Setting up adsl modem zyxel bashinformsvyaz. I don't know the administrator password, how can I configure the ZyXEL modem

07 Feb

One of the most common models for Internet access supplied to Ukrtelecom clients on this moment is a modem ZyXel P-600 series, we will talk about how to configure it in router mode yourself, via the web modem control panel.

What is the advantage of setting up in router mode?

If you configure the modem in router mode, then the first thing you won’t have to constantly do is connect using dial-up, enter your username and password when you turn on the computer and modem. When your system boots, you will already be connected to the Internet without additional actions. Also, you will not need to re-enter the settings when reinstalling operating system When the installation is complete, you will be immediately connected to the Internet. Well, in my opinion, the main advantage is that if you need to connect several computers with Internet access, you can access the Internet from several computers or a network by connecting to a switch.

You can also configure in automatic mode Using the disk included when purchasing the modem, the installation wizard will guide you step-by-step with prompts through the entire setup process.

To enter the web modem control panel, you need to dial in address bar browser IP address after which you will go to the authorization window (see Fig. 1), enter the password: 1234 and press the button Login.

After you enter the password, a window for changing login and password will open (see Fig. 2), in it you do not change anything and leave the fields empty, click the button Ignore. If, of course, you want to change your username and password, you can enter in the field New Password: New Password and in the field Retype to Confirm: enter the password again to confirm.

*Remember, before entering a new password and confirming the changes, you should write it down, for example, in a notepad; if you lose the password, you will not be able to enter the modem control panel.

Figure 2.

Next, a window with an offer will open. Please select Wizard or Advanced mode the program will prompt you to choose the type of setup using a wizard or advanced mode, select Go to Advanced setup(advanced mode), then at your discretion, check the box Click here to always start witch the Advnced setup, if you check the box, then the next time you access the modem’s web interface, this window will no longer appear, press the button Apply.

Well, here you are in the modem control panel (see Fig. 3) in the menu on the left, click on Network after which a submenu will open, press WAN.

Figure 3. Main window of the web control panel

Figure 4. Setting up the modem

User Name: Your [email protected]
Password: your password
Service Name: Service name In this field you assign a name to your settings. Enter any name or leave the field blank
VPI: 1
VCI: 32
MTU: If you have a different value, change to 1492
Mark with dots Obtain an IP Address Automatically And Nailed-Up Connection, press the button Apply.

That's all, you have configured your modem, and after a few seconds, possibly minutes of waiting, you are connected to global network, which you will be notified about by the long-awaited blinking of the INTERNET indicator on the modem. Enjoy surfing.

If more has passed, for example 15 minutes, and you have not connected, double-check the settings again; if all the data has been entered correctly (be sure to double-check your login and password), perhaps you have not yet been connected to Ukrtelecom, in which case you need to either wait else, or contact your provider.

To reset the settings to standard (factory) settings, you need to press the hole on the back panel of the modem using, for example: a paper clip, Reset button and hold for about 10 seconds.

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Before us is very popular because of its low price a device that is used to distribute the Internet in offices and homes via an ADSL channel and Ethernet. Many people are interested in what stages the setup consists of. In this article we will look at this issue in more detail.

Many users are attracted by the ease of use of the device

The ZYXEL P600 series modem is highly secure and reliable, and does not interfere with line work. We note the following features of this device:

  • One Ethernet port;
  • works via UPnP, PPPoE protocols;
  • 802.1d standard;
  • works with proprietary programs from ZyXEL;
  • supports NAT;
  • four indicators;
  • DHCP server;
  • support Linux, Mac, Windows.

PC connection

The modem is connected to the computer using a patch cord; to do this, you need to connect one end of the wire to network card"machine", and the other - into the device itself. In addition, you will need a provider cable (connect it to the WAN port). The characteristics of the modem allow it to be used via a USB interface (USB wires and a patch cord are supplied with the equipment). Experts do not recommend using the second method; it can cause many difficulties when setting up (low throughput, the need to search for drivers, etc.).


