Classification of information technologies by types of legal activities. Trends in the development of information technology in the legal field (law enforcement aspect)

Modern information technologies constitute a complex composition of interconnected elements designed to solve numerous problems using a set of tools. Let's look at just a few of them, noting Special attention on the most common IT operating in the legal field:

  • office automation information technology;
  • information technology for data processing;
  • management information technology;
  • decision support information technology;
  • information technology of expert systems;
  • geographic information technology;
  • information technology for text analysis.

Information technology office automation

This is the most common information technology. Its structure is quite democratic: it is advisable to use not all capabilities, but a certain set of tools that are most optimal for a specific organizational structure.

The main goals of the technology are to optimize the preparation of documents and develop means of employee communication. Practice has shown that the use of office automation tools helps improve the quality of decisions made at the middle management level.

Office automation tools now include a wide range of widely used software, a number of specialized tools for organizational and managerial work, as well as office equipment.

Components of office automation technology

Text editor designed for creating, processing and preparing for printing text documents. The text editor has the ability to enter text from the keyboard and load a saved document, correct text, select types and styles of fonts, move fragments through the text, has a wide potential for formatting paragraphs, pages and the test as a whole, allows you to insert pictures and other objects into the document, install footnotes and headers, print prepared text on a printer, and has a number of other functions. A modern text editor, the most common of which is currently Microsoft Word, is a powerful tool for working with documents.

Spreadsheets represent a universal data processing system with wide capabilities. They allow you to carry out complex technical or economic calculations, format the results obtained and print the resulting document. Spreadsheets allow you to create tabular documents with a large number of rows and columns sufficient for most tasks, entering data from the keyboard, editing the contents of each table cell, carrying out calculations by writing formulas and a wide range of built-in functions, inserting various objects, images, drawings into documents, constructing graphs based on the numerical data contained in the table, carrying out macro programming using a sequence of commands and operations. The spreadsheet has built-in data management tools, which allows it to be used as a simple DBMS (database management system).

Image processing systems, The increase in computer memory capacity and the speed at which they process data has made computer image processing technologies promising.

Documents are converted into digital form using a scanner or digital camera and can be stored on a computer hard drive or on optical discs. With a document file size of 100 KB by 560 MB optical disk can accommodate about 5.6 thousand documents. Images can be adjusted in graphic editors. Using graphic editors, you can input an image from an external device, correct it with a variety of processing algorithms, edit it, make inscriptions, combine several images into one, print them, etc.

Electronic mail (e-mail) Today it is becoming one of the main means of communication between people. It can work like computer network organizations and on the Internet. Using e-mail, you can send any message: text, pictures, programs, archive files, etc. Programs that manage email distribution allow you to send a message to one or more recipients and make the message available to a group of users. There is a notification mode that the recipient has read the message.

Database management systems are becoming increasingly common in office technology. They can store a variety of information. This includes background information, data about the organization’s work, and much more. Almost every organization now has reference legal systems (SPS “Garant”, “Consultant +” or another).

Information managers combine a number of functions typical of office technologies. They implement the functions of e-mail, a personal calendar, with the help of which personal and group planning is carried out, and contain personal information - a contact book and a list of tasks. The information manager is Microsoft program Outlook.

Office equipment - These are traditional means of communication, such as the telephone, fax, which allows you to transmit images over a telephone line, copiers, which quickly copy documents, etc.

Office technology provides for the exchange of data between all software tools included in its composition. Thus, a document from a spreadsheet or word processor can be sent by email, and information from the database is translated into a word processor and used to prepare text documents.

Information technology data processing

The basis of the technology is a database: a specially organized collection of data consisting of similar elements called records. A simple database can be a table, such as table. 1.1.

Typically, a database consists of a collection of tables linked by certain fields ( relational databases data). For example, a table can be linked by the “Division” field to another table that contains data for all departments of the internal affairs department.

Table 1.1. Example of organizing a simple database

The database contains structured data. The main function of the technology is to enter data, process it, obtain information on current requests, and generate various reports. The use of technology can significantly increase the efficiency of management work at the level of performing individual operations - generating exam forms, maintaining fairly large volumes of records of employees, goods and their movements during the production process, etc.

The main element of information technology for data processing is a database management system (DBMS). DBMS is a special software package through which database management is implemented and data access is provided 1. These are complex software systems that perform the entire range of functions associated with the use and operation of databases. Using a DBMS, data entry (new files and records), data management (sorting, generating and executing search queries, performing calculations), and generating reports are implemented. The most important element of a DBMS is its language tools. Through linguistic means, data becomes accessible to the user. With their help, two main functions are performed - describing the presentation of the database and initiating data manipulation operations.

Management Information Technology

This technology is intended to provide information at all levels of management. As a rule, management technology is aimed at a wide range of users and contains many requests for data. It differs from data processing technology in the detail and specialization of functions. The basis of the technology is a database, which includes two levels:

  • data on the functioning of the organization;
  • regulatory and reference documentation.

A distinctive feature of management technology is the ability to prepare a large number of types of reports characteristic of management activities. In this case, the information is presented in aggregated form so that trends in changes in the organization’s performance indicators, deviations from specified values, etc. are visible.

Decision support information technology

Decision support information technology is designed to help a person choose the optimal behavior strategy in a certain situation or group of situations. Exists a large number of computer systems using this technology, different in their capabilities and principles of construction, including systems artificial intelligence.

A significant difference between decision support technologies is the use of a model database along with a database. A characteristic feature of the technology is that the use of mathematical and logical rules for operating data (inference rules) makes it possible to obtain new information, in other words, certain recommendations for action. Models can be varied in structure and functions. The simplest models implement only elementary mathematical operations. Large and complex models can contain a large number of situations and rules. Modeling of complex processes becomes possible.

Analytical Information Technologies

Databases contain huge amounts of information. They have great potential for analysis, on the basis of which it is possible to identify internal trends, make forecasts, and find new solutions. This circumstance required the implementation of analytical information technologies for storing and using data. The technologies under consideration are characterized by a number of features.

Large amounts of data required new technologies for storing them, which were called data warehouses. In the storage, the data is formed in the form of a hypercube or multidimensional cube, in the cells of which the analyzed data is stored. Since the structure of such data is quite complex, so-called data marts are used to present it - a part of the data necessary to solve the task.

To present data to the user, the system must have developed tools for accessing and processing storage data. These functions are implemented by the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tool. The OLAP tool provides generalization and aggregation of data, work with aggregated data, and multidimensional analysis of hypercube data representation.

Analytical technology implements data mining(NAD, data mining). Its task is to search for functional and logical patterns in the accumulated information, build on this basis models and rules that explain them, and predict the development of the analyzed processes.

Data mining - a method based on analyzing dependencies between data and searching for hidden patterns in the data. Automated search for patterns appears distinctive feature NAD technology.

NAD technologies are implemented in two directions. In the first case, the user himself puts forward hypotheses about the dependencies between the data, in the second, the dependencies between the data are searched automatically. This is considered the most promising at present.

NAD processes are divided into three stages: search for dependencies, forecasting and anomaly analysis. Finding dependencies consists of automatically detecting dependencies in data. Forecasting is that the system predicts the values ​​that the user might request. Anomaly Analysis consists of detecting data that differs from stable dependencies.

Analytical information technologies use a large number of methods: logical, mathematical, and statistical. The latest neural network method is also used. In practice, operational analytical processing and data mining act as two components of a single decision support process.

Information technology artificial intelligence

Under artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a system to solve intellectual problems inherent to the human mind 1 . This means that this information technology must reveal the relationships between phenomena, be able to develop a structure of action in a new situation, and be able to learn and self-teach. The main technologies of artificial intelligence are the technologies of expert systems (ES) and neural networks.

A distinctive feature of an expert system is that the solution obtained with its help is based on heuristic rules formed on the basis of the practical knowledge of experts. This solution cannot be obtained otherwise, since the problem cannot be described mathematically.

Another feature is the ability to obtain new knowledge based on logical inference using ES. The logical conclusion is based on knowledge previously formulated by experts - people, professionals in a narrow field. Expert knowledge is accumulated in a knowledge base, which is the basis of logical inference.

Thus, expert system technology includes a knowledge base with mechanisms for logical and heuristic manipulation of this knowledge in order to form hypotheses. The technology is based on a model subject area. A domain model is understood as knowledge in a certain field of activity, organized using special means of representing it.

Expert system - a software and hardware complex that uses the knowledge of specialists about a specific subject area and, within this area, facilitates decision-making at the level of a professional expert .

It should be noted that the use of expert systems in law enforcement, especially in crime investigation, has proven to be very promising. Intelligent consulting systems have also found practical implementation. The advice given by the expert system is not mandatory and acts as one of the possible alternatives to real crime investigation activities, i.e. ES provides, complements and increases opportunities in the field of choice and decision-making in conditions of situation uncertainty.

In criminology, it is worth noting the works of V.V. Krylov, who developed a tactical system for the selection of technical means, and A.K. Baranov, who developed an ES system for uncovering criminal organized groups 1. Of interest are a number of expert systems based on investigative techniques developed by A.F. Lubin and N.B. Bobrynin. In general, scientists recognize that the scientific direction of artificial intelligence information technologies is in its formation stage.

Geoinformation technologies

Geographic information systems (GIS) became widespread about 10 years ago, although the first systems appeared much earlier, by the 1970s. The reason for this is obvious and lies in the capabilities of modern computer technology, which allows processing huge amounts of graphic information required for GIS.

Geographic information systems can be used in law enforcement agencies to solve the following problems:

  • planning rescue operations and security measures;
  • modeling emergency situations;
  • navigation of first responders and other law enforcement services.

The main components of geographic information technology are graphical and thematic (attributive) databases that have model and calculation functions for making various decisions and monitoring on this basis. Graphic databases store the metric basis of a computer map. Attribute databases contain descriptions of the territory and additional information. To work with this data, there are one or two data management systems (DBMS). DBMS functions - searching, sorting, adding and correcting information in databases. The data output system is designed to visualize data on the screen in the form of maps, tables, diagrams, etc.

The input system is responsible for receiving data, the sources of which can be a variety of electronic devices (digitizer, scanner, electronic theodolites and other geodetic instruments). The information may be manually entered from the keyboard or obtained from another computer system.

