Summary of a joint event between children and adults, using the interactive technology "MIMIO Studio", middle age "Train Travel". Mimio Interactive Games

Goncharova T.E.

music director of GBDOU kindergarten 79 combined type

Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, Russia

MIMIO technologies in preschool education.

Autumn trip. Walk through the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Abstract: The use of MIMIO technology in GBDOU kindergarten No. 79 of a combined type in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg and the scenario for conducting autumn leisure activities for children of senior preschool and primary school age in order to consolidate knowledge about the area of ​​​​the city in which we live.

Keywords Keywords: MIMIO technology, work experience, joint parent-child leisure activities, scenario.

Our kindergarten, which works with children from general developmental and specialized groups (speech therapy and correctional), has been actively introducing information and communication technologies (ICT) in its work with preschoolers for the second year. Until this time, we only used TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia (creating presentations in Power Point).

In 2011, the institution acquired MIMIO equipment (MIMIO interactive set-top box, projector, screen) and a computer with a multifunctional device. In the fall of 2012, the Internet was installed, which significantly expanded the possibilities of working and communicating with parents and work colleagues. During 2011-2012, eight teachers of our kindergarten were trained in MIMIO technology.

The most attractive aspect of using MIMIO equipment is its safety. If working with a computer is limited in time to ten to twenty minutes for three-year-old children, and forty minutes for eight-year-old children, then children can safely work on an interactive whiteboard for the time necessary for their studies. You just need to remember and explain to the kids that to preserve their vision, you can’t look into the projector lens and, once in the beam, they shouldn’t look at the audience.

The advantage of MIMIO equipment is that it is mobile. The interactive console can be quickly installed on any smooth surface (board, wall, table). The equipment set weighs about 400 grams. This makes it possible to place it in different groups alternately. And, probably, the most important thing for budget preschool educational institutions is its low cost.

MIMIO technology allows you to create and store your own electronic teaching materials and conduct spectacular and effective classes. But to work with MIMIO projects, educators do not have to create them themselves. On the website of the INTOX Educational Center you can take advantage of the rich experience of various specialists. To do this, you need to register on the site and download the mimio software.

The capabilities of this technology so captured the imagination and interested colleagues that during the training the first own educational resources for working with children and adults were already developed.

MIMIO equipment is installed in the music room of the kindergarten, which makes it possible to frequently use it in music classes. I have developed several educational projects (using MIMIO technology) both musical and general developmental.

In the “Magical World of Music” project, children get acquainted with the concepts of rhythm, meter, and duration in a playful way. They play with words and syllables, determining the number of syllables in words and durations in a beat. This project is teaching aid, whose goal is to arouse children's interest in music. At the initial stage, the task is to develop the child’s musical inclinations in a timely and correct manner, to achieve interest, receptivity, and creative activity.

The project “Numbers and notes were friends” gives the opportunity to study seven notes and seven numbers in comparison, play with numbers and notes, play music on an interactive board and with real instruments, perform songs and even dance.

The “Igralochka” project, created to shift children’s attention to different types activities when working with the project “Numbers and notes were friends”, can be used both as an independent project and as a form of entertainment with children and even a holiday.

The experience of using MIMIO technology to celebrate holidays with children is very interesting. My very first MIMIO project “Autumn Tale of St. Petersburg” (2011) was created for autumn leisure activities with children of senior and preparatory school groups. The “city tour” form of the holiday makes it possible to introduce children to the main attractions of St. Petersburg. The recommendations given to parents for walking around the city with their children made it possible to interest adults in searching additional information along the required routes.

In the fall of 2012, we again “traveled around the city,” only now it was an “Autumn Journey. A walk through the Primorsky district." In this autumn holiday project, with the help of the “seven-flowered flower,” we got acquainted with the seven most interesting sights of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The highlight of this project there was a story about these interesting places performed by the parents themselves together with their children. Previously, while working with parents, I offered to get acquainted with seven attractions of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, the parents chose a topic close to them from the proposed options. It was necessary to photograph the selected attraction and provide information about this interesting place to children and parents at the holiday. And, during the holiday, mothers, fathers and children told everyone about where they had been, what they had seen, and what interesting things they had learned about it. Acting as presenters at the celebration, parents felt not like passive spectators, but active participants in the celebration. Also, to prepare for the holiday, a photo newspaper competition was held on the theme “Autumn in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.” Searching for information, walking together with photographing interesting places, designing photo newspapers with mom and dad gave children the opportunity to once again be with their parents, be proud of them, and see the parents’ interest in their children’s affairs.

To conduct joint child-parent leisure time in a correctional group, in the spring of 2012, the “Sounds of Spring” project was created, where correctional, developmental, cognitive and educational tasks were solved. During the holiday, children and their parents “rescued Spring,” who asked for help in the fight against Winter. Not only children, but also their parents completed tasks on the interactive board. Children even sometimes had to help their parents complete the task, telling them how to operate the interactive whiteboard.

