Button to minimize all windows in windows 7. Hotkeys for other operations


To minimize an application or folder via the window control menu, press the Alt + Space key combination. In the left top corner will appear context menu. Moving around it using the arrows on your keyboard, select the “Collapse” command and click Enter key. Minimizing windows without accessing the control menu is caused by the key combination Alt, Space and C. Using the described methods, you can only minimize the active window. To expand it later, move along various elements screen using the Tab key and arrow keys. When the item you're looking for is highlighted, press Enter.

Collapse all at once open windows you can use the Windows key (with a flag image). While holding it, press one of the additional ones: Latin M or D. The action caused by these combinations is identical to the “Minimize all windows” command, which is set by the button of the same name on the taskbar. To then restore all windows, press the Windows key, Shift, and M.

Also using keyboards It is possible to move between windows. With this method, the active window is minimized, and the one selected by the user, on the contrary, is restored. Hold down the Alt key and press Tab. A panel with thumbnails and names of running programs will appear in the center of the screen. this moment programs. To select the window you want, press the Tab key until the application you're looking for is in the frame. After this, release all keys. To stay in the current window, either highlight it or press Esc or Enter.

In the Windows operating system, there is also a mode for controlling the mouse cursor using the keyboard. It is not very convenient, since the cursor moves across the screen extremely slowly. However, with its help you can also perform necessary commands. The mode is activated by a combination of the left Alt and Shift keys and Num Lock. Moving around the screen is carried out using keys 1-4 and 6-9, located on the number pad (on the right side of the keyboard), and pressing mouse buttons is simulated by the [/], [*], [-] and keys.


  • how to move the keyboard

Programs, applications, widgets, plugins - this is what fills the computer with the ability to perform the functions necessary to a specific person. Despite all the differences and diversity of programs, they all have a number of general functions, which make work even more comfortable.


There is often a need to run multiple applications at the same time. But there are programs that automatically expand to full screen, obscuring and blocking access to the desktop and other applications. In such cases, you usually have to close the program, go to the desktop, turn on another one, then launch the first one again. This option is not very convenient. There is a way to minimize even a non-minimizing application.

When launched, each application is displayed in two places: directly on the desktop, in the form of the program's workspace, and in the Start panel, in the form of an application icon. There are three ways to collapse such a program. By clicking on the corresponding button in the program window. This button is located in the upper right corner of the application window. She is the one on the far left and has the “-” sign on her. Also programs by clicking on the program icon in the Start menu. When pressed, the application will be minimized; pressed again will expand the program window. In addition, you can minimize the application through the context menu. Click at the top of the program window right click mouse, select “Collapse” in the menu that opens, after clicking, the application will minimize.

To collapse full screen application, use the system keyboard shortcut “Alt + Tab”. This combination allows you to quickly switch between all open windows on your . Press and hold the Alt key while pressing the Tab key. At this time, a small window will appear in the center of the screen, which will show icons of all open windows and running programs. Press the tab key to move the cursor to the program you want and release the buttons. After this, the selected program will expand. In addition to applications, this keyboard shortcut can minimize games.

IN graphic editor Adobe Photoshop can be processed a large number of files simultaneously, as long as the technical data of the computer allows. For comfortable work With several images, the program was equipped with convenient navigation functions that can be activated using hot keys.

You will need

  • Adobe Photoshop software.


To work with photographs you need to download and install the pixel graphics editor Adobe Photoshop. To do this, follow the following link http://www.adobe.com/ru/downloads, hover over the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended element and click on the “Trial” link. After downloading the entire distribution, install the program by running installation package. Keep in mind that the trial version will need to be registered on the official website, because... Adobe Photoshop is not free software.

If you already have installed version this editor, launch it by double-clicking the left mouse button on the icon on the desktop. After starting the program, open several files to test the navigation mode between windows. To do this, click the "File" menu and select "Open". In the window that opens, select all the files that you are going to open and click the “Open” button. This action can also be done using the combination Ctrl keys+ O or double click the mouse on the free workspace of the program.

Regardless of what version of the editor you have installed, most of the tips apply to both newer and older versions. To collapse one photo and move to another, you need to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Tab. It is worth noting that this method iterates through windows with images in the order in which they are opened.

Another universal method– press Top Menu"Window" and select required file. In this list they will be arranged in the same order of discovery. Any window in the Windows operating system and not only in Adobe editor Photoshop can be done using the context menu top panel. Right-click on the window and select Minimize. The same action can be done using the keyboard shortcuts Alt + Space and Alt + C.

Often, many users of Windows operating systems are limited to standard knowledge of the system. They do just fine without using functions that significantly shorten the work process at certain stages. With hotkeys you can minimize a window using windows hotkeys. They are useful tool, saving your time.

Minimizing windows in windows

Many will agree that it is quite inconvenient to close and minimize the windows of each program separately. Besides this process does not save your personal opinion at all. To instantly get to information information that is located on the desktop, you can use the keyboard shortcut provided by the device you are using. working system. This will allow you to close windows that are not needed at the moment without closing running applications. Which shortcut keys and other techniques you can use are described in today's article.

Using hotkeys

The optimal solution would be a keyboard shortcut Windows + D or Windows+M(M - minimize). The first button is located at the bottom of the keyboard with the standard windows logo. In most cases, its location is defined between ctrl and alt. Such a team will make work more convenient. When you click again, the windows will be restored.

Taskbar button

Many users of the Windows XP operating system have used the Minimize all windows key. It could be found on the left side of the taskbar. After installing version 10 of Windows, it seems that the treasured button has completely disappeared. However, it can be found in the same part, but it is not as noticeable as before. It is quite difficult to click on it due to its small size.
In Windows 7, the icon can be found on the right side. The vertical rectangle located near the date and time indicators is a button for minimizing windows.