Information retrieval technologies

Over the past 15 years, there has been a trend towards collecting and processing unstructured information. The share of structured data (databases) in modern archives is no more than 20%, while the remaining 80% comes from various documents, texts and other information stored in arbitrary, often text, form. This circumstance significantly aggravated the problem of searching and analyzing data.

There are three groups of information retrieval methods: index search methods, statistical methods and methods based on knowledge bases.

Index Search is used most often. It is used when searching text fields of databases and is based on a formal character match. This mode is implemented in legal reference systems when searching through the text of a document.

Index search systems have a number of significant shortcomings. Firstly, they have low search accuracy. This is due to the fact that the same meaning can be expressed in different words: the word the user searched for may not be in the text. Secondly, the system cannot assess how accurately the meaning of the found document matches the search query. That's why required document may be at the end of the list found by the system.

Statistical methods differ in that they are based on the assumption: the more often a word appears in a document, the more closely the document matches the query. Documents with a frequently occurring search word are displayed first, thereby ranking the list of found documents, which significantly increases work efficiency. However, there remains the problem of missing a required document if its content is expressed in words other than those entered in the request.

Systems based on a knowledge base. This name is given to search methods that somehow take into account the semantic meaning of the searched word. To do this, most often they search not only for a given word, but also for those words that are close to it in meaning. This is implemented by using a dictionary of synonyms.

More complex systems are based on so-called linguistic rules. In such systems, grammatical parsing and analysis of source documents is carried out, which makes it possible to identify words that define the main topic of the document. These words are used to search, which ultimately allows you to find a document close to the topic of the request.

The most promising technological method is the use of semantic networks. The semantic network reflects the meaning (sense) not of a specific word, but of an entire phrase. To do this, the subject area is displayed as a set of interconnected concepts. Concepts are defined not by one word, but by a set of words that are similar in meaning. Such a basic semantic network is supported by multi-level structures of dictionaries for individual fields of knowledge.

When building a semantic network, complex algorithms for syntactic, grammatical and morphological parsing are used. Stable phrases are also taken into account, for example “false document”, which are perceived as a single concept. Recognition of different meanings of words is realized.

The approach based on the construction of semantic networks is quite flexible, expandable, and not too cumbersome to operate. The most powerful and widespread system of this type is Convera from Excalibur Technologies 1 .

  • Chetverikov V.N. Databases and data banks / V.N. Chetverikov, G.I. Revunkov, E.N. Samokhvalov / Ed. V.N. Chetverikova. M.: Higher School, 1987. P. 19.
  • Kogalovsky M.R. Database technology on personal computers. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1992. pp. 54-55.
  • Minaev V.A., Umerenkov V.V. Space navigation systems in the activities of operational services: Textbook, manual. Orel, 1999. pp. 41-43.
  • The use of modern information technologies in the activities of bodies and divisions of internal affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to increase its efficiency and safety. Lecture. M., 2004. P. 32.
  • Intelligent search systems Excalibur // Networks. 1997. No. 6.

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  • 3.1 AIS classification

1. Information and information technology

We live in a world of information. A person perceives the world around him with the help of his senses. In order to correctly navigate the world, he remembers the information received (stores information). In the process of communicating with other people, a person transmits and receives information. In the process of achieving any goals, he makes decisions (processes information). The world exists in three main forms: matter, energy, information. Processes associated with storing, receiving, processing and transmitting information are called information processes.

Since the mid-twentieth century, a gradual transition from an industrial to an information society began.

The criteria for the development of the information society are:

· wide use personal computers;

· level of development of computer networks;

· the number of people employed in the information sector.

The first automatic computing device was invented by Charles Babbage in 1832. The first computer appeared in 1946 in the USA, the first domestic computer appeared in 1950. The twentieth century made serious demands on computing devices; the development of physics required the processing of huge amounts of information. The most important stage in the development of computing technology was the creation of the first personal computer in 1976 by Apple. In the early 80s, mass production of personal computers began. Modern personal computers have gone far ahead in all characteristics, and new, more advanced storage media have appeared. Currently, a significant trend in the informatization of society is the transition from the use of computers to offline mode for their use in information networks. Information networks create a real opportunity for quick and convenient user access to all the information accumulated by humanity. The development of global computer networks began in the 80s. In 1981, there were only 213 computers on the Internet; today there are more than 43 million servers in the global computer network.

The amount of information in the modern world is growing rapidly. And in order to navigate this flow, it is necessary to have an information culture, i.e. knowledge and skills in the field of information technology, as well as be familiar with moral and legal standards in this area. The most important component of information culture is compliance with the rules of behavior adopted when working on the Internet. You must also be aware of and comply with existing laws prohibiting illegal copying and use of software.

The term "information" comes from Latin word"informatio" - explanation, awareness. We put a very broad meaning into this word and can often explain it only on an intuitive level. When we say “information,” we mean messages on radio and television, the contents of newspapers, books, databases, libraries, and knowledge gleaned from communicating with people and obtained in scientific journals. Information is stored in books, libraries, databases, paper and computer media. Information is transmitted orally and in writing, using electrical signals and radio waves; are obtained using sensory organs, electrical sensors, photo and video cameras. Individual data and messages are processed, transformed, systematized, sorted and new information or new knowledge is obtained. In a broad sense, information is information, knowledge, messages that are the object of storage, transformation, transmission and help solve the problem assigned to a person.

In Article 2 of the Federal Law A dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection”, the concept of information is enshrined. Information - information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation.

Technology (Greek techne - art, skill, skill) is a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, shape of something carried out in the production process. Information technology views information as an object in order to obtain and use it in the most effective way.

Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for human analysis and decision-making based on it to perform any action. Information technology is the most important component of the process of using society's information resources. To date, it has gone through several evolutionary stages, the change of which was determined mainly by the development of scientific and technological progress and the emergence of new technical means of information processing. In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is the personal computer, which has significantly influenced both the concept of constructing and using technological processes and the quality of the resulting information. Introduction of the personal computer into information sphere and the use of telecommunications determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a consequence, a change in its name by adding one of the synonyms: “new”, “computer” or “modern”. The adjective "new" emphasizes the innovative rather than evolutionary nature of this technology. Its implementation is an innovative act in the sense that it significantly changes the content of various activities in organizations. The concept of new information technology also includes communication technologies that ensure the transfer of information by various means, namely telephone, telegraph, telecommunications, fax, etc.

1.1 Information consulting and the legal system

As a subsystem of management consulting, information consulting is a specialized type of service aimed at meeting the Client’s information needs, information support of business transactions and developing optimal ways to use information resources in the practice of managing organizational change.

Object informationalconsulting is the state of the information environment of the consulted organization, and the subject is the search for opportunities to satisfy the various information needs of the organization.


1. Functioninforming lies in the fact that information consulting provides society, management structures, business and other organizations with information about social objects that interest them, the features of their change and development in modern society. This function helps to assist business entities in solving specific economic and managerial problems in all areas of their activities and functional areas.

2. Scientific and educationalfunction is expressed in the fact that information consulting indirectly helps to better understand the essence of certain social phenomena, to reveal the dynamics, trends and prospects for their development, and the impact on socio-economic and social processes in the country.

3. Researchordiagnosticfunction allows us to establish and study the signs characterizing the state of social objects, including signs of social tension, extreme situations, conflicts, and this facilitates the timely adoption of the necessary management decisions that help maintain the social system in a dynamic and stable state.

4. In addition, this function is associated with conducting comprehensive analytical research in the field of production of products and services, as well as identifying those factors, trends and patterns that have a decisive impact on the results of the enterprise in the information society.

5. Mediationfunction is to assist Clients in choosing the right strategy in the field of information technology, selecting business partners both within the country and abroad, as well as identifying the most promising objects of cooperation for direct investment, joint actions in the field of production and sales of products and services .

6. Educationalfunction is associated with the organization and conduct of educational events both on information technologies and on the effectiveness of their use in the relevant sector of the economy.

The harmonious interaction and complementarity of these functions, in combination with other types of consulting presented, turns information consulting into an effective lever for improving the management of various social processes and phenomena, and makes it a powerful tool optimizing the development of Legal Consulting services is a unique information complex, when used, two components are available: a unique knowledge base of the GARANT Legal Consulting Service and the ability to receive individual written expert opinions. The weekly updated legal block "Knowledge Base of the Legal Consulting Service" contains more than 56,000 ready-made solutions on the most relevant topics. Consultations are prepared by experts from the Legal Consulting Service of the Garant company - highly qualified lawyers, tax consultants, professional accountants, auditors and undergo centralized verification in Moscow. All consultations are supported by references to regulatory documents, judicial practice and comments.

1.2 Computer legal consulting systems

AIS in consulting allow you to structure information into sections, while integrating it into a single system that helps the user solve a number of important tasks, namely:

* Conducting a comprehensive survey of the enterprise.

* Drawing diagrams of business processes, structuring information flows.

* Analytical activities, analysis and optimization of document flow.

* Analysis, assessment and optimization of the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The leading positions in the market of technologies offered for this segment are occupied by:

1. AIS "Consulting. Standard" is a collection of current legal, tax and accounting materials presented in the form of useful practical tools.

2. Own development of the company "FISTECH-Consulting" - the information and analytical system "FINIST" is designed to solve problems of automating the financial accounting of an enterprise. IAS "FINIST" has been successfully implemented and used at more than 20 enterprises, including enterprises of the group of companies OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and OJSC Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant.

3. Consultant Plus is the largest legal information resource with fast and convenient information search, based on the highest standards of service. The system includes over 320,000 documents of federal and regional legislation, as well as court decisions, financial advice, comments on legislation and other useful information.

4. The software package "Consulting. Issuer" is used by lawyers, securities specialists, and employees of the corporate department of a joint-stock company. It simplifies the conduct and execution of corporate procedures, automates the preparation of documents, and provides legal and practical information.

5. Legal reference system GARANT. The information bank of the system is built on a modular principle and includes 25 specialized blocks for all sections of Russian legislation and 135 blocks for the legislation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc.

