Metabolic framework. Forestry Extras - new mod on HiTech servers! Special Forestry blocks

And so, Hello everyone!
Dmitry Evgenievich is with you!
There is already more than one guide on how to build and automate a large hive.
But I want to tell you how to build it and power it for automatic production using an ME system.
No pipes from BuildCraft.

And so let's begin :)

With the Huge Hive, you will have the opportunity to create the right climate for bees to work, accelerate mutations, increase the number of products produced by bees and even get new princesses. Like the apiary, it allows you to obtain bee products, as well as breed and select bees, but thanks to several special hive blocks, all these processes can be faster/more convenient/productive! First things first!

The first thing we need is to create the blocks of a large hive.
But to craft such blocks, you need to breed an Imperial Bee to get royal jelly and an Industrious Bee to get a cluster of pollen.
And then you can start crafting hive blocks.

Crafting and Construction
To begin with, here are the costly resources that we will need:

For 27 hive blocks you will need:
Vegetable oil – 7 buckets/capsules;
Honey – 108 buckets/capsules;
Wood - 216 blocks;
Boards – 648 blocks;
Wax – 432 pcs;
Royal jelly – 216 pcs;
Pollen – 216 pcs.

This 3x3x3 multi-block building consists of 27 hive blocks and 9 slabs (slabs can be used from any wood and can be installed from different trees), and is installed according to the following scheme:

To craft one hive block, we will need 8 pieces of Fragrant Sheathing and one Soaked Body. They are crafted in the carpenter as follows:

To obtain Fragrant Sheathing you will need:
1 royal jelly
3 boards
2 beeswax
1 pollen cluster
0.5 buckets of honey

To obtain an Impregnated Hull you will need:
8 wood (craft can be made from any wood)
0.5 buckets Vegetable oil

Drop of honey- one of the materials obtained from honeycombs using a centrifuge.
Directly used in the bee analyzer and range finder.
Using a juicer, from one drop of honey you can get 0.1 bucket of liquid honey, and there is a 5% chance of getting propolis.

Vegetable oil- Produced in a juicer from wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, cherry seeds, walnuts and chestnuts.

The Hive Block itself is crafted in the workbench:

The building can consist not only of ordinary hive blocks, but also of special blocks, such as: a hive heater, a hive fan, a hive sieve, a humidity regulator, a stabilizer and a swarm, and you can also use new special hive blocks from the ExtraBees addon, which I will write about in more detail below. The top layer, except for the corner blocks, should be made only from hive blocks. For the remaining blocks, you can use any special blocks in any combination.

Large hives cannot be built on adjacent blocks; there must be a distance of at least 1 block between them, otherwise the hive will not work.

The internal interface of the Big Hive is the same as in a regular apiary, only there are no slots for frames.


A huge hive, first of all, works faster than an apiary; the speed of an apiary with three frames is equal to 90% of the speed of bees in a huge hive. Considering that without frames the modifier for the chance of obtaining products in a regular apiary is 10%, and with all three frames present it increases to 80%, the Huge Hive works 10% faster than an apiary with three frames, which is very noticeable in terms of the number of products, moreover, no need to bother with frames. But if you need more products, it doesn’t matter, there is a way out using blocks
See below for how to craft it.

Well, now let's talk about special blocks for the hive.

Special Forestry blocks

Hive heaters:

In crafting we use:
2 Gold vacuum tubes,
1 Iron Ingot,
1 hive block,
3 Stones.

Hive fan:

In crafting we use:
1 Gold vacuum tube,
4 Iron Ingots,
1 hive block.

Used to increase/decrease the temperature in the hive. They are powered by motor energy (like all Forestry mechanisms). For stable operation, the device requires about 3 MJ of energy, which is quite a lot. If you supply less energy, the device will work unstably and the temperature will fluctuate.

One heater/fan changes the temperature within a small range, and regardless of the amount of energy received, they will not change the temperature further; for this you need to install another device. That is, if you place one heater in a biome with a normal temperature, the climate of the hive will change to a jungle. If you add another heater, the climate will change even further - to the desert.

