Who owns the domain name. Is such verification possible via IP address? Where can this information be useful?

You visited the site and you wanted to know who owns the domain. Maybe you want to buy this domain, maybe you have a conflict with the owner of the resource, or maybe, on the contrary, you want to communicate with him, but there are no contacts on the site. But it's not a problem. You can use our service, which allows you to easily and simply determine the owner of a domain in any domain zone, as well as on which ns servers the domain is located.

To find out information about the owner of a domain, you need a Whois service. In order to receive necessary information, just enter the domain you are interested in in the search bar and in a few seconds you will know what you need.

Of course, if the Private person option is set, the owner information will not be shown. But, having written a letter to specified address you can be sure that the registrar will forward it to the domain owner

— Domain check and site name search — Domains are searched with us

Whois service is a service for checking domains.

Enter any site name in search bar, and find out whether the domain is free or busy. If Domain name is already taken, you can find out who its owner is and how to contact him.

Convenient selection of domains works: after turning on the “query history” mode, all the domain names that you have already searched for are visible. If you are interested in purchasing a domain during your review, some domain registration services are listed on the right side of this page. A name search for a website and a domain selection service are available for domain names in Russia, CIS countries, international and national domain zones. Domains are searched from us.

— whois service, geography by IP, SEO site analysis

This is a universal service written in Ajax, which combines all the main network services, allowing as soon as possible obtain the necessary information about a domain, website, or IP address. Whois service supports any domain zones, including New.Net. The request goes directly to the domain registrar's whois server, which allows you to receive accurate, complete information.

— Get information about a domain, website or IP address

Our whois service allows you to obtain information about a website or IP address.
Here you can:
Find out the registration details of the site owner.
Determine the server IP address by domain.
Find out the location of the server by IP address.
Determine the type of server and find out which one is under control operating system the server is running.
Find out the DNS server and E-mail of the DNS administrator.
Determine the device manufacturer by its MAC address.
Find out which sites are on IP.
Find out your IP address, get information about your computer.
Determine country and city by phone number.

— checking a free domain

The WHOIS (Who Is) service is automated system, providing public access to information about the domain name and its Administrator. This service allows you to find out the date of domain registration and its expiration, the end date of the preferential renewal period, the registrar supporting the domain name, as well as information about the Domain Administrator, if he did not use the service of hiding personal data. According to the Rules for Registration of Domain Names in the .RU and .РФ domains, information about the Domain Administrator, an individual, is presented in an impersonal form. To contact the Domain Administrator in the .RU and .РФ zones, you must use the form feedback presented in WHOIS.

Whois domain service is not only user-friendly interface searching for a domain, IP address, DNS server, registrar, or converting a domain name to punycode and back, but also the ability to check the functionality of the site, where you can get full information about its availability, find out information about the domain. The main innovation is the display of Whois service information in Russian for domains in the .RU / .SU / .РФ zones (status, domain age and registration date, end of the domain name).

Enter the domain / IP / DNS / Registrar in the appropriate query field and get complete information!

— check the domain for availability, find out information about the domain

The Whois service is a program or script that allows you to check whether a domain is occupied or find out registration information about a domain.
The principle of operation of the whois service is to request a server that stores data for all domain names registered within one zone, obtaining this data and displaying it to the end user.
Use this service to check the Russian Federation domain or any other IDN domain. Punycode conversion is carried out automatically.

To find out domain registration information ( whois data), including:
Domain DNS records;
domain status;
domain owner name;
contact phone number and email of the domain owner;
Registrar ID;
domain creation date (delegation start date)
domain registration end date (delegation end date);
enter the domain name and click check.

- Examination whois domain, whois check by site ip - full information about the domain

WhoIs check allows you to find out registration information about a particular site. As a rule, it is used to study competitors' sites, but you can use the WhoIs service to obtain information about your own site.

How can such a service be useful?
After conducting a WhoIs check, you will be able to receive information about when the domain name lease ends. You may be able to repurchase a domain name if its owner forgets to pay for it. Of course, such manipulations are quite rare, but if we're talking about about competitive and “money” niches, then such a check is one of the main ones, allowing you to fight for each domain as efficiently as possible.

What is domain information used for?
Most often, this service is used to check whether a domain is occupied. For example, you came up with a beautiful domain name and want to check whether such a domain exists, and if so, who owns it. Often, a situation also arises when there is no website, but the domain has been purchased by someone - in this case, checking the domain will allow you to determine its owner and obtain his contact information if necessary. Checking a domain name for availability takes a few seconds, and after such a short time you can get the coordinates of the person you need.

network utilities- Ping, Traceroute, IP Lookup/whois, DNS Lookup.

