The best mods for S.R. Review of the best modifications on S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat Game stalker the best mods

Since the release of the last part of the series S.T.A.L.K.E.R“Call of Pripyat” has already passed for more than 8 years. And during this time, an unimaginably large number of all kinds of modifications were made to each of the games in the series, both plot, graphic and sound. Naturally, it is very easy to get confused in such diversity. Therefore, especially for you, we have compiled a list of the 12 best mods for Stalker.

Regarding S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 we can say the following: after the release of the first part, GSC disbanded. Five years ago, the company was recreated by founding father Sergei Grigorovich, but the developers’ attention was directed not to the creation of “Stalker 2”, but to the continuation of another cult game - the strategy “Cossacks”.

If you are a fan of the Stalker trilogy, then our selection is for you. The article contains the best mods from each part of the game.

The best mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. throughout the history of the trilogy

1 Time for Change v2.0 (Clear Sky)

The modification “Time of Changes v2.0” continues the storyline of the first part. During the creation process, many changes were made that improve not only the gameplay and graphics. A new system for presenting both side and story quests was created here.

A few words about the main plot of one of the best mods for Stalker. According to the developers, the backbone of the storyline was the restoration of events from the original “Clear Sky”, namely: the descent of the “black digger” into the bunker, the pursuit of “Strelok” on the Generator. After that, they changed the quests associated with the Swamp and Cordon locations. Then they added a second line of main tasks, in which you need to pick up a special artifact from the Strelka cache, without which he will not be able to get to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and here it is - a full-fledged game mod.


  • Gamers will have the opportunity to visit 2 unique locations created specifically for this mod;
  • Mountains of new weapons and equipment;
  • New group "Anomalies". The choice is yours: join them or erase them from the face of the Zone;
  • A lot of work has been done to correct bugs and shortcomings compared to the first part. This has a positive effect on the process, and you don’t have to worry about your nerves once again.

The developers did a great job. Be sure to check out their creation.

2 Clear Sky: MYSTERY 2.0 (Clear Sky)

“MYSTERY v2.0” is an analogue of the famous mod “MISERY v2.0”, with the difference that the platform is now “Clear Sky”. This mod acquired a unique gaming atmosphere, improved graphics, redesigned sounds, changes in game balancing, weather effects, new textures, shaders and much more, which made it so multifaceted and unforgettable. And all this came to life thanks to the use of such modifications as “Photorealistic Zone 2” and “Absolute Nature 3”.

The zone here will appear before you even more gloomy, taking away all the colors from this world and leaving only gray tones. Even more fearless monsters hostile to people will complicate your movements away from stalker sites. There will be no new territories here, everything remains as in the original, there will also be no new types of weapons and equipment, which becomes the ideal foundation for all interested modmakers.

This mod is something radically new or completely unique. But despite this, it's still worth a try!

3 Secret Paths 2 (Shadow of Chernobyl)

The backstories of the original parts of the Stalker series are not very common. “Secret Ways 2” is one of them, and it will tell about what happened before the events of “Shadow of Chernobyl”. A new line of story quests, which is intertwined with the tasks of the original, will reveal the real reason for the main character’s arrival in the Zone. After this, you will not have any questions about Strelok and his past.

The tasks of the previous part of the mod were changed and greatly expanded, as well as corrected. A large number of bugs and shortcomings, as well as plot dead ends, were fixed, which was the reason for adding it to our list of the best Stalker mods of all time. After completing this modification you will definitely not remain indifferent.

4 Spatial Anomaly 4.1 (Call of Pripyat)

“Spatial Anomaly” version 4.1 is the latest update of this modification. It includes not only corrections of defects, but also introduces a bunch of new things into the game, including new tasks. This time, most of the comments and reproaches from the gaming community were taken into account, which had a positive effect on fashion.

The narration here is told on behalf of a mercenary nicknamed “The Beast”, known from previous parts, about his attempts to survive in a mystical place, which the inhabitants of the Zone call a “spatial anomaly”, within which the laws of physics do not apply. Ammunition, medical kits, water, food and even bolts - all this is worth its weight in gold. But, of course, this will not be able to stop the legendary mercenary, and, in the end, you will get out of this damned place.

5 Golden Ball 0.6.6 (Shadow of Chernobyl)

The alternative name of the mod, “Golden Ball: Completion,” hints to us that this is the latest update, and therefore the most developed. The creators presented us from beginning to end with the story of the “adventures” of a stalker nicknamed “Zhekan”, who went to the Zone to find a legendary, previously undiscovered artifact - the “Wish Granter”. Unchanged locations from Shadows of Chernobyl will be intertwined with a unique line of story missions, adding even more of the mystical atmosphere that will reign around the main character. Unique quests, logically designed quest lines, new NPCs and innovations - all this will allow you to look at the familiar game from a different angle, and the redesigned gameplay will make it easier to find yourself in the Zone.

Coupled with dramatic plot changes, the mod received several new features in the form of game systems that allow you to diversify the gameplay as much as possible and make you more captivated by the passage.

6 Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5 (Shadow of Chernobyl)

“Oblivion Lost Remake v2.5” is a new version of the much-loved mod for Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, in which the creators restored the storyline from the design documents of 2003-2004, which is extremely rare, which gives players a look at the Stalker who was still in paper form option. There were also a large number of bug fixes and shortcomings from previous versions of the modification, which smoothes out the gameplay.

