Corporate IP telephony. Corporate networks

Why are corporate networks needed?

A corporate data network is the lifeblood of any organization! The same applies to corporate telephone networks.

  • Construction of corporate telephone networks for organizations with remote divisions and branches is one of the methods of saving money on telephone conversations between branches. When branches are located in different cities or countries, the savings are quite significant
  • Within the network, it is much easier for an organization to make corporate telephone conversations confidential, which reduces the risk of information leakage. Using your own transport data networks, or organizing VPN connections when using public data networks (Internet).
  • Corporate networks, easy to scale from stand-alone IP phone ov and to stations of large enterprises, with a single numbering plan. Thus, ensuring dynamic growth of the enterprise infrastructure.

We could go on and on about the reasons why you should think about building your own corporate telephone network. The initial investment in design, development and implementation may seem quite expensive, but the returns in savings and convenience will not be long in coming.

What are the advantages of using corporate telephone networks?

  • Ease of use, despite the fact that a modern telephone exchange is a complex technique that uses the latest technologies. Using a single network number plan allows you to make a call to a remote node by dialing the subscriber’s short number, which everyone is used to using in office PBXs. And don’t think about where the called subscriber is, in the next office or in another country, or maybe even on another continent.
  • The ability to “always be in place.” On a business trip or on vacation, all you need is Internet access. Taking with you an IP phone or laptop with Soft Phone installed (software IP phone), you connect to your PBX with your internal number as if you were in your office.
  • Using corporate voicemail (Voicemail). If there is a need to install a voice mail system in the PBX, it can be installed on the “head” PBX for use by all stations located in your corporate network.
      Everything described above is only a small part of the benefits of using Corporate telephone networks.

    Sometimes there is a need to transit several automatic telephone exchanges through the head office station with conversion (conversion) of interfaces. That is, in buildings with a large number of tenants or in administrative buildings, where each organization or division already has its own communication equipment and there is no possibility of receiving additional connecting channels from the GTS, there is a need to install a “Head” PBX with the ability to carry out transit with transformation. This solution is applicable when digital interfaces (PRI, BRI, VoIP) are included in the operator’s network; in this case, call routing is possible.

  • A subscriber of any PBX connected to the “head” station just needs to dial a landline number, the rest (routing and conversion) will be performed by the main node.

The diagrams show examples of already applied and proven solutions for building corporate telephone networks.

Corporate IP telephony

It is beneficial to use IP telephony in a company. And that's why:
- IP telephony is the ability to use excellent quality voice communications between branches and representative offices of one company;
- IP telephony is a real chance to reduce costs for Web server users when using voice communications between company employees.

Coordination of a corporate network is greatly simplified by combining information transmission networks and a telephony complex. At the same time, the level of costs associated with operation is reduced, and, accordingly, the total cost of ownership is reduced. The benefits of combining data and telephony networks become obvious when using the capabilities of new proposals that can radically change this technology. All of them use stencil industrial architectures that make it possible to implement solutions from a range of manufacturers. The main component of the integrated product is the IP protocol - an information protocol that acts as a universal independent transport. This protocol enables network connections throughout the world.

Let's look at an illustrative example:
The main office of the company is located in Moscow. Branches are located in Murmansk and Kazan. There is no office in Kazan telephone exchange, employees use city telephone lines. Both offices are equipped with Internet access or connected by dedicated lines. The management's task is to significantly reduce the costs associated with long-distance and international calls. This task is standard, and therefore its solution will become universal advice for all companies interested in this issue. To implement this plan, it is necessary to install a telephony gateway in each office and connect it to a telephone exchange related to this office. This will make it possible to talk with colleagues from other representative offices using any office telephone completely free of charge. It will also be possible to carry out long-distance telephone conversations from a regular landline phone using corporate servers. This implies the presence the whole system passwords designed to regulate access to the city and other types of access.