SPS "Garant"

The GARANT reference legal system has been developed since 1990. In 1990, graduates of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, D.B. Novikov and D.V. Persheev created the first mass legal system - SPS Garant. However, due to disagreements that arose in further development business, the partners separated, and the development group remained with D.B. Novikov created SPS Consultant Plus in 1992. Currently, it is the main decision-making tool on legal issues for many accountants, lawyers, managers and other professionals in Russia and abroad. The full volume of the information bank of the GARANT system is more than 1,744,188 documents and comments on regulations; weekly replenishment is about 7,000 documents. The information data bank of the "Garant" system is built on a modular principle and includes 25 specialized blocks on all sections of Russian legislation and 135 blocks on the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The GARANT system presents the legislation of 83 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the practice of 10 Federal Arbitration Courts. User he himself chooses the content of the database, which allows him to use documents related specifically to his field of activity in his work. "InPharm: Medicines and Companies" Contains regulatory legal documents on healthcare, practical comments and recommendations from leading experts, as well as materials on the legal aspects of the work of medical institutions.

1.3 Problem-oriented consulting

According to T.Ya. Danelyan consulting (in a general sense) has three types of activities:

1. On general legal issues (legal consulting) or general consulting.

2. For a specific type of activity (for a production function) - functional consulting.

3. Marketing - marketing consulting. Marketing consulting is one of the functions of marketing, carrying out activities to advise producers, sellers, buyers on the following issues: enterprise activities, assessment of trade and political conditions, export-import operations, assessment and development of feasibility studies for the introduction of new technologies and production.

The author classifies information consulting by areas of action:

legal consulting;

information consulting;

general consulting (passive consulting);

marketing consulting;

consulting on feasibility studies of enterprise activities;

problem-oriented consulting (dynamic consulting);

consulting on production activities (functional consulting).

General consulting is information in the mode of information consulting, legal consulting, information for making decisions on the management of an object to increase the efficiency of obtaining information on standard regulatory documents and legal issues. Answers can be provided both in the form of facts and in the form of text documents. Legal consulting is a certificate of rights and obligations, information consulting is an information and reference system that issues a certificate of the availability and type of a particular document.

Functional consulting provides recommendations to the manager on how to improve the functioning of an economic entity, both financially and economically. This recommendation is made at the audit level. It may or may not be accepted. Thus, functional consulting is included in the field of problem-oriented active consulting and concerns the main functions of the enterprise related to technical and economic planning, calculation of production capacity, fixed assets, remuneration, material assets, profitability, sustainability.

In addition to direct analysis of the function of the enterprise, functional consulting can give recommendations on the prospects for the development of the enterprise, using the results of statistical simulation modeling of the activities of production facilities.

Marketing consulting, using the results of market analysis, provides advice on the results of operational and long-term production planning. Consulting on a feasibility study of an enterprise's activities is used to determine the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and to justify the economic feasibility of introducing new technologies, ideas, and facilities.

Consulting in its semantic essence is based on the ideas of information and reference systems (ISS) and information retrieval systems (IRS). These systems have the goal of storing information that society needs and issuing at the right time the necessary information in the form of certificates, texts, facts. The increase in the volume of information and the emergence of new standards regulating the activities of economic entities required automation and the introduction of new technologies. Information and reference systems and information retrieval systems became such technologies.

IRS - information retrieval system - is a set of linguistic, technical and algorithmic tools designed for storing, searching and issuing information.

ISS - information and reference system - a system for recording facts, processing and storing information intended to provide subscribers with reference information. ISS is a type of IPS, i.e. IPS, which provides responses to information requests relating to acts of interest to consumers. IPS are divided into factual and documentary. Documentary information retrieval systems are designed to search for documents, articles, reports, etc. Factual information retrieval systems implement the issuance of information in the form of a fact of a phenomenon or situation.

Both ISS and IPS implement two types of functions:

1) storage of information about objects and knowledge displayed in documents that form information arrays of answers (creation of a knowledge base);

2) organization of information reflecting the user’s information need, which is called a request (organization of responses).

To organize arrays of answers and queries, all information systems and information systems work with a specially organized body of knowledge, which is called a thesaurus (Danelyan, 2009, P.151).

A thesaurus is an organized in a special way a dictionary used in information systems and information systems when searching for information, which reflects semantic connections between words or other semantic objects of a given language, or is a system of information (ideas) about extra-linguistic objects of society.

Any information technologies used to automate consulting (information consulting systems), built on the principle of IPS and ISS, are defined:

1. Operating modes (centralized, decentralized);

2. Operating modes (dialog, batch);

3. Methods of organizing work (network and individual), as well as;

4. Providing:

software (standard PPP, original PPP),

technical (PC, networks, workstation),

information (means of maintaining information),


empowering (legal and judicial, linguistic and administrative).

Based on the focus of problem-oriented consulting, its main functions are:

prosecutor's office information technology anti-theft

Assess the functional activity of the object; determine the method of making a profit; costs in the process of activity;

Assess the stable conditions of the object, based on an analysis of the financial and economic activities of the object, in order to make decisions on managing the operation of the object;

Assess the structural and functional organization of the facility and the costs of new projects and developments in order to make a decision on the feasibility of these developments in terms of their acquisition and implementation. Based on the above functions, problem-oriented consulting in its organization must use: economic and mathematical models so that it is possible to simulate the process of functioning of an object, determine the result of the simulation to the maximum and minimum under various situations (factors) affecting the process. Thus, one of the tools of problem-oriented consulting should be a means of economic, simulation, mathematical and statistical modeling. There must be a means to evaluate the production structure of the facility. The structure is assessed using calculation formulas and from the results obtained, using the method of expert assessments, those structural indicators that are important for the activities of an economic entity are identified, such as: reliability, complexity, quality of functioning, hierarchy, throughput, versatility, information content.

Thus, problem-oriented consulting provides advice on making decisions about changing both the structure of the system, on the one hand, and the way the system functions, on the other. To implement all of the above, they use: automated workplace technologies, case technologies, network communication tools.

One of the main functions of general consulting is to provide information on legal issues in the following aspects:

branches of law;

sub-branches of law;

types of rules of law;

documents (forms of law);

dates (facts) of adoption of legal norms;

organization that has adopted a specific rule of law.

The second function is to provide information on information issues in terms of: types of documents that adequately reflect specific activities; norms defining activities; statistical reporting on activities.

Not all companies turn to consulting organizations, but their role is very important. Improving the quality of leadership, increasing the efficiency of the company as a whole and increasing the individual productivity of each employee leads to the effective operation of companies and even the recovery of companies from crisis situations. “Consulting” is a fairly new word for Russians, but the field of consulting is already developing more and more in our country: new companies engaged in consulting are constantly appearing; there is a need for the use of their services by other organizations in various fields of activity and, accordingly, systems providing these services (reference systems) appear. The most popular among consulting systems are legal, tax and legal consulting. Employees of various organizations are often faced with the need to use documents in these areas and the problem of their execution. But, as a rule, people are poorly informed on these issues. Ignorance leads to unwanted mistakes. And help systems allow you not only to avoid mistakes, but also to increase the productivity of employees who use consulting systems in their work, because the time spent searching for information and completing documents is significantly reduced

2. Satellite anti-theft search system "Arkan"

Satellite anti-theft complexes and Arkan security alarms are designed to protect against theft of cars of various classes: from “average” to “luxury”. The main feature of these alarms is the data transmission channel - "Arkan Radio Channel", which operates in a specially designated frequency range from 146 to 174 MHz. The radio channel operates throughout Russia.

All Arkan security alarms, thanks to the innovative developments of Russian engineers, are protected from scanning, interception, and most importantly, jamming. Data transmission via radio channel is carried out in any conditions, be it dense urban areas, concrete tunnels, shelters, garage cooperatives, underground parking lots. All these features speak of Arkan systems as professional and unique solutions in the field of car theft protection, which have no analogues in Russia and abroad.

Nowadays, there are quite a large number of security systems on the satellite anti-theft security alarm market. But they all have one, but very significant drawback. All of them transmit data to the dispatch center via a GSM channel. As is known satellite GSM alarm are not reliable, and are quite easy to suppress and jam, even with homemade devices.

The Arkan group of companies did not stop at GSM data transmission systems as the main ones - it developed its own advanced solution to ensure vehicle safety. The use of its own radio channel operating in a dedicated frequency range has become the main difference of the Arkan technology platform. Also different from these systems is the use of the latest and most advanced developments in the field of protecting vehicles from theft.

Satellite security alarms Arkan on this moment are the most reliable and modern solution in the field of protecting mobile objects - this statement is confirmed by data that was received from the company’s partners, insurance companies, response services, and most importantly from system users.

Advantages of Arkan satellite anti-theft systems:

· Data transmission from the system installed in the car to the dispatch center is carried out via two communication channels: via a radio channel operating at frequencies from 146 to 174 MHz; and also via GSM channel;

· The security alarm system cannot be scanned, intercepted, jammed or suppressed;

· The location of the vehicle is determined using GPS/GLONASS systems, as well as using a network of Arkan’s own direction finders;

· It is not possible to prepare a car for theft at the system installation stage, thanks to the hidden logic of the operation of these systems;

· Dialogue data transmission channel directly in the systems themselves, tags, blocking relays.

It should be noted that Arkan security alarms are alarms that combine high-tech intelligent solutions that allow you to change the vehicle security mode, depending on the likelihood of a threat and the location of the vehicle. To implement this function, a data bank was specially developed with information about places of theft, methods of theft, and models of stolen cars. This information accumulates as a result of close cooperation of the Arkan group of companies with the traffic police, security services of insurance companies, the technical department of the educational institution and its own statistics.

Based on these data, special maps were developed for cities with a population of over a million people with marked “risk zones”. The system monitors which zone the car is in and automatically switches to high security mode if necessary.

In the event of an alarm burglar alarm, the response is carried out by state law enforcement agencies. Information about the car and its location is sent to the Central Control Center of the UVO (the control center for private security departments). The officer on duty at this center directs the nearest patrol car to the scene of the incident. Average response time is from 2 to 10 minutes.

