Who performs the song and not. How to find out who sings a song according to the words

To find it and add it to your collection?

If there are words or a fragment of a song

If you understand at least a few words from the song or, even better, remember a piece of the text, enter the words in any search engine. Having found the name of the song, it will not be difficult to find out the artist; the same people on the Internet will help.

You can find an artist by song title on networks by clicking on the “My audio recordings” button and entering it in the search bar.

You can find the song playing on the radio by going to the radio station's website. As a rule, a rating of the most popular songs is published there. There is a high probability of finding the one you need if you know its name.

If the song is from a movie, enter its name in a search engine, adding the OST prefix. Once you have the songs used in the film, listen to them until you find the one you want. You can also find special services on the Internet, for example “my-hit.org”, where many films are collected, including new ones, with soundtracks, photographs and other useful information.

The service "midomi.com" allows you to sing a song if you have a microphone. And the “audiotag.info” service will help you find a song and artist if you have a fragment of the composition.

If no methods give the desired result, arrange a quiz using social networks and the knowledge of your friends. Add a snippet of the song to your page asking people to tell you who sings it.

If only the motive of the song is known

A song that was played on the radio will usually be repeated more than once during the day. You can turn this on in the background and wait for the desired song to play. On many official websites of radio stations there is a ticker with the artist and the name of the song currently playing.

After hearing the song again, you can use the “Music Expert” service provided by mobile operators. For example, for Megafon you need to dial 0665, bring it to the speaker and hold it for 5-10 seconds. The response message will contain the title and artist of the song.

On the “musipedia.org” service you can play a melody or beat the rhythm of a composition you like. The program will process the sound and provide matching options.

If you remember a video clip, enter the main points of the plot into a search engine, adding the word “clip” at the end. For example, “Car, sunset, road clip.” You can look for special forums where participants help each other find out the name and artist of a song from its video.

Surely, you have had moments when you heard a song on TV, on the radio or on some music website. You really liked this song, the tune stuck in your head, but you didn’t know who performed this song or what the song itself was called. You wanted to know the name of the song so you could download it. It turns out that there are several ways to determine the artist of a song from a fragment, or at least try to figure out what the song is. I'll try to help you with this.

How to find out who sings a song?

To search for artists, there are several online services and separate programs for searching for the artist and song title by fragment. Who sings the song and how do you find out the name of the song you liked?

Midomi online tool

An online service for searching for artist and song title is located at http://www.midomi.com/

The service records music through a microphone and searches for the artist and song title in an extensive database. To search for a song, you need to go to the service page, click the “Click and sign or hum” button. You will be prompted to allow access to your camera and microphone. We allow it.

After this, audio recording from the microphone will begin. You can bring a microphone connected to your computer to the TV, speakers where the song is playing, or simply hum the song into the microphone. Personally, when checking the work of the title and artist search site, I hummed into the microphone. 10-30 seconds of recording will be enough. Next, click on the same “Click to stop” button. The service will save and send the recorded fragment to the server, make a comparison and display search results. In my case I received

For most foreign compositions, this service does an excellent job, even with new releases, if the volume of the music was normal for recording through a microphone, and extraneous noise did not make adjustments. I recommend this service to find out the name of the song and who sings it.

This is a free song recognition program. The program records music through a microphone or line input of the computer, and then communicates with servers where the fragment is compared with existing recordings.

The program shows worse performance in comparison with the Midomi service, but it successfully identifies most foreign performers. So you have a chance to find the artist and song title by fragment. The program cannot recognize most Russian songs.

How to find out the name of a song on a smartphone

If you have a song on your phone whose name you don’t know, but want to find out. Or you just want to find out who performs this song, there is a great program for smartphones - Shazam. This program allows you to determine the artist of many songs, as it has an extensive base for comparison. Working with shazam couldn't be easier.

To use the program, you must have Internet access from your smartphone. Launch the Shazam service, press the button at the bottom in the middle of the screen - the program will start listening to the melody and searching for it in the database. In addition to the name of the song and the artist, you can find out the album in which the song was published, and you will find a video for this song.

