Mass effect 2 legion loyalty mission. Walkthrough FAQ

In this article you will learn:

Legion is a representative of the synthetic geth race, a mobile platform equipped with 1183 AI programs. (Legion is the bearer of the collective mind, it is because of this that he always speaks of himself in the plural).

Thanks to its programming, this geth can speak and function independently. Legion's appearance has some enhancements that allow him to express emotions without actually feeling them.



Geth was created to study organic life, but most of all, his attention was attracted by destroying the Reaper Overlord. Geth explored the planets visited by Shepard - Eden Prime, Therum, Feros, Noveria, Virmire, Ilos. For a short time, obsessed with the hero of the Universe Shepard, he followed the captain's footsteps until he finally found the crash site of the Normandy on the planet Alchera, where Shepard died. There he took some of his N7 armor and added it to his platform in order to repair the damage.

Normandy Team

Goeth traveled extensively in the two years following Shepard's death. Being interested in Reaper technology, he went to the Abandoned Reaper, where he unexpectedly met a living one, who was completely restored by Cerberus. He helped the team fight off the Husks who had invaded the dead ship, but he himself was incapacitated. The captain saw parts of his former armor on Geth’s body and picked up his body, taking it to Normandy 2.

When Sheprad activated the geth, he showed no hostility at all and even wanted to help the captain in his mission, which surprised absolutely everyone. When Shepard asked his name. He answered simply - Get. But the ship’s AI intervened and gave it the name “Legion,” quoting the New Testament, Mark 5:9 – “My name is Legion.” Since the geth consisted of hundreds of active individuals. It was from these sweat that he became known as the Legion.

In fact, the Legion did not consider itself a single entity. It united many individuals who came to a common decision to take action. The Legion expressed admiration for the AI ​​EDI because, unlike the geth, who depend on each other, it personally controlled all functions of the Normandy.

He often talked about the war between the quarians and the geth, calling the quarians “creators,” disliking the quarian Tali.

Soon, Legion told Shepard that the Geth were indifferent to organic matter. The geth who fought organic life forms are the “heretics” who followed the Reapers. He said that the heretics had developed a virus that would turn all other geth to serve the Reapers and asked the Captain for help. Shepard agreed to help destroy the virus, which could lead all peaceful geth to war.

The Legion remained on Shepard's ship, working with him to stop the Collectors, an insect-like race destroying human colonies.


After the victory over the Collectors, the captain was removed, the ship was seized by the Alliance and the Legion left, continuing its journey.

Six months later, after the Reapers' invasion of the Galaxy, the Legion was captured by the heretical geths, who decided to accept the help of the Reapers and gain greater intelligence and combat effectiveness in the war with the quarians who decided to recapture their planet. With the help of the Legion, the Reapers began to control all the geth, sending a signal that was broadcast throughout their fleet.

He sent Shepard to help the quarians, reporting that an alarm signal was coming from the geth dreadnought. Shepard landed on the dreadnought with and soon discovered the captured Legion, with the help of which the signal was broadcast. As soon as the Legion was liberated, the signal disappeared. The small geth fleet was immobilized.

Shepard, Tali and Legion managed to escape from the dreadnought before it was shot by the quarians.

Fighting the Reapers

On board the Normandy 2, the Legion said that having accepted the help of the Reaper, the geth are modernizing, the Reaper virus adds character to the geth programs, making them similar to organics, with true consciousness. The Legion reported that it could enlist a huge army of geth, only to do this it was necessary to free them from the oppression of the Reapers, who control them from the planet Rannoch. He and the Normandy 2 crew travel to Rannoch, a quarian planet controlled by the geth. In a series of battles, Shepard and his team managed to break through to the main building. At this time, the quarian fleet meets the geth fleet over the planet.

Having lured out the huge Reaper that controlled the geth, Shepard destroys it, after which the entire synthetic Fleet is immobilized.


The Legion tried to rewrite the program of the fallen Reaper in order to prevent the quarians from shooting the last geth and breathing sense into them. He decided to download his programs, since they consisted of thousands.

The quarian fleet launched an attack on the immobilized vehicles. Admiral Tali asked the Legion to stop, because if the synthetics gain intelligence, they will destroy the last quarian fleet attacking them. The Legion, which had long dreamed of the freedom of its brothers, refused. Shepard managed to convince the Quarian Fleet not to attack, after which the Legion, dreaming of the freedom of its brothers, gave its life by downloading its programs into the Reaper and transferring them to each geth.

After uniting the fleets for the subsequent war with the Reapers, he returned to the Normandy 2 and on the memorial plaque of the ship’s heroes carved the name of the geth “Legion”.

In those days, hearts were brave and the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women, and the little furries from Alpha Centauri were the little furries from Alpha Centauri.

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

It's time to go on a journey through the plot of Mass Effect 2 - from Commander Shepard's first timid steps across the decks of space stations to the final battles with vile bug-eyed alien villains! This guide covers the entire game, as follows:

  • Story missions
  • Side missions for all planets
  • Quests on “unexplored planets”
  • Quests from ten fellow combat squad members and even from some ordinary crew members

Ready? Then forward to new victories!

The story begins with an unforeseen trip among distant systems. Frightened by the prophecies, politicians exiled Shepard to the outskirts under the pretext of fighting the geth.

However, it will not be the geth ship that will reveal the disguise of our frigate, and then tear it to pieces, but the cruiser of the mysterious race of Gatherers. The Normandy can no longer be saved, but the Joker refuses to leave the control room. And that's where Shepard comes in.

To help the Joker out, you need to go through the burning corridor, go through the diaphragm door into outer space and, looking at the planet hanging overhead along the way, get to the control room. The pilot is saved, but an explosion throws Commander Shepard from the wreckage of the ship towards an unknown planet. Death is inevitable!

This is interesting: try, after starting the game, do not touch the screen with red clouds for a couple of minutes and see what happens.

Operation Lazarus

- Stop sulking, private. Are you really starting a squabble over being revived?

- The way it is. According to military law, even a simple soldier has rights.

R. Sheckley, “The Right to Die”

It took the secret laboratory of the Cerberus organization two years to restore the commander from... what was left of him. In the meantime, scientists are putting the finishing touches on the resurrected Shepard, you can choose the class, name and appearance of the new character.

After a quick introduction to Miranda and the unknown bald individual, Shepard will be sent to combat training. The space station-laboratory is attacked, and Shepard urgently needs to move to the evacuation zone, despite his incompletely healed wounds.

So, rising from the operating table, the commander, under the wise guidance of Miranda, already familiar to him, will take a pistol from the drawer. He will find the cartridges (or, strictly speaking, thermocouples for cooling) behind the door after he hides from the explosion that knocked out that very door.

After this, we will be taught how to jump over obstacles and will be faced with the first enemy - an enraged medical droid. Around the corner you will have to deal with several more droids. Take a look at the warehouse and move on.

They will show us the first example of heavy weapons and teach us how to use them. Then, after descending on the platform, Shepard will have to use a sprint to run through the stream of fire.

When the connection with Miranda is lost, look into the room with the crawling robots to find out some details about the resurrection of the commander and the technologies that were used. Apparently, a certain Wilson, Miranda’s colleague, has been feeling uneasy towards her for a long time, but is not unreasonably jealous of the still deceased Shepard.

By the way: do you remember to read all the magazines, crack all the safes and computers along the way? I'm sure you won't forget.

The meeting with Jacob Taylor will be crumpled, but the black man will tell us something about the station, Miranda and our resurrection. After this, the training will continue: the droids will be revived until Shepard gives Jacob the order to use the biotic ability. Only after this will you be able to move on to Miranda's supposed location. After a couple of meetings with droids, you will come across the third survivor - Wilson, the same suspicious character whom you saw next to Miranda during the first, unsuccessful attempt to revive.

In order for Wilson to speak, it is necessary to complete one more training point - take the medigel and use the Unity skill. Jacob will suspect Wilson as a traitor, but due to lack of evidence, he will tell Shepard that the hexagonal sign of Cerberus is everywhere for a reason.

When robots burst into the room, you will be asked to blow up the boxes standing in the center of the room. After this, there will be a battle in a more or less open space, where well-aimed shots from afar will be very useful.

When there are no more robots in the room, the door will lead you to Miranda. After the scene and dialogue, Shepard will be safely evacuated from the laboratory.

For your information: at this point you will be given the opportunity to independently determine who will be in charge of the Citadel council: Anderson or Udina. The choice will be provided in any case - even if Shepard was imported from Mass Effect.

Colony "Progress of Freedom"

— Do you three, by any chance, want to become members of my new space team?

- New? What happened to the old one?

- Oh, these poor things... It doesn’t matter. The important thing is that I need a new space team. Anyone interested?


At the station, no one will be interested in Shepard until he talks with the head of Cerberus, the mysterious Illusive Man. Let's go to the "meeting room"!

For your information: On the way to the “meeting room” you can choose clothes and color the spacesuit to your liking. The selection of spacesuit parts is still very scarce, but this disgrace will only last until the first visit to the stores.

Shepard is puzzled - which of these cocoons is his ex-girlfriend in?

Although the ghost will not appear in person, in his holographic form he will tell us about what is happening in the galaxy.

Remote human colonies began to disappear. It smells like the Reapers, but the Citadel Council, as usual, sticks its head in the sand and blames pirates and bandits for everything. The hero, the symbol, must understand this situation! And there he is, Shepard!

The last colony to disappear was Progress of Freedom. It’s worth going there and inspecting everything on the spot, looking for evidence and survivors.

Advice: In this mission you will have to fight with robots, so take this into account when choosing when increasing your skill level.

Before you go, you will need to talk with Miranda and Jacob.

Not a colony, but just some kind of “Maria Celeste”. Everything is intact, but there is not a soul around. There are no signs of battle, and even breakfasts are left half-eaten.

For your information: I will not remind you that every safe and lock along the way must be opened, every computer must be hacked, and ownerless resources must be appropriated. From now on, only new types of weapons and blueprints for future research will be highlighted.

The colony is truly empty, and only lonely guard droids howl sadly in the night. But a group of quarians cuckooing in one of the containers will incur the suspicions of Shepard and his partners. Fortunately, Tali'Zorah, our old friend, will settle the conflict and tell us what the matter is: the quarians flew to visit one of their pilgrims, named Vitor, and even found him, but they cannot get through to him - the poor fellow has gone crazy and surrounded himself with military droids. There will be a proposal to try to storm the witness’s hideout together. Let's do so.

When guard droids fly over the heads of Shepard and his colleagues, you should be on your guard and wait for fierce shelling behind the next container house. Keep colleagues in hiding. Having lost the protective field, hide in cover yourself. The most dangerous ones are droids with missiles. Their weakness is that they do not move when shooting.

On the stairs, do not rush to jump out into the open space: the droids shoot accurately. Use Biotic Overload on Rocket Droids first.

For your information: It is not necessary for your teammates to see your target. They can use biotic skills “from around the corner,” blindly, at Shepard’s direction.

In front of the large door, place your partners on the left and right. The first difficult battle with a large battle droid awaits.

“So, we really got lost.”

It is necessary to remove his shields as quickly as possible, using all the biotic skills that are at hand. The droid fires heavily and removes the shields of Shepard and his partners instantly. Don't rely too much on cover - many of the boxes on the site are marked with a destructible symbol, and indeed they are easy to demolish. Don't let this quality of theirs take you by surprise.

Our witness will be found in one of the containers on the square - the crazy quarian Vitor. Due to an unsanitary hole in his suit, he became ill with something and became delirious, not responding to Shepard. Here you will have the first opportunity in the game to interrupt the character’s speech - in a good or bad way, depending on what Shepard is strong at.

One way or another, the quarian will wake up and show his notes. The inhabitants of the colony were indeed kidnapped, and it was done by the Gatherers, a mysterious and little-known insectoid race. Their miniature beetle robots previously plunged all people into a stasis field - this explains the fact that not a single colony offered resistance.

Before returning to the Cerberus station, all that remains is to make one last moral choice: either meet Tali halfway and give the sick quarian to his relatives, or take him with him for experiments.


The Illusive Man will tell Shepard a couple of interesting things about the Gatherers. He will also give out a list of the best of the best fighters throughout the Galaxy, who would be very nice to have on the team. He will especially mention one of them - Professor Mordin Solus. We need a salarian scientist for research and to develop a countermeasure against the stasis poison of the Gatherers.

"I have a ship!" - “It turns out that it’s profitable to work with you!” - "Well done!"

And then you will be met by an old acquaintance - the pilot Joker. He will escort Shepard to the new ship, built by Cerberus personally for the commander. The ship will traditionally be called the Normandy.

We are about to get acquainted with the frigate and its crew. First, Shepard will be introduced to the ship's artificial intelligence Edie, and then to the commander's personal secretary, red-haired Kelly. After this, Shepard will be given freedom of movement, and he will be able to personally sniff the corners of the new ship. First of all, you should go to the bridge to the Joker to talk with him and Eddie.

This is interesting: try to visit the Joker after each mission. You don’t have to talk to him - just stand next to him and listen to his stream of consciousness, which is sometimes very funny and “Easter.”

Visit Jacob in the armory. After examining the entire deck, you can take the elevator up to the captain’s cabin, although Shepard has nothing to do there yet, except perhaps visit the commander’s personal latrine.

Down on the living deck, on the other hand, there is plenty to do.

This is interesting: The elevator on the living deck has an interesting update - restrooms. If Shepard goes into the bathroom of a different gender, Edie will gently remind you of this. Alas, there is nothing you can do there - not even wash your hands. This is probably why no one uses it. Not once in the game will the common latrine be occupied.

Many of the rooms in the story are still locked. However, Shepard can go into the medical unit and talk with an old friend, Dr. Chakwas. She will puzzle him with a mini-quest to find a bottle of brandy - to replace the one that crumbled into dust along with the stash on the old Normandy.

In the canteen, Sergeant Gardner, the plumber's cook, will complain about the army rations, from which nothing tasty can be made. He will ask you to get decent food for the team (they can be found in the markets of the Citadel).

This is interesting: in the cockpit, two crew members are discussing a certain family unknown to you from a colony that is under threat of attack by the Gatherers. Shepard cannot intervene in the conversation, but he should look into the cockpit after each mission to be aware of what is happening with this family.

There's not much to do on the lowest deck yet - except maybe look into the hangar and not see the Mako there. Instead, there is a strange-looking landing bot, which in flight most resembles a horse galloping backwards.

Two cheerful engineers, Daniels and Donnelly, are on duty in the engine compartment. They will ask you to get rare parts for them that would make it easier for them to maintain the Normandy.


- Frau Martha, we have a problem: the baron has risen! There will be trouble!

Film “The Same Munchausen”

Soon after Shepard begins to appear in public, he will receive a letter from the Citadel. Our old friend Anderson wants to see us in the flesh. There are no quests here other than “grocery” yet (there won’t be any story ones at all), but you should check out the station at least for the local shops.

After landing, listen to the armorer explain to the soldiers the basics of Newtonian combat in space. At the entrance, the turian guard will announce to Shepard that he is dead and send him to “revive” to Commander Hayley. The commander will solve the problem (it’s up to you to decide how) and offer to talk to the consul.