Let's talk about the mechanism for saving on calls with subscribers from other cities and countries, since this problem worries the heads of many companies. Savings are possible when transmitting voice traffic via WAN - a global data network. An obvious cost reduction occurs when coordination functions are combined by all connections intended to access the Network, connecting international and local calls through a unitary voice gateway or router. Companies are also concerned about the issue of accelerated reimbursement of basic costs associated with the purchase and maintenance of equipment. It is obvious that information transmission technologies are developing at a pace that the process of improving telephone exchanges cannot keep up with. In the network industry, a product “lives” for about 1.5 years. At the same time, there is a constant reduction in prices for the necessary network hardware. Based on this, IP telephony will follow the development path characteristic of such equipment. That is, there will be a gradual reduction in prices, an increase in functionality through the introduction of the latest technologies and the consolidation of products into high level. Therefore, we can expect an overall reduction in the costs associated with IP telephony systems. The same cannot be said about conventional telephony systems.

And therefore in Russian Federation There is a continuous development of corporate IP telephony. Today there are three ways to use its capabilities.

The first is related to the use of provider IP telephony:
- in the form of an agreement with the operator working with cards. In this case, to make a call to another city, you must first dial the operator’s number, then the identification number, then the card PIN code. And after performing the above operations - enter the number of the called subscriber;
- a more popular option: changing the settings of the telephone exchange of a given institution (PBX) in such a way that calls to other cities and countries are sent in the form of IP packets to the IP communication operator through an information transmission channel (that is, through the so-called “output number” on intercity route").

The second method is the use of a corporate information transmission network by companies whose structure consists of offices located in different geographical locations for the interchange of voice traffic. To do this, you need to connect IP gateways to the office PBX in places of presence and define routing rules. This approach to IP telephony allows “geographically” developed companies to reduce costs associated with paying bills for telephone conversations. But this method has a small disadvantage. Intercity and international phone calls, addressed to places where the company does not have a presence, are usually sent to the IP telephony operator.
The last, third, method allows you to use the capabilities of IP telephony more widely than the others presented here. It consists of building a unified enterprise-scale IP network with functions for transmitting voice and other data (for example, video, text information). This option It is not only profitable, but also promising. The undeniable convenience of this method is that the company receives a digital telephone exchange (network) with uniform numbering and a unified control center. The company also receives a large number additional services. For example:
1. hold incoming calls and transfer them to other numbers;
2. the telephone directory of this company, which the user can view using the IP phone screen. It is located on the corporate LDAP server;
3. personal call management system (personal call management) allows you to coordinate your phone using the Web interface: forward calls to other phone numbers (another work, home or mobile) if the called subscriber cannot answer due to his absence from the workplace ;
4. unified messaging systems (unified messaging systems) send electronic or voice messages and faxes to the general Mailbox, which can be used by phone or via email, as well as via a Web browser.
5. The company’s IP phone can perform the function of a personal device, which has its own number and settings selected by the user whose name and password were entered.

This method is based on combining two networks - corporate and data transmission - into one. This saves money spent on supporting these systems and on their Maintenance, work efficiency increases and the “conflict” between IT and telephony support disappears, while at the same time the degree of their coordination increases.

When company management is faced with the question of implementing an IP-PBX level system, they are also concerned about the issue of economic efficiency and feasibility. To evaluate effectiveness, you need to take some points into account. No one doubts that corporate network infrastructure is necessary and important. Therefore, investing in the introduction of IP telephony into the work processes of an enterprise should be classified as mandatory. Why? Because companies that have an information transmission network will see a lot of positive aspects. Thus, it will be possible to abandon a number of serviced systems - technological, telephone, fire, network, security and others. That is, the costs associated with the implementation of IP telephony are the costs of all of the listed systems simultaneously. Therefore, the economic feasibility is obvious: this is the modernization of the IP infrastructure, on the one hand, and the minimization of operating costs, as well as increasing employee productivity, on the other.

Thus, the introduction of IP telephony is profitable and effective, and is also necessary for companies interested in the long-term existence of their business and competitiveness.

If we talk about the specific capabilities of business IP telephony, then it is worth highlighting the opportunity:
- holding conference calls and meetings with absolutely any number of participants;
- creating group or individual alerts;
- design of broadcast announcements;
- notifications about the user status (for example, “busy”, “unavailable”, “online”, etc.) of subscribers or other users using “Presence” technology;
- taking advantage of the fact that an IP phone can determine “fate” incoming call: for example, forwarding an incoming call to voicemail or home phone(usually depending on the time of the last outgoing call);
- support the exchange of “instant” messages appearing on the screen of an IP phone using the “Instant Messaging” program.

