When did the adding machine appear? Information center "central house of knowledge"

Until a certain point in its development, humanity, when counting objects, was content with a natural “calculator” - ten fingers given from birth. When they became scarce, we had to come up with various primitive tools: counting stones, sticks, abacus, Chinese suan-pan, Japanese soroban, Russian abacus. The design of these instruments is primitive, but handling them requires a fair amount of skill. For example, for a modern person born in the era of calculators, mastering multiplication and division on an abacus is extremely difficult. Such miracles of “bone” balancing act are now possible, perhaps, only for a microprogrammer privy to the secrets of the operation of an Intel microprocessor.

A breakthrough in the mechanization of counting came when European mathematicians began racing to invent adding machines. However, it’s worth starting the review with a fundamentally different class of computers.

Dead end branch

In 1614, the Scottish baron John Napier (1550-1617) published a brilliant treatise, “Description of the Surprising Table of Logarithms,” which introduced a revolutionary computational method into mathematical use. Based on the logarithmic law, which, so to speak, “replaces” multiplication and division with addition and subtraction, tables were compiled that facilitate the work, first of all, of astronomers operating with large arrays of numbers.

After some time, the Welshman Edmund Gunter (1581-1626) proposed a mechanical device using a logarithmic scale to facilitate calculations. Several scales graduated according to the exponential law were accompanied by two measuring compasses, which had to be operated simultaneously, determining the sum or difference of the scale segments, which made it possible to find the product or quotient. These manipulations required increased care.

In 1632, English mathematicians William Oughtred (1575-1660) and Richard Delamain (Richard Delamain, 1600-1644) invented the slide rule, in which the scales are shifted relative to each other, and therefore, when calculating, there was no need to use such a burden, like compasses. Moreover, the British proposed two designs: rectangular and round, in which logarithmic scales were printed on two concentric rings rotating relative to each other.

The “canonical” design of the slide rule appeared in 1654 and was used throughout the world until the beginning of the era of electronic calculators. Its author was the Englishman Robert Bissaker. He took three graduated strips 60 centimeters long, fastened the two outer ones with a metal frame, and the middle one was used as a slider that slid between them. But this design did not provide for a slider that recorded the result of the operation performed. The need for this undoubtedly useful element was expressed in 1675 by the great Sir Isaac Newton (Isaac Newton, 1643-1727), again an Englishman. However, his absolutely fair wish was realized only a century later.

It should be noted that the logarithmic method of calculations is based on the analog principle, when numbers are “replaced” with their analogues, in in this case— lengths of segments. Such an analogue is not discrete; it does not increase by one in the least significant digit of the number. This is a continuous quantity, which, unfortunately, has a certain error that arises during its measurement and low accuracy of presentation. In order for a slide rule to be able to process, say, 10-digit numbers, its length must reach several tens of meters. It is quite clear that the implementation of such a project is absolutely pointless.

On the same ideological principle as the slide rule, analog computers (AVM) were created in the 20th century. In them, the calculated quantity was represented by an electric potential, and the computational process was modeled using electrical circuit. Such devices were quite universal and made it possible to solve many problems. important tasks. The undeniable advantage of the AVM compared to digital machines of that time was its high performance. An equally undeniable drawback is the low accuracy of the results obtained. When powerful computer systems appeared in the 1980s, the speed problem became less acute, and AVMs gradually faded into the shadows, although they did not disappear from the face of the earth.

Toothy arithmetic

At a superficial glance, it may seem that the court of history has dealt even more mercilessly with another type of computing mechanism - adding machines. Indeed, now they can only be found in museums. For example, in our Polytechnic, or in the German Museum in Munich (Deutches Museum), or in the Museum of Computer Science in Hannover (Ponton Computer-Museum). However, this is fundamentally wrong. Based on the operating principle of arithmometers (bitwise addition and shifting the sum of partial products), electronic arithmetic devices, the “head” of the computer, were created. Subsequently, they acquired a control device, memory, peripherals, and, in the end, were “embedded” in a microprocessor.

One of the first adding machines, or rather “adding machine,” was invented by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) around 1500. True, no one knew about his ideas for almost four centuries. A drawing of this device was discovered only in 1967, and from it IBM recreated a fully functional 13-bit adding machine, which used the principle of 10-tooth wheels.

