The best programs for optimizing your Internet connection. Programs and utilities to speed up the Internet

I bring to your attention a program with which you can optimize your Internet connection, increase speed, stabilize and reduce ping in online games.

1. Download the installation of the program itself from this topic in the attachment.
2. Install on your computer.
3. Run as administrator.
4. Set the settings for online games, as shown in the screenshots:

"General Settings" Tab
Select your network card for configuration. "Network Adapter selection"
In the speed scale, we set the speed of your Internet connection.

"Advanced Settings" Tab

5. Click apply - "Apply changes"
6. The program in a new window will show which changes will be accepted. In this window, be sure to check the box next to “backup”, this is necessary to restore the previous Internet connection settings in Windows.

7. Click “OK” - after that the program will apply the new Internet connection settings and ask you to reboot the system, reboot.

All is ready!

If you have any questions or suggestions, ask in this thread.

As promised, the translation into Russian of the instructions is " TCP Optimizer"

1. Introduction

TCP Optimizer is a program with an easy, intuitive interface for configuring TCP/IP parameters for broadband connections on current (and some older) versions of Windows. TCP Optimizer Version 4 works on all versions of Windows, ranging from XP/NT/2000/2003, Windows Vista/7/2008 Server and ending with more fresh Windows 8, 2012 Server, as well as Windows 10. The settings of all of the above operating systems are different, so the program will only offer a supported set of options for the selected operating system. At creation of TCP Optimizer took into account all the nuances of Microsoft regarding TCP/IP, as well as RFC documents related to the program. The utility can edit all important registries with TCP/IP configuration parameters; in new versions of Windows it operates with PowerShell cmdlets; contains all the tweaks we have previously listed in the articles on improving transfer speed, and overall makes the experience of working with tweaks as easy as a breeze.

Below we will describe all the options available in TCP Optimizer. Some of the options may only be available for Windows 8 and higher.

2. Using the program. Short review.

If you don't want to read all the documentation below, or you need tweaks right now, just follow all the steps in this short instruction:

Run the program as an administrator: to do this, right-click on the program shortcut, select “Properties”, go to the “Compatibility” section -> “Run as administrator” -> OK.
Set the slider to maximum speed Internet connections (according to the Internet provider).
Select the type of network device through which you can access the Internet (or check the box next to “Change all network devices”).
At the bottom of the settings menu, select "Optimal".
Click "Apply". Decide whether you will create a backup and log, and restart your computer.

TCP Optimizer will do the rest of the work for you; it will also optimize your Internet connection. You can preview the list of all significant changes before they are applied to your computer. The program can be used for quick recovery custom settings, and, if desired, for experimenting with other settings. Perhaps for the latter, you will first have to read all the documentation and our articles about tweaks in order to understand the meaning of certain settings and their effect.

To learn more about all the special parameters of the program, please read the following chapters.

Note: You will need to log into the program under your own account (some options only work with accounts) and also as an administrator in order for the program to have rights to change some settings.

3. General settings

Given below short description all options on the General Settings tab in the TCP Optimizer program in the current version of Windows.

Connection speed

This slider allows you to select the maximum possible Internet connection speed as stated by your Internet provider. There is no need to indicate your current connection speed here or enter the speed test result here. This requires the maximum theoretical speed of your connection. Note that the speed is stated in MB/s, which means megabytes per second (not to be confused with simple megabytes).

Moving the connection speed slider will affect optimal size TCP windows. In older versions Windows change The slider position immediately leads to the calculation of the optimal TCP reception window size for a given speed. On new Windows operating systems this action may change the algorithm automatic settings TCP receive windows (“restricted” for speeds below 1 MB/s; “normal” for most broadband connections; “experimental” for speeds above 90 MB/s). Note that the "experimental" value in the auto-tuning section of the TCP window should be used with caution.

Choice network devices

The list will show all connected/active network devices recognized by the system. If you use the drop-down menu to select a specific network adapter, its IP address will be displayed in the lower right corner of the current section. You can also change or not change all network devices at the same time.

In this section of the program you can set a custom MTU value (maximum data unit size). For standard connections, the MTU value is 1500 bytes, with the exception of PPPoE connections and some connections via DSL modems. The MTU index should only be corrected for these. For example, the maximum MTU value for Windows PPPoE encapsulation will be 1480 bytes (and sometimes 1492).

Note: In rare cases, the program may not correctly recognize your preferred network device. This will not greatly affect the performance of our product. In this case, you just need to check the box next to “Change all network devices”. We would be very grateful if you would report such cases to us so that we can improve the program.

Automatic TCP Receive Window Setup

This setting adjusts the algorithm for determining the size of the TCP receive window in Windows. TCP's small receive window can limit high-speed, high-latency connections, which are all broadband Internet connections. For most connections, we recommend selecting "normal" when configuring this parameter. You will also need to ensure that you disable the "Windows Scaling heuristics" below to prevent Windows from changing this setting automatically.

Here are a couple of exceptions for which it is not necessary to set the TCP autoconfiguration value to “normal”:
1. If your connection speed is less than 1 Mbps, you can select the “highlyrestricted” value.
2. If you have a dial-up connection, you can select “disabled” (disabled; since your speed will not require a buffer larger than 64KB).
3. If your connection speed is around/above 100 Mbps, you can select “experimental”. However, to ensure good data transfer stability, this parameter needs to be studied more closely. If you have any difficulty with the "experimental" value, please change the value back to "normal" and share your experience on the forums or email us.