There are a lot of advantages from using IP telephony products (IP-PBX). Thus, the design of a unified network infrastructure for a company makes it possible to minimize costs (compared to the costs that are necessary to optimize the operation of infrastructures that can be replaced by IP telephony), implement different ways IP communications available today, as well as emerging ones. By the way, some of them cannot be implemented using established approaches: for example, Instant Messaging technology or corporate notification systems.

Employees will appreciate the lack of attachment to telephone channels, as well as the extreme ease of making adjustments to the operation of the corporate IP network. These factors affect the improvement of labor productivity of individual workers and the enterprise as a whole. Business mobility increases, as it becomes easier to monitor work groups and the stages of completing assigned tasks. This is achieved by combining IP products with CRM or ERP systems designed to improve the level of corporate governance.

The main advantage is the possibility of practical unification corporate systems management and information with multimedia communication systems: from group notifications (including voice reminders) and standardized messages to changing the entity of the company in the contact center (customer appeal management center). This center is a link in the CRM system, characterized by the ability to record, process and save in a single database all personal contacts, telephone calls, emails and faxes, that is full history relationships with certain clients. In this case, each employee of the enterprise plays the role of an operator involved in one of the groups.

It is also important that each employee of the company, regardless of his location (another office, foreign representative office), can receive the necessary set of information and services (including voice) if he has an IP channel with a good throughput by organizing a connection to the corporate network via a VPN channel.

The main advantage that becomes real when introducing IP telephony is tangible savings on calls to cities and countries noted on geographical map a sign of the company's presence.

As is known, to good people get used to it quickly. Users of corporate telephone networks are no exception to this rule. Initially, corporate PBXs could only provide call switching between internal subscribers and cost savings on renting external telephone lines. Manufacturers gradually increased the capabilities of their stations, providing users with access to new functions. The emergence of technologies for computer-telephone interaction, and subsequently integration with data networks, opened up access to a completely different class of telephone service. This direction was named "unified communications" and turned out to be in good demand among corporate subscribers.
Often, telephone system equipment manufacturers and their partners spend a lot of effort to inform the consumer about the many features that are available to subscribers in the proposed solution. But in fairness, it is worth noting that the set of functionality of different station models is almost the same, despite the differences in marketing positioning. According to Ilya Fedorushkin, business development manager for the area Unified Communications Cisco, large manufacturers invest in consumer demand market research and analysis of its changes, obtaining approximately the same results, since they are researching the same market segment. Other companies, without a sufficient budget, usually begin to copy these new products. Therefore, the market has developed a certain balance of requirements for modern telephone systems and manufacturers’ proposals.
Separately, from the entire extensive list of such requirements, it is worth highlighting the possibility of integrating all geographically dispersed branches and divisions into a single switching space. At the same time, all employees must be given the opportunity to receive homogeneous communication services. The need to implement this requirement largely determines the architecture of building a modern enterprise telephone infrastructure. Corporate customers also expect a real reduction in maintenance costs from modern switching systems.
One of the main challenges faced when building a company's converged telephone system that includes legacy exchanges is overcoming the differences in architecture between traditional and IP PBXs. In the first case, these are switches for one type of traffic, designed as a specialized and centralized solution. In another case, this distributed system, capable of handling various types of traffic. At the same time, the functionality of telephone communication is often not the main one in the operation of devices included in such a system.
Therefore, the dominant option for integrating traditional and IP telephony into unified system communications of a modern enterprise, allowing to preserve legacy equipment and provide subscribers with access to new functionality was the installation of gateways. With their help, the conversion of voice and signaling protocols is ensured, and the possibility of unity of control is also supported.

Corporate IP telephony solutions and their manufacturers

To participate in the review, we selected proposals from manufacturers whose solutions were initially focused on creating converged telephone systems capable of providing communications to thousands and tens of thousands of corporate subscribers. The emergence of new technologies and changes in the global economic situation have led to a noticeable redistribution of this market segment, even compared to the early 2000s. The former leaders have lost their advantage, as the poet said, there are no others, and those are far away. But the vacated “clearing” was not occupied by a new generation of players. Today, solutions for creating distributed and large-scale corporate telephone systems are offered by only four companies - Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya, Cisco and Siemens. Other manufacturers see small and medium-sized businesses as their target market.

