Metrica on the main page of Yandex. Additional counter settings

Hello, friends. Do you already have a blog, are you filling it with content and want to know how many people read you? Then it's time to install it on the site Yandex Metrica counter and below I will show how to do this. Go!

Installing Yandex Metrica

Go to the page Click the “Add counter” button.

On the next page, enter the name of the counter and the site domain and click “Create”. Then go to the “Counter Code” tab.

I recommend checking the following boxes:

  • Webvisor - allows you to monitor user behavior. Useful feature!
  • Asynchronous code - the counter will not reduce the site loading speed. We put;
  • In one line - it will reduce the size, but make the code unreadable. Not for everyone;
  • Informer - usually placed in the footer. Shows statistics to all visitors to your site. I don't bet.

On the "Webvisor" tab:

  • Recording pages when viewed by a visitor - disabled (Necessary for online stores);
  • Writing pages by robot- turned off;
  • Loading pages into the player is not important (I am doing it on behalf of an anonymous user).

We'll look at goals and filters later, for now the main thing is to understand how to install Yandex Metrica.

After the above settings, click the “Save” button on the right and return to the “Counter Code” tab. Click the “Copy to Clipboard” button and paste this code into the footer of our blog. If you don't know how, read on.

Where to insert the Metrica code?

I'll show you 2 ways to add code.


For me this is the easiest way. In the root of your site, go to the theme folder, most often located at “/wp-content/themes/theme_name” and find the “footer.php” file there. Open it and paste the counter code before the closing tag and don't forget to save.

Through the WordPress admin

Second the method will work, if you do not have access to FTP, we will install a counter via WordPress admin. To do this, go to the “Appearance - Editor” section in the admin panel, find the “foter.php” file in the list on the right (May be called “Footer”) and add it to the end before the tag counter code.

Now a new one has appeared on the page with your counters, someone’s first. Go to it and analyze all the statistics of your blog.

In the next lesson I will show you how to install a counter Google Analytics. With this I say goodbye. Good luck!

It is well known that Yandex is the most popular search engine on the Runet. Based on this, a tool that allows you to monitor website visitation statistics, created by Yandex specialists, is extremely effective.

Such a tool is Yandex.Metrica, a service designed specifically for site administrators and webmasters.

What is Yandex. Metrics?

This service allows you not only to analyze website traffic, but also to evaluate the actions of visitors as reliably as possible. Yandex.Metrica supports integration with other Yandex services.

For example, Yandex.Market and Yandex.Direct. Among other things, the metric includes a monitoring function that allows you to find out about existing accessibility problems on your website using SMS.

It is also worth noting that the array of data collected by the Yandex.Metrica service has a direct impact on the cost of clicking on links in “ Yandex advertising network"(YAN).

Why do you need metrics from Yandex?

Proper use of the Yandex.Metrica service allows you to:

  • Conduct a detailed analysis of traffic coming to the site from different sources;
  • Generate individual analytical reports based on data collected by the system;
  • Analyze in detail the behavior of users coming to the site;
  • Assess the effectiveness of ongoing advertising and marketing campaigns;
  • Identify and analyze various characteristics of the site’s target audience.

The web analytics service from Yandex helps you competently and effectively develop and promote your website, as well as optimize advertising costs.

It is quite obvious that if there is no influx of visitors from certain portals, there is no point in spending money on advertising. Thus, Yandex.Metrica not only saves you money, but also helps in website promotion.

How to register in the Yandex service. Metrics?

In order to use the service, you must register or log in to the Yandex system:

If you are not yet registered in the system, you should go through a simple registration process, after which you will have access to all Yandex services and functions, as well as a free email inbox.

How to install and configure Yandex Metrica?

The Yandex.Metrica interface is quite easy to navigate.

Three main functions can be distinguished: “Reports”, “Designer”, “My counters”. The latter displays a list of sites that track data within your account.

