi; if you don’t set it, then everyone within the range of your device will be able to connect to it freely. Of course, if you have unlimited, you will not suffer financially. But you may lose internet speed.

IN wi-fi protection Networks have three main encryption methods: WEP, WPA and WPA2. All of them are vulnerable to one degree or another, but with their help your network will be quite reliably protected from hackers. WEP encryption is extremely insecure. WPA encryption(Wi-Fi Protected Access) is based on the AES encryption method, it is quite reliable and will be difficult to hack. It will take a long time to crack it.

WPA2 offers the best protection. Although it is also possible to hack it. But I think it’s unlikely that anyone will hack household networks.

To use security, in the "Wireless Settings" section, enable "WPA-PSK (TKIP)" or "WPA2-PSK (AES)". When prompted for "Security Encryption" (password), enter a password.

Additional setup of a Wi-Fi router

It is not necessary to make these settings, but if you really want to, you can do it.

In the router, you can register the MAC addresses of only devices known to you - if others should not have access to the router. To do this, click on the "Advanced" menu item on the "Wireless Settings" tab and select "Setup Access List". After this, you will see a list of connected devices. Find out the MAC address of the wifi module on a laptop or wifi network cards on PC are simple - in command line type "ipconfig /al" and in the Physical address line there will be a MAC address. Select the computers for which you want to open access and click on "Add". It’s best to do all this after you’ve set up wireless connection on these computers.

Setting up incoming Internet on a Wi-Fi router

If we need to separate internal network Internet - you need to connect a network cable with incoming Internet to the WAN connector.
After that, in the router settings you need to specify the connection settings of your provider: see them in the contract, or call the provider’s support.

By the way, I note that latest models wi-fi routers and some of the previous ones (Asus, for example) have the ability to work with the PPPoE protocol - which is often found among providers.

Let's look at setting up a WiFi router using the D-Link DIR-300 as an example.

Configure the computer's IP address as described above, connect the network card with one of the connectors using a patch cord LAN router and type line 192 in your browser. 168.0.1, enter the admin/admin pair:

Let's set up an Internet connection

IN top menu select Setup, on the left - Internet Setup

You can take a simpler route and make all the settings using the settings wizard (Internet Connection Setup Wizard button), but we are not looking for simple ways and will do everything manually, especially since if you have to reconfigure something, you will have to do it manually.

Click the Manual button Internet Connection Setup ( manual settings internet connection)

Next, see the agreement with your provider. If there is no login and password for the connection, then leave the My Internet Connectin is field set to Dynamic IP (DHCP); if you need to create a login and password pair, then select PPPoE in this field

In this window, check the box next to Dynamic PPPoE or Static PPPoE (look at the contract, if it is not specified there, then leave Dynamic PPPoE). Below, enter the login and password specified in the agreement (User NAME, Password, Confirm Password). The connection has been set up.

Click the Save Setting button.

Setting up a Wi-Fi connection

In the left menu, click Wireless Setup

In the Wireless Network Name field, enter your network name, which you will select on your wireless devices.

In the Security Mode field, select type of protection eg WPA/WPA2.

In the Network Key field, enter password, with which you will connect to your wifi network.

Click the Save Setting button. Reboot the router to check its functionality.

How to set up parental controls

Basic settings are done. Additionally, you can configure parental control on this device.

Click on the left menu Parental Control(parental control)

By default it is disabled. To enable it, in the Configure Parental Control Rules below field, select ON.

In the lines below you can enter the addresses of the sites that you want to restrict (Website URL) and the disable/enable mode (Shedule)

After all the settings, click the Save Setting button.

Video on connecting the router

In this article, we looked at the issues of setting up Wi-Fi routers, network security, and tried setting up practical example one of the routers.

Plug the Internet cable into the WAN (or Internet) port of your router (aka router).

Connect the router to the computer: insert one end of the network cable into any of the LAN ports of the router, and the other into the connector of the PC’s network card. You can use a wireless connection instead of a cable, but it is better not to do this at the setup stage.

Connect the router to a power outlet. If your device has a power button, press it. Then wait a minute or two to allow the router to boot up.