How do you like it? -

Here it is, the song of your dreams! Perfect rhythm, catchy melody, pleasant vocals and interesting words! But who performs this masterpiece? How not to lose it in the bustle of the day and the variety of other disturbing songs on the radio, in the supermarket and in the headphones of your neighbor on public transport? Finding out who sings a song according to the words from it is not so difficult if you remember a few simple methods. Use each of them and your music library will thank you.

Why do songs elude us?

Alas, annoying compositions haunt people worse than maniacs, and really liked songs can remain in incognito mode for a long time. This usually happens for one of the following reasons:

  • While listening, you became so carried away by the song that you turned off rationality and gave free rein to your emotions - it’s so difficult to tear yourself away from enjoying something truly worthwhile. As a result, you can easily miss the artist announcement and track title.
  • You "attacked" the song not from the beginning, but from the middle or even from the end. Often, even a few seconds of listening give us complete confidence that the entire track is something close to genius.
  • You were simply not allowed to listen to the composition to the end - a banal phone call, a meeting with an acquaintance, the signals of passing cars. There may be many reasons, but they all subsequently cause the same disappointment.
  • The song was sung in a language unfamiliar to you. Yes, many music lovers give preference exclusively to those compositions in which they understand every word. But sometimes love at first listen knows no boundaries, including linguistic ones. Finding out who performs songs in such an interesting language (and what kind of language it is, in general) is an exciting quest with the desired reward - the name of the artist and a long-awaited addition to the playlist.

All these reasons are quite understandable, and everyone can face them. But how to restore justice and find an unknown hero?

Training your memory

How to find out who sings a song? The first, main and most obvious option is to tense up and remember one or more lines from the mysterious composition. For greater reliability, you should write down your guiding lines on a piece of paper or quickly create a note on your smartphone. Now that you have serious “physical evidence”, you can start searching.

If you don’t have Internet access at hand, you can always use the help of friends, acquaintances and colleagues. This works especially well if one of them is a known music lover and connoisseur. Who knows, you may not be the only one who has fallen in love with this song.

When searching for a track on the Internet, you should enter the treasured lines into the search and add the words “song”, “text” or “who sings” to the query. As a rule, such queries will direct you to many sites that store music lyrics. Today, such portals are distinguished by a developed library, which is updated daily with new compositions.

Don't be embarrassed if the memorized text looks funny or strange - phrases taken out of context often look exactly like that. Try to remember the text from the chorus: musicians pay the most attention to it, inserting the most expressive phrases and words there.

How to find out who sings a song in a foreign language

But in such a situation, polyglots and those who studied a foreign language well at school clearly benefit. Although basic knowledge of the Latin alphabet will provide an invaluable service here.

A large number of songs are released in English, which makes them not so difficult to find. Practice shows that it is enough to remember two or four words from an English song to easily find it by adding the word “lyrics” to the search query.

If the song is performed in a language that is unfamiliar to you, you can still try to write it in Latin letters. Do you have friends who are philologists? Congratulations, they can help you great!

How can you find out who sings a song in this incomprehensible language? If you heard a song on the radio, pay attention to the station and broadcast time. The websites of some radio stations provide information on the tunes being transmitted.

How to find out who sings a song in a movie

Often soundtracks are able to “pull out” the most passable movie. A melody at the right time and in the right place can work wonders. Therefore, frantic questions like: “Who performs the song (recognize me if you can)?” or “What song was played in this episode of Interns?” are not uncommon.

The good news is that the name of the movie and the words "soundtrack" or "OST" in your search query can quickly lead you to the desired result. If the song appeared in a TV series, it would be a good idea to remember the season, episode number or title. Even if the soundtrack turns out to be voluminous, why not listen to it in its entirety? Perhaps you will find a few more worthy compositions.


If you are completely desperate about how to find out who sings the song, type in the search engine the phrase: “help me find the song.” Now you have at your disposal many forums and discussions where people help each other find tricky melodies from advertisements, videos and films. Share your problem with people or use the search - perhaps you are not the only one in this case.