Chat with the holographic guide. He will tell you how things are at the station now, two years after the attack.

You are on level 27. There are a lot of shops around where you can get a discount - in an amicable way or with a scandal. Outside Delea Sanassi's gift shop, two krogan are arguing about whether there are fish in the Praesidium pools. At a pillar on the opposite side of the square, you can listen to a customized advertisement (“Shepard, you died a long time ago. Would you like to purchase shrouds and coffins at a discount?”)

But the Citadel has hardly changed over the years!

At Zaker's café nearby you can buy two historical novels and provisions for the Normandy cook.

Climb the stairs to level 28. There is also a lot of interesting things here. Etarn Tyrone sells blueprints. The game seller praises his product. According to him, Galaxy of Fantasy, based on turian mythology, is now popular. It is played by 11 billion humanoids.

At the far end of the hall, a journalist you already know is lying in wait for you. Give her an interview if you wish.

Behind the double doors on the same level is the Dark Star bar, cozy and not as aggressively crazy as Aria’s establishment on Omega. Try asking the bartender about the news for a laugh.

There is a turian standing by the wall here, whom you can ask about the fish in the reservoirs. Pass on the information received to the arguing krogans. You can, however, lie.

Now all that remains is to go down two levels, to floor 26. There you will immediately discover a mess: a certain volus accuses a quarian of stealing a credit card, she denies it, and a security officer tries to sort out the matter. Shepard might intervene. The fate of the credit card will become clear after visiting the store of the salarian Marab. Return to the volus and explain to him exactly what he is doing wrong.

Opposite Maraba's store, asari Kian Louros will sell you a couple more good things. There's nothing more you can do here, so all you have to do is go to the Presidium and talk to Anderson, Udina (and the Citadel Council, if he survived the battle with the "Overlord").

After this, you can return to the Normandy and clear out the mailbox littered with letters.

Since we desperately need a scientist on our team, we will choose the Omega station as our first visit, a semi-bandit freemen based on an old asteroid ore station. Both the professor and the mysterious Archangel live here, whom we should also hire.

Let's start with the professor, since the Normandy laboratory is idle without him.

Omega: Mordin Solus

“We’re coming to you, professor, and this is what we’re talking about!”

“It’s in vain, gentlemen, to walk around without galoshes: firstly, you’ll catch a cold, and secondly, you’ll leave a footprint on my carpets.”

M. Bulgakov, “Heart of a Dog”

After a scene in which it turns out that even two years after Shepard has been dead, Shepard still enjoys some authority among the bandits, he will be sent to Aria T'Loak, the owner of the entire station.

On the main square, the entrance to the Posmertie club stands out. If you want, listen to the conversation between the man and the Elcor bouncer. Pay attention to the silent turian with a weapon. This is Captain Gavorn, the menace of the local Vorcha aliens.

This is interesting: The radio at the station will give Shepard the opportunity to learn about the news over the past couple of years and what problems are currently troubling the Galaxy.

Come to the club. They will let you through in silence and won’t even look at your weapon. In a dark corridor, a group of criminal-looking batarians will roll a barrel towards Shepard. We face a moral choice, but a rather one-sided one. You can threaten the hooligans in a relaxed, kind way, or sharply, angrily - but the essence in both cases is the same: Shepard explains to the batarians that they made a mistake by running into him.

The club itself is noisy, spacious, beautiful. Music plays, asari dance around the poles. Drink local drinks. Don't forget to buy brandy for Dr. Chakwas.

Aria T'Loak's guards will try to search Shepard. For fun, you can promise them to push the scanner where the sun doesn't shine (if Shepard is evil enough). This will amuse Aria, but she will have to undergo scanning - you never know who could pretend to be Shepard.

Aria is the “godmother” of all Omega. It's interesting to talk to her. She shows off a little, but will tell you what she knows about the professor and the Archangel.

    Dr. Mordin Solus is trying to save victims of an epidemic of an unknown deadly disease on the lower residential levels of Omega. There is a quarantine there.

    Archangel has angered the local bandits so much that the three largest gangs have teamed up and are trying to dig him out of his hideout. Archangel holds such a strong defense that the bandits arranged for an additional recruitment of volunteers, promising a generous fee.

We are still interested in Dr. Mordin. But before you go to his quarantine zone, it’s worth inspecting the entire Omega.

Later, the guard Grizz, standing by the stairs leading to Aria's box, will offer you a task. The Bloody Pack mercenaries planned to assassinate the Patriarch. They need to be stopped. The problem is that the Patriarch himself does not really want Shepard's protection. However, he can be persuaded to accept help.

The mercenaries themselves - a couple of krogans - are waiting for you outside the door (to the left of the Patriarch's room). Talk to him and then return to Aria for your reward.

Go down to the lower level of the club. You may run into an old friend, Helena Blake, depending on how you left her in the first Mass Effect.

Once below, Shepard can appreciate the dancer up close. The asari squirming on the table, although she smiles for the tip, is as silent as a fish. Go down to the nook and talk to the krogan nicknamed the Patriarch. He was once the leader of Omega. Aria overthrew him, severely maimed him in battle personally, but left him alive as a warning to everyone. We will meet with the Patriarch again, but now it’s time to have a drink at the bar opposite the door.

The batarian bartender looks unfriendly, and the drink will have a strange effect on Shepard. They will tell us that this is not the first time that the bartender has poisoned people, taking revenge on them for what they did to him in the distant pirate past. Shepard is the first to survive. It seems that very soon one bartender will be very unlucky. Remember the corridor in which you woke up. Go to the bartender and deal with him as you see fit. Both paths - the good and the bad - end in the death of the bad batarian.

Return to the corridor that you remembered a couple of lines above. Strange “Vorcha” creatures, as if stepped out of the pages of an alien encyclopedia, are either bandits, or savages, in a word, pests. At the corner of the corridor, one of the grunts will catch Shepard and say a few kind words about Captain Gavorn. If you want, return to the captain - he will tell you about who the vorcha are and how they harm honest humanoids.

Around the corner is the shop of a young junk dealer, the quarian Kenna. The guy has a serious problem - he is stuck on Omega with no money, and business is going extremely poorly, since a local elcor merchant named Harrot forbids him to reduce prices. We face a simple moral choice. You can give Kenn money to return to the Traveling Fleet. You can put pressure on the merchant Harrot so that he does not pester the guy, or you can offer him to take the store away from the poor guy altogether. Either way, be sure to take a look at what the junk dealer has for sale.

Up the stairs is the market. To the left is the entrance to the hall for important people, where we have no access. For now, we are interested in local merchants and their assortment.

Before you go to the quarantine zone, look at the mad batarian prophet proclaiming the imminent end of the world and declaring people an infection on the body of the Galaxy. He has his reasons, as a mysterious disease that has infected the lower floors is mysteriously killing all races except humans and Vorcha. And since few people believe that the Vorcha are capable of creating such a biological weapon, naturally, everyone looks askance at people. We need to check what's going on there.

Convincing the guard to let Shepard into the quarantine zone will be easy.

After searching the nook behind the boxes, move along the corridor to the barricades. The guards who jumped out from cover would not shoot - they were warned that Shepard was coming.

Ahead are signs of desolation and a dying batarian greeting you with the words: “You not only unleashed a plague on us, but are also looting without waiting for us to die?” The poor fellow can be helped if there are germs of goodness in Shepard's soul. However, if you want to save the batarian, act quickly.

If in doubt, let your partners go ahead. They can be resurrected several times, but we only have one Shepard.

On the left is the door to the warehouse, where the batarians, locked several days ago, lie. They are dead, and their diaries make Jacob sad. On the right side behind the corridor is an apartment blocked from the outside. Again the body, again the gloomy diary.

And then a battle awaits us, a rather unpleasant one. The easiest way to get through it is with a sniper. Place your partners in cover at the door to the apartment, and you yourself will alarm the bandits, retreat and keep your sights on the exit to the hall. The bandit who flashes by gets a bullet in the forehead. Reliable and safe.

Don't forget to climb the stairs on the left to the balcony and collect valuables. Go around the barricade to the right. Look into the apartment where people are hiding, not unreasonably afraid of batarian terror. They can be promised protection.

Immediately behind the barricade are blueprints for a machine gun, which will provide increased damage in the long term. Grab them - you'll have something to study in the laboratory.

The next battle will also be difficult. The situation is like this: the batarian bandits in these quarters were greatly pushed back by the Vorcha. In general, they are no match for bandits, but the epidemic has greatly shifted the balance of power. Before your eyes, the Blue Suns fight off the Vorcha and Varren. The main rule is not to stick your head out (unless, of course, you are playing a “stick-out” class). Climb the stairs to the balcony, where you have a better view. Try to help the bandits first without attracting attention to yourself. And only then fight off the vorcha, since the bandits won’t hold out for long.

Advice: if the enemy is somewhere nearby, but you are not sure where exactly, look where your teammates are aiming. They are able to smell an enemy through many walls.

Try to shoot the vorcha from afar. Hide your partners. Don't let flamethrowers get close. If necessary, jump out for cartridges in the middle of the room and run back like a bullet.

There are a couple of marauders operating in the apartment on the left. Here the developers have prepared a rather entertaining moral dilemma. Looting is bad, and good Shepard should sort of stop it. But in neighborhoods where aliens are shooting at people, should Shepard shoot at members of his own race? The looters reason quite convincingly: “Then the apartments will be robbed by grumbling anyway, but at least it will be of some benefit to us...” And Shepard himself, let’s be honest, has always been a looter.

At the end of the square around the corner is Mordin's hospital, filled with sick and recovering aliens. Listen to the doctor's conversations on the intercom. They will, to some extent, prepare you for a meeting with the professor himself - a brilliant doctor, an inquisitive scientist, a cold-blooded killer and a former salarian special forces soldier.

After talking with Mordin Solus, Shepard will have two new tasks. First, you need to get into the ventilation control center. The grumbling has turned it off, and the entire block is in danger of suffocating. If you take away their ventilation control center and use it to spray the antidote, the epidemic will end.

Bloody patterns along the edges of the screen are a hint that it’s time to hide. Shelter, however, does not always save.

Secondly, we need to find a man, a student of Mordin, who went with the medicine to the neighborhoods, but disappeared.

The Doctor will open the locked door for Shepard and give him an improved pistol. In addition, it is worth searching the hospital for useful things and technologies, including increasing the amount of wearable medigel.

Once in a hall with columns, quickly find cover. The fight will be long. First, the enemies will trample from behind the door on the right, then from the stairs on the left.

In the next large hall, the Vorcha will fire rockets from their shelters. Eliminate them, take a position on the balcony and destroy the enemies, taking advantage of the height advantage.

Behind one of the locked doors there is also a student of Mordin. He is still alive, but a group of batarian bandits want to lynch him for the suspicious substances he was carrying with him. Shepard will have the opportunity to show his qualities - good or bad.

And then, at the entrance to the ventilation control center, they grumble and rashly admit that they are working for the Gatherers, who created the plague. Immediately after a sincere confession, the battle will begin.

Being in an open space here is very dangerous: literally after every sneeze, a horde of enemies pours out from somewhere. The worst ones are the ones that launch rockets from balconies. Eliminate them first. You will be protected to some extent by powerful columns - try not to go too far from them.

After the first battle, hide your partners behind the nearest columns, and try to start the ventilation system from the remote control. The enemies that appear will be a little puzzled by the fact that the player is at one end of the hall, and his partners are at the other.

Now you need to turn on two generators - behind the doors in the left and right corners of the hall. Under no circumstances should you rush ahead at random. Hide your partners, and move carefully, one step at a time, towards the doors and do not hesitate to retreat, luring enemies into the crossfire. Remember that you will have to fight not only on the way to each generator, but also on the way back - and extreme caution is also required there.

Once the cure hits the vents and the epidemic is stopped, Mordin will be ready to join his team.

Returning to the Normandy, check your mail, deliver the quest items to the recipients, stand next to the Joker - and generally run around the ship, pestering everyone, starting with Kelly.

Make it a habit to do this after every task.

This is interesting: in the letters you will also come across those who have been waiting for you for two years. Remember, for example, Talita, the girl with a pistol from the Citadel docks? Even if not, she remembers you.

And of course, take a look at the newly opened laboratory, where Mordin Solus is a shaman and where you can grind together the found drawings and rare metals to get all sorts of improvements. If there are not enough rare metals, it makes sense to hunt for them in nearby systems.

And, since we are in the same system with the Archangel, let's try to save him from the mercenaries and take him on the team. To do this, we return to Omega.

"Omega": Archangel

- Citizens! When there are bandits around and you don't have a firearm, at least try to die with dignity! Not like him!

film "Aibolit-66"

Wow, what a mischief I am! This droid will not come to visit the Archangel.

An attempt to save the Archangel from the wrath of the three largest Omega gangs will result in a series of battles - simple, but intense. And compared to what happened in the previous mission, the battles will be more difficult. Waiting for a long time, retreating at the first sign of danger, maneuvering, luring enemies under fire is no longer possible here, because the time of each battle is strictly limited.

To get to the Archangel, Shepard needs to return to the Afterlife club and talk to the batarian who is hiring fighters for the battle. After this, Shepard will have the opportunity to dissuade the local youth from signing up for the fight.

We will be taken to the battlefield by car (talk to the driver to the left of the main entrance to the club). A gloomy batarian will meet us on the spot and send us to a certain Sergeant Kafka. At the same time, we will learn the disposition. The Archangel has fortified himself behind a well-shot bridge, and the bandits do not expect that free mercenaries will be able to overcome it. The task of the newly recruited fighters is to divert the attention of the Archangel while the main forces are preparing a strike from the rear.

Eddie will offer to sabotage if possible, while the bandits still do not know that Shepard is not at all interested in the death of the Archangel.

Salarian Jaroth, the leader of the Eclipse gang, will honor us with a conversation and tell us about the droids that will help him in the attack. On the table next to him is a message that Aria might be interested in. Around the corner is a droid warehouse. A heavy robot is simply begging to be disrupted in its “friend or foe” recognition setting.

Krogan Garm is the head of the international Krogan-Vorchan gang "Bloody Pack". He also has a grudge against the Archangel, which he will tell us about.

From the last barricade in front of the bridge, the Archangel himself is visible - from his hiding place he is directing harassing fire at the positions of the bandits. Behind the door on the right is the batarian Terek, the head of the Blue Suns gang and, formally, the entire military operation. He is so upset about the breakdown of his stormtrooper that he won’t even talk to us.

Kafka, the very sergeant we need, is repairing this aircraft. He will look up from repairing Terek's personal assault vehicle and fill us in on the details of the attack plan. The conversation will be interrupted by a signal to attack, and the evil Shepards will have the opportunity to make the battle much easier for themselves by knocking out Kafka and leaving the stormtrooper without repair.

The droids are warming up before making their final journey across the Bridge of Death.

When Shepard starts shooting in the backs of the bandits, they will quickly realize who the hus are and open fire. Make your way to the Archangel and pay attention to his health bar. It is she who limits the time of battle. I won’t say that the framework is too draconian, but slowing down in battle is contraindicated.

