Ministry of Public Administration and Mass Communications. Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region

Implementation smart technologies working with citizens’ requests based on AI and machine learning. Monitoring the resolution of problems based on residents’ complaints

  • MDM - Consolidation of all data on residents of Moscow region receiving government and budget services with the creation of a “golden record”
  • Public administration – front-end development

    • Participation of residents in determining funding priorities - up to 50% of the planned volume of improvement and repairs is determined based on the voting results of residents
    • Transition of government agencies to social networks - handling incidents, organizing information, creating public pages
    • Commercialization - creation of ecosystems, including electronic government and commercial services; development paid services at the MFC
    • Creation of personnel management systems - changing the entire system of recruitment, assessment, advanced training of civil servants and employees of budgetary institutions
    • Centralization and outsourcing of supporting business processes - transfer of accounting and personnel support to specialized organizations based on strict SLAs
    • Mobilization - a widespread transition of all services working on the ground to the use of mobile applications to confirm and digitize the work being carried out
    • transition to providing printouts of examination results and prescriptions directly from the EHR to the patient
    • expanded access for patients to confirm the facts and volumes of service provision and changes in the EHR
    • ratings of doctors formed directly by patients themselves
    • issuing prescriptions with information about the availability and cost of medicines in nearby pharmacies
    • integration of CT and MRI into a single system to control loading and generate a single archive of images with centralization of the decoding function

    Electronic education

    • New quality of implementation electronic magazines and diaries - increasing the efficiency of data entry by teachers through the implementation mobile application(SLA – 1 hour)
    • Spreading electronic textbooks- the opportunity for parents to choose a larger set of electronic publications instead of a set of paper textbooks if their child has a tablet
    • Changing the electronic content procurement system - distribution to schools electronic certificates for a fixed amount for the independent purchase of the necessary electronic content of the choice of teachers
    • Creation of a system of end-to-end testing of knowledge quality - a technological possibility of conducting tests similar to the Unified State Exam at any level of education
    • Changing the system of advanced training for teachers - development of a system of electronic and continuous professional development for teachers


    Additional implementation of the standard for mandatory compliance of new apartment buildings with technical requirements:

    • room for placing communication equipment
    • wiring from inside the house to the apartment
    • video surveillance connected to the Safe Region system
    • connecting metering devices to MosoblEIRTS
    • modern elevator dispatch system

    Mandatory introduction of smart technologies when modernizing utility networks:

    • street and road lighting
    • traffic light control
    • utilities

    Maksut Shadayev: government services should move completely to social networks

    The state should become a service-oriented platform on VKontakte, Maksut Shadayev, minister, stated in his speech on May 31, 2017 government controlled, information technologies and communications of the Moscow region. He also highlighted other trends in the development of the “digital region”.

    According to Maksut Shadayev, municipalities should actively use social media For direct access to its residents, rather than creating your own websites and applications.

    These channels can be used to inform residents and receive feedback, for incident management, he noted. At the same time, the reaction from the state must be quick - within 2 hours. The plans of the Moscow region include winding down the infrastructure for supporting and promoting some of its own sites and applications, creating social services based on social networks.

    Electronic government services

    IN electronic government services Maksut Shadayev expected a transition to the next stage of development, at which the integration of the MFC and the public services portal would take place in order to obtain results in one visit. He noted that the transition to exclusively electronic submission and receiving the results of a public service request, the period for providing services will also be reduced.

    Unfortunately, we have not yet experienced a basic shift in terms of decision timing. If you look at international practice, then when a person applies to the MFC, he does not just submit documents and come back next time to get the result. At the moment of contacting, he already receives a response. Those 8, 10, 40 days that an official now needs to make a decision, in our understanding, in 4-5 years should go into the immediate provision of services. IT systems will accumulate the necessary data in order to immediately produce results immediately, and not do additional work a large number of requests, checks - what is happening now de facto,” said Maksut Shadayev.

    Solving everyday problems

    Among all requests from citizens, problems with the use of government services account for no more than 0.1%. Residents of the Moscow region are more interested in other issues: landscaping courtyards, bad roads, major repairs, organization of parking. Maksut Shadayev identified two main problems: on the one hand, residents still do not know how work plans are formed and what is included in them, and on the other, it is very difficult for municipal customers to monitor the actual implementation of all assigned tasks by contractors.

    A significant breakthrough in this direction was expected in connection with a new paradigm of work: the introduction unified system collection of complaints and suggestions, disclosure of information about work plans and formation electronic queue applications from residents. After which there should have been an automated assignment of tasks with transmission to mobile devices real performers. Confirmation of receipt of the task and photo and video recording of the results should have strengthened control over their work. At the same time, all reporting on the work was planned to be done electronically.

    New management model

    To effectively implement the set goals at the municipal level, it was planned to change management models. There had to be a transition from centralizing IT management at the regional level to distributed system change management. The vertical structure was to be replaced by a matrix structure, with permanent interdepartmental project offices. Outsourcing of development and implementation information systems was to be replaced by insourcing.

    The TAdviser SummIT conference took place in Moscow on May 31, 2017. For the first time it was carried out at official support Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. The conference featured presentations on global technological trends, changing political and economic realities, and their impact on the IT industry. Sessions on IT in selected industries were also organized. During the plenary part and four sessions of the event, about 50 reports were made.

    The event was attended by 400 IT managers of large commercial and government organizations, top managers and experts from IT companies.

    Audience of the plenary session of TAdviser SummIT

    Alexey Kurochka, head of Oracle Systems in Russia

    Artyom Natrusov, CIO of Evraz Group

    Alexey Kukanov, IT Director of Volga-Dnepr Airlines

    Andrey Pedorenko, IT director of the insurance company Alfastrakhovanie

    Olesya Rybalko, head of the IT transformation department of Raiffeisenbank


    Government resolution

    Moscow region




    (as amended by the resolutions of the Government of the Moscow Region

    dated 08.08.2012 N 970/28, dated 12.11.2012 N 1414/40)

    General provisions

    1. The Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) is the central executive body of state power of the Moscow Region with special competence, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the field of improving the public administration system of the Moscow Region, optimizing the execution of government functions and public services, executive and administrative activities in the territory of the Moscow region in the field of information technology and communications, pursuing state policy, carrying out state intersectoral management and coordination of activities in this area of ​​other central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, government agencies Moscow region and government agencies Moscow region, formed to implement certain functions of public administration of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the state bodies of the Moscow region).

    2. The Ministry is guided in its activities by the Constitution Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Moscow Region, laws of the Moscow Region, acts of the Governor of the Moscow Region and the Government of the Moscow Region, international treaties of the Russian Federation and agreements of the Moscow Region on the implementation of international and foreign economic relations, hereby Regulations, as well as other legal acts.

    3. The Ministry carries out its activities both directly and in interaction with federal executive authorities, other central and territorial executive authorities of the Moscow region, state authorities of the Moscow region, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as local government bodies), organizations regardless of ownership and legal form.

    4. The Ministry has the rights of a legal entity; has its own balance, personal accounts, opened in accordance with the law, a seal with a reproduction of the coat of arms of the Moscow region and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms necessary for the implementation of its activities; may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights and obligations.

    The paragraph is no longer valid. - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 08.08.2012 N 970/28.