Let's talk more about the plot. Here the player is presented with 2 main storylines plus 1 alternative. This means there will be somewhere to roam.

Among the innovations we can note:

  • A unique plot recreated from the design documents of the last decade;
  • The ability to communicate using a pocket PC, adding the possibility of special dialogue threads;
  • All apartments and single houses are now filled with all sorts of rubbish;
  • A bunch of new weapons and equipment;
  • Now you can open the trunk and doors of cars. The tires became shot through. It is necessary to refuel from time to time.

And much more. Without any doubt, download and play.

7 Valley of Shorokhov (Call of Pripyat)

“Valley of Whispers” is a modification that offers you a completely new line of quests that has no overlap with the plot of the original. The main character of this story is a stalker nicknamed “Max”, who, like most of those who arrived in the Zone, wants to get money. The goal of his search is a mysterious and incredibly expensive artifact - the Heart of the Oasis. The plot will take place in a new unique location. Plus, the player will find something to do besides searching for an artifact: take part in shootouts, explore a new location and its corners, where no human has yet set foot.

Yeah, there's a lot to see here. Download one of the following as quickly as possible best mods for Stalker and start passing!

8 Wind of Time v1.3 (Call of Pripyat)

The version of the story mod “Wind of Changes v1.3” (“Wind of Changes v1.3”) is the final one, which means it is the most optimized and developed. The new update brought a lot of changes to the storyline, gameplay, graphic corrections, and innovations. The main one is the appearance of new tasks, both main and side, and all of them successfully complement the main storyline and allow the player to enter the territory of the “Dead City”. A new system for generating monsters in the Zone with its subsequent balancing, reworking the general atmosphere of the game, new anomalous effects such as psi storms and radiation emissions - and even this is not all new items. The wishes of the gaming community regarding previous versions of the modification did not go unnoticed.

An additional “gift” for gamers with weak PCs was the adaptation of all textures and shaders, game effects, NPC models and monsters. This function is purely optional, that is, if your computer is powerful enough, you can simply skip this item. The innovation is especially relevant for PCs with 3 GB of RAM or less.

9 SGM 2.0: Geonezis Addon (Call of Pripyat)

The "Geonezis Addon" for SGM 2.0 gives the mod new life. A new line of story quests, more than 50 additional tasks, non-player characters, both new and already known to you from the parts “Shadow of Chernobyl” and “Clear Sky”, even a couple of heroes from the book series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - all this makes the mod one of the best in the trilogy.

Thanks to the “Geonezis” mod, you will learn the stories of characters already familiar from the original games, their significance in the SCG Games universe, as well as their future fate. Who really was Myron? Where did Flint run after the exposure? Why did Morgan from the Debt group indulge the bandits and sell them weapons? You will learn all this and much more by completing the mod to the end.

10 Call of Chernobyl

In fact, “Call of Chernobyl” is not just another mod, but a full-fledged game that combines missions from the entire game trilogy. The modification platform is the Call of Pripyat engine. The completely non-linear passage is complemented by new modes: historical and survival (survival). One of the key features is the choice of the main character to belong to the group and the place of respawn (appearance) in the game location. The modification can be praised for a long time, but it is better to see everything with your own eyes.

11 Path in the Darkness (Call of Pripyat)

The plot modification “Spectrum Project: The Way in Haze”, which many gamers are familiar with first-hand, and even more people have heard about the previous project “Spectrum Project”. Its development was resumed and in our time has acquired the outlines of an independent game. The key feature of the mod is a plot written from scratch with several ending options, which will not be easy to reach. To complete the mod you need to complete a considerable number of quests. Another important feature of the project is the addition of new territories created from scratch - this is the unique “Dead City”, the “X5” laboratory and the “Bunker” laboratory complex.

12 Lost World Requital (Shadow of Chernobyl)

Did you, while reading one of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. books, have a desire to get into that harsh world and see it with your own eyes, full of dangers and monsters that are possible only in dreams? If it appears, then be sure to try this addition, which completes our selection of the best mods for Stalker. From the first minutes, prepare for difficulties, because every step you take could be your last. The key feature of this fashion for STALKER is to “don’t care about balance”, complicating the gameplay on all fronts. Dedicated to all hardcore fans.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Way to Pripyat v.

The checkpoint at Cordon was attacked by mutants. All the soldiers died, and in the empty checkpoint there were drawings of the Pripyat-Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant transition. Two stalkers go after them, but on the way one of them receives serious wounds. Leaving his partner in the basement, the lone stalker continues on his way with a stack of secret documents. The way to Pripyat.

The mod adds seven new locations and 54 new quests. All locations are fully populated, including new types of monsters, and there are new types of anomalies on them. A number of textures of old weapons have been changed and several types of new weapons have been added, some of the new ones are not sold by merchants, they can only be removed from a corpse.

The interface has been changed, the loading images of the levels have been redone. New vegetation textures and new gunshot sounds add realism and atmosphere to the game.

Installation: Place the gamedata folder in the game folder, agreeing to replace the files.
A new game is not required.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Road to nowhere

Bayonet went to the Zone where his brother disappeared. Volunteered. “Suicide,” the others thought. This is probably how it is, to voluntarily go to possible death, to the very heart of her kingdom, to the city of Pripyat, to Nowhere... The brother was an experienced stalker. And Bayonet will first have to rely on the support of the military who set up a camp here. Will he even be able to return alive?

