"Fingers" monument. Changing privacy settings

The Maritime Museum is a small museum dedicated to marine life, fauna and the history of Caribbean pirates located on the Atlantic coast of Uruguay.

The Maritime Museum is an attempt to combine the main trends of the maritime town of Latin America. Here you can see a significant collection of marine mollusks and shells, housed in decorated rooms and illuminated by artificial light. In another room there are wax figures of famous pirates, next to which there are plaques with a biography of these robbers who kept the continent in fear for several centuries. Also in the museum you can learn about the history of the Uruguayan coast and see the skeletons of the largest mammals that lived in the waters of the Atlantic.

Coordinates: -34.91366600,-54.85417800

Lobos Island

Lobos Island is located 12 kilometers south of Punta del Este. Today the site is a nature reserve, home to the largest population of southern sea lions on the continent.

Lobos was discovered by Spanish sailors in 1516. The small island, whose area does not exceed 40 hectares, was an important navigation point during sailing along the coast of Uruguay. In 1910, the country's first automated lighthouse was built here.

Unique natural conditions and isolation from the big world have allowed unique colonies of marine mammals to survive. The island is part of Uruguay's national park and is home to 180,000 sea lions.

Coordinates: -35.05025700,-54.87418800

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Santa Teresa National Park

Located in close proximity to the Atlantic coast, the Santa Teresa National Park is famous for the beauty and richness of its flora and fauna. Being a fairly large area of ​​almost wild nature, picturesque and calm, the park combines several landscapes at once: expressive authentic sandy beaches, natural forests, a lake, etc. To preserve fauna and flora, an animal reserve and several greenhouses for plants have been established here. By the way, the diversity of local flora and fauna is impressive: in the forest, for example, there are about 2 million plant species - local and imported from other regions.

The park also houses the colonial fortress of Santa Teresa, preserved from the 18th century. Entrance to the territory is paid, for an additional fee it is possible to stay with a tent. The park is a very popular place, especially during the warm season.

Coordinates: -34.00386200,-53.55116800

The Rally Museum is located in the center of Punta del Este and is dedicated to contemporary art from South America. The museum is located in a huge building surrounded by a park, which is also part of the exhibition.

The Rally Museum was founded in 1988 with funds from Uruguayan philanthropist Harry Recanati. The founding of the museum in Uruguay and its popularity led to the expansion of the Recanati family's museum network and the opening of museums in Chile, Israel and Spain.

In Punta del Este, the Rally Museum is housed in a large mansion with a courtyard and park, which houses works by contemporary South American sculptors, as well as several works by Salvador Dali. The picturesque part of the exhibition is represented by works of postmodernists and surrealists.

Entrance to the museum is free, and photography is also free. The creators of the museum consider their main mission to be the popularization of national art in the world, so everything in the museum is aimed at introducing the maximum number of visitors to contemporary South American art.

Coordinates: -34.92997600,-54.92674800

Casapueblo House

Casapueblo is a magnificent house built by Uruguayan artist Carlos Paez Vilar on the shore of a bay 12 kilometers from Punta del Este.

Casapueblo is one of the symbols of Uruguay. The house, built in a bizarre style, combining elements of various architectural schools, rises above the coast in the form of a huge snow-white rock. The abstract artist created this monument on his own in the mid-sixties of the 20th century, dedicating it to the people of Uruguay.

Today, this building houses an Art Gallery, a museum, and a hotel.

Coordinates: -34.90864000,-55.04476000

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More attractions of Punta del Este

Various media outlets have written and continue to write about such megalithic evidence of past times as the British Stonehenge, the Lebanese Baalbek, the idols of Easter Island, not to mention the Egyptian pyramids.

Moreover, the debate about the origin and purpose of these ancient monuments continues to this day. However, on our planet there are many other, much less famous, but no less ancient and mysterious structures.

Crow Indian Steering Wheel

In the state of Wyoming (USA), at the foot of the Big Horn Mountains, on a grassy plateau lies a huge “steering wheel” with a diameter of about 25 meters. It is laid out from large stone blocks and smaller stones, in the center there is a “hub” in the form of a mound with a diameter of 3.5 meters, from which 28 spokes radiate to the rim, and on the outside there are six small rounded tubercles about 70 centimeters high along the circumference. The Indians call this structure a “magic wheel”, as well as a “healing” and “life-preserving” one.