    5. The activities of the Ministry are financed from funds provided in the budget of the Moscow region.

    6. The Ministry has the property necessary for the exercise of its powers, which is owned by the Moscow Region and provided to the Ministry with the right of operational management.

    7. The regulations on the Ministry and staffing levels are approved by the Government of the Moscow Region.

    8. The ministry has an abbreviated name - the Ministry of State Administration of the Moscow Region.

    9. Location of the Ministry: 143405, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Ilyinskoe highway, 4.

    Postal address of the Ministry: 143407, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk-7, Stroiteley Boulevard, 1.

    Goals and main objectives of the Ministry

    10. The Ministry was created to implement the state policy of the Moscow Region in the field of improving the public administration system of the Moscow Region, optimizing the performance of government functions and public services, developing information technologies and communications in the Moscow Region, including in the field of creation and use of information systems and information technologies in the formation of state information resources of the Moscow region, their protection and provision of access to them.

    11. The main objectives of the Ministry are:

    implementation of state policy in the field of improving the public administration system of the Moscow region and administrative reform;

    ensuring the rights of citizens, organizations, state authorities and local governments to search, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information;

    ensuring effective electronic interdepartmental information interaction on the territory of the Moscow region;

    introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into the procedures for providing public services to the population and organizations;

    creation of a system for monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration in the Moscow region;

    development of integrated information systems and technologies, telecommunications and postal service, including systems television broadcasting and radio broadcasting, as well as special-purpose communication networks in the Moscow region;

    attracting investments in the field of information technology and communications;

    creating conditions for the effective functioning of organizations that are departmentally subordinate to the Ministry, and the management of shares (shares) of business companies, the departmental ownership of shares (shares) of which is established by the Ministry;

    ensuring unity of priorities in the field of creation, implementation and development of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT);

    improving the information security system in government agencies of the Moscow region;

    ensuring the implementation of a unified technical policy, coordination and methodological management of activities for the implementation, maintenance and operation of information and communication systems in government agencies of the Moscow region, including in the field of information security.

    Powers of the Ministry

    12. The Ministry exercises the following powers:

    12.1. Preparation of proposals to the Government of the Moscow Region:

    according to lists of documented information necessary for the formation of information resources of the Moscow region;

    on the procedure and conditions for submitting documented information for the formation of information resources of the Moscow region in accordance with the approved lists;

    on requirements for documenting information in electronic form;

    on establishing the amount of payment for the provision of information from state information resources and information systems of the Moscow region, on providing payment benefits for certain groups of users;

    according to the list information services information provided to users (consumers) from information systems of the Moscow region;

    for long-term projects targeted programs Moscow region;

    on organizing the protection of information resources in the Moscow region.

    12.2. Ensuring the implementation of measures to carry out administrative reform in the Moscow region.

    12.3. Approval in accordance with the established procedure of draft regulations on government bodies of the Moscow region, as well as changes made to them.

    12.4. Organization of work to create multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Moscow region.

    12.5. Coordination of draft regulatory legal acts of the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region on the approval of methods for determining the amount of fees, maximum fees for the provision of services necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services by the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region.

    12.6. Monitoring indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of the development of information and communication technologies in government bodies of the Moscow region and municipalities of the Moscow region.

    12.7. Carrying out the functions of the authorized central executive body of state power of the Moscow region on the following issues:

    12.7.1. Maintaining the Register of public services (functions) of the Moscow region.

    12.7.2. Information interaction with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to place information on state and municipal services (functions) in the Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services (functions).

    12.7.3. Maintaining an automated information system "Register of powers of the Moscow region and functions for their implementation."

    12.7.4. Organization of activities for the production, issuance and servicing of universal electronic cards on the territory of the Moscow region in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

    12.7.5. Interaction with federal government bodies in the field of organizing the provision of state and municipal services (execution of state and municipal functions) in electronic form using the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

    12.8. Maintaining the website "Administrative reform in the Moscow region."

    12.9. Conducting an examination of draft administrative regulations for the provision of public services in the Moscow region.

    12.10. Carrying out operator functions state system Moscow region "Register of public services (functions) of the Moscow region."

    12.11. Organization of work to develop competence in the field of ICT for state and municipal employees of the Moscow region.

    12.12. Organization of work to improve the knowledge and skills of civil servants of the Moscow region in the field of ICT.

    12.13. Implementation of state intersectoral management in the field of informatization of the Moscow region.

    12.14. Accounting and registration of state information resources and information systems of the Moscow region, maintaining the Register of information systems of the Moscow region.

    12.15. Organizing the release of a newsletter containing information about information resources and information systems registered in the Register of Information Systems of the Moscow Region.

    12.16. Ensuring the exchange of information resources at the regional and industry levels in information space Russian Federation.

    12.17. Development of information systems for various purposes.

    12.18. Ensuring a uniform procedure for the creation, acquisition, use and disposal of state information systems and state information resources.

    12.19. Creating conditions for effective use on the territory of the Moscow region information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet and other similar information and telecommunication networks.

    12.20. Assistance in meeting the population's needs for postal services common use, assistance to postal operators in expanding the types and improving the quality of postal services provided.

    12.21. Coordination of the operating hours of federal postal facilities in the Moscow region.

    12.22. Interaction Federal service protection of the Russian Federation on issues of providing the Government of the Moscow Region with special and closed video conferencing with federal government bodies.

    12.23. Submitting proposals to the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal communications on the improvement and development of the postal communications network in the Moscow region.

    12.24. Creation and development special networks communications supporting the activities of the Governor of the Moscow Region, central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, state bodies of the Moscow Region and government institutions of the Moscow Region.

    12.25. Determination of the composition and structure of communication facilities - communication structures, including line-cable structures, separate premises for placing communication equipment, as well as the necessary capacity in engineering infrastructures to ensure the functioning of communication equipment during urban planning of the development of territories and settlements, their development.

    12.26. Organization and implementation of activities aimed at supporting a state of constant readiness to use danger warning systems for the population.

    12.27. Participation, within the limits of competence, in ensuring a special operating mode and monitoring the operation of facilities that ensure the functioning of communications and communications, computer centers and automated systems in the Moscow region, using their work for defense needs.

    12.28. Conducting, in accordance with the legislation, accreditation of organizations operating in the field of communications.

    12.29. Implementation of methodological management of work in the field of information technology and communications of the Moscow region, carried out in the central and territorial executive bodies of government of the Moscow region, government agencies of the Moscow region and government institutions of the Moscow region.

    12.30. Providing methodological support to local governments on issues related to the exercise of their powers to create conditions for providing the population with communication services and the formation of municipal information systems.

    12.31. Organization and holding of seminars, conferences, exhibitions on issues related to the scope of the Ministry.

    12.32. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of restricted access information held by the Ministry.

    12.33. Implementation, within its competence, of the protection of information resources in the Ministry and information resources created during the implementation of long-term and departmental target programs in the field of informatization.

    12.34. Providing users, in accordance with the procedure established by law, on a paid and free basis, with information from state information resources and information systems of the Moscow Region, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.

    12.35. Preparation in the prescribed manner of draft regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region, including the introduction of appropriate changes, recognition as invalid of certain norms or regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region on issues within the competence of the Ministry, which have lost their significance, as well as those that contradict newly adopted federal regulatory legal acts acts and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Moscow region.