Enterprise Telephony Solutions Alcatel-Lucent are based on the developments of the French component of this company. Product OmniPCX Enterprise is a fairly flexible solution on the basis of which you can create a fully functional telephone system for enterprises of various sizes. The number of subscribers for one station varies from 5 to 15,000 people; a network of such stations can provide communications to up to 100 thousand users. If necessary, these stations can be combined into a “supernet”, ready to serve up to 1 million subscribers.
The OmniPCX Enterprise station is built on a modular principle, which allows you to flexibly increase subscriber capacity and expand the available functionality. This option can be useful as the company grows, ensuring rational use of investments.
This solution is based on the OmniPCX 4400 telephone exchange, which has been in production for a long time and is widely used. New option station is a “real” IP PBX, in which the core of the system is entirely based on the IP and VoIP protocol stack. The OmniPCX Enterprise architecture consists of a fairly limited set of components, which allows you to create solutions with a high degree of unification. The main element of OmniPCX Enterprise is the Communication Server, which performs all functions for call routing and station management. It is worth noting that this server works under operating room control Linux systems, which facilitates the introduction of new hardware platforms. The software is downloaded to HDD when creating a system, and the functionality of the station is determined by a set of open licenses.
Media Gateway is used to integrate the station with legacy telephone solutions and to connect analog terminal equipment. It allows you to maintain connections to city networks via analogue lines and ISDN channels. It also provides DECT base stations and digital telephones that do not support the IP protocol.
Both core elements of OmniPCX Enterprise are available in two design options: for placement in a typical equipment cabinet and in the rack previously used for the 4400 station.
Among the functionality of OmniPCX Enterprise, it is worth noting support for a wide range of telephone protocols, including SIP. To unite stations into a single corporate network, channels of various types can be used, such as IP, ATM, Frame Relay, PSTN, ISDN or leased lines. For interstation communication, the proprietary ABC-F protocol is used, and Q.SIG can also be used. This diversity makes it possible to integrate into single network not only legacy equipment from Alcatel-Lucent, but also from other manufacturers.
The solution supports centralized voicemail, allows you to create a contact center (with up to 5 thousand operators) and works with Unified Communications applications. Last chance can be implemented using the OmniTouch 8600 My Instant Communicator solution.

Last year Avaya company presented a new architecture for organizing corporate communications. The main idea of ​​this architecture called Aura, is the separation of the corporate application layer from the telecommunications infrastructure, the call switching layer. It is based on the use of a corporate network management middleware built on top of a SIP router and installed on top of the existing telephony infrastructure.
The key element of Avaya Aura is the connection software solutions Aura Session Manager and Aura System Manager. The first element of this tandem, Session Manager, is a session management server and is also responsible for registering subscribers and linking existing services to user profiles. The tasks of this server include managing bandwidth, supporting a unified numbering plan, and routing calls according to specified rules. A special feature of Session Manager is that the call is divided into phases, allowing you to take into account the services available to the call initiator and the called subscriber. To others necessary element Avaya Aura is an integrated System Manager management solution. It allows you to administer your entire phone system as a single platform.
Currently, the Aura architecture is capable of supporting up to 25 thousand nodes in the network and 250 thousand subscribers, serving up to 750 thousand calls per hour. In addition to Avaya communications equipment, this SIP solution integrates directly with third-party phone systems. Gateways can be used to connect any PBX, allowing legacy equipment to be integrated with Avaya Aura. Avaya Aura is available as one of three software packages, pre-installed on the server (Branch, Standard, Enterprise) and licensed by the number of subscribers.
Avaya offers Communication Manager as a telephony infrastructure solution for building a large enterprise telephone system. This product is now released in version 5.2 and is essentially an IP implementation of the Definity telephone exchange. Communication Manager provides centralized call control across a wide-area network and a high degree of resiliency. Wide range of servers, gateways and subscriber devices supported different types: analog, digital and IP.
Having received as a result of the bankruptcy of the company Nortel, its corporate division, Avaya has added telephone systems to its product line Communication Server 1000 and Communication Server 2100. These stations are scalable IP-PBXs designed for use in large enterprise networks. The older model is capable of supporting up to 500 thousand SIP subscribers, almost up to 100 thousand contact center agents, providing processing of 120 thousand simultaneous calls and over 2.4 million calls to the CNN. The characteristics of the other model are smaller, but also impressive. This solution is available in three versions, capable of providing communications to up to 22.5 thousand subscribers. One of these options is specifically focused on providing Unified Communications services.