On the ground floor in one of the lockers there are drawings for strengthening the omni-tool. And the Archangel himself, when you get to him, will provide you with a magnificent machine gun, capable of conducting accurate and very dense fire in short bursts.

Soon the Eclipse bandits will attack from the side of the bridge. Our cover is excellent, and our enemies are in full view. Ammunition on the nightstand, borscht on the stove. When the big robot comes out, guard it, helping the piece of iron shoot the bandits.

The last to go is Jaroth himself.

This is interesting: when the battle subsides, Archangel will call Shepard over the radio to come to him. This will sound somewhat comical if the commander is standing a couple of meters away from him.

After a short respite, the sounds of explosions will signal an attack from the rear. The Archangel will remain to cover the bridge, and you need to go down the stairs, go through the door under the stairs and find a fork with three doors.

The task is to block three entrances from the inside, making it so that ten seconds after the blocking starts, enemies do not reach the doors. With the first entrance, this is relatively easy to do - run to the button, press, drive away the bandits. The hangar (door on the right) will be more difficult. However, there is no choice - the Archangel’s health is quickly disappearing, and enemies are storming the hangar in an endless stream. You need to break through the entire hangar, close the doors and prevent enemies from breaking the blockade.

The door on the left is completely gloomy. The bandits have shelters there, grunt flamethrowers are waiting for us around the corner, and there we will have to get over several obstacles. You can use cover, but do it without fanaticism - time is running out. I would even advise you to uncover the rocket launcher in order to make your way to the treasured button. But be sure to leave at least a dozen missiles for later. It’s good that the corridor immediately outside the door is narrow and it’s very easy to defend it for ten seconds.

When the blocking is over, you will have to fight Garoth, a krogan from the Blood Pack. Here it is important to get on his tail very quickly and not leave him alone with the Archangel.

Remote metal cutting is only part of what cannons made using Gatherer technology are capable of.

Then it will be the turn of the third gang, the Blue Suns, to enter the battle. First you will need to repel the attack of the bandits landing from the window. Then we will have to defend the already familiar balcony, but on the other hand, this is no longer so difficult, since the Archangel himself is with us. But after the scene you will have to deal with the “wizard in the blue helicopter”, and here it is worth learning a good rule: a big enemy needs a big gun. Bombard the Terek assault vehicle with missiles. How many of them will be needed depends on whether Kafka managed to complete the repairs, or whether his work was interrupted by Shepard.

When the stormtrooper loses all its armor and explodes, the mission will be completed.

Now we have an old friend on our team - the turian Garrus. He has changed a lot since the first meeting with him in the Citadel, and not only in appearance. Where did his law-abiding nature go? Why did he organize a free hunt for bandits at one particular station? The life of the once brave policeman has been severely battered.

The next stop is the prison ship Purgatory, where Cerberus has bought for us a certain Jack, a hardened criminal, but an exceptionally strong biotic.

"Purgatory": Jack

- What is this?

- Arrested.

- Why with an orchestra?

- Your Highness, first there were celebrations planned. Then the arrests. Then they decided to combine.

film “The Same Munchausen”

Upon arrival at the prison ship, the first thing the guards will do for security reasons is to take away weapons from Shepard and his crew. There is no wide choice of dialogue options here, since the commander will be stubborn and refuse to give up his guns even without you.

After having a heart-to-heart talk with the head of the prison, a turian named Kuril, move along the corridor past the cells where the prisoners are sitting. One of them is beaten by a guard - Shepard can stop the process. Another prisoner will ask him to ransom, but when he hears about Jack, he will immediately take his words back.

“Shall we dance, beauty?”

Go straight without turning, and soon the situation will change dramatically. You will have to fight your way through humanoid and droid enemies. There are enough shelters. After leaving the hall that turns out to be a dead end, turn left into the “pipe” and you will find yourself in the control room of the locks of the entire prison. Naturally, Shepard will want to release all the prisoners at once. And he will release it.

Subject Zero will also be freed before our eyes. She will immediately take the bull by the horns and begin to wreak havoc throughout the ship, breaking through wall after wall. And we should follow in her footsteps. Don't forget to pick up the technology from the droid.

Then everything is standard: enemies jump out, you shoot at them. In the first large room, try to gain a foothold on the balcony passage - this will make it easier to get rid of the heavy droid. At the end of the hall, don't miss the upgraded shotgun technology. Move on carefully and do not hesitate to retreat - fortunately there is somewhere to go. Another heavy droid will come after the crowd of mechs and mercenaries, and soon, after a small scene, you will have to deal with Kuril. He sealed himself in an impenetrable power bubble, but left the generators outside. A few shots will disable the generator. Be less distracted by enemies. Mercenaries jumping out from behind doors and boxes can be destroyed with rockets, and a sniper rifle can be used on generators. Rockets can also smoke out the Kuril Islands from behind cover.

When the turian problem is resolved, Shepard will only have to meet Subject Zero and return to the ship with her.

What is life without a krogan? Urdnot Wrex was a fun character in the first game, and Ghost has another krogan in mind, Professor Okeer, who is trying to cure his race of the "genophage" - an artificial mutation that limits reproduction.

Okir is found on a junkyard planet, where among the rusting spaceships, mercenaries from the Blue Suns gang set up a training ground for themselves.

Corlus: Okir

— Some people think that I am a very strange person. But I just dream of creating a race of atomic robot monsters, superhumans with octagonal bodies that will suck blood!


Corlus is a very interesting planet. It resembles a dock with abandoned steamships, but only on a cosmic scale. After admiring the silhouette of something huge floating in the sky, start conquering the landfill. At first, there will be nothing difficult in the battles - ordinary mercenaries are against you, and there are large spaces around, and there is a lot of cover.

The wounded mercenary will tell you that Okir is really doing something strange: he takes crowds of stupid, but very aggressive krogans from somewhere and calmly gives them to the bosses of the Blue Suns as cannon fodder for training. Ordinary mercenaries are not very happy about this, since krogans are dangerous targets and can easily rip off a shooter’s head themselves.

Someone has already thoroughly put a crowbar to these decommissioned starships.

The interlocutor will open the passage to the laboratory for Shepard, and there will be a very difficult battle. Yes, yes, a crowd of krogans, armored from head to toe, armed with rocket launchers and shotguns! Here you can use heavy weapons without much reflexion - a little further you will be given a chance to replenish your ammunition. Don't sit in one place - smoothly but steadily make your way forward.

Break open the door and throw the mercenary standing on the edge into the abyss. The “blue suns,” urged on by their leader by radio, will increase their pressure, but will not become a big problem. If you beat a crowd of krogans, then you will somehow cope with the people and batarians.

Don't forget to pick up a blueprint along the way for improved sniper rifle damage. Behind the stairs and door you will probably meet the familiar Rana Tanoptis. Or maybe you won’t - it depends on how your meeting with her ended in the first part of the game.

And behind the next door is Okir himself. He will agree to join Shepard's squad if he can deal with the leader of the mercenaries, with whom his relationship has soured. The battle will not be difficult if neither Shepard nor his partners stick their nose out of the room into the hall with the vats. In addition to the mercenary, a couple of stupid krogans and a heavy droid will oppose you.

Alas, Okir himself, for objective reasons, will not be able to keep his promise. But instead of himself, he will fuse Shepard with one of his “test tube krogans” - the best of the best, an ideal fighter.

It will be an amusing debate on board the Normandy about whether to remove the krogan from the vat or throw it into an open vacuum. One way or another, the “autoclave” with pickled krogan is in the warehouse above the hangar on the starboard side. Shepard can “unpack” a fighter and explain to him who is in charge on the ship at any time.

Colony "Horizon"

- Cannon... They are loading a cannon... Why? A! They will shoot! Speed ​​up!

m/f "Treasure Island"

Around this point in the plot, Kelly must tell the commander that the Phantom wants to see him. The holographic boss will say that communication with the human colony in the Terminus system has literally just disappeared, and the Normandy may still have time to catch the Gatherers in the act. And - what a coincidence! — our onboard scientist managed to create camouflage technology from swarms of cyberbugs. Now Shepard's team won't be frozen in a stasis field like the poor colonists. So we fly to Terminus, save the colonists and personally Ashley Williams (or Kaidan Alenko), who (or whom) the Alliance recently sent to the planet, set up defensive guns.

Incendiary rounds are the best way to confuse the electrozombies.

I’ll say right away that it won’t be easy here, especially towards the end. So if there is something you haven’t learned yet about combat technologies, study it. Your enemies will be the Collectors themselves and the electrozombies they created - all of them fall under the “organic” category. You will also have to knock down the shields - how could we not do this - but there will be no droids.

After landing on the planet and a funny dialogue with Mordin, a not at all funny battle with the Gatherers awaits. Notice their death rays. Soon you will have the same ones. You can use heavy weapons - there is ammunition for them in the yard.

Our team will meet electric zombies near the block houses - for now they are quite harmless. They are the first evidence that the Gatherers are related to the Reapers. However, the zombies do not appear to be "made" from local residents. The victims of the attack on the colony are hidden in transport cocoons, and we have a chance to save at least some.

Take a drawing from the Collector's body for improved protection. After another small fight, we will meet colonists who have already been bitten and frozen, but have not yet been put into cocoons. They look rather unhappy.

Don't forget to take the stairs to the block house. At the next house, grab a new super gun - the best in the game. This is a death ray generator - convenient and deadly.

He will have to be tested very soon, when a new flock of Gatherers arrives. From now on, from time to time, the Chief Collector will move into one or the other with the words: “I’m taking control.” It is easy to distinguish such a “possessed” enemy - it glows orange from the inside. A strengthened Gatherer becomes stronger and more dangerous, so it must be destroyed first. With a certain amount of luck (and slow time, to be honest), you can get rid of the “possessed” Collectors without waiting for the Main One to finish moving into the body.

In this battle, your main friend is the block house and its closing doors. My home, as they say, is my castle. The battle algorithm is simple: you approach the diaphragm door, open it, shoot, and when you smell kerosene, you retreat deeper into the house - the door closes and isolates you from your enemies. You can and should use death rays in moderation - the ammunition is in the house opposite, you can pick it up after the battle.

Then, having broken open the door to the workshop, Shepard will meet the only non-frozen inhabitant of Horizon - a local technician. He will tell you about the defensive cannons in the space port and will open a passage for you in the right direction. However, he himself will flatly refuse to go with Shepard - as if he guessed what a warm welcome the Gatherers would give us there.

Search the warehouse, change weapons if you want, and move out. Just outside the gate you will meet scions - big-headed biotic zombies. They hit from afar and very painfully, ignoring all cover. When you see their silhouettes, transfer fire to them immediately and get ready to leave the affected area. Here you can use heavy artillery - behind the house on the left there is ammunition for it.

Knock down the Praetorian's shields, and after that he can even pick through his armor with his finger.

Take blueprints for increased biotic damage from the dead Gatherer. Be sure to climb the stairs and clear out the house before breaking down the door.

A large area with an antenna and a bunch of boxes around the perimeter will be a clear hint that it will soon be very hot here. Having gotten rid of a couple of super-zombie scions and a crowd of ordinary electric zombies, pick up all the available ammunition (here they are updated), take charges for the super-guns on the threshold of the house on the right, and turn on the connection with the Normandy through the remote control near the antenna.

While Joker and Eddie are setting up their cannons to fire on the Gatherer's ship, you will need to fend off several attacks. I advise you to hide your partners behind a low “L”-shaped fence at the end of the square. Sit there yourself and shoot back, unless, of course, you are playing as a melee class. Use pauses in battles to collect thermoelements.

Don't unsheath your heavy weapons. It will be useful to you for the boss fight - the Praetorian. This is a very dangerous character. You need to hide from his death rays very quickly and efficiently and hit him with a laser in response. The rule here is this: first, we remove the Praetorian’s shields in any way, and then we hit with everything we can until the shields are recharged.

And then there will be a conversation with Ashley/Kaidan, and it will be strange:

- Shepard, you radish, abandoned us and disappeared for about two years.

- Wow... Actually, I was in a coma, they were putting me back together piece by piece!

- You are now with Cerberus, and all Cerberus are assholes. And in general, we suspect that it is you who are attacking the colonies.

- Hello, we saved you from the Gatherers, just in case you didn’t notice.

- I don’t care, you’re still assholes.

And Ashley/Kaidan leaves with his head held high.

The journey to Terminus will mark a new stage in the plot - preparation for the “suicide mission”, for the journey beyond the Omega 4 gate, into the unexplored area where the Gatherers live. The ghost will give us a bunch of new dossiers, and all your companions will be imbued with the desire to settle their affairs and will begin to issue side quests - one per character.

We will go on these tasks later - first we need to get a team. Let's start, perhaps, with the quarian Tali - after all, she was once our faithful companion.

Prepare to fight droids, and only them.

Haystrom: Tali

“Did they really blow up the sun?”

- As I understand it, sir, yes, it was blown up.

“It probably looks good on their resume, huh?”

"Star Gates"

Haystrom is a planet in geth-controlled space. It is unknown what the quarian expedition needed there, especially since the star in the system turns into a red giant and burns so much that even energy shields cannot withstand it. Any exit from the shadows is fraught with slow roasting, so you will have to move around Haystrom in dashes, hiding from the sun.

We will land on the outskirts of an ancient stone complex, in which, judging by the abandoned equipment, archaeologists have already rummaged. In the gate control booth we will see the first quarian. He is dead - died defending the expedition from the geth. Therefore, the robots are here and Tali is in danger! Take the money from the broken geth and open the gate.

Robots will attack you in the yard. Shoot them from behind cover and remember the sunlight. It is best to go to the gate along the fence along the ledge on the right: there is a lot of cover there, somewhere to hide from the sun, and it is convenient to shoot robots.

If you don’t push your reluctant partners behind the boxes in time, the prime droid will tear them to pieces in no time.

For your information: Even if you prefer to sit in the rear and let your teammates do all the work, keep in mind that your colleagues are powerless against hunter droids masquerading as a Predator, since they cannot see them at point-blank range.

Behind the doors lies a geth with a new submachine gun (an excellent one, I must say). Take the radio from the quarian's body and contact the soldiers protecting the entrance to the stone complex from robots. You will no longer be able to help them, and you will soon be puzzled by a new problem - where to get two explosive devices in order to move the fallen column that blocked the entrance.

I’m warning you right away: in this place, after every sneeze you make, a squad of droids will start jumping out from somewhere. First you will have to storm the building opposite the column. When you take the first explosive device, the geth will trample from the side of the bridges to the left of the exit from the building. Secure yourself in the shelters, as among the robots there will be a prime droid - all in white. You can spend some heavy weapon ammunition on it.

After this, you will need to go to the doors behind the bridge and pick up the second explosive device there. At the exit, of course, you will be greeted again by robots. Prime will be with them again, and rocket launchers are on duty on the bridge, so immediately hide behind the concrete blocks and then eliminate the most annoying shooters.