TCP Window Scaling Heuristic

If this option is left enabled, Windows can limit the window size relative to the default at any point at any time it determines that network conditions warrant action. When Windows limits the TCP window size, it does not always return to the default values. It is highly recommended to set this option to "disabled" to preserve the user's TCP autoconfiguration settings.

Congestion Control Add-on Provider

Typically, TCP can avoid network congestion by gradually increasing the size of the sending window at the start of the connection. When working with broadband connections, to make full use of the available throughput The protocol's algorithms also do not increase the window size quite quickly. Compound TCP is new method congestion control, which increases the TCP send window size for broadband connections (with large RWIN and BDP) more aggressively. CTCP maximizes throughput by monitoring latency and data loss.

In most standard scenarios, you should select "CTCP".

CTCP (Compound TCP) increases the size of the TCP receive window and the amount of data sent. This protocol improves the throughput of high-latency broadband Internet connections.
DCTCP (Data Center TCP) adjusts the TCP window size based on ECN network congestion notifications. The protocol increases throughput local connections and connections with low latency. Please note that this protocol can only work on Server operating systems.

Receive Side Scaling (RSS)

RSS allows incoming packets to be processed on multiple processors in parallel, while avoiding packet retransmission. This option splits packets into streams and uses different processors to process each stream.

Received Segment Concatenation (RSC)

The Received Segment Consolidation (RSC) feature allows the network adapter to combine multiple TCP/IP packets received in a single transmission into larger packets (up to 64 km). This means that the network stack has to process fewer packet headers. This reduces the load on the I/O-intensive server and processor.

Direct Cache Access (DCA)

Direct cache access (DCA) allows a supported I/O device, e.g. network controller, place data directly in the processor cache. The goal of DCA is to reduce memory latency and improve channel throughput in high-speed (gigabit) environments. It is necessary that the I/O devices system chipsets and processors supported DCA.

Note: The DCA effect is more noticeable on older processors.

Packet Time to Live (TTL)

This setting defines the default time to live (TTL) based on the header code of the outgoing IP packet. TTL defines the maximum time interval in seconds (or hops) that an IP packet can exist on the network before reaching its destination. Essentially, it is a certain number of routers that an IP packet is allowed to pass through before it disappears. This setting does not directly affect speed, but setting this setting too low may prevent packets from reaching distant servers. And an overestimated value will take extra time to recognize lost packets.

ECN Power

ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification, RFC 3168) is a mechanism that provides routers with an alternative method of dealing with network congestion. Its task is to reduce the number of retransmissions. Essentially, ECN indicates that the cause of any packet loss is due to router congestion. This option allows routers experiencing congestion to mark dropped packets and allows clients to automatically reduce their transmission speed to prevent further packet loss. TCP/IP typically responds to network congestion by dropping packets. When ECN comes into play, the ECN-enabled router, instead of discarding the packet, inserts a bit into the IP header to indicate congestion. The receiver transmits the congestion notification to the sender. The latter, in turn, must react to the packets being dropped. In modern TCP/IP implementations, the ECN option is disabled by default, as this can cause problems with legacy routers that discard packets with the ECN bit or simply ignore the bit.

It is usually recommended to disable the option. This should be enabled with caution, as some routers discard packets with the ECN bit, which can lead to packet loss or other problems. However, for ECN-enabled routers, enabling the option may reduce latency in some games and improve connection speeds despite packet loss.

Note: in some games from the publisher EA Games, when logging into your profile, there are problems with entering your login (there may be a problem with the ECN support of the router).

Unloading checksum

This option allows the network adapter to calculate the checksum when transmitting packets and determine the checksum when receiving packets on a free processor, reducing traffic on PCI bus. Checksum offloading is also required for the operation of several other stateless objects, such as RSS (receive side scaling), RSC (received segment concatenation), and LSO (large send offload).

TCP Chimney Channel Offload

TCP Chimney allows you to free the host computer processor from processing TCP traffic and transfer this function to the network adapter. It helps improve your computer's network processing without the need for assistance. additional programs and without losing system performance or security. Programs that are currently processing network headers, work better in conjunction with the TCP Chimney option. In the past, activating this option had a number of negative consequences due to network adapter drivers containing errors. However, the operation of this option has become more streamlined over time. It is very useful for client computer processors and for high-speed broadband connections. Not recommended in some server environments.

Note: Does not work with NetDMA (NetTDMA is not supported on Windows 8 and above).

LSO segmentation offload

When enabled, the network adapter is used to complete data segmentation, as it is theoretically faster to do this than operating system software. This improves data transfer speed and reduces the load on CPU. Problems with this option occur on many levels, including problems with network adapter drivers. It is known that with Intel drivers and Broadcom this option is enabled by default. In this regard, many difficulties may arise.

TCP 1323 timestamps

According to RFC 1323, timestamps are intended to improve transmission reliability by retransmitting unacknowledged segments after the RTO (Retransmission Interval) time interval has expired. The problem with timestamps is that they add an extra 12 bytes to the 20-byte TCP header of each packet, thus causing bandwidth consumption due to the larger header.

Note: In Windows Vista/7, we recommend leaving only “Window Scaling” enabled among the TCP 1323 options.

Net direct access to NetDMA memory (Windows Vista/7)

NetDMA (TCPA) provides advanced capabilities for using direct memory access. Essentially, this option allows you to allocate network data more efficiently while minimizing CPU load. The NetDMA option frees the processor from storing data packets transferred from network card buffers to application buffers using the DMA engine. The option must be supported by your BIOS and your processor must support Intel technology I/O Acceleration (I/OAT).

