Installation and adjustment of petrov radio equipment. Methods for setting up and adjusting radio-electronic equipment

Lecture 5


During production and operation radio-electronic equipment(REA) to receive best quality When receiving and transmitting a signal, it is necessary to regulate a number of its indicators: tuning frequency, gain, bandwidth, etc. To carry out these adjustments, regulators are used in the RPU. Depending on the type of the adjustable parameter, there are: gain control, which can be carried out in the radio frequency and intermediate frequency paths, as well as in the post-detector part of the receiver; adjustment of the tuning frequency, ensuring reception of signals in a wide range of frequencies; adjustment of the bandwidth, which can be carried out in the radio frequency and intermediate frequency paths, as well as in the post-detector part of the receiving device. Cascades with electrically controlled transmission coefficient are used in the receiving units of all echo-pulse ultrasonic and hydroacoustic systems. In ultrasonic systems these cascades are used.

Adjustment can be manual or automatic. Manual adjustment is used to set the initial REA indicators. Automatic gain control (AGC), TAGC (temporary automatic gain control), BARU (high-speed AGC) maintain selected REA indicators at the required level. Some types of adjustments can be classified as mixed. In modern electronic equipment, microprocessors are widely used for adjustment, control and monitoring.


Methods for adjusting the gain of a resonant amplifier. Resonant gain of the amplifier according to the circuit in Fig. 13.1 is determined by the formula:

Ko = S Ke m 1 m 2 (5.26),

where m 1 and m 2 are inclusion factors; S is the slope of the transistor at the operating point; Ke is the equivalent resistance of the circuit at resonance, taking into account the shunting effect of the transistor output and the input of the subsequent cascade. Adjustment of Ko can be carried out by changing any value included in formula (5.26). When synthesizing control devices, a significant change in Ko from the control voltage Eper, a small regulation current, and a small dependence of changes in other parameters of the amplifier when changing Ko are required. The considered methods of changing the gain are applicable both for manual and for automatic adjustments. Adjustment by changing the slope. This adjustment is carried out by changing the mode electronic device, accordingly, such an adjustment of Ko is called regime adjustment. To change the slope S, it is necessary to change the bias voltage on the control electrode of the electronic device: voltage Ubeo in bipolar or voltage Uzio in field-effect transistors. A change in voltage Ubeo across the transistor causes a significant change in the bias voltage.

When the bias in a field-effect transistor changes, almost only the slope S changes, and in bipolar transistor also such parameters as h 11, h 22, etc. The regulating voltage Eper is supplied to the emitter circuit or to the base circuit of the transistor. The first type of adjustment diagram is shown in Fig. 13.1, a, bias voltage on the transistor UBeo = U0 - Ureg. As U per increases, the voltage Ubeo decreases, which entails a decrease in the current Iko and slope S, as a result of which the gain Ko decreases. The regulation circuit should provide a current approximately equal to Ieo. If regulated P cascades, then the control current Iper is equal to the sum of Iper n, therefore the control circuit must produce a relatively large current Iper, which is a disadvantage of the circuit in Fig. 13.1, a. The control circuits of the second type, in which the voltage Ureg is introduced into the base circuit, are free from this drawback (Fig. 13.1.6). According to Fig. 13.1.6 IBEO = Io - Ipeg, therefore the adjustment principle is the same in both cases. The advantage of adjustment according to the diagram in Fig. 13.1.6 is that the current I per, equal to current divider Idl = (5 - 10)IBO > many times less than the current Iper when adjusted according to the diagram in Fig. 13.1, i. However, the diagram in Fig. 13.1.6 is less stable in operation, since it does not have a resistor in the emitter circuit Ry. The inclusion of resistor Ry leads to a decrease in the efficiency of regulation, since it ensures stabilization of the mode not only when the temperature changes, but also when Eper changes. When turning on the resistor RE, to ensure the same depth of adjustment, it is necessary to apply a larger voltage value Eper.

Adjustment by changing Req.

This adjustment can be made different ways. In Fig. Figure 13.2 shows a judging circuit with a diode D connected in parallel to the circuit. When Ereg > Us, the diode is closed and the circuit practically does not shunt; at the same time Req and Ko are the greatest. When Eper< US диод открывается и его входное cсопротивление шунтирует контур. В этом случае Ry, а следовательно, Ко уменьшаются. Основной недостаток такого способа регулировки остоит в том, что при изменении Rэкв, меняется не только Ко, но и квивалентное затухание контура, а это вызывает изменение полосы пропускания усилителя.