When the column is blown up, take the drawings from the destroyed geth. Tali calls her colleagues via holographic communication. She will be happy with Shepard too. It turns out that Tali'Zorah flew to the once quarian planet to study the problems of dark energy and its possible connection with the abnormally rapid aging of the sun. Now Tali is barricaded in the observatory, soldiers are covering her, but the geth are breaking in, and the soldiers cannot lift the siege. Let's hurry to help!

There's a long battle ahead. Place your partners in the doorway and let them shoot the drones that fly in flocks in your direction. This will save you the thermocouples that you will need to cope with the Prime roaming among the stones.

When the flow of drones dries up, carefully take new positions in the passage between the blocks along the right wall. The enemies will trample with renewed vigor, so try to keep your partners behind cover and, as always, beware of the sun. At the far doors you will need to destroy another prime.

And then you will have a joyful meeting with an old acquaintance - a walking giraffe-like droid tank of the Colossus system. But without Mako guns it’s impossible to fight him. Don’t even try to open fire on it - the droid will hide and repair itself, and you will only waste ammunition.

“Quarian special forces? What were you thinking when you dressed in red? Take my example – classic protective paint!”

The only surviving quarian will tell you that you can get rid of the colossus if you get closer to it. If she wants, Shepard can persuade him not to get into a fight, so as not to upset Tali with the death of her last colleague.

The Quarian will tell you that there are three ways to get to the colossus. I advise you to seriously consider only the road along the right flank, along the ledge, under the reliable cover of a strong fence that can withstand the explosions of the colossus’ energy projectiles. After shooting all the droids wandering nearby from behind the nearest fence, carefully run across the fence along the stairs to the ledge. The droids, of course, will attack, but the main thing is that you will be covered from the colossus. The ledge ends in a great position for shooting at the colossus. Grab the heavy cannon and destroy it. It's not as difficult as it seemed at first!

Search the courtyard and meet Tali. She is so upset that almost her entire group died for the sake of extracting data of dubious usefulness that in the heat of the moment, without hesitation, she agrees to join Shepard’s team again.

Now that Tali is with us, we can go to Illium to hire two people there - an asari named Samara and a reptilian assassin named Thane.

Illium: Thane

I'm tired of warriors and their unnecessary ideals. I need a killer, a cold-blooded killer. A real killer, picking up the ZF-1, will definitely ask what that red button is at the bottom.

film "The Fifth Element"

Illium is a trading planet owned by the Asari. Everything is bought and everything is sold here, and the biggest danger on Illium is signing the wrong contract, for all contractual obligations on a trading planet must be respected.

The most delicious thing is the nose!

The greeting asari will kindly warn you about this. She will tell you that a certain Liara T "Soni has paid all the fees for Shepard and asks him to come see her.

Step out onto the shopping level and admire the views from the balconies. Illium is wonderful in calm weather. Perhaps an asari messenger will lie in wait for the commander at the balcony and convey greetings from their mutual friend. Whether she will be there or not depends on how Shepard treated this acquaintance two years ago.

It is also possible that a little further on he will be caught by the sleeve by the well-known Gianna Parasini, a fighter against corporate corruption from Noveria. She needs help again - she will ask Shepard to make a test purchase from an asari who sells contraband. The moral choice here is not entirely clear. By the way, this asari’s store sells useful technologies.

You will find Liara in the office, going up the stairs marked with the “Administration” sign. How stormy the meeting will be depends on who Shepard was/was friends with on the old Normandy. Liara will have the necessary information, and she will share it with someone she knows for free:

    Samara checked in with an officer named Dana upon arrival.

    A representative of the rare “drell” race, named Thane, flew to Ilium to finish off a certain Nassana Dantius, and a certain Serina knows about his whereabouts... Yes, not all asari have euphonious names. However, we already crossed paths with Nassana Dantius and her sister a couple of years ago.

By the way, Liara has a couple of quests for us. In the first, Shepard must hack several terminals in a parking lot - and after each hack, he only has a minute to get to another terminal and download the data. The location of the data is unknown - we only have an indicator showing the number of meters to the terminal - using it we must find the target.

    The first target is the screen to the right of the entrance, next to two asari talking. Having hacked it, quickly download the data from the terminal opposite, under a large tree in a tub.

    The second target is the news terminal to the left of the entrance. After hacking it, run to another terminal past the weapons and souvenir shops.

    The third target is next to the weapons store. After hacking it, quickly send data from the terminal next to Officer Dara.

Return to Liara for your reward and take on the next quest. To deal with the Dark Broker, she needs the head of his local Observer. But to find out the identity of the Observer, Liara needs information from local terminals.

    The first terminal - under the stairs of Liara's office - will tell us the following: “The vorcha merchant does not want to mess with a salarian who is more trouble than he is worth. The Observer recommends that it be removed, but she could be harboring a grudge.”

    The second terminal is next to the large blue screen. Data: “The turian liaison works well with the merchant. The Observer canceled the order to kill him because otherwise it would have been too difficult to establish contact with the merchant.”

    Another terminal is at the stairs leading to the Eternity bar. “The Turian is too curious. The Observer recommends killing him by framing an assassin or a salarian liaison.”

    The last terminal is in the bar. “The smuggler and murderer refused to work with the vorcha, saying they didn’t trust him. It’s strange to see such scrupulousness.”

We are primarily interested in the words “she could harbor a grudge.” Call Liara and find out if any of the suspects are female. Then return to her and collect the reward.

Liara predictably refuses to fly with Shepard to save the world. Leave her office, go down the stairs and, remembering the round door under the stairs, go out to the shopping area. Your path lies to the Eternity bar.

Perhaps along the way you will find out that a certain brawler of human appearance is causing mischief in a bar and demanding that the owner transfer the establishment to him.

I must say that the Eternity bar is delightful primarily for its dialogues. Only here can you inadvertently overhear such details about the structure of quarian spacesuits that would make even a krogan blush. And if you visit the bachelor party that a human and a turian threw for their salarian colleague, you can learn not only the views of representatives of alien races on the marriage traditions of people, but also the answer to the sacramental question that has worried everyone since the time of the first Mass Effect: why are the asari so similar? on people?

Meeting your loyal fan Konrad Werner will also be amazing. In Shepard’s absence, the guy decided to fight evil: “I’m doing the same thing you did! I talk to people (everyone is waiting to talk to them), I solve their problems. Sometimes I open containers to grab a coin or two.”

This is interesting: when Conrad answers a question about his wife, pay attention to the gesture of the Asari bartender behind him.

But why did Conrad suddenly take up extortion? He was persuaded to do this by an arms dealer from a car dock. We’ll deal with it later, but for now the main thing is to distract the stupid but pure-minded fan from the bartender.

The asari on Illium even have a stock market.

Note the asari, perhaps standing in a nook opposite the bar, looking independent. We will return to it when we do Miranda's task.

At the entrance to the bar, you will later meet a quarian who has fallen into many years of slavery to the local “pereiro”. But it would be a mistake to think that you can ride up to her on a white horse, ransom her and set her free. The quarian does not need freedom; she is quite happy with a slave contract for several years. All she will ask is to speak with a representative of Synthetic Insights standing at a distance about a contract in her specialty. At first, the asari from Synthetic insists that her image will suffer if we buy slaves, but she can be convinced.

Return to Liara's office and go through the round doors under the stairs. Around the corner, in a small hall, you will come across a concerned salarian who is on the phone complaining about the loss of important data. Remember it.

Across the street, Serina works in a small glass office. We need it, but a little later. Let's finish the local quests first.

Through another round door you will get to the flying car pier.

This is interesting: This location breaks all records for the number of overheard dialogues. Just outside the entrance, two asari discuss drugs and moral responsibility. On the right side, another couple is talking about Asari purebreds. And on the left, near the shops, two interracial married couples loudly select weapons and souvenirs.

Note the lone asari in the parking lot. She talks to someone about the goods and the crime scene. You will visit this place later when you follow the trail of Samara.

Perhaps, to the right of the entrance on a bench you will see a strange asari - with green skin. This is Shiala, your old friend from Ferosa. She has a big problem - a certain harmful Asari doctor, promising the colonists of Nadezhda Zhu to save them from neurological problems, forced them to sign an enslaving contract. The culprit of the problems walks away. To persuade her to rewrite the contract, you will have to bring her to frankness and understand why she hates everything non-Asarian so much.

Don’t forget to then buy maps of four star clusters in the store: Chain of Hades, Wasteland of the Minotaurs, Pylos Nebula, Shrike’s Chasm.

On the way back, pay attention to Officer Daru: she will later direct you in the footsteps of Samara.

On the opposite side of the parking lot are shops. The arms seller is the same asari who brainwashed poor Conrad. You can take revenge on her in the same way and send her to “Eternity” for a deed of gift. By sending the seller to the bar, you will receive a discount on her goods. Just don’t forget to look there yourself later, see how it ended, and reassure Werner.

Outside the souvenir shop “Memory of Illium,” a madly in love krogan reads his own poems to a certain asari (“And let our three hearts beat like two”). He looks inspired. If you wish, help the Asari saleswoman decide on her feelings. If you persuade her to yield to the krogan's advances, then technically you will have done a good deed. But then, when you later meet both of them on Tuchanka, you will have a chance to reflect on whether you did as well as it seemed.

When managing your personal life as an asari, don’t forget about souvenirs in her shop.

Well, now let's start with Thane, the alien killer. It’s easier to get close to him (you just need to shoot long and accurately at the mercenaries), and from a romantic point of view he’s more interesting for female Shepards. Take long-range classes with you. Some kind of anti-droid-shield-breaking skill wouldn't hurt either - there will be a lot of droids and shielded humanoids among the enemies.

Serina will tell you that Nassana Dantius, a big shot in town, has been asking for trouble for a long time. She has many victims to her name. When she learned that Thane had gone to kill her herself, she barricaded herself on the top floor of her skyscraper and surrounded herself with Eclipse mercenaries.

There are many sights in the Galaxy that can distract Shepard from contemplating the figure of Miranda.

Thane is already in the tower, and we first need to cross halfway along its unfinished “twin”, and then cross the bridge connecting the two towers.

It will quickly become clear that the mercenaries and their droids have begun to exterminate civilian builders so as not to leave unnecessary witnesses. The half-shot salarian will tell you about this. Patch it up with medigel if your Shepard has a kind soul.

Then you have to play Bruce Willis, making your way through an unfinished skyscraper to the elevator and every ten meters exterminating the droids and mercenaries hatched in front. Fortunately, there are also shelters here every ten meters - as if they were laid out especially for us. Although...

At the elevator doors, turn left. Open the locked nook with the workers - they will tell you that they were saved and locked away from the mercenaries by a strange drell. Who could it be?

Be sure to pick up a fast-firing sniper rifle in the dead end nearby - a real miracle of engineering. Before calling the elevator, hide your partners behind the stack of plastic panels opposite.

Taking the elevator to the upper floors of the unfinished tower, interrogate the mercenary (kindly or like Bruce Willis). Pick up the documents from the elevator that the salarian talking on the phone was so lamenting about.

Repel the attack at the exit to the large hall and unlock another nook with salarian builders (this time very nervous). They will tell you what happened to them and warn about strong winds on the bridge.

In front of the ramp, pick up blueprints that can be used to improve submachine guns.

The wind is really strong. It throws off Shepard's aim (not bad for soldiers), but helps those who like to throw enemies into the air. The battle on the bridge is not too dangerous. There are too many shelters behind which you can hide from both mercenaries and a couple of missile sentry droids.

Already at the end of the bridge, beware - enemies will jump out onto the balcony, and you will have to either hide or run into the blind spot under the balcony. Behind the stairs at the round doors, cool biotics are waiting for you, and there is no one else between you and Nassana.

The conversation with Nassana will not go well right away. Luckily, he is quickly interrupted by Thane. Having learned that Shepard was going to go on a “suicide mission,” Thane suspiciously quickly agreed to join the team.

Illium: Samara

“I’m certainly not a cherub.” I don't have wings, but I respect the Criminal Code. This is my weakness.

Justiciar matriarchs have their own ways of obtaining information.

You will find Officer Daru in the flying car parking lot. She is noticeably nervous. At the first mention of Samara, she will exclaim: “Has she already killed someone?” - but then he will calm down a little and send you to the spaceport. You can get there by taxi.

Samara is the matriarch of the Asari and at the same time a justiciar, a member of the ancient monastic order of “free judges”. In Asari territory, she has the right to conduct investigations, pronounce sentences and execute on the spot. But on Illium, such speedy justice can lead to problems if the defendant is a member of a different race. It is not surprising that the entire local police is on their ears.

At the spaceport, you will see Detective Anaya forbid a volus named Pitne For from leaving the planet. His partner, another Volus, was killed by someone and the investigation is still ongoing.

Volus will complain to Shepard about his life and say that the justiciar is inspecting the cordoned off crime scene. To get there, you need Anaya's permission. Let's go to her. The detective will complain that she may be ordered to arrest Samara, and this will be certain death.

Go to the crime scene. The police will tell you that there are mercenaries operating there and you need to be careful. Just past the police tape, you will find a terminal with information about the stolen goods that the unknown asari spoke about in the parking lot. You can pass on the information to the owner of the goods, a certain Tax.

A group of mercenaries around the corner can be taken by surprise. You will find Samara behind the round door at the end of the corridor. She has fun as best she can, interrogating the mercenary lieutenant for the name of the ship on which a dangerous criminal left the planet.

Detective Anaya will come running at the noise and detain Samara. The Justiciar will comply, but only for one day. Now the problem of finding out the name of the ship is on Shepard's shoulders. If he picks up the trail, Samara will join him. The clue is the shy volus Pitne For.

Interrogate the volus, and under pressure he admits that he sold a drug that enhances biotic abilities to the Eclipse mercenaries, but “forgot” to tell about its toxicity. Delighted that Shepard wants to deal with the Eclipse, he will give you a copy of the pass to their base and warn that each of these mercenaries is a dangerous, cold-blooded killer.

Change weapons if you wish at the police station. Enter the elevator and the battle begins!

Avoid poisonous clouds from broken drug canisters. If you have biotic abilities, you can enter these clouds to power up, but keep an eye on the toxicity indicator.

After passing through the pier, take the new model shotgun from the table - an excellent rapid-fire weapon. You can immediately distribute it to your partners.

The mercenary Elnora is hiding behind the door, and she will claim that she ended up here by chance, that she is good and kind... But remember what Volus said about the “Eclipse”? Will you believe Elnora's words? In any case, there are other interesting things in the room besides it: biotic drawings and ammunition for heavy guns.

Continue clearing - fight through the next pier and offices. The enemies will be ordinary bandits, biotics, and droids. Occasionally - rocket launchers.

The shining edges of skyscrapers, the lights of flying cars... Every space opera should have such a planet!

Going out to the conveyor belt, drive away the assault vehicle with a couple of shots. If possible, shoot enemies from afar. In the next office, at one of the terminals, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the sincerity of Elnora’s words. Looks like we now know who killed the volus. Don't forget to give the information to Detective Anaya later.