The device is configured through a simple interface. It’s easy to get into, you just need to enter the address in the browser and enter a password (standard for ZYXEL P600 series - 1234).

To set up a PPPoE network for Rostelecom, it is important to find the Nerwork tab, then click “WAN”. In this section, you should make certain adjustments by setting the following parameters:

  • "Encapsulation" - PPPoE;
  • login/pass - enter the data issued by the provider;
  • VCI - 33;
  • VPI - 0;
  • HTU - 1492 (provide IP automatically);
  • set the flag in the nailed-up connection field.

The setup is considered complete; after rebooting the PC, the Internet should appear.


Firmware for ZYXEL P600 series is also fast. The first step is to download the firmware for a specific device from the ZyXEL website. Experienced users advise taking latest version. Unpack the resulting archive to a convenient place. Now in the device interface, select Maintenance - Tools - Browse and among

Setting up Internet access

Setting up the router involves specifying the MAC address from your personal account. For normal operation It is important that these addresses match.

You can:

1. Specify in the router settings the MAC address of your computer specified in personal account;

2. Specify the MAC address of the router in your personal account.

In the first case, you have the opportunity fast switching to work without a router, without any reconfigurations. In the second case, you will be forced to change the MAC address in your personal account every time you turn off the router. Therefore, we recommend using the first setting option.

Setting up a router for DC++

For correct operation DC++ file sharing network needs to do the following.

1. Assign specific IP addresses to your computers (not all routers have this feature). This is necessary for port forwarding to work correctly. The fact is that to work in DC++, your computer must be able to receive incoming data from the outside. This is exactly what Port Forwarding is used for, which redirects all incoming data on a specific port to the IP address of your computer that you specified when setting up Port Forwarding. If this address changes, DC++ will not work. To keep your computers' IP addresses unchanged, we configure Static DHCP. In other words, we tell the router to always assign a specific IP address to a computer with a particular MAC address.

2. Configure incoming data to be redirected to the appropriate IP addresses of your computers.

First, reserve specific computers in your home network specific IP addresses. Open the Home Network menu and select Networking. In the window that opens, in the “Leased IP address” section, the MAC and IP addresses of all connected computers will be listed. Check the box next to the IP addresses that you want to assign to the corresponding MAC addresses. Click the "Commit" button.

IMPORTANT: Remember your reserved IP addresses. This will come in handy when setting up Port Forwarding.

If for some reason there is no data in the “Leased IP address” table, you can enter it manually in the form below.

MAC address can be found out in the following ways.

1. If the computer received an IP address from the router, then its IP and MAC addresses will appear in the corresponding columns of the “Parameters” list local network» (network connection properties).

2. Click “Start” -> “Run” -> “cmd /k ipconfig /all” -> “Ok”. Find the line with your IP. Two lines above, in the “Physical Address” field, your MAC will be indicated.

3. Click Start -> Run -> getmac. This command will issue full list MAC addresses on your computer without specifying their corresponding IP addresses.

Configuring Port Forwarding

Let's expand the menu home network and select the item Servers.

In the window that appears:

Place a check mark next to the item Open access to home network services.

In some firmware versions this item may be called "Enable port forwarding".

Click the "Apply" button.

In the “List of open home network services” section, you must perform the following steps.

1. In the “Service” field, select “Other” or an empty line (depending on the firmware version).

2. In the “Computer IP address” field, enter the IP that you reserved earlier.

3. In the Protocol field, select TCP and UDP.

4. In the “Port Range” field, enter 4000.

5. In the “To” field, also enter 4000.

6. In the Description field, enter DC++.

Click the "Add" button.

If everything is done correctly, then just below the button Add you will see an entry about the added rule.

If DC++ is intended to be used on several computers, a similar operation must be performed. When adding rules for other computers, you must specify the IP addresses of other computers and other ports.

For example:

computer 1: IP, port 4000, rule name DC++;

computer 2: IP, port 4001, rule name DC++_2;

computer 3: IP, port 4002, rule name DC++_3;

To avoid future problems, all IP addresses should be reserved. How to do this, read above.