Ten years earlier, as a result of historical research in Germany, drawings and a description of an adding machine were discovered, made in 1623 by Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1636), a professor of mathematics at the University of Tübingen. It was a very “advanced” 6-bit machine, consisting of three nodes: an addition-subtraction device, a multiplying device, and a block for recording intermediate results. If the adder was made on traditional gears that had cams for transferring a transfer unit to an adjacent digit, then the multiplier was built in a very sophisticated way. In it, the German professor used the “lattice” method, when, using a gear “multiplication table” mounted on shafts, each digit of the first factor is multiplied by each digit of the second, after which all these partial products are added with a shift.

This model turned out to be workable, which was proven in 1957, when it was recreated in Germany. However, it is unknown whether Schickard himself was able to build his own adding machine. There is evidence contained in his correspondence with the astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) that the unfinished model was destroyed by fire in a workshop. In addition, the author, who soon died of cholera, did not have time to introduce information about his invention into scientific use, and it became known only in the middle of the twentieth century.

Therefore, Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), who was the first to not only design, but also build a working arithmometer, started, as they say, from scratch. A brilliant French scientist, one of the creators of probability theory, author of several important mathematical theorems, natural scientist who discovered Atmosphere pressure and who determined the mass of the earth’s atmosphere, and an outstanding thinker who left behind such works as “Thoughts” and “Letters to a Provincial” that have not been lost to this day, was in Everyday life loving son of the President of the Royal House of Duties. As a nineteen-year-old boy in 1642, wanting to help his father, who spent a lot of time and effort preparing financial statements, he designed a machine that could add and subtract numbers.

The first sample constantly broke down, and two years later Pascal made a more advanced model. It was a purely financial machine: it had six decimal places and two additional ones: one divided into 20 parts, the other into 12, which corresponded to the ratio of the then monetary units (1 sou = 1/20 livre, 1 denier = 1/12 sou). Each category corresponded to a wheel with a specific number of teeth.

During his short life, Blaise Pascal, who lived only 39 years, managed to make about fifty calculating machines from a wide variety of materials: copper, various types of wood, ivory. The scientist presented one of them to Chancellor Seguier (Pier Seguier, 1588-1672), sold some models, demonstrated some during lectures on latest achievements mathematical science. 8 copies have survived to this day.

It was Pascal who owned the first patent for the Pascal Wheel, issued to him in 1649 by the French king. As a sign of respect for his achievements in the field of "computational science", one of modern languages programming is called Pascal.


It is quite clear that the “Pascal Wheel” prompted inventors to improve the adding machine. A very original solution was proposed by Claude Perrault (1613-1688), brother of the world-famous storyteller, who was a man of broad interests and unique abilities: doctor, architect, physicist, naturalist, translator, archaeologist, designer, mechanic and poet. The creative legacy of Claude Perrault contains drawings of a summing machine dated 1670, in which racks with teeth are used instead of wheels. When moving forward, they rotate the total counter.

The next design word - and what a one! - said Gottfried Leibniz (Gottfried Leibniz, 1646-1716), the enumeration of whose merits and activities can be replaced with two succinct words “great thinker”. He did so much in mathematics that the “father of cybernetics” Norbert Wiener (Norbert Wiener, 1894-1964) proposed to canonize the German scientist and “designate” him as a patron saint of the creators of computers.

Leibniz made the first adding machine in 1673. After which he spent more than 20 years improving his calculating machine. The 8-bit model obtained as a result of an intense search could add, subtract, multiply, divide, and raise to a power. The result of multiplication and division had 16 digits. Leibniz used in his adding machine such structural elements that were used in the design of new models until the twentieth century. These, first of all, include a movable carriage, which made it possible to significantly increase the multiplication speed. The operation of this machine was extremely simplified through the use of a handle with which the shafts rotated, and automatic control of the number of additions of partial products during multiplication.

In the 17th century, of course, there could be no talk of serial production Leibniz adding machines. However, not so few of them were released. For example, one of the models went to Peter I. The Russian Tsar disposed of the mathematical machine in a very unique way: he gave it to the Chinese Emperor for diplomatic purposes.