2. Check the Internet

If your router was pre-configured by your provider or received settings in automatic mode, then the Internet can start working within a few seconds after connecting the router to the PC.

To check, launch your browser and try opening several sites. If there are no problems with accessing web resources, you can skip the fourth paragraph of the article.

In your browser's address bar, enter or and press Enter. One of these IP addresses should lead to the router's settings menu. If both options don't work, find desired IP address in the documentation for your router model and try entering it.

When the settings login page appears in the browser window, the system may request a login and password. Most often, when connecting for the first time, one word is suitable for both fields - admin. Less often as standard password router manufacturers use a combination 1234 .

If necessary, you can find the login information in the instructions for the router or on the provider's website. Well, or try an alternative.

4. Set up an Internet connection

If the Internet still does not work, the router needs special settings. Exactly what parameters you need depends on specific model device and internet service provider. There is no universal configuration. To obtain the necessary instructions, check the provider's website or request it from support.

Once you have obtained the manual for setting up your model, follow its prompts. If during the process you set up both an Internet connection and home network Wi-Fi, you can skip the fifth point of the article.

For Wi-Fi, it is important to choose the right security settings.

In the settings menu, find the section responsible for the wireless network (see the documentation for your router model). Be sure to ask here strong password(you will need it to connect your devices to the router via Wi-Fi) and select WPA2-PSK as a means of protection.

6. Change the password to enter the router settings

Just in case, it is better to limit the access of strangers to the router settings menu. If the router is still protected by the default password, replace it with your own.

Find the settings section that is responsible for the security (see the documentation for your router model) of the device, and enter a new strong password here. Save your changes.

If your computer has a Wi-Fi module, after completing the setup, you can remove the network cable from the PC and connect to the router via a wireless connection.

7. Install the router in the optimal location

Ideally, the router is in the center of the area in which you use Wi-Fi. This way the signal will be equally available to all connected devices.

The fewer walls, furniture, and other obstacles between the receiving device and the router, the better the wireless network works.

Wi-Fi is fast wireless access to the Internet without being tied to wires and a modem. All you need is a device with Wi-Fi module- using it, several devices can connect to the network at once.

For correct settings router does not require special education

Buying and setting up a router will take a little time and does not require special knowledge. To consider in detail all stages of connection, we will use the settings for TP-Link brand models, the most popular among a large number of users.

Before moving on Wi-Fi installation, you need to figure out how to install the router and make sure it works correctly.

How to connect a Wi-Fi router? First, we choose a place for it - the main thing is that it does not stand on the table where the computer is located or on system unit, since in such cases interference often occurs. Therefore, we move it a little away from other equipment and place it closer to the center of the house so that the waves cover as much as possible a large number of area.

To find out how much the router covers the room, after installation, download special applications- they will make the device work as productively as possible.

On back side The router has the following connectors (in the basic version):

  • 4 Lan - port for connecting to a PC. A maximum of 4 computers can be connected to one device at the same time. We insert the cable into one of the ports, and connect the other part to the connector on the back of the system unit.
  • A cord with an Internet connection is installed in the WAN cable socket.
  • We plug the power cable into the outlet.

Here you will also see a reset and on/off button - their functions are clear. When you have sorted out the wires and inserted them where needed, an icon about a new connection will appear at the bottom of the desktop. Now we need to find out if your PC has installed the router correctly.

Device Manager - setting up the operation of a computer with a router

How to enter the router settings and check whether the computer correctly recognized the equipment. Use the Control Panel, stop at the chapter Network connections- if you have Windows XP, in Windows Vista/7/8 this section is labeled “Network and Control”, “Network and Sharing Center”.

Current connections will appear here - select “Connection via local network", look at the properties. You will now see a list of components where you stop at “TCP/IP Internet Protocol”. Here we check how the checkboxes are marked:

  • Usually the lines that deal with automatic receipt IP addresses and DNS servers.
  • For some suppliers, information is entered manually, so you will see filled-in lines. Check them with the data in the contract or instructions for the device, enter the correct numbers if they do not match.

The next step is to move on to how to enter the router settings.

Browser and entering parameters

The router is configured using a browser.