In the spring of 2012, the speech therapy group conducted logorhythmic leisure activities under the “Friendly Company” project. The project reflects the relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a music director in introducing children to the lexical topic “Insects.” This was also a joint child-parent leisure activity, in which children, together with their parents, were given the opportunity to show their own activity, to realize themselves most fully in logarithmic games and exercises. Eight insects with which children

met and played during leisure time, parents and children themselves - this is a friendly company that asks all people on Earth to protect nature

To send children to school, a holiday project called “Round Dance of Fairy Tales” was created. The interactive board not only allows you to illustrate the progress of the holiday, but is also very useful in solving mathematical and grammatical problems while traveling through fairy tales.

To hold a holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, together with teacher Burkova I.S. The musical and educational leisure project “We Play Together with Dads” was created. Children always love to play, and if they play with their dads, it is doubly fun. At this holiday, children had the opportunity to consolidate and expand their knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland, about Russian Army, about the branches of the military, about various types military equipment. The combination of working on an interactive whiteboard with outdoor games, songs and dances provides the opportunity for dynamic leisure activities. It was nice to hear after the holiday the wishes of mothers to create the same interesting entertainment for women on March 8th.

MIMIO equipment interested not only children, but also all parents. Seeing the results of their children’s development, parents are increasingly involved in joint preparation for classes and more often participate in joint activities with their children. They make proposals for installing the same equipment in groups.

MIMIO technologies make it possible not only to support and improve children’s games and activities, but also to train and advise teachers on pedagogical councils. So, the senior teacher of our kindergarten Shvaikovskaya T.I. Three training projects were developed: “Professional competence of a teacher. Federal state requirements for the basic general education program preschool education Training No. 1”, “Professional competence of a teacher. Integration of educational areas and activities during regime processes. Training No. 2", "Physical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution. Training No. 3."

Teachers of our kindergarten share their experience with colleagues of others preschool institutions district. Thus, in October 2012, a workshop-seminar “Interaction of specialists in the correctional educational space of a preschool educational institution” was held for speech therapists, speech pathologists, and speech therapists. physical education and musical directors of the Primorsky region. At the seminar, our teachers talked about the events held using MIMIO technology and showed their MIMIO projects. The seminar participants received our presentations very warmly. Many were not familiar with this technology and were amazed at its capabilities. Everyone wanted to have such equipment not only in their kindergarten, but also in their offices.

Speaking at conferences at various levels (city, all-Russian and international), our teachers talk about the possibilities of MIMIO technology and show their work, which listeners perceive with interest.

A scenario for conducting autumn leisure activities for children of senior preschool and primary school age in order to explore their area of ​​the city.

During the entire leisure time, slides are shown on the interactive board.

1 sheet - Project name.

Sheet 2 - Rain in St. Petersburg.

To the soundtrack of the sounds of rain and the first verse of the song “City over the Free Neva” (“Evening Song” - a song by A. D. Churkin to the music of V. P. Solovyov-Sedoy), the children enter the hall. At the end of the soundtrack we listen to the rain again. Children “catch droplets” with their hands.

Sheet 3 - Song “Conversation with the Rain” (lyrics by S. Koroleva, music by L. Aksenova)

4 sheet - Child - The palms of the hands catch drops of the heavenly soul.

The wind brought rain to you, my distant friend. Child - Looks at the bridges in a semicircle, in the Neva stained glass windows.

In the city of meetings and partings, it is drizzling again. Child - Cloud, an overhanging meadow, came to life with the strings of the sky.

Wet umbrellas are scared - it’s raining over St. Petersburg. 5 sheet - Child - Drainpipe organ, rattling in masses.

Roofs, music club - they dance, the rain rings. Child - Cloudy Petersburg, enchanted the song.

Listen to the sound of the drops, it’s the rain singing. (“SONG OF THE RAIN” §аШвк1) Orchestra of metal tubes (Michel Legrand Soundtrack to the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”)

6 sheet - Song “Why is Autumn Crying” (lyrics and music by E. Sokolova) Child - We love our city very much. The sun is shining over the Neva, or the rain is knocking on the window - we love it all the same. We live in this city. And it grows, and we grow. (M. Borisova)

Sheet 7 - Presenter - Guys, what country do you and I live in? (Display on the interactive whiteboard)

Sheet 8 - In what city? (Display on the interactive whiteboard)

9 sheet - The coat of arms of St. Petersburg is a heraldic red shield with an image on its field of two silver anchors - sea and river, placed crosswise, and on them a golden scepter with a double-headed eagle. (Display on the interactive whiteboard)

Sheet 10 - Who knows the name of our district? (Display on the interactive whiteboard)

Sheet 11 - Fold a map of our area. (Task on the interactive whiteboard)

Sheet 12 - The emblem of our district is a symbolic image of a seagull and three rows of waves. (Display on the interactive whiteboard)

Sheet 13 - Presenter - And now the guys on the interactive board and on a flannelgraph will assemble the coat of arms of St. Petersburg and the emblem of the Primorsky district from parts.