Humidity regulator

In crafting we use:
6 Glasses,
2 Iron Ingots,
1 hive block.

Used to regulate humidity, does not require engine power and is powered by containers of water or lava. Lava reduces humidity, making the climate drier, and water, accordingly, more humid. The internal capacity of the regulator is 10 buckets.

Water supply can be realized by connecting liquid pipes from the pump.


In crafting we use:
4 Diamond vacuum tubes,
2 Gold bars,
1 hive block.

Roevnya allows you to get new princesses. For the swarm to work, you need to put royal jelly in it. If there is an active queen in the hive, then it will gradually be consumed and as a result of an area of ​​40 cells near the hive a swarm hive will appear, in which there will be a princess with a genome inherited from the queen of the hive. Of course, you need to break this hive with a net.

Based on my own experience, I can say that from four stacks of milk you will get about 5-7 such hives.

Attention! All the princesses from the swarm hive IgnobleStock(Igneous origin) - this means that they are mortal, i.e. After a random number of cycles, the queen will produce only drones in her offspring. This is not infertility, as it was before, but mortality, because the drones do not become infected and can later be used for crossing.
I tested such bees and I can say that they worked for me from 5 to 17 cycles,

[b]Hive Stabilizer

In crafting we use:
6 Quartz,
1 hive block.

This block is needed to prevent mutations in the Huge Hive.

Hive sieve

In crafting we use:
3 Iron Ingots,
3 Silk fabrics,
1 hive block.

This block will be useful for those who are involved in crossing trees. Trees are pollinated by bees and butterflies, but they can also be pollinated manually with pollen by using it RMB on a block of foliage of the desired tree. Pollen can be obtained by killing butterflies (Beastly Method), or by placing a Hive Sieve in your Huge Hive. We right-click on this block, open its interface and see that it has several slots, namely 5 - four slots for pollen that will be collected there, and one slot for silk fabric.

We put the fabric in the slot and wait, after a while pollen will appear in other slots, take it away, and the silk fabric will be wasted

After about an hour you get 4 pollen.

Even if you take only one pollen, the fabric will be wasted, so it will be more economical to wait until all 4 slots are filled with pollen and then take it. A very important point! Install this block only in the hive in which bees are working, pollinating flowers, otherwise you will not receive pollen.

Special Extra Bees blocks


In crafting we use:
1 Gold vacuum tube,
5 Glowdust,
1 hive block.

Installing this block in a Huge Hive will allow bees to work at night, even if the bee does not have the night gene.

Rain Shield

In crafting we use:
2 Gold vacuum tubes,
3 Bricks,
1 hive block.

Allows bees in the Huge Hive to work in the rain, even if the bee does not have the Flyer parameter.

Frame Housing

In crafting we use:
3 Gold vacuum tubes,
3 Iron Ingots,
1 hive block.

Allows you to insert frames.

One block - one frame. Useful if you need to quickly get a lot of products. It is also convenient when breeding new species of bees, because allows you to use the Frame of Souls to increase the chance of mutation. All frames are spent faster than in a regular apiary.

Forestry​ Frames increase the chance of bees creating honeycombs and other possible products. Each frame doubles the chance modifier (if it is less than 10). Without frames, the modifier for the chance of obtaining products in the apiary is 10%, and if all three frames are present, it increases to 80%

  • Raw frame.
  • Impregnated frame.
  • Proven frame.
Magic Bees
  • Magic frame. Doubles bee productivity.
  • Durable frame. Doubles bee productivity.
  • Lightweight frame. Bee life +50%. Productivity +40%. Chance of mutation -30%.
  • Metabolic framework. Productivity +20%. Mutation chance +80%.
  • Necrotic frame. Bee life -70%. Productivity -25%.
  • Time frame. Increases the life of bees by 2.5 times.
  • Forgotten frame. The lifespan of bees is 27 seconds. With this frame the bees will not produce.
Extra Bees
  • Chocolate frame or Chocolate Frame. Accelerates production speed by 50%. Reduces life time by 50%.
  • Healing frame or Healing Frame. Increases lifespan by 50%, but reduces production to 75% and mutation chance to 50%.
  • Restraint Frame or Restraint Frame. Reduces life expectancy and production speed by up to 75%, work area by 50%.
  • Bee Soul Frame. Increases the chance of mutation by 50%, reduces life time to 75%, production speed to 25%.
Mutator (Mutation Block)

In crafting we use:
2 Diamond vacuum tubes,
2 Gold bars,
1 hive block.

