Compact Wireless-N WiFi router - repeater, plugged in and forgot. DIY Wi-Fi repeater: how to make a repeater from a router

We cannot use the Internet at full speed when the WiFi signal is weak, and many people face this problem every day, but it can be solved by making a DIY WiFi repeater. Almost everyone needs the Internet modern devices: Smart TV, smartphones, laptops, computers.

But, when we have only one WiFi point, how to cover the entire space of a large house or apartment? Every step takes us further away strong signal, the same story is repeated in multi-story buildings.

This is why the WiFi repeater was invented. It expands the WiFi coverage area. It works on the principle of receiving an existing WiFi signal, amplifying it and transmitting it amplified signal further. Using such a device, you can double the WiFi coverage area, reaching every corner of your apartment, office, different floors, or even expand the WiFi area to your yard.

But such a device is bulky and expensive. Therefore, with using NodeMCU(IoT), we can build our own WiFi repeater.

What is NodeMCU? This is an open source hardware and kit that allows you to design your own Internet of Things (IoT) product and customize it using the Lua language. For a detailed introduction to NodeMCU, go to the GitHub page.

Note: The further away your module is from the main WiFi source, the slower the connection will be, but high speed Items from the Internet of Things are not always needed. I needed cheap way zone expansion WiFi coverage, so that the notification device in my house can go online and send notifications to my phone. I accidentally found an assembly for a router based on WiFi module ESP8266 from Martin Gehr, loaded it onto my cheap ESP-01 module and it worked without errors. The router to which my extender is connected distributes WiFi in an area of ​​only 6 meters from behind the wall. But with an extender connected in the area of ​​3-15 meters from the router, the coverage area increases to 95 meters.

Step 1: Download the files

Download the files from this link. They contain information about hardware and necessary software.

Unzip them and find “ESPFlashDownloadTool_v3.4.1.exe”. Open the file by double clicking.

Step 2: Purchase the items you need

  1. Small plastic case (to protect the iron)
  2. NodeMCU (IoT) is available in online stores
  3. WiFi antenna (you can twist it from your old router)
  4. Some wires to connect the NodeMCU to the antenna
  5. USB cable (for powering NodeMCU)
  6. 5V charger (you can take any phone charger) or you can use a power bank

Note: The charger must be less than 1A. A charger of more than 1A can overheat the NodeMCU and it will burn out.

Step 3: Install drivers

In order for the USB adapter to communicate with the computer, you need to install the CH340 driver.

The subfolder from the archive you downloaded and extracted is called “CH341SER_win” for Windows and “CH34x_Install_mac” for Mac. Just open the program in the desired folder and install the driver.

Step 4: Flash WiFi Extender Hardware on ESP8266

Connect the ESP01 to the USB adapter, insert it into the computer and switch the physical lever to the “Prog” programming mode, instead of the “UART” mode.

Open the program in a subfolder called "flash_download_tools_v3.4.1_win". Open the following subfolder “_MACOSX” if you have a Mac, or the subfolder “FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS_V3.4.1_WIN” for Windows.

If you have Windows, run the “ESPFlashDownloadTool_v3.4.1” application and select “ESP8266” in it.

If you are using ESP01, then configure the program as shown in the attached screenshots.

  1. If you are using NodeMCU or Wemos D1 Mini modules instead of ESP01 or ESP07, please switch the "8Mbit" mode to "32Mbit"
  2. For ESP01 and ESP07 modules, in the “Download Path Config” item, click on the button with three dots and find “firmware_sdk_1.5.4”. Click on each one and write their names on the right as shown in the screenshot, for example “0x00000” and “0x40000”. If you are using a non-ESP01 variant of the ESP8266 module, I believe you need to use the "firmware" folder and the .bin files in it, with their names on the right side accordingly.
  3. Select the desired COM port and set the BAUD value to 115200, then click "start", "flash" or "connect".
  4. When the program says “Finish”, disconnect the adapter and ESP8266 module from the computer.
  5. Switch physical button on USB adapter back to non-programmable mode. It is important!