“Collect a coat of arms and emblem” (Task on the interactive board)

Sheet 14 - Presenter - I have a magic flower in my hands - A seven-flowered flower. He invites us on a journey through our area. Once you pick a petal, you can go wherever you want.

Child - Queen Autumn calls everyone into the yard - It’s so interesting to wander the streets! It’s as if the violins are starting to sound in an orchestra, As if a children’s choir is singing, And the city is starting a conversation...

(“Autumn Nocturne” Irina Ponomareva)

Sheet 15 - I. We pick off the red petal - we will get to the place of Pushkin’s duel. The petal comes off - the journey begins.

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Presenter - Our city St. Petersburg is known by many famous people, and the name of the wonderful Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is associated with our region. Unfortunately, this fame is sad. On January 27, 1837, on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, in the area of ​​the Black River near the Commandant's dacha, a pistol duel took place between Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Georges de Heckern (Dantes). As a result of the duel, Pushkin was mortally wounded and died two days later. Place of A.S. Pushkin's duel (Display on the interactive board) Child - Like a mirror of the Russian elements, having served its purpose, It reflected the whole soul of Russia! And he died reflecting it.

(“About Pushkin” N. Rubtsov) Child - There are many famous people in the world, Whose fame has passed through the years to us,

But all children read Pushkin’s fairy tales, We can’t help but remember him now.

(“The Great Poet” Natalya Sazhenkova)

Sheet 16 - Tales of Pushkin (Display on the interactive board)

The presenter reads excerpts from the works of A.S. Pushkin. After listening to the children’s answers, he opens the curtains on the board to check.

Sheet 17 - Connect each fairy tale with lines of the same color (Task on the interactive board)

18 sheet - II. Presenter: If we pick the orange petal, we’ll get to Lakhta right away. The petal comes off - the journey continues.

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Estate of Count Stenbock-Fermor (Display on the interactive board)

Presenter - The village of Olgino, which is now celebrating its centenary, owes its birth to the last owners of the Lakhtinsky estate, the Counts Stenbock-Fermor. On March 7, 1907, St. Petersburg governor A.D. Zinoviev approved the plan for the village of Olgino, named after the heavenly patroness Olga Platonovna Stenbock-Fermor. Child - The ball roars, the ball shines, ribbons fly in the braids,

Everywhere there is music and whispers of compliments. Song-dance “Petersburg Waltz” (lyrics and music by S. Nasaulenko)

Sheet 19 - Thunder-stone (Display on the interactive board) Child - When they decided to build a monument to Tsar the Great Peter,

They were looking for a foundation for it, it had to be large. Child - One day Semyon Vishnyakov came,

Having said that there is a thunder stone under the foundation. Falcone, the architect, having examined it, approved the foundation stone. Child - The stone pulled a thousand six tons,

He lay twelve miles from St. Petersburg, in the village of Lakhta,

Thunder-stone that lay in the ground. (“The Bronze Horseman” Parshin) For which monument does the Thunder Stone serve as a pedestal? (Task on the interactive whiteboard and flannelgraph)

20 sheet - III. Presenter: If we pick the blue petal, we will end up in Yuntolovo. The petal comes off - the journey continues.

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Yuntolovsky Nature Reserve (Display on the interactive board)

Presenter - Natural areas, of which the Yuntolovsky reserve is a part, were declared protected back in 1720 by decree of Peter the Great. Even partial transformation of natural landscapes will lead to the disappearance of local plants and animals, and the food supply for migratory birds that rest and feed here during seasonal migrations will disappear. Child - So that joy tomorrow you were able to feel it.

The Earth must be clean and the sky must be clean. Child - How long will we have enough water if there is poison dissolved in it?

How long will those forests where the axes clatter last? Child - Save fields, forests, meadows and the clean surface of rivers -

Only you, a reasonable person, can conquer the entire Earth! (Kristina) Child - Cranes - the cranes took off from the ground.

They raised their wings to the sky and left their dear land. Cranes began to purr in the distance - cranes! Music - song “Crane” (lyrics by L. Volsky, music by G. Vikhareva)

21 sheets - IV. Presenter: If we pick the blue petal, we will go back to the past. The petal comes off - the journey continues...

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Commandant's airfield (Display on the interactive board)

Presenter - The 100th anniversary of the Air Force was celebrated this year by the former Komendantsky airfield, located between Kolomyazhsky Avenue, Chernaya Rechka, Sizov Avenue and Parachute Street.