    12.36. Carrying out mobilization preparation and mobilization activities on issues related to the scope of the Ministry.

    12.37. Participation in the development of the mobilization plan for the Moscow region.

    12.38. Formation of mobilization tasks for telecom operators and special facilities of the Government of the Moscow Region to provide state authorities of the Moscow Region and local governments with the necessary types of communication, as well as to organize radio broadcasting on the territory of the Moscow Region in wartime conditions.

    12.39. Concluding, within its competence, agreements (contracts) with organizations on the supply of products, carrying out work, allocation of forces and means, and provision of services in order to ensure mobilization preparation.

    12.40. In the event of insolvency (bankruptcy) of organizations that have mobilization tasks (orders), taking measures to transfer these tasks (orders) to other organizations whose activities are related to the activities of the Ministry or which are within the jurisdiction of the Ministry.

    12.41. Ensuring objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of citizens’ appeals on issues related to the scope of the Ministry’s activities, and providing written answers to them in the manner prescribed by law.

    12.42. Carrying out measures for civil defense and protection of the population, prevention and liquidation emergency situations, ensuring fire safety at the Ministry.

    12.43. Participation in the prescribed manner in the implementation of activities in the Ministry to combat terrorism and extremism.

    12.44. Adoption of legal acts of a normative nature on issues related to the sphere of activity of the Ministry - orders that are valid throughout the Moscow region and are mandatory for government bodies of the Moscow region and government institutions of the Moscow region, as well as local government bodies, legal entities and individuals.

    12.45. Coordination of activities of subordinate government institutions of the Moscow region.

    12.46. Development, approval in the prescribed manner and implementation of departmental target programs of the Moscow region, as well as the development of long-term target programs of the Moscow region in established areas of activity.

    (subparagraph 12.46 as amended by the resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 08.08.2012 N 970/28)

    12.47. Coordination of projects of long-term target programs of the Moscow region, within the framework of which measures are provided for the creation (purchase), development and operation of information systems of the Moscow region, information technologies and telecommunication networks.

    12.48. Formation and maintenance consolidated register business entities operating in the field of information technology and communications, necessary for the Ministry to exercise its powers.

    12.49. Carrying out the functions of the main manager and recipient of budget funds of the Moscow region, provided for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Ministry.

    12.50. Participation, in accordance with the established procedure, in the management of shares (shares) owned by the Moscow Region in business companies, the departmental ownership of shares (shares) of which is established by the Ministry.

    12.51. Formation, in the manner established by the Government of the Moscow Region, of state tasks for the provision of public services at the expense of the budget of the Moscow Region to state institutions of the Moscow Region, the functions of the founder of which are carried out by the Ministry on behalf of the Moscow Region, as well as monitoring their implementation.

    12.52. Exercising functions unified service customer:

    placing government orders for the creation (purchase), modernization and operation of information and communication technologies;

    placing government orders to ensure information security in government agencies of the Moscow region;

    operational coordination of the implementation of measures to create interdepartmental information systems, interdepartmental elements of the electronic government infrastructure in the Moscow region.

    12.53. Implementation of organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission for Administrative Reform in the Moscow Region, the Development Commission information society and the formation of electronic government in the Moscow region, the Moscow Regional Commission for information security, organizing the implementation of decisions of the Information Security Commission under the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, monitoring the implementation of decisions of these commissions.

    12.54. Development taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on information protection methodological instructions, standard provisions, instructions and other documents regulating the organization and provision of information security in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.55. Coordination of information protection work in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.56. Coordination of the main organizational and administrative documents on information protection in government bodies of the Moscow region.

    12.57. Development and (or) approval technical assignments(requirements) and projects for the creation, development and operation of automated, information, technical systems, information technology and telecommunication networks, as well as procurement of software and hardware carried out by government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.58. Conducting an expert assessment of documents and programs used as part of the planning, creation and use of ICT, consideration and approval of proposals from government bodies of the Moscow region regarding the volume of expenses they plan for the implementation of regional informatization and information security measures.

    12.59. Coordination between government agencies of the Moscow region of information protection requirements when developing technical specifications ( technical requirements) and design documentation for the construction and creation of informatization, automated, information, technical and engineering systems, as well as when purchasing technical software and information security systems.

    12.60. Participation in the acceptance and commissioning of informatization facilities and information systems in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.61. Collecting and analyzing information about information security violations in government agencies of the Moscow region, preparing proposals to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

    12.62. Participation in internal investigations to identify the causes and conditions of information security violations, cases of non-compliance with requirements or standards for information protection, and monitoring the elimination of these violations.

    12.63. Checking the correctness of categorization and classification of informatization objects and information systems in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.64. Application Prediction technical means for unauthorized access to information and its destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution in relation to information resources of the Moscow region.

    12.65. Monitoring the progress of measures aimed at ensuring the protection of information in government bodies of the Moscow region from unlawful actions in relation to such information.

    12.66. Monitoring compliance with requirements and standards for information protection, assessing the validity and effectiveness of information protection measures taken by government agencies in the Moscow region.

    12.67. Carrying out instrumental monitoring of the security of informatization objects of state bodies of the Moscow region and upon approval of informatization objects of local government bodies. Identification of probable channels of leakage of restricted access information.

    12.68. Execution control government contracts, concluded by government bodies of the Moscow region, in terms of ensuring information security.

    12.69. Development and participation in the implementation of measures aimed at developing and supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the field of activity of the Ministry.

    12.70. Carrying out the functions of the state customer and operator of the state information system of the Moscow region "Regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the Moscow region."

    12.71. Implementation of anti-corruption measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region in the activities of the Ministry.

    12.72. Development of measures to improve conditions and labor protection in the field of information technology and communications, identification of sources of financing for measures, organization of control over their implementation.

    12.73. Monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety of employers operating in the field of information technology and communications.

    12.74. Participation in the investigation of a fatal accident that occurred at an employer operating in the field of information technology and communications.

    12.75. Conclusion of regional industry agreements on the regulation of social and labor relations in the field of information technology and communications and monitoring their implementation.

    12.76. Development, in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, of a sectoral list of minimum necessary work(services) performed during the strike by employees of organizations operating in the field of information technology and communications.

    12.77. Development of remuneration systems for employees of subordinate government institutions in the Moscow region.

    12.78. Participation in information support activities of the Government of the Moscow Region.

    (subclause 12.78 introduced by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 12, 2012 N 1414/40)

    12.79. Organization of work on professional retraining, advanced training and internship of state civil servants of the Moscow region in the field of public administration and in other areas of the ministry’s activities.

    (subclause 12.79 introduced by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 12, 2012 N 1414/40)

    13. The Ministry exercises other powers provided for by law.

    14. In order to exercise its powers, the Ministry has the right:

    14.1. In accordance with technical regulations, establish the features of operation of state information systems of the Moscow region.

    14.2. Establish requirements for the use of individual information and telecommunication networks in the Moscow region.

    14.4. Being, in accordance with the legislation of the Moscow Region, the main manager of budget funds of the Moscow Region, to act in court, arbitration court on behalf of the Moscow Region as a representative of the defendant in claims against the Moscow Region:

    on compensation for harm caused to physical and legal entities as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of the Ministry or its officials, including as a result of the issuance of acts of the Ministry that do not comply with the law or other regulatory legal act;

    presented in the manner of subsidiary liability for monetary obligations of state institutions of the Moscow region subordinate to the Ministry.