The “Road to Nowhere” mod allows you to look at the events of the game from a slightly different perspective. New locations are being added (Limansk), new quests built into the changed storyline. You will meet both old characters and completely new ones.

Sounds and textures have been changed, transition points have been added, and new loading screens have been made. Particular attention is paid to the stability of the mod..

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Hired Ghost 2

Mod for Shadow of Chernobyl"The Hired Ghost" told the story of a man infected with a rare disease who went into the Zone to look for a way to heal. "The Hired Ghost 2" continues this story in "Call of Pripyat". All of the Ghost's attempts to find an antidote have failed, and he returns to work as a mercenary. But it turns out that the virus has made irreversible changes in his body and he can now come into contact with the creatures of the Zone who have retained the remnants of their mind. Now his controller skills will have to be put into action: he was sent to find and kill Major Degtyarev.

The “park” of monsters has been expanded and transformed: monsters cut from the game have been added, their textures have been updated and their spawn locations have been changed. Dynamic news allows you to monitor the situation in the Zone. Scripts are optimized for better performance.

Patch for the mod:

  • Fixes errors when starting the game.
  • Adds menu update by pressing F1.
  • Adds the Tactical Kalashnikov Machine Gun to some NPCs (can be obtained from the servant of the monolith in Limansk.)

The biggest change introduced by the mod is the expansion of weather modes and their random changes, making the world around us realistically unpredictable. To the four weather conditions specified in the game, the mod adds three more: partly cloudy, fog and dense fog. Added more than 150 sky textures.

The position of the sun has been adjusted in accordance with the time of year and the geographical location of the location. The nights are longer and the realistic moon changes phases and produces dynamic shadows. And on a sunny day, you can see the far edges of the location thanks to the increased viewing range. Added a new weather anomaly – Psi Storm.

Atmospheric mod is very often included in other global mods.

ARS mod v.0.5.2 & Shoker Weapons Mod 1.0

Conversion for “Call of Pripyat” mod created by ARS-Team for “Shadows of Chernobyl”. Added Shoker Weapons mod.

Another global mod designed to enrich the familiar game and bring it closer to ideal ideas. Changes have been made both to the external side of the game (new interface, new menu, the moon has been restored, shadows have been adjusted, the grass has become green) and to the gameplay. Improved AI, added body armor, new food and medicine, improved weapons. Added sleep and the ability to collect monster parts. New groups have been introduced - Sin and American Special Forces. Arena battles have been introduced. Instead of automatically generated quests, interesting quests are written manually.

Almost all weapon models have been replaced, animation has been changed. Added the ability to install addons and improvements to weapons: magazines, sights and accessories.

The modification is intended for the version of the game with patch 1.6.02 installed. The mod is not compatible with other global mods.

SZM COP v0.2

On the territory of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, operative Degtyarev disappeared, accompanied by an experienced stalker Strelok. Attempts to contact them brought nothing. According to information received, armed bandit formations have become more active in the Zone. If an operative falls into their hands, then there is a danger of leaking important secret information. Not to mention the fact that both missing people are in mortal danger. An officer, a professional soldier, special forces soldier Shershen, was sent to look for him. But no one knows what he will encounter on the spot.

For the new plot, which continues the events of “Call of Pripyat,” new models and characters were created, new cut scenes were drawn, quests and three new locations were added. All locations are completely populated by both monsters and peaceful traders, new hiding places have been added everywhere. The mod includes dynamic news, AI pack and AtmosFear 3.

SWMod: CoP v0.7

This mod doesn't so much introduce new things as it improves old ones. In "Call of Pripyat" some characters and storylines remained underdeveloped; the Second way mod adds or changes some additional quests to answer questions that arise. The player will be able to find out who Myron is, will have the opportunity to get even with Flint and call Noah to Pripyat. Characters that were deprived of biography in the original game will also acquire their own history.

Thanks to this mod, the storyline is lengthened, and the player is more immersed in the world of Pripyat. This is also facilitated by the fact that the number of people in the Zone has been greatly reduced: now it is a truly dangerous and deserted place. The passage has become more difficult, but has acquired coherence and logic.

Due to the fact that the mod is predominantly scripted, it combines well with any graphic mods.

Sigerous Mod 2.2

Required patch:

New locations have been added, old ones have been adapted: Cordon, Swamps, Red Forest. Three large faction bases have been added: Bandits, Dawn, Monolith. The storyline has been changed, new quests have been introduced. The player can now obtain new specializations: Commander-in-Chief, Bodyguard, Saver, Breeder, Trader. A huge number of new costumes, weapons, armor, medicine, artifacts and much more have been added, including about 100 caches. NPCs have lost their night vision, and are now practically blind in the dark.

The mod requires starting a new game. The mod is global, therefore, incompatible with other global modifications.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Cop Forgotten Land v 0.6

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Cop Forgotten Land is a mod designed to make the Exclusion Zone as realistic and complex as possible. The mod uses a lot of developments and mini-mods from other authors.

To begin with, the environment became realistic. The graphics have been significantly improved, weather and atmospheric changes have been added, and almost all textures have been replaced. Changed icons, menus and loading screens.

