When to change your iPhone, iPad or MacBook battery. How to determine if your iPhone battery needs to be replaced

We look into the issue and give the necessary general advice.

Almost everyone who used the same iPhone, iPad, MacBook or any other mobile device for more than two years, faced the problem of its battery quickly draining. If immediately after purchase the device confidently survived until the night, after prolonged use it barely survives until the evening.

This happened with iPhone 5s my girlfriend. And this is not surprising. After each charging and discharging Battery capacity inevitably drops, and you can restore your iPhone, iPad or Mac to a new state only by replacing the battery.

We will deal with the issue and consider three ways to check the battery iPhone or iPad using software for different platforms: coconutBattery For OS X, iBackupBot For Windows And Battery Life For iOS- everyone will choose what is convenient for themselves. And as a bonus, we'll test the battery MacBook and give the necessary general advice on the topic.

1. A critical number of cycles - then the battery can no longer cope

To deal with this issue, we decided not to take any official or modest data from the network. And we turned to several repair shops that face this problem almost every day.

Fortunately, they all saw in us potential client and did not refuse expert information. The majority of respondents (in total we contacted ten unofficial service centers) noted 500 cycles For iPhone, iPad And MacBook until 2009, and also 1000 cycles For MacBook after 2009 as official critical indicators.

There is no escape - after 500 recharge cycles the battery iPhone need to change.

Of course, after these values ​​you can continue to use the device, but this level the actual battery capacity reaches almost 80% of the declared one and is rapidly decreasing.

However, from of this rule There may be exceptions. So, for example, a battery can behave quite normally even after 1500 cycles, and sometimes it “dies” after 40. In the latter case, this is most likely due to moisture getting into the case or voltage surges that the built-in protection could not cope with.

2. iPhone, iPad and MacBook battery test via coconutBattery for OS X

In use coconutBattery there is absolutely nothing complicated. We need the first and last tabs programs - they indicate the number of charge-discharge cycles ( Loadcycles) MacBook And iPhone or iPad respectively.

In my case it's 91 cycles for personal MacBook Pro 13’’ and 284 for iPhone 6, which temporarily replaces mine iPhone 6s. With such a rhythm of use, you need to mentally prepare for replacing the battery not very soon.

By the way, on iPhone 5s my girlfriend, who became the reason for writing this article, has already had almost 800 recharge cycles - the battery needs to be changed as soon as possible.

For fans of the ecosystem Apple program coconutBattery you can safely recommend as a universal solution both for computers and mobile devices.

3. Check your iPhone or iPad battery with iBackupBot for Windows

Let's be honest iBackupBot- This terrible unintuitive utility, which would never have been in such a selection if the developers coconutBattery adapted their solution for Windows.

However, there is all the functionality we are interested in, which is in the menu More Information- line CycleCount.

4. Determine the number of recharge cycles on an iPhone or iPad with Battery Life

I'm sure it's not the most beautiful, but the easiest way to diagnose battery iPhone - mobile app Battery Life, which does not require any additional equipment.

The data we are interested in is in the section Raw Data- line Cycles. None interesting functionality no longer here.

5. “Frosty” iPhone and iPad test - especially relevant in winter

If iPhone or iPad turns off after 10-15 minutes spent in the cold, its battery is definitely needed change. Normal "live" battery should behave normally.

However, you should not abuse mobile devices in the cold, because there is nothing useful in such stressful situations No. Moreover, the same MacBook In general, they tolerate frost very poorly, so there is no need to work with them outside in winter.

Myth 1. iPhone, iPad or MacBook batteries need a workout - a few full cycles charging and discharging to increase capacity.

No, they use batteries based on technology Li-ion, which do not require such calibration.

Myth 2. Long-term charging shortens the life of the battery - for example, leaving the device connected to the network overnight.

There is nothing wrong with this; a special controller will cut off the power supply when the battery is fully charged - according to at least, if you are using a quality adapter.

Myth 3. You need to connect the charger as rarely as possible - then there will be fewer of the same cycles.

One cycle is charging the battery from 0 to 100%. And charging the device from 50 to 100% twice is not two cycles, but one. However, frequent connection and disconnection of the device from the power supply still harms its battery.