Minimize all windows except the active one

There is another very convenient trick. When you need to quickly clear the working area of ​​the screen, leaving only one window open, you need to do the following manipulation: grab the window by the title and rhythmically shake it left and right several times. All other windows will be minimized. This function works starting from Windows 7.

After reading the above information, the average user will not have any questions related to instantly minimizing active windows. Now you can instantly go to the desktop and resume work with minimized applications.

Any folder or application you select on your desktop or in the menu opens in a new window. In the upper right corner there is a set standard programs, with which you can close, minimize or maximize this opened window in one click. But what to do if a broken mouse interferes with your work, we will help you figure this out using the keys on the keyboard.

The Windows operating system has a large number of keys, as well as their combinations, which are responsible for one or another action. Thus, even without using a mouse, you can easily perform many actions on your computer. Few people know about the capabilities of this operating system, but we will help you understand all the intricacies and learn the basics.

  1. Using Alt and Space combinations. When pressed, a menu controlling the window will be displayed. Navigation through this menu is carried out using the standard up and down arrows on all keyboards. Having selected the required inscription, press the Enter key to confirm the selection. You can also press Alt, Space (space) and C to simplify minimizing the window. You can move around the page using the up, down and Tab keys. Thus, moving around and finding the desired folder, open it by pressing “ENTER”.
  1. How to move a window. We are also ready to answer this question. To begin, minimize the active open window. We restore what is needed. Alt key hold and press Tab. A control panel with open windows and programs will pop up in the center of the screen. For selection the desired window use the Tab key, as soon as the desired window or application is in the frame, remove your finger and press Enter or Esc.

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Video: How to control the cursor without a mouse

You might not know, but any action in the Windows operating system that you do with the mouse can also be performed using. In particular, you can minimize windows using the keyboard, and there are even several ways to do this.

The easiest and most popular way to minimize a window using the keyboard is the combination Windows keys-M. This combination key minimizes all currently open windows to the taskbar. In this case, folding occurs smoothly, with animation displayed. The Windows-M key combination works as with the left Windows button, and with the right one, but it is more convenient to use it with the right Windows button, as it is shown in the picture below.

To cancel of this action, that is, to maximize minimized windows, you can use the key combination Windows-Shift-M.

Minimizing windows using Windows-D

The second way to minimize a window using the keyboard is to use the combination Windows key-D. This key combination also minimizes all open windows, but unlike the previous method, it does this instantly, without displaying animation. The the method will work if you need to quickly minimize all windows and go to the desktop.

U this method There is one peculiarity, it works in both directions. So the Windows key combination-D can be used both to minimize all windows, and to expand them back if they are minimized.

Minimizing windows using Alt-Space

If you only need to minimize one window, you can use the Windows key and Down Arrow combination to do this. On the first press, this combination resizes the window, and on the second, it minimizes the window to the taskbar.

You can also use the Alt-Space combination to minimize one window. This key combination opens a small menu, which is located in the upper left corner of any window.

There are several actions available that you can perform with this window:

  • Restore;
  • Move;
  • Resize;
  • Collapse;
  • Expand;
  • Close;

If you need to minimize the window, then in this menu you need to select the “Minimize” option using the arrow keys and pressing Enter.

Other useful keyboard shortcuts

Windows also has other useful key combinations that allow you to manage windows. We present some of them in the table below.

Alt-Tab Switch between windows. Allows you to change the active window without using the mouse.
Win-Tab Switching between virtual desktops. Works only on Windows 10.
Alt-F4 Closing the program. Allows you to close the active window or turn off the computer if all windows are already closed.
Ctrl-R or F5 Update information in the active window.
Windows Opens the Start menu. Lets get out full screen mode back to the desktop.
Windows-Home Minimize all windows except the window that is currently active.
Ctrl-Tab Move to the next tab in the same window.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move to the previous tab in the same window.

It should be noted that all combinations described in the article were tested on Windows 10 and older Windows versions may not work or work differently.

Many Windows users work simultaneously with several programs. Several browsers can be enabled on the computer at the same time, an explorer for working with files, text editors, music players and much more. Switching between applications using the mouse every time can be very difficult and inconvenient. This article discusses ways to minimize and maximize a window using the keyboard in operating systems. Windows systems XP and 7.

Alt + Space

On Windows there is great amount hotkeys and their combinations for performing certain actions. Users can call up a special context menu of the window, which allows them to control its location on the personal computer screen.

To call this menu, simultaneously hold down the Alt and Space keys on your keyboard. In the upper left corner you will see a window appear in which you can select one of several actions. With it, you can close, expand and collapse, as well as resize and move an object to the desired location. You can select actions using the up and down arrows. Press the Enter button to confirm the selected item.

Additionally, there is a command Alt + Space + C that will collapse the current active application, bypassing the drop-down menu call.

Collapse all

If you need to quickly get to the desktop and its shortcuts, minimizing windows one at a time may take too much time. For more comfortable work users in Windows, there is a combination that allows you to collapse all active objects at once or return them to their place.

To collapse objects, you need to use the combination Win + M (in the Russian keyboard this is b). To expand, you need to add the Shift button, i.e. use the combination Win + Shift + M.

You can also use the universal command called with Win + D. It combines both functions: if on this moment you have open windows - they will be immediately minimized to the panel quick access. If they are not there, all programs from the panel will be deployed back to the desktop.


If you want to select a specific software, which you need to open - it is best to use a combination of buttons for this Alt keyboard+ Tab. It will cause user-friendly interface, in which you can select the desired object, after which it will be immediately opened. To switch between list items, you must, without releasing Alt, press the Tab key.

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