Increases the chance of mutation depending on the catalyst. Indispensable when breeding new bee species. The following can be used as a catalyst:
Sand of souls– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 1.5 times;
Pearl of the Edge– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 2 times;
Eye of the End– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 4 times;
Uranium 238– The chance of successful mutation increases by 10 times (Caution! The princess may die!);
Nether Star– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 50 times.

The effects of blocks with catalysts are cumulative, for example, you install three blocks in a hive and put souls in each sand - the chance of a successful mutation will increase not by 1.5, but by 4.5 times (1.5 * 3). But the total effect of only three blocks is taken into account, so there is no point in betting more than three.

One catalyst is only enough for one cycle of the queen’s life, and it is spent at the moment the mutation is completed, i.e. when the queen dies.

If you put a sufficiently powerful catalyst, and even use more than one mutation block, then the desired species of bee, even if this species has a low percentage of mutation probability, at the end of the cycle will turn out not as a hybrid, but as a pure new species with a stable genome!

Automation of the Huge Hive

Well, now I’ll tell you how to connect it to the ME system.
It is not difficult!
To begin, we build a hive with 3 Frame Housing
One Rain Shield and [b]Lighting
This hive turns out to be the most optimal for bringing in products (well, this is from my point of view)

and connect one export and import bus to the hive at the top

We put 1-2 acceleration cards in the tires (at personal discretion)
Be sure to put 1 fuzziness card and 1 capacity card into the import bus and make a note for the princess and the drone
Attention! ME works only with one type of bee; if you use 2 hives and 2 types of bees, the bees can mix and there will be a mess.
Next we need to install
ME storage
Energy receiver
1-2 storage cells (I use 2 x 1k)
Create Processing Block
Creation storage (I use on 1k)
1 terminal (I use the creation terminal)
Molecular Composer
ME Interface (we put 3 tires in it to create Boards, sticks, frames)

I use 2 types of wood so I have one more tire for boards and sticks

We throw Wood and Thread into the ME

All autocraft has been filed, we wait for half an hour and we see that you already have about 100 hundred.

And this is where I will end.
Thanks to all!
If you have any questions, write to me on Discord on my server

And so, Hello everyone!
Dmitry Evgenievich is with you!
There is already more than one guide on how to build and automate a large hive.
But I want to tell you how to build it and power it for automatic production using an ME system.
No pipes from BuildCraft.

And so let's begin :)

With the Huge Hive, you will have the opportunity to create the right climate for bees to work, accelerate mutations, increase the number of products produced by bees and even get new princesses. Like the apiary, it allows you to obtain bee products, as well as breed and select bees, but thanks to several special hive blocks, all these processes can be faster/more convenient/productive! First things first!

The first thing we need is to create the blocks of a large hive.
But to craft such blocks, you need to breed an Imperial Bee to get royal jelly and an Industrious Bee to get a cluster of pollen.
And then you can start crafting hive blocks.

Crafting and Construction
To begin with, here are the costly resources that we will need:

For 27 hive blocks you will need:
Vegetable oil – 7 buckets/capsules;
Honey – 108 buckets/capsules;
Wood - 216 blocks;
Boards – 648 blocks;
Wax – 432 pcs;
Royal jelly – 216 pcs;
Pollen – 216 pcs.

