Mobile menu jquery. Different regular and mobile menus in WordPress, wp_is_mobile function, WP Responsive Menu plugin

Shifter is a JQuery plugin for simple sliding mobile navigation. Shifter works by checking target elements in the DOM and binding events on them.

SlickNav SlickNav is a responsive mobile menu plugin for jQuery with features like multi-level menu support, compatibility with different browsers, flexible, simple markup and degrades gracefully without JavaScript.

Menutron Menutron converts your navigation menus from a list to a selection menu when you resize your browser. On mobile devices The select menu pulls up its own control, making it easier to select an item.

Responsive and touch menu Tutorial for creating responsive and touch friendly dropdown navigation. The technique consists of 3 main parts, which Easy navigation drop-down on HTML based and CSS, implementing Responsiveness using media queries and making them available for touch screen devices using a super tiny jQuery plugin.

jQuery.mmenu MMENU is a jQuery plugin for creating sleek, app-lookalike sliding menus for you mobile website or responsive site.

Navobile JQuery Navobile is a jQuery plugin that makes mobile navigation easy. Navobile uses CSS to apply CSS3 translations, mobile device detection and navigation position fixing.

FlexNav FlexNav is a mobile-first example of using media queries and having a nice multi-level menu with touch support, hover opens, and tab keyboard accessibility.

Responsive Retina-Ready menu Adaptive menu with three layouts for various sizes browser. The menu automatically changes to one of three different layouts depending on the size of the browser window: a "desktop" inline version, a two-column tablet optimized version, and a mobile version with a menu link to show and hide navigation for small screens. A font is used as icons to avoid blurring when different resolutions.

slimMenu slimMenu is a lightweight JQuery plugin that is made to create fast and multi-level menus navigation on fly.With slimMenu, you will no longer struggle with media requests to create responsive menus, or any other heavy plugins to create multi-level submenus. It is 100% mobile responsive.

Horizontal slide-out menu A simple, horizontal slide menu with a thumbnail grid layout, like for a submenu. The menu slides out from the top when a main menu item is clicked and sub-items disappear in. Once another item is clicked, the submenu's height will adjust and content will fade in and out when switched.

Currently jQuery time Navigation menus are more than just blocks of text with links in them. In I shared how you can use JQuery and CSS3 to create a navigation menu that looks really cool.

Using the power of JQuery, we can turn the navigation menu into dynamic menu. Although now to create dynamic navigation You can only use CSS3, JQuery makes the menu even more functional.

Besides dynamic functions, design also plays an important role. If only because this is what visitors see first when they come to your site.

If the menu is unpresentable, it will give users a poor user experience. Good design the menu, in turn, will increase the quality of your site and give best experience user interactions.

Today I present to you 30 great jQuery examples navigation menu.


Pushy is a responsive, non-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms and transitions. It works great on mobile devices. Be sure to watch the demo and you will definitely like it.

Demo | Download

2. Slinky

This is another great jQuery menu for creating beautiful scrollable navigation lists. His distinctive feature is the small size of the source files.

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3. jQuery Pop Menu

This is a simple responsive popup menu with very interesting features. When you click on the menu icon, a menu window with element icons pops up. Check out the demo.

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4. Slidebars

Slidebars is a JQuery framework for quickly and easily implementing application styles without being tied to a canvas. Slidebars also handles orientation changes and resizing.

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5. jQuery Square Menu

JQuery Menu, which displays a square animated website menu using JQuery and CSS3. Make sure of this by watching the demo.

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6. Perspective Page View Navigation

This jQuery navigation menu turns a page into a 3D menu. The idea is to create a design mobile application, in which when you click on the menu icon, the contents of the page are shifted to the side, and the menu is brought to the foreground.

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7. SlickNav

Plugin for creating a responsive mobile jQuery menu with several levels and flexible but simple settings. Compatible with different browsers, navigation using the keyboard is possible.

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8. Menu

jQuery menu for applications with and without binding to the canvas with pop-up sub-items. Thanks to numerous options, add-ons and extensions, it is possible to flexible setup menu.

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9. Sidr

jQuery plugin for creating menus and simple addition adaptive functions. With Sidr you can create various elements your website, as well as adaptive menus.

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10. slimMenu

slimMenu is a small jQuery plugin that will help you develop responsive, multi-level navigation menus. What's cool about it is that you can have several different menus and they will all be completely responsive.