Myth 4. iPad power supplies harm iPhones.

iPad power supplies do not harm iPhones. We won’t go into details, but the experts with whom we talked as part of this material gave the go-ahead. Moreover, they specified that more powerful blocks power supply from MacBook Pro do not harm the same MacBook Air - the main thing is that they are as much as possible High Quality. It's better not to save money on this.

Myth 5. Closing programs from multitasking will increase battery life.

No, and stop doing it all the time.

Myth 6. Wireless interfaces They drain the battery very much.

As it turned out, they are even too undemanding in terms of energy resources - the most power-hungry element of the device is its screen.

Myth 7. There are batteries increased capacity.

Some repair shops or online stores offer batteries for iPhone increased capacity - there were especially many of them for the fourth and fifth series. This is a pure scam, because nothing like this simply can’t happen.

A couple of tips

When charging iPhone, iPad or Mac you need to use either original power supplies or analogues of the highest quality. In any case, they should have surge protection, which budget options cannot boast of.

The same applies external batteries or automobile chargers- power surges, which entail expensive repairs, are not uncommon in this case.

But with cables Lightning-USB everything is simpler. In the worst case, the device simply won't charge or sync.

This is interesting

On old MacBook Pro Unibody And Air(2008-2012) Repair shops sometimes encounter battery controller errors. You can still get rid of them using a programmer, but not for long. On 2012+ models, it is much more difficult to “get into” the battery; such actions will not bring much fruit.

And how much do you have? Is it time to change or can we be patient?

Sooner or later before iPhone user, iPad or iPod touch The question becomes: to change or not to change the battery on the device. Why does this happen?!

IN Apple devices(iDevices or Macs) have lithium-ion batteries installed. Lithium-ion batteries tend to deteriorate over time. This is not surprising - each battery gradually loses capacity after each charge/discharge. At first this happens unnoticed, but after 2-3 years the battery may lose a quarter, a third, a half, etc. of capacity.

For example, my iPhone 6 Plus for 3 years active use lost approximately 35 percent of its original capacity. And believe me, I was lucky. It happens that 50 percent of the capacity or more is lost and a person is forced to constantly carry a charger and/or Power Bank. And then the question of replacing the battery arises.

Replacing the battery at a service center or at home?

Let's take any service according to iPad repair(for example, Remont-moby) and take a look at the cost of replacing the iPad battery.

Replacing the battery in iPad Pro- 6500 rubles. A little over $100. So this is the latest tablet model. In older models, the cost is already about 2500-3500 rubles. The situation is similar with iPhones, but replacing the battery is even a little cheaper.

In my opinion, the prices in the services are not so terrible that you would bother with home repairs. Firstly, the service person has experience in repairs. Secondly, he has the appropriate tools. Let me explain. Here is a set of tools you will need to iPad disassembly Pro:

The game is not worth the candle. If I need to change the battery in iDevices, then I will go to service center.

To change or not to change the battery?

When should you change the battery on your iPhone or iPad?

a) Measure your current battery capacity. This can be done in the Battery Life app from App Store. If the battery capacity has become less than 60-80%, this is a reason to think about replacement. Moreover, you should remember that if this happened within a year after purchasing a new iPhone/iPad, then the battery can be replaced under Apple’s warranty.

b) If you are not satisfied with how well the device holds a charge and the capacity has dropped, then it’s time to change the battery.

c) If the iPhone/iPad discharges quickly and the capacity is above 80%, then most likely the problem is current version iOS. Google it - you will find many of the same poor souls waiting for an update.

d) It should be remembered that in cold weather the battery drains noticeably faster. Again, you need to focus on capacity, and not on rapid discharge in the cold.

f) Do not forget that the LTE module drains the charge and again I recommend focusing on capacity. If it is above 80%, then there is no particular point in replacing it yet.

Conclusion: I would focus on the numbers 75-80. If the capacity is lower, then change it, if the operating time is not satisfactory, if it is higher, then use what you have. You can always replace it...

Good luck to all! And long life for the batteries on your devices!