NetDMA is not supported on Windows 8 and above.

4. Advanced settings

This section talks about the section of the program called “Advanced Settings”, relevant for current Windows versions.

Optimization Internet Explorer

According to the HTTP 1.1 specification in RFC 2616, it is recommended to use no more than 2 concurrent connections by default between the client and the web server. Equally, the HTTP 1.0 specification recommends using no more than 4 parallel connections (HTTP 1.0 cannot provide a long-lasting connection, so it benefits from more parallel connections). Traditionally, Internet Explorer has followed RFC recommendations, but with the release of IE8, Firefox 3, and Chrome 4, most leading browsers have moved away from these recommendations in search of faster web page loading speeds and have increased the number of concurrent connections to servers to 6 for both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1.

We recommend increasing the number of parallel connections to 8-10 per server due to the increasingly complex architecture of web pages and the appearance of a large number of their elements. Thus, establishing multiple connections is justified, especially for broadband Internet connections. Note that establishing more than 10 connections is not recommended, as some web servers limit the number of concurrent connections per IP and may terminate or discard such connections. Among other problems, this will lead to unloaded pages and a negative user experience.

Host Permission Priorities

This option is designed to increase DNS/hostname priority by increasing the priority of the four default associated processes. It is important to note that the option raises the priority of all four associated processes compared to hundreds of other active processes and keeps them strictly in line with the queue. It is also important to note that in such cases, we recommend choosing "optimal" here not to create a conflict between the priorities of other processes. Be careful when choosing a different value.

To learn more about this, check out our article on a tweak for prioritizing host permissions.


Two values ​​in this section of the program control how the system reconnects.

Max SYN Retransmissions: allows you to set the number of attempts to restore the connection using SYN packets.
Non Sack RTT Resiliency: Controls the calculation of the return time of retransmissions for non-SACK clients. This helps slow down client connections by making TCP/IP less aggressive in retransmitting packets.

Retransmission Interval (RTO) for Windows 8 and higher

The retransmission interval (RTO) determines how many milliseconds will be spent processing unacknowledged data before the connection is closed. This option helps reduce delays in data retransmission. The default Initial RTO interval of 3000ms (3 seconds) can be reduced to ~2s (except in remote locations) for modern low latency broadband connections. For connections with high latency (satellites, remote locations), reducing this value too aggressively can lead to premature retransmissions. You should not constantly neglect the RTO limit. The recommended minimum default Min RTO value is 300ms.

See document RFC 6298

Caching DNS errors- Windows 7/Vista/2k/XP

This option is intended to prevent negative DNS responses from being cached.

MaxNegativeCacheTtl: Determines how long a negative response record will be stored in the DNS cache (works only for Windows XP/2003).

NegativeCacheTime: Determines how long a negative response record will be stored in the DNS cache (works only for Windows 2000/2008/Vista/Windows 7, similar to MaxNegativeCacheTtl).

NetFailureCacheTime: Determines how long the DNS client will send queries after detecting a network break. During this time interval, the DNS client will send out a response timeout notification to all requests. If the value of this option is “0”, it will be disabled and DNS will continue to send queries despite the network being down.

NegativeSOACacheTime: Determines how long a negative response record will be kept in the DNS cache while the SOA (Start of Authority) zone record will remain in the DNS cache.

Type/quality of service

This section is related to QoS policy and the QoS packet scheduler in Windows.

NonBestEffortLimit: Windows 7/8/8.1 QoS packet scheduler reserves 20% by default network traffic for QoS applications that require priority. Please note that traffic reservation only occurs when there are active QoS applications that require traffic priority, such as, for example, Windows Update. By setting this parameter to “0” you will prevent Windows from reserving 20% ​​of the traffic for this type of application.

Do not use NLA: This undocumented option is part of tcpip.sys that is responsible for changing the QoS DSCP value. Microsoft requires Windows 7/8 systems to join a domain and also for that domain to be visible to a special network adapter in order to apply local group policy and to configure the DSCP value. Setting this to “1” will remove all restrictions and allow you to set the DSCP value for all network devices that are not part of a domain. As part of local group policy, the DSCP value can be adjusted using gpedit.msc.

Game tweak – Network Throttling Index and System Responsiveness option (system response speed)

Network Throttling Index: Windows uses a throttling mechanism to limit the processing of non-media network traffic. Since processing network packets is such a resource-intensive task, the purpose of throttling is to help the processor skip some clock cycles to give priority access to multimedia programs. In some cases, such as gigabit networks and some online games, it will be better to disable throttling to achieve maximum throughput.

SystemResponsiveness: Multimedia applications use the Media Class Scheduler (MMCSS) to gain priority access to CPU resources without infringing lower priority background applications. But to work with background applications By default it takes 20% of CPU resources. Thus, only 80% of the processor's output remains for processing multimedia and some games. Optimizer can free up 20% of the processor resources assigned to background applications in order to provide them to games.

Note: On some server operating systems (Windows 2008 Server), the SystemResponsiveness value may be set to 100 instead of the default 20. With such values, higher priority will still be given to background services over multimedia.

Game tweak - disable Nagle algorithm

Nagle's algorithm was designed to combine small packets into a single, larger packet for faster transmission. Although the algorithm increases network throughput and reduces the number of TCP/IP headers, it still briefly delays the sending of small packets. Disabling the algorithm reduces latency/ping in some games, but may negatively impact file transfers. On Windows, Nagle's algorithm is enabled by default.