A review of constructive ideas related to the improvement of mechanical calculating machines would be incomplete without mentioning the Italian mathematician Giovanni Poleni (1683-1761). My scientific activity he started out as a professor of astronomy at the University of Padua. Then he moved to the Department of Physics. And soon he headed the department of mathematics, replacing Nicholas Bernoulli (1695-1726) in this post. His hobbies included architecture, archeology and designing ingenious mechanisms. In 1709, Poleny demonstrated an adding machine that used the progressive principle of the "variable-toothed gear." It also used a fundamental innovation: the machine was driven by the force of a falling load tied to the free end of a rope. This was the first attempt in the history of arithmometer construction to replace a manual drive with an external source of energy.

And in the 1820s English mathematician Charles Babbage (1791-1871) invented the Difference Engine and began building it. During Babbage's lifetime, this apparatus was never built, but, more importantly, when funding for the project dried up, the mathematician came up with the "Analytical Engine" for general calculations, and for the first time formalized and described the logic of... a computer. But, however, this is a slightly different story.

Large-scale producers

In the 19th century, when the technology of precision metal processing achieved significant success, it became possible to introduce an adding machine into a wide variety of areas of human activity, in which, as they now say, it is necessary to process large amounts of data. The pioneer of serial production of calculating machines was the Alsatian Charles-Xavier Thomas de Colmar (1785-1870). Having introduced a number of operational improvements to Leibniz’s model, in 1821 he began producing 16-digit adding machines in his Paris workshop, which became known as “Thomas machines.” At first they were not cheap - 400 francs. And they were produced in not so large quantities - up to 100 copies per year. But by the end of the century, new manufacturers appear, competition arises, prices go down, and the number of buyers increases.

Various designers both in the Old and New Worlds patent their models, which differ from classic model Leibniz only by introducing additional ease of use. A bell appears indicating errors such as subtraction from smaller number more. The typesetting levers are replaced with keys. A handle is attached to carry the adding machine from place to place. Ergonomic performance increases. The design is being improved.

At the end of the 19th century, Russia most decisively invaded the world market for adding machines. The author of this breakthrough was the Russified Swede Vilgodt Teofilovich Odner (1846-1905), a talented inventor and successful businessman. Before starting to produce counting machines, Vilgodt Teofilovich designed a device for automated numbering of banknotes, which was used in the printing of securities. He is the author of a machine for stuffing cigarettes, an automatic voting box in the State Duma, as well as turnstiles used in all shipping companies in Russia.

In 1875, Odhner designed his first adding machine, the production rights of which he transferred to the Ludwig Nobel engineering plant. 15 years later, having become the owner of the workshop, Vilgodt Teofilovich launched the production of a new model of adding machine in St. Petersburg, which compares favorably with the calculating machines that existed at that time in its compactness, reliability, ease of use and high productivity.

Three years later, the workshop becomes a powerful plant, producing more than 5 thousand adding machines per year. A product with the mark “V. T. Odner Mechanical Plant, St. Petersburg” begins to gain worldwide popularity, it is awarded the highest awards at industrial exhibitions in Chicago, Brussels, Stockholm, and Paris. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Odhner adding machine began to dominate the world market.

After the sudden death of the “Russian Bill Gates” in 1905, Odner’s work was continued by his relatives and friends. The revolution put an end to the company’s glorious history: V.T. Mechanical Plant. Odner was converted into a repair plant.

However, in the mid-1920s, the production of adding machines in Russia was revived. Most popular model, called “Felix”, was produced at the plant named after. Dzerzhinsky until the end of the 1960s. In parallel with the Felix, the Soviet Union launched the production of electromechanical calculating machines of the VK series, in which muscular efforts were replaced by an electric drive. This type computers was created in the image and likeness of the German Mercedes car. Electromechanical machines had significantly higher productivity compared to adding machines. However, the roar they created was like machine gun fire. If about two dozen Mercedes were working in the operating room, then in terms of noise it was reminiscent of a fierce battle.

In the 1970s, when electronic calculators began to appear - first tube, then transistor - all the mechanical splendor described above began to rapidly move to museums, where it remains today.

Desktop or portable Most often, adding machines were desktop or “knee-mounted” (like modern laptops), and occasionally there were pocket models (Curta). This is how they differed from large floor-mounted computers, such as tabulators (T-5M) or mechanical computers (Z-1, Babbage's machine).

Mechanical Numbers are entered into the adding machine, converted and transmitted to the user (displayed in counter windows or printed on tape) using only mechanical devices. In this case, the adding machine can use exclusively a mechanical drive (that is, to work on them you need to constantly turn the handle. This primitive option is used, for example, in Felix) or perform part of the operations using an electric motor (The most advanced adding machines are computers, for example "Facit CA1-13", almost any operation uses an electric motor).