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jQuery navigation menu, which allows you to set a horizontal menu across the entire width of the container. This plugin makes it very easy. In addition, support for IE7 can be implemented.

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This is a mobile-first example of using media queries and JavaScript to create a great multi-level menu with support touch screens, hover effects and keyboard navigation.

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13. jQuery Menu-Aim

jQuery menu that fires events when the mouse hovers over a drop-down menu item. Ideal for creating responsive dropdown menus like Amazon's.

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14. SmartMenus

A jQuery menu plugin that offers a simple and intuitive way to display menus. Creates responsive menu lists. Works on all devices!

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15. Shifter

Shifter is an easy to use mobile-first jQuery plugin for creating slide menus that slide out from the right side when you click on the switch button. There is only one maxWidth option to configure. It allows you to adjust the resolution/orientation for mobile devices.

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Hamburger is a jQuery plugin for creating slide menus in the style Android App, in which a pop-up menu is located on the right edge of the screen. When opening the menu in full size, it overlaps the content area but not the action bar.

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17. Focucss

Focucss is a jQuery navigation menu that creates a non-canvas sidebar menu with cool blurring features that can help you draw users' attention to the main sections of the site and make less noticeable sections less noticeable.

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18. Drawer

Drawer is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, animated menu that pops out from the side of the screen when clicked. You might have seen similar functions in Android applications.

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Datmenu - premium jQuery responsive menu With various functions CSS3 animations. What's great about this plugin is the ability to full customization using js options.

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20. jPanelMenu

jPanelMenu is a beautiful and modern jQuery menu that allows you to create a panel navigation menu with CSS3 animation transition features. jPanelMenu style resembles mobile ones Facebook versions and Google. The plugin can be used for a variety of mobile applications.

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21. Fly Side Menu

Fly Side Menu is a cool navigation menu plugin that uses CSS3 to create a side menu with 3D transformations and transitions.

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22. PageScroll jQuery Menu Plugin

PageScroll is a custom mobile jQuery menu recommended for use on any website as well as landing pages.

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23.DD Icon Menu

DD Icon Menu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create vertical menu icons located on the edge of the screen with menu sub-items that expand when hovered over.

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24. JQuery Mobile Date Navigation

jQuery menu that allows you to navigate by dates in a selected range (week, month or year). Ideal for requesting information using AJAX calls.

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25. Navobile

jQuery navigation menu plugin that makes it very easy to create mobile menus. Uses CSS transitions to set the menu position on mobile devices.

Demo | Download

26. Multi-Level Push Menu

Multi-Level Push Menu is a Javascript library created by MARY LOU from Codrops. It creates multi-level menus that slide out from the left side of the screen and shift content to the right.

Demo | Download

One of the areas that requires special attention when developing interface design for a mobile device is navigation menu. If the site has many sections or pages, special skill is required to accommodate all the items in a small screen resolution. Very often, navigation turns into a bunch of lines or a bunch of buttons piled on top of each other. In this lesson we will look at one of the ways to create navigation with using jQuery.


The screenshots below show situations with templates on mobile device screens. If the navigation has 3 or 4 buttons, then its location will be saved in one line. But when the menu contains 6 or more items, it becomes an ugly pile.


One common way is to convert the navigation to a dropdown based on the select element. This solution has the disadvantage that the select element cannot be styled with using CSS. Javascript plugins, like Chosen, allow you to modify the menu, or you will have to settle for system styles for the dropdown list. The user may also be confused when the widescreen version of the menu structure transforms into a drop-down list on a mobile device.

2) Output as a block

Another popular way is to form menu items as block elements with items arranged vertically. However, this approach takes large space in the title. If the navigation contains many buttons, then the user will have to scroll through a long list to get to the information.

3) Menu icon

AND last method which we will cover in our tutorial is using the menu icon to enable navigation. This approach saves space on the page (which is important for a mobile device) and gives full control over the appearance using CSS. The menu icon and the navigation itself can be presented in accordance with the general style of the site.

Mobile navigation enabled using jQuery

In this tutorial we will show you how to create navigation for the small screen. jQuery will be used to prepare the menu icon and enable navigation. None additional tags No HTML is required for navigation to work.

