Converting from pdf to excel. From PDF to Excel - conversion instructions

Designed for storing electronic documentation. Files saved in this format can be opened on any computer, regardless of the installed operating system. But to edit data, you need to export the entire PDF document or part of it to Excel. After working with the data, the opposite task arises - converting Excel to PDF.

There are many converters that allow you to convert PDF files to (), while maintaining the structure of the original document. Working with converters usually does not cause difficulties even for an untrained user. Export is completed in three steps. Required:

  1. Indicate to the converter the path to the selected document.
  2. Set up functions for processing text, images, tables.
  3. Select final format.

The converter will do the rest automatically.

Conversion using Adobe Acrobat XI

Launch the application and open the selected document in it. On the "Tools" tab, select the "Edit Content" menu and select "Export File". From the proposed options, select the line “Export file to workbook Microsoft Excel».

In the dialog box that opens, specify the file name and folder to save it. At the bottom there is a “Settings” button, by clicking on which you can set Extra options export. By default, all data will be placed on one sheet. If necessary, check the “Create separate sheet for each page."

If you need to export only certain parts of the source, copying the data of interest and pasting it directly into the Excel workbook will save a lot of time.

Solid Converter PDF

Excel Converter offers three export options:

  1. "Authentic" - saves pages, restores text formatting and graphic elements.
  2. "Sequential" - determines the layout of the text, and .
  3. "Realistic" - applies Word function“Inscriptions” for exact reproduction of the source.

If you select Trusted or Sequential mode, enable the “Define Tables” option to ensure that they are displayed correctly after export.

To export to .xls, open the converter and select “Open PDF” from the “File” menu. Click on the "Extract tables to Excel file" function. Configure the converter settings.

The document will be converted and opened automatically. The converter can also be used for the reverse operation - Excel conversion to PDF.

Online services for PDF conversion

The main disadvantage of the considered programs is their high price. To convert PDF to .xls format for free, you can use one of the online services, such as Nitro Cloud or FreePDFConvert.

Upload the file to the converter site and indicate your address Email. The export will begin, which, depending on the amount of data and the selected service, can last up to 30 minutes. The result will be sent to the specified address.

Download the resulting document and open it in Excel. In some cases, tables will have to be edited manually, since their format may be broken during export. By using the services of an online converter, after processing the data, you can convert Excel to PDF again.

Almost all online converters have limits on the number of free exports. If you plan to use the service often, it is better to register on the selected site and subscribe to its paid services.

In a programme Microsoft Office Excel users can work with spreadsheets. They are a grid of cells that contain information. In addition to being able to fill out an Excel workbook, you can perform various mathematical operations, create visual diagrams and insert other elements. The program also works with data from other sources and databases, and the user can save the result in one of several popular formats.

We are considering various options file conversion

Saving an Excel file to PDF is most often used in two cases - when a document needs to be transferred:

  • To the printing house for printing;
  • To another user - information must be provided in more detail in simple form, and the file must not be editable.

In addition, the documents in PDF format can be opened on any computer, even if Excel of one version or another is not installed on it. Converting a document to another format can be done in several ways. These include the use of Excel capabilities - this feature first appeared in the 2010 version.

There are also opposite situations - when PDF needs to be converted to an Excel file. For example, when a colleague sends you data from a recent report or project, or you downloaded a file whose author wanted to make it easier to read or hide Excel formulas. In any case, if you need to work with the document and make changes, it will have to be converted from PDF to XLS.

The table structure in Excel is quite complex. Editable cells contain not only regular information, but also formulas, external links and graphic elements. This factor complicates the circulation of documents in the program.

To increase the likelihood that another user will be able to open and read your document, you can convert it to PDF. This is also convenient when you need to hide from outsiders the formulas by which certain indicators in the cells of the book were calculated. Before you send a file by mail or post it on general access, convert to PDF using one of the following methods:

  1. Using functions built into Excel;
  2. Through the official add-on from Microsoft;
  3. Using online services;
  4. In the downloaded program.

The document in PDF format that you receive using any of the methods will have a consistent structure. It can be opened on any device, including mobile, and cannot be edited by the reader. This file does not contain links to third party resources and calculation formulas.