Archaeologists estimate the age of the curiosity to be several thousand years. The elders of the Crow Indian tribe living in this area say that when their ancestors came to these lands in time immemorial, the wheel was already here.

The Indians also claim that their forefathers built this stone wheel in memory of the wheel that descended from the sky with messengers from the Sun, and also so that the heavenly aliens could easily discover the old landing site when they returned to Earth. An ancient legend describes these events as follows:

“Many moons ago, in the time of our distant ancestors, a huge wheel came down from heaven to earth. Dazzling flames burst from its sides, and stars sparkled at its top. And when it descended on the Sacred Mountain, the roar of a hurricane wind was heard. The people were seized with fear, and they all ran away from the village. Then, with the speed of a frightened bird, the wheel soared up and disappeared from sight. No one ever saw him again.

And the people, returning to their wigwams, made a semblance of that wheel from stones where it touched the ground. After this, from generation to generation, shamans told how Matatu Bakana descended from the sky to Earth, and how then, by the grace of the gods, for many moons the hunt was extremely successful and the harvests were abundant.”

A universal symbol in the ancient world?

Similar legends have been preserved among other peoples on different continents. The names of the gods (that is, space aliens) change, but they all fly through the sky in “carts”, “boats” or “arks” that make thunder and spew fire. Once upon a time, one of these gods, Bep-Kororoti, descended from the sky in a fiery chariot and found himself among a tribe living on the banks of the Amazon. His entire body was hidden under outlandish clothing - a spacesuit. Since that time immemorial, the shamans of this tribe have worn cult robes in the form of spacesuits woven from reeds.

Structures similar to the “magic wheel” from Wyoming have been discovered in other places, for example, in Canada (near the city of Suffield) and in Japan. And each of these wheels has exactly 28 spokes.
Russian scientist and writer Alexander Kazantsev describes a bas-relief carved in the Iranian city of Bistun, at the crossroads of the caravan routes of ancient Persia. The bas-relief depicts King Darius, whom the supreme god Ahura Mazda helps “to comprehend the essence of being and truth.” God holds the same “steering wheel” in his hands.

The Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts in Honolulu, the capital of the state of Hawaii (USA), contains a drawing of a “steering wheel” descending to Earth in a cloud of fire. The drawing comes from the ancient Japanese state of Yamato, it is at least one and a half thousand years old. Similar images are known throughout almost all of Asia. They can be seen, for example, on ancient Korean ceramics.

Pictures of other worlds

What do these “wheels from heaven” really mean, the image of which has survived to this day in different parts of the globe in the form of bas-reliefs or stonework? It would be too simple to assume that these are just images of spacecraft that once visited Earth.
One of the main symbols of Buddhist mythology is the Wheel of Life, which is a graphic interpretation of human existence, an allegorical symbol of reincarnation, as well as the continuous circulation of all phenomena of our world.

How and why the Wheel of Life was created is reported in ancient Indian epics. The Buddha taught Ananda to create a wheel to represent that of his other disciple, Maudgalyayana. I saw it while visiting other worlds. These “other worlds” are defined there as extraterrestrial space. It is known that the treatises of Ancient India - the Mahabharata, Ramayana and some others, as well as Tibetan manuscripts contain surprisingly detailed descriptions of flying fire machines and air battles using missiles, as well as some devices that suggest combat lasers.

Who “sowed” life on Earth

English biophysicists and geneticists Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel, considering all existing theories about the origin of life on Earth unconvincing, developed the assumption made at the beginning of the 20th century by the Swedish scientist Vante Arrhenius (1859-1927), Nobel Prize laureate, about that. that life in outer space spreads through panspermia - the transfer of embryos in the form of spores, protected from external influences.

The British presented a hypothesis based on this version in 1971 at a conference in the Armenian city of Byurakan with its world-famous astrophysical observatory, then in 1975 at the International Astronautics Congress in Lisbon, and a year later in Yugoslavia Crikvenica. at the III Congress of the Society for the Study of Ancient Astronautics.

According to their hypothesis, the delivery of spores to Earth could be carried out on a spacecraft in a special container protected from hard X-ray radiation. And those who organized such “seeding” - no matter what you call them: gods or space aliens - could not choose for their goal anything other than nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), the most important elements of living matter, containing its biochemical code and directly involved in the transmission of hereditary and intellectual characteristics of the future organism.

