Codes for GTA Wi City military helicopter. Codes for GTA: Vice City

While playing GTA Vice City, enter:

THUGSTOOLS - gangster weapons (level 1 in power)
PROFESSIONALTOOLS - professional weapons (level 2 in power)
NUTTERTOOLS - weapons (level 3 in power)
ASPIRINE - complete health
LEAVEMEALONE - Wanted Level = 0 (no one is looking for you)
APLEASANTDAY - good weather
ALOVELYDAY - good weather
ABITDRIEG - clouds
PANZER - get a tank
BIGBANG - blow up nearby cars
STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - change the player's skin
FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT - pedestrians start fighting
NOBODYLIKESME - pedestrians fall when you hit them
OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS - all pedestrians have weapons
ONSPEED - speed up time
BOOOOOORING - slow down time
WHEELSAREALLINEED - only the wheels remain from the cars
GREENLIGHT - all traffic lights are on green
MIAMITRAFFIC - aggressive road traffic
TRAVELINSTYLE - flying car with BloodRing
THELASTRIDE - get a coffin carrier
ROCKANDROLLCAR - get a limousine
RUBBISHCAR - get a garbage truck
GETTHEREFAST - get saber turbo
PROGRAMMER - skinny character (cool hands)
LOOKLIKELANCE - skin - Lance Vance
MYSONISALAWYER - skin - lawyer (Ken Rosenburg)
ILOOKLIKEHILARY - skin - Hilary King
ROCKANDROLLMAN - singer from LoveFist 1
WELOVEOURDICK - singer from LoveFist 2
ONEARMEDBANDIT - skin - bandit (Phil Cassidy)
IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY - skin - mafioso (Sonny Forrelli)
FOXYLITTLETHING - skin - mafia daughter (Mercedes Cortez)
FANNYMAGNET - female magnet (all women follow you)
CERTAINDEATH - with a cigarette in his mouth
SEAWAYS - drive a car on the sea
LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS - increase tires on sports cars
AHAIRDRESSERSCAR - all cars are pink
IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK - all cars are black
GRIPISEVERYTHING - improved machine control
CHASESTAT - show Media Level
CHICKSWITHGUNS - among pedestrians, only women have weapons
AIRSHIP - the ability to fly boats
HOPINGIRL - The Vercetti gang turns into girls
Pedestrians get into your car

Extinguish the car:
If your car catches fire, dial ASPIRINE and
the car will stop burning.

Endless ammo:
Recruit NUTTERTOOLS until the minigun has 10,000 ammo.
Then infinite ammo will appear in all weapon cheats.

Easter Eggs:
Near the biker club, between the film studio and the island,
a drowned man with concreted legs floats in the water a la Cosa Nostra.

On Starfich Island, one of the mansions has a swimming pool without water. In him
There is a ball lying around that you can play with - just come close to it.

Opposite the biker club (Downtown) there is a shop for bikers,
and there’s a cool motorcycle in the window - break the glass and ride
on it for your health.

Hover over the golf course in a helicopter, from 11 to midnight,
now look towards the 1st city, at the building and you will see...

Feature with cars:
On one of the islands, there is a huge garage for 3-4 cars, but put
Only 2 cars allowed. There is a way out of this situation!
You need to do this:
We go into the garage, get into any car and drive it halfway onto the street,
I repeat once again HALF goes outside, half should stay in the garage.
Now the garage door will move frantically, trying to close
(BUT IT WILL NOT CLOSED!) Then we get into the 3rd car and drive it into the garage,
then we drive that car back into the garage, which is half on the street.
Now you have three cars in your garage.

Do you need health? But is the hospital far away? At night try to find a lady
prostitute. She will get into your car and notice how yours is
health increases

You can complete all sorts of tasks at Hyman Memorial Stadium
(which one you can see on the poster above the entrance). Gate for
you are open from 20:00 to 00:00. A good way to earn money.