Rice. 13.2 Fig. 13.3

However, when strong signal Some deterioration in selectivity is acceptable. Adjustment by changing m1 and Z. Idea this method adjustments are explained in Fig. 13.3. The voltage from the circuit is supplied to the divider Z1Z2, changing one of the resistances of which you can change the switching factor. The scheme for changing mi is similar. Coils with variable inductance or capacitors with variable capacitance can be used as resistances Z1 and Z2. However, this adjustment method is not used, since it is associated with a difficult to prevent detuning of the circuit that occurs when the resistances Z1 and Z2 change.

Attenuator adjustment.

With this adjustment method, an attenuator with a variable transmission coefficient is included between the amplifier stages. Adjustable dividers, capacitive dividers on varicaps, and bridge circuits are used. So, in Fig. 13.4, and shows the circuit of an adjustable attenuator using diodes D1 - D3. When | Eper I< V/o Диоды Д1 и Д2 открыты, а диод Д3 закрыт; при этом коэффициент передачи максимален. По мере уве­личения Ерег динамические сопротивления диодов Д1 и Д2 увеличи­ваются, а динамическое сопротивление диода Д3 уменьшается, а следо­вательно, уменьшается коэффициент передачи аттенюатора. На рис. 13.4,6 представлена схема делителя, в которой в качестве управляемого сопротивления применяют field-effect transistor; under the influence of Ereg, the resistance of the transistor channel changes. Attenuators based on pin diodes, which have a large resistance range and low capacitance, are widely used. In Fig. 13.4, c shows an attenuator circuit using pin diodes, the operation of which is controlled by changing the bias on the base of the transistor Ti using a resistor Rper. At zero control voltage, diodes D1 and D are closed, and Dz is open and the attenuator attenuation is minimal. At maximum voltage adjustment diodes D1 and DD are open, and Dz is closed and the attenuator attenuation is maximum.

Adjustment of Ko using adjustable OOS. This method of adjusting Ko, like attenuator adjustment, does not follow from formula (5.26). A typical scheme for changing Ko of a regulated environmental protection system is shown in Fig. 13.5, OOS in this case is introduced into the emitter circuit of the transistor. In amplifier stages, a capacitor C is usually included in parallel with R, large capacity to eliminate OOS. In the diagram of Fig. 13.5, the depth of the OOS can be adjusted by changing the capacitance of the capacitor Creg; blocking capacitor Cbl, used for separation by DC transistor regulation and power circuits. Varicap D is usually used as Creg. As Ereg increases, diode D closes more strongly, its capacitance Creg decreases, the OOS voltage increases, and the gain Co decreases.

(L1. pp. 186-191)

Adjustment of radio-electronic equipment is carried out in order to bring the parameters of products to values ​​that meet the requirements of technical specifications, GOSTs or samples accepted as the standard.

The main objectives of adjustment are to compensate for permissible deviations in the parameters of device elements, as well as to identify installation errors and other malfunctions.

Adjustment is made by two methods: using measuring instruments and comparing the device being adjusted with a sample, which is called electrical copying.

Before proceeding with adjustment work, it is necessary to study the device that is subject to adjustment, familiarize yourself with the technical conditions for it, the main output and intermediate parameter values, general view drawings and electrical diagrams. The regulator must know the conditions under which the equipment will be operated and the characteristics of the measuring equipment.

Proper organization of a traffic controller's workplace significantly affects the reduction of labor costs and improves the quality of regulatory work. For proper organization The technological adjustment process requires appropriate control and measuring equipment and tools. The accuracy of the measuring equipment used should exceed approximately 3 times specified accuracy settings. The equipment is adjusted using universal standard measuring and special factory instruments, which are various kinds of simulators, load equivalents, and control panels. Special devices for adjustment work, so-called non-standard devices, are aimed at minimizing the complexity of adjustment and reducing preparatory and final time. Therefore, they are manufactured specifically for each type of radio-electronic device.

A feature of the equipment of the controller’s workplace is that the complexity of standard and non-standard instrumentation often exceeds the complexity of the device being adjusted.

IN workplace controller for single and small-scale production includes a workbench, chair, rack.

The workbench should be comfortable and have sufficient strength and stability to prevent it from shaking or moving during work. Workbenches should be installed at a distance that ensures natural working conditions and the absence of mutual influence of devices installed on them. When a large number of measuring instruments are located in a room, measures must be taken to remove excess heat from workplaces and ensure normal temperature.