Using the button " Add counter"You can connect this service to new sites. All required setting carried out in several steps:

The first function is necessary in order to reduce unnecessary load on the site from search robot by prohibiting automatically generated website pages from being sent for indexing.

Webvisor - convenient function Yandex. Metrics for tracking the actions of site users. Thanks to it, a webmaster can display the process of visiting a site online in the form of a video file.

With the web viewer you can see:

  • What text did the visitor highlight;
  • What buttons and banners were pressed;
  • How exactly the visitor scrolled the pages;
  • The movement of the user’s mouse cursor, which allows you to analyze the effectiveness and adjust the site design;
  • Browser type, operating system and server IP address.

The counter settings page should look something like this:

If you want other users to see site visit statistics, Yandex.Metrica allows you to enable guest and public access. This can be done in the counter settings section in the “Accesses” tab:

What are goals in Yandex Metrica and how to set them up?

For one site within of this service You can set up to 10 different goals.
In Yandex.

There are four types of goals in the metric:

In order to add a goal, opposite the desired site in the list of your counters, click on green button on the right, which is called " Edit counter».

In the tab with the settings of the selected counter, in the “Goals” subtab, click “Add goal".

Adding a Yandex.Metrica counter to your website

Having set everything up specified parameters for your purposes, save the settings and copy the counter code to your website, placing it inside the tag.

To install the Yandex.Metrica counter on a website running CMS WordPress, open the “Appearance” tab in the administrative panel, and click on the “Editor” item.

In the list that appears, select the file “footer.php”, and at the very end (before the closing tag) insert the code provided by the Yandex.Metrica service:

In order to install a similar counter on a site running under CMS management Joomla, in the admin panel click on “Extensions”, then on “ Module Manager" and "Create".

Select " Custom HTML code", enter a title and specify the following settings:

Scroll down the page, insert the Yandex code. Metrics, as in the above cases, before the closing tag.

Among other things, it is worth noting that the Yandex.Metrica counter installed on the site automatically analyzes the so-called behavioral factors, which has a positive effect on the ranking of the site in search engine Yandex.

As you can see, the Yandex.Metrica web analytics system has great capabilities, is flexible in configuration, easy to use and adapted to the Russian Internet.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site. Many novice webmasters, at the beginning of creating their project and filling it with articles, strive to receive visitor statistics. a very important detail, since you can analyze the number of transitions to your site, check the time the user spends on it and, based on the results obtained, build a plan for yourself to improve the resource. The most important search engines offer this opportunity to any webmaster, but in this article I want to tell you how to use Yandex Metrics for such purposes.

In one of my articles I said, . This is necessary for further collection of Yandex Metrics statistics.

Most articles on the Internet describe working with the old interface of this service, but Lately it has undergone great changes.

Before proceeding to the descriptive part, it is necessary.

I most likely will not reveal the secret to anyone, but without... established code On the site you will not be able to receive any information about visitors at all.

In addition, I want to say that in addition to this service, the search engine yandex systems there is one more in the arsenal useful tool for beginner webmasters and it is called accordingly . Thanks to this tool, you will be able to track the main indicators of your site, such as (it has recently been replaced by the IKS indicator), the presence of errors on your resource, the number backlinks and indexed pages.

Login to Yandex Metrica

In order to log in to Yandex Metrica follow the link and get to the page for adding a counter. A pivot table will be visible at the bottom of the screen. If in your arsenal on this moment If there is only one site on which the corresponding code is installed, then only it will be displayed in the table.

I would like to draw your attention to the verification correct operation installed meter. Next to the favicon and name there is an update button. If it is green, then your meter is installed and configured correctly, but if it is red, then you should check that it is installed correctly and check again by pressing this button.

If everything is in order, then to enter, click on the name of the counter and automatically get to the main section .

Now I propose to go through the main points in more detail .

Yandex metrics statistics in the Summary section

This section summarizes all information about visits to your site.

Visitors – total number of visitors for certain period time.

I do not specify for what period of time you can get the corresponding information, since at the top of the screen you can change it and choose to show data for a week, a month and a year.