Since the beginning of the 18th century, in the north of the capital, in the area of ​​Lake Dolgoe and the Chernaya River, there was a dacha of the commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress, which gave its name to the adjacent field. In 1893, the Udelny racing hippodrome was equipped on this field. Since 1908, the Kolomyazhsky Hippodrome began to be used for demonstration flights of the first aircraft. Outstanding Russian aircraft designers worked and began their careers at the Komendantsky airfield. During the Great Patriotic War, transport planes landed here, delivering food to the city and taking evacuated Leningraders on their return flight.

Sheet 22 - Make up an airplane from parts. (Task on the interactive whiteboard and flannelgraph)

Child - We’ll build the plane ourselves and fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests, and then return to mom. (“Airplane” by Agnia Barto) Child - I’ll build an airplane, put on a helmet, and take off.

Through the wavy fogs, I will fly to other countries, Over the seas and forests, over the mountains and fields, I will cover the entire globe, and then return home. (V. Shishkov) Dance “Airplane” (“Ku-ko-sha” issue 1)

Sheet 23 - Presenter - Now on this territory on Bogatyrsky Prospekt at house number 4 there is a youth theater-studio “Beyond the Black River”, which has produced 18 performances for children and adults.

Child - In the cinema there is a wide screen, in the circus there is an arena or arena.

Well, in a theatre, an ordinary theatre, there is a special platform - ... (STAGE!) Child - He is a theater worker - a “conductor” of productions

The manager of the performance is, rightly,... (DIRECTOR!) Child - Who is a lover of performances, has watched their darkness, quite a few,

Anyone who is a theater fan is called. (THEATTER!) Child - Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? Song “Autumn has come to us” (lyrics and music by E Sokolova)

Sheet 24 - V. Presenter - Let’s pick the yellow petal - we’ll end up in Kolomyagi. The petal comes off - the journey continues.

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Kolomyagi (Display on the interactive board)

Presenter - Kolomyagi is one of the oldest places in the region. General A.P. Nikitin, a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, built a manor house in the style of late classicism and created a park with three ponds, dams and the Plakun waterfall. According to eyewitnesses' description, this is what the new manor park looked like: “Many guests were crowding over the ponds, music was thundering, fun enlivened the newly created garden... The mansion was surrounded on three sides by a garden.” Among the acquaintances of Nikitin's daughter E. A. Orlova-Denisova were artists and writers. Business card the mistress was found in one of the books in the library of A. S. Pushkin. Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok came to Kolomyagi more than once while walking. On August 28, 1914, he wrote in his diary: “What lovely, quiet autumn Kolomyaga.” Today, the building of the Orlov-Denisov estate has become a monument of federal significance. But despite this, it is not used, but destroyed.

If earlier “lots of people crowded” here, now the park and ponds charm with their silence and are an island of nature among the massive development of the area. And here I would like to recall A.S. Pushkin’s poems about autumn, which he loved very much.

Child - It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, Forests dressed in crimson and gold, Child - October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off the last leaves from its naked branches; The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing. The stream still runs behind the mill, babbling, But the pond has already frozen; my neighbor hurries to the departing fields with his desire, and the winter suffers from mad fun, and the barking of dogs awakens the sleeping oak groves.

Leaf 25 - Give leaves to the trees. (Task on the interactive board and on a flannelgraph) Child - Yellow, red leaves are falling - leaves are flying in the wind.

What will happen to our garden if the leaves fall off? (“Leaf Fall” F. Grubin) Child - The conversation of fallen leaves is barely audible:

We are from maples. - We are from apple trees. - We are from cherries.

From an aspen tree. - From bird cherry. - From oak. - From a birch tree. Leaves are falling everywhere: frost is on the way! (“Falling Leaves” by Yu. Kapotov)

Dance “Colorful Autumn” (“Ku-ko-sha” issue 5)

26 sheet - VI. Presenter: If we pick a green petal, we will end up in Udelny Park. The petal comes off - the journey continues.

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Udelny Park (Display on the interactive board)

Presenter - Udelny Park was founded in 1832. One of the main advantages of Udelny Park is almost complete absence there is civilization in it. A small, winding pond was once a decoration of the landscape part of the park. On one of the banks of the pond is the training base of the Zenit club, and on the other is the large open stadium Spartak. In winter, there is a huge skating rink here, where you can rent skates. On the territory of the stadium there is also an indoor skating rink with artificial ice. The equestrian club at the Spartak stadium has existed in the park since 1992. The park is home to about 40 species of birds and a large population of squirrels. The so-called “squirrel patch” is a small area fenced with iron bars not far from the central alley. Here you can hand-feed birds and squirrels. Child - Belka, Belka, where are you going? - I am suffering now. I need to collect nuts without mistakes and flaws. I’ll take them to the hollow, I’ll live in spite of the winter

And watch colorful dreams until spring, until spring! (Marina Minyashina)

Sheet 27 - Move the animals to the corresponding lawns. (Task on the interactive whiteboard)

Sheet 28 - Child - Autumn rain - heavenly musician,

Fiddles with the keys like rain. I catch in the palm of the drops the sound sequence, Ringing, airy dewdrops. Child - Autumn maiden has come, bringing bad weather.