The game no longer warns you about an ejection and does not give you time to look for cover. There will now be a regular shortage of ammo, and some stalkers will be hostile towards you. Bandits and monsters now go out on solo walks much less often; they try to move in groups. After the release, there is a possibility that a wave of mutants will sweep through the zone. Artifacts have become truly valuable, and now they are not so easy to find.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: World of War Mod v0.2

Our journey will begin at the new location Zakordonye, ​​from where you can only get to Kordon by helicopter. But here’s the problem: the helicopter crashed while transporting a supply of weapons to a distant point near a burnt out farm. Having collected the documents from the helicopter, we set off to look for a farm...

This mod is not a story mod, although there are new locations, new quests and a new storyline in it. Its main goal is to make the game more atmospheric and deeper. The atmosphere is provided by changing textures, sights, icons, screens and reworking weapons. Punching has been added to the combat system, and the special NOC now allows you to try to design your own weapon. Sleep has been added, the starting set of items and weapons has been changed, new first aid kits and an anomaly detector have appeared.

Levich Mod (LVM) v3.0

Levich Mod is a global modification that changes the gameplay of the game and changes and complements the storyline. The plot is continued and tied to three new locations, for which new quests were compiled and the original ones were reworked.

When developing the mod, the work of other modellers was used. Thanks to them, Sidorovich returned to the game, the weapons base was updated, the display of locations was improved, and weather was added. In addition, the variety of artifacts has been increased; stalkers now have some of the artifacts. Many scripts have been added and reworked.

The full list of 100 innovations in the mod was introduced directly into the game instead of 100 tips for the stalker.

SGM 2.2 Graphic addition

A somewhat unusual mod, since it is an addition to the mod. GM 2.2 Graphic addition improves the appearance and emphasizes the atmosphere of the Sigerous script mod, which is described above.

Thanks to the mod, the landscapes of the Zone have become more optimistic - the sky has turned blue, the grass has turned green. New textures make the surroundings and objects much more realistic. The appearance of all weapons has been changed, they have become much closer to the real thing.

File size 900.6 MB

Einwill Mod v0.7

Additional quests, three new characters from the books of the Stelker series, three factions (Mercenaries, Duty, Freedom), each with its own set of uniforms, which you receive upon joining. A set of quests in each of the factions, the completion of which gives a new achievement. An extensive list of new equipment, starting with a sleeping bag and ending with firmware for the detector, which has to be updated in the scientists’ bunker.

Added knives and binoculars that can be purchased from merchants. More than 2 thousand new anomalies.

I Work Alone v1.2 full

A global mod, essentially a compilation of a wide variety of graphic and gameplay mods. Used developments from Absolute Structures, Nature, S.C.O.P. Realistic, AtmosFear. The mod places special emphasis on playing the game alone: ​​a special atmosphere of loneliness and emptiness of the Zone, taking into account many aspects of survival, and realistic surroundings.

Rewards for quests have been cut by 50%, all improvements have become more expensive, merchants pay less, but now you can find money in corpses. New sounds and animations have been added, the sounds of shots are synchronized with the animation of weapons. Removed emissions warnings.


This global mod has won awards as mod of the year twice. Its main goal is to change the atmosphere and complicate the gameplay. The new world shown in fashion is more abandoned and uninhabited, even nature in it is dying, if it has not already died. The same fate awaits the remnants of humanity - so there are no compromises here. Survival is hard. And scary.

The mod changes almost everything in the game: screensavers, music, visuals, interface, weapons, difficulty levels. After it, the original “Call of Pripyat” will seem like a nice stroll through a nearby park.

The community of mod makers in Stalkerskaya has existed for quite a long time during which thousands of mods have been created. Almost any modern project contains plot changes, I suggest you take a look at the selection of the most interesting modifications that bring a new story to the world we know, and sometimes a new concept of the exclusion zone, let's go)

It is worth noting that this article is subjective, i.e. reflects the vision of its author. The grading system is 10 points

5. Fallen Star. Mercenary's Honor

Modification from the zaurus "crew team. The plot tells us the story of the mercenary JJ, who receives an order to search for a truck with a specific cargo on board. A completely new concept of the exclusion zone, which will allow you to immerse yourself in it again, a large number of third-party quests, variability in the main plot and endings, It is also worth noting that the developers have updated the weapons pack and added a unique feature - throwing knives. Do not forget that this mod is a continuation of the Apocalypse trilogy, for a more detailed immersion in the universe you should start with it, but if there is no such desire, then you can do without it



4. The Last Stalker

The next project on our list from the zaurus "crew team. The plot of this product is a continuation of the modification "Fallen Star. Mercenary's Honor", the main character is a bandit nicknamed the Greek. We will not reveal plot points here, but note that the player will be greeted by a non-linear quest component , almost every decision we make will influence which way we will go to the finale, there are also a sufficient number of side quests that will allow us to plunge deeper into the world of the updated exclusion zone. Many aspects of the game have undergone changes, locations already known to us have been reworked, new ones have been added, as well the authors qualitatively voiced many game moments, and the weapon pack, which was redesigned, did not go unnoticed. It is worth noting that this project is a continuation of the trilogy "Apocalypse" and "Fallen Star. Mercenary's Honor", if the trilogy is not necessary to fully understand the plot passage, then without studying the plot of “Fallen Star” it will be difficult for the player to understand the plot, as well as many of the plot points of the game.