New visitors – The number of new visitors in relation to the total number of visits to your resource.

Page address– Allows the webmaster to obtain information about how many specific pages were viewed.

Last search phrase – This item allows you to track which search phrase a transition to the site was made. This information can later be used to check the site’s position for these queries.

Personally, in the early stages, I was very pleased to view this item, since with the publication of a new article you are expecting new visitors from search engines and are looking forward to finding out what queries were used to make the transition.

Traffic Source – A graph displaying statistics of transitions to a resource from various sources (search engines, direct visits, clicks on links on websites, or clicks from social networks).

Time on site, failures, viewing depth - average statistical indicators of behavioral factors.

Section Reports

In fact, this section allows you to familiarize yourself in more detail with all the data displayed in the Summary section. You can select the parameter you are interested in for which you want to view statistics. You can view information by age, time spent on the resource, viewing depth, etc. I will not talk in detail about how to use this section of Yandex Metrics since all information on visitors can be obtained from the Summary and Webvisor. But each webmaster himself chooses what is more convenient for him.


The Maps section allows you to view in which areas of the site the user performed the most actions. This information makes it clear how interesting the resource is to the visitor, what links in the menu and in the text are used greatest number transitions and how intensively pages are viewed. Data analysis allows the webmaster to more carefully work out the site design and determine the most advantageous location of links and blocks. This tool is very useful and you should not neglect its capabilities.

Webvisor, in my opinion, is the most required function in the arsenal of Yandex Metrica statistics. By going to this section, a tabular version will be displayed on the screen, including more detailed information on visits to your project.

Each column is responsible for providing specific information. You can find out where the referral was made from (search engine, direct referral, or social network). Regional reference of a particular visitor. Which operating system installed on the device, and what browser the person uses.

It is possible to track user activity on your resource. Find out at what time the transition was made, the time spent on the site, the number of pages viewed, as well as the activity rating, indicated by multi-colored circles and generated by search engine algorithms.

Also in the table you will see information about the search phrase thanks to which the person was able to get to your resource, or the address of the site from which the transition was made.

The last thing you can glean from all the variety of information provided is the visit number. Yandex Metrica statistics allows you to remember IP addresses and update the visit number the next time you log in.

Previously, it was possible to track specific IP addresses, but since a certain time the developers have removed it. However, there is a way to do it yourself.

Well, the main function, in my opinion, is the ability to view video of user behavior on your resource. You can launch it by clicking the “Play” button in the very first column of the table. This function will allow you to see all the user’s movements on the site, determine what interested or what repelled the person during the visit.

In each section of the service you can select the time period for which you want to track statistics.


This point is closely intertwined with setting up the code (in fact, this is what it is), and I have already described it in more detail in one of my articles, the link to which is given at the beginning of this material.

That's all I can tell you about how to use Yandex Metrics. If you have anything to add to this article, then leave your comments and suggestions in the comments.

Good afternoon, iklife blog readers!

You are probably very interested in how many specific people come to your resource, from where and for what queries. You can find out all this information using special tools – metrics. The script is installed into the code of your site, and you can see almost all the actions that your guests perform. Today I will tell you how to install Yandex Metrica on a website with WordPress or any other CMS.

With this tool you can track the behavior of your visitors on the resource. But these are not all the benefits that can await you after installation.

There is one story among SEOs. Its meaning is that sites with Yandex analytics installed are ranked better in the search engine. The code that is present directly on the project can provide certain information to the search engine. The release of new materials, some changes in the operation of the resource itself, or something else like that.

Yandex Metrica can track user behavioral factors. If they are good, then the search engine will rank your site higher in the results. If the situation is reversed, problems may naturally arise. For this reason, some webmasters are in no hurry to install analytics on young projects. They think that it will only be harmful and try to take advantage alternative ways attendance tracking.

Nevertheless, using Yandex Metrics can significantly influence the development of your project. If you are using analytics for a commercial site, then you can set up so-called “goals”.