The advantage of such forums is that you can give a description of the song or video clip itself, if you don’t remember the text or it was too complex. Pay attention to other branches as well. What if you can help someone find peace with the composition you found?

In search of the lost

Finding the artist of a song is only the beginning of an exciting journey into the world of the artist’s creativity. It is quite possible that you have found your new hobby and have another reason to save money to go to concerts and buy CDs.

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that after studying the entire discography, you will come to the conclusion that apart from this song, you have not found anything worthy. Dont be upset! One successful song is worth a thousand unsuccessful ones, because it will bring you many pleasant moments.

And again I greet you, dear friends. Please tell me, have you ever heard a song on the radio, just somewhere on the Internet, or do you have a specific unknown file with a song or fragment? And if you suddenly liked this composition, then you naturally want to find out who performs this song. Am I right?

So today I will tell you how to find out what song is playing on the radio or from another source. It’s actually cool that there are such services now. It’s true that such things only helped me once, but I just don’t use it. In general, these services help people all the time. Let's start.

If you caught a glimpse of a song on the radio and liked it, then don’t rush to be upset that you didn’t hear the name of the artist. The main thing is to remember the time at which the composition was played, and of course the radio itself.

On the same site you can also find a slightly different composition. If you know the radio station on which this music was played, then click on the “Radio” menu. Then select sorting, for example by frequency, and look for radio in the list. After that click "Entire playlist for today" and scroll to the desired time.

Well, there you will already find who at what time was able to please you with their composition. See again, I found what I was looking for. By the way, I named the time at random and just at that time my favorite group “Agatha Christie” was playing on the radio, cool).


Of all the computer recognition programs and online services, this one is probably the best. Good at looking for compositions. Moreover, at first I thought that only foreign compositions were being searched. But it turned out that he is great at finding Russian performers. True, to work with the program you need a microphone, since you will need to play the composition to the service on the fly.

Go to the site midoma.com, connect the microphone to the computer, play a section of the song and click on the “Click and Sing or Hum” button. You should see a sign asking you for permission to use a microphone. Click allow and wait for midomi to analyze your composition (10 seconds).

After this, you will be given the result itself. Well, how is it right? Personally, everything came together for me. I hope you do too.

Using a mobile phone

Probably the surest way to find your favorite song is with the help of your pocket friend, that is, a smartphone on Android or IPhone.

For this you only need download the application called "Shazam". This application works over the Internet, but it is really powerful.

It's easy to use. You just need to turn on the application, start the music and hold the phone to the speaker for a few seconds. And it doesn’t matter where the song comes from - on the radio, from a friend’s phone or from a video from YouTube, shazam will find and show you who performs the song and what it’s called. Shazam helped me with this composition. Great.


Quite a good service for recognizing sound files. But there is a minus: the service only works with audio files, that is, it does not recognize songs that are currently being broadcast. You specifically need an audio file in MP3, WAV, OGG format (at least a 10-second excerpt), even if not in the best quality.

Go to service website and click on the “Browse” button, then select the audio clip on your computer. After that, click “Upload” and solve a simple mathematical example, and after a short time (10-15 seconds) you will be shown basic information on this composition.

I tried to do this on the same composition as the previous time, namely the Tracktor Bowling group with the composition “Yours”. And what did I see? The name of the band and the year of the song were displayed to me. This is all true. But instead of the title of the song and the name of the album, question marks seemed to me.

At first I thought that he just somehow didn’t recognize it, because I deliberately cut off a piece of the song and resaved it so that all the information on it would be erased. But then I calculated that the number of question marks corresponds to the number of letters. That is, in the Title column (the title of the song) there is ????, which corresponds to the name “Yours” (four characters each), and in the album title there is ??????? ?? ?????, which corresponds to “Half a year until spring.”

Everything is correct. Hence the conclusion that the program detects well, but does not register Russian characters.

It seems easy, doesn’t it? Try it yourself. And please write in the comments which method you personally prefer. I'm just curious to know about this. I would just highlight Shazam and then midomi.

And of course, none of these services is a panacea. Of course there will be compositions that she cannot identify. This can happen due to various circumstances. But still, these are really good devices and in the vast majority of cases they do their job.