Modern smartphones perform many functions. They became for us indispensable assistants. With a regular device you can easily navigate the area using GPS module, use high-speed Internet, take high-quality photos, play productive games and much more. Of course, all this has a bad effect on the battery: it begins to discharge faster, and the battery has less and less charge.

So it turns out that after a few years you have to change the battery. Now we will look at how to replace the battery on an iPhone 5 and how to understand when to do it.

Reducing smartphone operating time

If you notice that your iPhone 5 has begun to discharge faster, then this is the first signal that the battery will soon need to be changed. Remember that your smartphone should not lose more than 1% of its charge at any one time. Of course, if you don't play "heavy" games. You can monitor this in the settings by going to the battery charge statistics.

Also, your device should not turn off spontaneously when the battery charge is 20-30%. This behavior of the phone clearly indicates a battery problem. In this case, the battery of the iPhone 5 must be replaced.

Viewing battery status programmatically

The iPhone 5 is a fairly high-tech smartphone equipped with special programs, which are capable of counting battery charge cycles. This feature allows you to monitor battery capacity. Unfortunately, this data cannot be viewed in the settings - it is available only to Apple employees.

The average user can monitor the battery using the iBackupBot program. All you need to do is connect your iPhone to your computer, run the program and request all the battery status data. The utility will establish a connection between the computer and the device and show the number of charge cycles, the current state of the battery, and its original volume. If the original battery capacity is noticeably different from the current one, the battery should be replaced. In general, the phone can perform well until it exceeds 500 battery cycles.

Replacing the battery on iPhone 5

If you decide to replace the battery yourself, you will need a TS1 screwdriver, a suction cup, a plastic case removal tool and a PH000 screwdriver. Before starting work, you must turn off your smartphone.

It should be noted that the Chinese iPhone 5 is no different in appearance from the original. Therefore, replacing the battery will be carried out almost identically.

Battery for iPhone 5

If you plan to replace the battery yourself, you will need to purchase a battery first. Original battery can be purchased online for only 1000 rubles. Of course, you will first need to make sure that it will fit, and only then make a purchase.

Service centers

If you are hesitant to replace the battery yourself, you can contact a service center. Everyone knows how much the iPhone 5 costs - it is a fairly expensive phone. Therefore, replacing the battery and repairing it in general will be quite expensive. On average, they charge 1,600 rubles to replace a battery. This price includes the battery itself and the services of a technician.


There is nothing complicated about replacing the battery. You only need to carefully and consistently perform all actions. Beginners can spend quite a lot of time replacing, but this is necessary to properly fix the problem. If you do not want to take risks, then you should contact a service center. What is the price? Experts can repair iPhone 5 quite quickly, but this will require spending about 1,600 rubles.

iPhone batteries, like any other power sources in modern mobile devices, lose capacity over time. This process can be a consequence of both natural wear and tear of the battery during use of the iPhone, and a consequence misuse chargers, as well as exposure external factors. But how to the average user Is it possible to determine what is already required at the service center? We will talk about this in this article.

Unstable operation of the device

Reducing the capacity of the iPhone's built-in battery results in shorter operating time and faster discharge of the device. First of all, monitoring these two parameters during daily use of the iPhone becomes the main thing for users to decide that it is time to change the battery.

Loss of capacity can also cause the iPhone to behave incorrectly: turn off by 30-40%, reboot, turn off in the cold. In this case, after connecting to the charger, the charge indication will also be displayed incorrectly (if the iPhone turned off at 25% battery charge, then when turned on it will display the same 25%).

However, there are often cases when the iPhone quickly discharges or turns off, but replacing the battery does not solve the problem. This means that the iPhone has hardware problems at the component level of the processor board. For example, for the iPhone 5 and 5s, the power controller - a microcircuit responsible for the operation of the device's power circuits - is one of weak points boards of these iPhone models. When there are power surges or the use of low-quality chargers, the power controller begins to work incorrectly and needs to be replaced.

Mechanical damage to the battery

There are times when, due to external influences(temperature, mechanical) the iPhone battery may be damaged. In this case, the device’s battery may lose its seal, the lithium inside the battery may begin to crystallize, or the battery “can” itself may begin to swell, damaging the internal elements of the device and the body parts of the iPhone.

