MTS change of operator while maintaining the number. How to change operator while keeping your number? How to switch to Megafon while maintaining your corporate number

Tariffs of mobile operators are constantly changing - each strives to offer current and potential subscribers the most profitable terms service. However, some people periodically have the desire to switch to another operator. One thing stops you - changing your number is fraught with many troubles. And since “mobile slavery” has already been abolished, the problems have become much less. Let's see how to switch to MegaFon while keeping your number.

MNP - transfer to MegaFon while maintaining the number

Complaints about the inability to change the operator while maintaining the number have been heard - not so long ago this service was introduced in connection with the requirements of Russian legislation. Since then subscribers can safely switch to MegaFon and other operators while maintaining their telephone number . For some time the service was malfunctioning, the connection was not very stable. But today everything works like clockwork - accurately and without failures.

The procedure for saving your number is very important. It allows:

  • Do without the labor-intensive notification of your interlocutors about the number change;
  • Do not lose touch with clients and partners;
  • Get a more favorable tariff by switching to another operator.

While “mobile slavery” was in force, changing the number forced subscribers to notify their interlocutors about the change of number - corresponding services were developed specifically for this. But this was not enough, as serious confusion arose. In addition, these services require that you keep your old number active.

The worst situation was for subscribers who were engaged in their own business - in this situation, changing the phone number can lead to a real disaster. A client engaged in business simply does not have the opportunity to change his number, as he will lose all his clients, both existing and potential. Therefore, the opportunity to switch to MegaFon while keeping the number was received with appropriate enthusiasm.

Transition conditions

Before we tell you how to switch to MegaFon while keeping your number, we should talk about the conditions for the transition. They are not the most severe, in most cases you can ignore them. These are the conditions:

  • The current number with which you are going to switch to MegaFon must be registered in your name. If that's not the case, reassign the number to yourself by visiting your operator’s salon with the real owner of the number;
  • There is no debt on your phone - make sure you have a positive balance;
  • The number should not be blocked in any way (including judicial blocking) - you can check it in your “Personal Account”;
  • Your service number in the current region is interregional transfers are not carried out;
  • More than 60 days have passed since the last transfer while maintaining the number.

If the number is registered to you, you are in your region, your phone is working and there is no debt on it, you can safely switch to MegaFon while keeping the number.

Separately, you should warn those whose number is registered in their own name, but with old passport data - in this case they need to be updated by visiting the office of their current operator (not MegaFon).

Transition process

Let's see how to switch to MegaFon with your number. First you need to decide on a tariff plan. We recommend using one of the “All Inclusive” tariffs - here you will find packages of minutes, SMS and traffic for one or another subscription fee. MegaFon has prepared optimal offers for both low-speaking subscribers and the most active ones. Now let's look at the transition methods - there are two of them:

  • In the office - in order to switch to MegaFon while keeping your number, contact the nearest service office with your passport. Write an application to port the number, decide on the tariff plan, pay 100 rubles for the porting procedure. In the application you must indicate when you want to switch to the operator - as quickly as possible or as soon as possible specific date. After filling out the application, you will receive a temporary SIM card – on the specified date it will be linked to your old number, but will be serviced by MegaFon;
  • With free delivery - if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can switch to MegaFon and save your number right at home or at work. A specialist with a SIM card will come to you and necessary documents, will help you sign the application. The cost of the transition is paid directly to the specialist. After some time, the temporary SIM card will turn into a permanent one, with your current number. To call a specialist, fill out an online application on the MegaFon website.

Thus, switching to MegaFon while keeping your phone number is very easy - you just need a little fuss with documents and a little patience.

Filling out documents online with delivery of documents to your home or office is available only to subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The transition to MegaFon will occur on the eighth day after signing the documents. During this time, passport data will be verified, and specialists from both operators will carry out all the necessary procedures. You will receive SMS notifications about all transactions. On the ninth day, the old SIM card will become inactive, and your number will be completely transferred to the new operator. You can specify the transition period yourself - it ranges from 8 days to six months.