Unlike other manufacturers, Cisco company created its own telephone solutions from scratch, focusing exclusively on the capabilities of the IP protocol. This company was not weighed down by the burden of legacy stations and a huge fleet of equipment installed at customers.
Today Cisco offers the eighth version of the solution for large companies Unified Communications System, which focuses on further development functionality. IN new version It is worth noting the emergence of the Intercompany Media Engine system, which allows communication between different companies over an IP network with a given level of security. This feature is useful for simplifying communications between employees of partner companies. The new version also ensures the implementation of a unified communications system in a virtual environment, which can be physically distributed between the company’s own data center and providers providing cloud services.
The Unified Communications System architectural solution includes a network infrastructure, a communications management system (Unified Communications Manager), which provides call processing, support for video communications, mobility services and subscriber presence monitoring. The solution also includes a variety of IP phones and a number of applications that directly provide unified communications.
The Unified Communications Manager system is available in two versions, based on the Cisco UCS B200 M1 blade server and UCS C210 M1 for placement in a hardware rack. Using this solution, you can manage 7,500 IP phones. The solution supports combining up to eight servers into a cluster, while the number of subscribers served increases to 30 thousand. The load in the CHN for a single server can reach up to 100 thousand calls, with a cluster organization - up to 250 thousand calls. The company offers a wide range of gateways to integrate with legacy telephony infrastructure.

Despite its rather rapid metamorphoses in the field of telecommunications, Siemens company remained in the corporate telephone systems market. Currently, a system is offered for large customers HiPath 4000, which is positioned as a new generation of real-time IP communications platforms. Based on HiPath 4000, converged corporate networks can be created serving from 300 to 100,000 users. The platform supports a large number of different communication protocols, including SIP protocol. This decision is built on a modular principle, which facilitates the deployment of distributed telecommunications infrastructure across company branches.
The central control element of the system is the communication server, which is based on a standard server platform in a fault-tolerant configuration. Another element of the station are remote modules (in the company's terminology - access points) AP 3700, which are designed for placement in a standard hardware rack and are used for installing subscriber and line cards with various types of interfaces. The station may also include an HG 3500 IP gateway, used for voice communication over IP networks. Additionally, the company offers the new HiPath 4000 SoftGate application, which provides programmatic method organizing communications in branches running HiPath 4000 using standard server platforms x86.
Currently, the station is capable of supporting up to 98 access points, of which 15 can directly connect to the switching server. Instead of some access points, the SoftGate application can be used as part of the solution. In these configurations, the HiPath 4000 communication server supports up to 12,000 users.
Much attention in the station architecture is paid to issues of fault tolerance, including that each access point can optionally be equipped with a control device known as a fault tolerance module. In this case, if the central switching server is unavailable, management can be carried out locally.
Historically, the HiPath 4000 system originates from telephone exchanges of the ISDN standard, so the new solution supports the possibility of using this standard along with the protocols of the IP stack. To create a network of stations, the proprietary CorNet NQ protocol is used, compatible with the international Q.SIG protocol for managing calls on a corporate telephone network.
For a smooth migration from legacy systems towards IP-PBX, the manufacturer offers a special Easy program Conversion, which allows you to upgrade Hicom 300 systems and HiPath 4000 systems of older versions.

As can be seen from the review, not many manufacturers today are ready to offer a full-fledged solution for building a converged telephone system for a large enterprise with several thousand employees. However, the situation is quite understandable - the implementation of such projects requires serious expenditures in research and development. And this is the lot of the few.

Key Features of IP PBX

Model Number of subscribers Number of subscribers in the network
OmniPCX Enterprise / Alcatel-Lucent Up to 15000 Up to 100,000. In a special configuration up to 1 million.
Avaya Aura/Avaya Up to 18000 Up to 250000
Communication Server 1000/Avaya Up to 22500 unlimited
Communication Server 2100 / Avaya Up to 500000 unlimited
Unified Communications System/Cisco Up to 7500 Up to 30000
HiPath 4000 / Siemens Up to 12000 Up to 100000

For corporate clients, which represent an extensive network of retail stores, the problem of combining divisions of their own telephone PBX often arises. Each store requires 1-2 telephone lines, which involve up to 4 subscribers. The central office may have 35-60 subscribers using up to 20 lines.