TcpAckFrequency: "1" for games and Wi-FI (disables nagling), small values ​​greater than "2" for better throughput.
TcpNoDelay: "1" for games (disables naigling), "0" to enable naigling
TcpDelAckTicks: "0" for games (disables), "1-6" means 100-600ms. Setting the value to “1” reduces the effect of the algorithm (default 2=200ms).

Surely, every user has repeatedly experienced a feeling of discomfort at moments, for example, while watching a favorite movie on the Internet, when video playback suddenly stops and a buffering phenomenon is observed.

Freeze open page, unusually long loading of the site, loss of connection - all this unpleasant consequences emerging “congestion” on the way of transmitting information packets over the network.

Regardless of the type of connection, the methods that will be described here will, to one degree or another, increase the Internet speed on Windows 7, this article will be especially useful for mobile Internet users.

How to remove Internet speed limit?

Method 1: Settings in the serial port parameters (COM1)

So, in order for us to detect these parameters, we go to the device manager (an Internet connection is not required now, the modem can be completely disabled): Start menu - Computer.

In Device Manager, open the “Ports” item.

Here we select “Serial Port (COM1)”.

Next in the window: Port parameters - in the “Bits per second” column, set the maximum value, confirm by clicking “Ok” and close all tabs.

Method 2: Settings in Reserved Bandwidth Limit Settings

Let's start searching for parameters: Start menu - All programs - Accessories - Command line

In the command line, enter the command: gpedit .msc and press the Enter key.

In the menu that opens, look for the “Computer Configuration” item and open it.

Then open the following folders: Administrative Templates - Network - Qos Packet Scheduler - Limit Reserved Bandwidth

In the window that appears, place a marker next to the “Enable” item, and below in the “Bandwidth limit (%):” column enter the value - 0.

How to improve Internet speed using software?

Method 3: increase Internet speed using the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​utility

For this method you need to download and install the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​program. This utility available online as free version, so don't feed scammers! The program weighs only about 7 MB, we install it by default on local disk WITH.

After installing the program, reboot the system manually for the settings to take effect. Before using the utility, connect to the Internet and go into it through the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

Here we are interested in the “Tools” section. By clicking on it in the new menu we find the item “Internet acceleration”.

Below it, click on the “Automatic” button, select from three possible requests by Internet speed: fast, medium or slow, in accordance with your type of network connection, by moving the marker, we start the process through the “Analysis” button.

After checking, a list of all parameters that require optimization will appear on the screen, so click “Optimize” and wait for the operation to complete.

After which, a window will appear with a report on the work done and below the “Reboot” button.

Click on it, thereby rebooting Windows to accept the new data.

What to do if the Internet speed has dropped sharply?

Method 4: Delete temporary files from Application Data

In Application Data (AppData folder), we need only one directory called “Temp“. But to get to it, we need to first discover AppData, because it is a hidden system file.

To do this, perform the following algorithm of actions: Start menu - Computer - Organize (the button at the top of the window, on the left) - Folder and search options

Next is the view - in the window with additional parameters we go down the list, find the item “Show hidden files, folders and drives”, place a marker opposite it - a little higher in the list we find the column “Hide protected system files(recommended)" and uncheck the option - in the warning window, put consent - "Yes" - click in the previous window with the folder parameters "Apply".

Thus, we removed the protective effect of invisibility from hidden files systems, some of them will appear on the desktop.

Having found this folder, right-click on the name, find “Send” in the menu and click on “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

After all the steps, you can hide system files again in reverse order through the folder options. In this case, the folder “Temp” we need on the desktop will remain visible.

So, why do we need the Temp folder? When starting the browser, as well as when visiting various pages, blogs, websites, some temporary files from the network are delayed in the desired folder, which in turn slows down the data transfer. Therefore, if we notice a clear slowdown in page loading or a sharp drop in Internet speed, we should minimize the browser without closing it and enter the “Temp” folder.

In the “Temp” folder, select all the data and delete it through Delete key or right mouse button. Those files that are not deleted are service files; the rest of the “garbage” will end up in the trash, which should be emptied immediately.

The desire to speed up work on the Internet is a necessity that the user is driven by the lack of speed and extended request processing time (ping). There are a number of ways that allow the user to optimize Internet speed in Windows 10.

Why is my home internet slow?

No matter what you put on the water tap, the water will not flow faster, but if the street branch is “thrown” onto a new water pipeline, the pressure will always be there. Internet acceleration works in a similar way: it is not an increase in the speed of your connection without the knowledge of the provider, but the use of faster connections between the servers of your provider and the same

The Internet consists of servers and data centers connected to each other by wired and wireless communication channels of different capacities. It doesn’t matter which way you go to access Yandex mail or distribute Zhanna Friske’s collection from your PC to other people via BitTorrent - DNS servers (domain name servers) with different IPs, automatically selected by default, will take care of this. It is useful to indicate the highest speed ones known to you - data transfer will be faster.

Manual DNS-IP selection is the easiest way to speed up the processing of user requests. Thus, Google, a giant company with huge annual income, does not buy servers and data centers, but produces them itself. Its DNS - and - are indicated as priority DNS.

How to speed up the Internet on Windows

Many instructions in Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 are very similar. The emphasis in the description is on Windows 8/10.

