Find a person's data by mobile phone number. How to find out the owner's phone number

Every person faces such a problem as the need to find out a person’s phone number by his first and last name for free. There are various ways to solve this issue. But not all methods may be available to ordinary mobile device users. All options for the development of events will be considered.

Reasons for searching for a contact

The main reason for contacting different services is the purpose of searching for a number. Looking for a phone number often occurs for important reasons. Often a phone number is searched for in order to lose the previous number, but there are also more important moments when a person has disappeared and cannot be found. Depending on the degree of importance, you need to choose the most convenient way for yourself to search for a phone number by last name and first name.

Previously, paper telephone directories were created for such purposes, in which registered subscribers were listed in alphabetical order. The search was public and very convenient. But over time, many new technologies appeared and the number of subscribers increased sharply. This made it necessary to contain all subscriber data in electronic form. This type of information has become closed to a large number of users. Electronic services have become more convenient and this method will not require you to spend a lot of time searching.

The most common reason is loss of contact due to some personal circumstances. The easiest way to return the loss is to ask your friends to dictate the subscriber’s phone number. This method is the simplest, most effective and efficient.

The second reason is the disappearance of the person himself. In the age of high technology, most gadgets are equipped with systems that can help you find a subscriber.

Sometimes a phone number is sought for a harmless prank. The reason is not common, but is used among people who are looking for missing relatives. To search for this type, they use open services that can be used in the public domain.

Not all search methods are legal. But not everyone turns to such a search, because there are more reasonable methods. Many search engines are paid, but there is a chance to find free ones, it all depends on their relevance and popularity. Searching on the Internet and social networks is also quite effective. Despite the diversity, there are also negative aspects. Due to the large number of mobile operators and phone numbers, a subscriber can easily change the number of his mobile device at any moment. And in any of the sources where there is data about him, they will not be changed immediately. The reliability of the information offered is compromised.

Ways to find a phone number

There are different ways to find a phone number. These include:

  • phonebook;
  • mobile operator;
  • Database;
  • Internet;
  • Internet search engine;
  • law enforcement agencies.

It is important to pay special attention to each method in order to be sure whether it will help or not in a particular situation.

To find a number, you can contact the subscriber’s place of work or study. This method will be the most effective and will take much less time than sitting at the computer. Given the important circumstances, few people will refuse help finding a cell phone number.

At a time when mobile phones were beyond the realm of possibility, people actively used telephone directories. From such a source of information it was possible to find out not only the telephone number, but also the residential address. Few people pursued selfish goals, and therefore such information was publicly available. The advantage of those times was that there was one landline telephone for the whole family, by which you could contact any family member living in an apartment or house.

Telephone directories usually contain information from subscribers located in the area of ​​the city in which it is published.

If the person you need lives in another city, you will need a different directory. You can find it on the Internet and use the already familiar method, using alphabetical order to find the required number. In order not to resort to such a huge number of manipulations, you can do it much simpler. Find the telephone number of a specific city on the Internet and call there. There, upon presentation of the person’s last name, first name and patronymic, the operator will provide a telephone number. In some cases, the subscriber's residential address may be requested.

To search for a mobile phone number, it is better to immediately discard the option of searching in telephone directories. Because such resources only contain landline phone numbers.

This search is still used because many apartments still have home landlines installed. Only the reference book itself has changed. The information resource was converted into electronic form, which simplified the use and content of information. Disadvantage of searching in a directory– this is only the availability of landline phone numbers. Information about mobile numbers is not contained there. Since a mobile number is a personal number, each subscriber independently decides whether to give his number to someone or not.

You can find out your mobile phone number for free using the electronic telephone directory. The advantage of such a system is that the data is updated quite often. Even a recently registered user will quickly be included in the lists of names in such a directory.