Accurate calculation Arithmometers are digital (not analog, such as a slide rule) devices. Therefore, the calculation result does not depend on the reading error and is absolutely accurate.

Addition and Subtraction Adding machines can perform addition and subtraction. But on primitive lever models (for example, on the Felix) these operations are performed very slowly (faster than multiplication and division, but noticeably slower than on the simplest adding machines or even manually).

Not programmable When working on an adding machine, the order of actions is always set manually - immediately before each operation, you must press the corresponding key or turn the corresponding lever. This feature of the adding machine is not included in the definition, since there were practically no programmable analogues of adding machines.

Review of definitions from literature sources.

It is difficult to find a definition of an adding machine in the domestic specialized literature. Usually it means an adding machine (in in a general sense) with manual drive and lever input; sometimes the term "arithmometer" was used to refer to specific model- adding machine "Felix". The above general definition The adding machine corresponds to the second subgroup of the first group of machines according to the classification given in the book by Evstigneev, Ryazankin and Tresvyatsky.

However, oddly enough, the definition of an adding machine can be easily found in almost any non-specialized dictionary or encyclopedia.

In the book "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" [M., "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1980] the following definition is given:
An adding machine is a desktop mechanical computing machine for performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, in which setting numbers and actuating the counting mechanism is done manually.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (M., 1969 - 1978) gives another definition:
ARITHMOMETER (from the Greek arithmos - number and... meter) - a desktop computer for performing arithmetic operations. A machine for arithmetic calculations was invented by B. Pascal (1641), but the first practical machine that performed 4 arithmetic operations was built by the German watchmaker Hahn (1790). In 1890, St. Petersburg mechanic V. T. Odner launched the production of Russian calculating machines, which served as the prototype for subsequent models of adding machines.

The following definition is taken from the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S. I. Ozhegov [M., “Russian Language”, 1984. Fifteenth stereotypical edition]:
Arithmometer - desktop hand-held computing device for mechanical performance of arithmetic operations

Dictionary of Foreign Words by M.E. Levberg [M., 1924, II ed., ed. S.A. Adrianova] is limited to the brief:
Arithmometer - calculating machine

The pre-revolutionary dictionary [the output data is lost along with the cover] offers the following definition of an arithmometer (arithmograph):
Ariθmograph, Arθmometer - a calculating machine that mechanically performs ariθmetic operations.

The term "Arithmometer" was first introduced by K.Sh.K. Tom - as the name of the machine he created in 1820, similar to the one shown on the Bunzel-Delton website. It is probably already clear that there was no established definition of the term “arithmometer”. The site adopted this definition for several reasons:

  1. There are a number of models of adding machines (for example, the KSM-1 keypad or the Hamann Elma lever) with a hybrid drive - that is, capable of operating both from a manual drive and from an electric motor.
  2. There are many pairs of adding machine models (for example, "Mercedes-Euklid IV" and "Mercedes-Euklid I"), differing from each other only in the type of input device - keyboard and lever.
  3. Model series computers, including devices both suitable and not suitable for this definition there was almost no adding machine (the exception is the most automated adding machines of some lines, for example, Precisa 166-12, close to computers).
  4. The concept of "arithmetic operations" is somewhat vague. Therefore, it is useful to list these actions in the definition.
  5. This definition most accurately corresponds to both that accepted in specialized and general literature, and that found on the RuNet.
  6. Machines that meet this definition of an adding machine constitute a group that includes devices of very different designs and complexity, but very similar functionally and in the algorithm of use.
  7. These devices also differ significantly in functions and algorithm of use from other types of computers.

Mathematical engineering dates back to the end of the 19th century with the invention of adding machines. Among them is Thomson's machine, as well as Odhner's machine. The latter is considered the prototype of all adding machines; it was one of the most popular. Odhner's adding machine at one time made a breakthrough in this industry.

The adding machine was invented in 1874. But the production of adding machines began later. At that time, its design turned out to be the most successful of similar devices, known to the world while. The main element of the device was the so-called Odhner wheel, which was a wheel with a variable number of teeth.

Odhner's adding machine

Odhner's wheel had nine teeth, the angle between two of them was represented as one. The adding machine had one wheel, which was assigned to one digit. It worked like this: the number of teeth that were extended by the lever was equal to the set number.