    14.5. Apply in accordance with the established procedure to the court or arbitration court in defense of public interests in cases provided for by law.

    14.6. To send, in the prescribed manner, representatives of the Ministry to the boards and commissions of other central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, as well as federal executive bodies, temporary creative teams.

    14.7. Conclude agreements on cooperation on issues within the competence of the Ministry with federal executive authorities, central executive authorities of the Moscow region, state authorities of the Moscow region, local governments.

    14.8. Perform on behalf of the Moscow region the functions of the founder of government institutions of the Moscow region in the field of information technology and communications of the Moscow region.

    14.9. Involve, in the prescribed manner, research, technological, design and other scientific organizations, as well as specialists and experts, including foreign ones, in the development of proposals on issues related to the scope of activity of the Ministry.

    14.11. Monitor ICT and security of information systems of government bodies of the Moscow region and, with the approval of local government bodies.

    14.12. Create informational resources, registers on issues within the competence of the Ministry.

    15. The Ministry has other rights provided for by law.

    Organization of the Ministry's activities

    16. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Minister), appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the Moscow Region.

    The Minister bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry and the exercise by the Ministry of its powers.

    17. The minister has a first deputy minister and three deputy ministers.

    The First Deputy Minister and Deputy Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the Vice-Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region in accordance with the legislation on the state civil service of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region.

    18. Minister:

    18.1. Manages the activities of the Ministry on the basis of unity of command in accordance with the law and these Regulations.

    18.2. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Ministry; represents him in court, arbitration court, state authorities, local governments and organizations; issues powers of attorney.

    18.3. Exercises control over the participation of representatives of the Ministry in legal proceedings and is personally responsible for properly ensuring the protection of the interests of the Moscow Region on issues within the competence of the Ministry.

    18.4. Signs, within the limits of his powers, orders of the Ministry, organizes and controls their implementation.

    18.5. Issues orders within its competence, gives instructions on issues related to the organization of the activities of the Ministry, subject to mandatory implementation by state civil servants of the Moscow Region, serving in the state civil service of the Moscow Region in the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as civil servants of the Ministry), and employees of the Ministry, organizes and controls their execution.

    18.6. Distributes responsibilities between the first deputy minister and deputy ministers and approves them job regulations, as well as job regulations for civil servants of the Ministry.

    18.7. He is the representative of the employer in relation to the first deputy minister and deputy ministers.

    18.8. Approves the structure of the Ministry, regulations on the structural divisions of the Ministry.

    18.9. Submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the Governor of the Moscow Region and the Government of the Moscow Region draft normative legal acts and proposals for improving legislation on issues related to the scope of activity of the Ministry.

    18.10. Ensures timely and high-quality work to bring the regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region on issues related to the scope of the Ministry’s activities in accordance with the newly adopted federal regulatory legal acts and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region.

    18.11. Develops and submits for approval to the Government of the Moscow Region draft Regulations and staffing levels of the Ministry.

    The staffing table of the Ministry, as well as changes to it, are approved by order of the Ministry within the limits of the staffing level and wage fund approved by the Government of the Moscow Region.

    12.18. Approves the cost estimate for the maintenance of the Ministry within the limits of the funds provided for by the law of the Moscow Region on the budget of the Moscow Region for the corresponding financial year.

    18.13. Appoints civil servants of the Ministry to positions in the state civil service of the Moscow Region, transfers and dismisses civil servants of the Ministry from the state civil service of the Moscow Region; concludes and terminates service contracts with them; applies incentives and disciplinary sanctions to them as a representative of the employer; resolves, in accordance with the legislation, other issues related to their performance of the state civil service of the Moscow Region in the Ministry.

    18.14. Hires, transfers and dismisses other employees of the Ministry; concludes and terminates employment contracts with them; applies incentives and disciplinary measures to them; exercises other powers of the employer provided for by law.

    18.15. Makes, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for awarding particularly distinguished civil servants of the Ministry and other employees of the Ministry, as well as other persons in cases provided for by the legislation of the Moscow Region, state awards, awarding them state bonuses and conferring honorary titles, coordinates proposals for awarding local government officials and municipal employees of local governments in the Moscow region with awards from the Moscow region.

    18.16. Announces gratitude and awards certificates of honor from the Ministry.

    18.17. Organizes mobilization preparation and transfer of the Ministry to work in wartime conditions.

    18.18. Manages the financial resources of the Ministry and the property assigned to it within its competence and exercises control over their intended use.

    18.19. On behalf of the Governor of the Moscow Region and (or) the Government of the Moscow Region, represents the interests of the Moscow Region in federal executive authorities, local governments and organizations, including foreign and international, participates in the preparation and conclusion of investment, trade, economic and other agreements, in including cooperation agreements, participates in the work of foreign and international organizations.

    18.20. Organizes compliance within the Ministry with the regime for the use of documents containing restricted information.

    18.21. Organizes civil defense activities in the Ministry.

    18.22. Conducts personal reception of citizens at the Ministry and organizes personal reception of citizens by authorized persons of the Ministry in the manner prescribed by law.

    18.23. Exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region.

    18.24. Organizes control over ensuring access of information users to information about the activities of the Ministry.

    19. In order to coordinate the activities of the Ministry and its interaction with the Moscow Regional Duma, executive authorities of the Moscow region, federal executive authorities and their territorial authorities, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region and public associations to prepare decisions on important issues in the field of information technology and communications in the Moscow region, a board may be formed in the Ministry. The composition of the board and its regulations are approved by the minister.

    20. In the Ministry, under the head, advisory and consultative bodies (councils, commissions, working groups) may be formed from among representatives of the Ministry, other executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, government bodies of the Moscow region for preliminary consideration of the main issues of the activities of the Ministry and the preparation of normative legal and other documents.

    The composition of these bodies and regulations on them are approved by the minister. Organizational and technical support for the activities of these bodies is carried out by the Ministry.

    21. The Ministry, within its competence, participates in the prescribed manner in conducting verification activities in relation to civil servants of the Ministry who are allowed access to state secrets.

    22. The Ministry carries out measures provided for by law to limit the rights of civil servants of the Ministry and provides social guarantees to persons who have or have had access to information constituting a state secret.

    23. The Ministry, in accordance with the legislation of the Moscow Region, forms proposals on the volume, nomenclature and projected cost of purchased goods, works, services to support the activities of the Ministry, as well as on the financial support of these purchases from the budget of the Moscow Region and beyond budget funds.

    24. The Ministry, in accordance with the established procedure, maintains, in accordance with its competence, a set (list) of normative legal acts and contracts and agreements concluded on behalf of the Moscow Region, providing for the emergence of expenditure obligations of the Moscow Region, indicating the amount of budgetary funds necessary for their implementation.

    25. The Ministry carries out, within its competence and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services to ensure the activities of the Ministry.

    26. Orders of the Ministry on the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms are subject to official publication in the newspaper "Daily News. Moscow Region".