For our menu we will use simple structure:

The menu requires JavaScript code. The function prepares the element in the . When a visitor clicks on the #menu-icon element, the navigation slides out.

jQuery(document).ready(function($)( /* Prepare the menu icon */ $("#nav-wrap").prepend("Menu"); /* Enable navigation */ $("#menu-icon" ).on("click", function())( $("#nav").slideToggle(); $(this).toggleClass("active"); )); ));

As a result of the script, the structure of the document will change:


Our demo uses fairly simple CSS code. Key moment is presented in the figure below. The #menu-icon element initially has the display:none property. Uses a media query to change #menu-icon to display:block if the viewport width is less than 600px.

The result will be navigation with the presented functionality:

While working on one, I had a situation where the main horizontal page contained about two dozen links. On the site they can easily be arranged in the form of drop-down lists, but in mobile version all this accumulated in one block. This element looks “cluttered” and is likely to make it difficult for some users to navigate.

One way out of the situation is to create an alternative mobile menu in WordPress, which would have a simplified appearance and contain only links to the main sections. This can be done using some modules or the wp_is_mobile function. Let's consider all the options:

wp_is_mobile function

The conditional operator checks whether a person is visiting your site from a mobile device and returns True or False. Its syntax is as follows:

if (wp_is_mobile()) ( /* Information for mobile devices is displayed */ ) else ( /* Otherwise - info for a regular site */ )

The function works by determining the value of the User Agent line in the visitor’s browser - $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’] (for example, Mobile, Kindle, Android, BlackBerry, Opera Mini, etc.). However, it does not transmit data about screen sizes or device name - only True / False.

In Wodpress wp_is_mobile is not used to select/set styles adaptive design. It only defines elements of a web project that should be displayed exclusively on mobile devices, regardless of screen size - corresponding classes, viewport, scripts touch display and so on.

Attention! The function has 2 nuances:

  • If someone decides to change the User Agent value, the system will not be able to recognize it.
  • When you have caching enabled, the information is not updated every time, so you get the same result over and over again, and the solution becomes useless (this may cause you to reset your browser cache every time to view the mobile version through the developer tools).
  • And if the first situation occurs quite rarely, then it doesn’t work out very well (on visited sites you can’t do without it).

    Algorithm for creating an alternative mobile menu

    1. First of all, go to the admin section “ Appearance" - "Menu". Here you need different ones for each version, for example:

    • top-mobile-menu - option for mobile devices;
    • top-pc-menu - for the regular desktop version.
    if ( wp_is_mobile() ) ( wp_nav_menu( array ( "menu" => "top-mobile-menu" ) ) ; ) else ( wp_nav_menu( array ( "menu" => "top-pc-menu" ) ) ; )

    if (wp_is_mobile()) ( wp_nav_menu(array("menu" => "top-mobile-menu")); ) else ( wp_nav_menu(array("menu" => "top-pc-menu")); )

    The code in your layout may be slightly different due to additional parameters. The essence of the method is to display the option as a WordPress mobile menu top-mobile-menu, for normal - top-pc-menu(substitute your names if necessary).

    After implementation, you check the operation of navigation on smartphones/tablets. As I said above, the wp_is_mobile function determines the User Agent, so it is advisable to access the site from a phone; the option with the Ctrl+Shift+I developer panel may be buggy.

    If you don’t have time to deal with , there is always a suitable module. There are several options, but we will only consider the one that is needed for the current task - displaying different WordPress menus in the mobile and desktop versions.

    Download WP Responsive Menu from the repository from here or . This decision allows you to easily create a simple and fully customizable slide-out menu for smartphones, tablets, etc. This is what the final result will approximately look like (colors are customizable, there is a search block):

    WP Responsive Menu is very popular - 70 thousand. downloads and 4.5 rating points. Based on sidr jquery menu plugin. Despite the fact that the last update was a year ago, work on bugs (judging by statistics) is actively underway.

    Main functions:

    • fully adaptive solution with swipe support;
    • works on all types of mobile devices;
    • easy integration with WP system menu functions;
    • exercise color palette, which would suit your topic;
    • hiding any unnecessary elements in the mobile version;
    • determining the location where the menu will appear;
    • selecting a logo, line and text displayed in it;

    After installing the module, you will find all the settings in the “WPR Menu” section, they are divided into 2 tabs - General (main) and Appearance (appearance).