How to convert Excel to PDF in the editor itself

To use this method you do not have to search third party services- online or downloadable. Everything is done in Excel:

  1. Select the table cells you want to convert to PDF, or proceed to the next steps if you want to convert the entire sheet (note that you can change the document back - it's not that easy, but the entire structure will be preserved);
  2. Click "File";
  3. Select "Export";
  4. In Excel 2010, click “Save As”; in newer versions, first specify the location and name;
  5. Select PDF from the list of formats;
  6. In order to configure the future document, click “Options” - you can set the range of pages that will be converted, select only specific cells, the active sheet or the entire workbook;
  7. Select optimization method - for small files“Standard” is suitable, while for large ones you will have to change the parameters;
  8. Name the file and save it - it will immediately open by default;
  9. If the document does not open, your computer may not support PDF reading- install a suitable program and check if everything loaded correctly;
  10. If you need to make changes, make them in the source Excel document, and then convert it again.

When saving, you can set additional parameters

How to convert Excel to PDF using the official editor add-in

This method is suitable for cases where Excel does not allow conversion, since installed version there is no such possibility. You can bypass the limitation by installing a special add-on (plugin) called “Save as PDF and XPS”. You can download the functionality from the official Microsoft website - it's free.

For the translation itself you need:

  1. After installing the plugin, the “Create PDF/XPS” field will appear in the Excel main menu in the “Save” section - select the PDF format and name the document;
  2. Save this file to the desired directory on your computer.

To make it more convenient to work with the function, use the options for selecting cells or saving an entire page or sheet, which are described in the previous method.

Depending on the version of Office, menu items may differ slightly

How to convert Excel to PDF using online services

exists on the Internet a large number of converters that allow you to convert XLS to PDF in a few clicks. Most of them do it for free or offer the user a demo mode. To convert you usually need:

  1. Upload the document to the service system;
  2. Select the format into which the document will be translated, if several are available;
  3. Start conversion;
  4. Download the PDF file to your computer.

All services have similar functionality, but it is recommended to choose trusted ones so that viruses do not get onto your computer. However, this method is not recommended if it is possible to convert directly to Excel. It's more difficult and longer, and some services give limited opportunities or are asked to pay for the conversion.

One of many examples of online tools

How to convert Excel to PDF using third-party, downloadable programs

Like online services, such programs allow you to make conversions without using Excel functionality. This is necessary in cases where the editor version does not allow you to perform the process in it. The programs work on the principle virtual printer- they accept your file “for printing”, but instead of issuing a paper document, they save it in another directory. However, during the process you can change the format, including from XLS to PDF.

One of best programs for transformation outside of Excel - Universal Converter Documents. It adds several functions in the form of hot keys to the editor's main menu to make it easier to save a file in a different format. By installing the Universal Converter, you can convert an Excel document to PDF in a couple of clicks:

  1. Go to the Converter toolbar:
  2. Select “Convert to PDF”;
  3. Specify the name and location of the file, save.

This method, as in the case of online services, is recommended for those versions of Excel in which it is impossible to perform conversion using the built-in functions.

Universal Document Converter is built into the program

How to fit an entire Excel sheet onto one PDF page

If you need to make one sheet of an Excel book occupy one page in PDF and still be displayed correctly:

  1. Open “Page Layout” in Excel, click on the arrow that opens additional options(icon in the lower right corner of the “Page Settings” area);
  2. Activate the “Place no more than on” item and specify the number of pages equal to one;
  3. Click “OK”, print the file to PDF using the functions of Excel, an additional plugin or the Universal Document Converter.

Fitting a document to the sheet format is very easy

How to Bulk Convert Excel Files to PDF

If you regularly create a large number of XLS documents that need to be converted to PDF, this can be done using the automatic function. It will do the job faster, and you won't have to do all the steps manually.

This feature is available in the Universal Document Converter. To activate it you need to make the following settings:

  1. When saving a document, select a program from among the printers;
  2. Click “Change settings”;
  3. In the parameters of the final document, specify the PDF format;
  4. To start batch conversion, click “Start”;
  5. The current and subsequent documents will be stored in in the right form- this can be canceled in the same settings.

You can also use the downloadable Folder program Mill, which can work with a large number of files various formats, coming from external sources. It was created in order to simplify the work of company employees who had to convert everything manually. Use Folder Mill - in the settings, specify that the files are converted to PDF, after which the automatic conversion will begin.

The application is relevant for a large number of converted documents

How to protect the received PDF file with a password

Protection against access without the appropriate code is needed to prevent third parties from reading the file. The easiest way to do this is to also use the Universal Document Converter. To activate protection you need:

  1. Open the required document in XLS format in Excel;
  2. Click “Print”, select Universal Converter as a printer and select “Properties”;
  3. Configure the function so that the output document is in PDF - this is done in “File format”;
  4. In the "PDF Standard" area, select "Password Protect" and enter secret code;
  5. If you later need to add pages to a password-protected document, do not change the secret code itself (if the file did not initially have protection, do not install it on new pages);
  6. Click “OK” and print the Excel document as PDF using the Converter.