The launch of laws in Russia is notable for the fact that at first no one takes these same laws seriously. Not all, of course, but with the cancellation " mobile slavery“Just such a case happened. On December 1, 2013, the tenants of the State Duma officially allowed MTS subscribers to change from Beeline, Megaphone on the Skylink side and engage in Yot under the roof of Tele2. The operators themselves just shrugged their shoulders and said that they physically would not be able to provide such services to clients, despite the instructions “from above.” “No way!” - said the legislative boot and lightly pressed the snickering advocates of cellular networks. As a result, they promised to disband all blacks in April 2014, that is, six months after the adoption of the Federal Law. We went to the dentist and only then did he start ordering fillings from the supplier - fantastic!

The most interesting thing is that the procedure for changing the provider while maintaining the number began to work normally only towards the end of 2014. All the previous time, sufferers complained about a non-working Personal Account, problems with mobile Internet, broken balance replenishment and other consequences of MNP (Mobile Number Portability). MNP, as you might have guessed, is an acronym for the abolition of “mobile slavery.” We will use it later in the article to make it more convenient.

With the advent of 2015, the screws were tightened thoroughly and the only problem that arises with the Megafon - Beeline barter (as an option) remained the presence of a passport in order to write an application at the office of the **new** provider. Let’s keep silent about the money to buy the tariff, and it’s clear: it’s not right to flaunt the green “All Inclusive” among the black and yellow “EVERYTHING” - you can get confused!

According to the protocol, the MNP problem requires no more than 10 IQ points:

  1. come to the salon of a new provider
  2. fill out the paper in two or three places with your full name and signatures
  3. checking the number that will have to migrate to an unfamiliar “stall”
  4. choose a tariff, pay for it, put the SIM card in your pocket and say goodbye to the manager with a kind word

Forget about the existence of a new SIM card for now. Within 8 days you will receive SMS messages indicating the stages of transition from one operator to another. In them you will see dry bureaucratic text like “The application from subscriber 000111222 has been accepted for consideration...”. By and large, you need to wait for one significant SMS, clarifying when to remove the old SIM card and insert a new one. Usually this day is specified in the contract, and the ritual takes place at midnight, because for about six hours the phone will have to get used to the foreign body. For your own comfort.

BUT! By inserting a new SIM card and automatically killing the old one, you are 90% likely to end up with a whole lot of problems! Therefore, during these 8 days you need to prepare well.

1. The most important rule: While there is time, relink all Internet banking services to the reserve number to maintain access to electronic wallets and payment cards. This must be a spare phone in working condition, because verification codes will be sent to it.
1) QIWI It definitely won’t let you into your account - you’ll have to talk to technical support. After MNP you will immediately lose your QVP(plastic card) and will have to be ordered again. At best, you will register new account with the old number (but new operator) and the money will be returned. At worst, you will be tortured to communicate with the Call Center and send supporting documents (old and new agreement, passport);
2) Mobile bank Sberbank works with a new provider, but the ability to communicate with contact center no one canceled;
3) All services requiring login by phone number, they will refuse to let you in for the simple reason that your personal account has changed. Yes, the number will remain the same, but the money will now go to another “virtual cell”. Take this into account.

Therefore (once again): if you use payment systems with authorization by phone number and password, create an additional wallet linked to another number (wife, best friend, grandmother, etc.) and send all funds there until the situation becomes clearer.

2. Transfer finances from the old number's account to a trust wallet, QIWI wallet, WebMoney, Yandex.Money - anywhere, just to save them.
**Scary**: If the old SIM card stops working, then you will no longer be able to use the old balance. The money will not be burned, but you will need to go to the office of the former provider, apply for a refund of the balance and set aside 30 working days for cash withdrawal or wait for a faster receipt on the card. In a word - hemorrhoids.

3. After you insert a new SIM card and decide to top up your balance, indicate a new operator.

By following the described instructions, you will save yourself from unnecessary running around offices and tedious replication of applications, and also maintain solvency if it relied on electronic money. MNP procedure now it is really simple and does not injure the nervous system of the “defectors”. You just need to prepare for it in advance;)

Each provider provides the ability to switch to another provider mobile services no shift subscriber number. Here you should not delude yourself and believe in the altruism of telecommunications companies, which until recently kept their subscribers in “mobile slavery” and forced them to use unprofitable tariff plans in order to save their number. Thanks to government intervention, changing the operator while maintaining the number was enshrined in legislation and over time became a widespread practice.