And now the rain pours and pours, not allowing the sun to come out. It wets the grove, the forest and the meadow, the city, the house and everything around!

Clouds and clouds - he is the leader, you know, this is ... Dance “Autumn, autumn, one, two, three” (“Ku-ko-sha” issue 5)

29 sheet - VII. Presenter: Let’s pick a purple petal and we’ll go to kindergarten. The petal comes off - the journey continues.

The soundtrack of the flight sounds

Kindergarten(Display on the interactive whiteboard)

Presenter - So we returned back to our kindergarten. Who can tell what street the kindergarten is located on? What streets are near it? What else is interesting nearby? What is the name of our municipality?

Sheet 30 - Presenter - We walked around the area, collected the seven-flowered flower again, and ended up in kindergarten again.

Child - It’s very fun in the garden, I’m happy to go there,

To play, run, sing and dance all day long. (O. Pikus)

31 sheets - Child - We are all children of the Earth, we are all born here,

We must protect it and take care of it. If you want the world to be green, don't cut down the birch and maple trees! (Mark Lvovsky) Child - Garbage, garbage! Garbage everywhere! On the streets, in parks, in the water. People! Children ask you, don’t litter, please put trash in trash cans! Child - We move on together, everyone knows that this is necessary, All the garbage needs to be removed so that the city can shine, The landfills need to be cleared out so that the city can bloom! Child - Without wasting time, quickly raking out landfills,

We collected all the garbage, and now everything is in order. Dance “Fun Cleaning” (“Ku-ko-sha” issue 5)

Sheet 32 ​​- Child - Our city is the most beautiful of all! He amazes the guests

The breadth of its squares, the beauty of bridges and rivers. The song of bells flows from the golden domes of churches, Glorifying the city of Petrov, which has become the glory of Russia throughout!

(Tanya Kholoshchak)

Song “Miracle City” (lyrics by V. Krasnoruzhskaya, music by I. Sharifullina) The holiday ends with the soundtrack of the anthem.

Possibilities of interactive mimio technology

The world is changing, people are changing. Along with this, new means of communication are emerging. The computer is becoming an integral part of our lives, including educational process. New training programs are being created. More and more often we hear about interactivity and interactive technologies. And what is it?

Interactivity(from the Latin word interaction - “interaction”) is the principle of organizing a system in which the goal is achieved by the information exchange of elements of this system.

Degree of interactivityis an indicator that characterizes how quickly and conveniently a user can achieve his goal.

MIMIO is a relevant, effective, economical, interactive technological innovation. With it, you can create lessons containing video, audio and graphic materials.

Equipment for using MIMIO technology it is lightweight, durable and easy to transport. It includes:

Mimio is a device that projects images from a computer onto


A stylus that has two buttons that correspond to the left and right buttons mice;

You can use a regular white marker board as a screen;

Accessories (including a mimio tablet that allows you to control the interactive

Board from any place up to 9 meters).

The mimio system is connected to the computer using USB cable. Now there are wireless mimio systems. Unlike a computer, mimio technology does not cause harm to health, since it is a projection of a computer image on a white board.

The MIMIO STUDIO program and software makes the process of planning and conducting classes faster, easier and more effective.

MIMIO STUDIO programis a set of software tools that allows you to create and display interactive content. IN software package a large selection of interactive tools for working with photographs, texts, graphics, and galleries. This program allows the user not only to insert digital or printed text, graphics, photographs, but also to create their own content galleries.

Software MIMIO STUDIOavailable for operating rooms Windows systems(since Windows 2000), Mac OS X (since version 10.3.9) and Linux (Fedora 10, open SUSE 11.1, Ubuntu 8.04). For these operating systems Russian versions are available.

MIMIO STUDIO includes:

Mimio Notepad;

Mimio Tools.

Notebook designed for presentations. Everything created in Notepad can be saved as own format mimio(ink), and in other formats commonly used for working with images (MTML, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF).

Notepad pages can be shown (using the icons on the left top corner or on the top main panel "VIEW") in:

- single page modeviewing (only one page is shown);

- multipage modewhen pages are presented as icons that

You can rearrange, duplicate, delete;

At full screen modeone is showna page without a menu bar - only a minimal set of control buttons is left.

To more accurately place objects on the page, you can use a grid with a specified step by selecting the “grid” function in the main “VIEW” panel.

Window mimio toolsconsists of three tabs.

The first tab is “DRAWING”.It allows you to create inscriptions and drawings on

Screen images, edit pages. Feathers are used for this

markers, eraser, tools vector graphics, text tools. You can choose the line thickness, color and transparency of the image.

The second tab is “GALLERY”. It consists of two folders: gallery and screen captions.