Mobile operator and manager in a mobile phone store

A more modern way at this time is to contact a mobile operator using a call or a mobile phone salon. This method will help in cases where the reasons for the search are very compelling. A more effective method would be to go to a salon, because face to face it is much easier to explain the need and ask the employee to come to his senses. An understanding employee will not refuse help and will do everything possible. After all, sometimes people come with such requests not just to call, but to find a person. First, you need to determine which cellular operator the subscriber uses. If the number is unknown, you can check the information on the Internet. Having recognized the operator, you can go to the nearest salon for the required information.

In order to quickly respond, in the event that a person has disappeared, it is better to come to the cell phone store immediately with a law enforcement officer. In this case, the necessary information will be provided accurately and quickly.

This method does not apply to all mobile phone stores. For example, the mobile operator Megafon provides specific data exclusively to police officers. Only with rare exceptions will the data be provided to the average user. Therefore, if you need to know the number for personal purposes, you need to come up with a convincing reason for the manager to consider it necessary to provide it. But in frequent cases, contacting mobile phone store managers does not guarantee success.

On the Internet you can often find resources that offer to find a subscriber’s number using your last name and first name. They are based on databases developed by cellular operators themselves. Such databases should not be publicly available, since the distribution of personal data by a cellular company is illegal. If such information easily falls into the hands, then it contains old data that is unlikely to help.

Additionally, for permanent use of the database, in the future you will need to purchase certain conditions for using the service. This use will be convenient for those who need to constantly find numbers. If you need to find a phone number just once, then it would be wiser to find a free version of the program.

Finding a phone number in this way is considered quite effective, but the downside is the cost of databases provided on the Internet. Considering how fresh this base is. It is important to pay special attention to the choice of base and seller so that money is not wasted. It is better to immediately spend more time searching for the required site.

Internet services

Internet services provide only paid services. The cost is not prohibitive, but still You will have to pay about 100 rubles for the room. To use this service, you need to find an Internet source, enter information about the owner in a special field and the personal number of the person doing the search. After sending the request, a notification will be sent to your mobile phone. The information from the message will then need to be entered into the computer and the request submitted. In a short time the request will be processed and the result will come. This method is very convenient and easy to use.

It is important to use reliable resources because there are a huge number of scam sites.

The method is effective, but quite risky. Sometimes money is debited from the account, but the promised service is not provided. But if you choose the right source of information, there is every chance of getting the information you need.

Also, special programs are created to search for contacts. After downloading the application, you need to register, fill in certain fields, and the contact of the desired person will appear on the monitor screen.

Internet search engine

Nowadays, searching for a person on the Internet is a common thing. This is due to the fact that a large number of people are starting to use social networks. To register with them, you must fill out a form with personal data. Such data is immediately displayed when searching for a person by entering the desired query. This use is especially popular among young people.

If a person left his personal data on any social networks, the search engine will definitely find the information on the Internet.

Even if the person you need is not registered on social networks, they have groups in which you can post information about your search. There will certainly be people who know him and will help you contact the right subscriber. To find a subscriber you need to open any browser, enter the subscriber’s first, last and patronymic name, city, and some factors that distinguish it from the majority in the search bar. Then comes the search. Different people will be suggested, but most likely the right person will be identified on the first links.

Like any other method, it is not 100% effective, but you should not miss any chance. Such a search especially often helps when it is used in small towns, because many people know each other by sight. In big cities, the chances of finding the right subscriber are sharply reduced. Proven special sites will be of great benefit.

Having a mobile phone for every person opens up great opportunities for obtaining information about him: from call details to data on a person’s location. What exactly can you find out about the owner of the phone if you know his cell phone number?

You can find a social network account by phone number

Now all popular social networks require linking your account to a phone number. Therefore, if you have a phone, you can try to find a social network account linked to this phone. And from the information posted on the social network by the account owner, you can get a lot of useful material for compiling a dossier.

Previously, in some social networks it was possible to independently determine the linking of a phone number to a social network account. Now all these security holes are closed. There is only one option left to obtain such information - through one of the social network employees. But it must be taken into account that not all employees have access to such information.