When the handle was turned, the teeth meshed with the idler gears and turned the counting register wheel. The angle at which this wheel turned was proportional to the number set on the levers. Thus, the set number was transferred to the counter.

Odhner was not the only one who worked towards the development of such a wheel. Poleni and Baldwin had patents for similar inventions, but they were unable to implement them in a finished device. Therefore, Odner became the developer of the device.

Vilgoldt Teofilovich Odner

Odner was born in Sweden in 1869, and some time later he moved to Russia. He worked and lived in St. Petersburg, first at a factory, and then in the service of the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers, which was at that time the largest enterprise in St. Petersburg. The expedition was engaged in the procurement of state papers; it was founded with the aim of controlling and eliminating the possibility of manufacturing counterfeit ones in factories, which was common before its appearance.

During his work, Odner showed himself to be an outstanding inventor with a creative approach. He was involved in the mechanization of production areas and was successful. Among other things, his adding machine was intended to mechanize the numbering of credit bills - an operation that had previously been carried out entirely manually. Thanks to him, we also received such inventions as turnstiles, which were later used on steamships, a ballot box, and tissue paper.

Adding machine

The device had a reliable design, which was so successful that after a long time there were practically no changes. In addition, the advantages of the counting device were physical parameters and convenient form, which allowed it to be widely used and thereby facilitate the work of the computer.

The characteristics of the device were as follows:

  • the volume of the device was small, the area it occupied was only 5 by 7 inches;
  • the device was highly durable, and its simple operating mechanism made it easy to repair;
  • when changing work skills, the operation with the adding machine could be performed quite quickly;
  • learning to work with an adding machine did not take much time and was not difficult; everyone could learn to work with it;
  • The adding machine always produced a true result at the output, provided that all actions were followed correctly.

Since after the invention of his device Odhner did not have the funds to start production, he decided to transfer the rights to the invention to the company Königsberger and Co. Unfortunately, she only managed to build a batch of adding machines. They were produced at the Ludwig Nobel plant, and today it is believed that only one device from this batch has survived. This unique example is in the museum. The basis was taken from the first patents, which distinguished this adding machine from mass-produced ones by the following features:

  • Unlike a conventional adding machine, the handle of this sample rotated in the opposite direction: clockwise when subtracting, and counterclockwise when adding;
  • the results counter was located above the revolution counter;
  • the numbers were written on wheels, and the adding machine had special windows for reading them;
  • the digit capacity of the setting mechanism was eight, the results counter was ten, and the revolutions were seven, which was somewhat less than that of serial samples;
  • The parts have the number 11 on them, which is assumed to be the serial number.

For several years Odhner worked on a new version of the adding machine, and later he invented a device whose design included intermediate mechanisms and allowed the handle to be rotated in a direction more familiar to humans. For the operation of addition and subtraction, it was now rotated clockwise, that is, away from itself. The setting numbers were placed on the front panel, and the counters were located nearby. The accuracy of calculations also increased because there were more registers.

The production of new and improved machines began already in 1886 in a small workshop. But there were some difficulties: it turned out that all rights were retained by the company Keninsberg and Co., so it was illegal for Odner to produce adding machines.

In 1890, he applied to the Department of Commerce with a request to grant him a ten-year privilege to produce improved machines. Thanks to this permission, he finally becomes the legal owner of the invention. The small workshop where the inventor and his partners began producing the first models of an improved design is gradually expanding and becoming a factory. In the first year of their work, they produced only 500 adding machines, and after six years their annual production amounted to 5,000 such devices.

Arithmometers are widely known and exhibited at international exhibitions. In 1893, they were presented at the World Exhibition in Chicago and received the highest award, followed by a silver medal at the All-Russian Industry Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod and gold medals in Brussels, as well as in Stockholm and Paris.

In 1807 he became the sole owner of the plant. And since 1897, the adding machine has been stamped with the “Odner mechanical plant” stamp. Odner himself continues to be engaged in design activities, gradually begins to invent new models, and the design of the mechanism is improved. The standard digits of the setting mechanism at that time were nine, thirteen for the result counter and eight for the revolution counter. In addition, the carriage becomes larger in capacity.

The adding machine is sold by the Trading House of Emmanuel Mitenets, and it costs 115 rubles. After the death of V. T. Odner from heart disease on September 2, 1905, his work was continued by friends and relatives. The new brand under which the devices are produced at the plant is called “Odner-original”. After the revolution, the plant was renamed and production of the adding machine ceased.