Previously, it was Crick, together with another English biophysicist Maurice Wilkins and American biochemist James Watson, who deciphered the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proposed its structural model in the form of a double helix, for which they received the Nobel Prize in 1962.

The connection between ancient religions and modern science

So, in Buddhism, the Wheel of Life serves as a symbol of knowledge transmitted to people by God. There is a mention of him in the New Testament, in the Epistle of St. James. In the Christian religion, such a symbol became the cross, which, according to the apostles, is a holy sign from God.

But here's a sensation: in 1975, Polish professor Waclaw Gajewski published a graphic image of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule, which is an intermediate link between DNA and the resulting protein and is involved in the implementation of genetic information in the cells of all living organisms. This graphic “portrait” turned out to be an exact copy of various crosses, including Hutsul and Orthodox, with three circles - at the top and at the ends of the crossbar. Research shows that the “ancestor” of all these crosses is a pre-Christian ancient Egyptian cross called the “ankh”. The word means “key of life.”

Similar Buddhist key. The wheel of life is divided inside into several parts by its spokes. And one of the oldest Christian crosses, originating from Egypt, the so-called cross of St. Pachomius, also looks like a circle, divided into four parts by two diameters intersecting at right angles.

It cannot be said that the Egyptian priests knew the secret of DNA and RNA, but this possibility cannot be categorically denied, given their incredibly deep knowledge in the fields of magic, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, and medicine.

Aliens on the third planet

For many centuries, in Asian countries and Europe there have been rumors that the Tibetan Sing-Nu monastery houses a “stone from the moon.” This stone was allegedly seen by the French missionary Dupart in 1725.
In 1952, an expedition of Soviet scientists headed to this Tibetan monastery.

The monks showed them a treatise on a pyramidal pagoda, in which the first level symbolized the era of people reaching the nearest planets (“Old Earth”), the second level – the development of these planets (“Middle Earth-”), the third – the development of star worlds (“New Earth”). The detailed descriptions of space travel contained in the treatise literally shocked scientists.

Having returned, the researchers prepared reports, which, with the approval of the Academy of Sciences, were read in Crikvenica, at the above-mentioned III Congress of the Society for the Study of Ancient Astronautics. The reports created a sensation. Subsequently, one of these scientists, Professor Zaitsev, published an article about stone circles found in the Tibetan mountain range of Bayan-Kara-Ula with texts reporting that about 12 thousand years ago intelligent beings arrived on the third planet of the solar system. Unable to return, they destroyed their spaceships and subsequently died at the hands of the natives.


In contact with

Sights of Punta del Este.

The tourist season begins in Uruguay from late November to May.

The swimming season lasts from mid-December to early March.

It is during the swimming season, or, as the locals call these months, temporado, that it is customary to spend your holidays in the resort town of Uruguay - Punta del Este.

What is there to see and do in Punta del Este?

Punta is an elite resort city. The city is very young, but very beautiful. A beautiful embankment, a picturesque port with yachts, a lot of hotels, shops, cafes and restaurants, everything you need for a good holiday.

In summer, Punta is a city of parties, glamorous parties, concerts and buffets.

Everything is expensive, pretentious and beautiful.

Punta is loved by various South American and world stars.

1. When visiting Punta, you should definitely take a photo with the background, they can be found on the beach "brava" (playa Brava)


The monument was created by the young sculptor Mario Irarrazabal in 1982

Commonly called fingers) (Los dedos

There are many versions about the symbolism of this monument. but the majority is inclined to believe that this is a monument to a drowning man because Brava beaches - beaches with high and dangerous waves. Which brave surf guys love so much.

The monument may not have a deep meaning, but it has long become a symbol of the city.

2. In Punta, you should definitely take a ride along the road created by Leonel Viera in 1965. A bridge separates Punta from the neighboring artist village of la Barra.

crooked bridge

First, one bridge was made, and then, everyone liked to ride on it, and a second one was made.

It’s very exciting to ride along it at a slightly higher speed and feel a piece of weightlessness.

