The best examples of infographics. Creating infographics and its relevance

Infographics are a technique that Lately is becoming more and more popular. If the text lacks clarity, a diagram or infographic will help. using this method of transmitting information? You will find the answer to this and other questions by reading the article. So how can you learn to make infographics?


Infographics are great way submit information. Especially for modern users who are very reluctant to spend their time reading cumbersome texts, but are well-accepted by graphic media. Saving time and effort for the reader - all this can be achieved with infographics. We will tell you which program to use to do it below.

Creating infographics is a simple matter, but if you are a novice user who has never done anything like this before in your life, you will find them useful following tips. So, what is the principle of such a method as infographics? How to make clear and informative pictures?

Step 1. Decide what exactly you want to convey to the reader and what goal you are pursuing. Highlighting the fundamental points in all the information is infographics. Templates or picture frames will be based on this.

Step 3. The simplest presentation of information is infographics. How to make it visual? Select for each resulting data array best format visualization. The differences between them will only help reinforce the information presented to readers. In addition, infographics, the templates of which are provided in great abundance on online resources, are better remembered if their color scheme is well-chosen.

Step 4. When creating infographics, always indicate data sources as well as your authorship. It is important to note that there are no limits to creativity and frameworks for imagination, but it is better to study what types of infographics exist, which is what we will do.

Types of infographics

So, all infographics are divided into 4 types.

Infographics-instructions. This type can be used to display a sequence of actions to explain a process or to teach something. Symbolic diagrams or graphic images. This type is used quite widely in any kind of instructions.

Dynamic infographics. This view is intended to display the dynamics of a process or development. Most often it is used to visualize social or economic indicators.

Static infographics. How to visualize numerical data and scientific facts, as well as their relationship to each other? Create a static infographic. As a rule, they have diagrams, diagrams and other simple forms.

Video infographics. It is one of the latest modern trends in the direction of infographics, which helps to visually present complex multi-level information to the viewer. It can combine almost all the variety of data visualization directions, fixing them in the human mind thanks to their reading. As a rule, about 80% of the information is remembered from the first viewing. This type of infographic is one of the most effective in terms of perception and understanding by the viewer.

It should be noted that often several types of infographics can be intertwined at the same time. And readable?

Basic rules for readable infographics

  1. It is necessary that large, solid and monochromatic elements prevail in infographics.
  2. It is better to avoid elements that do not convey any information, but serve only for decoration - they can mislead the reader.
  3. The picture should have an “anchor” - this is an element of infographics that will make it noticeable and understandable.
  4. It is better to limit your palette, since the variety of colors will confuse the reader and prevent the eye from focusing on any one element.

So, now is the time to look at the main online resources that will help you create competent infographics without having any special knowledge in this area.

Service #1 -

This service is designed to simplify the creation of infographics using ready-made templates. It works on the “drag and drop” principle: you drag blocks of information into the workspace, using the cursor to give them the required shape and size. The only “but” is that the information will not be displayed in the form of graphs and diagrams; the user will need to enter it in advance

In addition, you can add own images, photos, pictograms and more. Each of the site templates is nothing more than a starting point in your project. All elements of future infographics - background, graph, block of information - are interchangeable. Which project can be saved in a convenient format - JPEG and PDF. Registration on the service is optional.

Service No. 2 –

This service is one of the most user-friendly. It’s not for nothing that its name is reminiscent of the well-known Instagram brand: the site’s creators proceeded from the idea of ​​a simplified interface.

In order to create infographics on this service, you must either go through a quick registration procedure or log in using your Twitter or Facebook profile. Next, you need to select one of the six templates offered by the service.

Even though the interface of this resource is in English, even a beginner can figure out the algorithm of actions. In the process of creating infographics to already ready-made template you can add the necessary photos, videos, graphs and diagrams. You will need to edit the data in a table whose structure resembles an Excel document. For it to appear, you need to double-click in the graph field.

Infographics are graphic method presentation of information, data and knowledge, a method of visual or visual representation of information. Infographics are used where complex information needs to be presented quickly and clearly. Infographics are simple and clear, colorful and easy to understand information.

Infographics can not only organize large amounts of information, but also more clearly show the relationship of objects and facts in time and space, as well as demonstrate trends.

Infographics work where you need to show the structure and algorithm of something, the relationship of objects and facts in time and space, demonstrate a trend, show what something looks like, organize large amounts of information.

Infographics are a visual representation of information. Used where complex information needs to be presented quickly and clearly.

Infographics are an excellent visualization of data, and as you know, a person receives 90% of information through vision and only 10% through other senses. Secondly, simple and original visualization is much clearer and better digestible. I think this can be continued indefinitely.

Infographics are different because they mean reference or illustrated information presented various methods visualization - using graphs, charts, histograms, mental maps (mind maps), time scales, etc.