The composition of the workplace is determined by the complexity and design features of the adjustable device. The number of control and measuring instruments at the workplace should be the minimum necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation during the shift. The equipment at the workplace must be placed in such a way that it is convenient to use the adjustment controls. Periodically used devices must be in the field of view of the traffic controller in the same place.

The lighting of the workplace must be correct and sufficient; the required illumination is determined by current sanitary standards and the nature of the work performed. With natural and artificial lighting It is recommended to place workstations and light sources so that the light falls from the left or from the front. In the case of local lighting, the light should fall evenly, it should not dazzle the eyes, create glare on instrument scales, and not make it difficult to observe the light indicators; The shadow should not fall on the seats and controls. Flickering light is unacceptable, as it is tiresome for the eyes; the spectral composition of the light must comply with the recommendations of doctors and lighting engineers. If general lighting is insufficient, additional local lighting must be provided.

Minimum dimensions workbench 1200X900 mm, its height should be designed for a tall traffic controller. When working standing, stands of an appropriate design must be provided for shorter-statured traffic controllers. For sitting work, chairs with a seat rotating around a vertical axis, the height of which is adjusted using a screw device, should be used.

The workplace must meet electrical safety requirements. In particular, the place on the workbench where adjustments are made must be made of electrical insulating material. The likelihood of the adjuster touching grounded parts of the workbench during the adjustment process should be minimized. When working with high-voltage equipment, a rubber mat should be placed on the floor under the workbench. The workplace must provide for the possibility of de-energizing the equipment. The housings of measuring instruments must be reliably grounded with wires of the appropriate grades and cross-sections. Grounding wires should be positioned in such a way that the adjuster can see the entire wire from the device body to the place where it is grounded. The power hoses of the devices must be free of exposed wire sections and frayed insulation and must have plugs that protect the regulator from injury electric shock when inserting or removing them from the socket.

In Fig. Figure 2.1 shows one of the possible workplace designs. The structure is prefabricated and consists of standard elements. The angular shape of the workbench and the corresponding arrangement of the instruments expand the viewing angle to 180° and allow the adjuster to work in a more comfortable position than when the instruments are arranged in a line. The left side table contains a power supply with an automatic voltage regulator, and the right side contains drawers for storing tools and parts.

Rice. 2.1. Workplace of a radio-electronic equipment controller.

Availability top shelf mounted on brackets, makes it possible to place a larger number of measuring instruments at the workplace.

The selected form of the workbench allows for rational use of production space, while it is possible to arrange workplaces in “crosses” of four or in a line.

The complex work station of a traffic controller (Fig. 2.2) consists of a workbench-1, a rack-2 and a table-trolley 4. From these elements, a number of different layouts of the traffic controller’s workstations can be made. The layout option is selected depending on the dimensions of the controlled product, the number of measuring instruments used and the general layout of workplaces.

Rice. 2.2. Layout of the traffic controller's workplace from separate

functional elements.

The desktop (1200X^50X1200 mm) has a hanging cabinet with four drawers and a hanging power supply, which are interchangeable. The table has two pull-out shelves located on the left and right under the tabletop. For additional placement of measuring equipment on the table there is a folding shelf 3, mounted on vertical posts.

In the non-working position, working documentation can be attached to the shelf.

A trolley table (750X300X780 mm), equal in height to the work table, allows, if necessary, to increase the area of ​​the work table and can be used for delivering and moving instruments and equipment.

The rack is designed to accommodate equipment and is installed at the back or side of the table. The middle shelf of the rack is adjustable and can be installed at desktop height or in any other required position.

The desktop and rack have adjustable supports with rubber thrust bearings. All elements are made using parts of the universal prefabricated frame structures (USCC) system - a rectangular tubular profile and connecting angles. If necessary, the frames of working elements can be disassembled and used in other layouts.

S.r. Topic 1 Testing of electronic equipment

(G.V. Yarochkina. Electronic equipment and instruments. Installation and adjustment, pp. 191-194)

Topic 2 Operating conditions of radio-electronic equipment and instruments and the influence of various factors on the performance of radio equipment.

(G.V. Yarochkina. Radio-electronic equipment and instruments. Installation and adjustment. pp. 194-197)

TO category:

Production of radio equipment

Adjustment and output control of radio equipment

For normal operation radio equipment, it is necessary that the parameters of all its units, manufactured separately, correspond to the specified technical requirements. To do this, each block, before including it in working together with other blocks must undergo adjustment.