The production of mechanical calculating machines was revived in the 1920s at the Dzerzhinsky State Mechanical Plant in Moscow. Gradually, adding machines are improved and they begin to be produced under other brands: “Soyuz”, “Dynamo”, “Felix”. The latter were the most popular. Felix adding machines were distinguished by their smaller dimensions and improved mechanism transport. A lot of them were produced in the USSR, several million machines over 40 years without making significant changes to the design of the device.

Further development of the adding machine

Production and release of devices continued around the world. Among them, the most famous were “Facit”, “Voltaire”, “Merchant” and others. "Facit" was a direct descendant of the adding machine of the Odhner system. In 1932, the first keyboard adding machine was developed on its basis. The first electromechanical adding machines were developed under the Brunswi, Walter and Triumphator brands. A domestic similar machine “VK-1” was created at the Penza plant “Schetmash” in 1951.

Afterwards, it became the basis for the production of semi-automatic machines with ten keys “VK-2”, “VK-3”, which at one time became very widespread.

One of the most successful modifications of the Odner adding machine produced in the Soviet Union is the Felix machine. It worked reliably and was widely available.

Now adding machines are considered a rarity. They can be found mainly in museums and private collections. And the cost of the earliest and rarest models can be quite high.

Designed for accurate multiplication and division, as well as addition and subtraction. A mechanical computer that automatically records processed numbers and results on a special tape - arithmograph.


Tabletop or portable : Most often, adding machines were desktop or “knee-mounted” (like modern laptops); occasionally there were pocket models (Curta). This distinguished them from large floor-standing computers such as tabulators (T-5M) or mechanical computers (Z-1, Charles Babbage's Difference Engine).

Mechanical: Numbers are entered into the adding machine, converted and transmitted to the user (displayed in counter windows or printed on tape) using only mechanical devices. In this case, the adding machine can use exclusively a mechanical drive (that is, to work on them you need to constantly turn the handle. This primitive option is used, for example, in “Felix”) or perform part of the operations using an electric motor (The most advanced adding machines are computers, for example “Facit CA1-13", almost any operation uses an electric motor).

Exact calculation: Arithmometers are digital (not analog, such as a slide rule) devices. Therefore, the calculation result does not depend on the reading error and is absolutely accurate.

Multiplication and division: Arithmometers were primarily intended for multiplication and division. Therefore, almost all adding machines have a device that displays the number of additions and subtractions - a revolution counter (since multiplication and division are most often implemented as sequential addition and subtraction; for more details, see below).

Addition and subtraction: Adding machines can perform addition and subtraction. But on primitive lever models (for example, on the Felix adding machine) these operations were performed very slowly - faster than multiplication and division, but noticeably slower than on the simplest adding machines or even manually.

Non-programmable: When working on an adding machine, the order of actions is always set manually - immediately before each operation, you should press the corresponding key or turn the corresponding lever. This feature of the adding machine is not included in the definition, since there were practically no programmable analogues of adding machines.

The most important events in the history of development

Approximately 5th - 6th century BC.
The appearance of the abacus (Egypt, Babylon)

Around 6th century AD
Chinese abacus appears.

Millionaire is the first (and possibly only) mass-produced multiplying machine. For multiplication, I used “multiplication table” plates; multiplication by any number was done with one turn of the handle. Multiplying machines were produced until the 1930s, then they were supplanted by more convenient and universal (albeit slower) computing machines.

1910(according to some sources - 1905)
Mercedes-Euklid (Mercedes-Euclid), model I, Germany - the first adding machine with a transfer device based on the "proportional rack" principle. Machines on proportional racks are characterized by reliable transfer, the ability to work with high speed And low level noise during operation (if other devices also operate quietly). It is on this principle that the fastest adding machines are built - Marchant Silent Speed ​​(Merchant).

At the same time, Mercedes-Euklid (Mercedes-Euclid), model I" is the first (or, according to at least, one of the first) adding machines with semi-automatic division (the machine is capable of automatically calculating the current digit of the quotient).

Mercedes-Euklid (Mercedes-Euclid), model IV, Germany - apparently the first widespread adding machine with a full-key keyboard. The first full-key adding machine was released by Monroe (1911), but it actually entered the market only in 1914.

