Mass check of ticks and pr. TCI and PR

Added history of TIC, PR site.
To determine the title and pr of the site on current date, as well as find out the history of the birds and pagerank for the past period and see the gluing of the birds (checking the birds for glue) just enter the url of the site (domain) in the field and click "Check"

Site analysis: TIC and PR check and change history

History of ticks and pr site

Change history thematic index Yandex quoting is displayed as a graph:

PR site history - graph Google changes PageRank:

Similar graphs are also implemented for indexing in Yandex and the speed of updating sites in Yandex and the history of liveinternet traffic.

Bulk checking of ticks and pr

For mass check tits and pr is specially designed to allow batch checking of tits and so on, as well as many other SEO parameters in multi-threaded mode. url list can be imported from text file, and export the test results to excell.

Tit and pr updates

IN right column at the top you can find updates to the Yandex TIC (TIC update dates), updates search results Yandex and Google PR updates. The latest update is highlighted in a larger font. You can also install a similar sign for yourself -
For reference:

What is a tick?

TIC is a thematic Yandex citation index, determined by the number and quality of links to an Internet resource (usually this is a host, in rare cases it can be a section of the site described in the Yandex Catalog). In fact Tits is the sum of the weights of incoming links to the site. According to the assurances of Yandex representatives, the theme, naturalness of links and their usefulness play an important role. How Yandex calculates these values ​​remains a mystery. Practical experiments on increasing the TIC show that the thematic nature of the referring resource in the form in which everyone is accustomed to perceive it is not so significant. When determining naturalness, the anchor list plays an important role, while anchorless links often look natural in the eyes of Yandex.
When calculating the thematic citation index, the resources that are unmoderated in terms of links that can be left by anyone (these are bulletin boards, forums, blogs, etc.) are not taken into account. links and their "diversity". At the same time, such links do not have a negative weight for the characters, they are simply ignored.

How to view site ticks in Yandex

If you want to manually check the ticks in search engine Yandex, there are several ways:
1) Enter in address bar your browser
(instead of the site, enter the address of your site)
In addition to the indicator value given request also shows the presence of the site in the Yandex catalog
2) Type in the address bar
IN this case you will get the result as a picture

What is pr?

PR is Google's pagerank. Unlike Titz, it is calculated not for the resource as a whole, but for a specific page. This is a number (0-10) that indicates the importance of a page among other pages and is determined by the sum of the weights of other pages linking to this page.
Main principle pagerank theory is simple - if page A links to page B, then page A believes that Page B - important page. In this case, the anchor does not play a role.
To date, hundreds of parameters are involved in the ranking of the Google search engine, and pagerank is just one of them (As well as for Yandex)

How to view the site's pr on Google

The Google search engine unfortunately does not allow you to check pagerank directly. But information is easy to get from services. For example, on our service, when analyzing a site, its PR is determined

And in this article we will consider all the ways to check the TCI of any site.

I want to note the fact that no matter how we check the TCI, in any case, the data will be taken from Yandex, since it is he who sets this value. Therefore, the resulting index value must be the same for all methods.

I have identified the 7 most popular ways to determine the TIC.

7 ways to learn TIC

1. Check TCI through Yandex buttons

Yandex provides the ability to install special button with TIC for the site. It is also called CY money. It looks something like this:

You can get this button in the Yandex help: . Its code will be something like this:

Without a button, the value can be viewed through the link:

URL without http:// protocol.

2. Checking TCI Yandex Catalog

I use this method most often, because if you click on the TCI in Yandex Bar, then the page refers to the address from the YAK:

YOUR_SITE.RU - here you need to specify the URL of the site URL without the http:// protocol.

It also indicates whether the specified site was found in the Yandex Catalog.

If you see the inscription " Resource citation index less than 10", then this means that the site's TCI is zero. This is normal. But if you see the inscription "Not defined", it means that the site fell under the ACS and its TCI was artificially reset to zero.

3. Check the TIC through Yandex Webmaster

This the way is fine to check the TIC on their sites. Add your site to Yandex Webmaster. Further, on the panel of your sites in JV, you can immediately see the TCI and the number of pages in the index for all added sites. Also here you can find many useful information about your site. For example, see all incoming links, see popular queries, find errors on the site, etc.

4. Check TCI through Yandex Bar (Yandex Elements)

Can be installed in any browser special extension- Yandex Elements. Previously, it was called Yandex Bar (many still call it that). For example, I put them on firefox browser. Here's what it looks like.

To configure the display of the TCI site, you need to go to the settings and make sure that it is displayed. By default, the TIC of the site is not shown. Here short instruction for adding TIC output in Yandex Elements:

5. Check the TCI through the plug-in in the browser

As I said, there are other popular plugins: SeoQuake , Page Promoter and others.

6. Check the TIC through third-party services

Third-party services for site analysis provide detailed information about the site, including TIC. All of them are free and there are a lot of them. I will list the most common.

Lyrical digression for beginner webmasters

Page Rank (PR) shows the relative importance/authority of a page in in the eyes of Google on a scale from 1 to 10. When people talk about a site's PR, they usually mean its main page. For example, today, PR home page YouTube - 9, and PR of video pages Gangam Style on YouTube - 8. In calculating the PR of a page, both internal and external links are taken into account, therefore, in principle, having a large site, you can get a good PR of pages due to internal links. PR is recalculated on average every 3 months.

What is TIC - the most important

The Thematic Citation Index (TIC) is determined by Yandex for a domain, not for separate page. Again, an example - today the TIC of the main domain is 78,000, the TIC of the subdomain is 5600. Only external links are taken into account in the TIC calculation, therefore, having a large site, even with good internal linking, but without external links you can't get a good TIC. When calculating the TIC, the thematic proximity of resources plays an important role, that is, a link from one SEO blog to another SEO blog will have more weight than a link from an SEO blog to a culinary resource. TIC is recalculated on average every 30-40 days.