Through in various ways visualization, skillful authors manage to present complex and boring numbers in a colorful and simple way.


· Numbers in pictures : the most common category that allows you to make numerical data more digestible,

· Extended list: statistical data, time line, just a set of facts can be visualized,

· Process and perspective: Used to visualize a complex process or provide some perspective. May not contain numeric data at all.

10 Tips for Creating Great Infographics

The goal of infographics is to take complex information and make it more understandable. the goal is to create something that can be absorbed as quickly as possible.

One of the brilliant things about infographics is taking boring, complex information and turning it into a graphical metaphor.

The designers' goal was to link fifty positions of comparative positive economic growth of 14 countries. Thanks to the competition metaphor, it becomes an interesting, discussion-provoking graph.

Sometimes infographics are used not just to enliven boring data, but to show the real situation. In such a case, one of the popular strategies is presentation of the situation in the form of three-dimensional graphics. What would normally require several paragraphs or even pages of explanation is condensed into one visual image.

So, infographics are a creative organization, stylization and presentation of information in order to increase interest, readability and understandability.

Types of infographics

By the nature of data visualization, numerous types of information graphics can be divided into two large groups according to the criterion of systematization of data types - groups of quantitative and qualitative visualization:

To organize the presentation of quantitative (numerical) data, graphs, diagrams, histograms and nomograms are used, which, in turn, are divided into subgroups (point, linear circular, etc.);

To organize the representation of a collection (for example, hierarchies) of objects and qualitative data, numerous types of diagrams, maps, images and their sequences are used, namely:

1. organizational charts reflecting the structure of an object (for example, the topic of a discipline, the composition of a device or organization). They are designed to indicate functions and show the connections of subordinate structures;

2. trend diagrams that determine the process development strategy. In such a diagram, all indicators are presented in a visual form, facilitating planning and decision-making;

3. schedules that clearly define the sequence of solving problems during a particular process, which, in particular, are used for planning educational process;

4. process diagrams that clearly show features and stages technological processes;

5. diagrams and diagrams computer networks and telecommunications, used both at the stage of developing technical concepts for the formation of computer networks, and subsequently in the process of their functioning;

6. various schemes, with the help of which attention is focused on the most important points when exchanging educational information;

7. drawings and diagrams that clearly and clearly represent a particular process or situation and are indispensable for explanation educational material even students primary school;

8. graphs visualizing transitions or connections of concepts, events, processes;

9. mental maps of knowledge, processes, entities. The latter are still little used in educational process, although their potential exceeds traditional reference notes, since it directly reflects the possible movement of thought when getting acquainted with the problem (material) and making a decision;

10. IG miniatures – pictograms, icons, pointers.

Pictograms and graphic accents/miniatures contain elements of pointing infographics, for example, arrows for moving through resources up-forward-back-next, exclamation or question marks, miniatures, etc.

There are more complex objects infographics that create a full-fledged graphic narrative - combining texts, tables and images (for example, photographs) with types of elementary information - maps, diagrams, diagrams, indexes - a collage endowed with interactive properties.

Creating infographics goes through the following stages:

· Formulating the purpose of creating infographics and identifying the audience. The information design that is developed is usually intended for some target audience.

· Collection of a certain amount of data and material on the topic. Data presented in various formats- text content, graphics, video materials, table pages and so on...

· Analytics and information processing The collected material must be analyzed and processed, brought to a single denominator - usually these are unformatted graphs, histograms...

· Construction of accessible visualization, layout. All material is compiled and presented in a beautiful visual form.

Infographics is a way of presenting information using graphic elements(diagrams, graphs, images). In other words, infographics are visualization of complex information. The range of applications of infographics is huge: from history to technology and from journalism to medicine. Today, various samples are combined under “infographics” information design(maps, diagrams, flowcharts, mind-maps, etc.). Thus, the works themselves are in infographic style appeared long before the emergence of this concept.

Happens static and dynamic infographics, the cost of which is determined by the complexity of the project, the number of frames or interactive elements. Dynamic infographics include gif images, videos, and some types of presentations.

Reasons for the incredible popularity of infographics

People have always been visual people, but at the beginning of the 21st century this theory has only become stronger. Peculiarity active perception of images by the brain began to be actively used in training and advertising. Today, any marketing campaign is based on building certain images in the human mind by conveying visual elements.

People remember up to 80% of what they saw in the picture or photo compared to 20% of what they read. This is why infographics get tens of times more coverage in in social networks compared to the text. Due to the fact that different shapes, images, details and colors are used when creating infographics, it looks colorful and interesting.

Thus, there are several reasons for the unprecedented popularity:

When is infographic appropriate?

Infographics are used to quickly and easily illustrate statistical information, historical facts, events, etc. - everything that is easier to show than to tell. Infographics are used in presentations, during seminars, training sessions, to illustrate events in online publications and social networks, on posters, stands and other promotional materials. Creating infographics is also popular in the business field - it solves many of the problems listed below.