How to convert PDF to Excel

The opposite situations when you need to convert PDF to Excel happen if you were sent a file whose author did not take into account that you would want to edit it. In addition, PDF documents are often the only available format when downloading various company pricing tables. They are designed to ensure that the file will be available on any system, even if Excel is not on the device.

Unlike the initial conversion of an Excel table into a PDF document, the reverse procedure is more complex. However, it can also be done in the editor - for this you will have to use one of two options:

  1. The "Text by Columns" function in Microsoft Office Excel (you will also need Acrobat Reader);
  2. Online converter;
  3. Downloadable conversion program.

How to Convert PDF to Excel Using Text by Columns Option

The popular Adobe viewer provides this opportunity.

This method does not require downloading special programs or using online services - Acrobat Reader, which is available on almost every computer, is enough. To convert you need:

  1. Open PDF in Acrobat Reader;
  2. Save as plain text using “File” - “Save to others” - “Text” (or “File” - “Save as” - “File type” - “Text file”);
  3. Specify the name and save directory, click “Save”;
  4. Next, open Text Document and transfer files from it to new file Excel - paste into cell A1;
  5. Use the function for automatic distribution - “Data” - “Working with data” - “Text by columns”;
  6. The “Text Wizard” window will open, where in the “Source Data Format” section you need to select “Delimited”, then “Next”;
  7. Set a space as a separator character, remove the remaining marks;
  8. Specify any column in the “Data Parsing Sample”, select “Text” in the “Column Data Format”;
  9. Repeat the previous steps for each column in the samples;
  10. Click “Finish” to complete the procedure - the data from the PDF will be organized in Excel into columns.

The sequence of operations consists of several stages

How to convert PDF to Excel using online services

There are many programs on the Internet for converting XLS to PDF. Unlike the reverse action, with such a conversion it is usually easier to use the service. Typically the procedure goes like this:

  1. Upload the PDF to the conversion system (to get best result, use files that preserve the table structure);
  2. Select the required format and start converting;
  3. When the process is complete, download the resulting document.

Many programs have a limit on the amount of data or the number of files that they offer to remove after receiving paid access. Some services require you to enter mailing address to send the file to it. Most likely, you will have to bring the table to the desired form, since services rarely cope with formatting - especially complex documents. However, they do the bulk of the work and only require a few clicks to initiate the conversion.

Example of an online conversion service

How to convert PDF to Excel using a downloadable program

There are a large number of converters that you can download for use. Usually the most effective ones are paid ones. They are worth buying if you have to work with a large number of documents. Typically the process goes something like this:

  1. You open the required PDF file or call for it context menu by location;
  2. Select the conversion function, final format, name and directory;
  3. Performing the conversion.

Bottom line

PDF documents are very popular because they can be opened on any computer. Converting XLS to PDF is needed to make it easier to launch on different devices, make it easier to read and prevent editing and viewing table cell properties. The reverse conversion is needed to work with table data in the Excel interface.

PDF is one of the most popular reading formats today. But, it is not very convenient to work with data in this format. Translating it into more convenient formats intended for data editing is not so easy. Often, when using various conversion tools, information is lost when translating from one format to another, or it is not displayed correctly in the new document. Let's look at how you can convert PDF files to formats supported by Microsoft Excel.

It should be immediately noted that Microsoft Excel does not have built-in tools with which one could convert PDF to other formats. Moreover, this program won't even be able to open the PDF file.

Of the main methods by which PDF to Excel is converted, the following options should be highlighted:

  • conversion using special applications for conversion;
  • conversion using PDF reading applications;
  • use of online services.

We'll talk about these options below.

Convert using PDF reader apps

One of the most popular programs for reading PDF files is an application. Using its tools, you can complete part of the procedure for converting PDF to Excel. Second half this process will need to be done in Microsoft Excel itself.

Open the PDF file in Acrobat Reader. If this program is installed by default to view PDF files, then this can be done by simply clicking on the file. If the program is not installed by default, you can use the function in the menu Windows Explorer"To open with".

Also, you can run Acrobat program Reader, and in the menu of this application, go to the “File” and “Open” items.

A window will open where you need to select the file you are going to open and click on the “Open” button.

After the document is opened, you again need to click on the “File” button, but this time go to the menu items “Save as another” and “Text...”.