In the article:

The Internet assistant will tell you how to switch to another operator while keeping your number, spending a minimum of effort and time. Within the framework of this article, we will touch upon a description of the process of transition to Megafon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2. Let us not ignore the frequent difficulties that may arise when porting a number to another operator.

Switch to Megafon while saving the number

Megafon has the largest coverage area in Russia, actively implements advanced telecommunications technologies and offers accessible communication. The provider's subscriber base exceeds 90 million people and is constantly increasing. If you decide to join their number, you have the opportunity for 100 rubles. use remote switching services and at the same time maintain your current subscriber number.

  • Before changing your operator to Megafon, you need to make sure that there is no debt on the number. Also, number porting is only possible in the region in which the SIM card is registered.

To remotely change another operator to Megafon with number portability, you must:

  • Visit the provider’s page “Go to Megafon with your number (MNP)” and fill out the online application form “Simple transition to Megafon”. This step allows you to get rid of a tedious visit to the operator’s office and conveniently arrange free delivery of a new SIM card and a package of documents. All data must be entered without errors, since they will be used to print the transfer application, which you will have to sign when the new card is delivered by courier.
  • Meet the courier at the time appointed by the provider, provide a passport to identify ownership of the number specified in the online application, pay the cost of the service (100 rubles), sign an application and an agreement to change the operator while maintaining the number. If necessary, the courier will help you choose a favorable rate.
  • Specify required period transition, which can range from 8 to 180 days. When the number is transferred, a corresponding SMS will be sent to the subscriber’s phone.

It is not possible to switch remotely to the Megafon operator while saving your number in all populated areas countries. In such a situation, you must leave an application to change the operator at the nearest office or communication salon of the provider.

Transferring a number from another operator to MTS

The MTS operator boasts high-quality communications, a developed roaming network and affordable tariff plans, including unlimited mobile Internet. On this moment The company has not yet implemented the ability to remotely change operators. To transfer your number under the management of MTS, you will need to personally visit the provider’s office and pay 100 rubles. for processing the transition. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Inform the office specialist of your intention to switch to the MTS tariff while maintaining your subscriber number and ask for help in drawing up an application for switching to service to a new provider. An MTS employee will definitely ask you to show your passport in order to confirm your ownership of the SIM card. If there is an urgent need to perform this procedure for a third party, the contractor must have a notarized power of attorney from the owner of the number, otherwise MTS will refuse to accept the number of another provider under its management.
  • If all formalities are met, the subscriber receives a SIM card with a temporary valid number MTS and the tariff plan it has chosen. When the transition procedure is completed, instead of a temporary SIM card will receive old number subscriber
  • Pay a fee for switching to MTS while maintaining the number (100 rubles) and wait a few days for the results of checking the data provided to the operator. Throughout the inspection, the applicant systematically receives SMS with information about the progress of the procedure, including messages about problematic and ambiguous issues that have arisen. Here, the subscriber may need clarification or perform certain actions, for example, repaying a debt to the old operator. Free consultations MTS specialists are available by calling 8 800 250 8 250.
  • A day before the transition, an SMS will be sent to the applicant’s phone with the exact date and time when the MTS SIM card will be assigned the number of another operator instead of a temporary number.

Switch to Beeline while maintaining your subscriber number

Beeline is always happy to offer its users competent technical support, profitable promotions and tariff plans. In terms of ease of transition without changing the number, Beeline occupies an intermediate place between Megafon and MTS. The subscriber can leave an online application on the provider’s website to transfer the number under Beeline’s management, but will still be forced to visit the nearest office of the company to complete the ongoing transfer procedure, the cost of which will be 100 rubles.