Gameplay Stability

3. Spatial Anomaly

A project for the “Call of Pripyat” platform, the modification will tell us the story of the mercenary Beast, who, due to a strange set of circumstances, finds himself in a “Spatial Anomaly”, a territory from which, at first glance, there is no way out. Who the mercenary Beast was before falling into a trap, we will find out how he will get out of such a situation during the passage of this modification. It is worth noting that the authors paid close attention not only to the plot, but also to other aspects of the game. We are waiting for modified old locations modeled from scratch, gameplay features, voice acting from professional actors, updated graphics, a weapons pack and much, much more. It is also impossible not to mention the variability of endings, of which the authors prepared 3 of them.

Gameplay Stability

2. People's Solyanka 2016

Project for the “Shadows of Chernobyl” platform. Narodnaya Solyanka can rightfully be called one of the most global mods for the Stalker universe. It may take more than one month to complete all the quests of this modification. The developers have prepared for players a completely new ending to Strelok’s story (More than 20 global story branches, as well as a large number of side quests), added more than 20 new locations to the game, and also changed the territory from the standard game, updated the weapon pack, and implemented voice acting for the main plot points . And everything previously listed is only a small part of what Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 can offer us

Gameplay Stability

1. NLC 7build 3.0

NLC 7 can rightly be called one of the most hardcore and thoughtful modifications. In it we can expect a clear, variable plot with clear motivation for each character. During the passage of the main quest line, we learn the story of a stalker nicknamed Marked (Who is now not the Shooter), previously familiar moments received a completely different coloring, a different motivation. It is worth noting that the authors did a lot of work not only on the plot of the game, but also on its gameplay component: the main character’s inventory was completely redesigned, a barter system was introduced for some merchants, hacking and interaction with other people’s PDAs, unique properties for almost every artifact found, For many locations, previously unseen features were prepared (Be it the need to wear a gas mask, accelerated passage of time, etc.) and much, much more. Each move now needs to be carefully planned, otherwise it may be the last for the player; it is also worth considering that the ability to save only at bonfires has been introduced into the game

Gameplay Stability

The best mods for STALKER

The fan community of the STALKER series has created a considerable number of mods for games in the series, and among them we can highlight both the worst and the best mods for STALKER. Fortunately, there are not so many fans of the worst mods, and the best mods for STALKER, on the contrary, are in the center of attention of the players. However, in mods, as in everything, there is one small feature, the fact is that all the best mods for STALKER do not provide players with all available items at once, but reveal unique game content gradually. This article will discuss all the best mods for STALKER, and will also tell you how to download the best mods for Stalker. It is worth noting that you can download the best Stalker mods for free from the Stalker-Way website

1) Download stalker best mods In order to download stalker best mods, users of the STALKER-Way website need to click on one of the suggested download links. After the file has been completely downloaded, players should move the downloaded archive to the game folder.

2) Call of Chernobyl The Call of Chernobyl mod is very popular among fans of the STALKER series. Call of Chernobyl gained its popularity thanks to the versatility of the mod, because after installing it, players are provided with many original and unique opportunities, most of which work exclusively in the free-play game mode. The creators of Call of Chernobyl have made a significant number of changes and innovations to the game STALKER: Call of Pripyat. The authors of the mod transformed the economic system of the game, making trading more profitable for the player. The mod developers also corrected the balance of weapons and in-game equipment, globally rearmed all game characters, and also edited many minor points. Innovations include: a convenient tool for creating your own mods, a weapon disassembly function, a hardcore “Legend” difficulty mode, a new visual design for NPCs, as well as a wide variety of hiding places located throughout the STALKER territory.

3) Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 Like Call of Chernobyl, Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 is a global mod, but unlike Call of Chernobyl, Solyanka was created for the “Shadow of Chernobyl”. According to the authors of Solyanka, the key goal in developing the mod was the complete restoration of game content deleted by the developers at some stages of the game's creation. Many fans of the STALKER series recognize Narodnaya Solyanka as the best mod for the STALKER series. The reason for such statements is the versatility and versatility of the mod, after installing which the game is replenished with many gaming capabilities and gameplay features. Most of the innovations introduced by the creators of the mod are related to in-game weapons, which have undergone modifications, changes in balance, and several new types of weapons have appeared in the Zone. The authors of Solyanka increased the ammunition,

We edited textures and animations of firearms, and also made some changes to the main characteristics. In addition to the reworking of weapons, the authors of the mod edited the storyline of the game, which became long-lasting and dynamic. The main actions of the game, after installing the mod, will take place in new locations, and will also be associated with new characters.

4) Lost Alpha At the initial stage of development, “Shadow of Chernobyl” was conceived as a game dedicated to exploring the open world, but at one of the last stages of creating the game, the developers decided to edit the basis of the gameplay, shifting priorities from exploring the world to shooting. Many fans did not like this decision and modders Dez0wave began a “gradual rollback”, calling their project Lost Alpha. The name of the mod comes from the original title of “Shadows of Chernobyl” - Oblivion Lost. The development of the mod took a long time, but the authors of the project managed to complete the work and publish their own mod on many sites dedicated to the STALKER series. Due to the features it offers and its own features, Lost Alpha quickly became popular among fans of the series. After installing Lost Alpha, players are given the opportunity to interact with new game content, which includes: returned mutants, restored locations, many unique tasks, as well as improved and edited weapons. A significant part of the innovations is closely related to the game world. The mod developers have added 28 new locations to the game, among which there are both locations from subsequent games in the series, and locations that were cut out at one of the stages of creating “Shadow of Chernobyl”. After installing the mod, new mutants appear in the game, new emissions operating underground, a significant number of shelters, hiding places, as well as a new group “Sin”.