Programs for mass verification of TIC and PR

1. Netpeak Checker

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The thematic citation index (TCI) of Yandex determines the "authority" of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links to them from other sites. This qualitative characteristic is called the "weight" of the link. It is calculated according to a specially developed algorithm. The thematic proximity of the resource and the sites referring to it plays an important role. By itself, the number of links to a resource also affects the value of its TCI, but the TCI is determined not by the number of links, but by the sum of their weights.

The TIC can be measured for all resources referenced by any of the resources indexed by Yandex at least once.

When calculating the site's TIC, links from bulletin boards, forums, blogs, online conferences, unmoderated directories and other resources to which anyone can add links without control by the resource owner are not taken into account. Also, when calculating the TIC, links from sites located on free hosting, if they are not described in Yandex.Catalog. In other words, all such links have zero weight.

The citation indexes of the so-called mirrors (aliases) are combined, that is, the weights of all non-repeating references to mirror addresses are summed to calculate the TCI of the main address. Main address is determined automatically and matches the address indexed by the search engine. You can change it with the Host directive.

Yandex TCI updates

Google PageRank

PageRank is a numerical value that characterizes the "importance" of a web page. The more links to a page, the more "important" it is. In addition, the "weight" of page A is determined by the weight of the link transmitted by page B. Thus, PageRank is a method of calculating the weight of a page by calculating the importance of links to it.

Classic PageRank View Model

The basic formula describing PR is as follows:

Where ddamping factor, reflecting how much weight the donor page can transfer to the acceptor page. Usually it is taken equal to 0.85, which means that the page can transfer 85% of the weight (shared among all acceptors referred to by the donor). In other sources d is the probability with which the user will go to one of the acceptors, and not close the browser, which is basically the same. Which numerical value Google knows this parameter only there, the rest will take it equal to 0.85 (apparently from experimental data);
nnumber of pages, linking to the acceptor page (which are not filtered);
T i- i-th referring page;
Cnumber of external links on the donor page.

PageRank Toolbar View

Since there can be many referring pages, and the total number of pages in the search engine Google system large enough (about a dozen billion pieces) and their number is constantly growing, then represent the weight of the page in absolute values for webmasters it would be very wrong. For this, the concept TLPRToolbar PageRank, which has a value from 0 to 10 (green scale in Google Toolbar).

To fit all page weights between values ​​from 0 to 10 use logarithmic scale:

TLPR = Log base (PR) * a

Where base is the base of the logarithm, which depends on the number of pages in the search engine(possibly also from a number of other factors). Some take it to be 7;
a is a reduction factor that satisfies the inequality 0< a ≤ 1. Оптимизаторам его можно принять equal to one to simplify calculations.

It is wrong to conclude from the above that zero TLPR means zero real PageRank. It can be seen from the first formula that even if n=0, we get the minimum PR min = (1-d) = 0.15. This value corresponds to TLPR ≈ -1. With such (negative) values ​​of toolbar PR, it is considered that PR = N/A (or not yet determined), but it also affects the distribution of weight between acceptor links. It should also be noted that the toolbar value is intended only for displaying to webmasters in the Google Toolbar and does not affect the search results in the sickle. The real PR of the page influences the issuance in the sickle!

Good morning dear webmasters. IN Everyday life sometimes you need to check tits, yak, glue and other parameters huge amount domains. Of course, this operation can be performed by hand, but how long will it take? I think a lot, but time is the most precious thing we have in this life. Therefore, this task needs to be automated using software or a service. Just about the programs for the mass check of ticks, Yandex catalog and glue, I suggest you talk today.

There are hundreds of such programs: paid or free, with various form export of the result, with or without proxy support, with work on yandex xml and much, much more. Each person has the right to choose software for himself, I just want to tell you how I checked 4000+ domains yesterday.

So, I'll tell you about the task that I needed to complete. I had 4000+ domains, I needed to know the tick, glue and yak of each of them. That is, in fact, I only need to get information that can be seen with such a request:

Obviously, there are several solutions to this problem:

  • Writing your own parser, for example, in php.
  • Using a service such as .
  • Use of third party software.

Each solution has its downsides. So, for example, the main disadvantage of a self-written parser is that you need to write it yourself (sorry for buttered butter). When using the second and third solutions, the main disadvantage is that the creators of these services and software can send the most delicious domains to themselves and register them before you.

Since yesterday I needed to check domains quickly, it was not possible for me to write my own parser. After a little googling, I did not find Internet services that could check the ticks and yak of 4000 domains. And, to be honest, I don’t trust them - who knows where my domains will go next. So I started looking for some program that would perform the required checks.

Immediately came to mind such popular paid SEO programs as . They are able to check all conceivable and unthinkable parameters for domains. Unfortunately, I did not have them at hand, and buying software for the sake of one check is stupidity. So I started looking for some free software.

I quickly found a program previously unknown to me. She just did and checked massively tits and yak from their domains.

So, the advantages of this software:

  • Bulk check of all possible domain parameters (PR, TIC, IP, Site subject, Site region, Server country, Server region, Google index, Yandex index, Links in Yandex Blog, YahooBL, Bing, YACA, DMOZ, Alexa Rank, Link G, Link Me, G Mentions, Me Mentions, Site Links, LinkStat, Web Arch Age, Whois Age, Language).
  • Anticaptcha support (
  • Multithreading.
  • The program is free.
  • Working with Yandex XML.
  • Convenient data export.
  • Russian interface.