Changing the network bandwidth limit in Windows 10

It was in the top ten that Microsoft developers installed a software reduction in Internet speed by 20%. That is, having purchased an unlimited package of 35 Mbit/s, you will encounter a “ceiling” of 28 Mbit/s. This is designed to track your PC statistics by Microsoft, collecting information about software errors for improvements and corrections next versions Windows (11, 12, etc., which may be released by 2019–2021). To disable this limit, do the following.

  1. Give the command “Start - Run” and enter gpedit.msc (from the English Group Politics Editor - group policy adjuster). The “Group Editor” will launch Windows policies" Advanced configuration of the Group Policy Client service is currently only available in Windows 10 Professional.
  2. Give the command “Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Packet Scheduler - Limit Reserved Bandwidth”.
  3. Don't forget to enable advanced view for this setting. Now open the “Limit Reservable Bandwidth” function window by double-clicking on it and set the marker to “Enabled”, and enter a zero value in the number field.
  4. Make sure that the network service “QoS Packet Scheduler” (Quality of Service) is working. Give the command “Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - Change Extra options public access- (your adapter) - Properties". The QoS scheduler component must be active.
  5. Close all windows by clicking OK and restart Windows. Download a movie or music selection from the app Download Master, uTorrent or similar, after setting the application you are using to maximum speed. It is better to check the peak speed on your Internet tariff in the early morning hours, when your channel performance is best. You will definitely see the difference. If you have reached the speed limit set on your tariff, then disabling the reserved speed will take effect.

Not only good intentions prompted Microsoft to “score” this 20%: apparently, they decided that in the age of 100-megabit Internet packages, people would not immediately notice that they only have 80 megabits instead of 100. Fortunately, everything is switchable. If something happens, craftsmen will freely and disinterestedly modify the original Windows 10, turning off all the “suction” that prevents people from working.

Viral activity affecting the connection

You often come across software pests:

  • "Trojans" that download the lion's share of the speed of your Internet channel;
  • adware involved in the distribution of porn, advertising of online casinos, fake Chinese watches and iPhones, and other evil spirits that are absolutely unnecessary for a normal person;
  • self-extracting archives and installers disguised as Android firmware and other “utilities”, demanding money via SMS and filling up Windows with a bunch of unnecessary junk, and they are downloaded from fake file hosting services ( instead of, etc.);
  • javascript elements on the pages of popular blogs, generating endless requests for non-existent domains that would never open on their own, and loading self-deleting files.

Try to use several different antiviruses separately. Among them are 360 Total Security, Avast, Panda, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, NOD32 and similar. After completing a deep scan with one of them, you can launch one or two more antiviruses one by one. The main thing is not to enable several antiviruses at the same time: this is fraught with program conflicts.

Optimizing file sharing speed on your computer or mobile device

If you download and distribute tens of gigabytes of multimedia and programs every day, you always need to clearly know how much of your unlimited bandwidth you allocate to file sharing. If there is a lack of speed, don’t be lazy to check what values ​​you have set in “downloading” applications - for example, when distributing recently released movies and music albums to other people via uTorrent.

An important video conference or online meeting in your company is disrupted? Are you a reporter and are you having trouble sending your video footage? Are you trading gold on Forex, but the speed of your cellular provider is low due to the overload of the nearest tower, causing trades that need to be opened right now to fail? And so on and so forth… The downloads will have to wait. Reduce flow rate from background programs or close them.

View and audit traffic through Windows Task Manager

Do the following.

Attention! Be careful with system processes(explorer.exe, winlogon.exe, wininit.exe, smss.exe, lsass.exe, copies of svchost.exe with different parameters and similar processes - as well as processes of your hardware drivers, for example, atiex.exe, conexantdrv. exe, etc.). Closing any of them may disrupt the behavior and operation of Windows, and then only a short press of the power button, pre-programmed to shut down Windows operation, will allow you to exit a failed session. To avoid difficulties, check the lists of Windows processes and services often; If possible, study these lists: it will be easier to determine, when a PC is infected, where the virus is and where the system processes are.

Enabling turbo mode in browsers

This is a mode in which images, animations, photos and videos are compressed on web pages. It is available in any modern browser. Suitable for people with "castrated" unlimited tariffs, which have a bunch of notes in the description, for people with laptops that connect to the Internet via USB modems, and even cellular internet- a phenomenon that is extremely unstable and capricious.

So, if you have Yandex.Browser, the “Turbo” mode is enabled on the settings page. Click on the button in the form of three stripes on the right top corner"Yandex.Browser"; will open General settings, which have turbo mode control.

Increase speed on Wi-Fi

The declared speed of 150/300 Mbit/s is a deception: cheap Chinese routers have weak processors and RAM. For real speed of at least the declared 54 or 100 megabits, do not skimp on more expensive and high-speed equipment.

  • Turn off WPA(2) encryption - this wastes the processor and RAM buffer resources of the router. For security, enable the MAC filter - this will prevent strangers from connecting to your network.
  • Enable modern speed - 802.11n/ac (150/1200 Mbps).
  • Regularly update your router firmware latest version until the manufacturer stops software “managing” your device.
  • Do not turn on the maximum power of the router - this is excessive heat, which means a decrease in performance and data exchange speed.
  • Use a Wi-Fi band of 20 rather than 40 MHz.
  • Do not install the router behind a computer desk, PC system unit or other metal obstacles. It is advisable to raise it higher and install it in the center of the house or apartment.

For example, we took the ZTE-MF90+ mobile 4G router (seller - VimpelCom OJSC, 04/13/2016). The 20 MHz band was “hard-wired” from the start; firmware was not installed on ZTE proprietary software; it was unlocked for SIM Yota.