5) Golden Ball Completion Golden Ball Completion is the final version of the Golden Ball series mods. All mods in the series are aimed at changing the game plot and telling an alternative story taking place in the Zone. In addition to the main story campaign, the creators of the mod added a significant number of additional tasks to the game, differing in duration and overall dynamism. The authors of “Golden Ball” not only worked out a new plot, but also added several serious innovations to the game related to the gameplay. The goal of the innovations was survival itself, which acquired a more realistic design, because there were indicators of hunger, fatigue, and endurance that players need to monitor. It is worth mentioning that most of the gameplay ideas and developments by the authors of the mod were borrowed from the popular OGSE mod. The key features of the “Golden Ball” include the presence of a large number

Caches, as well as added and stable transport, located in many locations of the Zone.

6) Wind of Change Many fans of the STALKER series have been waiting for quite a long time for a full-fledged continuation of the series, promised by the developers back in 2011. Various mods, of course, brightened up the tense anticipation, but none of them was an actual continuation of the Strelok story, the basis of which was shown in three games in the series. However, there were modders who were able to develop a full-fledged sequel, and the result of their work was the Wind of Change mod. At the moment, the mod is still in development, but despite this, the current version of the mod is playable, although crashes and bugs will still occur. The authors of Wind of Change added to the game an alternative musical accompaniment present in the early trailers of Shadow of Chernobyl. However, the main innovation is a unique storyline, the actions of which will be connected with the hero of all previous games in the series. The game graphics have also undergone changes, which have become more modern and attractive, the animations of weapons and characters have been edited, the quality of the textures of the surrounding world has been improved, and changes have been made to the overall balance of weapons and equipment.

7) MISERY The MISERY mod, made for “Call of Pripyat”, is similar to the Call of Chernobyl mod. Like Call of Chernobyl, MISERY is a global mod that expands the player’s capabilities, but the key difference between MISERY is the huge number of different innovations and improvements. Firstly: the creators of the mod edited the graphics of “Call of Pripyat” by adding the latest versions of Atmosphere and Absolute Nature to their mod. The graphic design of the game world has become realistic: rust and dirt have appeared, the faces of stalkers are covered with scars and scratches, mutants have become more unusual, armor and weapons have received improved detail. Secondly: the authors of the mod edited the main gameplay: the emissions became more powerful and deadlier, the interface capabilities were expanded, a “face changing” mode appeared, the artificial intelligence of game creatures was noticeably improved, and the A-Life system also underwent similar changes. It is worth noting that the difficulty of the game has been increased and cannot be reduced. Thirdly: the changes affected the sound and interface. The total number of sounds was increased to 500, the sounds themselves became darker and mystical, which added atmosphere, and new sounds of shooting and sounds warning about the start of a battle, etc. appeared. In general, the authors of the mod have significantly improved many game systems, making the passage of the storyline more exciting and dynamic, which leads

Towards replayability fashion.

8) The Path in the Mist The Path in the Mist is a story mod for “Call of Pripyat”, developed by the Spectrum Project association and released in May 2014. Since its release, the overall structure of the mod has changed significantly, as the authors of “The Path in the Darkness” have refined key game systems, making them more flexible and increasing their influence on the game world. The main changes affected the storyline, the events of which are an alternative to the single-player campaign in the original “Call of Pripyat”. The authors of “The Path in the Darkness” have significantly increased the number of available quests, and also made some quests more “intricate” and exciting. The graphic part of the game, as well as the plot, have also undergone changes and improvements, which pleases many players who prefer to study locations in search of high-tech pictures. The authors of the mod increased the quality of some textures, and also corrected several earlier errors. The story, told in the “Path in the Darkness” fashion, is populated by interesting characters, full of unusual and well-developed additional tasks. It is worth mentioning that most of the game events will take place in both old and new locations.

9) Secret Paths 2 The “Secret Paths 2” mod, the second modification of the “Secret Paths” series, the first part of which, at one time, gathered a large army of fans, demanding that the authors of the mod continue the story told. However, the creators of the mod decided not only to make a regular sequel, but also to create their own global mod. The plot part, as in the original “Secret Paths”, is a prequel to all the events that happened in the games of the STALKER series and most of the story is devoted to the story of the fate of Strelok: about his initial motivations and formation in the Zone. And the “global” side of “Secret Paths 2” is a large collection of small mods that interact perfectly together. The key features of the mod are: new music, the quality of which is significantly different from the original, interface changes, from now on the new menu is made in the style of the first developments shown by GSC Game World. New locations, factions, characters and additional tasks have appeared, as well as new equipment, weapons and many artifacts.

10) Spatial Anomaly Unlike the above mods, “Spatial Anomaly” is exclusively a story mod and does not change anything except the main storyline. However, despite the meager number of innovations, users conscientiously appreciated the “Spatial Anomaly” and many of them consider it one of the best mods for the STALKER series. Such statements can be explained by the fact that “Spatial Anomaly” is rich in unusual and fascinating stories, full

There are ambiguous moments and exceptional incidents, and all its scenario innovations are much better than the collection of meaningless content stored in global mods.