Enter your IP address in the address bar. In most cases this is the combination - standard version address, which, however, differs for some Internet service providers. After pressing Enter, you will see the Wi-Fi router settings. If this does not happen, then the IP address is not suitable and you need to enter other numbers.

How to find out the IP address:

  • In documents or on the back of the router.
  • If, when entering the properties of “Local Area Network Connections”, the IP address field was previously filled in and not marked automatic detection- copy it.
  • Try checking other addresses - the last two values ​​may look like 0.1, 0.2, or 1.2.
  • Enter in the command line (it opens through “Start”) the action cmd, and then ping 168.x.1, and you will be shown all the device parameters.

After entering the IP, a form for entering your login and password appears in front of you. We fill both lines here with the word admin, after which the parameters of the router itself will appear directly.

Reflashing equipment

First of all, setting up the router begins with flashing it to current version- after the release of each model, a lot of time passes, during which improvements are made and errors are corrected. Therefore, installing the most current version will avoid operational problems.

You can get it on the manufacturer's website. Download the file and go to the settings again (you know how to enter the router settings through a browser) in the System Tools, subsection Firmware Upgrade. Here we select “Browse...”, upload the file and after clicking Upgrade the update will begin.

Clarification: The firmware is optional, so you can do without it - it will not interfere with the operation of the device.

Setting up an Internet connection

After rebooting the Wi-Fi equipment (it will happen automatically), we proceed to setting parameters for accessing World Wide Web. IN System section Tools, select the Password tab and enter new data to enter the settings at your discretion.

Now in the Network section we stop at the WAN graph, where we select the type of connection provided by the provider. Mostly this is a dynamic IP (Dynamic), but in some cases this option is not correct.

How to find out your connection type?

It is listed in the documents along with the rest of the data for setting up a Wi-Fi router. If they are missing, find them on the website of your Internet service provider or contact a specialist by phone.

Note: if you need a different type of connection (not dynamic), enter it yourself Additional information in the fields located in this form after selecting the desired parameter.

The remaining fields will be filled in automatically when you select the Dynamic IP option.

Let's move on to the Wireless section. We put a checkmark next to Enable (if there is such a line), in the Wireless Network Name or SSID we come up with a name for the connection that will be seen by everyone who wants to use Wi-Fi. Below there may be a tab for selecting your country - indicate it, save the changes made and move on to the next stage of our setup.

Wireless Security - you should take filling out this part of the parameters seriously, because here you can secure your network from unauthorized access. Select WPA/WPA2 and set a password in the PSK Password field - without it, no one will be able to establish a connection with your Wi-Fi.

Additionally: MAC Address and copying it

Sometimes providers attach a point Wi-Fi access To network card PC. This equipment has a personal MAC code, which we copy into the router settings - to do this, click the “Clone MAC - Code” button.

Where can I find it? Depending on the manufacturer, the address may be located in different sections, mainly in Wireless. In the most common TP-Link models, the MAC address is located in the Network folder; to copy it, you need to select a special column.

The Wi-Fi router setup has been successfully completed. Confirm the reboot - the router will prompt you to do it, then all the changes made will take effect.

Wireless access is convenient, practical, it’s easy to install such Internet, it just takes a little time and a little effort. Now you know how to go into the router settings and fill out all the necessary fields to get quick access no matter what part of the room you are in, and use the Internet on any device that supports this technology.

Now on sale great amount different Wi-Fi routers from different manufacturers. And that’s good, there’s plenty to choose from. But immediately after purchasing a router, we need to install, connect and configure it. And if the connection process is practically the same depending on the model, then the setup process itself and the page with the router settings can be different even from the same manufacturer.

It is very difficult to give detailed and step by step instructions on setup different models. But I'll try. In this article I will describe in detail and show how to install and configure a Wi-Fi router. Regardless of what manufacturer and model you have. This universal instructions Suitable for both setting up a new router and re-configuring it. You can do everything yourself. And you don’t have to pay specialists for setup.

Login to the router settings. How to log into the web interface?

Each router has its own web interface (site with settings, control panel), which can be accessed through a browser by going to the appropriate address.