The North Point Mall store has a cool car in the window.
Get in, get out and ride. You can also visit the stalls there
replenish your health by paying a little.

After completing the game in your Ocean View hotel (exactly the same one
where you lived at the very beginning of the game). There appear figurines, posters,
magazines, bags of money, barrels of alcohol... (and there is also
broken figurine, look what's inside and you'll understand
why do you need to collect them...)

Like all Grand Theft Auto games, GTA Vice City includes additional cheat codes that players can use to make the game easier or crazier. Featuring one of the widest ranges of cheats in the series, these codes truly go beyond their traditional purpose, helping you overcome more difficult sections of the game and becoming the very feature used to make the free-to-play game more interesting with all sorts of scenarios.

Instead of going the usual route of players entering cheats into the developer console, GTA Vice City takes a page from console gaming - as it started out as such - and you simply enter codes during normal gameplay. There's no input menu or hint, just write the cheat code while you're in the game world and try not to die as a result of Tony reacting to your keystrokes.

Using cheats is not difficult because in most cases entering the code a second time will disable the cheat. In case of increasing cheats, such as increasing the desired level, entering it again will continue to increase it to the maximum. To enable it again you need to use an independent lower level cheat. Vice City cheats differ from the rules in GTA III by giving each individual character their own code instead of using a universal code that runs through them. Vice City also includes an amazing number of world-class cheats that are ideal for those who want to create movies within the cinema.

GTA Vice City: Cheat Codes

THUGSTOOLS Gives Tony all level 1 weapons with ammo.
PROFESSIONAL TOOLS Gives Tony all level 2 weapons with ammo.
NUTTERTOOLS Gives Tony all level 3 weapons with ammo
PANZER Creates a Rhino tank.
TRAVELINSTYLE Creates the first version of an old car.
GETTHEREQUICKLY Creates a second version of an old car.
GETTHEREFAST The Turbo Saber car appears.
GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED Creates the first version of the Racer.
GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST Creates a second version of the Racer.
GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED A racing car falls from the sky
ROCKANDROLLCAR Creates the Fist of Love limousine.
RUBBISHCAR A Garbage Truck vehicle appears.
BETTERTHANWALKING A Caddy car appears.
DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS Changes Tony's body type to fat.
PROGRAMMER Changes Tony's body type to skinny.
STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP Accidentally changes Tony's current outfit.
CERTAINDEATH Plays an animation of smoking cigarettes.
CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED Changes player to Ricardo Diaz.
LOOKLIKELANCE Changes the player to Lance Vance.
MYSONISALAWYER Changes the player to Ken Rosenberg.
LOOKLIKEHILARY Changes the player to Hilary King.
ROCKANDROLLMAN Changes the player to Jezz Torent.
WELOVEOURDICK Changes the player to Dick.
ONEARMEDBANDIT Changes player to Phil Cassidy.
IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY Changes the player to Sonny Forelli.
FOXYLITTLETHING Changes the player to Mercedes.
AIRSHIP All ships and boats can take off and fly.
BIGBANG All nearby cars explode.
MIAMITRAFFIC All the NPC cars are trying to run you over.
AHAIRDRESSERSCAR All vehicles in the game turn pink.
IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK All cars in the game turn black.
COMEFLYWITHME All vehicles can take off and fly.
GRIPISEVERYTHING All vehicles have better handling and grip.
GREENLIGHT All traffic lights remain green.
SEAWAYS All vehicles can drive on water.
WHEELSAREALLINED All cars become invisible only when the wheels are shown.
LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS All sports cars have oversized wheels.
ALOVELYDAY The weather is clearing.
APLEASANTDAY Weather cycles until light cloud cover.
ABITDRIEG Weather cycles to heavy cloud cover.
CANTSEEATHING Weather cycles before nebula.
CATSANDDOGS Weather cycles for rain.
LIFEISPASSINGMEBY Speeds up the completion time on the game clock.
BOOOOOORING Reduces speed for everyone.
FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT PEDs attack each other and you.
NOBODY LOVES ME PEDs are attacking you.
CHICKSWITHGUNS PED models with female characters carry weapons.