11) Black Stalker Black Stalker, as a mod, is the exact opposite of the “Spatial Anomaly”, because if the “Anomaly” added a full-fledged alternative plot to the game, then the Black Stalker is a global mod, with present factors aimed at complicating the gameplay. Basically, the changes made by the developers are closely related to the gameplay: the economic system has changed, hunger, fatigue and thirst scales have appeared, all mutants have become stronger, the distribution of damage from explosive weapons has changed, all game equipment has been edited, which is no longer very durable and has begun to “wear out” at high speed. The creators of “Black Stalker” have prepared for players several independent quests, assemblies of documents related to various topics, as well as graphic changes: transformation of game textures, re-animation of shooting and movements, the appearance of new graphic effects and modernization of old ones. Despite the fact that Black Stalker does not have an interesting story, many players liked it due to its own gameplay features, which were widely distributed among ordinary players and mod authors.

In 2019, Stalker modding has not yet pleased us with big releases, many good projects are just on the way, and while we are patiently waiting for their release, I propose to remember the best thing that happened to modifications on STALKER in 12 years.

In this article we will talk about the best mods for stalker, selected from amateur projects that received the highest ratings. To make the rating as objective as possible, the number of reviews from players was taken into account when compiling it. Which one did it come out like? ten best mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R, read this article.

10. Chernobyl Chronicles

The main characters of most plot modifications have one thing in common - a thirst to search for artifacts and earn a living as a stalker, but here the scriptwriters came up with something more interesting.

The protagonist of the game is a local resident of the town of Chernobyl 1, who left this place with his family in 1986. Certain mysterious circumstances forced him to return to his home after a long time. 20 years later, after a terrible accident, these places have been chosen by a stalker, and in order to get to his goal the main character will have to become one of them: look for artifacts in abandoned surroundings, fight mutants and explore the area together with others, encountering numerous mysteries.

The starting location of the game, which, by the way, is a remake of the spacious build bar, turned out to be very atmospheric. Here, players are shown the life of ordinary stalkers, and in a very clear and fascinating form. Further on in the story there will be two more levels: the city of Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, but what happened at the beginning of the game is the best and most atmospheric part of it.
The perception of the game was qualitatively influenced by the soundtrack and graphical base. The mod will especially appeal to those who like to read dialogues. In this regard, the authors certainly did their best.

9. Secret paths 2

Modification, which can easily be considered a classic of stalker modding. This was one of the first long-term story mods for stalker, affecting not only already explored locations, but also some new levels.

The history of the game sheds light on what the Exclusion Zone was like before the events of the original part of the game Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl, who the shooter was before he lost his memory, and how, according to the modmakers, he hit the death truck.

In addition to the long plot length, which takes at least 40 hours of pure gameplay. The authors have prepared variability in some tasks and several endings to the game, depending on the player’s actions. We can’t help but mention the well-written dialogues, which introduce many new characters or tell the backstory of the stalkers we already know.

If after reading this article you decide to play Secret Paths 2, then we will explain a few nuances. The mod will definitely appeal to those who like to wander around locations, look for hiding places and, if anything, can come to terms with the fact that certain actions can break the plot. Therefore, make more saves and be patient at some points.
For your persistence, the modification will be able to reward you several times with exciting moments of the game.

8. Fallen star. Mercenary's Honor

In today's selection best mods for the game stalker, mainly those projects that complement the original stalker lore or simply tell a new story. In this case, the player is shown a completely different exclusion zone, where amazing and fantastic events took place.

According to the authors' idea, at one moment the center of the Zone was covered with a cap of a force field of an unknown nature. About five hundred military stalkers found themselves in complete isolation from the rest of the world. What happened inside the perimeter and, most importantly, what is the nature of this force field will be revealed in the plot fashion for stalker Fallen star. Mercenary's Honor.

And rest assured that the events taking place, key plot points, and the denouement will not leave you indifferent. Especially memorable are the well-developed central characters of the game, who will remain in your memory for a long time.

After completing the walkthrough, I am glad that the authors made a long storyline, quite interesting and varied quests. It’s also worth saying that the fallen star is part of an anthology from the Zaurus Crew team, where in addition to this mod there are four more story projects.

7. Another Zone Mod

Any mod building is in many ways an attempt to make your favorite game what it did not become and perhaps never will become in the form of the original version. A little less often, this is the development of some specific ideas of the developers, without changing the original concept. If you stick to option 2 and are looking for a mod made in the spirit of the original, then this modification is definitely for you. Let’s immediately make a reservation that the mod is not something outstanding in game design or plot.

Here is a completely banal premise, a story about how the main character went to the Zone in order to search for a healing artifact. The tasks themselves are also relatively simple, with voiceovers and deep variability not fashionable these days. But what is here is done with taste.

The creators managed to spin a simple story into an atmospheric adventure through the Exclusion Zone, without a tense plot, with high-quality dialogues and interesting events accompanying the game. Very beautiful lamp graphics, on which the author did a very good job.

It is important that the storyline affects six locations at once, familiar to us from the original game. To keep up with the gameplay part, the weapon pack was adapted, an artifact selection system was implemented, and the game levels were fully filled out.

Connoisseurs of mods with a focus on atmosphere should definitely pay attention to this modification.

6. Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5

It has long been no secret to anyone that in the early stages of game development, stalker was planned to be completely different. A game has appeared on store shelves that is significantly different from the version that conquered gaming exhibitions and made gamers from all over the world fall in love with it. Some people liked the final look of Shadow of Chernobyl more than the early prototype of the game, and they were not particularly worried about this fact, while others felt a swell in their hearts at the mere mention of the old concept. In many ways, for them and for all those who want to look at stalker, as it was planned in 2003-2004, this modification was created.