Main features of our service:
Whois - obtaining information about second-level domain names in 134 zones (more than 1000 third-level domains),
including Cyrillic domains in the zones .рф, .su, .com, .net, .org.
Domain catalog: alphabetically.
IP Lookup/Whois - obtaining information about IP addresses.
DNS Watch - DNS lookup records.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! If you visited the page with this publication, then most likely you have an idea of ​​what a domain is (here it is about the connection of a domain name with IP addresses, DNS servers and other components of the “life of a site” on the Internet). Well, if there are still some dark spots left, you are welcome to follow the link provided above.

At any time, a situation may arise that you will need information about who owns this or that specific domain. In addition, you may need to obtain some other data (for example, about the registrar, DNS or IP address of the server on which the desired domain is located).

All this information can be found from special online sources located on the network. They are called Whois. Below we will talk about what this name means, what data such services provide and in what cases it may be needed.

Whois is a service where information about a domain is available

As I said, in many cases it may be relevant to look at the data associated with the owner of the domain name. For these purposes, specialized Whois services are used (from the English phrase who is - who is this?). A telling title, isn't it?

True, here I am forced to make a significant reservation. The fact is that many domain name administrators use option to hide your personal data(addresses Email, telephone, etc.), which is quite logical, since such an action significantly protects against spam and account hacking.

Moreover, when the registration data protection function will be turned on automatically, which will free you from additional actions. If you are, then this option can only be used for an additional fee, which, however, is not high.

So, Whois services provide the necessary information in the public, however, only that which the owner considered necessary to open. By the way, you yourself can take advantage of this option and hide information about your DI, which is undesirable to provide in open form.

Moreover, anyone can set up this option already during the process of registering a domain name (and the corresponding materials on purchasing a domain from a registrar and reseller). By the way, I give, which describes the features of registering DI with registrars and resellers, so that you can decide which option is best for you.

It must also be said that not only when purchasing DI, but also subsequently after receiving account V personal account at any time, you can configure the personal data protection option accordingly (each registrar may have its own nuances, but this does not change the essence).

Why do you need domain name information?

Now we need to say a few words about why, in fact, domain name data may be needed, and what it gives us. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • If you purchase a domain, you need to make sure that its owner is the right person or entity which sells it
  • If the domain being checked supposedly belongs to you, then in this way you can check whether you really have all the rights to it
  • To ward off the threat of deception and protect yourself from various types of scammers who can use rather complicated schemes. In any case, if you have the slightest suspicion during the investigation of data on an MDI, you should immediately refuse any contact with its alleged owner.

These are just the circumstances that came to my mind offhand. I hope you will add to this list in the comments, it will benefit everyone. But let's continue.

How to check the history, owner, registrar, DNS of a domain for free

The Whois service system is centralized and systematized. Technically, it is implemented in the form of web forms, convenient for users, and is based on the ability to access registrar databases.

Moreover, any major accredited domain registrar offers comprehensive services when purchasing DI, including providing accessible data on any domain zone absolutely free, but usually only to a certain extent.

Let's try, for example, to search for a free domain on the REG RU service and enter on the main page, for example, the domain name of the great and terrible Google in the Russian segment:

After clicking on the appropriate button, we receive a message that the domain is busy, which is quite natural. But we can view some information using Whois services (however, if you know that the DI is not free and your goal is to obtain data about it, then you can do this right away):

After initiating this option, we get a specific result:

As you can see, here we can find out the DNS server, the DI administrator, who is actually its owner, and links for contacting him are also provided. Here you can also find contact information that you can use to contact the registrar.

In addition, provided Short story the domain under study, that is, when it was registered, the end date of registration and release (when it can be purchased if the registration is not renewed by the previous owner). If you want to get more detailed information, you should click on the blue button below.

There you can find out who owned this DI previously (provided that the information was not hidden by the owners), the hosting history () with which this domain is associated, what other domains are located on this IP address, as well as on these DNS servers. Just keep in mind that such a service is on REG.RU will already be paid:

Above we looked at an example when the owner is an organization. In the same case, when the administrator is a private individual, the formatting of the query results will be slightly different:

Please note that here opposite the “Administrator” column it is indicated "Private Person". That is, information about the owner, who is an individual, hidden. If it appears at the bottom green button, then you can write a letter to the administrator.