    27. The Ministry may be renamed, reorganized or abolished in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region.



    On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region and establishing the staffing level of the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region

    Document with changes made:
    Resolution of August 8, 2012 N 970/28 (Information Bulletin of the Government of the Moscow Region, N 10, 10.29.2012);
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of March 7, 2013 N 136/9 (Daily News. Moscow Region, N 46, 03/15/2013).
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 03/19/2014);
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 16, 2015 N 261/14 (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 04/16/2015);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 06.11.2015);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 05/25/2016);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 02.11.2016);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 10.26.2017);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 06/25/2018);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 09/10/2018);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 10.18.2018);
    (Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, November 20, 2018).

    In accordance with the Law of the Moscow Region N 185/2005-OZ “On the system of executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region” and in order to implement the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated May 15, 2012 N 115-PG “On the structure of the Government of the Moscow Region, executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region and jurisdiction of state bodies of the Moscow region" Government of the Moscow region


    1. The clause became invalid on July 1, 2015 - Resolution of the Moscow Region Government dated April 16, 2015 N 261/14..

    2. Approve the attached Regulations on the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region.

    3. To recognize as invalid:

    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated October 15, 2007 N 775/36 “On the Regulations, structure and staffing levels of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region”;

    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 07.07.2008 N 536/21 “On amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region”;

    paragraph two of paragraph 5 of the resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 16, 2008 N 814/36 “On the creation of a technology park in the Dmitrovsky municipal district of the Moscow region”;

    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 16, 2008 N 815/35 “On Amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region”;

    Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 26, 2009 N 1029/50 “On amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region”;

    paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated August 18, 2010 N 675/37 “On amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, approval of its structure and staffing levels”;

    paragraph 9 of the resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 25, 2011 N 369/15 “On amendments to the regulations on some central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region in terms of vesting them with powers in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses”

    Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 16, 2011 N 1421/48 “On amending the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, approving its structure and staffing levels”;

    Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 15, 2011 N 1572/51 “On amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region.”

    Vice Governor - Chairman
    Government of the Moscow region

    Regulations on the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region

    Government of the Moscow region
    dated June 13, 2012 N 820/19

    General provisions

    1. The Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) is the central executive body of state power of the Moscow Region with special competence, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the field of improving the public administration system of the Moscow Region, optimizing the execution of government functions, state and municipal services, monitoring the procedure for providing state and municipal services in the territory of the Moscow region, executive and administrative activities in the territory of the Moscow region in the field of information technology and communications, pursuing state policy, carrying out state intersectoral management and coordination of activities in this area of ​​other central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region and state institutions of the Moscow region, formed to implement certain functions of public administration of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as state bodies of the Moscow region).
    (Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 16, 2015 N 253/14, Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35, Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 19, 2018 N 820/40.

    2. The Ministry is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Moscow Region, laws of the Moscow Region, acts of the Governor of the Moscow Region and the Government of the Moscow Region, international treaties of the Russian Federation and agreements Moscow region on the implementation of international and foreign economic relations, this Regulation, as well as other legal acts.

    3. The Ministry carries out its activities both directly and in interaction with federal executive authorities, other central and territorial executive authorities of the Moscow region, state authorities of the Moscow region, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as local government bodies), organizations regardless of ownership and legal form.

    4. The Ministry has the rights of a legal entity; has an independent balance sheet, personal accounts opened in accordance with the law, a seal with a reproduction of the coat of arms of the Moscow region and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms necessary for the implementation of its activities; may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights and obligations.

    The paragraph has lost force - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated August 8, 2012 N 970/28..

    5. The activities of the Ministry are financed from funds provided in the budget of the Moscow region.

    6. The Ministry has the property necessary for the exercise of its powers, which is owned by the Moscow Region and provided to the Ministry with the right of operational management.

    7. The regulations on the Ministry and staffing levels are approved by the Government of the Moscow Region.

    8. The ministry has an abbreviated name - the Ministry of State Administration of the Moscow Region.

    9. Location of the Ministry: 143407, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Boulevard, 1.

    Postal address of the Ministry: 143407, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Boulevard, 1.

    Address Email: [email protected].
    (Clause as amended, put into effect on November 7, 2015 by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated November 6, 2015 N 1032/42.

    Goals and main objectives of the Ministry

    10. The Ministry was created to implement the state policy of the Moscow Region in the field of improving the public administration system of the Moscow Region, optimizing the performance of government functions and public services, developing information technologies and communications in the Moscow Region, including in the field of creation and use of information systems and information technologies in the formation of state information resources of the Moscow region, their protection and provision of access to them.

    11. The main objectives of the Ministry are:

    implementation of state policy in the field of improving the public administration system of the Moscow region and administrative reform;

    ensuring the rights of citizens, organizations, state authorities and local governments to search, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information;

    ensuring effective electronic interdepartmental information interaction on the territory of the Moscow region;

    introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into the procedures for providing public services to the population and organizations;

    creation of a system for monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration in the Moscow region;

    development of integrated information systems and technologies, telecommunications and postal communications, including television and radio broadcasting systems, as well as special-purpose communication networks in the Moscow region;

    attracting investments in the field of information technology and communications;

    creating conditions for the effective functioning of organizations that are departmentally subordinate to the Ministry, and the management of shares (shares) of business companies, the departmental ownership of shares (shares) of which is established by the Ministry;

    ensuring unity of priorities in the field of creation, implementation and development of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT);

    improving the information security system in government agencies of the Moscow region;

    ensuring the implementation of a unified technical policy, coordination and methodological management of activities for the implementation, maintenance and operation of information and communication systems in government agencies of the Moscow region, including in the field of information security.

    Powers of the Ministry

    12. The Ministry exercises the following powers:

    12.1. Preparation of proposals to the Government of the Moscow Region:

    according to lists of documented information necessary for the formation of information resources of the Moscow region;

    on the procedure and conditions for submitting documented information for the formation of information resources of the Moscow region in accordance with the approved lists;

    on requirements for documenting information in electronic form;

    on establishing the amount of payment for the provision of information from state information resources and information systems of the Moscow region, on providing payment benefits for certain groups of users;

    according to the list of information services provided to users (consumers) of information from information systems of the Moscow region;

    by project government programs Moscow region;
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 2, 2016 N 823/38.

    on organizing the protection of information resources in the Moscow region.

    according to the list of public services provided by the central government bodies of the Moscow region, the provision of which is organized on a one-stop-shop principle in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, as well as on making changes to the specified list;
    (Paragraph additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    according to the recommended list of municipal services provided by local governments of municipalities of the Moscow region, the provision of which is organized on a one-stop-shop principle in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, as well as on making changes to the specified list;
    (Paragraph additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    by definition of officials authorized to accept complaints about decisions and actions (inaction) of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services.
    (Paragraph additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated June 19, 2018 N 387/21)

    12.2. Ensuring the implementation of measures to carry out administrative reform in the Moscow region.

    12.3. Approval in accordance with the established procedure of draft regulations on government bodies of the Moscow region, as well as changes made to them.

    12.4. Organization of the activities of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services on the territory of the Moscow region in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.4.1. Coordination of activities for the creation and development of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Moscow region.
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    12.4.2. Analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Moscow region.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    12.4.3. Improving the system for providing state and municipal services using the one-window principle in multifunctional centers for providing state and municipal services in the Moscow region.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    12.5. Coordination of draft regulatory legal acts of the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region on the approval of methods for determining the amount of fees, maximum fees for the provision of services necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services by the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region.