3. Punta del Este - border city. the easternmost point of the cape - separates the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the waters of Rio del Plata (pio del plata)

(everything up to the cape is considered a river; everything further is the Atlantic Ocean)

In Punta del Este you can alternately swim in the waters of the river (playa mansa) and then in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean (playa brava)

4. Go to the island of cats Isla de Lobos

It is located very close to Punta and is home to the largest colony of fur seals in South America.

Tourist boats leave for the island daily from the port.

5. And of course, you must not forget to look at the fur seals, feed them freshly caught fish, which fishermen cut right next to their longboats and throw the remains into the water to the delight of huge seagulls and lazy seals.

Porto (puerto Punta del Este)

After feeding the cats, you must not forget to feed yourself.

You can have lunch right in the port at a fish restaurant or in any other place taste the most delicious Uruguayan meat and taste the Uruguayan tanat.

Well, if you have more time, then of course you should visit and) Look into (Museo Ralli)

The prestigious resort of Punta del Este is located, which has all the conditions for a luxurious beach and cultural holiday.

Geographical location and climate of Punta del Este

The city is located on the Atlantic coast, so it has an oceanic climate. The average annual precipitation is 1010 mm, and it rains in Punta del Este almost all year round. The average annual air temperature is 16.6°C with an absolute maximum in January and a minimum in July.

History of Punta del Este

Despite the fact that the Spaniards discovered this territory at the beginning of the 16th century, its colonization began only at the end of the 18th century. At that time, on the site of Punta del Este there were only sands and dunes. In 1896, colonist Antonio Lussich bought 1,800 hectares of uninhabited land, which he planted with eucalyptus, acacia, pine and shrub trees. Later they spread throughout the province.

The year of foundation of Punta del Este is considered to be 1907. It received city status on July 2, 1957.

Population of Punta del Este

As of 2011, the population of this is just over 9 thousand people. It is mainly inhabited by Argentines, Brazilians and Europeans. Residents of the Old World move to Punta del Este due to favorable climatic conditions and beneficial educational programs.

Attractions of Punta del Este

This tourist center is interesting because here ancient colonial architecture coexists with modern buildings. Punta del Este is attractive with its picturesque beaches, huge port, commercial galleries and craft markets. But still its main attractions are:

The objects, photos of which are presented below, have long become tourist destinations both for Punta del Este itself and for the whole of Uruguay.

Hotels in Punta del Este

This city is the largest tourist center in Uruguay. That is why there are a large number of people working in Punta del Este, and a well-developed rental housing market. Local tour operators most often recommend the following accommodation options:

  • Hotel Arenas, located 6 minutes walk from the beach;
  • boutique hotel Villa Toscana with its own tennis court, golf course and racetrack;
  • resort hotel Solanas, located a few kilometers from Curbelo International Airport;
  • Hotel Romimar, in the immediate vicinity of which is the Conrad Casino and the Church of Candelaria;
  • Hotel Jamaica, which features an outdoor pool, hot tubs and a gym.

For tourists who come to Punta del Este in a large group, it is better to rent an apartment or a house instead of a hotel. Local landlords often include their own barbecue, pool, gym and cleaning service as part of the package.

Punta del Este Restaurants

How to get to the city of Punta del Este?

From the CIS countries this Uruguayan city can only be reached through Europe. Buses leave from Montevideo every 30-40 minutes and take travelers to Punta del Este. In good road conditions the journey takes about an hour.

You can also get from the capital of Uruguay to Punta del Este by buses from the Copsa and Coutsa companies, which form at the Tres Cruces terminal. The fare is about $8.

One of the most popular resorts in Uruguay is Punta del Este. This is a very small city with white sandy beaches, luxurious villas and hotels, and impressive nature. Despite its small size, the city has many memorable places. There are historical buildings from colonial times, a unique sculpture house, the world-famous “Hand” monument and even an island with seals.

City between river and ocean

Punta del Este is located at the point where the La Plata River flows into the great waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is located on a peninsula, part of which extends forward with a long and narrow tongue. Its edge is the southernmost point of Uruguay.

Punta del Este is located in the department of Maldonado. The city belongs to the municipality of the same name, which also includes several offshore islands. It is located just five kilometers from the departmental center, the city of Maldonado, and approximately 140 kilometers from the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo.

The date of foundation of the city is considered to be 1907. However, the region was discovered much earlier. The Spaniards were the first to notice it while exploring the La Plata Strait. But at first they were not at all attracted to the deserted lands, practically devoid of vegetation. The region began to be developed only in the 18th century.