ZIn GTA: Vice City you don't have to worry about any penalties for using cheats.Many games block achievements or story progress when they are activated, or remind you that "cheats were used." Here you can continue playing as usual if you decide to use cheats to spice up the game.

Enter cheat codes during the game, or in pause mode (in the menu), activated by pressing ESCAPE. Please note that some codes cannot be turned off. The following cheat codes are valid: THUGSTOOLS - gangster weapon (1st level in power) PROFESSIONALTOOLS - professional weapon (2nd level in power) NUTTERTOOLS - weapon (3rd level in power) PRECIOUSPROTECTION - full armor ASPIRINE - full health YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE - +2 to Wanted Level LEAVEMEALONE - Wanted Level = 0 (no one is looking for you) APLEASANTDAY - good weather ALOVELYDAY - good weather ABITDRIEG - clouds CATSANDDOGS - rain CANTSEEATHING - fog PANZER - get a tank LIFEISPASSINGMEBY - speed up time BIGBANG - blow up nearby cars STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - change the player's skin FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT - pedestrians start fighting NOBODYLIKESME - pedestrians fall when you hit them OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS - all pedestrians have weapons ONSPEED - speed up time BOOOOOORING - slow down time WHEELSAREALLINEED - only the wheels of the cars remain COMEFLYWITHME - cars fly ICANTTAKEITANYMORE - suicide GREENLIGHT - all traffic lights are on green MIAMITRAFFIC - aggressive road traffic TRAVELINSTYLE - flying car with BloodRing THELASTRIDE - get a coffin truck ROCKANDROLLCAR - get a limousine RUBBISHCAR - get a garbage truck GETTHEREFAST - get a saber turbo BETTERTHANWALKING - get a caddy DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS - fat character PROGRAMMER - thin character (cool hands) STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - change clothes LOOKLIKEL ANCE - skin - Lance Vance CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED - skin - Ricardo Diaz MYSONISALAWYER - skin - lawyer (Ken Rosenburg) ILOOKLIKEHILARY - skin - Hilary King ROCKANDROLLMAN - singer from LoveFist 1 WELOVEOURDICK - singer from LoveFist 2 ONEARMEDBANDIT - skin - bandit (Phil Cassidy) IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY - skin - mafia ( Sonny Forrelli) FOXYLITTLETHING - skin - mafioso's daughter (Mercedes Cortez) GETTHEREQUICKLY - fast car GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED - the fastest car GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST - the fastest car FANNYMAGNET - female magnet (all women follow you) CERTAINDEATH - with a cigarette in your mouth SEAWAYS - ride with the car around sea ​​LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS - increase tires on sports cars AHAIRDRESSERSCAR - all cars - pink IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK - all cars - black GRIPISEVERYTHING - improved control of cars CHASESTAT - show Media Level СHICKSWITHGUNS - only women have weapons from pedestrians AIRSHIP - the ability to fly on boats HOPINGIRL - the Vercetti gang turns into girls, pedestrians climb into your car Extinguish the car: If your car is on fire, dial ASPIRINE and the car will stop burning. Infinite Ammo: Recruit NUTTERTOOLS until the minigun has 10,000 ammo. Then infinite ammo will appear in all weapon cheats. Easter Eggs: Near the biker club, between the film studio and the island, a drowned man with concreted legs a la Cosa Nostra is floating in the water. On Starfich Island, in one of the mansions (not far from Villa Vercetti Estate) there is a swimming pool without water. There is a ball in it that you can play with - just come close to it (balls can still be found on the beach). Use the ball to set records by stuffing it on your head, the result will be displayed in a certain item in the statistics menu - Higest score with Keepie-Uppy beach ball. Not far from the mansion with the pool without water, in which the ball, there is a piquant pool ;) and a pool with the Rockstar logo. Opposite the bikers' club (Downtown) there is a shop for bikers, and in the window there is a cool motorcycle - break the glass and ride it to your heart's content. Hover in a helicopter over the golf course, from 11 to midnight, now look towards the 1st city, at the building and you will see... Feature with cars: On one of the islands, there is a huge garage for 3-4 cars, and you can only fit 2 cars. There is a way out of this situation! You need to do this: We go into the garage, get into any car and drive it halfway onto the street, I repeat once again HALF onto the street, half should remain in the garage. Now the garage door will move frantically, trying to close (BUT WILL NOT CLOSE!) Then we get into the 3rd car, and drive it into the garage, then we drive back into the garage, that car that is half on the street. Now you have three cars in your garage. Do you need health? But is the hospital far away? At night, try to find a lady of easy virtue. She will get into your car and watch how your health increases. At the Hyman Memorial Stadium you can complete all sorts of tasks (which one you can see on the poster above the entrance). The gates are open for you from 20:00 to 00:00. A good way to earn money. The North Point Mall store has a cool car in the window. Get in, get out and ride. You can also replenish your health at the stalls there by paying a little. After completing the game, at your Ocean View hotel (exactly the same one where you lived at the very beginning of the game). There appear figurines, posters, magazines, bags with money, barrels of alcohol... (and there is also a broken figurine, look what is inside it, and you will understand why you need to collect them...) If the car overturned, you must quickly get out of it and push. Then it will stop burning. Push it further until it stands on its wheels. In Ambulance (ambulance) get +20 health. In the Enforcer (police van) get 100 armor. You will get +25 health when picking up a girl: drive up to one of them, she will come up, then take her to a “beautiful” place. If you leave the door open in the car, it will not disappear when you return.