MADAS (Acronym: Multiplication, Automatic Division, Addition, and Subtraction) is the first adding machine with fully automatic division. Perhaps it was released not in 1913, but in 1908.

Mercedes-Euklid (Mercedes-Euclid), model VII, Germany - apparently the world's first automatic computer.

Hamann Manus, mod. A (Hamann Manus, Germany) - the appearance of adding machines based on a wheel with a switching latch. These adding machines were complex, but the mass of their rotating parts was small, so they could work at relatively high speeds.

Facit T (Facit T, Sweden) is the world's first adding machine with a ten-key keyboard. A ten-key keyboard is smaller than a full-key keyboard, but it is more complex in design and works slower. Subsequently, based on the Facit TK model, the widespread Soviet adding machine VK-1 was released.

The rise of computers and semi-automatic adding machines. It was at this time that most of the models of electric computers were released.

1962 - 1964
The appearance of the first electronic calculators (1962 - experimental series ANITA MK VII (England), by the end of 1964 electronic calculators were produced by many developed countries, including the USSR (VEGA KZSM)). A fierce competition begins between electronic calculators and the most powerful computers. But the appearance of calculators had almost no effect on the production of small and cheap adding machines (mostly non-automatic and manually driven).

Production of the Contex-55 began, probably the latest model of adding machines with high degree automation.

Peak production of adding machines in the USSR. About 300 thousand Felixes and VK-1s were produced.

Around this time, production of Felix-M adding machines was discontinued. This may have been the last type of adding machine produced in the world.

The latter is reliably known date release of a mechanical computer - the Oka cash register.

Mechanical cash registers (KKM) "Oka" (models 4400, 4401, 4600) are excluded from the state register of the Russian Federation. Apparently, the last area of ​​application of complex mechanical computers in Russia has disappeared.

In some stores in Moscow there were still abacuses...

The prototype of the calculator - the adding machine - existed more than 300 years ago. Nowadays, complex mathematical calculations can be done with ease by silently pressing the keys of the same calculator or computer, mobile phone, smartphone (on which the corresponding applications are installed). Previously, this procedure took a lot of time and created a lot of inconvenience. But still, the appearance of the first calculating device made it possible to save on the costs of mental labor, and also pushed for further progress. Therefore, it is interesting to know who invented the adding machine and when it happened.

The appearance of the adding machine

Who invented the adding machine first? This person was the German scientist Gottfried Leibniz. The great philosopher and mathematician designed a device consisting of a movable carriage and a stepped roller. G. Leibniz introduced it to the world in 1673.

His ideas were adopted by the French engineer Thomas Xavier. He invented a calculating machine to perform the four operations of arithmetic. The numbers were set by moving the gears along the axis until the numbers you need, with each stepped roller corresponding to one digit of numbers. The device was driven by the rotation of a hand lever, which, in turn, moved gears and toothed rollers, producing the desired result. This was the first adding machine put into mass production.

Device Modifications

The Englishman J. Edmondzon was the one who invented the adding machine with a circular mechanism (the carriage performs an action in a circle). This device was created in 1889 based on the apparatus of Thomas Xavier. However, there were no significant changes in the design of the device, and this device turned out to be just as bulky and inconvenient as its predecessors. Subsequent analogues of the device also committed the same sin.

It is well known who invented the adding machine with numeric keypad. It was the American F. Baldwin. In 1911, he introduced a counting device in which numbers were set in vertical digits containing 9 digits.

The production of such counting devices in Europe was established by engineer Carl Lindström, creating a device that was more compact in size and original in design. Here the stepped rollers were already positioned vertically rather than horizontally, and, in addition, these elements were arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

On the territory of the Soviet Union, the first adding machine was created at the Schetmash plant named after. Dzerzhinsky in Moscow in 1935. It was called a keyboard (KSM). Their production continued until and then was resumed in the form of new models of semi-automatic machines only in 1961.

During these same years, automatic devices were also created, such as “VMM-2” and “Zoemtron-214”, which were used in various fields, while the work was characterized by great noise and inconvenience, but this was the only device at that time that helped cope with a large volume of calculations.

Now these devices are considered a rarity; they can only be found as a museum exhibit or in the collection of lovers of ancient technology. We examined the question of who invented the adding machine, and also provided information about the history of the technical development of this device and hope that this information will be useful to readers.

2024 gtavrl.ru.