3. Information system and automated information system (AIS)

Under system understand any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a collection of heterogeneous elements united in the interests of achieving set goals. In computer science, the concept of “system” is widespread and has many semantic meanings. Most often it is used in relation to a set of technical tools and programs. The hardware of a computer can be called a system. A system can also be considered a set of programs for solving specific application problems, supplemented by procedures for maintaining documentation and managing calculations. Adding the word “information” to the concept of “system” reflects the purpose of its creation and operation. Information systems provide collection, storage, processing, retrieval, and issuance of information necessary in the decision-making process of problems from any area. They help analyze problems and create new products.

Informationsystem- an interconnected set of means, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in the interests of achieving a set goal. The modern understanding of an information system involves the use of a personal computer as the main technical means of information processing. Computers equipped with specialized software are the technical basis and tool for information systems. An information system is unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications.

Automatedsystem in contrast to automatic, it implies the use of the human element (operators, management personnel, etc.) as its organic component.

Automatedinformationalsystem (AIS) is based on the use of computer technology tools and capabilities, but is not limited to the simple use of computers in management. If the simple use of computers in management is the solution of individual management problems with their help, which is usually determined not by the relevance of such a solution, but by the degree of its readiness for implementation on a computer, then automated information systems extend to all stages and work related to the information support process. Automated information systems of various classes and purposes are currently widespread.

3.1 AIS classification

Classification of AIS is carried out according to a number of criteria, and depending on the problem being solved, different classification criteria can be selected. In this case, the same AIS can be characterized by one or more signs. The following characteristics of AIS classification are used: scale, scope, territory covered, organization of information processes, direction of activity, purpose, structure, etc.

By scale, information systems are divided into the following groups (Fig. 1.1): single, group and corporate.

Rice. 1.1 Division of information systems by scale

Singlesinformationalsystems are implemented, as a rule, on a stand-alone personal computer (the network is not used). Such a system may contain several simple applications, connected by a common information fund, and is designed for the work of one user or a group of users sharing one workplace in time. Such applications are created using so-called desktop or local database management systems (DBMS). Among local DBMSs, the most famous are FoxPro, Paradox, and Microsoft Access.

Groupinformationalsystems are focused on the collective use of information by members of a work group and are most often built on the basis of a local computer network. When developing such applications, database servers (also called SQL servers) are used for workgroups. There are quite a large number of different SQL servers, both commercial and freely distributed. Among them, the most famous database servers are Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, InterBase, Sybase, Informix.

Corporateinformationalsystems are a development of systems for workgroups, they are aimed at large companies and can support geographically dispersed nodes or networks. Basically they have a hierarchical structure of several levels. Such systems are characterized by a client-server architecture with specialization of servers or a multi-level architecture. When developing such systems, the same database servers can be used as when developing group information systems. However, in large information systems, the most widely used servers are Oracle, DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server.

Classification of AIS by area of ​​activity is shown in Fig. 1.2

Fig 1.2 Classification of AIS by area of ​​activity

Automatedsystemsmanagement (ACS). Modern automated control systems are designed to assist specialists and decision-makers in obtaining timely, reliable, and the required amount of information (the central technical issue in the development of automated systems is the organization, storage and integrated use of data). Considering the widest application and diversity of this class of systems, often any speakers are understood precisely in this interpretation. This class includes automated control systems for both industrial companies and non-industrial facilities: hotels, banks, trading companies, etc. The main functions similar systems are: operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, long-term and operational planning, accounting, sales and supply management and other economic and organizational tasks.

Systemsautomateddesign (CAD) are intended to automate the functions of design engineers, designers, architects, designers when creating new equipment or technology. The main functions of such systems are: engineering calculations, creation of graphic documentation (drawings, diagrams, plans), creation of design documentation, modeling of designed objects.

The design process is not only a procedure for the developer to create some new information, it includes an analysis of this problem, including the study of design goals, existing data, analogue objects, etc., clarification of critical parameters and taking into account existing factors, selection of hypothetical ways to achieve the goals goals, the actual design, calculation and optimization of units and components, modeling of individual processes, presentation of results in one form or another. All these stages make up the content computer-aided design.

Expertsystem- a software system that uses expert knowledge to provide highly effective solutions to problems in a narrow subject area.

Expert systems - one of the few types of artificial intelligence systems - have become widespread and have found practical application. The goals of creating expert systems are computer support for solving problems. The tasks of expert systems are modeling human intelligence, developing new knowledge in a specific subject area, and supporting decision-making processes. There are expert systems in military science, geology, engineering, computer science, space technology, mathematics, medicine, meteorology, industry, agriculture, management, physics, chemistry, electronics, law, etc. And only the fact that expert systems remain very complex, expensive, and most importantly, highly specialized programs is holding back their even wider distribution.

AutomatedsystemsForscientificresearch (ASNI) are software and hardware systems that process data coming from various kinds of experimental installations and measuring instruments, and, based on their analysis, facilitate the discovery of new effects and patterns. The communication unit with measuring equipment converts to the right type information coming from measuring equipment. The database stores information received from the communication unit with measuring equipment, as well as information entered in advance to ensure the operability of the system. The calculation unit, executing programs from the application software package, performs all mathematical calculations that may be necessary in the course of scientific research. Calculations can be performed at the request of the researcher himself or the simulation unit. At the same time, on the basis of mathematical models, the process occurring in the external environment is reproduced. The expert system models the reasoning of specialists in a given subject area. With its help, a researcher can classify observed phenomena and diagnose the course of the processes under study. ASNIs are widely used in molecular chemistry, mineralogy, biochemistry, particle physics and many other sciences.

In the industrial sphere, the sectoral nature of the AIS hierarchy prevails. By territorial basis, the classification of AIS is shown in Fig. 1.3

Fig 1.3 Classification of AIS by territory

Depending on the organization of information processes, AIS are divided into two large classes: control and information. There is no management in information systems ( automated systems scientific research - ASNI, "Library", computer-aided design systems - CAD, expert systems - ES, etc.).

According to the scope of application, AIS are classified as follows: administrative, industrial, educational, medical, military, meteorological, environmental, forensic, etc. The purpose and structure of AIS are characterized by the presence of corresponding subsystems. This class of AIS is historically one of the first in production.

3.2 Information systems of the prosecutor's office

As part of the Russian Legal Informatization Program, the Research Institute for Strengthening Law and Order under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, based on the methodology of systemic structural analysis, also developed the Concept of creating an automated information support system for the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation (ASIO-Prosecutor's Office). The goal of this program is to create a unified automated information environment throughout the Russian Federation, which is capable of most fully and promptly satisfying the information needs of prosecutors at all levels in the performance of their functions. A unified information environment is being created for prosecutorial authorities distributed throughout Russia and forming a three-level system:

Level 1 - General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;

Level 2 - prosecutor's offices of the republics within the Russian Federation; prosecutor's office of territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous region, autonomous okrugs; other territorial prosecutor's offices; specialized prosecutor's offices equivalent to regional prosecutor's offices;

Level 3 - prosecutor's offices of cities and districts; specialized prosecutor's offices equivalent to district prosecutor's offices.

As part of the creation of the ASIO-Prosecutor's Office, the Program provides for the solution of the following main tasks:

organization of automated workstations (AWS) for each type of activity of the prosecutor's office and the formation of local problem-oriented databases and software and hardware tools for solving a certain logically complete group of tasks for each area of ​​activity (supervision over the implementation of laws, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, investigation crimes, etc.);

consolidation of local databases at each level of management (district, interdistrict, city, regional, republican, federal) into an integrated data bank and the formation of software and hardware tools that provide the possibility of collective use of data contained in the integrated bank;

combining the computing and information resources of the prosecutor's office into a single information and computing network with adaptation to the existing information infrastructure in the country;

ensuring information interaction with automated information systems and databases created in government and administrative bodies, ministries and departments of the legal sphere, other ministries and departments.

Systems used in the activities of prosecutors

As part of the implementation of ASIO-Prosecutor's Office, the following information technologies and systems have been created and are being developed today.

Information systems in the field of office work are currently represented by automated workstations that provide certain areas of work with documents that can also operate as part of a local computer network.

Current systems for registration and control of document execution include:

1. an automated information support system for the activities of the secretariat of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and his deputies;

2. systems for recording and analyzing complaints received by the central office of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, prosecutor's offices of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, district and city prosecutor's offices;

3. system for ensuring the work of the reception office of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation;

4. systems for recording and monitoring information received by prosecutors at different levels.

The departmental electronic document management system is the basis of the information system of the prosecutor's office and is a general-purpose system.

Automation of document flow involves the coverage of all divisions of the prosecutor's office with a computer network and the formation of automated workstations in the office of each division, and in the future - at each prosecutor. Automated document flow must be protected by special software and hardware, systems for restricting access to information. As part of the first stage project, a system with such requirements has been identified for development.

Integrated statistics database. The assignment to the prosecutor's office of the functions of coordinating the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime has increased the importance of generalizing and analytical work with statistical information, which has necessitated the creation in the prosecutor's office of an integrated data bank of statistical indicators on the state of the rule of law and the state of crime in the Russian Federation. This data bank, along with law enforcement statistics, should also contain generalized indicators. Updated software in the form of automated workplace "Statistics" is the basis for analytical work. Information and legal funds. An urgent task for universal purposes is to provide prosecutors at all levels with legal databases. It is being resolved within the framework of an independent direction in the ASIO "Prosecutor's Office" - the creation and use of departmental information and legal funds in the prosecutor's office.

Such funds are intended mainly for organizing interdepartmental information exchange and for providing “electronic originals” of regulatory legal acts from an official source.

To deliver electronic documents with the status of an official copy to the prosecutor's office, an electronic mail mechanism is used using cryptographic protection and electronic signature. The legal reference systems “Consultant-Plus”, “Garant”, and “Kodeks” have also become widespread in the prosecutor’s office.

Information support for personnel departments of the prosecutor's office.

The main component of information support for the activities of personnel departments is the automated information system "Personnel". It is built and technologically linked to the employee’s personal file documents: a personal personnel record sheet, a questionnaire, an employee’s personal card, orders. Information about certification is entered into the certification card, and information about the reserve is entered into the reserve card. After entering the data, the complete information is contained in the employee’s easy-to-use electronic card. Such a database makes it possible to obtain lists of employees subject to certification, or submissions for the next class rank on a certain date.