Start the game and type any one of those cheats when playing the game. General Cheats: THUGSTOOLS - All Level1 Weapons PROFESSIONALTOOLS - All Level2 Weapons NUTTERTOOLS - All Level3 Weapons ASPIRINE - Full Health PRECIOUSPROTECTION - Full Armor FANNYMAGNET - Ladies Magnet (women follow you) YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE - Higher Wanted Level LEAVEMEALONE - No Wanted Level ICANTTAKEITANYMORE - Commit Suicide Character Skin Cheats: DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS - Fat Body PROGRAMMER - Skinny arms and legs STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - Random Change of Clothes CERTAINDEATH - Smoke a cigarette CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED - Play as Ricardo Diaz LOOKLIKELANCE - Play as Lance Vance MYSONISALAWYER - Play as Ken Rosenberg LOOKLIKEHILARY - Play as Hilary King ROCKANDROLL - Play as Love Fist character Jezz Torent WELOVEOURDICK - Play as Love Fist character Dick ONEARMEDBANDIT - Play as Phil Cassidy. IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY - Play as Sonny Forelli. FOXYLITTLETHING - Play as Mercedes Vehicle Spawn Cheats: PANZER - Spawns a Rhino TRAVELINSTYLE - Spawns a Bloodring Banger GETTHEREQUICKLY - Spawns Bloodring Banger#2 GETTHEREFAST - Spawns a Saber Turbo GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED - Spawns a Hotring Racer GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST - Spawns Hotring Racer#2 THELASTRIDE - Spawns a Romero"s Hearse ROCKANDROLLCAR - Spawns Love Fist"s Limo RUBBISHCAR - Spawns a Trashmaster BETTERTHANWALKING - Spawns a Caddy Vehicle Cheats: BIGBANG - Blows up all nearby vehicles MIAMITRAFFIC - Aggressive Traffic AHAIRDRESSERSCAR - All Pink Vehicles IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK - All Black Vehicles COMEFLYWITHME - Vehicles have flying ability GRIPISEVERYTHING - Better Vehicle Handling GREENLIGHT - All Traffic Lights are green SEAWAYS - Vehicles drive on water WHEELSAREALLINEED - Makes only vehicle wheels visible LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS - Sportscars have bigger wheels Weather Cheats: ALOVELYDAY - Clear Weather APLEASANTDAY - Lightly Clouded ABITDRIEG - Dense Clouds CANTSEEATHING - Foggy Weather CATSANDDOGS - Stormy Weather Miscellaneous Cheats: LIFEISPASSINGMEBY - Speeds up Game Clock ONSPEED - Makes everything faster BOOOOOORING - Makes everything slower FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT - Aggressive Pedestrians NOBODYLIKESME - Everybody wants to kill you OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS - Pedestrians carry weapons CHICKSWITHGUNS - Only Female Peds carry weapons CHAS ESTAT- Shows Media Level Unknown Cheats: HOPINGIRL - ?????? AIRSHIP - ?????? Drive Car In Mansion: Get A fast Car and drive towards the entrance of the mansion, then bail out at the last minute and the car will go flying in. go inside and it will be waiting for u to drive. Happy Carpet Wrecking! How not to let your vehicles explode: When you see you vehicles (cars,motorcycles and etc) pause the game and type aspirine.It may look wrecked but it wont explode.