1. Infographics help. easy to explain “how it works”: Users are always curious to know what's inside a complex mechanism. In addition, you can entertainingly depict both technology (a camera) and everyday objects (a hamburger). Here, a non-standard and creative approach plays a special role.

2. Comparison: Using infographics, you can easily show the benefits of your product, which will help customers make the right purchasing decision. You can also compare other information useful to consumers. Using reliable sources will help build a positive image of the company.

3. Historical facts and events: Dates are remembered faster if they are illustrated with pictures. Using infographics, you can show the development of historical events, your own company, or the life of a famous person.

4. Connection: With the help of infographics and associative images, marketers are able to strengthen a positive connection with the brand among customers.

5. Process or fact: Infographics can also serve purely cognitive needs of a person and convey new and fascinating facts.

Types of infographics

Infographics can be based on different approaches to the submission of materials. Based on this, we can highlight the following types of infographics:

  • mindmap(or connection diagram) - structures the connection around a specific object by constructing logical chains;
  • decision tree - serial circuit finding a solution to a problem;
  • instructions- helps users easily understand how a particular tool is used or a process is performed (for example, making a pie);
  • scheme(block diagram, diagram, histogram);
  • information cards(facts and events with illustrations and captions).

You can select ten basic conditions, which determine the success of infographics. Let's present them in the form of a diagram.

Basics of creating infographics

  1. It is better to order the development of solid infographics from professionals who can select quality content and a suitable form for its implementation. Please note that you can buy infographics from our agency.
  2. Creating any infographic means spending a lot of time searching for material and formatting it, so it would be right to protect it from , marking it with a watermark or the name of the development company. In turn, it is necessary to remember that the use of someone else’s content in your own infographics may cause claims from the copyright holder of the materials.
  3. Don't forget that every infographic is a visualization of ideas with minimal text support. When publishing an infographic, you need to make an alt, title and sign for it. This will help search engine algorithms identify it and offer it in search results.

Stages of infographic development

  1. Infographic development starts with topic definitions.
  2. Creation semantic concept: collection of information, data analysis and systematization.
  3. Construction "skeleton" infographic(blocks of text with supposed information).
  4. Development graphic sketch infographics.
  5. Decoration infographics: text and visual elements are combined together.

With infographics, any of your projects or reports will not only look brighter and more colorful, but also will be clearly understood by the listeners.

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Infographics are graphical representations of complex information. It is necessary when complex data needs to be presented clearly to a wide audience.

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To make it clear what infographics are, let’s give an example from life. For example, you need to tell people how to make pizza. This can be done with the help of photographs, including successive stages of preparation and a list of ingredients, or with the help of one picture. To do this, you will need to place on this picture an image of a pizza and arrows leading to it with the ingredients. If this picture doesn't require additional description and interpretation, then it can be called infographics.

Types of infographics

It uses different means visualizations:

  • graphics;
  • Images;
  • diagrams;
  • tables;
  • cards;
  • scheme.

What is it used for?

The scope of its application can be any. Often students perceive large quantity Infographics are used for teaching materials.

It can often be found in presentations, and is especially useful when developing new projects. You can find such information transmission on television. Information and analytical programs such as “World of Figures” and “Economics” use graphs, diagrams, and blocks to present information.

How to create a good infographic

You can do this by paying specialists, but you can also try to do it yourself. To do this you need to know the basic principles of its creation:

  • Make a plan.
  • Gather information.
  • Choose your arguments.
  • Draw conclusions.
  • Choose methods to present information - graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc.
  • Add a company or portal logo.
  • Place watermarks to protect your work.
  • Build cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Draw diagrammatically on paper.
  • Choose colors - it is better to use no more than 4 shades that are compatible with each other.

When creating infographics, set yourself the task of quickly and concisely conveying the main points of the article. Try to include a minimum of information in one picture.

A good infographic should be large, clear, and clickable so that it can be expanded to full screen. The text must be placed spaciously and at the same time unlimited. Worth paying Special attention design. To do this, use pointers graphic effects, geometric figures.

Services and programs for creating infographics

There are several popular services:

  • is a service that transforms information into visual stories. Is the easiest to use. Among the advantages is the function of offline infographic customization, big choice themes for design and the ability to add a logo.
  • is a tool that makes it easy to create diagrams and diagrams. It is possible to select a suitable chart and overlay your data on it to create a completely new chart or graph.
  • – new program, actively introducing incredible opportunities. Great for creating free charts and infographics.
  • is a service that allows you to generate several infographics at once.
  • Fluxvfx is a tool that allows you to create video infographics.
  • – creates resume designs.