Information support for supervision over the implementation of laws by bodies carrying out operational investigative activities, inquiry and preliminary investigation. An important place in the activities of the prosecutor's office is occupied by supervision of the implementation of laws during the registration, recording and investigation of crimes. To provide information support for this activity, the Research Institute for Strengthening Law and Order under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has developed and introduced into the practice of the prosecutor's office a number of automated systems and sets of tasks, which are constantly being modernized, and currently require bringing into compliance with the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. To supervise the implementation of the law at the stage of initiating a criminal case, a set of tasks “Supervising the legality of resolving statements and reports of crimes” has been developed and is functioning. The information contained in the database makes it possible to constantly monitor the timeliness and validity of decisions on statements and reports of crime, to identify and suppress violations, to conduct analysis and generalizations. The investigation stage of a criminal case is informationally accompanied by the complexes of tasks “Recording of criminal cases” and “Supervision over the timing of the investigation and detention of the accused in custody.” Each of these sets of tasks contains two databases: the movement of a criminal case from the moment of its initiation until the final decision is made; information on the accused - dates of detention and arrest, qualification of the crime committed, terms of investigation and detention of the accused; the results of the investigation into the case and its consideration in court, the reasons for release from custody and other procedural decisions. The current automated system “Registration of Unsolved Murders” belongs to the sphere of supervision over the implementation of laws by bodies carrying out operational investigative activities, inquiry and preliminary investigation. Its information basis is a formalized form for a special report on intentional murders.

In order to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens, improve prosecutorial supervision over the resolution of applications and reports of missing persons and the discovery of unidentified corpses, a reference and information system with the code name “Identification” has been created. This system implements such functions as entering information about missing persons; unidentified corpses and patients who cannot report themselves; search (selection) of information on materials and criminal cases of this category; obtaining analytical reports, etc.

"Investigator's workstation." The purpose of creating this system is to optimize the work of the investigator, reduce time and improve the quality of the investigation through:

reducing the time spent searching for information, transmitting and receiving information through communication channels, including access to legislative and reference information, operational reference, investigative and forensic records of internal affairs bodies, and materials of a specific criminal case;

eliminating or minimizing errors in the application of legislation during the preliminary investigation (for example, when preparing procedural documents);

developing informed and rational decisions during the investigation of crimes, when conducting a comprehensive analysis of evidentiary, operational, regulatory, reference and other information;

the use of automated techniques when carrying out certain investigative actions and in the investigation of certain types of crimes and “expert” systems for making criminal legal and criminal procedural decisions.

The structure of the "Investigator Workstation" includes three functional blocks. The first (common name “Legal Information”) includes a regulatory legal framework that ensures a preliminary investigation. The second block (“Functional AISS”) contains methodological recommendations created to help the investigator, automated systems that carry training elements (standard document samples, article-by-article material of the Code of Criminal Procedure for investigative actions). This block of automated systems also allows the investigator to carry out individual orders from other law enforcement agencies outside the scope of the crimes he is investigating. The third block of automated systems (“Criminal Case Management”) is intended for the preparation, systematized storage and issuance of information on criminal cases under investigation, as well as suspended or completed cases, which will be stored in the database until court decisions are made on them.

4. A selection of decisions of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for 2008-2011. using the official website "Consultant Plus"

List of sources used

1. Computer science: textbook. - 3rd revision Ed. / ed. N.V. Makarova. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. - 768 p.

2. Informatics for lawyers and economists / S.V. Simonovich et al. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 688 p.

3. Mikheeva E.V. Information technologies in professional activities: textbook. allowance / E.V. Mikheeva. - M.: Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2007. - 448 p.

4. Mikheeva E.V. Workshop on information technologies in professional activities: textbook. allowance. / E.V. Mikheeva. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2007. - 256 p.

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Information- information about something, regardless of the form of its presentation.

Information Technology(IT, from the English information technology, IT) - a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for creating, managing and processing data, including the use of computer technology. IT itself requires complex training, high initial costs and high-tech technology. Their implementation should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

The main features of modern IT:

1. computer processing of information according to specified algorithms;

2. storing large amounts of information on computer media;

3. transfer of information over long distances in a limited time.

Application of information technologies in jurisprudence.

Basic capabilities of legal information systems.

As already noted, the ability to compactly store a large amount of information is one of the most important advantages of any computer technology. Legal information is indeed characterized by large volumes. Only the information legal complex ConsultantPlus: Expert monthly more than two thousand acts are received into the system. Entering two thousand documents into the database every month is not difficult. But if at the same time the entered documents are connected by hundreds and thousands of links both with documents entered earlier and with each other, if new editions, notes, comments, etc. are prepared for them, then the process of parallel processing of such a number of documents becomes a serious problem. To solve it, the software technology must be well thought out and linked to the organization of work of dozens of people in the information department of the developer company.

Basic search and service capabilities

There are three main types of search in computer help systems:

search by document details,

full text search,

search using specialized classifiers.

Under search by details This means searching by number, type of document, accepting body, date of adoption, etc. However, it is applicable only in situations where the details of a specific document are precisely known.

Full text search(automatic search using words from the document text)

This type of search is based on automatic text processing. When requesting to search for those documents where it occurs specific word, the entire array of documents is automatically searched and all those documents where this word occurs are selected. There are fast algorithms for such a search, when when you initially enter each document, all the words found in it are entered into a common dictionary, and in the future, when you search for any word from the dictionary, you can instantly get a list of all documents where it appears.

Computer business games - A skillfully constructed computer business game is an excellent teaching tool and simulator for novice lawyers, primarily for students, and leads to the assimilation of material much faster than studying hundreds of pages of text at a desk.

But in order for any law student to be able to participate in a business game in a dialogue (interactive) mode, and even receive useful comments and tips that teach during the game, as in the design of expert systems, experienced lawyers and programmers had to work hard , systems engineers.

The library of computer business games was developed by an interuniversity research team on the basis of the association UPPICS (Educational Industrial Legal Information Computer Systems) of the YurInfoR Center of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov!] This “movement towards” will make it possible to prepare a new generation of lawyers capable of using computers and computer technologies in their work.

In practice, information systems are usually used that include not one software tool, but a set of software tools combined into a system, both software and hardware. But the main role always remains with the person.

A typical example is information systems for notaries, which necessarily include the following software:

ATP on legislation;

Text editors;

Databases for storing and searching documents;

Software tools (DBMS) for maintaining journals, registers, books, archives, compiling statistical reporting;

Electronic communication systems (fax modem, e-mail).

In recent years, legal reference systems (LRS) have become firmly established in business circulation. Government agencies, businesses, and certain categories of citizens, such as teachers and students, are regular consumers of legal information. Moreover, they all need complete, up-to-date and reliable information about the current legislation, the rules for its application and upcoming amendments. In an effort to attract as many users as possible, companies specializing in legal reference systems are introducing new products and improving existing ones.

Today, perhaps, no one needs to explain what the legal reference system is. Everyone knows such names as SPS “ConsultantPlus”, “Etalon”. The total number of official corporate users of the ConsultantPlus SPS in Belarus is more than 17,500 enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Belarus. The actual number of users is several times higher, since each institution or organization with a legal framework usually has several employees. Don't discount illegal users who purchase pirated copies.

There is currently no alternative to the SPS. Although most official documents (laws, decrees, regulations) must be published in official sources, and many documents can be found on the Internet, systematic searches in giant databases and at the same time the reliability of the information provided are ensured only by the SPS. It is beyond the power of an ordinary user to collect almost 250 thousand documents on their own – and this is exactly how many they now contain, for example, the version of the ConsultantPlus SPS for Belarus.

The importance of an effective system of disseminating legal information for modern civil society cannot be overestimated. It becomes obvious that no reform of the economic structure and political structure in the country is, in principle, possible without access to legal information for millions of citizens and hundreds of thousands of enterprises. There are three main problems that usually have to be solved when creating effective mechanisms for disseminating this type of information.

First problem due to the fact that government agencies issuing legal documents are not open enough. As a rule, this problem is most acute in countries with insufficiently developed democratic traditions. In Belarus, this problem is gradually being solved, and step by step the informational secrecy of government and management bodies is being overcome. This is largely facilitated by the media, and to a large extent by such specialized electronic media as legal reference systems (LRS).

Second problem is associated with the creation of truly effective and accessible channels for distributing legal information to the mass consumer. And here it is important by what means this problem is solved. Several years ago, there was a deep conviction in Belarus that only state organizations and media outlets that were fully funded by the budget could disseminate legal information. Undoubtedly, professionally operating state media will continue to play an important role in the dissemination of legal information, but the real accessibility of legal information to a wide range of consumers today has been achieved primarily thanks to the massive circulation of independent specialized publications. At the same time, the determining importance for solving the problem of access to legal information in Lately acquires distribution of computer and electronic media.

Third problem concerns the creation of effective tools for working with a huge array of diverse legal information. Such tools can only be created on the basis of computer technology. These tools are computer legal reference systems.

Computer legal reference system is a software package that includes an array of legal information and software tools that allow a specialist to work with this array of information (search for specific documents or their fragments, create collections of necessary documents, print information, etc.).

In recent years we have witnessed an amazing phenomenon in social and economic life; Against the background of the general economic crisis, the development and maintenance of ATP has grown into a new modern branch of the information business. The value created in this industry information products and the services associated with these products for the economy and society as a whole cannot be overestimated.

The following main reasons for the rapid development of computer technologies aimed at legal informatization can be identified.

Firstly, the rapid improvement and reduction in cost of personal computers in the last decade. Computers, which ten years ago were available only to specialists in large scientific centers, have now been replaced by computers that have become truly personal not only for hundreds of thousands of specialists, but also for millions of ordinary people.

Secondly, reforms of political and economic life in the country have generated literally a wave of normative and other legal documents, while the number of acts adopted annually does not tend to decrease. It is simply impossible to work with such an array of documents without modern computer technologies.

And finally, today there are many practical problems associated with accessing legal information, which can be effectively solved only by using computer SPS.