    12.6. Monitoring indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of the development of information and communication technologies in government bodies of the Moscow region and municipalities of the Moscow region.

    12.7. Carrying out the functions of the authorized central executive body of state power of the Moscow region on the following issues:

    12.7.1. Maintaining the Register of public services (functions) of the Moscow region.

    12.7.2. Information interaction with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for posting information about state and municipal services (functions) in the Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services (functions).

    12.7.3. Maintaining an automated information system "Register of powers of the Moscow region and functions for their implementation."

    12.7.4. The subparagraph has lost force - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35..

    12.7.5. Interaction with federal government bodies in the field of organizing the provision of state and municipal services (execution of state and municipal functions) in electronic form using the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

    12.7.6. Monitoring the procedure for providing state and municipal services in the Moscow region.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 16, 2015 N 253/14; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 2, 2016 N 823/38; as amended by Decree of November 21, 2018 Government of the Moscow Region dated November 19, 2018 N 820/40.

    12.8. Maintaining the Internet site "Administrative reform in the Moscow region."

    12.9. Conducting an examination of draft administrative regulations for the provision of public services in the Moscow region.

    12.10 Carrying out the functions of the operator of the state system of the Moscow region "Register of public services (functions) of the Moscow region."

    12.11. Organization of work to develop competence in the field of ICT for state and municipal employees of the Moscow region.

    12.12. Organization of work to improve the knowledge and skills of civil servants of the Moscow region in the field of ICT.

    12.13. Implementation of state intersectoral management in the field of informatization of the Moscow region.

    12.14. Accounting and registration of state information resources and information systems of the Moscow region, maintaining the Register of information systems of the Moscow region.

    12.15. Organizing the release of a newsletter containing information about information resources and information systems registered in the Register of Information Systems of the Moscow Region.

    12.16. Ensuring the exchange of information resources at the regional and industry levels in the information space of the Russian Federation.

    12.17. Development of information systems for various purposes.

    12.18. Ensuring a uniform procedure for the creation, acquisition, use and disposal of state information systems and state information resources.

    12.19. Creating conditions for the effective use of information and telecommunication networks in the Moscow region, including the Internet and other similar information and telecommunication networks.

    12.20. Assistance in meeting the needs of the population for public postal services, assistance to postal operators in expanding the types and improving the quality of postal services provided.

    12.21. Coordination of the operating hours of federal postal facilities in the Moscow region.

    12.22. Interaction with the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on issues of providing the Government of the Moscow Region with special and closed video and conference calls with federal government bodies.

    12.23. Submitting proposals to the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal communications on the improvement and development of the postal communications network in the Moscow region.

    12.24. Creation and development of special communication networks that support the activities of the Governor of the Moscow Region, central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, government bodies of the Moscow Region and government institutions of the Moscow Region.

    12.25. Determination of the composition and structure of communication facilities - communication structures, including line-cable structures, separate premises for placing communication equipment, as well as the necessary capacity in engineering infrastructures to ensure the functioning of communication equipment during urban planning of the development of territories and settlements, their development.

    12.26. Organization and implementation of activities aimed at supporting a state of constant readiness to use danger warning systems for the population.

    12.27. Participation, within the scope of competence, in ensuring a special operating mode and monitoring the operation of facilities that ensure the functioning of communications and communications, computer centers and automated systems in the Moscow region, and the use of their work for defense needs.

    12.28. The clause has lost force - Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated October 2, 2018 N 679/35..

    12.29. Implementation of methodological management of work in the field of information technology and communications of the Moscow region, carried out in the central and territorial executive bodies of government of the Moscow region, government agencies of the Moscow region and government institutions of the Moscow region.

    12.30. Providing methodological support to local governments on issues related to the exercise of their powers to create conditions for providing the population with communication services and the formation of municipal information systems.

    12.31. Organization and holding of seminars, conferences, exhibitions on issues related to the scope of the Ministry.

    12.32. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.33. Implementation, within its competence, of protecting information resources in the Ministry and information resources created during the implementation of state programs of the Moscow region in the field of informatization.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 2, 2016 N 823/38.

    12.34. Providing users, in accordance with the procedure established by law, on a paid and free basis, with information from state information resources and information systems of the Moscow Region, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.

    12.35. Preparation in the prescribed manner of draft regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region, including the introduction of appropriate changes, recognition as invalid of certain norms or regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region on issues within the competence of the Ministry, which have lost their significance, as well as those that contradict newly adopted federal regulatory legal acts acts and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Moscow region.

    12.36. Carrying out mobilization preparation and mobilization activities on issues related to the scope of the Ministry.

    12.37. Participation in the development of the mobilization plan for the Moscow region.

    12.38. Formation of mobilization tasks for telecom operators and special facilities of the Government of the Moscow Region to provide state authorities of the Moscow Region and local governments with the necessary types of communication, as well as to organize radio broadcasting on the territory of the Moscow Region in wartime conditions.

    12.39. Concluding, within its competence, agreements (contracts) with organizations on the supply of products, carrying out work, allocation of forces and means, and provision of services in order to ensure mobilization preparation.

    12.40. In the event of insolvency (bankruptcy) of organizations that have mobilization tasks (orders), taking measures to transfer these tasks (orders) to other organizations whose activities are related to the activities of the Ministry or which are within the jurisdiction of the Ministry.

    12.41. Ensuring objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of citizens’ appeals on issues related to the scope of the Ministry’s activities, and providing written answers to them in the manner prescribed by law.

    12.42. Implementation of measures for civil defense and protection of the population, prevention and response to emergency situations, ensuring fire safety in the Ministry.

    12.43. Participation in the prescribed manner in the implementation of measures in the Ministry to counter terrorism and extremism, organization and implementation, within the limits of their powers, of measures to counter the ideology of terrorism, including the Comprehensive Plan for countering the ideology of terrorism in the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.44. Adoption of legal acts of a normative nature on issues related to the sphere of activity of the Ministry - orders that are valid throughout the Moscow region and are mandatory for government bodies of the Moscow region and government institutions of the Moscow region, as well as local government bodies, legal entities and individuals.

    12.45. Coordination of activities of subordinate government institutions of the Moscow region.

    12.46. Development and implementation of state programs of the Moscow region in established areas of activity.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 2, 2016 N 823/38.

    12.47. Coordination of draft state programs of the Moscow region, which provide for measures for the creation, development and operation of automated, information, technical systems, information technologies and telecommunication networks.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 2, 2016 N 823/38.

    12.48. Formation and maintenance of a consolidated register of business entities operating in the field of information technology and communications, necessary for the Ministry to exercise its powers.

    12.49. Carrying out the functions of the main manager and recipient of budget funds of the Moscow region, provided for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Ministry.

    12.50. Participation, in accordance with the established procedure, in the management of shares (shares) owned by the Moscow Region in business companies, the departmental ownership of shares (shares) of which is established by the Ministry.

    12.51. Formation, in the manner established by the Government of the Moscow Region, of state tasks for the provision of public services at the expense of the budget of the Moscow Region to state institutions of the Moscow Region, the functions of the founder of which are carried out by the Ministry on behalf of the Moscow Region, as well as monitoring their implementation.