Adjustment consists in obtaining the specified parameters without changing the circuit and design; it is carried out using adjusting elements (variable resistors, variable capacitors, inductor cores, etc.).

To properly organize the adjustment process, appropriate measuring equipment and tools are required. The accuracy of the measuring equipment used must exceed the specified adjustment accuracy by approximately an order of magnitude.

The equipment is adjusted using universal measuring equipment and special factory equipment, which consists of various types of simulators, load equivalents, and control panels.

When working with blocks high frequency in some cases, adjustments are made in a shielded chamber, which helps eliminate industrial interference and interference from electromagnetic fields of powerful radio stations. The frame of the shielded chamber made of dry wood is mounted on insulators and covered on the inside and outside with two metal (red copper or brass) tinned meshes isolated from each other. The grids are tinned to obtain reliable electrical contact in places where individual wires are intertwined. A wooden floor is laid inside the chamber. The doors to enter the chamber are also covered with mesh on both sides and lined around the perimeter with a springy brass mesh, which creates electrical continuity when the doors are closed.

Inside the shielded chamber there is a work table with a set of necessary measuring equipment and plugs for turning on the power. The table is covered with a sheet of tinplate or aluminum 0.8-1 mm thick and connected to the common grounding point of the chamber.

Particularly responsible is the development of workplaces for equipment adjusters in factories. serial production. For example, the use of individual generators standard signals At each controller's workplace during mass production, it causes a number of inconveniences associated with spending extra time on rebuilding the generator. In addition, frequent adjustments of individual standard signal generators during the tuning process increase frequency setting errors. To avoid these disadvantages, use centralized supply standard frequencies from the quartz oscillator along high-frequency lines to the controllers’ workplaces located along the conveyor.

The main working tools of the adjuster are a special screwdriver made of durable electrical insulating material with a metal insert and a test stick.

A screwdriver made of electrically insulating material is used so that during the adjustment process you do not introduce additional capacitance into the device circuit and do not change the characteristics of the circuits by introducing metal inside the inductor. In addition, the screwdriver eliminates the possibility of accidental short circuits within the circuit and the regulator coming under high voltage.

The test stick is a fiber or ebonite bar, one end of which is equipped with a magnetodielectric rod, and the other has a brass or aluminum hollow cylinder. The wand is used to determine the relative accuracy of tuning the circuits to resonance.

When adjusting electronic equipment, the following basic safety rules should be followed:
— remember that voltage above 30 V is life-threatening; have a firm grasp of all high-voltage elements;
— be sure to place a rubber mat under your feet when working with live equipment;
- do not connect the blocking contacts of devices with artificial contacts;
— do not get into the irradiation zone when working with powerful microwave generators.

The average proportion of defects q’ in accepted lots is called the average output quality.

The highest possible average proportion of defects in an accepted batch with a given control is called the maximum average output quality.

Output control can be continuous or selective.

With continuous control, each unit of the batch is subject to inspection, and with selective control, a part of the product is checked, and based on the results obtained, the suitability of the entire submitted batch is judged.

The choice of output control method is determined mainly by the nature of the reasons leading to defects, the thoroughness of measures to prevent defects, etc.

The main stages of the simplest selective output control: extracting a sample from the batch; checking the products included in the sample; making decisions about the quality of the batch.

After sampling, three types of decisions are possible: accept the batch, continue testing (take one or more samples), reject the batch.

If a batch of products is rejected, it can be subjected to either a complete inspection, or completely withdrawn or returned to the contractor for sorting and correction.

An important circumstance during sampling control is the establishment of the number of products subject to control, as well as the rules on the basis of which a decision is made on the suitability of the batch. When a decision is made, the number of products found in a sample or several samples is compared with a certain limiting number established on the basis of a preliminary calculation, which is called the rejection number C, i.e., the batch is considered acceptable if C or less defective products are found in the sample. When the number of defective items is C -f 1 or more, the lot is rejected.

The fuel equipment repair area is designed to carry out repair work on units and parts of diesel fuel equipment, as well as diagnostics and adjustment work on the fuel supply system of vehicles. The site carries out dismantling, washing, repair work, assembly, control, adjustment and testing of power devices. To carry out the entire scope of work on the site, 2 people are required. The operating mode of the site is 1 shift.