The use of D-Link DVG-5402SP gateways at a low cost can provide telephone installation for stores. The capabilities of gateways create a developed infrastructure for each branch network object. In this case it will be executed VPN connection each object to the central office. In parallel, up to 4 computers and a similar number of internal telephones can be included in the created network.

Installing an additional gateway or IP phone will solve the problem of connecting more subscribers in the branch, if such a need arises. At the same time, city lines installed in branches are not connected to the system. You can even refuse them completely by contacting third-party organizations directly through the office. If you need access to a long-distance network, the IP telephony operator will offer low tariffs.

Corporate telephone service

Most large companies require their own business telephone service. It is created on the basis of VoIP technology, providing the client with wide functionality. Also, when creating it, open software server Asterisk.

When creating a corporate connection Special attention is focused on ensuring uniform numbering for all branches and divisions located even in different cities. An important advantage of creating a corporate telephone network based on modern technologies is the low cost of services compared to traditional methods.

Each division of a large company creates a full-fledged telephony system. All users of the corporate network will receive the click-2-call function in the form of an electronic phone book that does not require the use of information on paper.

Corporate call centers

Most companies sell directly over the phone, when managers communicate with customers. This approach is not effective, since there is no quality control system for processing incoming calls.

For this reason, successful companies resort to creating corporate call centers. Their presence allows you to effectively distribute calls coming into the organization between competent services and employees. Not a single potential client will be left without the attention of the company’s specialists.

Wireless dect telephony

The technology for creating a DECT wireless network has been on the market for a long time, having proven itself positively among most users. Modern IP-DECT provides the ability to deploy wireless telephony. The complex spatial configuration of the system will allow telephone communication to be carried out even to the most inconvenient points of the company, regardless of its size.

Own virtual network

Having a developed branch network requires creating your own virtual network. The standard version of such a network intended for information exchange will cost a large sum. Using Mikrotik routers does not reduce functionality created networks, significantly reducing financial costs.

The basis of the corporate network is the TrixBox digital PBX server. It integrates the functionality inherent in a standard PBX with additional capabilities, allowing the use of analog telephone systems and IP telephony technological solutions.

Corporate PBX can provide telephone communications to a network of offices located in different cities.

Successful companies value the speed and uninterrupted work of employees. Reasonable and effective organization of the labor process can increase productivity significantly. This is why telephone communication within the company is very important. This is what is used for Office PBX.

Corporate PBX, high-quality telephony

Connecting a large company to telephone services may require installing a corporate PBX at the provider's office or at the subscriber's company office.

What is a corporate PBX?

Office PBX- this is the same telephone exchange as those operated by operators, but it is much smaller and is designed for a couple of hundred numbers. Thanks to it, you do not have to register each internal telephone with the operator. This will not only reduce paperwork, but will also reduce bills for all devices that are paid separately.

Also, a mini-PBX for your office differs from a large one in that the network is divided into internal and external. Depending on the type of system, you can expect;

  • digital stream;
  • analog lines;
  • switched networks.

This entire system can be controlled using a computer and a program installed on it. The initial settings will be made and tested by our company employees. So organized corporate PBX can function in different environments, which include:

Choose the most convenient form and the “living environment” of the automatic telephone exchange can be created by the customer himself, depending on his capabilities, needs and desires.

Office telephone exchange.

Deciding to install PBX in the office, please note that you will receive a number of benefits and additional features. Immediately after receiving the service you can count on:

  • Savings on telephone communications;
  • Uninterrupted and reliable internal and external network;
  • A large number of additional services;
  • Intelligent systems, handling subscriber calls for the purpose of distribution among operators and much more.

PBX for office is multifunctional and useful to everyone, as it can do almost everything you want. For example, you can:

  • Record conversations;
  • Determine the number of the person calling;
  • Send a real number or a number shown on the display - a dedicated company number and much more.

It all depends on what set of functions you want. The system really allows you to roam around in your desires and capabilities.

Why us?

Having assessed the advantages of a small automatic telephone exchange and decided to purchase it, every reasonable person will look for the best value for money. Stop! You still found it.