Goals are a way to track specific user actions. For example, how many people out of the total number of visitors paid attention to the “Submit Application” button, and how many actually sent it.

If we are talking about landing pages, then goals can show the time that users spend reading each block. That is, is he interested in them or not? This information will allow you to adjust the content and design of your project to achieve greater conversion.

For correct settings goals may require a certain skill. Therefore, many project owners rush to turn to freelancers on various popular exchanges.

If you master proper goal setting, you can even earn a little money by offering your services to resource owners.

Yandex Metrica also has a web viewer. This is a really extensive option that will allow you to see literally everything. Right down to your visitor's cursor movements. Now almost all webmasters install webvisor code.

Webvisor can help you:

  • See which pages are user-friendly and which are not.
  • Find out about errors in the site structure or design.
  • See what information guests focus on.
  • Increase the clickability of elements.
  • Adjust the correct optimization vector for the project.

With the help of a web viewer, almost everything is possible. You see absolutely all the actions of guests: scrolling pages, highlighting text, reading some individual elements. By collecting all the data together, you can understand what you want the target audience. This will greatly increase the efficiency of the project.

Registration in Yandex and creation of metrics

To use any Yandex services, we need an account. It is generic and starts once. Therefore, I will not explain exactly how registration takes place. Let's move on to the actual creation of the counter.

Don’t neglect installing analytics tools on your resource. Sometimes they can be a lifeline to your project, revealing information that you can't get any other way. If you want to learn how to create your own informational resources on WordPress and make money on them, it will give everything necessary knowledge. There you will also gain skills in the field search engine promotion and optimization of your project. Access to the first level is open to everyone.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about a new visible visit counter (with an informer), which over time, perhaps, will be able to somewhat shake the ultra-reliable position of the most popular one at the moment on the RuNet. I mean the informer that Metrica recently published.

When I created my first website, I really wanted to put a counter on it from . I typed such a query into a search engine, looked through many resources, but it turned out to be just a myth, although many did not fail to make sufficient progress on this popular request. I remember that it was through him that I first came to Devaki’s blog. Very useful resource By the way, I advise you to visit.

Yandex counter - myth or reality?

But still promotion this request at that time it was a profanation, because such a thing did not exist in nature. Many passed him off as him. Well, starting in the fall of 2009, it was possible, almost without a twinge of conscience, to display a web analytics tool called Yandex Metrica, which, in general, was just that.

But still it was somewhat different from the popular LiveInternet, which, in addition to being quite powerful tools web analytics (probably not even analytics, but still statistics) had an informer visible to site visitors, where it would be possible, if desired, to configure the display of traffic data in any form convenient for the webmaster.

This is exactly the kind of informer that Metrica lacked so that it could absolutely be called a counter. But this was relevant only until recently, and now we can talk about it publicly, because this system acquired a visible part that allows display on site pages information about traffic to this resource.

When setting up the informer, you can choose one of these three options for displaying it on the site, as well as configure color scheme and what exactly should be displayed in it. For a start, I think it's good. I am especially impressed by the second option, which displays site traffic by day of the week in the form of a step chart - very original.

By the way, you can configure it so that when you click on the informer, a drop-down window appears with statistics for the previous week:

Generally Metrica attracts with its clarity, beauty and other web two-zero (WEb 2.0), especially against the backdrop of LiveInternet, which in terms of the presentation of information and the clarity of its presentation is still a bit of the past, although, of course, the information it provides is very important and in some cases unique.

Let's hope that, finally, LI will have a worthy competitor in the person of Metrica and its visible hit counter, because competition is always good for the end user, i.e. for you and me, dear webmasters.

By the way, this system can be called a web analytics tool, because it has the ability to set goals and track certain events (for example, going to a certain page, registering, following certain links, etc.).

In RuNet, the most popular tool for web analytics is still Google Analytics, which is quite sophisticated and seriously surpasses Yandex Metrica in capabilities.