The network has been made open.

Add MAC from iPhone 4s (A1387).

Energy saving and network radius are optimized.

How to view/change network settings in the Windows Registry

  1. Give the command "Start - Run" and launch the registry editor by entering key phrase regedit.exe (or regedit). The guide is aimed primarily at 3G/4G modems: specifically in cellular networks There is often a lack of speed due to the abundance of subscribers.
  2. Create a file MODEM921600.REG, open it in Windows Notepad and enter the following text: “REGEDIT4

    77,07,00,00,00,10,0e,00,00,fa,00,00.” Save and run this document. The registry editor will rewrite the data from it.
  3. Restart Windows, go to the properties of your modem. You will now have port speeds of 230400, 460800 and 921600 bps (previously the maximum was 115.2 kbps).
  4. Give the command "Control Panel - Network - (your modem) - Properties - Advanced."
  5. Make sure you have the following settings:
    • “P2P protocol” - Enabled;
    • “IP packet size” - Largest (MTU will reach 1500);
    • “Keep a log” - No;
    • “Enable IP header compression” - No;
    • “Modem type” - NDIS.
  6. Save your settings and restart your connection.

After performing these manipulations, the Internet speed should increase.

Reducing Internet cache size

If you use the HandyCache application, do not forget to clean out the \Cache subfolder in its folder.

In browsers, the cache size is also limited: it is recommended not to allocate space on drive C: larger than 100 MB for Internet cache. For example, to get to managing the cache size in Mozilla Firefox, give the command “Settings - Advanced - Network”.

Other methods to speed up web surfing

Other measures include:

  • modification of the antennas of the Wi-Fi adapter and router, ensuring line of sight;
  • the use of more powerful and “long-range” routers with multiple antennas and high-speed processors and RAM;
  • use of several different connections to the network (both of the same type and “discordantly”) in the “bridge + repeater” mode in order to increase throughput;
  • using several LAN/WAN connections in one hub or router with LAN-Cat5e connectors, creating local network with several “Internet sources” of any configuration.

Several independent connections to the Internet, combined into a network bridge, will only give an increase in speed in normal web surfing (without HTTPS and “packaging” traffic through port 443), including downloading files through download managers and torrents). On single-stream data, for example, Internet radio and YouTube, you are unlikely to gain anything from the bridge - there will be a “single” speed.

For example, the incoming speed is perfectly summarized using the Connectify Dispatch application. So, you can combine 4G modems: say, three such modems, equipped Yota SIM cards With free speed 128 kbit/s on “modem” Yota tariff, in total they will give a speed of up to 384 kbps (3*128), which will be best felt when downloading/distributing torrents.

A quick guide to speeding up the Internet in Windows 7/8/10: video

Speeding up the Internet is an urgent, but not too difficult task. Use any of the tips below. Good luck to you!

Online games, video streaming, working with cloud services led to the fact that the speed is usually not enough, no matter what tariff plan you choose. It often happens that for the first two or three weeks after connecting, the Internet in Windows 10 “flies”, and then it lands and walks slowly. Why the speed decreases, who “eats” your traffic, how to avoid it and how to speed up the Internet - we’ll look at it below.

Why is my internet connection slow?

Some 15 years ago, an Internet channel with a speed of 128 Mbit was either fantasy or a very expensive reality. Only organizations or very wealthy individuals could afford this. Most of the RuNet came online through telephone line and Dial-Up modems, operating at speeds ranging from "slow" to "very slow".

A digital PBX and a stable 33 kbit channel were the dream of any network apologist of that time. Attempts to programmatically speed up such a channel were made, but their effectiveness was the same as giving an enema to a dead patient.

As time passed, Internet providers multiplied like mushrooms after rain, speeds grew, and tariffs became more and more affordable: now a channel of 100 Mbit is available to almost any city resident, even over the air you can keep 5–10 Mbit. But, oddly enough, the problem of insufficient speed has not gone away. It can occur for many reasons, but they are all divided into two groups: software and hardware. Problems of both types can occur both at the user (computer, router, cable route) and at the provider (last mile, home routers, servers of the Internet provider itself). And, if problems on the part of the provider can be corrected only by communicating with the technical support service, or even by waiting for a planned network upgrade, then most problems in a house or apartment can be eliminated either programmatically or by simple manipulations with a computer or router.

Let's structure the reasons for the drop in Internet connection speed and look at them in detail.

Reason - provider equipment

Problems on the part of the provider are usually related to the “last mile,” the quality of routing, or the trafficability of the backbone channel. Let's take a closer look at what this means.

Problems with last mile cable

The “last mile” in telecom jargon is the section of line between your equipment and the service provider’s equipment. That is, a cable from your home router to the router in the entrance, an optical-to-copper converter, or to the cross-cabinet of the telephone company (if we are talking about an aDSL connection). The length of this section of cable can be quite significant (from 10 to 50 meters), and the cable, to be honest, installers use the cheapest one, intended for use only inside heated residential premises. Stretched in the cable well of the entrance, or even on the outside of the wall of the house, the cable is exposed to moisture, heat and cold, which renders it inoperable within several years. But before it completely stops working, such a line can work unstably for several months, with constant breaks, signal fading and a drop in speed.

Poor quality router in the entrance or house

The performance of the system is always equal to the speed of the weakest element. Often these are routers in the entrances of apartment buildings. If such a device has a speed of 1 Gbit, and 50 apartments are connected to it, everyone will only be able to receive 20 Mbit of traffic, regardless of their tariff plan. Providers are in no hurry to modernize equipment - there is a crisis.