Development of a general technological process

General technological process on the site is carried out in the following sequence. Vehicle fuel equipment units that require repairs are sent to the dismantling and washing department, where they are disassembled, washed and defective. In this case, parts suitable for further use are delivered to repair workstations, where they are first checked on special stands without disassembly. If the units meet the technical requirements, then the existing faults are eliminated during partial disassembly and adjusted. Rejected parts are stored in a waste bin.

At workplaces for repairing fuel equipment, units and components of power supply systems are assembled using new, usable (used) and restored parts delivered from repairs and from the warehouse. Repaired parts and assemblies are delivered to posts in the current repair zone or to an intermediate warehouse.

Features of maintenance and repair of fuel equipment

Diagnosis and adjustment work on the power system

The technical condition of the mechanisms and components of the engine power system significantly affects its power and efficiency, and, consequently, the dynamic qualities of the car.

Typical malfunctions of the power supply systems of a carburetor or diesel engine are: leakage of seals and leakage of fuel from fuel tanks, fuel wires, contamination of fuel and air filters.

The most common malfunctions of the power supply system of diesel engines are wear and mis-adjustment of the plunger pairs of the high-pressure pump and injectors, and loss of tightness of these units. It is also possible that the nozzle outlets may wear out, become coked, or become clogged. These malfunctions lead to a change in the starting point of fuel supply, uneven operation of the fuel pump in angle and amount of fuel supplied, and deterioration in the quality of fuel atomization by the nozzle.

As a result of these malfunctions, fuel consumption increases and the toxicity of exhaust gases increases.

Diagnostic signs of power system malfunctions are:

Difficulty starting the engine

increased fuel consumption under load,

· loss of engine power and overheating,

· change in composition and increase in toxicity of exhaust gases.

Diagnostics of diesel engine power supply systems is carried out using the methods of running and bench tests and assessing the condition of mechanisms and system components after their dismantling.

When diagnosing using the road test method, fuel consumption is determined when the vehicle is moving at a constant speed on a measured horizontal section (1 km) of a highway with low traffic intensity. To eliminate the influence of ascents and descents, a pendulum route is chosen, i.e. one on which the car moves to the final destination and returns along the same road. The amount of fuel consumed is measured using volumetric flow meters. Diagnosis of power systems can be carried out simultaneously with testing the traction qualities of the car on a stand with running drums.

Flow meters are used not only for diagnosing the power system, but also for training drivers to drive economically.

The toxicity of engine exhaust gases is checked at idle speed. For diesel engines, photometers (smoke meters) or special filters are used.

The smokiness of exhaust gases is assessed by the optical density of exhaust gases (GOST 21393--75), which is the amount of light absorbed by soot particles and other light-absorbing dispersed particles contained in gases. It is determined by the scale of the device. The basis of the device is a transparent glass tube, which is crossed by a light stream. The degree of light absorption depends on the smoke content of the gases.

The test gases are sampled using a gas sampler installed in a measuring pipe, which is connected through a receiver to the engine exhaust pipe. To increase the pressure in the measuring tube, it can be equipped with a damper if necessary.

Smoke measurement is carried out during maintenance after repair or adjustment of fuel equipment on a stationary vehicle in two modes of engine operation at idle. free acceleration(i.e. engine acceleration from minimum to maximum shaft speed) and maximum shaft speed. The exhaust gas temperature should not be below 70°C.

The smokiness of exhaust gases from Ural vehicles of their modifications in free acceleration mode should not exceed 40%, and at maximum speed 60%.

Diagnosing the power supply system of diesel engines includes checking the tightness of the system and the condition of the fuel and air filters, checking the fuel booster pump, as well as the high-pressure pump and injectors.

The tightness of the power supply system of a diesel engine is of particular importance. Thus, air leakage in the inlet part of the system (from the tank to the fuel priming pump) leads to malfunction of the fuel supply equipment, and the non-tightness of the part of the system under pressure (from the fuel priming pump to the injectors) causes leakage and excessive fuel consumption.

The inlet part of the fuel line is checked for leaks using a special tank device. Part of a highway; under pressure can be checked by pressure testing with a manual fuel priming pump or visually while the engine is running at idle speed.

The condition of fuel and air filters is checked visually.