Now get the big guns ready - the wizard will arrive in a blue helicopter, and you must give him gifts faster than he can give you gifts. Before going out onto the bridge, hide your partners behind fragile boxes (alas, there are no others here). Take a heavy cannon - a beam gun is best, jump out onto the bridge, and then rush back like a hog under the cover of the boxes. Experience shows that it is quite possible to destroy a helicopter with a death ray before it destroys all the boxes with missiles.

Break open the door and take incriminating evidence on Pitna Fora. Behind the next door, a delightful scene awaits you - a volus who has completely cleared himself of drugs, imagining himself as a biotic superman, wants to fight the leader of the mercenaries alone.

One way or another, we will have to fight the leader of the local mercenaries, and here I advise you to get a heavy cannon, since the aunt is well packed with shields and is very dangerous. In addition, she is covered by a rocket launcher, so immediately send your partners behind the boxes.

When the fight is over, hack the terminal. You will learn the name of the ship, and Samara, whom you will later find at the police station, will swear an oath to you.

Before you go to the police to free the Justiciar, decide what to do with Pitne For. He can pay a good sum for incriminating evidence. Don't forget to return to the trading floor afterwards to finish up dealing with Dachshund's stolen goods.

At this point, the Phantom will probably want to talk to you. He will give out a story quest, and it cannot be postponed. The matter is urgent: the turians managed to immobilize the Gatherers' cruiser, and the Normandy flies to board. What interesting things does the ship contain? Is there information about the Omega 4 Gate inside? We'll find out soon enough.

Your enemies will be zombies, Gatherers, as well as their armor and shields. In general, gear up for “organic” enemies.

Gatherer Ship

- Friends! The guinea pig tricked me!


The ship is quite picturesque from the inside and looks empty for now. Eddie will tell you that this is the same ship that we fired at with cannons on the Horizon.

Examine the dumped bodies of the kidnapped colonists. Save before approaching the terminal next to the two containers. Shepard will be told interesting things about the Gatherers and at the same time will be offered a choice of one of three weapons.

    Submachine gun. It shoots very quickly and powerfully, but the spread of bullets is large, and the barrel quickly moves up and to the side. This option is for classes that cannot carry other weapons (a soldier can take it, but then a submachine gun will take the place of a machine gun, which is not good).

    Shotgun. Powerful, but single-shot and can only take ten rounds. Only effective at close range. It is completely clear which classes will prefer it - those that use these weapons. It’s also not the worst choice for a soldier - close-range combat is rarely imposed by the game, but such cases do occur.

    Sniper rifle. It deals extremely high damage, but it also has a serious drawback - the number of charges that you are allowed to carry with you can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Another bad thing about it is that it will replace a rapid-fire sniper. If you take it, you will lose the Viper!

In such an interior, all you can talk about is kings and cabbage.

The choice is yours! Just keep in mind that the weapon exists in a single copy and you will not be able to distribute the same to your partners.

Hack two terminals - one will give out money, and the other will give out security technology. A long climb in the tunnel will lead you to a huge room filled with “shells” for storing kidnapped people.

Enemies, as you might guess, will attack the team immediately after activating the command console and talking with the Normandy. It’s good that the flying panel is simply lined with “coffins” shelters. Carefully hide your partners and eliminate the super zombies first, since shelter is not a hindrance for them. When the battle is over, Edie will ask you to contact her through the command console and tell you interesting things about the ship of the Gatherers and the Ghost.

Now that we have information about the gate, it’s time to get off the ship. After exiting through the opened door and a simple first fight, go down the ramp and securely hide your partners behind the large “trunk” on the left. This is important - the barrel will cover them from the crowd of heavily armed Gatherers coming from the left flank.

Shoot fire zombies from afar. Don't forget to pick up heavy weapon items and valuables. A level below you will be greeted by an already familiar Praetorian. Before breaking through his armor with heavy weapons, eliminate the shields. Replenish the charges of heavy guns.

When the door on your way closes and Eddie opens another, grab the money, take the technology and prepare for the final battles on the path to freedom. Behind the door, take a defensive position, carefully move forward from cover to cover and watch out for the scion around the corner. The last test is a fight with a crowd of zombies.

The boarding party returns to the ship, and on this optimistic note, the Normandy sets sail from the reviving Gatherer cruiser.

Now the Illusive Man knows that both the Gatherers and the Reapers use a complex identification system to pass through the gates. You can get a sample from an abandoned Reaper ship drifting in the upper atmosphere of the brown dwarf gas planet Klendagon.

Cerberus scientists had already boarded the ship, but the entire crew disappeared without a trace, and the Illusive Man then decided not to send any more scientists. However, Shepard is a completely different matter! He will get the Friend or Foe microcircuit and find out what happened to the scientists.

Eddie will occasionally drop new and rather unexpected information about where the Gatherers' main base is located. So the road is known, and all we have to do is find the magic sesame that opens the Omega 4 gate.

It is important: try to complete as many tasks as possible from your partners before the next mission, otherwise you may later face a very unpleasant dilemma.

Abandoned Reaper

- Everything is taken into account by the mighty hurricane.

I. Ilf, E. Petrov, “The Golden Calf”

If our partners have endless ammo, why don’t we save ours?

So, we need to get into the abandoned Reaper ship, find the Friend or Foe identification chip there, and at the same time find out what happened to the previous Cerberus expedition. What usually happens to people who interact too closely with Reaper technology? That's right - they become zombies! So let's equip ourselves accordingly.

It is important: Before starting the task, make sure that all missions from your partners have been completed. Only Tali can be left disloyal.

Go through the scientists' base, watching all the video diaries. Upon entering the ship itself, it turns out that Shepard is locked in it and can only leave it by turning off the force field that keeps him in orbit.

The first zombies will jump out at the same place where the first shelters for Shepard and company begin. The dead will crawl from under the bridges. Feel free to retreat if necessary and lure the electric zombies into the fire bag. And use exploding barrels - they are placed here for you. In general, the “tactical retreat” method makes all battles trivial, and for now the main problem is your partners, who after every minor combat episode will break out of cover and run to you.

Soon you will find out that there is someone else on the ship besides you who is shooting at zombies. Take the sniper blueprint and get ready to face the Scions. They will crawl out at the farthest boxes. For safety, you should again take your colleagues away and lure enemies towards them yourself. Use heavy weapons - you can replenish your ammunition in the box behind.

Take the security technology from the terminal. Open the door in the nook on the right. After meeting with the talkative geth, you will have to make your way along the deck for a long and rather tedious time, fighting off zombies and scions.

Don't miss the shotgun technology and heavy weapon ammunition in the nook on the right. Closer to the turn of the deck, you will be met by two scions at once, and here it is better to retreat away from their vile biotic techniques. Around the bend, two more Scions lie in wait for the team.

Let your partners shoot a couple of dozen zombies climbing from behind the railing in pairs (in the same place), grab the Friend or Foe chip and meet the already familiar geth sniper.

The battle will go like this: first we fire something lethal at the reactor core (a blue iridescent ball), and then we shoot a bunch of zombies. And so on until complete satisfaction.

Returning to the ship, meet the Legion - you will find him behind the medical bay, in the AI ​​compartment.

Buddy missions

And now, on the eve of the last tasks, it’s worth running through the quests that the squad members give you. There are ten tasks - one for each.

It is important: a short story mission can pop up at any moment, and you won’t be able to get away from it. Before the final mission, you will have the opportunity to return to winning the hearts of the squad, but the cost of delay will be high: the longer you delay rescuing the crew of the Normandy, the fewer of them will be left alive when you come to their aid.

The companion whose problem you solved becomes loyal, and a new ability is “unlocked” for him. In addition, the loyalty of the team also affects the outcome of the last, “suicide” mission.

This is interesting: Another consequence of a character's "loyalty" is the ability to change his costume. Winning Jack's loyalty, for example, is the only way to cover up the tattoos on her... torso.


Our on-board killer has a problem - his unlucky son wanted to follow his father's path, and we need to stop him before he does something stupid. We're flying to the Citadel!

Captain Bailey will say that Thane's supposed son (there are not many representatives of the Drell race on the Citadel) communicated with a petty bandit named Mouse, who can be found near the Dark Star bar on level 28.

Be kind to the Mouse, and he will tell you the name of the customer - Ellayas Kellem. Captain Bailey won't like this name, but he will agree to bring Kellem in for questioning.

After Thane and Shepard play “good cop – bad cop”, Kellem will tell you the name of the victim - the turian Joram Talith. The captain will send you to the future crime scene, in the 800 block.

Actually, all you have to do is follow Talit along the bridges and regularly “interact” with him, telling Thane where the future victim is. Don't forget to pick up the technology from your computer that increases the damage of pistols.

When father and son meet, it will not be difficult to understand the situation, especially since Captain Bailey sympathizes with Thane.


Garrus wants to deal with the traitor who framed his squad. A dealer in counterfeit documents, a man named Fade, will lead us to the traitor.

Captain Bailey from the Citadel will direct you to the warehouse, which is on level 26. There we will actually meet Fade’s contact - a small but impudent volus, accompanied by two krogan guards. Left without "closets", he will quickly tell you where Fade is hiding - in a factory under the protection of a crowd of mercenaries from the Blue Suns.

Take a taxi to the factory and start fighting banditry. It makes sense to take a robot specialist with you - there will be a lot of them, especially at the end of the battle. The ideal group is Garrus + Legion, two snipers.

Please note that low boxes can be climbed on. On the ledge along the long wall, your enemies will be droids (you can use heavy guns against them). When you lower the bridge, the mercenaries will attack, and then a heavy robot will fly in. Again, you can spend part of the ammunition of heavy guns on it.

Take a pack of fake IDs and open the window in the control room. Harkin/Fade is waiting for you at the other end of the warehouse, and yes, he has surprises in store for you.

Take the sniper damage technology behind the door and go out to the warehouse. There will be a battle with several droids and strong mercenaries. However, the worst thing is the two heavy droids, which you need to run away from as quickly as possible in order to shoot them from afar or, if you have a good eye, try to drop boxes of explosives on them.

Kharkin will make an appointment for us to meet with Sidonis. And then do as your heart tells you!

Return through customs to the Citadel. In Level 27, an asari named Kalara Tomi complains about the arbitrariness of human authorities who have labeled her as "potentially associated with the geth." Fake IDs will save the giant of thought. There is another way to help the asari - talk to the customs officer.


Samara is looking for "Ardat-Yakshi" - a dangerous criminal who is hiding at Omega Station under the name Morinth.

“Ardat-Yakshi” are famous for frying the brains of their partners in moments of love. Aria T'Loak will send you to the house of Morinth's last victim. Talk to the inconsolable mother and examine the crime scene.

“Black eyes - I remember, I die”... When it comes to Morinth’s eyes, the meaning of these lines becomes literal.

Shepard will serve as "bait" for Morinth, going unarmed into the club through the VIP entrance (password: "I'm from Jorinth"). Samara will give final instructions. Morinth loves daredevilry, dancing, deadly hobbies, murder, art, a sculptor named Forta, the drug Hellex, and the movie Venia. Be wary of displaying modesty or chivalrous behavior—Morinth doesn't like that.

Don't give money to a man named Vij, but remember the name of the group so you can show off to Morinth later. Don't get involved in a fight on the dance floor. Dance, buy everyone a drink, provoke two talking turians into a fight. This should be enough for Morinth to invite you to the table. And you already know what to mention “casually” in a conversation with her: Forta, “Venia”, dangerous places to travel, power, “Hellex”. Soon Morinth will realize that Shepard is the one she needs and will call her to her to fry his brain.

Inspect the apartment, take measurements from the machine on the wall (even here we get new technologies!) and entertain Morinth with conversation until Samara appears.

You will be able to make important game choices if you show Morinth the dark or light side of your soul (“bad” or “good” answers).


Our tattooed friend has a very easy task - to smash into pieces the abandoned building where she was made into a superbiotic as a child. There are no serious enemies there - just a flock of Varren and several mercenaries from the Bloody Pack. Their leader is well protected, but shoots Shepard with a shotgun from afar. Big mistake.

At the end of the journey, help Jack and a local resident named Aresh sort out their feelings.

Explore her room with Jack before blowing up the building.

This is interesting: Jack is the only possible passion who will not demand eternal love from Shepard in exchange for favor. You just have to be honest with her. However, you can have a serious romance with her - everything is in your hands.


Before us is the sweetest and most playful varren on this side of the Milky Way.

Our krogan is restless and flutters against the glass in the warehouse like a butterfly. The voice of blood has spoken within him, and only other krogans can help him. We're flying to Tuchanka!

On the throne of the Vrex clan sits our old friend Urdnot... or his successor, if Urdnot did not survive the events on Virmire. The general attitude of the krogans towards Shepard depends on the outcome of those events.

The leader of the clan will say that our Grant is simply growing up and he needs to pass the test - the Initiation Ritual. To start it, you need to talk to the shaman. But take your time. Go shopping, place a couple of bets in warren battles. Pet the warren. Punch the monkey in the lab. Help Varren breeder Ratch exterminate several vermin monkeys with rocket weapons.

You will find the shaman by going up the stairs to the floor. Talk to him, clarify the test conditions and begin.

The Ritual of Initiation is quite a difficult battle. First with packs of Varren and Rakni. Then with an underground worm, already familiar from the first part of the game. The worm is dangerous. Save heavy weapons for him and try not to hide behind the “cardboard” shelters that are closer to you. The worm's spitting will destroy them in no time.

Advice: Before summoning waves of enemies, search everything around - scrap metal, the bodies of unlucky krogans... Once you summon the worm, you will no longer have the opportunity to maraud in the arena.

The following tactics work against the guest from Arrakis: hide your partners behind two strong columns in front, and start running around the battlefield, dodging the worm’s spitting and showering it with rays of hatred. There won't be enough ammunition, so prepare in advance to pick up energy cells from the boxes lying nearby.

When the worm dies, you will have to endure another battle - with several krogans.


Professor Solus is concerned about the fate of his student, who was captured by the krogans, mercenaries of the Blood Pack. He will ask Shepard to release his former protégé, who is being held on Tuchanka. It’s very convenient that we are already hanging out on this planet.

Talk to the krogan mechanic who is tinkering with the tank's wheel and promise him to look for the exhaust pipe. To get to the mercenary base, talk to the chief intelligence officer, standing modestly behind the screen.

“I think we were attacked by red pepper pods!”

First you will have to overcome the approaches to the base in open areas, and the most dangerous enemy here is the grunt rocket launchers. Using cover, move towards the laboratory. Don't forget to remove the exhaust pipe from the broken tank right at the door.

The Blood Pack is located in a former Krogan hospital. When a representative of a rival clan comes out to meet you, use a “bad” interruption of the conversation - you still won’t be able to come to an agreement with him.

At the krogank's body, talk to Mordin and hack the terminal to get the drawings for the enhancing technology. Behind one of the doors on the right side of the corridor sits a krogan, a victim of the experiment. Persuade him to return to the clan (don't forget to talk to the chief scout later).

The next door will take you to the interior, where you will meet a bunch of krogan, varren and vorcha. Since the distances are long here, and the krogan prefer shotguns to all types of weapons, you have an advantage.