In GTA Vice City, Rockstar Games added cheat codes in accordance with tradition. The series is famous for giving the player complete freedom of action in the open world. Codes are part of it, a tool for transformation.

For this, the studio of the creators of a line of crime projects received additional popularity. In this article, users can read about all the auxiliary commands that are available for use. They are divided into categories based on parts of the gameplay that are subject to change. Here readers will learn about entering commands and other useful information.

Before finding out all the cheat codes for GTA Vice City, users are strongly recommended to go through the entire story campaign. The game world is wide and has a unique atmosphere. It’s fun to just ride on transport, entertaining yourself with additional activities.

In the plot, everything is different, because the missions involve the execution of difficult tasks. Some of them will take real time hours. Only after complete independent completion will the user be able to become a master in the world of GTA. Using codes kills the feeling of victory. Missions are completed the first time, and the plot flies by in a short moment. The enjoyment of the game completely disappears. That is why you need to experiment with teams after completing the main story.

The last mission in GTA Vice City

In this case, the codes become a godsend for Vice City fans. Entertainment options that were previously unavailable are opening up. Input is carried out directly in the game world. The user must quickly type the correct key combination on the keyboard.

Combat power

In the game GTA Vice City, cheats can greatly help Tommy Vercetti fight any opponents. Most often they are representatives of law enforcement agencies. To provoke them, use the YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE command; it increases the wanted level by 2 stars.

Raising your wanted level to maximum

Using this method, you can reach the maximum and see the police forces with the army sent to capture the main character. If you need to throw the FBI off your tail, the code LEAVEMEALONE will do. It completely eliminates the danger of the main character, the police stop looking for him. The most famous cheats in the game are PRECIOUSPROTECTION and ASPIRINE.

The first restores the armor, and the second heals the main character. ASPIRINE works even at the moment of mortal wound, if you go to the menu and have time to enter the command. The vehicle is also restored when the code is activated while driving. Cheats THUGSTOOLS and PROFESSIONALTOOLS make it possible to get two different sets of weapons, but it’s better not to waste time on trifles. If you immediately enter the NUTTERTOOLS command, your arsenal will be replenished with all the killing weapons available in the game. With him, it will be much easier to create anarchy on the streets. Without code, it’s difficult to assemble the tools yourself; you’ll have to buy them or carry out missions to search for packages.

Operations with the environment

In GTA Vice City, cheats are also provided for deeper gameplay changes. The ONSPEED command speeds up all processes in the game. When introduced again, this aspect is doubled. Crazy traffic appears on the roads, pedestrians become fast superheroes. The code BOOOOOORING works in the opposite direction. Time slows down, and repeated input multiplies the effect.