  • Create alternative mobile menu V WordPress admin(by analogy with previous method in the "Appearance" section).
  • Go to the “WPR Menu” item and in the General tab, check the “Enable Mobile Navigation” option.
  • Below in the “Select Menu” setting, select the menu created in the second step.
  • In the next field “Elements to hide in mobile” indicate the name of the class or id that is responsible for displaying standard navigation, for example: .topnav, #main-menu(separated by comma, classes by dot, ID by hash).
  • Save - “Save Options” button.
  • Thus, firstly, select the object for, and secondly, hide any unnecessary elements (in our case this is the main navigation). As a result, you will be able to implement different menus in Wordpress for desktop and smartphones.

    Review the remaining parameters of the plugin and mark them as desired: swipe, zoom, search block, logo display, side of element appearance and screen resolution at which it is triggered. Also in the “Menu Appearance” tab you need a background and remove frames if necessary.

    Overall, working with WP Responsive Menu is quite simple. Although the wp_is_mobile function does not cause any excessive difficulties. I tested both options and they performed well. However, be aware that the wp_is_mobile conditional statement becomes useless when caching is enabled. Considering the plugin settings with screen sizes, there is no connection to the User Agent, which means it is not afraid of such restrictions.

    If you know others interesting solutions to implement a mobile menu for WordPress, write in the comments. I think there will be a separate review for the modules.

    One of the common problems when creating basic website design for mobile phones- This is the navigation menu. If the site has many sections and pages, then this should make you think about making the menu compact, the most concise, but at the same time functional and effective. Most likely, your menu will either have several lines, or the buttons may be located on top of each other. It doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. In this tutorial, we'll look at how jQuery can be used to organize menu items efficiently and provide fast navigation.


    The screenshots below show common problems when building menus. If there are only four items in the menu, then they will be located on the same level, but if there are five or six buttons, then the menu will turn out to be several lines, which is rather impractical.

    Solution. 1) Drop-down menu.

    This is one of the most common solutions. But there are also pitfalls here. It is not possible to apply styles to the elements of such a menu. CSS table. But you can style the menu using the Chosen plugin, otherwise the dropdown style will remain default. Plus, the dropdown list looks rather unprofessional. Although, if you are satisfied with this option, then you can learn how to implement such a menu on your website using CSS techniques.

    2) Blocks

    Another quick workaround is to set each individual menu item in the form of blocks that are arranged vertically. But this method takes up space from the title. If there are many items on the menu, then this option will definitely not suit you. It is unlikely that readers will enjoy scrolling through a long list of items until they find the site content they need.

    3) Menu icon.

    This last decision is that an icon/button is used to toggle navigation. It is the most optimal for site users. This method is also good because it saves space (which is very important for mobile phones), and also gives complete freedom for modeling in CSS. In addition, the menu symbol can be designed to match the overall theme of the site.

    Mobile menu with jQuery()

    This tutorial will show you how to create the mobile site navigation menu described above using jQuery. jQuery will be used to add the menu symbols and navigation switch. This technique does not require any additional HTML tags.

    Below is the simple HTML code for the menu used in this tutorial:

    < nav id = "nav-wrap" >

    < ul id = "nav" >

    < li > < a href = "#" >Button< / a > < / li >

    < li > < a href = "#" >Button< / a > < / li >

    < / ul >

    < / nav >

    jQuery code

    Place a copy of jQuery and the function below between the tags< head >. The function will add a tag< div id = "menu-icon" в тег < nav id = "#nav-wrap" >. And when you click on the “MENU” element/icon, the menu will open with an additional element.

    jQuery(document).ready(function($)( /* prepend menu icon */ $("#nav-wrap").prepend("Menu"); /* toggle nav */ $("#menu-icon" ).on("click", function())( $("#nav").slideToggle(); $(this).toggleClass("active"); )); ));

    jQuery(document). ready(function($)(

    /* prepend menu icon */

    $("#nav-wrap") . prepend("Menu");

    /* toggle nav */

    $("#menu-icon"). on ("click" , function () (

    $("#nav" ) . slideToggle();

    $(this). toggleClass("active");

    } ) ;

    } ) ;

    The HTML code will look like below (to do this, click “View Element” or view the generated code)


    < nav id = "nav-wrap" >

    < div id = "menu-icon" >Menu< / div >

    < ul id = "nav" >