You can find out which phone is linked to your social network account

The opposite situation may also be true: you don’t know the person’s phone number, but you know his social network account. In this case, you can find out the number associated with his account. And having this information, get other materials about the person you are interested in.

You can try to obtain this information in the same way as the information from the previous paragraph.

You can find out about the availability of payment cards issued to your phone number

Having a phone number, you can find out whether payment cards from major Russian banks have been issued to it. If it turns out that there are such cards, you can track in what places and at what time money was withdrawn from the card. It can also be useful to detail the expenses on the card.

Employees of the banks that issued the cards have access to this data. To find out whether a person has open cards, you need to get information from all major banks.

Obviously, a third party cannot simply obtain such information. A bank employee you know can theoretically help you - if he has access to this database. If your friend works as a cashier or security guard at a bank, he will not help you.

But to get complete information, you need to have friends in the main banks of the country. As you can imagine, this is unlikely.

You can check whether parking was paid from this number

You can find out whether parking was paid from a phone number. If parking was paid, this means that the mobile subscriber has a car. You can also find out the exact location and time of payment for parking, that is, track a person’s movements. You can also obtain information about vehicles that are registered to the object of inspection and collect additional useful information.

This information is stored in Department of Transportation databases. The traffic police can send a request and receive data from these databases.

You need to understand that not every employee of the department of transport or traffic police has access to such information. Obviously, the parking attendant does not have access to this database.

To obtain information about parking, it is best to find a friend or acquaintance who works as a system administrator in the Department of Transportation and is responsible for the database. Such a person will be able to “pull out” all the necessary data.

A familiar traffic police officer is unlikely to help here. To obtain data, he will need to send an official request, which will be documented. In the event of an official investigation, the fact of unofficial curiosity will be revealed and the employee will be punished. It is unlikely that anyone will want to take such risks for you.

You can obtain information from credit institutions

If the owner of the phone number contacted credit organizations, then you can send a request to the credit history bureau and find out the full passport data. And with the help of this information, collect a complete dossier on the person. For example, his residence address and marital status.

If a person has previously taken out loans, then his data is stored in the credit history bureau.

This data is requested by a bank employee when he issues a loan. Data from the bureau goes to the bank's security service. The security service makes a decision on issuing a loan. And the employee who sent the request only receives a “yes” or “no” answer. That is, the employee who sent the request does not have access to passport data.

To obtain this information, you need to have “your person” in the bank’s security service. If there is such a person among your friends, try to get the necessary data through him.

Find out if a person has other phone numbers

You can search through the databases of mobile operators and find out if there are other SIM cards registered to this person. If there is, you can collect information on them.

This data is available in the databases of mobile operators. The operator's security personnel have access to the information. Therefore, look for such employees.

Find out on which device the SIM card was used

In addition to the mobile device model, you can find out whether other SIM cards were used on it.

This data, like information about other phone numbers, is stored in the databases of cellular operators and is available to their security personnel.

Operational accounting check

If the number was used in administrative, civil and other cases, you can find out who owns the number and the reasons why law enforcement agencies were interested in it.

Such data can be obtained through the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Find the Ministry of Internal Affairs among your friends and perhaps they will be able to help you. Or they will introduce you to someone who can help.

Where can the information obtained by phone number be used?

Phone number information may be useful for:

  • Checking spouses for infidelity;
  • Search for debtors;
  • Pre-employment checks;
  • Collecting information about business partners;
  • Identification of fraudsters and swindlers;
  • Finding out the identity of the telephone hooligan;
  • In many other cases, when you need to collect as much information as possible with only a phone number.

If everything is so complicated, how do you get the information you need?

Of course, information about the owner of the phone number is not provided to anyone. Most of this information can be issued by court order, or is available to police officers or cellular operators.

The option of obtaining the necessary information through the court is costly, both in time and money. Moreover, this option is unreliable. There is no guarantee that the court will rule in your favor.

In addition, it is not always possible to have something to go to court with. You won’t go to court with the wording: “I suspect my wife of cheating and therefore I need everything that can be found out using her phone number.” This is not a matter for court.