Step 5: Setting up the Signal Extender

In order to configure the expander, you need to connect it to your computer. You can do this using a serial connection program, since the Arduino IDE has set the BAUD to 115200 with NL&CR.

Once you are connected via the serial port, send these commands (without the quotes and replacing the hashtags with the values ​​you need).

set ssid ####
This will set the name of the access point your extender should connect to.

set password #####
This will set a password for the router connection that your extender should connect to.

set ap_ssid #####
This will set the name for the access point of the extender itself.

set ap_password ####
This will set a password for the access point of the extender itself. It is important that the password is longer than 8 characters!

set ap_open 0
This will enable security and only those who know the password will be able to connect to the extender.

To save settings.

To exit the session.

Disable the extender and that's it wifi setup repeater complete!

Tips: You need to wait a couple of seconds after sending each command, and it may be better to send a save command after each command. If you need to restore all settings back to factory settings, please send reset command and then save. To view a list of all available commands, send help, and to view the current configuration send show

Step 6: Pack your extender

You can use any plastic container to place the equipment. I installed the expander (NodeMCU and antenna) in a small box cut in half. Then, to protect the iron from rain, I went over the joints with hot glue.

Hi all!!! This is my first post, so please don't be too harsh). Today I would like to talk about a device called Xiaomi Wi-Fi Amplifier or, to be more precise, Xiaomi Repeater Wifi+. A good repeater and everything would be fine. But how everyone was tormented by this very program from Xiaomi called SmartHome. Not only is it in Chinese, but it’s also an inconvenient horror. You need to register on the manufacturer’s website and then find it the right program for phone.

Before this, I bought another repeater from Maxeye called WIFI+.

Quite a convenient device compared to the Xiaomi Wi-Fi Amplifier. On it, the entire setup was reduced to a few steps:
1. Find and connect to the WIFI+ network
2. type in the browser the address or
3. We search for access points and connect to the desired one
4. Connect to our repeater with the name of the connecting point and the additional _plus

As with any device, I was itching to disassemble both of these devices and compare them.

And lo and behold, the boards in them turned out to be absolutely identical. The differences were only in the power circuit (a transistor and a capacitor on the other), one LED was missing on the Maxeye board and the size of the spi flash chips differed in volume (Maxeye MX25L1606E - 2 MB, Xiaomi MX25L3233F - 4 MB). And then I got the idea, why not upload the firmware from Maxeye to Xiaomi. No sooner said than done. I unsoldered both microcircuits and put them in the TL866CS programmer.

I read both firmwares, uploaded the firmware from Maxeye into the Xiaomi spi flash chip and soldered the chips back. After the firmware Xiaomi device Wi-Fi Amplifier launched perfectly via Web interface at or

Thus, I saved myself from an intrusive program with unknown hieroglyphs, and besides, the native software from Xiaomi on the repeater was constantly trying to break into the network on port 80 to some server, I don’t know what it was transmitting there.
Dedicated to everyone suffering from Xiaomi software!!!

I posted both dumps on Yandex Disk:

Original from Xiaomi

Dump from WEB from Maxeye

I'm planning to buy +33 Add to favorites I liked the review +75 +124

Greetings colleagues.
My H-Bot ZAV printer.
I decided to fill new firmware in Atmega, namely Repetier Firmware instead of Marlin.
Firstly, I read somewhere that the algorithm for working with motors is different (this is true), and secondly, I wanted something new)))

Go to the page web configurator:
Extreme stable version now 0.92.9
The configurator is divided into sections: Home, Basic, Mechanics, etc.
By checking the boxes and selecting the desired item, we gradually configure the firmware for your printer.
There is nothing complicated, but there are subtleties. For H-Bot/CoreXY there are two kinematic options:

I didn't see any difference. I settled on the first type.
There is also support for conventional kinematics (Cartesian type), Delta and some exotic schemes:

There are many supported boards, just like in Marlin. A
An interesting feature - you need to specify the processor - Atmega 8 bit or Atmega DUO.
Those. The firmware is already configured for 32 bits.
On the first page we configure the speeds, the bluetooth module, if any, the size of the printed area and the Z correction (auto-level, as I understand it).
Well, I don’t need it, so let’s move on.