Relevance This research work is that today not a single successful person can do without modern technology and the latest technologies. In any business we use various computer technologies, communications, IT systems. Without using a computer, automating processes and storing information, work is not possible at all modern organization. As a result of the need and importance of processing this very information and optimizing processes, ATPs are created, which will be object our research. Subject The research will be to determine the characteristics and parameters of the ATP that are important for their application in professional activities.

Purpose Our research work will describe the specifics of ATP.

Tasks Our research will be to study the features of the creation and structure of the work of the ATP, identifying the advantages of some ATP over others.

Theoretical and practical significance The work consists in using this material by any PC user or organization in determining the optimal ATP for a particular user.

Research information base includes scientific sources in the form of data and information from books, educational literature, the Internet and the results of the research. When forming conclusions, they were based on the results of research in the scientific works of D.B. Novikova, V.L. Kamynina, S.S. Khachaturov, as well as information from the sites,, etc.

Methodological basis The methodology of scientific knowledge serves, as well as approaches traditionally used in any science. The work uses the dialectical method, system analysis, as well as the method of structural and logical analysis of available information. The work also used the following research methods as a generalization and comparison. The study examined a complex of problems in the creation, selection and use of SPS in professional activities.

The structure of the research work is represented by an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

In the middle of the 20th century, a rapid growth of legal information began in all developed countries. The number of legislative and other regulatory legal acts has reached hundreds of thousands. This led to an information crisis. As the experience of developed countries shows, a computer is the ideal remedy accumulation, storage and issuance of legal information, since traditional methods of obtaining information, such as the use of periodicals or other printed sources, are not able to solve the problem of providing legal support to all interested parties. Practice has shown that the most complete and consistent solution lies in the implementation of computer legal reference systems.

The main task of the ATP is to convey the maximum of reliable legal information to the maximum number of users with different levels of computer training. This task determines the choice of DBMS (database management systems) as a software development tool. The system must be provided constant updating databases.

Computer legal reference systems have a number of the most important properties, making them practically indispensable when working with regulatory information:

The ability to work with huge arrays of text information: the volume of information in the database is practically unlimited, which allows you to enter several dozen documents into it every day, simultaneously store databases of archival documents, etc.

The use of special search software in the ATP, which allows searching in real time throughout the entire information base.

Possibility of ATP operation using telecommunications means, i.e. using email or global networks, which allows you to update information databases and at the same time not waste disk space on the user’s computer.

But it should be noted that modifications of the ATP with local databases are in greatest demand so far. Firstly, the quality of telephone lines in Belarus leaves much to be desired; secondly, when accessing the database in real time, the user must pay either for long-distance telephone communication, or for network traffic; thirdly, SPS stored on the user’s computer often have more service capabilities.

Legal information cannot be obtained from one source - it is distributed almost throughout the entire territory of the country: this leads to the need to deliver information from localities (even in one territory, decisions of the Government, local authorities, materials of arbitration courts, draft laws are actually prepared in different government agencies , weakly related to each other). Therefore, in the creation of a Nationwide Legal Information System, non-state computer firms and companies releasing to the market are playing an increasingly important role electronic versions legal information. Information bases are quite voluminous and often contain unique documents, but the work of the mass user with such systems is difficult due to the lack of effective channels for supporting database updates, system maintenance, etc. Therefore, commercial SPS such as “Consultant Plus”, “Garant”, “Kodeks”, “Usis” have received wide recognition from users. Developers of such systems focused, firstly, on the development and improvement of software technologies and shell capabilities, and secondly, on the development service centers ATP support.

If recently it was enough just to find the right document, today it is often necessary to trace all possible connections between documents, get clarification, prepare a review on a topic of interest, and create your own user database. As a result, similar trends are emerging in the development of commercial SPS - expanding the range of documents stored in the system, improving shell systems, introduction of new technological capabilities. Office lawyer development firms incorporate into their technology the best that is used by their competitors. At the same time, there are many differences between existing legal systems associated with different approaches to building databases and the principles of their replenishment. There are many parameters by which help systems can be compared and evaluated. These include: 1) the volume of the information bank; 2) forming a user base; 3) speed of searching documents in the database; 4) relevance of information and promptness of receipt of documents; 5) the degree of authenticity of the documents to the original; 6) legal processing of documents; 7) the possibility of remote access to the database via telecommunication lines.

Of particular note is the possibility of using hypertext. Hypertext is an organization of text in which the display and access to information blocks are presented in the form of logical connections and explicitly specified transitions. Today, all common systems search by thematic rubricator, the name of the body receiving the document, the title of the document, the date of adoption, the type of document and provide for outputting the text of the required document in print or in a text file. Full text search throughout the entire text information base implement the Codex, Usis, and Legal Consult programs. The packages “Garant”, “Consultant Plus”, “Case and Law” offer the user a full-text search from the words of their dictionary. When searching for a word in a document title in most packages, the user must limit the length of the word. However, for example, the “Legal Consultant” program will find the necessary words, even if they are in a different case. The built-in editor or the ability to connect an external editor, such as in the “Code” package, greatly helps users in their work. You can trace the connections between documents either by hypertext tools, as in the ATP “Consultant Plus” and “Garant”, or by a system of links to documents with the ability to view their text, implemented in the “Code” package. The ability to enter a user’s own database is implemented in the ATP “Consultant Plus”, “Garant” and “Kodeks”.

Multi-window mode work is provided in the “Consultant Plus” and “Code” systems. Documents received before being connected to the Garant system are subject to in-depth legal processing. Regulatory acts as a whole are analyzed, direct and indirect connections between documents and legal norms are identified. As a result, documents in the ATP are linked by cross-references that go beyond obvious references to one document in another. Comments added to the texts of documents by lawyers explain in detail how to apply this legal norm and greatly facilitate the work with documents containing contradictory wording.

Before each user of the ATP, both when making a decision on choosing a particular system, and when using it in specific work The question arises of determining those key properties of systems that need to be paid attention to first.

Numerous advertising materials contain a wide variety of slogans and focus consumer attention on various aspects and properties of ATP. As a result, it is sometimes difficult for him to distinguish seemingly spectacular little things in the system interface from fundamentally important parameters of computer legal systems. Therefore, we highlight, on the one hand, the most important properties of the ATP, and on the other, the main characteristics of the work of the ATP manufacturing company, which the user (including potential) needs to pay attention to.

1) Quality of ATP information content:

· completeness of information;

· prompt receipt of new information;

· reliability of information, its authenticity;

· quality of legal information processing in systems.

2) The quality of computer technologies embedded in the ATP:

· search and service capabilities;

· the capabilities of the technology used to transfer information and update it for the user.

3) General level of service and the availability of additional services provided to the user of a specific ATP:

· free demonstration of the system at the customer’s office by a qualified specialist;

· guarantees of stable information support of the system (up to the possibility of daily updating of information) on the user’s computer;

· user training and consultation in difficult situations;

· technical support for systems on the user’s computer, restoring them after hardware failures, etc.;

· the ability to order rare, private documents that are not included in the user’s delivery package;

· availability of teaching aids, the possibility of training to work with ATP, etc.

If in any region of the country a user can not only buy a system, but also receive quality service for its further maintenance, this is an undoubted sign of a product that deserves the most serious attention. The lack of a full-fledged service is a sure sign that the company is not able to seriously work in the market and does not invest the necessary funds in the development and maintenance of its products.

1. Determine a list of indicators that the system must have (each user will have a different set of these characteristics).

2. Select systems that meet these indicators.

3. Determine a list of indicators that are significant for a given user.

4. Rank these indicators for a given user.

5. Determine the values ​​of each of the assessed indicators for each of the candidate systems.

6. Determine the integral assessment of each system, taking into account the ranking of indicators.

An approximate list of integral final parameters for assessing the ATP may be as follows:

Requirements and limitations on the level of computer technology (for example, the amount of RAM and disk memory);

Quality user interface(for example, the presence of hints and assistance to the user when working with the ATP);

Ease of installation and configuration;

Quality of information content of the ATP;

The quality of computer technologies embedded in the ATP;

Level of guarantees and service;

Cost of SPS.

The final choice of system should be made after working with demo versions of the ATP and after consultation with the specialists accompanying it.

Internet resources in the subject area of ​​research






7. www.revolution



Current personal website on WWW

Graph of scientific interests

Master's student Golovko K.E., Faculty of International Relations

Specialty "Jurisprudence"

Main specialty

Related specialties

Presentation of master's (candidate's) thesis

List of references for final work

1. Introduction to legal informatics: Legal reference systems Consultant Plus / Ed. D.B. Novikov and V.L. Kamynina. – M.: Consultant Plus, 2009;

2. Kamynin V.L. Methodological manual for university teachers teaching classes on how to work with ATP “ConsultantPlus”. - M.: CJSC “ConsultantPlus New Technologies”, 2006;

3. Khachaturova S.S. Consultant Plus: Legal reference systems / S.S. Khachaturova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2003.


The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) was concluded in 1980 in Vienna and entered into force on January 1, 1988.

As of December 30, 2010, 76 states are parties to this international treaty.

The Convention unifies the rules of law applicable to a contract for the international sale of goods.

The main reason for disputes is the non-conformity of the goods.

Purpose of the study - explore the following questions:

What is a reasonable time frame for inspection of goods?

What should be understood by a reasonable period for filing a notice of non-conformity of a product?

What is a reasonable excuse for failure to comply with the duty to give notice of non-conformity?

Tasks to define:

1. What period of time for inspection of the goods by the buyer should be considered reasonable?

2. What period of time for sending a notice of non-conformity of goods should be considered reasonable?

3. What are the legal consequences of the buyer's failure to provide notice of non-conformity?

When conducting this research, the following methods were used: the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the formal legal method and the method of comparative analysis.

1) The buyer must inspect the goods or cause them to be inspected as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

2) If the contract provides for the carriage of goods, inspection may be postponed until the goods arrive at their destination.

3) If the destination of the goods is changed while in transit or the goods are re-shipped by the buyer and the buyer did not have a reasonable opportunity to inspect them, and the seller knew or should have known at the time of the conclusion of the contract about the possibility of such a change or such re-dispatch, inspection of the goods may be delayed until it arrives at its new destination.