Setting up a connection in the DC++ client

    Go to your DC client settings: “File” -> “Settings” or just press Ctrl-O. Then select the connection settings section.

    In the first field Network interface for all connections select address

    Make sure Firewall with Manual Port Forwarding is selected. TCP ports and UDP is set to 4000.

    Make sure that the “Update IP at startup” checkbox is checked, and in the “IP update interval in minutes” field, set it to 10.

    Make sure that your IP address is indicated in the External / WAN IP field.

    In the first line under the button Find IP addresses the address must be http://dc..php

    In the firewall, for your DC client, ports 4000 must be open TCP protocols and UDP. UDP protocol needed for the search to work.

    In the settings of your favorite hub, the “IP” field should be empty.

    You can easily find out your internal VPN IP address by clicking “Find IP addresses” in the same window. After clicking to the left of this button, your VPN IP address will appear.

ATTENTION!!! By clicking "Find IP Addresses" you will get the correct IP only if you have specified correct addresses checking scripts. The first line should contain http://dc..php ,
and in the second http://dc..php

Wi-Fi setup

Change Wi-Fi settings" in front of the picture to: "Open the menu" Wi-Fi network" and select "Connection".

In the window that opens:

Check the box next to “Enable wireless access point.”

In the “Network name (SSID)” field, enter the name of your Wi-Fi network – for example 2KOM-WiFi.

Check the box next to "Enable" Wi-Fi mode Multimedia (WMM)".

Leave the remaining fields unchanged.

Click the "Apply" button.

In the window that appears, click Ok

To ensure that only you have access to your Wi-Fi network, you need to enable security. Protection is carried out by encrypting the radio signal using a code word. There are several types of encryption: WEP, WPA and WPA2. Since WEP encryption is not strong enough, we recommend using WPA2 encryption.

The code word must be from 8 to 63 characters. To set up your security WiFi networks:

Open the "Wi-Fi Network" menu and go to the "Security" section.

In the Authentication column, select WPA2-PSK.

In the “Protection type” column, select “TKIP-AES”.

In the “Network Key Format” column, select ASCII.

In the “Network key (ASCII)” column, enter your password. It can contain from 8 to 63 characters.

Click the "Apply" button.

After applying the settings, your router is configured and ready for full operation.” corrected to “After application” specified parameters your router will be configured and ready for full operation.

Setting up ZyXel P-600 in router mode Ukrtelecom OGO

In a nutshell ADSL routers or, as they are called, ADSL modems. These devices are still routers (for the most part) and support 2 modes: bridge (bridge) - the connection is created on the computer and router (router), in which the device itself establishes a connection with the provider. Router mode much more convenient. Imagine, your Windows crashed, you reinstalled it and... started looking for the ill-fated thin piece of paper with your username and password. Sound familiar?

If the router mode is much more convenient (the computer is already connected to the Internet when turned on), why then do I see breeches in every first case? Let's set up a router together using the example of the Ukrtelecom (OGO) provider and a lovely device ZyXel P-600.

You have everything connected correctly and there is a bridge, that is, in network connections There is a PPPoE connection called OGO. Get rid of it. Check network interface: IP address should be, for example,, mask The router acts as the gateway and primary DNS: is the router’s default IP address. Ready?

Open your favorite browser and enter the router IP in the address bar:

By pressing enter you will enter the settings menu, but first of all enter your login password. Default: 1234 (don't forget to change it as soon as possible). The default wizards are Mazda, so go straight to the advanced setup. And put a checkbox below so that he always walks like this. Next, on the left there is a Network tab, it contains WAN. Now carefully.

Leave the Line section alone, everything is fine there. In General:

  • Name — call it or leave it as is
  • Mode - routing
  • Encapsulation - PPPoE - this is important!
  • User name - [email protected]
  • Password - your_password
  • Service name - OGO
  • Multiplexing - LLC
  • VPI - 1
  • VCI - 32
  • Put a point on Obtain an IP address automatically and on Nailed Up connection

Don't forget to click Apply and reboot your router (if prompted). Open your browser and enjoy the connection.

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