Here is a full story based on design documents from this period. Despite the fact that the plot of the story is not very similar to the final version, the quest line is perceived completely differently. It came out much deeper and longer and tells many new stories. The events of the plot affect old versions of locations, some of which do not at all resemble those of the original game. Therefore, traveling through these levels will definitely give the player a new feeling.

Gigabytes and other rare content, in the form of a weapons pack, gameplay features, and graphics are also available. You can have different attitudes towards the concept of that same stalker, but the fact that Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5 most accurately showed the game of the past is difficult to dispute.

5. Spatial anomaly

Very often we get asked questions like: what should a beginner play? I've never played mods on stalker, but I want to try, but I don't know where to start? And in this case, I would always like to recommend that it is easy to master something that in terms of quality turned out to be close to the original trilogy of the STALKER game.

Modification for stalker– a spatial anomaly, perfect for this role. The new plot tells the story of a mercenary who, under mysterious circumstances, finds himself in a spatial trap, where no less strange events will take place.
At the same time, the life of the mercenary group and the complex relationships of previously irreconcilable enemies who united for the sake of survival will be revealed.

In the quest line of the mod, you don’t have to endlessly search for hiding places; there is no dreary running around, or downright boring tasks. But there is an interesting story with professional voice acting of key plot scenes, good dialogues and unique screenwriting techniques. Bonuses in the form of new and remade familiar game locations, a weapon pack, and a graphic add-on are also present. All conditions for a comfortable and interesting game are met with dignity.

4. Valley of rustles

Formula for success modifications for stalker. Sometimes mod makers' attempts to do something big turn out to be failures. Not everyone has the strength to bring large, multi-year developments to the final stage. In this case, the creator of the mod did not set the bar too high, but planned a small story for 3-4 hours of play, but it was a canonical story, which can be considered a branch of the original Call of Pripyat.

The quest line is full of new characters and voiced key dialogues, and story cutscenes have become the hallmark of the modification. The author of the project skillfully introduced new animations into the game, and he was able to model new objects, as the game location eloquently speaks of. It became a completely new gaming territory, with its own backstory, unique inhabitants and its own local aesthetics.

The mod is perfect for beginners and those players who don’t like to run around for hiding places a lot and just want to get acquainted with a new, albeit small, plot.

3. Call of Chernobyl

The release of the modification made it clear that players have always lacked a mod like this, where you can completely devote yourself to the stalker craft, where the player is not sent to this or that location along the storyline, but where you choose what to do and where to go.
Here we have access to a large world consisting of three dozen game levels. There is a full filling of living creatures, opponents and safe bases. And what is most important in this case is the life simulation system. The zone here is capable of constantly throwing up surprises; mutants, ordinary stalkers, travel freely around the world, which is why something is always happening in the locations.

This is where all the interest lies. Travel, complete small tasks, save money for equipment and try to get to the center of the Zone, collecting all the necessary information about it.

There is no full-fledged plot here, but there is a set of renewable quests and a chain of tasks that will give motivation to go from the south to the north of the Zone. If you are not interested Count of Chernobyl in the original version, thanks to the rich modding on this platform, dozens of different add-ons are available that allow you to make the game the way you want it to be with a weapon pack or graphic add-on that suits you, with new gameplay features and views on the concept of the stalker game.

2. Wind of time

A real plot hit on the Stalker Call of Pripyat platform, it was developed by a lone author who clearly knew how to hook the player. Here is a new plot with an amazing backstory and an unexpected ending to the finale.

The competent presentation of the story is noted, interesting quest chains, both in the main plot and in the side lines, for many it became a pleasant fact of the presence of mysticism and simple stalker stories. The tasks are built in a freeplay style, in which you can freely travel around the world, be distracted from the main plot, and even open unique levels with a set of side quests.
What really makes this mod stand out from others is large location composition.

There are as many as 18 locations available for exploration here, many of them are remakes of the original levels, while others have returned to the game from old builds of the game STALKER. An addition in the form of new weapons, updated graphics, and small gameplay innovations are also present.

1. Path in the Darkness

The glorious year 2014, which all fans of the game stalker remember with warmth in their souls, gave us many good modifications. It was at this time that the story mod for Stalker's Path in the Dark was born.
In its entire history, it has never left the first line of the rating. There is nothing super-revolutionary in this project, but everything that the authors have done is very high-quality work, a level that is not so easy to repeat.
The first thing you should pay attention to is the location. The levels have noticeably changed, they have become richer in different objects, and in some places they have been changed, according to the plot and concept. In addition to the redesign of the original game's territories, some new locations have appeared, made from scratch.

The quest line motivates you to explore the game world. The plot at the cordon generally became an example of an ideal story, telling about the life of an ordinary stalker, about how he goes for artifacts, hunts mutants and constantly has problems with local bandits and soldiers from the checkpoint.
Unfortunately, due to a change in the scriptwriter, this charm could not be preserved in the second half of the game, but even there, by modding standards, the plot turned out to be quite good, albeit executed in a slightly different style.

The fans made this choice S.T.A.L.K.E.R games, leaving reviews and ratings of the modification in our catalog. For each of the mods presented today, the site has prepared detailed reviews, which can be found on our website.