1.1 Time limit for inspection of goods

size of the buyer's business

type of goods

quantity of goods

complexity of goods

seasonal or perishable nature of goods

expenses necessary for proper verification

1.2 Product inspection method

external inspection


1) The buyer loses the right to refer to non-conformity of the goods if he does not give the seller a notice containing data on the nature of the non-conformity within a reasonable time after it was or should have been discovered by the buyer.

2) In any case, the buyer loses the right to refer to the non-conformity of the goods if he does not give notice to the seller about it no later than within a two-year period, counting from the date of actual transfer of the goods to the buyer, since this period does not contradict the contractual warranty period.

— 2.1 Notice period

must be calculated from the moment when the buyer actually discovered the non-conformity of the goods or when he should have discovered it

approximately one to two weeks

— 2.2 Notification form

any form, but preferably written

the written form does not require a signature or other identification sign

must be specific in terms of which product and what it does not correspond to

Article 39 of the Convention excludes the use of all remedies:

claim for damages

requirement for replacement of goods

requirement to correct the discrepancy

establishing an additional period for the seller to fulfill its obligations

termination of the contract

commensurate price reduction

In addition to forfeiting all of the above rights, the buyer must also accept the nonconforming product and pay full price for it.





Department of Informatics and Mathematics

" Computer technologies in legal activities"


student of the Faculty of Law gr. No. 623, full-time education

Scientific adviser:


The task of building a democratic state based on a market economy has brought forward a whole range of problems for the legal science and practice of Russia, among which one of the central places, perhaps, is occupied by the informatization of the legal sphere on the basis of its widespread computerization.

The solution to these problems should find its concrete expression in the development and widespread implementation of computer and other information technologies in all types of law-making, law enforcement and law enforcement activities, as well as in the field of legal education and upbringing of citizens. At the same time, the informatization of all these types of activities should be based on their proper legal support.

This term is usually used to designate technology, mathematical methods and special software used to collect, store and process information used in various management processes, for training, as well as for obtaining various types of information and computing services.

Today there is practically no type of human activity where computing technology (computers) is not used in one form or another. Assessing the situation in 1972, the American sociologist O. Toffler wrote: “... What is happening now, apparently, is something more than the industrial revolution... The current moment is no more and no less than the second great watershed in the history of mankind, comparable in its significance only to the first great break in historical continuity - the transition from barbarism to civilization... The appearance of fundamentally new machines (we are talking about computers in the book) - Ya. Ya) not only suggests ideas for changing other machines - it also suggests new solutions social, philosophical and even personal problems..." Today we can say with confidence that a new scientific and technological revolution has taken place, and we are enjoying its fruits.

It should be borne in mind that humanity is only at the beginning of its journey. According to G.R. Gromov: “... The entire period of time during which people began to register information images, and then process them, does not constitute even 1% of the age of human civilization.”

Chapter 1. Computer technologies in legal activities: essence, prerequisites and significance of use

1.1 Computerization of legal activities is one of the directions for increasing its efficiency

Human - an indispensable subject of legal activity. Investigator and judge, forensic expert and lawyer, criminal investigation workers and employees information centers- can be considered as the main components of complexly organized law enforcement systems (prosecutor's office, justice authorities, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.). The spread of computers, as recent decades have shown, has indeed "... stimulated a great many new ideas about man as an interacting part of larger systems, about his psychology, about how he learns, remembers, makes decisions...". What is happening represents a two-pronged process: a person improves computer systems, which, in turn, improve a person. Improving relationships in human-machine systems in the field of jurisprudence is one of most important tasks modern legal activity.

In different historical eras this problem was solved in different ways, as a result of which today there is the whole system approaches to its resolution, means and methods, which are fundamentally based on the laws of development and improvement of cognitive and productive activities of people. Considering that, of all the variety of types of human activity, only legal activity is considered here, we can highlight rationalization, mechanization and computerization as the leading directions for its improvement.

Rationalization, those. actions to improve methods and techniques of activity, including improving methods of information exchange, have always accompanied any type of legal activity. Rationalization is the basis of the scientific organization of labor. The ideas in this area boil down to the well-known proverb: “Give a job to a lazy person, and he will do it with the least amount of movement.” Seriously speaking, then proper organization managerial work, including legal activity, brings very significant results.

Mechanization - an independent direction for improving and increasing the efficiency of human activity in general, and legal activity in particular, through the use of various types of mechanisms to facilitate human labor and reduce (eliminate) routine operations. In the broad sense of the word, mechanization also refers to the use of devices capable of converting one type of energy into another, for example, thermal energy into mechanical energy, mechanical energy into electrical energy, electrical energy into sound and mechanical energy, etc.

The ability to use telephone and radio communications, mechanical and electrical printing devices, photo, film and video recording, sound recording and other means of receiving, recording and transmitting information of legal significance in the field of legal activity certainly contributed to its optimization and increased efficiency.

Fundamentally new opportunities for improving the organization of legal activities have opened up on the basis of its computerization. This is a collective concept. It includes and combines into a single whole the processes of using logic, mathematical apparatus (in particular, for a formalized description of objects and an algorithm for solving legal problems), information theory and information systems, and, finally, computers themselves (as technical means of automating information processes).

In fact, the well-known history of the development of computer technology is largely a process of mutual influence of developing technical means and the software industry in the field of information processing systems. The trends of this development at all its stages are determined mainly by the goals of ensuring the tasks arising in legal practice. At the same time, the existing experience in the effective use of computer facilities and computer technologies in law and law enforcement also significantly stimulates further developments in the field of creating specialized software and hardware systems or their corresponding components. At the same time, the exceptional variety of problems arising in legal practice and, as a consequence, approaches to resolving them make it possible to fully utilize the entire range of developments in the field of information technology (from all kinds of word processors to automated information systems and “consulting systems”), clarifying, specializing, finalizing them depending on the specifics of a particular area of ​​legal activity.

IN modern conditions In almost all areas of legal activity - from purely scientific to the most diverse forms of law enforcement activities - a lawyer will have access to certain opportunities from the arsenal of computer technologies. The emergence of specialized legal computer technologies, in turn, serves as an impetus for the development of both information flows involved in solving legal problems, and approaches to their correct formation and use.

The use of mathematics in the field of legal practice began long before the invention of the computer. But the special importance of the mathematical apparatus was manifested in the computerization of legal (as, indeed, any other) activity. The importance of using mathematical tools and methods in the process of cognition is determined by the following circumstances.

Firstly, their use helps to increase the objectivity and accuracy of the research conducted and the results obtained, on the basis of which legally significant decisions are made.

Secondly, as is known, the most important principles of scientific knowledge are the completeness and comprehensiveness of the study of its object (for example, in criminal proceedings - the completeness and comprehensiveness of the study of the crime event and the circumstances associated with it). This means that, along with qualitative ones, quantitative and structural characteristics of the object of cognition, as well as its functional connections and relationships with other objects, must be identified and studied. Here mathematical methods play a very important role, because their use expands the scope of a purely qualitative approach and makes the study complex and multifaceted. Note that the use of mathematical tools and methods to ensure the operation of a computer does not reduce it to the level of a simple technical tool that only allows one to calculate the quantitative value of a particular parameter of an object of knowledge. With proper mathematical support, a computer is able to implement and logical operations.

The use of mathematical tools and methods has a very significant impact on the qualitative development of theory and practice in the area of ​​human activity where they are used. The fact is that the translation of concepts and representations into mathematical language significantly clarifies, improves and develops the system of these concepts and representations. The practical significance of this in relation to legal sciences and legal research is manifested in the improvement of their language.

Language, as we know, is not only a means of communication, but also a means of describing the object of knowledge, as well as the results achieved in the course of its study.

Structurally, the language of any science is a system of concepts, definitions, images, specific to a given science, as well as signs with the help of which they are expressed.

The basic basis of the language of any legal science is the language of law. Along with this, when a particular legal science interacts with mathematics, the language of the latter, or rather, its individual elements, is assimilated with the language of the science interacting with it. Most often this mathematical concepts, numbers and actions on them, symbolic designations of such actions, graphic constructions and their transformations. With the emergence of computational mathematics and the use of computers to solve legal problems, these elements of the language of mathematics were supplemented by the language of algebraic formulas and analysis, as well as algorithms and programs.

As practice shows, the use of the tools and methods of mathematics, as well as its language, leads to the fact that the concepts that are used to describe the progress of legal research become more defined, and their interrelation within the system is improved.

As for the form of expression of achieved knowledge, when mathematizing the process of cognition, mathematical symbolism can be used and logical expressions, which (as in the description of the object of cognition) allows you to move from natural language to artificial or, in other words, to the language of signs.

Most often, signs are certain symbols (mathematical, logical, alphabetic). Signs of this kind and their combinations (sign systems) are capable of performing a very important function - replacing verbose and, moreover, not always unambiguous narrative and (or) incentive statements expressed in natural language. While fully conveying the content of the statement, such systems are always more compact. There is a kind of “compression” of information according to form while maintaining its volume completely or quite completely.

An example of this is such a sign system as the main and additional parts of the ten-finger fingerprint formula. So, in accordance with the adopted indexation, the formula

replaces the following description: from the person subject to criminal registration, none of the ten fingers have scroll patterns (the main part of the 1/1 formula).

Available at right hand patterns (numerator of the additional fraction) are distributed as follows:

on the thumb - a radial loop (2);

on the index finger there is an arc pattern (1);

in the middle there is an ulnar loop, with less than 10 papillary lines between the center of the pattern and the delta (3);

on the innominate one there is an ulnar loop, which has less than 14 (but more than 9) papillary lines between the center of the pattern and the delta (4);

on the little finger there is an arc pattern (1).

Information about the structural features of the papillary patterns on the fingers of the left hand is carried by the signs in the denominator of the additional fraction.

In this system, natural numbers are used as signs, which are easily converted into the binary number system, and the latter, as will be shown below, is one of the most important ways of formalizing information, which ensures its entry into the machine’s memory. It is important to emphasize that in sign systems, signs carry and transmit information not about themselves, but about what is designated by each of them and their totality. It is this property of signs and sign systems that allows them to be used to solve any cognitive problems, including legal ones. In modern conditions, the importance of sign systems is also determined by the fact that they are a necessary attribute of any research carried out using computers and automated information systems (AIS) created on their basis. The latter are the main link in the modern concept of informatization of legal activity, which is a set of measures aimed at providing it with complete and timely information about the objects and tasks of legal research.