In order to change the operator to Beeline with number portability, you will need the following steps:

  • Go to a Beeline office or communication salon and express your desire to become a subscriber of the company on the terms of porting your old number. Confirm that the SIM card is registered in your name by providing your passport and follow the instructions of the office employee regarding filling out the application for transfer.
  • Select the optimal tariff, pay 100 rubles. for the service and get a new Beeline SIM card. In accordance with current legislation The maximum period for completing the procedure for changing the operator while maintaining the number should not exceed 8 days. This strict requirement is valid only for the operator. The subscriber may not adhere to it and express a wish in writing for more long period transition.
  • After completing all the formalities, the applicant remains to wait for the completion of the verification procedure, the status of which is constantly informed by SMS messages from the operator. The day before the number is transferred, the applicant will receive an SMS asking him to install a SIM card in his mobile device.

Let us remind you once again that you can change the operator only in the region where the SIM card is registered.

Switch to Tele2 while maintaining the number

Tele2 provider offers users low price tariff plans, high-quality communications and an ever-increasing coverage area. It is not surprising that, having such important advantages, the company is seamlessly expanding its customer base, including through subscribers of other operators.

To switch from another provider to Tele2 while maintaining the number, the following organizational measures are being implemented:

  • Make a visit to the Tele2 office, present your passport to confirm your rights to a SIM card from another operator and express your wish to transfer the number under the management of Tele2.
  • With the help of an office employee, fill out an application to change the provider while maintaining the current number.
  • Sign the contract, pay the cost of the transition service (100 rubles) and receive a Tele2 SIM card, which will be assigned the old subscriber number.
  • The time for checking the data provided by the applicant and the number porting procedure itself cannot exceed 8 days from the date of submission of the application. At the same time, the subscriber has the opportunity to delay the date of Tele2 accepting the number of another operator under his control.
  • The day before the transfer, the applicant will receive an SMS message indicating the exact time of number transfer and detailed instructions further actions.

In order to mitigate the risks of problems when changing operators in advance, you need to take care of repaying all debts to the current provider.

Changing operator to Yota while maintaining number

Operator cellular network Yota provides its customers with roaming-free space throughout Russia, available mobile communications and unlimited high-speed Internet. More and more subscribers of other providers are expressing a desire to switch to Yota and port their old number.

To switch to Yota while saving your number, you must complete the following steps:

  • Visit the provider's office or communication salon. To confirm your legal right to own a SIM card, you will need to provide a passport. The best option can be considered the existence of an agreement with the operator used.
  • With the help of an Yota employee, fill out an application for connection, pay for the transition services (100 rubles) and receive new SIM card.
  • Within 4 days after submitting the application, find out all the issues with possible debt to the old provider. If there is one, be sure to pay it off.
  • The transition period regulated by law does not exceed 8 days. The day before the due date, the applicant will receive an SMS with exact time number transfer. It is from this moment that the user becomes a full-fledged Yota client while retaining the old subscriber phone number.
  • Choose the one you need tariff plan and services using the functionality of the Iota mobile application.

Draw your attention to! Yota is a subsidiary brand of Megafon and in the same way provides the possibility of remotely changing the operator, using the official mobile app Yota. New SIM card can be obtained from the provider's office or by free shipping to the specified address.

Hidden difficulties of changing operator while keeping your number

Unfortunately, changing an operator and porting a number does not always go smoothly. The first inconveniences and problems often come from the current provider, who should not influence the subscriber’s choice, but, nevertheless, persistently suggests “thinking everything over and not moving anywhere.” Therefore, you should not tell anyone anywhere about your intentions to switch to another operator. Even if you need to make changes to the contract or get updated financial information, it is necessary to refer to more prosaic and everyday reasons.

The transition period after submitting an application to a new operator can be up to 8 days or even longer if the applicant himself wishes it. It is important to understand that during this time a comprehensive check of the subscriber is carried out. If during the transition period there is even a short-term small debt on the balance sheet, an automatic refusal to port the number may follow. And everything will have to start all over again, right up to writing the application.

After receiving an SMS message about the exact transition time, serious communication problems often arise. The situation can be described as follows: the old SIM card can no longer work normally, but the new one still cannot.

  • There is no need to panic and try to contact a new provider if the new SIM card does not work after the appointed transition time, you just need to be patient. After a few hours, the connection will appear and the number will begin to work normally.

Well, the last unpleasant moment is associated with the inconvenience of replenishing the balance on the transferred number in the first days or weeks after the transition. Very often, to do this financial transaction, you will need to pay a visit to the operator’s communication salon.