In the window that opens, you should select the directory where the file in txt format will be stored, and then click on the “Save” button.

At this point, you can close the Acrobat Reader program. Next, open the saved document in any text editor, for example, in standard Notepad Windows. We copy all the text, or that part of the text that we want to paste into the Excel file.

After this, launch the Microsoft Excel program. Click right click mouse on the top left cell of the sheet (A1), and in the menu that appears, select “Insert...”.

Next, by clicking on the first column of the inserted text, go to the “Data” tab. There, in the “Working with Data” tool group, click on the “Text by Columns” button. It should be noted that in this case, one of the columns containing the transferred text must be selected.

Then the Text Wizard window opens. In it, in the section called “Source Data Format” you need to make sure that the switch is in the “delimited” position. If this is not the case, then you should rearrange it in desired position. After this, click on the “Next” button.

In the list of separator characters, check the box next to the “space” item, and uncheck all other items.

In the window that opens, in the “Column Data Format” parameter block, you need to set the switch to the “Text” position. Opposite the “Place in” inscription, indicate any column of the sheet. If you don’t know how to enter his address, then simply click on the button next to the data entry form.

At the same time, the Text Wizard will collapse, and you will need to manually click on the column that you are going to specify. After this, his address will appear in the field. All you have to do is click on the button to the right of the field.

The Text Wizard opens again. In this window, all the settings have been entered, so click on the “Finish” button.

A similar operation should be done with each column that was copied from PDF document to an Excel sheet. After this, the data will be sorted. All that remains is to save them in the standard way.

Conversion using third-party programs

Convert a PDF document to Excel using third party applications, of course, much simpler. One of the most convenient programs To perform this procedure is Total PDF Converter.

To start the conversion process, launch the application. Then, on the left side, open the directory where our file is located. In the central part of the program window select required document by checking the box next to it. On the toolbar, click on the “XLS” button.

A window opens in which you can change the output folder of the finished document (by default it is the same as the original one), as well as make some other settings. But, in most cases, the default settings are quite sufficient. Therefore, click on the “Start” button.

The conversion procedure starts.

Upon completion, a window with a corresponding message opens.

Most other applications for PDF conversion in Excel formats.

Conversion through online services

To convert through online services, you do not need to download any additional software. One of the most popular such resources is Smallpdf. This service is designed to convert PDF files in various formats.

Once you have reached the section of the site where the conversion to Excel is carried out, simply drag the required PDF file from Windows Explorer into the browser window.

You can also click on “Select file”.

After this, a window will open in which you need to mark the required PDF file and click on the “Open” button.

Then, the online service converts the document, and in a new window offers to download standard tools browser file in Excel format.

After downloading, it will be available for processing in Microsoft Excel.

So, we looked at three main ways to convert PDF files to Microsoft document Excel. It should be noted that none of the described options guarantees that the data will be displayed completely correctly. In most cases, you still have to edit a new file in Microsoft Excel in order for the data to be displayed correctly and have presentable appearance. However, this is still much easier than completely transferring data from one document to another manually.

How to convert PDF to Excel, step-by-step instruction, ways.

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Sometimes documents in PDF format have to be translated into Excel. Of course, the PDF format is one of universal methods on transferring information to in electronic format. At the same time, since basically this option The document is essentially a snapshot of the content; such files cannot be edited.

Therefore, if you need to edit a file in PDF format, it is better to transfer it to Excel. However, in this case, the question arises of how to do this.

To transfer from one format to another, you can use one of the following options:

In this article you can learn more about the possibilities for converting files from PDF to Excel.

Convert to Excel using PDF readers

Programs used to read PDF files can also be used to convert to Excel. The most popular among them is the utility “ Adobe Acrobat Reader DC." The entire process of converting a file from PDF to Excel can be divided into two parts.

The first is to work with the utility itself, and the second is done in Microsoft Office Excel.

So, let's proceed to the first step of converting a file from PDF to Excel:

  • First you need to open the PDF file using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. If this utility is not installed, then you will need to download it from the official website.
  • Once the file is opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, it will need to be saved as text. To do this, click on “File”
  • From the menu that opens, select “Save as Other”.
  • Next, click on “Text”.
  • To complete the manipulations, click on “Save”. At this stage, it is recommended to independently determine where it will be saved in the new format before clicking on “Save”.

Close Adobe program Acrobat Reader DC and proceed to the next step - working with Microsoft Office Excel. Only before this you need to open the resulting text file using a notepad and highlight all the data necessary for translation into Excel format.