Likewise, the police or employees of cellular operators are unlikely to help you. Unless you have good friends among them. But even very good friends will not risk their work for you. Moreover, it’s free.

What to do?

In order not to look for friends who will have to pay a lot of money, contact our detective agency. We will provide you with all the necessary information for a reasonable price.

We have our own databases, as well as verified people to obtain information from various official databases.

Be careful! If you are offered such information for free or very cheap, most likely they want to deceive you. Such a service cannot be cheap. After all, we need to pay people who have access to the necessary databases. And no one will risk their job and break the law “for three kopecks.”

If you have friends who work in the right organizations and have access to the necessary data, you may find it more profitable to contact them. It will probably cost less. Although it won't necessarily be like that.

Your friend will set a price for the service, which, in his opinion, will cover all his risks. And, most likely, this price will not be lower than the price of our partners. It’s one thing to periodically provide services and receive a regular income for them (here you can put a lower price tag). And it’s a completely different matter when a person decides to take a risk once and wants to justify this risk. Most likely, he will set a fairly high price.

But the price is not the main thing here. Think about safety. If it turns out that information was provided to a third party, an internal investigation will begin in the organization where your friend works. And the culprit of the information leak will be discovered. What will your friend do in such a situation? Without hesitation he will give you away as a customer. This can result in serious problems for you, including criminal liability for violating the law on confidential data.

If you cooperate with us, in such a situation, our partner will not be able to give you away. Because he doesn't know you, just like you don't know him. You, too, will not be able to “turn in” the person who will get information for you (that is, us), since you do not know us, and we will never meet you. We take a commission for this as well - that is, to ensure that all participants in the transaction sleep peacefully.

How to order our services?

Call us and tell us about your problem. We will listen to you and offer our solution. If you are satisfied with it, you will need to make a small advance payment, then we will prepare the information you need. When everything is ready, we will send you part of the collected material so that you can be sure that we have the necessary data. After this, you pay the entire order amount and receive all the information you ordered.

Click to call now and state your case.

Articles and Lifehacks

Probably, any person at one time in his life wondered what can be found out by a phone number. In the age of technology and communications, every adult, and even many children, have a mobile phone.

Protecting the rights of the number owner

  • When applying for a SIM card with a phone number, it is doubtful that anyone thinks about the security of their personal data.
  • Of course, when drawing up an agreement with a mobile operator, you cannot do without filling out a form with passport data, residence address and other information.
  • The mobile operator company, in accordance with the law, undertakes to store the personal data of each client and in no case disclose it. This right is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”.
  • In the event of a “leakage” of information about an individual from the company’s database, the company will be held responsible for it.

What information can you get?

Of course, legal protection of information is good. But you can still find out information. This type of information search is carried out by specialized spy companies.

Their services are paid for by the customer. He, in turn, receives all the necessary information. Not many people realize that you can find out not only where this or that person lives, but also who he is friends with, and where he is going on vacation.

For example:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the phone number (information is indicated when purchasing the number);
  • His date of birth (a photocopy of his passport is provided to obtain a SIM card);
  • Date of registration of the cell phone number;
  • Passport details (also a copy of the passport);
  • Place of registration and actual residence of the wanted person (passport details, questionnaire);
  • Contact numbers (stored on the server of the operator company);
  • Correspondence via SMS;
  • Frequency of calls to certain numbers (taken from the subscriber’s call printout);
  • Pages visited on the World Wide Web (printout of surfing pages);
  • Content obtained from the network;
  • Another contact phone number.
It becomes clear that a mobile phone is an excellent source of obtaining information about its owner.

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Most often, the service is used to resolve family conflicts. For many people, MOBAZ is the only opportunity to find out reliably who exactly is calling their significant other. Because suspecting betrayal and knowing about it for sure are fundamentally different things. In the first case, a person’s life is poisoned by uncertainty and fears, and in the second, he has the opportunity to change his life and attitude for the better.