PBX for office from our company - this is the fastest and quality service, which you can only find. We have all the necessary licenses to provide qualified work and excellent equipment.

We will help you choose the most convenient package of functions that is ideal for arranging your office. He will solve all the necessary problems. We are honest with our clients, so we organize the set that you need, and not the one that we want to sell.

If you have any questions about the equipment or its operation, we will always be there, as technical support works around the clock. Trust us to equip your office with an automatic telephone exchange, and we will definitely not let you down!

Our services and prices

More about services

Corporate telephony unites offices! The Versiya company specializes in providing digital telephone services to corporate users. Services are connected throughout Moscow. Most organizations are faced with the problem of installing telephones in office premises. This problem does not depend on whether the office is purchased or leased. In a room that is not equipped with communication means, to successfully conduct business, it is first necessary to install a telephone. The phone is connected via optical communication channels, copper pairs and the Internet.

By technology - via E1 channel, analog ports and IP. Depending on the location of your office, you will be selected the most the best way. If necessary, an office PBX will be installed for you. The Versiya telecommunications company owns its own telephone numbering resource allocated by the Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz).

Consolidating offices, if there are several of them, into a single telephone network is a logical solution, and currently the location of offices in different parts of the country or the world is not an obstacle to creating a single telephone space with its own internal numbering and external exits in the cities where the offices are located (connection to a local telephone operator is required), calls from anywhere in such a network will be local. To operate such a distributed telephone network (all offices must have an Internet connection), we have developed a PBX based on the free Asterisk code, which has no equal in both price and functionality. The functions are well described on the developer’s website We take care of the installation of the PBX and its configuration, and you get telephony that works in all parts of the world where there is Internet.

A call to us will change your understanding of the possibilities of telephone communication.

Corporate telephony, cost optimization

It’s the 21st century, and the telephone has always been and remains a connecting link between people. When organizing his business, an entrepreneur, first of all, tries to make it accessible to the masses. The main rule of success is to establish contact with the consumer. And, of course, you can’t do without telephone communication here. An increasing number of branches are involved in the process of expanding the business. Gradually, instead of the need to organize one communication channel, there is a need to create several simultaneously functioning channels for an entire group of enterprises. Great amount variety of numbers causes inconvenience, and very noticeably hits the entrepreneur’s pocket. So, if your organization has a certain number of offices scattered throughout the city, country, world, and you do not want to depend on prices for long-distance calls, then we are ready to help you organize a private telephone network. The organization of private telephone networks is the creation of a unified communication infrastructure based on a specific network, which will significantly simplify the interaction of remote client objects. In this case, all telephones of the private network will have a single numbering (from 3 digits), as if they were connected to the same private branch exchange (PBX). Anyone can use a simple, easy-to-remember number to contact any office of your company (regardless of its location) and receive all the information they are interested in in full. This service not only allows you to provide the necessary technical basis for interaction between employees and outside world, but also has an optimal price-quality ratio. The cost of a call over the internal telephone network is tens of times lower than using the services of long-distance operators, and in most cases it is free.

Why office PBX from canmos?

Advantages of our office PBX

  • Creates virtual PBX without restrictions.
  • Tasks solved thanks to corporate PBX:

    • Connecting all buildings located on the territory of the enterprise, thereby providing all employees with the opportunity effective use city ​​and internal communications;
    • Creation of one or two call reception and distribution centers (secretariat, control room, sales and service departments);
    • Organizing effective interaction between employees, clients and business partners by minimizing unanswered calls (unanswered calls);
    • Providing the opportunity for several employees to work with one city number, establishing a system of priorities and prohibitions, for example, such as access to the city, intercity, international communications;
    • Refusal of extra lines or purchase of additional ones, in connection with which a preliminary assessment of the possible intensity of calls (incoming/outgoing traffic) is carried out;
    • Installation and configuration of a tariff program to account for telephone conversations.
    • It is worth noting the fact that the private network is logically separated from public networks, that is, the client’s traffic is completely protected from unauthorized access from the outside. Users can be both large companies with an extensive network of branches in different cities, and small companies that have several offices within the same city. Taking into account the development prospects of your enterprise, a private telephone network will ensure interaction between departments and communication with clients at a fundamentally new level.

Quick PBX connection for the office

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