After armed skirmishes with the Portuguese, the Spaniards retook this corner for themselves. In the 19th century, Francisco Aguilar decided to develop the lifeless lands. He built a ceramics factory here, and, having become the governor of the region, initiated the construction of schools, religious and city institutions. Now all these buildings are considered landmarks of Punta del Este. In the 20th century, the city turned into a luxury resort, which continues to be popular today.

Climate and nature

The city is located in the subtropical zone. Due to the close location of the Atlantic, the climate here is mild oceanic with hot summers and cool but not frosty winters. The coldest time is in July, when the average temperature is 11-12 degrees. The hottest month is February, with an average temperature of 21 degrees.

The holiday season lasts from November to the end of March. At this time, there are many sunny days in Punta del Este, and the thermometer shows from 25 to 35 degrees. In April, rains come to the coast, but the ocean remains warm until June.

Eucalyptus, pines, acacias and other trees grow in the region, which can safely be called exotic for these places. Until 1896, there were none within the city or in Uruguay as a whole, when Antonio Lussich founded the botanical garden.

There was a large port in the city, and sailors brought plant seeds to Lussich from various parts of our planet. Over time, the trees began to spread on their own and adorned the former sand dunes.

Resort areas

The population of Punta del Este in Uruguay is 10 thousand inhabitants. Thanks to the flow of tourists in the summer, this number increases at least 50 times. The city has many hotels, first-class restaurants and nightclubs.

Local beaches are free and are divided into two types: river (Mansa) and ocean (Brava). The beaches near the river are golden, while the beaches near the ocean are of a higher grade with fine white sand. The most popular holiday destinations are El Tesoro, Bikini Beach, Montoya and Manantiales Beach.

The La Barra area is excellent for sailing, yachting and fishing. From December to January, its beaches often host parties and festivals. Surfers and windsurfers usually gather on the coasts, which are heavily blown by winds. Water sports are also practiced in the department's largest body of water, the Lagoon of Willows, located 15 kilometers from the city.

Sculpture "Hand" in Punta del Este

The sculpture by Chilean Mario Irarrazabal appeared in 1982, during the first international meeting of sculptors. The remaining monuments have long been removed from their sites, but Mario’s work was so liked by local residents that it has been decorating one of the beaches of Punta del Este in Uruguay for thirty years.

Fingers from the ground rise three meters in height. They seem to be breaking out of the thickness of the sand. They are made of steel and cement, covered with plastic on top. The sculpture is called differently: Monument to a Drowning Man, Birth of a Man, Fingers or Hand.

There are different interpretations of this work. According to one version, the sculpture is a warning to all bathers. The waters on this beach are very choppy and have claimed more than one life. According to another version, the monument symbolizes the presence of man in nature. A similar sculpture is located in the Atacame Desert called “Desert Hand”.


Punta del Este has its own special atmosphere. There is no coherent old center here, as, for example, in many European towns. Historical buildings are surrounded by modern buildings and private houses, not devoid of luxury and taste.

Within the city, the most famous attractions are the lighthouse and the Church of Candelaria with its orange tiled roof and blue walls. The lighthouse reaches 45 meters in height; to climb it you need to climb as many as 150 steps.

Thirteen kilometers from the city is Casabueblo, the home of the Uruguayan artist Carlos Vilaro, famous for its unusual appearance. This white cement building is reminiscent of the style of buildings on the Mediterranean island of Santorini.

The house was built without any plan. It arose from a small building, to which other parts were attached at different levels and from different sides. So, over the course of 36 years, it “spread” along the slope in the form of a huge labyrinth with many windows, arches and terraces. Now it houses a museum, art gallery, hotel and restaurant.

Lobos Island

The name of the attraction, Isla de Lobos, translates as “wolf island.” Only they were never here. In fact, this used to be the name given to seals and sea lions, of which there are huge numbers on the island near Punta del Este.

Lobos is a unique natural monument. Local animals, although they are the center of attention of tourists, feel great. They were once the object of fishing for the Uruguayans, but now you can’t even get close to them.

The size of the island covers only 0.4 square kilometers. There are no settlements on it, and all pleasure boats leave it in the evening. The only inhabitants of Lobos are seals, sea lions and birds, and killer whales and southern right whales can often be seen near the shores.

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