The fuel priming pump and the high pressure pump are checked at the SDTA diesel fuel supply equipment stand. When tested and adjusted on a bench, a serviceable fuel priming pump must have a certain capacity at a given back pressure and pressure with a completely closed fuel channel (the bench capacity must be at least 2.2 l/min at a back pressure of 150 - 170 kPa and a pressure with a completely closed channel of 380 kPa). The high pressure fuel pump is checked for the start, uniformity and amount of fuel supplied to the engine cylinders. To determine the start of fuel supply, momentoscopes are used - glass tubes with an internal diameter of 1.5 - 2.0 mm, installed on the outlet fitting of the pump, and a graduated disk (limb), which is attached to the pump shaft. When the shaft rotates, the pump sections supply fuel to the momentoscope tubes. The moment the fuel begins to move in the tube of the first cylinder is recorded using a graduated disk. This position is taken as 0° - the starting point. Fuel is supplied to subsequent cylinders through certain shaft rotation angles in accordance with the operating order of the engine cylinders. For the 740 engine of the Ural car, the operating order of the cylinders is 1 - 5 - 4 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 8, fuel supply to the fifth cylinder (pump section 8) should occur through 45°, to the fourth ( section 4) - 90°, in the second (section 5) - 135°, in the sixth (section 7) - 180°, in the third (section 3) - 225°, in the seventh (section 6). -- 270° and the eighth (section 2) -- 315°. In this case, the inaccuracy of the interval between the start of fuel supply of each section relative to the first is allowed to be no more than 0.5°.

The amount of fuel supplied to the cylinder by each section of the pump when tested on a stand is determined using sulfur beakers. To do this, the pump is installed on a stand and the pump chamber is driven into rotation by an electric motor of the stand. 1 test is carried out together with a set of serviceable and adjusted nozzles, which are connected to the pump sections by high-pressure pipelines of the same length (600±2 mm). The cyclic supply value (the amount of fuel supplied by the section during one stroke of the plunger) for the 740 Ural engine should be 72.5-75.0 mm3/cycle. The unevenness of fuel supply by pump sections should not exceed 5%.

Diesel engine injectors are checked at the NIIAT-1609 stand for leaks, needle lift pressure and quality of fuel atomization. The stand consists of a fuel tank, a section of a high-pressure fuel pump and a pressure gauge with a measurement range of up to 40 MPa. The plunger of the pump section is driven manually using a lever. To check the nozzle for leaks, tighten its adjusting screw, after which, using the pump section of the stand, a pressure of up to 30 MPa is created in it and the time of pressure drop from 30.0 to 23.0 MPa is determined. The pressure drop time for worn injectors should not be less than 5 s. For injectors with a new atomizer it is at least 20 s. Using the same device, the pressure at which the injector needle begins to rise is checked. To do this, increase the pressure in the injector installed on the stand using the pump section of the device and determine its value corresponding to the start of fuel injection. For 740 Ural engines, fuel injection should begin at 17.6 MPa

With the engine running, the needle lift pressure can be determined using a maximeter, which is similar in principle to an injector, but the adjusting nut has a micrometric device with a vernier scale that allows you to accurately record the needle lift pressure. This device is installed between the high pressure fuel pump section and the injector being tested. By achieving simultaneous fuel injection by the nozzle and the maximeter, the position of the micrometric device determines at what pressure it occurs.

The quality of fuel atomization by the nozzle is also checked using the NIIAT-1609 device. The fuel emerging from the nozzle nozzles should be atomized to a mist-like state and distributed evenly throughout the entire spray cone.

A promising method for diagnosing diesel fuel equipment is to measure the fuel pressure and vibroacoustic pulse in the parts of the fuel supply system. To measure pressure, a pressure sensor is installed between the high-pressure pipe and the injector of the diesel power system. To measure vibration pulses, a corresponding vibration sensor is mounted on the edge of the pressure nut of the high-pressure tube. The oscillograms obtained from serviceable and faulty sets of fuel equipment differ (mainly in amplitudes). Comparison of oscillograms is carried out by estimating their amplitude-phase parameters. A visual comparison is also possible.

The oscillographic method allows you to evaluate: advance angles, start of feed, injection, technical condition of injectors, discharge valve and automatic injection advance clutch. It should be noted that measuring changes in pressure, although highly informative and accurate, is less suitable under operating conditions than the vibration method due to its low technology (disassembly is required). The method of diagnosing fuel equipment based on vibration parameters is more universal, technologically advanced (does not require disassembly) and quite informative.

Reliability of determination technical condition fuel equipment at least 90%. The complexity of diagnosing one set of equipment is about 0.3 hours.