This 3x3x3 multi-block building consists of 27 hive blocks and 9 slabs (slabs can be used from any wood and can be installed from different trees), and is installed according to the following scheme:

To craft one hive block, we will need 8 pieces of Fragrant Sheathing and one Soaked Body. They are crafted in the carpenter as follows:

To obtain Fragrant Sheathing you will need:
1 royal jelly
3 boards
2 beeswax
1 pollen cluster
0.5 buckets of honey

To obtain an Impregnated Hull you will need:
8 wood (craft can be made from any wood)
0.5 buckets Vegetable oil

Drop of honey- one of the materials obtained from honeycombs using a centrifuge.
Directly used in the bee analyzer and range finder.
Using a juicer, from one drop of honey you can get 0.1 bucket of liquid honey, and there is a 5% chance of getting propolis.

Vegetable oil- Produced in a juicer from wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, cherry seeds, walnuts and chestnuts.

The Hive Block itself is crafted in the workbench:

The building can consist not only of ordinary hive blocks, but also of special blocks, such as: a hive heater, a hive fan, a hive sieve, a humidity regulator, a stabilizer and a swarm, and you can also use new special hive blocks from the ExtraBees addon, which I will write about in more detail below. The top layer, except for the corner blocks, should be made only from hive blocks. For the remaining blocks, you can use any special blocks in any combination.

Large hives cannot be built on adjacent blocks; there must be a distance of at least 1 block between them, otherwise the hive will not work.

The internal interface of the Big Hive is the same as in a regular apiary, only there are no slots for frames.


A huge hive, first of all, works faster than an apiary; the speed of an apiary with three frames is equal to 90% of the speed of bees in a huge hive. Considering that without frames the modifier for the chance of obtaining products in a regular apiary is 10%, and with all three frames present it increases to 80%, the Huge Hive works 10% faster than an apiary with three frames, which is very noticeable in terms of the number of products, moreover, no need to bother with frames. But if you need more products, it doesn’t matter, there is a way out using blocks
See below for how to craft it.

Well, now let's talk about special blocks for the hive.

Special Forestry blocks

Hive heaters:

In crafting we use:
2 Gold vacuum tubes,
1 Iron Ingot,
1 hive block,
3 Stones.

Hive fan:

In crafting we use:
1 Gold vacuum tube,
4 Iron Ingots,
1 hive block.

Used to increase/decrease the temperature in the hive. They are powered by motor energy (like all Forestry mechanisms). For stable operation, the device requires about 3 MJ of energy, which is quite a lot. If you supply less energy, the device will work unstably and the temperature will fluctuate.

One heater/fan changes the temperature within a small range, and regardless of the amount of energy received, they will not change the temperature further; for this you need to install another device. That is, if you place one heater in a biome with a normal temperature, the climate of the hive will change to a jungle. If you add another heater, the climate will change even further - to the desert.

Humidity regulator

In crafting we use:
6 Glasses,
2 Iron Ingots,
1 hive block.

Used to regulate humidity, does not require engine power and is powered by containers of water or lava. Lava reduces humidity, making the climate drier, and water, accordingly, more humid. The internal capacity of the regulator is 10 buckets.

Water supply can be realized by connecting liquid pipes from the pump.


In crafting we use:
4 Diamond vacuum tubes,
2 Gold bars,
1 hive block.

Roevnya allows you to get new princesses. For the swarm to work, you need to put royal jelly in it. If there is an active queen in the hive, then it will gradually be consumed and as a result of an area of ​​40 cells near the hive a swarm hive will appear, in which there will be a princess with a genome inherited from the queen of the hive. Of course, you need to break this hive with a net.

Based on my own experience, I can say that from four stacks of milk you will get about 5-7 such hives.

Attention! All the princesses from the swarm hive IgnobleStock(Igneous origin) - this means that they are mortal, i.e. After a random number of cycles, the queen will produce only drones in her offspring. This is not infertility, as it was before, but mortality, because the drones do not become infected and can later be used for crossing.
I tested such bees and I can say that they worked for me from 5 to 17 cycles,

[b]Hive Stabilizer

In crafting we use:
6 Quartz,
1 hive block.

This block is needed to prevent mutations in the Huge Hive.

Hive sieve

In crafting we use:
3 Iron Ingots,
3 Silk fabrics,
1 hive block.