This tab provides storage for thousands of images and screen captions, fast access to previously created drawings, images, screen backgrounds, multimedia objects, lessons. Graphic objects can be easily integrated into a mimio Notepad presentation. The built-in search system allows you to find any content in the gallery. To do this, you need to select the folder in which the search will be performed and enter the search criteria in the appropriate field. You can replenish the Gallery using computer images (including the Internet), scanned images, drawings created in Paint, modified in Paint NET And Adobe Photoshop, saved in GIF format.

Third tab – “SCREEN”. It is designed to work with on-screen inscriptions - texts and drawings created by hand on top of the screen image.

On the bottom panelThe tool windows contain presentation control buttons.

Button “INTERACTIVE MODE” - turns on the interactive mode.

Button “RIGHT BUTTON” - implements the right-click function when working in interactive mode, when a stylus is used instead of a mouse.

"APPLICATIONS" button - allows you to use


Increase - provides First level opportunities for people with disabilities


Recorder (records the presentation);

Spotlight – allows you to draw attention to a certain area of ​​the screen, “illuminating” it with a “spotlight” and darkening the rest of the field. You can select the size and shape of the spotlight and change the transparency of the unlit field. The spotlight beam can be moved;

Dimming - performs approximately the same function, but unlike a spotlight, it darkens the lower part of the screen in order to gradually open it as the material is presented. The size and transparency of the darkened area can be changed;

Text – allows you to type text using the keyboard displayed on the screen;

Web Browser – allows you to launch the Internet browser program (installed on your computer).

Information about MIMIO technology can be found on the MIMIO in Russia website.


MIMIO in Russia; (electronic resource);

MIMIO STUDIO program (electronic resource).

MimioStudio Software

To get the most out of MimioClassroom products, you need the latest version of MimioStudio software for your operating system. Here you can download latest version for family operating systems Microsoft Windows, MacOS and Linux. The program is completely Russified.

Please note that as of version 10, MimioStudio can be purchased separately from interactive equipment Mimio (which it comes with). You can purchase it in order to create and use lessons on interactive whiteboard from any manufacturer. You can use your old work, because MimioStudio allows you to import lessons from most common formats.

MimioStudio provides automatic integration that allows MimioClassroom tools to work seamlessly—either separately or together. With MimioStudio software, you can focus only on learning. MimioStudio software makes it quick and easy to create engaging, multimedia lessons. You get instant access to teacher-reviewed content in the MimioStudio gallery. Here are ready-to-use lesson plans, backgrounds, photos, audio files, and flash animation files. In addition, MimioStudio software offers full compatibility with virtually all popular applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint and Word, as well Adobe Acrobat. You can easily import ready-made lessons into MimioStudio software and bring them to life with interactive content. You can even import lessons created using other interactive technologies.

If you are installing a different language version of the MimioStudio software (for example, upgrading from English version into Russian), you should first save all the required galleries on your computer. Then delete old version MimioStudio programs. After this you can install new version programs.

MimioStudio software supports Mimio DMA-02 and later devices (Mimio Xi, Mimio Board, and some other devices). The package does not support Mimio “Classic” or Mimio flipChart, Quartet, Turnstone Scribe devices, or other DMA-01 or DMA-FC devices.

Free trial of MimioStudio

You don't have to buy the program to know how it works. You can download and install MimioStudio at any time. When you're ready to update, simply connect any MimioClassroom family of equipment to your computer or enter your registration key.

Objective of the project: using interactive technologies to expand and

systematize children's ideas about winter, continue to form

elementary mathematical concepts.

(project on

Possible uses: joint activity project for

The theme “Winter-winter” refers to educational field"cognition"

developed using the interactive program MIMIO for children

senior preschool age. The project can be used for

integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world and

the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, or how

several classes in the educational field “cognitive development”,

as well as for children’s independent activities (pages 7 and 12).

Project Description

Page 1.

(New Year's edition).

Page 2.

Contains 12 links in the form of pictures to each of the project pages.

- The “Blue Arrow” on each page from 3 to 14 takes you back to

page 2.

Page 3. "Seasons"

It is necessary to arrange the seasons on the diagram in the correct order.

Page 4. “Changes in nature in winter”

“stars”, pictures with different signs of winter are pulled out onto the screen.

Children name the sign and make up one or more sentences with


Page 5. “Changes in people’s lives in winter”

The task is put forward on the screen with the help of a “snowman assistant”. Behind

"stars" pictures are pulled out onto the screen with signs of changes in

people's lives in winter. Children name the sign and make one or

no offer with him.

Page 6. “Let’s clear the road of snow”

The task is put forward on the screen with the help of a “snowman assistant”. For children

it is necessary to load two snowballs into trucks so that the amount

the numbers on them were equal to the number on the truck.