On older device models (iPhone 4/4s), if the battery begins to swell, then, as a rule, it squeezes out back cover device, and the glass of the cover itself cracks. On newer iPhone models (iPhone 5/5s, iPhone 6 and higher), if the battery is damaged and, as a result, significantly increased in size, the front part of the case suffers - deformation and, in some cases, cracks of the glass are observed.

In the early stages on iPhone 5, 5s and above, you can prevent the effects of bloating battery in the early stages: if, in the absence of falls and external mechanical influences, the glass peels off from the frame display module, and when you press the screen, streaks appear, then most likely the battery begins to swell and you should think about going to a service center to replace it.

Using battery diagnostic programs

Currently, there are many applications that allow you to obtain information about current state iPhone battery. At the same time, there are both free highly specialized programs and paid applications, included in the specialized software packages for service centers.

These applications allow you to find out the current battery capacity, the number of charge cycles and detailed technical information about the battery. Based on this data, as well as testing the consumption of the processor board, a service center specialist can say with 99% confidence whether the iPhone battery needs to be replaced or not.

Battery Type iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 7 iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 6S iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6 iPhone SE iPhone 5/5S
High-quality copy of a full container corresponding to the original4490 3490 2990 2490 2490 1990 1990 1990
Original battery5900 4700 4500 3500 3500 2900 2900 2900

If your iPhone is quickly discharged and you think that the battery needs to be replaced, contact our service center - specialists will diagnose the device, identify the reasons for the rapid discharge of the battery and offer a high-quality solution.

Our iPhones do tough work every day. They can simultaneously catch a signal from GPS satellites and GLONASS, download data using a high-speed LTE connection, take photos with flash and show it all on an incredibly clear screen. All this is a strong blow to the smartphone battery, which squeezes everything out of itself every day. Over time, it has less and less energy, as a result of which we begin to charge our smartphone more often. It just so happens that in just 1-2 years the battery may need to be replaced. Below we will talk about how to understand that it is time to contact a service center.

Visual manifestations

When your smartphone's battery gets really bad, it will start to show up visually. Batteries emit gas that accumulates under the casing and inflates it. This is easy to detect if the smartphone battery is removable, but in the case of the iPhone this is not the case. The non-separable case was once a unique feature of Apple smartphones and remains an unbreakable tradition of the company. However, even without disassembling the smartphone, some signs can be used to determine that the battery is swelling.

Quite rarely, the battery immediately swells to maximum size, the process is gradual. In the case of plastic iPhones, you can see how the smartphone body changes shape, becoming more convex. Cracks may also appear on the housing. In the case of more modern glass and aluminum iPhones, you may notice a slight bulging of the screen. If your screen sticks out a little, creaks, and when you press it, streaks appear on the display, you should contact a service center. The screen may bulge and squeak after being dropped, and not necessarily due to the battery. However, if the battery continues to swell, it poses a danger to you and your smartphone. In the worst case scenario, a swollen battery can break your smartphone's display, which is a much more expensive repair.

Manifestations at work

Everything is simple here. Unless you're playing games, your battery shouldn't drain more than 1 to 2 percent at any one time. You can enable the display of charge as a percentage in the statistics settings. In addition, your smartphone should not turn off at 20, 30 or 40 percent charge. This behavior clearly indicates that it is time to change the battery. In some cases fast discharge caused iPhone malfunction, not its batteries. As a rule, in this case, rapid discharge is accompanied by heating, and the phone discharges even when in airplane mode or completely turned off.

Tracking software

Your iPhone is very smart, and not everyone knows about some of its capabilities. For example, the iPhone counts battery charge cycles and tracks its capacity. This information is intended for Apple employees and you won't find it in Settings, but you can view it using Mac or . The application will establish a connection with the connected iPhone computer and will show information about it. Ask to see more information, and you will see the number of charge cycles, the original capacity and the current state of the battery. If the current capacity is much lower than the original one, then the battery can be replaced. Remember that on average, after 500 charge cycles, battery life drops by 20 percent. If your performance is normal, but you are still unhappy with the battery performance, try using our

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