This block will be useful for those who are involved in crossing trees. Trees are pollinated by bees and butterflies, but they can also be pollinated manually with pollen by using it RMB on a block of foliage of the desired tree. Pollen can be obtained by killing butterflies (Beastly Method), or by placing a Hive Sieve in your Huge Hive. We right-click on this block, open its interface and see that it has several slots, namely 5 - four slots for pollen that will be collected there, and one slot for silk fabric.

We put the fabric in the slot and wait, after a while pollen will appear in other slots, take it away, and the silk fabric will be wasted

After about an hour you get 4 pollen.

Even if you take only one pollen, the fabric will be wasted, so it will be more economical to wait until all 4 slots are filled with pollen and then take it. A very important point! Install this block only in the hive in which bees are working, pollinating flowers, otherwise you will not receive pollen.

Special Extra Bees blocks


In crafting we use:
1 Gold vacuum tube,
5 Glowdust,
1 hive block.

Installing this block in a Huge Hive will allow bees to work at night, even if the bee does not have the night gene.

Rain Shield

In crafting we use:
2 Gold vacuum tubes,
3 Bricks,
1 hive block.

Allows bees in the Huge Hive to work in the rain, even if the bee does not have the Flyer parameter.

Frame Housing

In crafting we use:
3 Gold vacuum tubes,
3 Iron Ingots,
1 hive block.

Allows you to insert frames.

One block - one frame. Useful if you need to quickly get a lot of products. It is also convenient when breeding new species of bees, because allows you to use the Frame of Souls to increase the chance of mutation. All frames are spent faster than in a regular apiary.

Forestry​ Frames increase the chance of bees creating honeycombs and other possible products. Each frame doubles the chance modifier (if it is less than 10). Without frames, the modifier for the chance of obtaining products in the apiary is 10%, and if all three frames are present, it increases to 80%

  • Raw frame.
  • Impregnated frame.
  • Proven frame.
Magic Bees
  • Magic frame. Doubles bee productivity.
  • Durable frame. Doubles bee productivity.
  • Lightweight frame. Bee life +50%. Productivity +40%. Chance of mutation -30%.
  • Metabolic framework. Productivity +20%. Mutation chance +80%.
  • Necrotic frame. Bee life -70%. Productivity -25%.
  • Time frame. Increases the life of bees by 2.5 times.
  • Forgotten frame. The lifespan of bees is 27 seconds. With this frame the bees will not produce.
Extra Bees
  • Chocolate frame or Chocolate Frame. Accelerates production speed by 50%. Reduces life time by 50%.
  • Healing frame or Healing Frame. Increases lifespan by 50%, but reduces production to 75% and mutation chance to 50%.
  • Restraint Frame or Restraint Frame. Reduces life expectancy and production speed by up to 75%, work area by 50%.
  • Bee Soul Frame. Increases the chance of mutation by 50%, reduces life time to 75%, production speed to 25%.
Mutator (Mutation Block)

In crafting we use:
2 Diamond vacuum tubes,
2 Gold bars,
1 hive block.

Increases the chance of mutation depending on the catalyst. Indispensable when breeding new bee species. The following can be used as a catalyst:
Sand of souls– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 1.5 times;
Pearl of the Edge– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 2 times;
Eye of the End– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 4 times;
Uranium 238– The chance of successful mutation increases by 10 times (Caution! The princess may die!);
Nether Star– The chance of a successful mutation increases by 50 times.

The effects of blocks with catalysts are cumulative, for example, you install three blocks in a hive and put souls in each sand - the chance of a successful mutation will increase not by 1.5, but by 4.5 times (1.5 * 3). But the total effect of only three blocks is taken into account, so there is no point in betting more than three.

One catalyst is only enough for one cycle of the queen’s life, and it is spent at the moment the mutation is completed, i.e. when the queen dies.

If you put a sufficiently powerful catalyst, and even use more than one mutation block, then the desired species of bee, even if this species has a low percentage of mutation probability, at the end of the cycle will turn out not as a hybrid, but as a pure new species with a stable genome!