Setting up the mechanics.

Everything seems clear here.
For ARM processors there is a resolution to increase the step by 4 times!

(you need to buy DUO!)
When adjusting the number of steps, you must remember - the step in the firmware is increased by 2 times!
Those. with a step in Marlin 100 steps per mm. (I have 16 tooth rollers, a GT2 belt), here you need to set 200 steps per mm! But only for the X and Y axes! For Z and extruder nothing increases! Don't lose sight of this!
There are also settings for rotation, shutdown and duplication of motors.
For Pryusha on the Z axis this is done like this:

Check the Mirror motor box and select from the drop-down box below where the driver is enabled. All! There is an option - 3 motors, i.e. support for 3 extruders.
Next we set up the end stops. Everything is clear here even without pictures. We indicate what type of endstops they are (normally closed or normally open), indicate the pins where they are connected. I only changed the type for my printer, removed Z_min, added Z_max.

There is an interesting point here - the choice of instrument!
The firmware was originally designed for a router, laser engraver and 3D printer!
Comfortable! Select FFF printer.
Next comes setting the temperatures. There’s nothing complicated here either, I changed the temperatures for plastics, I left the rest at default.
Don't forget to check the box about the presence of a heated table (who has it!). It's not very noticeable here, look carefully!
Set the availability of the table and the options for this table appear.
Temperatures, heating method with settings, thermistor type, etc. Everything is more than clear.
Next we set up the extruder. In addition to the standard settings, there are interesting points: Extruder cooler pin, Enable extruder cooler at (Pin for connecting the extruder fan, Turning on the fan when a certain temperature is reached). Those. If you have a fan control board, here we put the pins where the fan is connected and its turn-on temperature and speed.
For standard setting Leave the fan pin Disabled. The remaining settings, such as heating, PID values, and thermistor type, are familiar to us from Marlin and will not cause any difficulties.
Here we include all sorts of features - support for SD cards, support for baby step (Z control while printing - adjusting the table level, convenient) and many other functions. Read carefully. Next comes setting up the model’s cooling fan. Everything is transparent here too. But under the fan setting there is another setting - additional. fan, which is controlled using a free thermistor! Those. driver cooling for example! Very comfortably! But o5 with an expansion card. I have already ordered it for myself))))
And further interesting setting- Table covering. (Bed Coating). Here you can adjust the thickness of the table covering, i.e. glass! And the processor will take this into account when heating the bed! You can set the thickness of 3 different coatings and choose them from the menu!
Cool! I haven’t done it myself, but I’ll try it today.
Next comes setting the filament change and retraction. I left everything as is.

User Interface page.

Here we select the display, languages ​​(there is no Russian, and it is not needed), encoder settings and temperature values ​​for turning on heating through the printer menu.
I didn’t write anything here because I don’t know what to write.))))

Well, the finale is the Download page.

Here we download the configured firmware in the archive, as well as the configuration.h file separately. You can edit it, or you can upload it on the first page and all your settings will already be in the web configurator.
All that remains is to unpack the archive, run the repitier.ino file and upload it all to the printer. Before doing this, it would be a good idea to clean the EEPROM using the Arduini IDE.
And you can print!
The motors really run quieter, there is no knocking from a change in the acceleration vector (on the Marlin I had knocking noises at speeds above 80), everything is soft and neat!))))
Photo menu:

Video printing - speed 100 mm/sec.

Questions and suggestions are welcome. Maybe I forgot something, I’ll add it in the comments.
On this moment I like this firmware better than Marlin and I will not return to it))))

A wi-fi repeater is one of the most effective ways increase the signal propagation area. Among large quantity offers, some prefer more expensive options from a specialized store, others do not want to pay almost double the amount for the same functions. The second only needs to figure out how to set up a wi-fi repeater from China, which will serve as an acceptable source of the Internet.

The repeater is configured via a web browser. The procedure can only be carried out through a computer, having previously established a connection between the devices.