Weak provider backbone

Luring new users, providers promise astronomical speeds for very modest money. But when it comes to signing the contract, you are faced with the wording “speed up to 100 Mbit”. This means that the provider will try to provide you with such channel performance, but cannot guarantee it. After all, in the morning or evening the number of connected users increases several times, which creates a peak load on both the backbone channel and the servers. This is especially noticeable in response speed: it can decrease by two to three times. If you don't want to put up with such performance dips, switch to tariff plans with guaranteed speed. But the monthly fee in such plans is two or more times higher.

Reason - user technique

Client equipment or computer configuration can also cause low wired or wireless Internet speeds. And, unlike previous problems, the user can directly influence these, thereby speeding up the quality of communication with the network.

Low Wi-Fi signal strength

In order to match sanitary standards and the requirements of the radio frequency committee, the transmitter power of most home Wi-Fi routers does not exceed 250 mW. In combination with internal antennas of low gain (both on the router and on the laptop), this leads to the fact that stable communication is provided only in the case of direct visibility of the devices. Even a brick interior partition reduces the signal level by half. Reinforced concrete - three times. When the router is located in one of the living rooms, and the client, say, in the kitchen, a couple of partitions in the signal path are enough for the Internet speed to drop to completely indecent.

Infecting your computer with a virus

Among the many malware Botnet clients stand apart. Once installed on your computer, the program turns it into part of a distributed computer network, which criminals use for their own purposes: password selection, calculation of cryptocurrencies, etc. When working, such a virus generates great amount outgoing traffic, capable of “putting down” an Internet channel of any speed. As a result, your machine barely moves, and not only the Internet speed drops, but also the overall system performance.

Working as a torrent client or download manager

Torrent trackers are a favorite pastime for users who fall into the “why pay more” category. After all, programs, films and music can be downloaded here completely free of charge, although not very legally. Programs for downloading such resources are among the most voracious consumers of traffic. Running in the background with a dozen or two downloads, it will take up the Internet channel so much that you won’t even be able to open simple web pages.

How to speed up the Internet on Windows 10

There are several ways to speed up the Internet, including Windows system, and to work with physical devices. And, if everything is clear with the latter (buying a router with a more powerful antenna, placing it in the optimal location in the apartment, using a laptop with a high-quality Wi-Fi module, etc.), then the methods related to setting up the system should be considered in more detail.

Windows Registry Tweaks

The Windows operating system has several mechanisms, the configuration of which can significantly affect the loading speed of Internet pages. But set them up in a normal way, through the Control Panel, is impossible. We need to make changes to the system registry, for which we need the Regedit program included in the system.

Increasing DNS cache size

If you are a frequent visitor to the same Internet resources (social networks, forums, online game portals), then your traffic consists of a large amount of monotonous data that needs caching. The same applies to the IP addresses with which the exchange takes place. If you increase the size of the DNS cache several times, pages will load noticeably faster. How to increase the cache? It's as simple as that.

This life hack will help increase the loading speed of web pages, and only those that you access frequently. It will not affect the download speed of files by download managers or the response speed of games.

Using the entire channel width - disabling the QoS service

As soon as the Windows Update service appeared in Windows XP, the developers, in addition to it, launched an Internet channel reservation system (QoS Reserved Bandwidth Limit). It was needed so that updates could be guaranteed to download in the background. Thus, 20% of the traffic by default is reserved for system needs. For example, if your provider provides you with a speed of 100 Mbit, then 80 Mbit will be available to the user, and 20 is reserved for system updates in the background. How to return 20% of the channel width to the user? This is a significant increase in speed! The registry editor Regedit.exe will help us again.

Disabling TCP autotuning

Above we considered the situation when the user visits the same sites. Now let’s consider the exact opposite option - a variety of sites open, in large numbers and unsystematically. In this case, you need to disable the TCP/IP protocol auto-tuning function, since it does not work effectively with a large number of servers of different speeds, and pages, on the contrary, will load more slowly.

To disable the auto-tuning feature, follow the sequence of commands.

Programs and utilities to speed up the Internet

There are a number of programs designed to work with protocols and speed up the Internet. Let's look at how to work with some of them to automate the process of increasing speed.

TCP optimizer - TCP/IP optimization

  1. Download the TCP Optimizer program, unpack the distribution archive and run it.
  2. Set the maximum connection speed (depending on your tariff plan) using the slider in the Connection Speed ​​column.
  3. From the Network Adapter selection drop-down list, select the network adapter through which the computer is connected to the Internet.

    To select the desired adapter in TCP Optimizer, click on the drop-down menu and select your device

  4. Use the Optimal settings button to select the optimal connection settings.

    TCP Optimizer has an Optimal settings radio button; you should click on it so that the program automatically applies the most suitable settings for your computer

  5. Apply the settings using the Apply Changes button.
  6. For the changed settings to take effect, restart the operating system.

Video: setting up and using the TCP optimizer program

If you still have any questions, check out the video that explains in detail how to work with the TCP Optimizer program.

NameBench program

For online games, working with remote databases and active use search engines important factor is the response time - the so-called Ping. Its value is associated with the route that the request takes from point A to point B. Main role DNS servers play a role in this network navigation. Those servers that the provider provides by default are not always the best option. Therefore, it would be useful to have a program in your arsenal that can compare response speed with different DNS servers. This is the NameBench program, which will be discussed below.