At the bottom of the stairs, the science terminal will give you technology that allows you to carry more heavy cannon charges.

When Mordin and the student discuss their affairs (decisions, decisions!) with your help, give the exhaust pipe to the engineer, discuss saving his krogan with the chief scout and return to the Normandy.


Miranda wants to save her sister on Illium from the unwanted attention of her shared biological father.

Returning to Illium, pay attention to the asari at the balcony - she is talking on the phone about some thing lost at the transport terminal.

The mercenary definitely needs to kill someone. “Because it’s paid.”

Asari liaison Lantea is waiting for us at the Eternity bar. She will say that Oriana, Miranda's sister, is already being escorted to the spaceport by Niket, Miranda's old friend. The plan is this: Shepard’s team distracts their father’s mercenaries, and Niket, meanwhile, puts her sister on the ship.

However, the mercenary commander will warn that Niket will not help us, and will accuse Miranda of hiding the truth from Shepard. Alas, you won’t be able to break up with him peacefully, so you will make the battle easier for yourself if you interrupt his words “in a bad way.”

The usual “battle-in-the-warehouse” is coming. Under the cover of the boxes, get to the elevator. It is better to fight near a working conveyor belt while hiding inside an empty transport container.

Behind the conveyor line, take the blueprints for the technology that enhances submachine guns and switch to anti-droid ammo. Behind the next conveyor, grab the medi-gel technology from the body and move further to the elevator.

And here is Niket and Enyala. For once, Miranda will understand that hiding the truth from everyone is not the best way to gain trust. It will not be possible to disperse peacefully.

Before entering the elevator, take the medallion that lies to the left of the door. Remember the asari who complained to someone on the phone that she had lost a valuable item? Take the medallion to her after you deal with Miranda's family problems.


The droid's right arm was shot off - now he is harmless and even a little touching.

A distress signal was received from a distant planet from the ship on which Jacob's father served. But why did the emergency buoy only work nine years after the crash?

Examine the wrecked ship, listen to the diaries and talk to the holographic assistant. It seems the local food is poisonous and causes dementia. Talk to the frightened girl - if you want to save her from the oncoming gang of “wild hunters”, interrupt her outpouring quickly.

There are a lot of “hunters”, but dealing with them won’t be a problem. Go up to the village, where the women, clearly stupid for ten years, will say that it was Jacob’s father, who became the new captain after the crash, forced them to eat poisonous food.

After getting rid of several droids, talk to the ship's doctor - by virtue of her understanding, she will try to explain what exactly happened and give us ship records exposing the crimes of Jacob's father.

To get to the hero of the occasion, you will need to overcome barriers of droids (one of them is heavy) and several living guards.

Jacob's conversation with the prodigal father will not be easy.


Tali was accused in absentia of sending a living geth to the Wandering Fleet, who staged a commotion and pancakes on the laboratory ship.

Now Shepard must protect her from accusations on the territory of her home fleet... and it is unlikely that many will deny themselves the pleasure of watching the reaction of the quarians when the Legion descends onto the deck of the ship along with the commander and Tali. It’s also worth taking him with you because he’s a specialist in fighting droids.

Advice: For some plot reasons that I can’t reveal here, it’s advisable to do Tali’s mission last. Let at least the Legion's mission remain after her.

Too late, Shepard realized that taking the Legion with him on the Quarian ship was not a good idea.

“Help me, Tali'Zorah you Normandy. You are my only hope."

After the stormy scene of Tali’s meeting with the captain of her home ship (“You were accused of sending us a geta... And here, by the way, is the second one!”) go to court. There the essence of the matter will become a little clearer. There is a way to justify Tali - you just need to go to the laboratory ship captured by the geth and recapture it from the robots, simultaneously finding evidence of the quarian’s innocence.

Before you go, chat with the people (some of whom you already know) in the hall - you will learn a lot of new things about the quarian culture.

There's not much to say about the ship itself: there's plenty to loot, dark video diaries, and, of course, a bunch of geth. Don't miss the security room - hack the tracking system and get an interesting drawing of the security system. When Tali finds her father, calm her down. And in the next room, be sure to pick up the ship model from the table.

Tali will ask you not to present evidence of her father's irresponsibility to the court, risking being expelled. With sufficient advancement in the field of good or evil, you can win a case on rhetoric alone. There is a third way - to attract familiar quarians to Tali's side. And, as usual, there is one more decision to be made that will resonate in Mass Effect 3.


Geth is concerned that the “heretics” (Reaper-worshipping Geth) have created a “missionary” virus that converts robots to a new faith. The virus is on the space station, and we should visit it.

It is important: If you have Legion on your team, it means you've already been to the Reaper, and the final missions can break out at any moment. If by that time not all squad members are loyal, delay can lead to complications in the final mission.

Our enemies, naturally, will be the geth. The Legion will say that the virus can not destroy the “heretics”, but rewrite it in order to convert them to the true faith. The decision is yours.

“And now - disco!” Jokes aside, some droids are really no strangers to dancing in the “electric boogie” style.

Another unusual concept will be green “data stripes” on the floor. As long as we don’t step on them, the alarm won’t be raised, and we get the opportunity to deal the first blow to the geth by blowing up the “communication centers” around which they stand.

In addition, there will be defensive cannons at the station that the Legion will be able to hack from a distance - after such hacking, the cannon shoots at enemies for some time (sometimes very well), and then self-destructs.

When a fifteen-kilometer hall appears through the windows, hack the terminal under one of the windows - excellent security technology is hidden there.

By activating the reading of the virus, Shepard will have to protect the terminal from several waves of attacking droids pressing from both sides. Hide your partners behind a convenient cover at the entrance to the hall. Try to activate the protective cannons one by one - several below, behind the railing, and two next to you. Only two guns can operate at the same time. You will make the battle much easier for yourself if you launch them on time. In this battle, I advise you to use heavy weapons, since there will really be a lot of robots.

After this, you have to make a difficult decision, and then get to the station exit in three minutes. Demolish the geth you meet - they are not very dangerous. Much worse is the prime who hangs out at the very exit. In the cramped conditions of the station, he is very dangerous, so if possible, reprogram him, disabling him for a few seconds.

For your information: Don't forget to talk to characters who have become "loyal" to learn more about them. Be wise and far-sighted when dealing with the conflicts "Tali vs. Legion" and "Jack vs. Miranda" (they will break out after the tasks of both participants are completed).

"Normandy": Joker

The lame Joker won't fit into the elevator. However, the Collectors and their victims are cramped there even without him.

This story mission will pop up some time after you obtain Friend or Foe recognition technology. As a result of studying the microcircuit picked up on the Reaper ship, the situation on the Normandy quickly gets out of control. Shepard and his entire squad are away, so the Joker has to take the rap.

Walk along the path of flashing lights into the laboratory and go down into the ventilation hatch there. Once on the living deck, follow the same path through the medical bay to the AI ​​room. Give Eddie control of the ship and go down into the air ducts again.

Now comes the most dangerous place: the lower deck. Don't rush up the stairs - wait until the horizon clears (if in doubt, listen to Edie, she'll tell you so). Turn left through the door into the engine compartment and quickly activate the remote control where Tali usually stood.

The job is done, and Shepard again needs to make a serious decision.

For your information: After this mission, Edie's behavioral blocks will be removed, and you will be able to ask her in detail about Cerberus on the bridge.

Suicide mission

- You know, the only thing I like about alien threats is the lack of immunity to bullets.

"Doctor Who"

I’ll say the main thing again: the outcome of the mission and the number of surviving characters depend primarily on the loyalty of our partners and on the “stuffing” of our frigate. For fun, I even advise you to first try to complete the mission without Normandy improvements and see what happens.

“With you you will inevitably smoke...”

While the Joker is leading the ship to the Gatherer station, Shepard (finally!) will be allowed into the cargo compartment to repel the attack of the “Eye” throwing death rays. First, the persistent robot must be driven out of the cargo compartment, and then beaten to death with a heavy weapon.

After landing, you will have to decide which squad member will sneak through the ventilation to open the doors for the team, and who will lead the distracting squad. You need to choose in such a way that you don’t accidentally send a favorite and convenient fighter for you personally to the ventilation or to another detachment.

Make a speech and go ahead!

There is a speed challenge ahead. The specialist will move through the pipes, and Shepard must open the valves (green hexagons) on his way in a limited time. This means that you need to take down the Gatherers, especially the possessed ones, as quickly as possible in order to get to the main gate in time. In general, there is enough time. Only the last two dampers are problematic, but they are close to each other.

After this there will be an important choice: the one you choose as the boss of the sabotage group may die. There is a way to help him out by sacrificing the rescued members of the Normandy crew, sending them to the ship unaccompanied. But this will change little, since in this case one of your partners may die.

Select a biotic who will cover your group with a field, and the commander of a sabotage group separate from Shepard. After this, you need to, accompanied by a biotic, move towards the main entrance, exterminating the Gatherers and zombies. Get rid of the Scion that comes around the corner as quickly as possible - after that it will not be so difficult to get to the entrance.

The biotic shield is the best defense against insects. “That’s why they don’t bite!”

This time around, the Reaper has distinctly Terminator-like features.

After the solemn speech, all you have to do is take two experienced fighters and go to the last battle. Your enemies will be zombies flying in on Gatherer platforms, possessed Harbingers and two scions that can be shot from afar.

When you get to the Reaper and repel another attack from the platforms, you will need to make an important choice, and then kill the boss. The fight, in general, is not very difficult. Shoot for the eyes. When the boss demolishes cover, move Shepard behind another one.

The monster fell into the abyss with a howl, which means you've completed Mass Effect 2. Congratulations!

Unexplored planets

When Eddie reports an anomaly while flying around another planet, you have a chance to land on the planet and complete a task related to it, sometimes a chain of missions. Some will not appear immediately. Some will appear only after Shepard buys the necessary cards. Some will be pointed out to you during the game's story.

The complexity of the tasks will also be different: on some planets you will only need to solve a puzzle or run from point A to point B. On others, you will have to seriously fight to get a portion of experience, metals, technology and other pleasant little things.

Lorek, Fathar system (Omega Nebula)

In this green world, the Eclipse mercenary base was discovered. Somewhere out there is a dead Cerberus agent who had dangerous information on him.

The battle ahead is simple and short. The compact base needs to be cleared of Eclipse fighters, and convenient shelters at the entrance will help you with this. Along the way, you will open a couple of doors, take everything that is bad, and in the back room you will find a fallen agent.

The information he has on him poses a threat to Cerberus's image, and Shepard will have three options: send the information to the Alliance (good), send it to the Illusive Man (neutral), or keep it for himself (bad).

Taius, Talawa system (Caleston Fault)

A signal from a non-functioning heavy mech has been detected on the planet. Upon arrival, it will be discovered that the droid is really broken - it is leaking energy, so the elements (they are scattered everywhere) do not last long.

The situation with Dorothy and Tiktok from Frank Baum’s book will repeat: the robot takes a few steps and stalls, and we “start it up” again, changing the elements. There are no enemies in the area, except for a couple of shabby warrens. The goal of your journey with the droid is a mountain, behind which a considerable supply of metal is hidden.

Sinmara, Solveig system (Caleston Fault)

Saving the celestial cities from the scorching sun is also within Shepard's competence.

And here is a pure puzzle. A floating city on a Mercury-type planet has lost its magnetic shields and the sun is threatening to burn it down. Shepard needs to repair the shields, and since he will not meet a single living soul, he will land on the flying platform alone.

The puzzle is very simple. It was actually inserted here “for show” to justify the beautiful landscape. But if you still find it difficult, here is the solution:

    Use the switch in the center of the platform to release energy to the cooling block.

    Start the refrigerator.

    Transfer energy to the generator.

    Start the generator.

    Transfer energy to the computer that controls the shield.

    Hack it and the shield will work again.

Zanetu, Ploitari system (Hourglass Nebula)

The Estevanico truck, which disappeared a year ago, sends a distress signal from the surface of the planet. The broken ship lies on a ledge and can fall into the abyss at any moment. Shepard needs to have time to make his way through the wreckage to the ship's computer in order to leak information.

Here, in general, there are no enemies or puzzles - just an atmospheric walk through the wreck of a ship collapsing before our eyes. Grab the iridium along the way and slowly walk along the inclined floors to the red beacon. The computer is there.

Darathar, Fariar system (Hourglass Nebula)

A base of smugglers from Eclipse was discovered on the planet, and judging by the voice of the salarian on the radio, they also found us. Now they are going to destroy their base so that it does not fall to the enemy, and we need to have time to stop them.

This is a speed task: you will need to destroy three heavy robots that are smashing boxes. Initially there are twenty of these boxes, and this number decreases quite quickly. You can distract the mechs by yourself, but it’s not easy to survive.

I think there is no need to remind you that you need to take those squad members who have proven themselves in battles with droids.

Don't forget to search the area when you're done.

Neith, Amun system (Eagle Nebula)

A truck recently crashed onto this planet, but what’s strange is that someone is moving at the crash site, but there are no traces of organic matter.

The task is very difficult. When Shepard, having found out the details of the “rebellion of the machines,” tries to turn off the beacon, crowds of robots will arrive, and at the same time the weather will begin to worsen. The team will have to do an unnatural and very dangerous thing - quickly fight their way through the entire quest area back to the landing bot.

Visibility will immediately begin to fade. Hurry up! Choose a path and stick to it. Keep your medigel ready, as protecting your colleagues from death is extremely difficult here. Try to save a few missiles for the heavy mech, which will meet you at the bot itself. Don't try to "outsit" the droids, they won't run out. To win, run up to the side of the bot and activate the ship.

Planet Jarrah, Strabo system (Eagle Nebula)

Why would the droids go berserk and cause a disaster for the truck from the previous mission? The tracks will lead you to the Strabo system, where the paranoid AI of a space research station destroyed its entire population.

I’ll say right away: you don’t have to be afraid of your enemies. The station is completely empty, and only its artificial intelligence is trying to stop the uninvited guests (us). Our task is to re-energize the three de-energized compartments of the station, and then go to the server room and turn off the artificial intelligence.

So, you are in the hall, in the center of which there is an AI control panel. But the doors leading to it are locked and will open only after visiting three compartments.

To the left is the laboratory. Here, to turn it on, you need to rotate the reflective plates so that the beam hits the sample against the wall opposite you. Compared to the pyramids from Mass Effect, the task is kindergarten level.

The next door is opposite the entrance, behind the server booth. The plasma jets escaping from the pipes are dangerous here. Having chosen the moment, run along the corridors and take care of your partners: the plasma may well kill them.

Finally, the door on the right side is an apartment complex. The AI ​​will let you in, but will lock the door and suggest you commit suicide so as not to die of hunger. Opening the doors is easy - you just need to activate three terminals in the following order: 2, 1, 2, 3.

Only after this will we be allowed to the artificial intelligence terminal, and Shepard will be able to knock it out.

Capek, Haskins system (Titan Nebula)

We will also get here thanks to evidence in the case of a strange virus infecting droids. Our goal is the factory that produces these same droids. It is closed by the Henn-Kedar Corporation for quarantine because the robots have gone berserk. To stop them, you need to deactivate the main conveyor.