    12.52. Implementation of the functions of a unified customer service:

    procurement for the purpose of creation (purchase), modernization and operation of information and communication technologies for the needs of government bodies of the Moscow region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    procurement to ensure information security in government agencies of the Moscow region;
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    operational coordination of the implementation of measures to create interdepartmental information systems, interdepartmental elements of the electronic government infrastructure in the Moscow region.

    12.53. Implementation of organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission for Administrative Reform in the Moscow Region, the Commission for Coordinating the Work of Central Executive Bodies of State Power of the Moscow Region to summarize and analyze the law enforcement practice of regional state control (supervision), federal state control (supervision) within the framework of delegated powers , Commission for the Development of the Information Society and the Formation of Electronic Government in the Moscow Region, Moscow Regional Commission for Information Security, organizing the implementation of decisions of the Commission on Information Security under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, monitoring the implementation of the decisions of these commissions.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.54. Development, taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on information protection, guidelines, standard provisions, instructions and other documents regulating the organization and provision of information security in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.55. Coordination and methodological management of activities in the field of information security in the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, government bodies of the Moscow region.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 7, 2018 N 605/31.

    12.56. Coordination of the main organizational and administrative documents on information protection in government bodies of the Moscow region.

    12.57. Development and (or) coordination of technical specifications (requirements) and projects for the creation, development and operation of automated, information, technical systems, information technologies and communication networks, as well as purchases of software and hardware carried out by government agencies of the Moscow region and government agencies subordinate to them Moscow region.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.58. Conducting an expert assessment of documents and programs used as part of the planning, creation and use of ICT, consideration and approval of proposals from government bodies of the Moscow region regarding the volume of expenses they plan for the implementation of regional informatization and information security measures.

    12.59. Coordination with government agencies of the Moscow region of requirements for information protection in the development of technical specifications (technical requirements) and design documentation for the construction and creation of informatization facilities, automated, information, technical and engineering systems, as well as in the procurement of technical software and information security systems.

    12.60. Participation in the acceptance and commissioning of informatization facilities and information systems in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.61. Collecting and analyzing information about information security violations in government agencies of the Moscow region, preparing proposals to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

    12.62. Participation in internal investigations to identify the causes and conditions of information security violations, cases of non-compliance with requirements or standards for information protection, and monitoring the elimination of these violations.

    12.63. Checking the correctness of categorization and classification of informatization objects and information systems in government agencies of the Moscow region.

    12.64. Forecasting the use of technical means for unauthorized access to information and its destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution in relation to information resources of the Moscow region.

    12.65. Monitoring the progress of measures aimed at ensuring the protection of information in government bodies of the Moscow region, assisting local government bodies of the Moscow region in monitoring the progress of measures aimed at ensuring the protection of information from unlawful actions in relation to such information.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.66. Monitoring compliance with requirements and standards for information protection, assessing the validity and effectiveness of information protection measures taken by government bodies of the Moscow region, assisting local governments of the Moscow region in monitoring compliance with requirements and standards for information protection, assessing the validity and effectiveness of information protection measures.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.67. Carrying out instrumental monitoring of the security of informatization objects of state bodies of the Moscow region and upon approval of informatization objects of local government bodies. Identification of probable channels of leakage of restricted access information.

    12.68. Monitoring the execution of government contracts concluded by government bodies of the Moscow region, in terms of ensuring information security.

    12.69. Development and participation in the implementation of measures aimed at developing and supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the field of activity of the Ministry.

    12.70. Carrying out the functions of the state customer and operator of the state information system of the Moscow region "Regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the Moscow region."

    12.71. Implementation of anti-corruption measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region in the activities of the Ministry.

    12.72. Development of measures to improve conditions and labor protection in the field of information technology and communications, identification of sources of financing for measures, organization of control over their implementation.

    12.73. Monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety of employers operating in the field of information technology and communications.

    12.74. Participation in the investigation of a fatal accident that occurred at an employer operating in the field of information technology and communications.

    12.75. Conclusion of regional industry agreements on the regulation of social and labor relations in the field of information technology and communications and monitoring their implementation.

    12.76. Development, in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, of an industry-specific list of the minimum necessary work (services) performed during the strike by employees of organizations operating in the field of information technology and communications.

    12.77. Development of remuneration systems for employees of subordinate government institutions in the Moscow region.

    12.78. Participation in information support for the activities of the Government of the Moscow Region.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 12, 2012 N 1414/40)

    12.79. Organization of work on professional retraining, advanced training and internship of state civil servants of the Moscow region in the field of public administration and in other areas of the ministry’s activities.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 12, 2012 N 1414/40)

    12.80. Development and implementation of a set of measures to stimulate the development of infrastructure of telecom operators to increase the accessibility of modern communication services to the population.
    Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated March 19, 2014 N 163/8)

    12.81. Development and approval of a unified procedure for providing government bodies of the Moscow region with computer and organizational equipment, system-wide and applied software, as well as communication services, including uniform requirements for their maintenance and support.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included on March 20, 2014 by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated March 19, 2014 N 163/8; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.82. Organization of centralized maintenance and support of computer and organizational equipment, as well as communication services used in government agencies of the Moscow region.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included on March 20, 2014 by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated March 19, 2014 N 163/8; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    12.83. Organization and implementation of measures aimed at improving the procedure for providing state and municipal services, including by converting them into electronic form.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included on March 20, 2014 by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated March 19, 2014 N 163/8)

    12.84. Providing citizens with free legal assistance in the form of legal advice in oral and written form, including using the information and telecommunications network Internet, on issues within the competence of the Ministry, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for considering citizens' appeals.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included on March 20, 2014 by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated March 19, 2014 N 163/8)

    12.85. Drawing up protocols on administrative offenses related to violation of the procedure for providing state or municipal services on the territory of the Moscow Region in accordance with the Law of the Moscow Region N 37/2016-OZ "Code of the Moscow Region on Administrative Offences".
    (The subparagraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 16, 2015 N 253/14; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated November 2, 2016 N 823/38.

    12.86. Implementation of prevention on issues related to the sphere of activity of the Ministry, in the forms of preventive influence provided for in paragraphs 1, -10 of part 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 N 182-FZ "On the fundamentals of the crime prevention system in the Russian Federation".
    (The subparagraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    12.87. Conducting, within its competence, monitoring in the field of crime prevention.
    (The subparagraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35)

    12.88. Ensuring, within its competence, the priority of goals and objectives to promote the development of competition in accordance with National plan development of competition in the Russian Federation, coordination of the activities of government bodies of the Moscow region to implement measures to develop competition in assigned areas of jurisdiction.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated June 19, 2018 N 387/21)

    13. The Ministry exercises other powers provided for by law.

    14. In order to exercise its powers, the Ministry has the right:

    14.1. In accordance with technical regulations, establish the features of operation of state information systems of the Moscow region.

    14.2. Establish requirements for the use of individual information and telecommunication networks in the Moscow region.

    14.4. Being, in accordance with the legislation of the Moscow Region, the main manager of budget funds of the Moscow Region, to act in court, arbitration court on behalf of the Moscow Region as a representative of the defendant in claims against the Moscow Region:

    on compensation for damage caused to individuals and legal entities as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of the Ministry or its officials, including as a result of the issuance of acts of the Ministry that do not comply with the law or other regulatory legal acts;

    presented in the manner of subsidiary liability for monetary obligations of state institutions of the Moscow region subordinate to the Ministry.