Page 7. “Build a Snowman”

The task is displayed on the screen using a “snowflake”. Children need to collect

snowman from the proposed elements to answer the questions: what

geometric shapes they used and how many.

Page 8. “Where does Santa Claus live?” (“math tablet”)

The task is put forward on the screen using a “hint letter”. On

Fairy-tale characters are placed on the “mathematical tablet”. Need to

determine the house number for each of them (it consists of a letter - on the left on

“tablet” and the numbers are on the bottom of the “tablet”). There are 4 options next to the hero

answers. When you click on the correct answer, it appears green tick And

a pleasant sound sounds, when you click on the wrong answer appears

red cross and a sharp sound sounds.

Page 9. “Deliver the gifts” (“math tablet”)

The task is put forward on the screen using a “hint letter”. Necessary

“pull” gifts out of the bag and arrange them according to the six offered


Page 10. “Connect the dots” (“math tablet”)

The task is put forward on the screen using a “hint letter”. IN

in mimio studio tools you need to select “green wide line” and

connect the proposed pairs of dots. You'll get a Christmas tree. Then click on

blue ball (it will burst) and compare your result with the picture.

Page 11. “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with beads”

The task is put forward on the screen with the help of a “snowman assistant”. Exercise

depending on the age and individual characteristics of the children

Page 12. “Collect a postcard”

The task is put forward on the screen with the help of a “snowman assistant”.

You need to assemble a picture puzzle.

Page 13. “How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?”

The task is put forward on the screen with the help of a “snowman assistant”.

Guess the riddle. Click on the ball and check the answer.

Page 14. "Gift"

Summary of GCD on the topic “Winter-winter”

Target: expand and systematize children’s ideas about winter,

continue to form elementary mathematical concepts.



To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about the seasons, about

changes in nature and people's lives in winter;

Consolidate knowledge about the composition of the first ten numbers;

To form in children an idea of ​​the coordinate system on a plane:

learn to determine the coordinates of a point, find a point using given



To develop children's attention, associative and logical thinking,


Develop speech activity;

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships,

Develop design skills, attention, ability to compare,



Cultivate a love for nature

Develop communication skills within the group;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and the ability to

work in teams and subgroups.

Implemented educational areas:

Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world and elementary

mathematical representations),


Artistic creativity.

Equipment: interactive set-top box MIMIO, multimedia projector,

PC, anti-glare board, characters from the film “Well, wait a minute!” Hare and Wolf (dolls or

characters), cards depicting halves of an object (sleds, skates,

skis, Christmas tree, etc.).

Direct joint activities.

To the music from Page 1, the heroes of the film “Well, wait a minute!” appear. Hare and


Hello guys! (Children greet the heroes.)

Wolf: What a beautiful picture! This summer?

Hare: No, Wolf! This is winter!

Wolf: Don't argue, Hare, otherwise I'll eat you. It's summer, right, guys? (Children's answers)

Educator: Wolf, Hare, don’t swear, of course, it’s winter. Guys, come on

Let's tell our guests what we know about winter.

Go to page 3 "Seasons". The teacher puts forward the task for

screen using the “snowman assistant”. Reads it.

Guys, all the seasons are mixed up. Look closely at

pictures and arrange them in order in the diagram. (4 children in turn

move the pictures on the board, commenting on their choice). Hare and Wolf

praise the guys.

Go to page 4 “Changes in nature in winter.”

Guys, the snowman is giving us a task again.

assistant." He reads it and uses the “star” to pull out a picture on the screen.

What can you say about winter? What changes in nature with the arrival of winter?

Children take turns going to the board to pick out “stars” on the screen

pictures with different signs of winter and make up one or more

proposal with them.

Much changes in nature with the arrival of winter, and in people’s lives, what


Switch to from page 5 “Changes in people’s lives in winter.”(Held

similar to the previous task, you can call children who have not yet


Physical education minute: The Hare and the Wolf praise the guys and offer some

relax and play. Outdoor game "Find a pair." Distributed to children

cards with the image of half an object (sled, skates, skis, Christmas tree and

etc.) Children run to the music from Page 1; when the music fades away, they look for

your mate.

Go to page 6 “Let’s clear the road of snow.”

Well, well, we have to work hard again.

The teacher puts the task on the screen using a “snowman-

assistant,” reads it. Children come up to the board and move it into the cars

snow so that the amount on the lumps is equal to the number on the truck.

Well done, the road has been cleared, we can move on.

Guys, please tell me what big holiday we are celebrating

in winter? (New Year). And he comes to us in New Year? (Father Frost, Snow Maiden


Santa Claus needs help.

Go to page 9 “Deliver the gifts”(“math tablet”)

The task is put forward on the screen by the teacher using a “hint letter”.

It is necessary to “pull” the gifts out of the bag and arrange them in six

suggested addresses. Children take turns delivering gifts (for Tanya,

the first address, for Vanya at the second, etc.)