A few droids will greet you as you enter, but there are many more inside. The path through the warehouse to the control room will be long, and robots will be reborn in large numbers literally around every corner, wave after wave. Be patient - there is nothing particularly difficult in this mission, but there are so many robots here that there will be enough for many tasks ahead.

Tarit, Lusan system (Crescent Nebula)

A Blood Pack mercenary station has been found on the planet. Let's pay them a courtesy visit.

The surrounding area of ​​the mercenary base is a foggy labyrinth. Move through the labyrinth, turning on beacon after beacon. Their signals will keep you from getting lost. Oncoming rakni will not be a big problem, so don’t be afraid to collect everything that is lying around and read the abandoned diaries, absentmindedly looking at the jabberwocky flying in the fog.

At the end there will be a battle with the mercenaries and their leader Salamul, a rather strong krogan. Don't miss the pair of vorcha guarding the resource - to find them, from Salamul's base, return along the path into the foggy labyrinth and go along the left rock.

Elaim, Zelene system (Crescent Nebula)

Sometimes droids explode merrily after they break down.

Another mercenary base. When her radars spotted the Normandy, a general flight began. However, there is still someone to fight there.

After reading the computer data about the probable new destination, enter the base. There will be a battle with mercenaries, among whom there are biotics (Eclipse is generally famous for its biotics). Before opening the door, do not forget to turn left and pick up a supply of metal.

Under the cover of the doorway, repel the attack of the mercenaries and pay attention to the edge of the balcony far ahead - rocket launcher fighters are hiding there, who can pretty much beat up the unwary Shepard.

Before hacking the terminal, go around the entire room, pull out the bridge and take the palladium from the nook. Only after getting ready for battle and hiding your partners, open the computer and start decrypting.

While decoding is going on, mercenaries will trample in large numbers from behind the door through which you came. There are many biotics among them. The strongest of all is the leader, the salarian Vorleon.

Zada Ban, Ze Cha system (Shrike's Chasm)

Evidence from previous Blood Pack bases led us here. The task is not very difficult. After passing through the abyss along the stone arch, hide behind conveniently placed shelters and shoot the Vorcha below, behind the iron bars, with impunity.

At the next arch, take cover behind the boxes and repel another not too dangerous attack.

A strong krogan, Chief Kalusk, is waiting for you behind the door. But these krogans are only strong when death rays are not used against them.

Clear the grotto of valuables, blow up the containers next to the two large tanks - and run away.

Equitas, Fortis system (Minos Wasteland)

Distress signal from an ore processing plant. Signs of abnormal life were recorded. The location of the workers is unknown.

In short: zombies. Many electric zombies, biting and fast, will meet you. Equip yourself accordingly.

When the endless attack of hordes of zombies begins, turn left and make your way through the tunnel to the alien machine that the miners unearthed here on their own account. Blow up the two bombs lying nearby and the task will be completed.

Gay Hinnom, Shekate system (Chain of Hades)

The wreckage of a quarian ship has been discovered on the planet. There are signs of life, including local life.

The wounded quarian needs to be healed and then protected from the Varren hordes. This will be easy to do if you are armed with fire ammunition.

Ionus, Narif system (Pylos Nebula)

Compared to other enemies, the Varren in Mass Effect are cute and harmless fluffballs.

The Broken Arrow truck is in distress near the planet Ionus. There is a recorded presence of geth on board, so you know how to equip the crew.

You only have five minutes to take control of the ship and steer it off course to collide with a human colony. There is enough time.

Capture the room, open the door from one of the remote controls on the right. Don't forget to clean it out and look through the diaries. Outside the window is a hall with an engine. To activate it, you first need to start two gears at the bottom - one on the left, one on the right. The problem will be the geth - they jump out onto the balcony behind and shoot very painfully, sometimes even with rockets. Hide your partners behind the metal plates and kill the droids as quickly as possible. Take advantage of the pause to start one transmission.

After this, go around the hall along the bridges and pipes (behind the metal plates), fight the droids again and start the second gear. Don't rush, don't take unnecessary risks - you can calmly fiddle around almost until the end of the countdown. The main thing is that you have enough time to then run up the stairs to your left and activate the engine with one click.

It is done!

Canalus, Dyrad system (Pylos Nebula)

Geth activity has been detected on the planet. Grab Tali and other “anti-Geth” characters and disembark.

This task is problematic. Because of the thick fog, the geth can see you better than you can see them. You will have to fire almost blindly, focusing on enemy routes and the target designation of the interface. Take care of your partners and keep them under the protection of flat rocks. Tali will be very useful in this mission with her drone and AI hacking.

Don't forget to collect native palladium. The way to the weather installation that needs to be turned off will be shown by signal lights scattered on the ground.

Joab, Enoch system (Rosetta Nebula)

An illegal base of archaeologists and bandits from the Blue Suns have been discovered on the planet.

First, a crowd of enemies will fall out from behind the doors. When the bandits are gone, clear the area and enter the station. Inside, oddly enough, another crowd of mercenaries will attack you. They will come from the stairs on the right and from the doors on the left.

There will be another small fight behind the long tunnel leading down and the doors. It is easier to deal with Lieutenant Loke and his henchmen if you hide on the balcony behind a transparent fence.

View the information on your pocket computer (it will open access to the mission to capture the ship) and examine the Prothean pyramid in the next room.

It is done!

Ship "Strontium Mule", Arinlarkan system (Omega Nebula)

This is a continuation of the previous mission. The truck has been captured by the Blue Suns and must be boarded.

The task is very difficult, since it’s a bit cramped inside the truck, and there are a lot of enemies, and they fire heavily, not disdaining rockets. Therefore, take care of yourself and your partners, do not hesitate to retreat.

Survive the battle in the first hall. Climb the stairs and ramps to the next level. Survive another battle and hack the console.

Go through the middle door, clear the room with engines from enemies (among them there is a strong biotic). Come back.

Turn left three times and fight through the corridor with balconies in the center. Go past the lightning sign along the corridor and clear the room with the bodies. Return through the balcony room and corridor to the locked door to the captain's bridge. Turn right and hack the security console. Now you can take the captain's cabin. Be careful: when the battle is over, a horde of mercenaries will trample from the rear, through the hall with a balcony.

When you win this battle, inspect the wheelhouse. The cargo you need to find is located opposite the dining room with the bodies (opposite the captain's cabin to the left). Before grabbing him, break into the locker that contains the defense drawings.

Sanctum, Decoris system (Sigurd's Cradle)

Continuation of the previous task. It is necessary to capture the base of the Blue Suns, from where they send fake distress signals, luring peaceful ships to them.

Traditionally, the battle will begin immediately after landing - fortunately there is somewhere to hide. Inside, take cover behind the railing and repel the attack. Look into the living room to the right and move out into the rock-filled dining room. Another party of bandits will appear.

Through an underground tunnel filled with iridium, you will find yourself in a hangar, where you will first be warmly greeted by two heavy droids (you can hide from them behind the boxes near the door, luring you towards barrels of explosives), and then by traditional bandits.

After this, all that remains is to clear the hall and adjacent rooms of valuables, open the door to the lighthouse control room and turn it off.

Franklin, Skepsis system (Sigurd's Cradle)

Dilemmas, dilemmas...

And one more continuation. Batarian bandits fired two missiles at the Alliance colony. Having broken into the base from which the missiles flew away, Shepard must neutralize them in five minutes.

The task is quite difficult, since the batarians are persistent guys and there are many of them here. Use the death ray generator to take down your enemies quickly.

The first batch of bandits will jump out from behind the boxes on the left, the second will be waiting for you in the room with the rocket behind the door on the right. You have two to three minutes to destroy the enemies around the rocket. Then you need to quickly break open the door below under the rocket, destroy the last batarian and make a decision - one of those that will come back to haunt you in Mass Effect 3.

Hero - 1957. Renegade - 1900.

Miranda’s contact is standing on Illium, but he doesn’t want to talk to me. What is the problem?

Take Miranda with you and approach the contact.

I found fake documents. What to do with them?

After leaving C-Sec on the Citadel, turn left and go to the stairs leading down from level 27 to 26, near the Zakera cafe. There are two asari sitting on the sofa near her, talk to them. Sometimes they may not be there, re-enter the location. In order for them to be exactly there, you need to complete the loyalty missions of Thane Krios and/or Garrus Vakarian.

Is there information about who exactly will join Commander Shepard’s squad and in what part of the Galaxy they should be looked for?

Jacob Taylor
- Race: Human

- Gender: Male
- Age: 28 years
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Lazarus" (the very beginning of the game)
Miranda Lawson / Miranda Lawson
- Race: Human
- Female gender
- Age: 35 years
- Class: Cerberus Operative / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Lazarus" (end of the first story mission)
Subject Zero (Jack)
- Race: Human
- Female gender
- Age: 24 years
- Class: ... / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Turian ship - Purgatory prison

Mordin Solus / Mordin Solus
- Race: Salarian
- Gender: Male
- Age: 35 years (salarians have a short lifespan)
- Class: ... / Technician

Garrus Vakarian (Archangel) / Garrus Vakarian
- Race: Turian
- Gender: Male
- Age: 27-29 years (no exact information)
- Class: ...
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Omega"
Tali'Zorah vas Nima nar'Raya / Tali'Zorah vas Normandy
- Race: Quarian
- Female gender
- Age: 24 years
- Class: Quarian Technician/Engineer
- Where to look / Location: planet Hestrom
Samara / Samara
- Race: Azari
- Female gender
- Age: about 600 years (in Russian localization), more than 1000 years
- Class: ... / Biotic

Morint / Morint (excl.)
- Race: Azari
- Female gender
- Age: 485 years
- Class: ... / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Omega Space Station
Clarification: This character can be added to the team if you resolve Samara's personal quest in a certain way. You will understand everything as you complete it.
Thane Krios
- Race: Drell
- Gender: Male
- Age: 39 years
- Class: ... / Biotic
- Where to look / Location: Planet Illium
Grant (Grunt) / Grunt
- Race: Krogan
- Gender: Male
- Biological age: about 20 years (was not born naturally)
- Class: ... / Warrior
- Where to look / Location: Planet Corpus
- Race: Geth
- Where to look / Location: Hawking's Eta Cluster (story mission)
Zaeed Massani (DLC only)
- Race: Human
- Gender: Male
- Age: 40 years
- Class: ... / Warrior
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Omega"

Kasumi Goto

Race: Human
- Female gender
- Age: 25 years
- Class: ... / Thief
- Where to look / Location: Space station "Citadel"

Is it possible to add Ashley Williams / Kayden Alenko / Urdnot Wrex to the team?
No you can not.

Liara T'Soni will join the team when completing the DLC: Lair of the Shadow Broker.

I want to study a new upgrade, I have the resources, I have fulfilled the requirements, but the upgrade is still gray, what’s the matter?

You need another upgrade on this thread, there is a translation error in the Russian version.

How to get on the Legion team?

A story mission on an abandoned Reaper to obtain the "friend or foe" system.
Attention! This mission is a kind of point of no return. After it, you will need to fly to the final mission almost immediately (with time for one more quest), otherwise you will lose your team (Normandy personnel).

Where can I replenish my probe supplies?

At fuel depots. Available in most systems with a repeater.

I heard that somewhere you can buy star cards to open new systems, where?

On Illium near the taxi stand.

Where to buy heavy weapon ammunition and penicillin?

You can only find them.

Who can you have an affair with?

Shepard male Paul can have an affair with: Miranda Lawson; Jack (Subject Zero); Tali"Zora.

Shepard female Paul can have an affair with: Jacob Taylor; Garrus Vakarian; Thane Krios.

Shepard any Paul may have an affair with: Kelly Chambers; Liara T'Soni*; Morinth**.

* Romantic relationships are possible if you have the DLC: Lair of the Shadow Broker.

** After the Suicide Mission, if Shepard survives, you can accept the "embrace of eternity" from Morinth, but after this Shepard is guaranteed to die.

Quarreled with Miranda/Jack during their argument. What needs to be done to make her loyal again?

You must have 100% Hero/Renegade, the appropriate dialogue will appear. And to do this you need to pump up (to the maximum) the “Perfection in Combat” bar.

What combat classes are provided in the game and what has changed in terms of skills since the first part?

As in the first part of the game, we have a choice of 6 combat classes that have a number of unique skills and abilities that were familiar to us from the first part, and also possess new skills:
- Soldier // Soldier -
- Description: The soldier is a master of weapons. He has more variety and better weapons at his disposal than any other class. He has access to all three special types of ammo, so he can modify his weapon to deal with any enemies. A properly played Soldier outperforms any other class in the game in terms of damage output.
Soldiers have fewer active abilities than other classes, but the two active abilities they do have are really good and well-suited to seamless play. The Impact Shot fires a salvo that can quickly destroy a single target. The adrenaline rush improves the soldier's reflexes, increasing his speed and weapon damage, thus greatly increasing his offensive power. This ability is also very good in terms of defense because it helps you get to cover safely.
- Class skills: Adrenaline rush (unique intelligence); Impact Shot (unique intelligence); Incendiary Ammo; Cryo Ammo; Disruptor Ammo

- Engineer // Engineer -
- Description: Engineers are technical specialists, the only class capable of summoning combat drones onto the battlefield. Drones can divert enemy fire and lure them out of cover. Engineers can hack mechanical enemies and turn them into powerful allies. Upgrade your drones - improve their weapons or turn them into deadly bombs. Engineers also have other abilities such as Ignite and Overload.
- Class skills: Set fire; Overload; Combat drone (unique intelligence); Cryo-freezing; Hacking AI

- Infiltrator // Scout -
- Description: Scouts are technical and combat specialists who are the only class capable of hiding from enemy detection. They are deadly at any distance due to the wide range of weapons, equipment and skills they use, allowing them to hit even the most armored and protected enemies. Thanks to their skill with sniper rifles, Scouts can eliminate the enemy from a safe distance before entering the fray. In addition, by combining types of ammunition and the right disposition on the battlefield, Scouts can easily deal with both organic and synthetic opponents. When the going gets tough, Scouts can use Tactical Concealment to hide from enemies before returning to the fight at any desired location relative to the remaining enemies.
- Class skills: Disintegrating ammunition; Cryocartridges; Tactical camouflage (unique intelligence); Setting fire; Hacking AI

- Adept // Adept -
- Description: Equipped with L5x implants, the Adept is a specialist capable of incapacitating or killing enemies using his biotic abilities. Adepts are the only class capable of causing Singularity - a deadly biotic trap. When enemies are hiding behind an obstacle, the adept can use the Pull ability to pull them out of cover. Adepts can use the Push ability to throw enemies off cliffs and ledges. The Adept is a game class that can deal with enemies without firing a single shot.
- Class skills: Deformation; Push; Singularity (unique mind); Attraction; Shock wave

- Vanguard // Stormtrooper -
- Description: Stormtroopers are equipped with L5n implants, giving them powerful biotic abilities. Paired with their weapons training, it is a lethal combination in short range combat. Stormtroopers are able to instantly close the distance to the enemy using their unique Biotic Break ability. Possessing enormous biotic power, Stormtroopers use Breakthrough to cross any obstacle, colliding with their intended enemy and sending it flying off the ground. In addition, Stormtroopers can unleash an explosive Shockwave that knocks down enemies and knocks them out from behind cover. If the Stormtrooper finds himself in too much of a tight spot, he can also use Breakthrough to quickly move to safety.
- Class skills: Inferno ammunition; Reinforced cryocartridges; Biotic breakthrough (unique intelligence); Shock wave; Attraction

- Sentinel // Guardian -
- Description: Guardians successfully use both technical and biotic abilities on the battlefield. They are always ready for any situation. After overloading the enemy's shield, Guardians can easily knock back the enemy using their biotic abilities. And if things get hot, they can use Cryo-Freeze and gain precious seconds to destroy an enemy or find cover.
The Guardians are equipped with the most advanced technical armor. When overloaded, the system releases the accumulated charge and stuns all enemies in the immediate vicinity.
- Class skills: Throw; Deformation; Overload; Technical armor (unique intelligence); Cryo-freezing

What is the max in the game? state of the art?