In addition, it is possible to contact the owner using the feedback form through the registrar (in in this case REG RU), who will play the role of an intermediary.

If you look closely at the previous screenshots, you will find another button “Put on monitoring”. This service will allow you to receive notifications to your email about all changes that will occur with your chosen domain names:

In addition to the fact that each registrar provides us with information about domains, there are specialized services with the help of which we obtain the same data. Let's enter the domain name in the field on the universal Whois service, taking Google as an example:

In the end, we can learn the same thing, but perhaps in a slightly different format. As you can see, the registrar is indicated here, the start (Created) and end (Exrires) dates of the registration period, the main IP address of the server with which this domain is associated (several IPs are possible if we are dealing with a large organization, as in this case) .

If you scroll down a little further, you'll find some more details, including DNS records(nserver), domain status (state), owner (org: Google Inc.), as well as contact information in the form telephone numbers and email addresses:

In general, information about the domain you are interested in can be very useful, especially if you wish to purchase it. After all, it is very often profitable to buy old DIs that have a high TIC and have sufficient trust. But in other situations this possibility seems to me very relevant.

As an addition, I propose to take a look at a short video from the same authoritative registrar REG.RU, which, I hope, will finally answer the remaining questions, including how to use, for example, the “Domain Broker” service:

What is Whois?

Nowadays, the Internet is so hidden that you don’t even know that your chat interlocutor may be your friend behind the wall, and the most assertive opponent on your favorite forum may be your wife. But anonymity is not always hidden. There is such a service as Whois, which exposes the owners of Internet resources.
What is it like? Whois term? In fact, everything is simple here. This is a protocol through which the server can transmit information to the client about who the domain or its name is registered to. IP address. The data is provided by special databases that contain information about users of a particular domain. Naturally, this information may be outdated or unreliable, since this information is provided by a person when registering a domain. This information It can also be detailed: the database contains the user name, registration address, e-mail, phone number, name of the company that registered this domain. This also applies to information about IP addresses.

What is the purpose of this Whois protocol? In recent times, when the Internet was just beginning to develop, and no one had heard of such a problem as cybersquatting, it was assumed that site administrators would use it to find the necessary information about each other and solve various problems. Currently, it is needed mainly in order to catch cybersquatters and fight them.

To work with the Whois protocol, there is various programs(clients). Some of them have a console interface, others have a graphical interface, but mostly they work via a web interface, i.e. You can also obtain information about domains and IP addresses using browsers. Available a large number of Whois service s that are easy to find with using Yandex, Google or other search engine. Most services are limited to certain domain zones for which Whois information can be searched due to the nature of the databases containing the information.

Databases that contain information about domain users and IP addresses can be distributed or centralized, and there is no single base with information about all domains or IP addresses in the world. In centralized databases (ORG domain zone) everything is quite simple: one server responds to all Whois requests, because he has everything necessary information. If the database is decentralized (COM domain zone), the server sends requests to other servers that have information about limited number domains. Currently, centralized databases are used in domain zones where there are many domains, while a distributed database is more suitable for large domain zones (which is generally seen in the example of ORG and COM).

If you have registered your domain via a colleague or your web developer, check it out Whois service whether it really belongs to you. If the domain was registered through friends and important information lost – password, username then you can lose your domain forever. Its capabilities will also help you monitor your competitors and understand their strategy, which they use, and the Internet and develop response steps to neutralize them.

What is Whois? Whois is a protocol that is used in networks. It is based on TCP protocol. Based on its name itself, you can independently understand what it is intended for. Translated from English, it means - who is he. The purpose of its creation was to provide the ability to obtain information about the owners of IP addresses, domains and autonomous systems. This protocol works based on client-server technology. It is used to access public databases that contain information about the registration of domain names and IP addresses. Typically client Whois program is essentially a console game. But not every user, especially one who is not very knowledgeable about the work command line will be able to use it. Therefore, special forms are created on websites that provide access to such information. Our Whois server tool works on this principle. Although there are also client programs for obtaining Whois information, due to their specific nature, web forms on specialized sites are more popular. Developers of this protocol wanted to provide an opportunity system administrators get what they need information about domain names and IP addresses. Now its functionality is a little wider and everyone can use it.

You can view the registration data of a particular web resource. Webmasters and site owners often use this tool to analyze a competing site. But it happens that such a service is also in demand for obtaining information about your site.

What can this tool provide?