How to connect the repeater to a PC:

  • turn on the device by plugging it into the socket. At this moment, the operation indicator will light up. It is recommended to keep the repeater as close as possible to the computer;
  • wait for it to turn on indicator light, if the repeater is wireless. Otherwise, connect the devices using a cable;
  • The repeater must be located among the available wireless networks; the name will include repeater. Click on the icon and select “connect”;
  • when the message about the new router appears, which will offer automatic installation and setup, in the window you need to click on the hyperlink with the words “connect to the network”.

Upon completion, the Internet will automatically turn off, and an icon of the connected device will appear in the tray. Next, the setup of the Chinese wi-fi repeater in the interface begins.

Setting parameters

Settings are required to connect to the desired network wi-fi and enabling the main function - expanding the coverage area.

How to set up a wi-fi repeater from China:

  1. V address bar The working browser is clogged with the IP address of the repeater, which must be indicated either on the browser itself or in the instructions. To set up a wi-fi repeater from China, you can dial;
  2. in the next window, enter the word admin in both the login and password fields;
  3. In the menu that opens, configure the connection mode in the “wireless repeater mode” field. Select “Repeater Mode” and “AP mode” for wireless and wired connections, respectively;
  4. in the next window you need to find yours wi-fi network from those proposed, click on it and confirm by clicking the “Apply” button. If available, enter a password;
  5. if the required network is not available, refresh the window by clicking “refresh”.

The success message will display: Setting up Chinese wifi repeater completed. The interface is no longer needed, and the signal level should be at maximum.

If there is no access to the interface

The previous instructions describe the sequence of actions for a network with untouched settings. If any changes were made, then there is a chance that you won’t even get into the interface. In this case, you will have to configure the computer first.

A wi-fi repeater is primarily a signal repeater, and it is necessary to increase the area wi-fi coverage. From correct settings repeater depends on the quality of the outgoing signal.

Setting up a PC if you don’t have access to the repeater settings:

  1. The repeater, plugged in, is connected to the computer with a cable. You need to find and click on “network center” and select “change adapter settings”;
  2. then click on the local network icon. Click on the last one right click, the “properties” line is selected. In the new window you need to select the TCP/IPv4 setting;
  3. A menu will appear in which you click “use the following IP address.” After that, in the fields IP, mask, gateway are entered following parameters:,,, respectively. At this point the setup is completed and click “OK”.

Setting up a PC without access to the repeater panel

When all actions are completed and saved, entering the repeater interface should be successful. It is not recommended to change PC settings unless absolutely necessary, that is, without absolute certainty that they are the only problem.

For a recently purchased repeater, it will not be difficult to carry out the entire process described above, especially if there have been no previous changes in the computer settings.

Many people face some problems with product instructions made in China, but the versatility of installing repeaters solves this problem. In this case, the result of use will be immediately noticeable in the form full indicator Wi-Fi signal level.

Availability wireless WiFi networks at home or in the office will not surprise anyone for a long time. However, often, when trying to organize it, a problem arises - the standard coverage radius of the access point is not enough.

The reason for this may be too large a room area, an inconvenient layout or several floors. To strengthen the signal, it is recommended to use a wireless repeater (repeater, repeater, repeater).
Wall Powered Wireless Signal Repeater is a special gadget that plugs into a regular outlet, “connects” to the router “over the air” and amplifies the signal, thereby increasing the WiFi coverage area. You can order it from China, in any online store for $8-10. But no one forbids spending money on other, more expensive imported models. They can be purchased at most stores digital technology. In terms of functionality, such a repeater is not much different from a Chinese one, but it will cost 1.5-2 times more.

Thanks to the repeater, the coverage area increases significantly. In this case, the network will remain wireless, but the speed of the Internet connection may decrease. If you have already used a wireless network, then you know: what longer distance from the router (distributing WiFi) to devices receiving the signal (laptops, mobile devices), the lower the speed.

A repeater doesn’t just increase network coverage, it strengthens the signal. Therefore, the loss of speed is almost unnoticeable (especially if you use high speed connection), but the stability of work increases noticeably.

The repeater works simply: it finds everything available for connection WiFi points(that is, the repeater must be in the coverage area), connects to the desired one, and then transmits the signal further, beyond the coverage area.