These commands are capable of deactivating each other. The player can simply speed up the passage of game time with the LIFEISPASSINGMEBY cheat, while the environment will not change its behavior. The phrase MIAMITRAFFIC has the opposite effect. Traffic speeds up, but time moves on its own. If a player changes his appearance, the PROGRAMMER command will help. Tommy will lose significant weight, but it will be impossible to reverse the effect.

An interesting team is CERTAINDEATH. The main character simply takes out a cigarette and starts smoking. To increase your popularity with members of the opposite sex, you should use the FANNYMAGNET and HOPINGIRL teams. The first makes Vercetti a favorite among the ladies, and the second makes them get into his car.

Weather and crowd control

The metropolis in GTA Vice City shines with different colors. At the time of its release in 2001, it amazed with its magnificence. Players want to see it in different colors, and this is why cheats for changing the weather were created. If you want to be more sad, then the commands ABITDRIEG, CANTSEEATHING and CATSANDDOGS should be taken into service. They cause clouds, fog and rain as listed above. Romantic weather is guaranteed by the code ALOVELYDAY, and simply clear sun appears after entering the combination APLEASANTDAY.

Change the weather with code

Much more interesting commands are provided for controlling passersby in GTA Vice City. If you enter OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS along with NOBODYLIKESME, the player is in for a real challenge. The crowd will receive weapons and their hatred of Tommy Vercetti will sharply increase from the second team. Such anarchy, when NPCs will actively attack, arouses more interest.

The FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT combination will help secure the situation on the streets. Its activation will force passers-by to fight among themselves. As a change, GREENLIGHT and COMEFLYWITHME will fit into this list. The lights on all roads will turn green, and reduced gravity will also appear. The player will become the ruler of true chaos.

Transport operations

The cheat menu for GTA Vice City contains two dozen commands related to technology. Some of them are aimed at performing operations. BIGBANG blows up all vehicles in the vicinity of the main character. The WHEELSAREALLINEED combination leaves only the wheels of cars; people in the metropolis begin to control an invisible steering wheel, sitting on the same seat. The SEAWAYS and GRIPISEVERYTHING commands are especially useful for transport enthusiasts.

They are responsible for driving on water, while each car improves control. To conquer mountainous terrain, use the LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS command. Activating it increases the size of the tires in every sports car. In addition to operations with transport, the user can receive certain types of equipment. Racing fans should try the codes GETTHEREQUICKLY, GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED and GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST.

Once entered, three rally cars of varying degrees of age appear in the world. GETTHEREFAST guarantees the emergence of the fastest car in Vice City Saber Turbo. The cheat for the PANZER tank, a car for transporting coffins and a garbage truck can be obtained with the codes THELASTRIDE and RUBBISHCAR. If you want to experience exquisite transport, the combination for a ROCKANDROLLCAR limousine will come in handy.

Appearance of the main character

Cheats for money in GTA Vice City would have been especially popular, but the developers decided not to add them. Instead, there is the opportunity to change the appearance of the main character. Tommy Vercetti becomes a familiar character over the course of the story, but after many hours together, a desire to experiment arises. Players can transfer other personalities into the role of the central character in GTA Vice City.

For example, LOOKLIKELANCE and ROCKANDROLLMAN will allow users to control Lance Vance and Jes Torret. The codes MYSONISALAWYER, ONEARMEDBANDIT and ILOOKLIKEHILARY transfer the skins of Ken Rosenberg, Phil Cassidy and Hilary Keene to Tommy's place, respectively. If you want to take control of the girls, use the commands IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY or FOXYLITTLETHING.

In the first case, Sonny Forelli takes the central role, and in the second, Mercedes Cortez. The player can also use the STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP cheat. It cyclically changes the appearance of the main character after some time. This will eliminate the need to manually enter combinations, and the user will be able to see all the images that the developers have prepared.