    14.5. Apply in accordance with the established procedure to the court or arbitration court in defense of public interests in cases provided for by law.

    14.6. To send, in the prescribed manner, representatives of the Ministry to the boards and commissions of other central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, as well as federal executive bodies, temporary creative teams.

    14.7. Conclude agreements on interaction with federal executive authorities, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, central executive authorities of the Moscow region, state authorities of the Moscow region, local government bodies, executive authorities of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Ministry.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 7, 2018 N 605/31.

    14.8. Perform on behalf of the Moscow region the functions of the founder of government institutions of the Moscow region in the field of information technology and communications of the Moscow region.

    14.9. Involve, in the prescribed manner, research, technological, design and other scientific organizations, as well as specialists and experts, including foreign ones, in the development of proposals on issues related to the scope of activity of the Ministry.

    14.11. Monitor ICT and security of information systems of government bodies of the Moscow region and, with the approval of local government bodies.

    14.12. Create information resources and registers on issues within the competence of the Ministry.

    15. The Ministry has other rights provided for by law.

    Organization of the Ministry's activities

    16. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Minister), appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the Moscow Region.
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated October 2, 2018 N 679/35.

    The Minister bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry and the exercise by the Ministry of its powers.

    17. The minister has a first deputy and six deputy ministers.
    (Clause as amended, put into effect on May 26, 2016 by Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated May 25, 2016 N 397/16.

    18. Minister:

    18.1. Manages the activities of the Ministry on the basis of unity of command in accordance with the law and these Regulations.

    18.2. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Ministry; represents him in court, arbitration court, state authorities, local governments and organizations; issues powers of attorney.

    18.3. Exercises control over the participation of representatives of the Ministry in legal proceedings and is personally responsible for properly ensuring the protection of the interests of the Moscow Region on issues within the competence of the Ministry.

    18.4. Signs, within the limits of his powers, orders and regulations of the Ministry, organizes and controls their implementation.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated June 19, 2018 N 387/21.

    18.5. Gives instructions on issues related to the organization of the activities of the Ministry, subject to mandatory implementation by state civil servants of the Moscow Region, serving in the state civil service of the Moscow Region in the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as civil servants of the Ministry), and employees of the Ministry, organizes and controls their implementation.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated June 19, 2018 N 387/21.

    18.6. Distributes responsibilities between the first deputy minister and deputy ministers, approves their job regulations, as well as job regulations for civil servants of the Ministry.

    18.7. He is the representative of the employer in relation to the first deputy minister and deputy ministers.

    18.8. Approves the structure of the Ministry, regulations on the structural divisions of the Ministry.

    18.9. Submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the Governor of the Moscow Region and the Government of the Moscow Region draft normative legal acts and proposals for improving legislation on issues related to the scope of activity of the Ministry.

    18.10. Ensures timely and high-quality work to bring the regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region on issues related to the scope of the Ministry’s activities in accordance with the newly adopted federal regulatory legal acts and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region.

    18.11 Develops and submits for approval to the Government of the Moscow Region draft Regulations and staffing levels of the Ministry.

    The staffing table of the Ministry, as well as changes to it, is approved by order of the Ministry within the limits of the staffing level and wage fund approved by the Government of the Moscow Region.

    12.18. Approves the cost estimate for the maintenance of the Ministry within the limits of the funds provided for by the law of the Moscow Region on the budget of the Moscow Region for the corresponding financial year.

    18.13. Appoints civil servants of the Ministry to positions in the state civil service of the Moscow Region, transfers and dismisses civil servants of the Ministry from the state civil service of the Moscow Region; concludes and terminates service contracts with them; applies incentives and disciplinary sanctions to them as a representative of the employer; resolves, in accordance with the legislation, other issues related to their performance of the state civil service of the Moscow Region in the Ministry.

    18.14. Hires, transfers and dismisses other employees of the Ministry; concludes and terminates employment contracts with them; applies incentives and disciplinary measures to them; exercises other powers of the employer provided for by law.

    18.15. Makes, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals for awarding particularly distinguished civil servants of the Ministry and other employees of the Ministry, as well as other persons in cases provided for by the legislation of the Moscow Region, state awards, awarding them state bonuses and conferring honorary titles, coordinates proposals for awarding local government officials and municipal employees of local governments in the Moscow region with awards from the Moscow region.

    18.16. Announces gratitude and awards certificates of honor from the Ministry.

    18.17. Organizes mobilization preparation and transfer of the Ministry to work in wartime conditions.

    18.18. Manages the financial resources of the Ministry and the property assigned to it within its competence and exercises control over their intended use.

    18.19. On behalf of the Governor of the Moscow Region and (or) the Government of the Moscow Region, represents the interests of the Moscow Region in federal executive authorities, local governments and organizations, including foreign and international, participates in the preparation and conclusion of investment, trade, economic and other agreements, in including cooperation agreements, participates in the work of foreign and international organizations.

    18.20. Organizes compliance in the Ministry with the regime for the use of information constituting state secrets.
    (Subclause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 26, 2017 N 795/35.

    18.21. Organizes civil defense activities in the Ministry.

    18.22. Conducts personal reception of citizens at the Ministry and organizes personal reception of citizens by authorized persons of the Ministry in the manner prescribed by law.

    18.23. Exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region.

    18.24. Organizes control over ensuring access of information users to information about the activities of the Ministry.

    19. In order to coordinate the activities of the Ministry and its interaction with the Moscow Regional Duma, executive authorities of the Moscow region, federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region and public associations to prepare decisions on important issues in the field of information technology and communications in the Moscow region, a collegium may be formed in the Ministry. The composition of the board and its regulations are approved by the minister.

    20. In the Ministry, under the head, advisory and consultative bodies (councils, commissions, working groups) may be formed from among representatives of the Ministry, other executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, government bodies of the Moscow region for preliminary consideration of the main issues of the activities of the Ministry and the preparation of normative legal and other documents.

    The composition of these bodies and regulations on them are approved by the minister. Organizational and technical support for the activities of these bodies is carried out by the Ministry.

    21. The Ministry, within its competence, participates in the prescribed manner in conducting verification activities in relation to civil servants of the Ministry who are allowed access to state secrets.

    22. The Ministry carries out measures provided for by law to limit the rights of civil servants of the Ministry and provides social guarantees to persons who have or have had access to information constituting a state secret.

    23. The Ministry, in accordance with the legislation of the Moscow Region, forms proposals on the volume, nomenclature and projected cost of purchased goods, works, services to support the activities of the Ministry, as well as on the financial support of these purchases from the budget of the Moscow Region and extra-budgetary funds.

    24. The Ministry, in accordance with the established procedure, maintains, in accordance with its competence, a set (list) of normative legal acts and contracts and agreements concluded on behalf of the Moscow Region, providing for the emergence of expenditure obligations of the Moscow Region, indicating the amount of budgetary funds necessary for their implementation.

    25. The Ministry carries out, within its competence and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services to ensure the activities of the Ministry.

    26. Orders of the Ministry on the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms are subject to official publication in the newspaper "Daily News. Moscow Region".

    27. The Ministry may be renamed, reorganized or abolished in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region.

    Revision of the document taking into account
    changes and additions prepared
    JSC "Kodeks"