Important! To go into the router settings and configure it, your device (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet) must be connected to the router via cable or Wi-Fi network. At the same time, there may be no access to the Internet on the computer. You don't need internet to log into the control panel!

If you have on your computer high speed connection (maybe with your provider's name), then after connecting through the router there is no need to start it!

To enter the settings we need find out the address our router and factory username and password for authorization. This information is located on the body of the device itself. It looks something like this:

On a computer, or mobile device which is connected to the router, open the browser (Opera, Chrome, Yandex.Browser, etc.) and go to the address indicated on the case. Or try and

Important! We enter the address in the address bar, and not in the search bar. Many people get confused and instead of a page with settings they end up on a page with the search results of some search engine.

On the login page you need to specify a username and password. The factory settings are indicated on the device body. Most often these are admin and admin. On some models, the default settings are not protected, and immediately after logging into the control panel, you need to set a login and password.

Articles that may be useful to you at this stage:

If the settings page has opened, we can continue. If not, then see the article with solutions to this problem at the link above.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router?

In order to use the Internet through a router, you need at least:

  • Set up an Internet connection.
  • Set up a Wi-Fi network.

In most cases this is enough. I also recommend changing the password that protects the router’s web interface. Is there some more IPTV settings, USB drives, parental controls, etc., but not everyone needs them.

In the control panel of almost every router there is a so-called “Wizard” quick setup", also known as "Quick Setup". On some devices, it opens immediately after entering the control panel. With its help, you can set up a Wi-Fi router step by step. Internet connection, wireless network, etc. For example, what it looks like on TP-Link:

You can try it, it's very convenient.

Internet setup. The most important step

The main thing is correctly configure the router to connect to the provider. If he cannot connect to the Internet, then all devices will have a “No Internet access” connection. Many users who try to configure everything themselves most often encounter problems at this stage.

Each Internet provider uses a specific type of connection. Dynamic IP (DHCP), Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. This type of connection must be specified in the control panel of the router, and certain parameters provided by the Internet provider must be specified.

Important! You must know exactly what type of connection your provider has. Also all the necessary data for connection (Username: Password), if they are necessary. As a rule, this information is specified in the contract that you received when connecting to the Internet.

Some providers bind by MAC address. It would also be desirable to clarify this.

If your provider uses a “Dynamic IP” (DHCP) connection, then the Internet should work immediately after connecting, since this type of connection is set by default on routers.

If the Internet through the router is already working (and you haven't run any connections on the computer), then you can skip this section and go straight to setting up Wi-Fi.

When the connection type is PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP, or Static IP (which is very rare), then you need to set the necessary parameters. Usually, this is the login and password that your provider gave you. In the control panel, the section with these settings is most often called: “WAN”, “Internet”, “Internet”.

For example, what it looks like PPPoE setup connections on the ASUS router:

Other examples:

Target: so that the Internet through the router works on all devices. Via cable and Wi-Fi. If this does not happen, then there is no point in continuing the setup.

You can always call the provider and clarify what parameters should be specified and where. They help many people over the phone.

Articles that may be useful to you:

I hope everything worked out for you.

Changing Wi-Fi network settings

I highly recommend changing your Wi-Fi network name and password. It is also advisable to set your region. Everything is simple there. This can be done in the section with wireless network settings. It can be called differently: “Wi-Fi”, “Wireless network”, “Wireless”, “ Wireless mode"If you have dual band router, then the settings must be specified separately for the network at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

  • In the "Network name" (SSID) field you need to enter a new name. In English letters.
  • In the "Password" field (wireless network key) create and write down a password. Minimum 8 characters. Security type - WPA2 - Personal.
  • Well, there should be a “Region” field there. Change it to yours.
  • IPTV on ASUS routers.

    If something doesn’t work out for you during the setup process, you can always reset the settings to factory defaults and try setting everything up again. Find the “Reset” or “Reset” button on the case, press it and hold for about 10 seconds. The indicators will tell you when the reset occurred.

    You can leave questions in the comments. I just have a small request, describe the problem in detail. Write the router model. Otherwise, it’s very difficult to understand and advise something when you don’t understand the question itself. Best wishes!