Well, that's all I have for today. I hope you liked my article. And to keep abreast of everything new and interesting, I recommend that you subscribe to blog updates. In the meantime, you can read other articles. I'm sure you'll find something interesting for yourself. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Here it is, the song of your dreams! Perfect rhythm, catchy melody, pleasant vocals and interesting words! But who performs this masterpiece? How not to lose it in the bustle of the day and the variety of other disturbing songs on the radio, in the supermarket and in the headphones of your neighbor on public transport? Finding out who sings a song according to the words from it is not so difficult if you remember a few simple methods. Use each of them and your music library will thank you.

Why do songs elude us?

Alas, according to the law of meanness, annoying compositions haunt people worse than maniacs, and truly liked songs can remain in incognito mode for a long time. This usually happens for one of the following reasons:

  • While listening, you became so carried away by the song that you turned off rationality and gave free rein to your emotions - it’s so difficult to tear yourself away from enjoying something truly worthwhile. As a result, you can easily miss the artist announcement and track title.
  • You "attacked" the song not from the beginning, but from the middle or even from the end. Often, even a few seconds of listening give us complete confidence that the entire track is something close to genius.
  • You were simply not allowed to listen to the composition to the end - a banal phone call, a meeting with an acquaintance, the signals of passing cars. There may be many reasons, but they all subsequently cause the same disappointment.
  • The song was sung in a language unfamiliar to you. Yes, many music lovers give preference exclusively to those compositions in which they understand every word. But sometimes love at first listen knows no boundaries, including linguistic ones. Finding out who performs songs in such an interesting language (and what kind of language it is, in general) is an exciting quest with the desired reward - the name of the artist and a long-awaited addition to the playlist.

All these reasons are quite understandable, and everyone can face them. But how to restore justice and find an unknown hero?

Training your memory

How to find out who sings a song? The first, main and most obvious option is to tense up and remember one or more lines from the mysterious composition. For greater reliability, you should write down your guiding lines on a piece of paper or quickly create a note on your smartphone. Now that you have serious “physical evidence”, you can start searching.

If you don’t have Internet access at hand, you can always use the help of friends, acquaintances and colleagues. This works especially well if one of them is a known music lover and connoisseur. Who knows, you may not be the only one who has fallen in love with this song.

When searching for a track on the Internet, you should enter the treasured lines into the search and add the words “song”, “text” or “who sings” to the query. As a rule, such queries will direct you to many sites that store music lyrics. Today, such portals are distinguished by a developed library, which is updated daily with new compositions.

Don't be embarrassed if the memorized text looks funny or strange - phrases taken out of context often look exactly like that. Try to remember the text from the chorus: musicians pay the most attention to it, inserting the most expressive phrases and words there.

How to find out who sings a song in a foreign language

But in such a situation, polyglots and those who studied a foreign language well at school clearly benefit. Although basic knowledge of the Latin alphabet will provide an invaluable service here.

A large number of songs are released in English, which makes them not so difficult to find. Practice shows that it is enough to remember two or four words from an English song to easily find it by adding the word “lyrics” to the search query.

If the song is performed in a language that is unfamiliar to you, you can still try to write it in Latin letters. Do you have friends who are philologists? Congratulations, they can help you great!

How can you find out who sings a song in this incomprehensible language? If you heard a song on the radio, pay attention to the station and broadcast time. The websites of some radio stations provide information on the tunes being transmitted.

How to find out who sings a song in a movie

Often soundtracks are able to “pull out” the most passable movie. A melody at the right time and in the right place can work wonders. Therefore, frantic questions like: “Who performs the song (recognize me if you can)?” or “What song was played in this episode of Interns?” are not uncommon.

The good news is that the name of the movie and the words "soundtrack" or "OST" in your search query can quickly lead you to the desired result. If the song appeared in a TV series, it would be a good idea to remember the season, episode number or title. Even if the soundtrack turns out to be voluminous, why not listen to it in its entirety? Perhaps you will find a few more worthy compositions.

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