Most repeaters have two operating modes:

  • Repeater Mode - for wireless connection (router required);

Thus, the repeater allows you not only to strengthen the WiFi signal, but also to distribute it in general.


In appearance, the repeater is small device. On top panel Usually there are 3-4 indicator lights (which will indicate its readiness for work and possible failures). On the side you can find the entrance for LAN cable and a small “reset” button to reset to factory settings.

The kit usually comes with instructions for English language, adapter for Euro socket and LAN cable.

Connecting to a computer

To set up a repeater correctly, you don't need to be computer genius and have some special knowledge. The whole process will take you no more than 10-15 minutes.

  • Plug the repeater into an outlet near the computer (if this is the first time you turn it on, the red light - Power Indicator - should light up) and wait a few minutes;
  • If you are using wired connection, then connect the repeater to the router using a LAN cable;
  • after that, another light (Wireless Indicator) will light up, which means that the repeater has connected to your network and started distributing WiFi;
  • now repeater can be found in the list of available wireless networks (in the tray);
  • find a new device in the list, click on it and click “connect” (the name should contain the word repeater if the repeater is connected for the first time and its name has not been changed);
  • windows will give system notification, that “the router is not yet installed” and will offer to configure it;

  • It is very important at this stage to refuse and find the line in the message “connect to the network without pre-installation and settings";
  • after clicking on the hyperlink, the computer will automatically connect to the repeater, which means you will lose the Internet.

Web interface

As soon as the computer connects to the repeater (this will be indicated by the corresponding icon in the tray), you need to go to the web interface and configure its parameters. For this:

  • open any browser and write the repeater IP in the address bar. By default it is and press “enter” (information can be found in the instructions and on the manufacturer’s official website). This address should be suitable for a Chinese repeater;
  • As soon as the IP is entered, an authorization window will appear in the web interface. Here you need to enter your login and password. Standard data: admin/ admin;

  • after that you will be taken to a menu where you can configure the repeater;
  • here you need to open the first top block of the “wireless repeater mode” menu;

  • A new window will open where you need to select the operating mode of the repeater. If you are using wireless connection, then select “Repeater Mode”, if wired - “AP mode”;
  • because we need to strengthen wifi signal, thereby increasing the network coverage area, we will select “repeater mode”;

  • another window will appear where the device will begin to search for available connections WiFi networks;
  • select the one you need and click “apply” to confirm or “refresh” to update the list;

  • if your network has a password, you will need to enter it;
  • will begin automatic setting network, upon completion of which a message will appear in the “Wireless Repeater Mode” window stating that the operation was successful;
  • To close the notification, click "close".

If before this, in the menu wireless connections The signal strength was weak (1-2 bars), but now, by opening the notification window, you will be able to notice that the signal is working at full capacity. After all the machinations done, the repeater can be moved further around the room, thereby increasing the network coverage area.


By default, the computer allows you to immediately access the repeater web interface. However, if you had to change the local network settings, you will not be able to do this.

If you cannot access the web interface, although you are sure that the IP address you entered is correct, you will have to configure your computer.

This should only be done as a last resort (if you cannot log into the web interface right away).

  1. connect the repeater to the power supply, and then connect it to the computer when LAN help cable;
  2. open Network and Sharing Center shared access"(via the control panel or tray);
  3. on the side, find “change adapter settings”;
  4. A folder will open where you need to click on the “ the local network", call context menu, and then click “properties” - configure TCP/IPv4 (it is version 4 of the protocol that needs to be changed, not version 6).

In the window that opens, enter the following information:

  • IP:;
  • Mask (default):;
  • Gateway:

Save changes made and try logging into the repeater web interface again.


As you can see, the repeater fully justifies the price and performs all the functions declared by the manufacturer, namely, it amplifies the signal.
Yes, if you conduct speed tests, you can notice a slight decrease in speed (compared to working directly). But this is fully explained by the distance and passage of the signal through walls or floors. In addition, it can be used to ensure the stability of the wifi network.

If you configure the repeater correctly, you will be able to use the Internet not only in the furthest rooms of your house, but you will also be surprised by the absence of network errors. Which often arise due to a weak signal.

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