List of cheat codes for GTA Vice City

Cheat codes for GTA Vice City for PC
NameDescriptionCheat code K
Weapon Set No. 1Code for “heavy” weapons: sniper, minigun, bombs, etc.NUTTERTOOLS
Weapon Set No. 2Code for “professional”, more specialized weapons: radio-controlled grenades, rocket launcher, shotgun, revolver Code for less sophisticated weapons: baseball bat, regular pistol, fire extinguisherPROFESSIONALTOOLS
Weapon Set No. 3Code for less sophisticated weapons: baseball bat, regular pistol, fire extinguisherTHUGSTOOLS
Replenishes armor levelReplenishes armor levelPRECIOUSPROTECTION
Code to increase your wanted levelAdds two wanted stars; enter several times and you will receive two each timeYOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE
Code for removing search starsAfter entering the police will leave you behindLEAVEMEALONE
Speedup codeAfter entering the code, everything will happen in accelerated time. The more times the code is entered, the more time speeds up.ONSPEED
Slow down codeAfter introducing the cheat, time slows down. The degree of slowdown depends on how many times you enter. After entering this code, girls will run after Tommy. If necessary, they can even protect himBOOOOOORING

Attractiveness to women
After entering this code, girls will run after Tommy. If necessary, they can even protect himFANNYMAGNET

Ride a girl
After entering the code (note that the code must be entered while in the car and standing next to the desired girl), the girl will get into the car with TommyHOPINGIRL

Blow up all the cars
After entering the code, cars near the hero will explodeBIGBANG

The wheels left from the cars
After entering the code, the car bodies will disappear and only the wheels will be visibleWHEELSAREALLINED
Commit suicideAfter entering the code, Tommy will dieICANTTAKEITANYMORE
The weather is sunnyCode for sunny weatherAPLEASANTDAY
clear weatherCode for romantic weatherALOVELYDAY

Weather: cloudy
Code for cloudy weatherABITDRIEG

Code for foggy weatherCATSANDDOGS
Foggy weatherCode for foggy weatherCANTSEEATHING
TankCode calls tankPANZER

Car: coffin carrier
The code calls the coffin truckTHELASTRIDE

Car: Bloodrina
This code calls a sports car that can be seen (and driven) at stadium racesTRAVELINSTYLE
Car: Love Fist LimousineCode calls a rock band limousineROCKANDROLLCAR
Vehicle: garbage truckThe code calls a garbage truckRUBBISHCAR
Pink carsAll vehicles will be pinkAHAIRDRESSERSCAR
Black carsAll vehicles will be blackIWANTITPAINTEDBLACK

Hardly any flying boats
Judging by the known information, the boats will fly after input, but they rather fly up slightlyAIRSHIP

Flying cars
Absolutely working code that will make cars take off, although they still won’t make planesCOMEFLYWITHME

Floating cars
With this code, cars, getting into the water, will begin to float on itSEAWAYS

Easier Control
The code makes it easier to control the machinesGRIPISEVERYTHING

Stacked traffic
Cars drive more intensely, as you can tell from the code itself, almost like in real MiamiMIAMITRAFFIC

Wheel code
Some cars will have larger wheelsLOADSOFLITTLETHINGS

Code for smoking
After entering the code (by the way, the message about using the cheat will not appear). Tommy will smoke a cigarette, one more code entry will remove itCERTAINDEATH

Code for criminal status
After entering the code (you need to enter it only after two wanted stars), a status will appear that tells you what kind of criminal you are (it is also displayed in statistics), most likely this is purely debugging code for developers. After entering the code, Tommy will get fat (were you planning on it? developers of a weight loss-gain system, like in GTA SA?)CHASESTAT

Code for fat
After entering the code, Tommy will gain weight (were the developers planning a weight loss-gain system, like in GTA SA?)DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS

Fat Loss Code
After entering the code, Tommy will lose weightPROGRAMMER

Code to transform into a passerby
After entering the code, Tommy will become one of the passers-by (each code entry changes the character)STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP

Code for Mercedes
After entering the code, Tommy's model is replaced with the model of Mercedes, daughter of Colonel CortezFOXYLITTLETHING