Hare and Wolf: What great fellows you are! Helped Santa Claus. Probably very

I'm tired of the gifts, they're heavy. You can also relax.

Physical education lesson “Snow - blizzard - blizzard”.(conducted by the Wolf and the Hare)

At the command “Snow” the children spin smoothly. On the command "Blizzard" - quickly

run in the indicated direction. At the command "Blizzard" - stand in a circle,

they hold hands and run in a circle.

Go to page 10 “Connect the dots”(“math tablet”)

The task is put forward by the teacher on the screen using “letter-

hints", then using mimio studio tools you need to select

"The green line is wide."

Guys, we need to lay paths from point to point, and then we

We'll find out what happens.

Children connect the dots. They express their guesses as to what it is.

It turns out to be a Christmas tree.

Wolf: Let's check, maybe you made a mistake?! (Press the blue ball,

it bursts, a Christmas tree appears.)

Hare: Well done, guys!

Go to page 11 “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with beads”

- We collected the Christmas tree, and now we need to decorate it.

Educator Assignment Pulls the assignment onto the screen using a “snowman-

assistant." Is reading.

We have toys different color, different shapes and sizes. Look at

them carefully and hang the beads on the tree so that in each row there are

toys are different in shape and color.

The task depends on the age and individual characteristics of the children

The teacher can choose for himself. You need to hang toys on the Christmas tree -

geometric figures. They come in different colors, shapes and sizes.

Hare and Wolf: The Christmas tree turned out elegant and beautiful! Well done!

Go to page 13 “How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree”

How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree!

The task is put forward on the screen with the help of a “snowman assistant”.

The teacher reads the riddles; the children name the answer and go to the board.

click on the ball. It bursts and a picture of the answer appears.

Hare and Wolf: Guys, thank you for showing us so much and telling us about


Hare, Wolf, guys, you have worked so hard and well, and now we

Let's look at the gift that Santa Claus has prepared for you together!

Go to page 14 “Gift”

Project "What do you have?"

Didactic games for the work of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32" of the city of Vyborg"

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the work.

What do you have?

Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang,

Boris was silent

Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


And I have a nail in my pocket.

And we have a guest today.

And today we have a cat

I gave birth to kittens yesterday.

The kittens have grown a little

But they don’t want to eat from a saucer.

And we have gas in the kitchen.

And we have running water.

And from our window

Red Square is visible.

And from your window

Just a little bit of the street.

We walked along Neglinnaya,

We went to the boulevard

They bought us a blue one,

Pre-green red ball.

And our fire went out -

The truck brought firewood -

And fourthly, our mother

Takes flight

Because our mother

It's called a pilot.

Vova answered from the stairs:

Mom is a pilot?

What's wrong!

Here at Kolya, for example,

Mom is a policeman.

And Tolya and Vera

Both mothers are engineers.

And Lyova’s mother is a cook.

Mom is a pilot?

What's wrong!

“More important than everyone else,” said Nata,

Mom is a carriage driver,

Because up to the hooks

Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:

Is it bad to be a dressmaker?

Who sews panties for the boys?

Well, of course, not a pilot.

A pilot flies airplanes

This is very good.

The cook makes compotes -

It is also good.

The doctor is treating us for measles,

There is a teacher at school.

We need different mothers

All kinds of mothers are important.

It was in the evening

There was no point in arguing.

Page 1. Title page and table of contents.

Page 3. “Getting to know the characters of the work”

Page 4. “Repairing the fence.” Fill holes in the fence. Select suitable boards for the fence.

Page 5. “What is a nail made of?” Match the objects and the material from which they are made, name them (areas of correct and incorrect answer)

Page 6. “We welcome guests” - place dishes and cutlery according to the number of guests.

Page 7. “Kittens in the attic.” Find the kittens. Count how many kittens the cat gave birth to.

Page 8. “Color the ball.” Color the ball so that it looks the same as our heroes. (They bought us a blue-blue, green red ball.)

Page 9. “Unloading firewood.” Unload the wood from the truck. Place the wood in two equal piles (evenly divided).

Page 10. “Professions.” What profession is redundant? (Pilot, engineer, policeman, cook, carriage driver, doctor, teacher, seamstress). Answer: janitor.

Page 11. "Chef's Assistants" - help the cook put vegetables and fruits into different baskets.

Page 12. “Visiting the seamstress” - help the seamstress sort the threads by color.

Page 13. “Teacher's Assistants” - help the teacher correct mistakes in the children's notebooks.

Page 14. Puzzle " Ambulance» – help assemble the transport the doctor uses.

Page 15. “Hats” - what kind of hat does a doctor and a cook need? Who wears the other hats? (task under a pink question mark, correct and incorrect answer areas)

Page 16. Logical chain “Ball” - put the pictures in the correct order (make a logical chain).

Page 17. “Sewing a dress” - help the seamstress choose the right pockets for dresses.