For example, if you want to repurchase someone's domain, it will be very important for you to know exactly when the current lease ends. This is especially true when it comes to some profitable segments, when you need to constantly monitor your competitor. Using our tool and checking Whois you will be able to see when the lease of the domain you need ends, and perhaps you will be able to repurchase it.

Is such verification possible via IP address?

If you Do you know the IP of the site?, then you can easily. In this case, you must enter this address instead of the domain. The information will be as complete as in the first case with domain verification. You will need to get information about who owns the site, his e-mail, and possibly receive contact number and even the address.

Where might this information be useful?

As a rule, they use our webmaster tool and website owners, in order to find out if the domain they need is taken. For example, you want to create an interesting website and came up with an idea for it beautiful domain that will attract people. Now you need to check whether this domain is free, and if not, who owns it and how can you connect with this person. There are quite common cases when a domain has already been purchased, but there is no website at all. In this case, it is very important to find out who owns this domain and try to buy it. The domain is verified in just a few seconds, which is very convenient.

A short article for those who like to scour the Internet and play scouts.How to find out the name of the domain owner?

Although this informationconfidential, we found ways to find out.

We will talk about these options in our article. Why do you need this? First of all, it's interest. Perhaps you want to find justice against a person stealing articles, ideas, etc. from your website. Or you want to hire someone for a job, but there are no contacts to contact.

The first method and the most famous is to look up information about the domain through the domain name registrar who.is.

Obvious ways

1. Go to the website who.is and type in the search bar which you want to find out. Let's start with the fact that through this service you can find out the email and phone number of the owner if you are lucky enough. If the registrar decides not to hide the information.

2. We try to communicate in an obvious way.

We send a message to the domain registrar with a request to give us the contact information of the site owner or contact him. Or we write to the email address listed at who.is with a tempting offer. It is unknown whether the correct email was specified when registering a domain and how regularly the site owner checks it. Skills can be applied social engineering, introduce yourself as an investor or administrator of a large site, offer to buy advertising on Having obtained the email of the former or current owner of the site, we can rummage through forums and services about selling domains and find information about it. Having found this ad, we find out a list of possible buyers, usually they are displayed. You can find out the owner of a domain in this way.

Social engineering

3. Did you recognize the email? We are looking for what other sites he manages.

Why do we need to know ? Perhaps he left information about himself on other sites or conducts personal blog. And you can easily find out information about it by writing as indicated in paragraph 2. This can be done on the website domainiq.com.

4. Contact the hoster to find out the owner of the domain.

Hostadvice.com is here to help you. The main thing is to justify why you need. SI comes into play again. You can introduce yourself as an employee of a company who wants to order advertising, or a cute girl who is in love with the articles on the site and, therefore, the owner.

Search engine help

5. Information about the creators of the file is publicly available.

Google will help us. This search engine can search not only sites, but also files of certain formats: doc, ppt, xls, pdf, rtf, swf. An example of a Google query for doc files from the Leprosy website - filetype:doc site:lepra.ru. And we'll find out.

6. File for systems.

We look for files like: members, member, uchastniki and stuff like that in the robot.txt file. This file contains information about site users. You may come across participant pages with photos and personal information. As a rule, robot.txt is located in root directory site, but exceptions are possible.

7. Useful pages for searching in the sitemap.xml file.

Unlike previous file, this one is for search engine"Google". There may be differences. For example, there you can find a contact page that the administrator deliberately removed from home page site in order to maintain confidentiality. But you can find out the owner of the domain on this page.

8. Addresses associated with the domain.

There is an interesting service emailhunter.co, which, according to its own principles known to it alone, calculates what postal addresses may be associated with this domain.

9. We are looking for sites that link to the domain.

Use any checker (backlinks). Perhaps there are links from social network profiles to this site, and one of them turns out to belong to the owner.

10. There is an interesting service that can determine the owner’s address and model from a photograph mobile phone, if he took this photo from him, findface.ru is the address of this service.

11. Identification of the owner from a photograph with his face.

There is a small chance, provided that the site is small, to find a photo of the owner in its pictures; perhaps, through carelessness, he once uploaded it there, and then forgot to delete it. But Google does not forget this; you can search for images that are on the site using this search engine.

Digging into the code

12. We look for comments in the source code of the pages.

We go to the site, type Shift+Command+U or click on right button mouse, select the pop-up menu item "Show page code" or "Show source". Variations may be different. The main thing is to find the right one. We are looking for js scripts, perhaps they were written by the site owner himself, his vanity will help us. The person who wrote the script will most likely indicate his nickname in such a file. And already by nickname you can find out the owner of the domain.

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