But the question is that in RuNet at the moment web analytics is in its infancy, unlike the bourgeois web (which, according to some data, is about 5 years ahead of the development of our SEO), where similar systems have become one of the most popular tools for website promotion.

In RuNet, Google Analytics is considered the coolest, but in the burzhunet it is used only by novice optimizers. They quite often use professional paid software to analyze the progress of projects. Well, we are lagging behind the bourgeoisie and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, Metrica’s web analytics capabilities will be sufficient for us in most cases.

In addition, the brainchild of the RuNet mirror has such unique tools as Webvisor, a map of links or clicks:

Well, now let’s move on from singing the praises of Yandex and its new counter (for some reason, lately I’ve been promoting their services too much) directly to how to get all this beauty on your website.

How to register and set up Yandex informer

Let me remind you that if you make money on your website by displaying ads from advertising network Yandex (YAN), then along with the context block code, the Metrica code will also be loaded. Those. Consider that you are already registered in this system, and in order to make sure of this, you can click on the corresponding link on the statistics page of your advertising platform in YAN:

Let me also remind you that if ads from YAN are not displayed on all pages of your resource, then the Yandex counter statistics will be underestimated. In this case, you will need to register and add your site to Metrica (registration actually involves receiving), and then receive and install the code on your site.

But we are more interested in the “Counter Code” tab, where, in fact, it will be possible to configure appearance and get the code. By the way, if you have a YAN context running, then you will only need to get the code for the informer, because Your counter will be loaded automatically along with contextual ads.

In general, until 2009, Metrica was available only to those who used Direct on their website, which is why there is now such a strong relationship between these two services. , is reverse side advertising network YAN - advertisers advertise in Direct, and in affiliate network they are posted by webmasters. Well, this is to roughly approximate.

So, to activate the display of the informer, you will need to check the box of the same name. All settings for the appearance and functionality of the visible counter are hidden behind the “Configure informer” item.

As a result, an additional area will open where you can select one of three types of Yandex counter and fine-tune its appearance and the information displayed in it:

The first option will display all three possible traffic indicators at once (from top to bottom): the number of impressions of pages of the site under study for the current day, the number of visits and the number of unique visitors. In general, just everything you need.

The second option displays a color graph of attendance by day of the week and one of the three parameters described above. Which one will be displayed on the counter will depend on which field you check in: Views, Visits or Visitors.

The third option will simply display one of your chosen indicators of traffic to your resource.

I think that there is no need to talk about how you can adjust the color scheme, because everything is already clear. You need to select one of two display options and text color, and also receive more information when you click on the counter with the left mouse button (option “ Advanced" - see screenshot at the beginning of the article).

After you create your masterpiece, scroll down the window and click on the “Save” button. Now you need to copy the informer code and, if necessary, the counter code, which will be located in the lower area.

Please note that the counter code will be enclosed in opening and closing tags like:

and the informer - in tags:

Looking ahead a little, I will say that once you install the informer code on your website, you are unlikely to see anything on it, because you will still need to activate its display. This is done on the “Accesses” tab:

You need to check the box " Show informer data»:

At first I thought that it would take time, after which the numbers themselves would appear in the informer. Ah, no. This checkbox is necessary and you can’t do without it.

What is the best way to install a Yandex counter on a website?

You can of course copy and paste them together. Everything will work, but it would still be better to insert the Metrica counter code into the template of your site before the closing /body tag, because in this case the frozen script will not slow down the loading of the pages of your resource.

Although lately we have been offered an asynchronous version by default, which does not affect the page loading speed in any way:

But you can install the informer in any place convenient for you, just as I described it in articles about:

I think that by using the materials above, you will be able to cope with this overwhelming task without any problems.

Yes, if you want visitors to your resource to be able to view detailed data from your counter, you will need to go to the “Access” tab in its settings and check the box « Public access to statistics", after which you will be provided with a link leading to a page with a statue open to everyone:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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