Automation of the Huge Hive

Well, now I’ll tell you how to connect it to the ME system.
It is not difficult!
To begin, we build a hive with 3 Frame Housing
One Rain Shield and [b]Lighting
This hive turns out to be the most optimal for bringing in products (well, this is from my point of view)

and connect one export and import bus to the hive at the top

We put 1-2 acceleration cards in the tires (at personal discretion)
Be sure to put 1 fuzziness card and 1 capacity card into the import bus and make a note for the princess and the drone
Attention! ME works only with one type of bee; if you use 2 hives and 2 types of bees, the bees can mix and there will be a mess.
Next we need to install
ME storage
Energy receiver
1-2 storage cells (I use 2 x 1k)
Create Processing Block
Creation storage (I use on 1k)
1 terminal (I use the creation terminal)
Molecular Composer
ME Interface (we put 3 tires in it to create Boards, sticks, frames)

I use 2 types of wood so I have one more tire for boards and sticks

We throw Wood and Thread into the ME

All autocraft has been filed, we wait for half an hour and we see that you already have about 100 hundred.

And this is where I will end.
Thanks to all!
If you have any questions, write to me on Discord on my server

Probably, many players of HiTech servers noticed some changes that occurred on their servers: a modification called ArmorStatusHUD was added, showing the number of remaining units of strength and a new addon for Forestry, adding a number of new items for those who like to sit and select bees. Today I would like to talk about this modification.

Forestry Extras is an interesting addition to the Forestry mod from a Dutch developer, which introduces new items for beekeepers into the game, namely: frames with unique effects, more durable tool options, new blocks, ingots, as well as the buzzing friends themselves and their waste products - honeycombs . In this article I will try to tell the most reliable information about this miracle.

1. Tools

There are only a few of them as such - a couple of nets and garden knives. They differ from the standard versions only in strength and have no additional effects. They function exactly the same as in the original Forestry version

Draconian (600 units of use each):

Garden knife


Reinforced (300 units of use each):

Garden knife


2. Frames for beehives

Here everything is somewhat more serious. There are 15 of them in total (not counting those that work when Tinker's Construct is present). They also have their own interesting effects that expand the capabilities of the young bee lover. Each recipe requires special sticks. How to create them? Find out below. Please note that Some recipes may be a little... shocking...

Coal (increases the amount of products produced by 10%, 80 uses)

Iron (increases the amount of products produced by 10%, 200 uses)

Golden ( increases the number of products produced by 20%, 200 uses)

Reinforced ( increases the number of products produced by 15%, 1750 uses)

Draconian ( increases the number of products produced by 300%, 2000 uses)

Emerald ( increases the number of products produced by 75%, life expectancy by 117%, working area by 15%, flower arrangement by 15%, probability of successful mutation by 12%, 1100 uses)

Mutating (increases the chance of successful mutation by 100%, 50 uses)

Bronze ( by 30%, 300 uses)

Copper ( increases the number of products produced by 10%, 80 uses)

Tin ( increases the number of products produced by 10%, 90 uses)

Silver ( increases the number of products produced by 30%, 320 uses)

Lead ( increases the number of products produced by 30%, 350 uses)

Alfievaya ( increases the number of products produced by 150%, 750 uses)

You can find out detailed information by simply holding Shift and pointing at the desired frame

2.1. Crafting sticks

I won’t post all the recipes, but I will say that they are crafted according to one principle: read the name and act.

Charcoal stick (all others are made in the same way, but from different materials)

Mutating stick (stars of the lower world participate in crafting)

3. Buzzers and their products

Unfortunately, there are only two of them, but their products are widely used both in the manufacture of frames and in others. Many, having seen this modification, ask the question: “How to display them? It is not shown in NEI!” and today they will find out the answer.

Reinforced Princess (aka Reinforced)

Draconian Princess

Their products are modest: just honeycombs. From them you will receive nuggets, from which you can later collect ingots.

Reinforced honeycomb

Draconian honeycomb

This ends the guide. I hope that it helped you at least in some way. Please do not forget to put "Thank you", because collecting the information took some time. Thank you!