On the Internet you can find hundreds of examples of such presentation of material; you just need to type this word into search bar and click on the pictures. However, not all pictures can be considered examples of successful work. To make it easier for you to navigate among all this multitude, we suggest taking a look at this picture:

This is an example of high-quality work, with a large image, a well-chosen color palette, a thoughtful structure and a full disclosure of the topic of the article. Thanks to this, the information located on the infographic is easy to perceive and assimilate. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the material is divided into three blocks, which inform the reader about the top ten leading international oil producing companies.

You can choose any topic. This is confirmed by the following rather humorous picture.

If the topic allows it, then you should not miss the opportunity to use something funny and cheerful. As a rule, pictures with funny images and humorous text are very popular.

Infographics are a borderline genre between text, magazine illustration and cartoon. Modern technologies allow you to create several types of infographics. Each of them is good in its own way.

Types of infographics – profile and full face

Let's take a closer look. But first let's agree thatBy infographics we mean the variety that is video. Roughly speaking, a hand-drawn video, the playback of which is accompanied by music, noise and voice-over text.

2D infographics

Drawn objects have no volume and can move, although only in two planes. For example, demonstrating an increase in sales, the curve soars. Or a simple story about a flat, sketchy house, past which an equally flat, sketchy car drives by.

Pros: According to statistics, 2D infographics are ordered most often: they are inexpensive, but good design can look very stylish and dynamic; fulfills the advertising function one hundred percent.

Minuses: limited range of visual tools.

An example from our portfolio, 2d infographics for the research and production association Impulse:

3D infographics

Drawn objects acquire volume. Our sketchy house turns into a three-dimensional house. True, it is far from a photographic resemblance to the real thing - there is no elaboration of details. But you can make full use of spectacular camera techniques such as complex panoramas. For example, show a house from a bird's eye view, then descend to the first floor, fly around the perimeter, catch a moving car in the frame and drive with it a little along the street. By the way, this type of infographic is most preferable for buildings – it can be demonstrated from different angles and from any angle.

Pros: budget-friendly and quite effective; an extensive range of visual tools, the ability to use various camera techniques (traveling, shooting from a moving crane, flying over objects, etc.).

Minuses: the meager detailing makes it impossible to believe that the house and car are real.

An example from our portfolio, 3d infographics for a wholesale supplier of goods from Asia:

3D visualization

The difference with the previous one is only in the details and their elaboration. But everything in this world consists of details! It is thanks to them that the three-dimensional building on the screen becomes a photographically accurate copy of the Winter Palace, and a passing car becomes an S-Class Mercedes. By the way, it was with the help of the same technology that the floating islands in Avatar were created.

Pros: the viewer identifies with what is happening, he is impressed, enjoys the spectacle and wonders why he has not yet taken out a loan for this luxurious Mercedes.

Minuses: working out the details requires resources and time: the more realistic the image, the more work for designers and animators, the more powerful the computers used and, as a result, the higher the cost.

Example from our portfolio, 3d visualization of the M-Pharm company for the exhibition:

Character animation

With this technology you can create an almost full-fledged cartoon. The Mercedes S-Class is driven, for example, by Barbie doll's friend Ken. Or an Olympic bear. Or Masyanya. Designing cartoon creatures from scratch and bringing them to life is a difficult, expensive task. Especially when there is a desire to bring it to the complete ideal: eyelashes - longer, hairstyle - more fashionable, face - more emotional. Each such amendment greedily consumes resources: time, computer power, your money, etc. In order not to get carried away, it is important to remember: maximum efficiency at the lowest possible cost.

We at Sales Video Production make videos to solve business problems. Creating complex character animation is only justified in some cases. Therefore, we often offer a lighter version of character animation with elements of 2D infographics, but with more careful elaboration of backgrounds and details. Read: . Thus, the characters are brought to life“Only the movements of the arms and legs give the faces a little facial expressions.

Pros: unlimited artistic means of displaying ideas; products are advertised by animated characters that the viewer associates with himself; You can use a full plot.

Minuses: the creation technology is more complex, so the creation time is longer than for a video in the style of a simple 2D infographic; More approvals with the customer are required.

Example from our portfolio, character animation new system dating:

Types of infographics. Pricing Features

Let's summarize. Creation various types infographics involve the use of various resources. The more realistic the image, the better the details, the more effects it contains, the more perfect and expensive it is. software, used during the creation process.

However, the main factor that influences pricing is human. To implement some tasks, it is necessary to involve a full-fledged film crew in the person of a screenwriter, director, designer, animators, voice actors, composer, etc. The work of each of them is directly reflected in the estimate. But there is also good news: in proportion to these costs, the quality of the final product increases - the video that you intend to produce.

As a rule, videos in the style of video infographics are posted on websites and used for online promotion. If you want to cool video for TV, then read: .

Sales Video Production,

production of infographics and videos.