As you can see, changing the operator while keeping the number is a fairly standard, inexpensive and easy procedure. An established mechanism for changing operators allows all issues to be resolved within 15-20 minutes of being in the office of the new provider. But the applicant, in turn, should not complicate the procedure by first paying off all debts and choosing the office of a new operator in his home region to submit the application.

The issue of “mobile slavery” became acutely felt precisely in last years and months. Previously due to unpopularity mobile communication this issue was not discussed, now cellular telephone- an integral part in life modern man. However, once connected to to a specific operator, we stay with him even on unfavorable terms for us, because we don’t know how to change the operator cellular communications. And all because of the notorious number, on which everything rests, because relatives, friends, colleagues, and clients know it by heart. What to do in this situation? How to change operator while keeping the number?

Changes in Russia

Previously, it was not possible to change the telecom operator while keeping the phone number. The changes came into force only in December 2013. And today this is the right of every user. However, each operator sets its own conditions for such a transition. It doesn’t hurt to sort through them and find out what’s what.

Let's start with Beeline

So, how to change operator while keeping the number? The Beeline company will gladly welcome everyone who has decided to switch to it from another operator. However, you will have to pay 100 rubles one-time. These funds will be debited from your account within the first three days of using the network. And now how to do it:

Not without conditions

Here, as in any other controversial case, there are conditions. For example, did you know that transferring to another operator still won’t work? Just as it won’t work to leave your old number if you previously lived in another region Russian Federation. Here are a few more conditions that you need to know about in advance:

  1. Only its owner can transfer a number, or someone who can do so if they have the appropriate documents.
  2. You cannot change the operator while keeping your number if your number is blocked.
  3. Your balance with another operator must be positive or at least not negative. Your data that you left with the previous operator must be current. If you got married and changed your last name, then you first need to provide documents about this to your operator so that he makes the changes, and then go to a new one.
  4. At the moment of the transition, your outgoing communications may be blocked for up to half an hour, and text messages and incoming calls may not be available during the 6 hour time slot.

Contact MTS

The procedure for porting a number is identical for each operator, and the cost is the same everywhere. However, the MTS company clarifies that you can use a temporary number from the first minute you receive it in your hands. The SIM card will not yet have the number you want, but you can already evaluate the work of the new operator. Exactly one day before connecting to this temporary number you will receive a text notification that the next day on specified time you can insert the card into any device and use it for its intended purpose. You won’t have to visit the company’s office twice, because new number will be registered automatically. As for the conditions, they are similar to Beeline. Moreover, since last change communication operator must pass at least two months. If at least one condition is violated, the company has the right to refuse you. As for tariffs, MTS has its own laws:

  • Initially, everyone is given a SIM card with the tariff " Super MTS" The same tariff will remain after the number is transferred. To prevent this from happening, you can indicate the selected tariff in your application at the time of submission.
  • If at the time of writing your tariff application you were undecided or changed your mind while waiting, then you can easily change it by any in an accessible way. For example, via Personal Area on the operator's website.
  • Don't forget that some plans require an advance payment. Make sure that a certain amount is in your balance on the day of the transition.

Finally, Megafon

Another large operator is ready to accept a new client on similar terms. However, there are still some differences:

  1. Payment for number porting of 100 rubles must be made on the day of writing the application. Moreover, if you are denied a transfer, it will not be returned.
  2. Since last transition more than 70 days must pass.
  3. Funds that remain in the account with the previous operator cannot be transferred.

Otherwise, the conditions are the same: there should be no debts, only the owner writes the application - and so on. That’s the whole answer to the question of how to change the operator while keeping the number.

If you are refused

There are times when an operator is forced to refuse his new client, even though it is unprofitable for him. This can happen if at least one condition is not met. For example, if there is a debt on the account or your data does not match. In all these cases, the problem is easily solved. You just need to eliminate the reason why the new operator is refusing you. Pay off the debt, visit the office of the previous operator so that he unblocks your number, present documents with your new data. After this, you will need to contact the office of the new operator again.


Long live room freedom! Now you know how to change the operator, keeping the number, and you can always choose the best one convenient tariff and the best quality of communication and service.