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What needs to be done to identify the name of a suspicious subscriber by phone number. First of all, look at the treasured combination of numbers on your partner’s phone. To do this, it is enough to gain access to the gadget for just a couple of minutes. After that, you enter the received number into the MOBAZ search menu and turn on the search. In total, a few minutes are enough for you to be online. Now you know the whole truth. And you no longer need to suffer from doubts about whether they are faithful to you.


MOBAZ is no less effectively used to resolve work issues. One of the special cases of using MOBAZ is monitoring of potential counterparties. Quite often, contracts between companies are concluded over the telephone. A representative of an organization negotiates the supply of goods or provision of services without personal meetings. And how can you tell if the person you’re talking to is really the head of the company, or if he’s just a scammer?


To register new users in MOBAZ, we used a traditional two-level identification system using login and password. You can choose absolutely any name for your new account in MOBAZ - out of concern for your privacy, we have abandoned the identification of users by mobile number. Identity confirmation is also not required - the main thing is that it is convenient for you to remember your username and password.


The security requirements when registering a personal account in MOBAZ are no different from the rules when working with other online applications. As people close to information technology, we strongly do not recommend using your passport data, year of birth, name of a loved one or pet's name when generating a login/password - these are the combinations that potential hackers check first.

You can find out about the availability of current promotions and offers in the main menu of your personal account. We notify all clients in advance about upcoming events so that you can take part in them and collect well-deserved bonuses.

As part of our loyalty program, we also regularly hold draws for bonuses and prizes among all MOBAZ members. If you win, we will notify you about the amount of winnings in your personal account. If you want to be the first to know about all the draws and the program, we recommend linking your account on the MOBAZ service to your email - we will notify you in advance about all interesting offers and bonuses.


We strive to bring benefit, so we are systematically working to improve the service: we are improving the connection systems, improving the security system, and modernizing the functionality of the service. All this would be impossible without direct dialogue with you, so we will be happy to hear any of your suggestions regarding the work of MOBAZ. You can also communicate with a representative of our project through your personal account. While the service is looking for who the phone number is registered to, you can leave your feedback or write directly to technical support specialists.

We offer unique terms of cooperation to our regular clients. You can become our business partner and receive significant bonuses for attracting new users. You can find out about the conditions for participation in the affiliate program in the corresponding section of your personal account or directly from the MOBAZ administrators.


With us you can easily make it mobile. In just a few minutes, MOBAZ will establish the owner’s full name and give you the finished result. Through the service, you can absolutely quietly find out the name of the owner of any mobile phone registered in Russia. At the same time, your safety remains under the reliable protection of the best programmers in the industry.

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We will share with you a secret and a way to determine the owner by phone number. There are times when it is necessary to resort to a search, establish the identity or find out the location of a particular phone owner. There are different situations, one of which is using the number. When we only know the numbers, but urgently need to find out in whose name the subscriber number is registered. The important thing here is to take your time and do everything consistently. How to still find the owner by his mobile phone number. You should start with the simplest thing - calling the number you are interested in. This can be done more than once, in case the phone is turned off. If luck is with you, then they will answer you. Check with your interlocutor whether he is the owner of this number. If negative, try to find out who they are and how you can contact them. There is another option to achieve your goal, but it is illegal and you should think carefully before using it. This method of searching for the owner consists of searching for a number in the information database of the cellular operator to which the number being searched belongs. So ? Let's look further.

How to determine the owner of a mobile number

Using this opportunity, remember that you are going against the criminal article of the Russian Federation and may be prosecuted. And so a simple and proven way to determine the owner by mobile phone number, for this you need. You can find a disk with such data on the market; usually people who sell radio electronics have them. Using the database is as easy as shelling pears, enter the phone number into the search engine, and it will show you information about the subscriber. It would be a good idea to pay attention to the fact that the database is not outdated and contains fresh data. This will help in obtaining reliable information. Since the number can be blocked and reassigned to another subscriber. Therefore, purchase the updated version. There is another category of people who have information that interests you, these are managers at payment points.