Level 30.

Is it possible to continue the game after completing the main quest?

Yes, you can, if the team completed the last story task.

What are the minerals obtained during planetary exploration needed for?

They are needed to conduct research to improve the Normandy, study enhancements to some of your partners’ skills, and study weapon/armor upgrades.

How to land on planets?

First you need to reconnaissance of the planet using a scanner.
If the EDI says that an “Anomaly” has been detected, you need to use the scanner to find the center of this anomaly, and then launch the Probe there.
After these actions, landing on the planet will be available.

Where can I buy new weapons for Shepard and the team, as well as new armor for them?

Armor for partners is not for sale and cannot be changed. Only after completing a character's personal quest and earning his loyalty will he be able to change the color of his clothes.
Various elements (shoulders, leggings, gloves, etc.) of N7 armor for Shepard can only be purchased in stores and only for him.
The shops are located on the Citadel; Omega Stations; Planets Ilium and Tuchanka
Weapons are not for sale in the game. It can only be found when completing story and non-story missions.
Shepard and his companions can change weapons in specially designated areas, or on board the Normandy.
Each partner owns only two types of weapons; he cannot be given another.
You can equip Shepard (for example, remove your helmet) only on Normandy.

What souvenirs can you buy to decorate the captain's cabin on Normandy?

3 types of fish in the Aquarium (one type is sold on Illium, the other two in the Citadel)
Space Hamster (On the Citadel)
Shepard's helmet (if the "Crash of the Normandy" DLC is installed and found there)
Ship models

Various types of upgrades can be found during quests or in shops. What to do with them?

Some types of improvements are “built” into Shepard’s armor/weapon immediately when purchased/found, others must be researched in the laboratory aboard the Normandy, after which they are also “built” into the armor/weapon.

How many types of weapons are there in the game?

- Assault Rifles - 5 models:
"M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle" (standard item)
"M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifle" (fires in short bursts, located on Archangel recruitment mission)
"M-76 Revenant Machine Gun" (machine gun)
"Geth Pulse Rifle" (found in Tali's recruitment mission; game difficulty must be at max; only appears after defeating Colossus)
"Collector's Assault Rifle" (DLS only)
X-96i heavy rifle "hoe" (DLC only)

- Submachine guns - 3 models:

"M-4 Shriken Machine Pistol" (standard item)
"M-9 Tempest Submachine Gun" (found in Tali's recruitment mission)
X-12j SMG "Cicada" (DLC only found on the Qasimi recruitment mission)

- Pistols - 3 models:

"M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol" (standard item)
"Carnifex Hand Cannon"
X-5i large-caliber pistol "phalanx" (DLC only)

- Shotguns - 5 models:
"M-23 Katana Shotgun"
"M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun"
"M300a Claymore Heavy Shotgun"

X-22h Ripper Shotgun (only DLC)

geth plasma shotgun(DLC only)

- Sniper rifles - 4 models:
"M-92 Mantis"
"M-97 Viper"
"M-29 Incisor" (DLS only)
"X-98e Widow"

- Heavy weapons - 8 models:
"M-622 Avalanche" (freeze laser)
"M-490 BlackStorm Projector" (gravity gun, DLC only)
"M-100 Grenade Launcher" (standard item)
"ML-77 Missile Launcher" (rocket launcher)
"M-920 Cain"
"M-451 Flametrhower" (DLC only flamethrower found on Zayd's loyalty mission)
"Collector's Beam Weapon" (found in the mission on Horizon)

Arc emitter (large "electric shocker")

Is it true that Shepard might die? Has anyone had this happen?

If both of Shepard's partners (and perhaps even one partner) died in the final battle, then Shepard will not survive.

If Shepard accepted Morinth's offer to “embrace eternity” (possible only after the Suicide Mission), then Shepard dies.

What needs to be done to save the team in the final mission?

CP2 "Normandy" must be fully upgraded and strengthened (various improvements are offered by partners).
- All personal companion quests must be completed and their loyalty earned.
- Take only loyal ones for the last mission, the rest hold the rear. If everyone is loyal, choice doesn't matter.
- When giving orders, you need to keep in mind the character’s specialty (Technique - Engineer, etc.):
Quote: - Ventilation - Legion/Tali/Kasumi;
- First team - Miranda/Garrus;
- Biotic - Samara/Jack;
- Second team - Miranda/Garrus/Jacob;
- Back with the survivors - Anyone (It is advisable to send Mordin, as he may die due to a bug later in the mission);
- If any of the conditions are not met, the partner dies;
- Part of the team can be lost even before the start of the operation if not all of the Normandy reinforcements have been completed;

To successfully complete a suicide mission you need:

  • Complete loyalty tasks for team members (at least 1 of each specialization), successfully resolving the conflicts “Jack vs. Miranda” and “Tali vs. Legion”;
  • Find and research improvements for the Normandy (only the improvement of the medical compartment can be neglected);
    • Heavy armor for the ship (if not done, Jack dies);
    • Improved shields (if not carried out, Kasumi, or Legion, or Tali, or Thane, or Garrus, or Zaeed, or Grant dies);
    • Large-caliber gun "Tanix" (if not carried out, Thane, or Garrus, or Zaeed, or Grant, or Jack, or Samara/Morinth dies).
  • Fly on a mission immediately (or as soon as possible) after the crew members are kidnapped. If you take off after 1-3 missions after the abduction, Kelly and half of the crew die. After the 4th mission, carried out after the abduction, only Doctor Chakwas survives from the crew. If we fly out immediately, then only Lilith from the kidnapped colony dies.
  • Note: Completing a Legion loyalty mission does not count as a delay. You can leave his mission for last and none of the team will die.

In the future, we will have to choose a specialist who will crawl through ventilation pipes(must be selected Tali, Legion or Kasumi, everyone else will be killed), and commander of the second group (Miranda, Jacob or Garrus. If you choose someone else, the engineer will die anyway).

Depending on how quickly you set off on the mission, the Normandy's crew may survive completely/partially or die completely (except for Chakwas). For the mission it is necessary to identify group leaders:

  • sabotage group commander (Garrus, Miranda or Jacob);
  • escort for the crew of the Normandy(any loyal team member will do, but it’s better to choose Mordina because for some, for some unknown reason, he dies during the defense of the door or the final battle);
  • biotic a, who will not participate in the battle, but will cover you with a field ( Samara, Jack, Morinth. If you choose someone else, one of your partners will die.

Among your partners, it is better to choose Tali and Legion, since their combat drones can attack the enemy from the rear (Collectors really like to hide).
During the mission it is possible bug: Legion, if taken into the main group, can leave the biotic shield as if the swarm does not respond to it. However, at the end of the mission he may die if the choice of biotic fell on a non-core team member.

After another solemn speech, it remained to choose two experienced fighters, leave the rest on the defensive and go into the decisive battle. It is advisable to choose those whose defense skill is the lowest ( Mordin, Kasumi, Jack, Tali), because if the total defense skill of the entire group remaining at the door is too low, then the game will “kill” weak characters. On the contrary, if you leave strong partners at the door (for example, Z Hades, Legion, Grant), then the team's chances of survival will increase.

While completing Garrus' l/quest to find the Shadow, he found a fake ID. The magazine indicates that it can be given to someone. Who can use it? (Location Citadel)

Not far from the CSB office, there will be a couple of Azari sitting on the sofa, who are not allowed out of the Citadel. You need to talk to them, promise to help them, then talk to the Customs Officer, the NPC at the entrance to the control center near the computer, then convince her to let Azari through. Talk to Azari again. (Hero Line)
Just give the fake ID to Azari. (Renegade Line)

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Legion is a unique geth mobile platform, created to perform tasks outside the Veil of Perseus and interact directly with organics. For this purpose, 1,183 programs were installed on its platform, as opposed to hundreds for other platforms, allowing it to function and speak independently. Legion has special enhancements to his appearance that enhance his original geth abilities and allow him to express emotions quite successfully. The plates on his head serve as his eyebrows, and he uses them for the same purpose as humans - to express feelings, such as raising his "eyebrows" to play surprise or interest and folding them on his forehead to show concentration.


It was created and sent on the trail of Captain Shepard, who destroyed the Old Machine "Nazaru", known to the rest of the galaxy as Reaper Overlord, exploring the planets Shepard visited - Eden Prime, Therum, Feros, Noveria, Virmire, Ilos and a host of unmarked worlds. He eventually found the Normandy's crash site on the planet Alchera, took some of Shepard's N7 armor and added it to his platform in order to repair the damage sustained by Alliance soldiers on Eden Prime. When asked why Shepard's armor was used for repairs, Legion becomes evasive, first stating that "there was a hole" and then cutting off questions by saying "no information available." But if pressed, he admits that it was the result of an illogical action, which goes against the general idea of ​​the geth, following which all their actions are carried out as a result of precise calculation, regardless of emotions.


The first meeting with the Legion occurs during the search for the identification system, on the Forsaken Reaper. He is surprised to meet Captain Shepard alive (to whom he addresses himself as Shepard-Captain) and helps Shepard's squad against the Husks who have infested the dead ship. He is ultimately knocked out by the Husk when the synthetic tried to open a path to the ship's mass core. If you pick it up, you can sell the geth to Cerberus for research (after all, finding an intact geth is rare), or bring it aboard the Normandy and lock it under guard in the ship's AI core compartment. Shepard can then activate the geth to interrogate him.


When it is discovered that the geth are not going to be hostile, he shows his desire to help Shepard's mission by joining his squad. When Shepard asks him for his name, he simply answers, “Geth.” Not satisfied with the answer, the Captain rephrases and asks again until EDI intervenes, calling it Legion, quoting the New Testament, Mark 5:9 - “My name is Legion,” referring to the fact that there are hundreds of active individuals in each single mobile platform. Goeth thought this was an “appropriate metaphor” and from then on became known as the Legion.


Legion communicates in a straightforward robot style, often responding with one word. When he uses a complete sentence, the word structure is clearly organized. The Legion does not consider itself one being, but a union of many individuals who come to a common decision to take action. The Legion expresses admiration for EDI because, unlike the geth, who depend on each other to carry out their activities, EDI controls all of Normandy's functions personally. Legion wonders how she manages to remain stable. Geth sometimes expresses his disapproval that EDI capabilities and development are limited in the ship.


Legion, if asked, can provide more information about the geth, and often takes an interest in matters of philosophy. He also discusses the war between the quarians and the geth, calling them "creators", the same way the geth refers to Tali, and the other quarians he meets. The Legion, if requested by Shepard, will play an audio recording obtained from the geth shared memory, in which one of the first geth created confusedly asks his quarian master if he (the geth) has a soul, an event mentioned by Tali in Mass Effect. Legion clarifies that this was not the first time the Geth had asked this. This was the first time the quarians were afraid of this.



After some time, the Legion informs Shepard that the Geth are indifferent to organics. The geth who fight organic life forms are “heretics” who followed by the reapers, when they called out to them for “Old Cars.” The Legion will tell you that the heretics have developed a virus that will turn all other geth to serve the Reapers and asks the Captain for help to get to the old quarian space base held by the heretics in order to destroy the virus that threatens the peaceful geth. Shepard later discovers that the virus may serve another purpose: to rewrite the programs of hostile heretics so that they can safely return to the true geth.


After both Tali and the Legion's loyalty missions are completed, they clash over weapons the quarians are developing against the geth in preparation for war. If persuasion skills are not used to resolve the conflict, one of them will lose their loyalty. Although it is worth noting that if the persuasion option is not available, or Shepard sides with Tali, there is a special dialogue for the Hero or Renegade to regain their loyalty, and vice versa if Shepard turned against Tali.


Legion voiced D.C. Douglas

Specifically, Legion's name comes from the Gospel of Mark passage in the New Testament of the Bible. The passage tells about the wandering Jesus who met a man possessed by demons. When Jesus asked the man's name, the demons in him answered: “My name is Legion, for there are many of us.”. The demons asked Jesus to take them to a nearby herd of pigs instead of him driving them out. Jesus complied with the request, and the demons caused the pigs to fall off the cliff and die.

From time to time, the Legion, after a long period of inactivity, begins to dance. This can happen both in the AI ​​core compartment and on missions when Legion is in Shepard's squad.

Initially, Shepard's N7 Armor was added to his appearance simply as a joke, but has now become an integral part of his appearance and backstory.

During the early stages of development of Mass Effect 2, the Legion recruitment mission was not part of the main mission and could have been completed much earlier in the game. But later it was decided to link the acquisition of the Reaper identification system and the recruitment of the Legion. This required only a slight modification to the existing mission on the Abandoned Reaper. Proof of this is the Legion's unique dialogue in places like Purgatory, which can be heard if you tweak your save and make the geth available for that mission.

The Legion states that Shepard met Sovereign on Ilos, although it actually happened on Virmire. It is still unclear whether this is a plot error or whether the Legion simply has false information about the situation.

Legion as a character may be a reference to One of Many, the player's companion from Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer. One of many is the embodiment of countless souls imprisoned in one intelligent being, which is similar to the principle of the programs that make up the Legion. One of many, being undead, is seen as an enemy by most of the game's characters, like Legion, and receives negative treatment from the rest of the companions.

Legion possesses one antenna-like mount on its left shoulder, a trait shared by large bipedal geth units such as the Juggernaut, although they have two (on each shoulder), but is absent on human-sized units such as fighters. While the exact function has yet to be revealed, it appears the mount exists to highlight the uniqueness of the Legion.

It's interesting that at one point during the suicide mission, if you choose him as a technician, Legion uses the pronoun "I" instead of the "we" he always uses.

It is possible to see the Legion before its first appearance. After two Husks are killed by an unknown sniper, on the Abandoned Reaper, if you turn around and look where the shots came from, you can see Legion standing on a ledge. He will slowly move on when you enter the room.

Like all other team members, the Legion has unique dialogue that we can hear in multiple locations, throughout missions or assignments, or if a special team member is chosen to be in the same squad with him.

The Shadow Broker has files on the Legion that can be accessed aboard his ship.