To do this, it is best to use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + English letter A”. To copy text to the clipboard, press “Ctrl+English letter C” at the same time. After that, open Excel and use the “Ctrl+V” keys to paste the text into the first cell.


Now you can start the main work:

  • After transferring the text to Excel, click on the first cell and open the “Data” section. He is on top line toolbars. In it you need to click on “Text by columns”. Do not forget that one of the text columns must be completely selected.
  • Next, a new system window will open in front of you. In it, select “Delimited” and click on “Next”.
  • As a separator, select “Space” or any other option that is required in accordance with your document and click on “Next” again.
  • As for the column format, it is better to leave it general.
  • Next, click “Finish”.

All this will have to be done with each column separately and correct the table manually. If in the “Column Data Format” section you need to select the “Text” item, then in the “Place in” line, indicate any column from the sheet.

To do this, just click on any cell from the sheet and its address will immediately be reflected in this field. If you are still in doubt, then you can look at the cell address in the line white, which is located on the right side of the sheet under the tools from the “Clipboard” section.

Third party utilities

If you are interested in how to convert PDF to Excel, then for these purposes you can consider another option, which will be much simpler than the previous one. In this case, you can download and install it on your PC special utility, which automatically converts from one format to another.

However, it is worth noting that most similar utilities are provided only on on a paid basis. But there are also free, pretty good options.

Considering programs for converting PDF files to Excel, we can highlight the following:

  • ABBYY PDF Transformer+.
  • Pdfexcelconverter.
  • TotalPDFConverter.
  • Smallpdf, etc.

In fact, although the programs are different, however, in any case, to work with them, you must first download them from the official website and install them on your PC. Next, to carry out the conversion, first open the file in the utility that you want to convert from PDF and start the process of converting it to Excel. Keep in mind that some programs only convert formats from one to another, which does not mean creating tables. Therefore, after everything is done, it is likely that you will need to perform some manipulations in Microsoft Office Excel to give the data the required appearance and design. Also, some of the utilities provide only a few free conversions, after which you will have to either uninstall the program or purchase a paid version.

Internet resources

Using Internet resources to translate files from PDF format Excel is another fairly simple and convenient option. In this case, you do not need to download and install anything on your PC at all. You just need to go online through your browser and find a resource specifically designed for this. And there are quite a lot of them.

Most popular resources for converting files from PDF to Excel are:

  • and others

To convert a file format from one to another, first go to the resource that provides these services. Then add required file to the site and expect it to convert. Once everything is finished, you can download the Excel document.


When wondering how to transfer PDF to Excel, as you can see, there are several ways to resolve them. The only problem is that in most cases, after converting a document from PDF to Excel, you need to edit it to put everything in order and give the data the proper appearance.

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PDF is the most popular format for electronic document management. Initially, it was created for American government. structures, but gradually gained popularity around the world.

PDF files are created by converting files from other applications (word, excel, pictures), while fonts and appearance original document. But, unfortunately, its properties are lost. For example, excel table converted to pdf can no longer use formulas and read data in cells.

In order to be able to work with the data, you will have to convert the pdf back to excel.

This can be done using special programs or services.

PDF to Excel Converter

One such service that allows you to convert PDF to Excel is

Despite the fact that the service is English language, it is easy to use, as all menus are simple and intuitive. In addition to converting to spreadsheets, the service can convert pdf to word files or images, as well as perform reverse transformations.

Let's now take a step-by-step look at the conversion process.

First, you need to go to the page, watch the video lesson - how to do everything (if the video instructions are inconvenient for you, I have made a text version of the description below):

Instructions in text format

On the website, click the “PDF to Excel” button.

On this page there is a button “+ Select files...”, it is used to select source file, which we will translate. The service gave me one transformation for free, and then it will ask me to purchase a paid account.

So, we select the file needed for conversion on our computer. After which a window appears inviting you to begin the conversion process.

In this window, click the “Start” button and, after some time, we see a plate with the results of the service. The first column displays the name and extension of the received file. Secondly, its size. In the third, the date and time of the conversion.

In the fourth we see a button for downloading the received excel file on computer. We press it and get what we needed. The last column gives you the option to delete results if you don't need them.

As I said above, the service is paid, but you can cheat. Once he lets you commit pdf conversion V excel online for free. The connection is made to the browser. And, if you need to use it a couple of times, then just open it in another browser or clear your cache and cookies.

Unfortunately, they charge not for the number of transformations, but for certain time Therefore, it can be of particular interest only to those who need regular actions of this kind.

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