Code for Sonny Forelli
Reincarnation as Sonny ForelliIDONTHAVTEMONEYSONY

Transformation into LanceLOOKLIKELANCE

Code for Ken Rosenberg
Tommy's model changes to a lawyer's modelMYSONISALAWYER

Code for Phil
Tommy's model changes to Phil's modelRONEARMEDBANDIT

Code for rocker Love Fist

Tommy's model changes to that of a rocker from the band Love FistWELOVEOURDICK

"GTA: White City" is the third part of the most popular gaming project. Many players are probably familiar with this development. Users are often interested in questions about whether there are codes for GTA: Via City for weapons and other types of content. Fortunately, this practice can be traced and allows users to get a lot of advantages for the further passage of the adventure. But before we start looking at what specific codes are available for the game, we should consider the entertainment product itself.

What is this project?

Are there codes for "GTA: Vi City" for weapons and other game elements? Before answering this question, it’s worth taking a closer look at the game itself. This development is an action-adventure game with a third-person view and complete freedom of action. In the adventure, users take on the role of a character who must make his way into the criminal world and achieve high status in order to not only improve his reputation, but also gain new opportunities.

True, in order to achieve success and not encounter problems in terms of passing, it is recommended to use codes for GTA: White City for weapons, which will not only increase the chances of survival, but will also increase the possibility of achieving the main goals.

What should you do with it?

This game project is an action movie with shootouts, chases and individual tasks in the form of escort, delivery of goods, etc. In addition to these mechanics, the game has a plot narrative that allows you to easily understand the intricacies of what is happening and trace the formation of an inveterate criminal in the ranks of authoritative of people.

Is it possible to activate codes?

Each player has the opportunity to use codes on "GTA: White City" for a helicopter, for any other vehicle, weapon, immortality, etc., the main thing is to understand exactly how to use them. To do this, simply pause the game using the Escape button and enter a certain combination of symbols that will allow you to gain a certain advantage.

The practice of using codes is quite wide, so you should not lose opportunities and actively use them. Various codes for "GTA: White City" for cartridges allow you to get shells of various classes. For example, it will be possible to use fiery projectiles, cartridges with offset sights, exploding ones, etc. Each type of ammunition has its own purpose, so you can think through your own combat scenario in advance.

You can use codes for "GTA: White City" on a tank and start destroying the entire area, causing colossal damage. A battle tank is the most powerful vehicle that can solve any problem on the street. Unfortunately, if the mission requires you to storm a structure, then using military equipment will not affect your effectiveness in any way. And if you decide to use the codes for "GTA: Vi City" for a helicopter, then you will have a chance to explore the entire game from a bird's eye view.

List of available codes

Now, so that you can test this feature for yourself, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of existing codes.

Weapon codes


Improved armor set

Maximum health level

A set of weapons for exquisite murder


Professional weapon set

Weapon for the psycho


Increase search level by 2 points

Get rid of dangerous wanted levels

Increased walking speed

Reducing walking speed

Love from all the girls in the game

Reducing transport weight

Blow up cars at the same time


Remove the vehicle model and leave only the chassis



Opportunity to ride on the water

Game mechanics

Improved weather

Romantic weather

Call up the clouds

Make it rain

Summon fog


Speed ​​up your gaming day

Aggression from all NPCs

Aggression towards your player


Give everyone a weapon

Calling flies

Green light at all intersections

Improve traffic in the city

Get a cigarette

Transport codes

Combat vehicles

Transport for transporting coffins

Beautiful limousine

Transport for garbage collection

Sports class car

Tattered transport


Standard transport



Small transport

Codes for changing appearance


Active skin replacement every few minutes


The same Hilary

Heavy music lover

One-armed bandit


Mafia representative

Mafia boss's daughter

Scotsman style

Now you know not only the GTA: White City codes for weapons, but also a large number of other interesting options. All that remains is to choose those that may be interesting to you and actively use them.