To use the program, you need to complete the following steps.

Video: Using NameBench

To visually familiarize yourself with the utility, you can watch a video about working with it, which tells you how to speed up the Internet with its help.

How to speed up the Internet via Wi-Fi

Residents of apartment buildings have the hardest time. In addition to the signal interference that is created by partitions in the apartment, the speed decrease also comes from the operation of the neighbors’ routers. This is especially noticeable when using inexpensive routers operating at a frequency of 20 MHz (the majority of these). If two or more routers operate within the same frequency channel, they will interfere with each other, reducing speed and transmitting data packets with errors. Therefore, when setting up a router, it is very important to choose a channel on which no one is working except you, or the number of working devices is minimal. This can be done using the Wifi Analyzer program, which exists as an application for Android and iOS.

After launching, the program scans the air in real time and draws channel load graphs, looking at which you can select a free one and configure the router specifically for it.

To avoid receiving your neighbors’ signal, you can try installing an antenna with less sensitivity or reducing the power of the radio path in the router settings (if any). But the best option would be to buy a 5 GHz router, since it is currently the least crowded (and has more channels).

Video: Using WiFi Analyzer Software

As we have seen, there are no ideal systems. In any case, the channel speed can be optimized and get an increase of 15–20%, or even more. Follow our lessons and your Internet will fly, not crawl.

These optimizations are designed to increase speed slow connection, and if your Internet speed is 1 Mbit or more, this is unlikely to help you (where else :)).


In the same Device Manager, go to the settings of the COM port on which your modem is installed, go to the Port Settings tab and set the maximum speed. Then click the Advanced button and in the next window increase the buffer to the maximum.

Now let's configure your modem's cache. IN Windows folder There is a system.ini file, open it and enter the line Com1Irq4Buffer=1024 into the section if your modem is on COM1, and enter Com2Irq3Buffer=1024 if it is on COM2.

In Start\Run, enter gpedit.msc. In the Computer Configuration section, select Administrative Templates, then Network, and then in the right pane, select “QoS Packet Manager” and double-click on it. Select the “Limit reserved bandwidth” option and double-click on it again. In the window that opens, turn on Enabled, and then specify the channel limit as a percentage equal to zero, click “OK” and exit the program. Or you can simply disable the QoS service


Exist special programs to increase internet speed. But you shouldn’t use a dozen of these programs at once; I can recommend two - AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​and Throttle. I have these programs on my website. Use in this order: first treat your computer with Throttle, then using BoostSpeed ​​in manual optimization mode, disable RFC 1323 Settings and enable Selective Acknowlegement with Black Hole. Well, then bring it to the final form manually.

You can find out how to work with it. All basic network access speed settings are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MASHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ Tcpip\ Parameters. All changes to the listed parameters must be made in the decimal system, not in hexadecimal! If you are missing any parameter, you can create it yourself as a DWORD

DefaultTTL- packet lifetime, set it to 256 - just in case))

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize- maximum packet size, set 32768 on dialup 56k

MTU- the size of the received MTU packet, on a 56k dialup the optimal value is 1536 (you can try the value 576)

TcpWindowSize- Tcp packet size, set it to 16384 (you can try the value 8192, but just don’t set it higher than GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize), if you have a 56k dialup

Tcp1323Opts- 0 (off) - a completely unnecessary function - measures in advance the transmission time of each packet, ftopka...

EnablePMTUDiscovery- 1(incl.), EnablePMTUBHDetect- 1 (on) - these options determine path fragmentation and look for “black holes”, slightly increase speed

KeepAliveInterval, KeepAliveTime- these parameters determine the time after which keep-alive packets will be sent, which are not needed by anyone, but eat up part of the traffic. Therefore, we set zeros in both cases to disable these parameters.

DeadGWDetectDefault- 0 (off) - disables preliminary search for broken routers, which usually slows down the Internet.

When you enter any website, the name of the site is “translated” into its IP address. All this is stored in the DNS cache, that is, the information is taken from the cache, and does not “translate on the fly.” You can increase the size of the DNS cache, thereby increasing the speed of surfing the Internet. To do this, you must create and run a reg file containing the following text:


By the way, the periodic DNS cache needs to be cleared. This is done like this: Start\Execute\ and enter ipconfig /flushdns

Slow connection speed occurs when there are a large number of files in one directory. This problem is solved this way: Create a reg file with the following content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Now run the created file.

The bane of any surfer is banners and other advertising. If you use the Opera 9.x browser, you can download my anti-banner, otherwise you can download the BoostSpeed ​​or AdMuncher program, it has banner blocking.

To increase the speed of the Internet via a telephone line, replace the “noodles” between the computer and the input box on the site with a 4-wire wire for telephone sets, connecting it: signal-ground-signal-ground. Speed ​​will increase by 25-60%

Add a few commas after the numbers to the provider number (select the optimal number experimentally). Now, after dialing a number, your modem will pause (two seconds for each comma). The modem answering the call will at this time try to establish a connection to high speeds and, having not received a response, will begin to attempt communication at a lower speed. And then your modem, after waiting for the specified pause, will give an answer.

If the external modem is not placed on the system unit, but the system unit itself is grounded, then the speed increases by 10-15 percent.

If, when turning on the computer, you forgot to turn on the external modem, then it is not at all necessary to reboot for it, the modem, to be detected by the OS. Just go to My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Update hardware configuration. The operating system will find your modem. Or you can download the program