1.2 Information and information processes in the structure of legal activity

1.2.1 The concept of information and its modern concepts

Until the middle of the 20th century, the term “information”, both in everyday life and in scientific literature, was usually used to define a message, informing someone about something or “information transmitted by one person to another, which is close to this in meaning.

With the development of technical means of transmitting information and, especially with the invention of computers, which make it possible to exchange information not only between people, but also between a person and a machine (computer), the concept of information has been significantly transformed.

One of the first definitions of information related to the “computer era” belongs to K. Wiener: “Information is the designation of content received from the external world in the process of our adaptation to it and the adaptation of our senses to it. The process of obtaining and using information is the process of our adaptation to the contingencies of the external environment and our life activity in this environment."

It is impossible not to notice that, in contrast to the definition of information as a message about something that was characteristic of the “pre-computer era”, in N. Wiener’s definition the content of what we receive a message about and what already exists in the outside world is of paramount importance . However, this definition does not reflect what the content of information is, what its nature is and the material basis for its occurrence.

In this sense, the concept of information based on the philosophical category of reflection as a universal property of matter is more productive."

When using the category of reflection to understand the essence of information, it should be taken into account that it is closely connected with other philosophical categories, such as movement, space, time, and, in addition, with the problem of the primacy of matter and the secondary nature of its reflection in living and inanimate nature.

An important condition for understanding the essence of information and correctly solving a number of information and cognitive problems, which include most legal ones, is the use of the principle of adequate representation of an object by an object reflecting it.

It is possible to understand the mapping mechanism only by analyzing the philosophical category of the movement of matter, in particular its form, such as the interaction of one material formation with another. The result of their interaction are displays, and the data that forms their content is information.

Note that with this concept of information, the data that forms the content of the display is understood as any real changes of any nature that occur as a result of the interaction of objects and reproduce the properties and features of one object in another.

So, within the framework of the stated concept, information is understood as a means that allows one to “remove the uncertainty” (entropy) of a particular event, a particular object of knowledge.

Of course, this is an extremely important aspect of analyzing the essence and meaning of information. However, for a comprehensive solution to the problem of information, such an approach alone is not enough, since it does not fully reveal either the conditions and “mechanism” of information perception by the cognizing subject, or the methodological foundations of the procedures associated with its processing using computer technology.

A more fruitful approach for this purpose is called the “diversified” concept of information. This approach is based on the general scientific concept of diversity, based on the philosophical categories of difference, reflection and the law of necessary diversity.

Reflection, as already noted, is a property of all matter. It is always present when there is an interaction between two or more objects (in relation to cognitive activity - the subject and the object of cognition).

The first act of cognition, as is known, is the perception of the object of cognition, for it is impossible to know what cannot be perceived in one way or another. You can only perceive an object that, in some respects (color, size, shape, position, content, etc.) differs from its environment.

In other words, using the language of logic, we can say that difference is the negation of indiscernibility, and the message that allows one to eliminate the state of indiscernibility is information. Therefore, information can be interpreted as “sublated” indistinguishability, as diversity. “Information is available where there is diversity, heterogeneity. Information “appears” when at least two “elements” in the aggregate differ, and it “disappears” if objects are “glued together”, “identified”.

Starting from the “diversified” concept of information, it can be argued that the process of its isolation consists in establishing the diversity of the object of cognition, manifested in the diversity of characteristics characterizing it, and this is possible when such diversity actually exists and is displayed and perceived by the knowing subject.

Let us add to what has been said that information about the object of cognition can not only be perceived by the cognizing subject or a technical device (with appropriate processing), but also, as it were, separated from its primary source - the reflection of the object of cognition.

It follows from this that it can be transferred in space, stored in time, transferred to another cognitive subject or technical device (for example, a computer), and subjected to other operations, the totality of which is called information processes

1.2.2 Information processes as a direct object of computerization

Despite the fact that the concept of “information” itself is an abstract one (like the concepts of “matter”, “energy”, etc.), information always manifests itself in material and energetic form, in particular in the form of signals.

The signal can have a very different physical nature; in the information process, it performs the function of a carrier of information from its source to the receiver and further to the addressee.

In its most general form, this process is shown in the form of the following block diagram (see Fig. 1).




Signal Decoding

Rice. 1. Signal in the information process

Depending on specific conditions (features of the source information, the number of intermediate receivers and consumers, etc.), the process of transmitting information, its movement from the source to the final recipient can be multi-stage: the information signal and each of the intermediate elements of this chain can change their physical nature and nature of the device.

In this regard, in the general problems of optimizing information processes, such issues as isomorphism (mutual unambiguity) of information and its signal, completeness and objectivity of transmission, the possibility (ability) of its perception by the receiving subject or technical device, etc. are very relevant.

But the transfer of information is only one of the phases of the information process that characterizes a particular information system. Its general structure is shown in Fig. 2.

It is impossible not to notice that the information process itself begins with the perception (and recording) of information contained in a particular source.

It is at this stage that the primary image of the perceived object is formed, useful (so-called pragmatic) information is separated from noise, i.e. any interference that interferes with the perception of important information for us (in relation to a specific task).

It ends with the formation of a signal, with the help of which information is transmitted. This becomes possible due to the fact that any signal, representing any material process (for example, an electric current pulse, an electromagnetic oscillation, smell, sound, color), is characterized by a certain structure, which can be expressed in discrete form, that is, in the form the sum of alternating positions (states).

The operation of digital electronic computers (computers) is based on the principle of transmitting information using signals that have been subjected to sampling, some modern types of which are capable of performing certain formal logical operations and “recognizing” visual images. However, a machine acquires such an ability only after it has been specially “trained” for this, that is, when a class of objects has been previously introduced into its memory, the characteristics of which were expressed in one or another artificial notation system, or, in other words, encoded.

Hence the fundamental difference in the perception of an object by a person and a computer: a person subjectively perceives the image of the object, and the machine perceives the code of various features of the object, which are identified and necessary for the machine to solve a certain problem.

However, regardless of the fundamental difference in results, the information process in any system begins with the perception and selection of the necessary for us information, and the information itself represents the content of the signal, which would be convenient for its transmission through the appropriate channels. Channels can have a very different physical nature, in particular, be mechanical, optical, acoustic, electrical.

Therefore, the transfer of information as a phase of the information process is nothing more than the transfer of information over a distance, its movement in time and space through one or another signal. Reception of information is its secondary perception by another subject or another receiving technical device.

Accordingly, information processing can also be carried out by a person or a technical device, in particular an electronic computer.

However, this stage of the information process is implemented by humans and machines differently. The essence of information processing by a machine lies in analog or digital transformations of incoming quantities and functions according to a rigid system of formal rules developed by man.

A person, carrying out semantic and logical processing of information and its evaluation, is not bound by any rigid system of formalized rules. It is precisely this that, first of all, human thinking differs from the ability of a computer to carry out certain logical operations, and a person himself, unlike a machine, can make correct decisions when information is incomplete or presented in a different form.

Giving computers “eyes” and “ears” (according to N. Wiener’s terminology) does not eliminate this difference, i.e. various sensors, measuring instruments, with the help of which the computer, it would seem, acquires the ability not only to transform symbols, but also to meaningfully interact with the environment. However, this ability is apparent, since most devices are not comparable to the sense organs. Devices, as a rule, are only artificial elements of receptors. They record the value of pre-selected variables and, because of this, are incapable or almost incapable of independently purposeful filtering of information contained in the environment. They are also poorly capable of compressing information. Individual sensors are not combined into interacting systems, and computers based on them cannot perceive entire objects and respond to them. This can be achieved only where the object (process) is very simple and can be represented by the values ​​of several variables.

For more successful use of a computer as a means of solving a particular problem, it is preferable that the information entering it to be processed be represented by a relatively small set of variables. Their total number can be arbitrarily large, since modern computers, unlike humans, are characterized by an enormous speed of action (tens and hundreds of millions of operations per second).

The information process chain is completed (in relation to a managed information system) presenting information to the consumer and making decisions. The essence of this stage is to demonstrate to the consumer various kinds of images (in a broad sense) containing the characteristics of the output information. They can be both qualitative and quantitative, which is achieved using various technical devices, in particular indicators (digital, graphic, recording devices), cathode ray tubes with screens (so-called displays). The latter are currently becoming increasingly widespread, since they make it possible to solve the problem of creating a human-machine information system in which it seems possible to use a computer in the so-called interactive mode.

Information storage is highlighted in a special stage of the information process in Fig. 2. This stage is intermediate between the others and can be implemented at almost any stage of the information process. The storage stage is of particular importance: all automated information systems, including legal ones, are built on the ability of computers and other technical devices to store information entered into them unchanged and in full.

1.3 Information systems

The concept of “system” is widespread both in scientific literature and in everyday life. It is usually used as a synonym for aggregate, a complex of specific real objects. Law and legal activity are no exception in this sense.

Lawyers are accustomed to the expressions “system of rules of law”, “system of evidence”, etc. They mean a set of elements ordered in a certain way (for each system in its own way), which are interconnected and together form something whole.

Closely related to this kind of concept of a system is another concept - “structure”, which usually denotes the method of internal organization of the system, the way of connecting its elements into some kind of holistic formation.

Each element of the system is usually qualitatively isolated and independent within the framework of the whole. At the same time, it largely depends on other elements of the system and is connected with them, which determines its place in the holistic education (system), as well as its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The most complex systems are called cybernetic.

There are a number of definitions of the concept of system. However, the most universal should be recognized as one in which the system is understood as a set of interconnected objects subordinated to a certain single goal, taking into account environmental conditions. The structure and functioning of the system are determined by the goals and objectives set for it 1 .

a system is an ordered (rather than chaotic) collection of elements. Let us explain this feature of the system with an example: just as the totality of all the parts that make up a car, when put together, does not form a car as a system, nor does it form a set of all the rules that determine the conditions and amount of punishment for various types of crimes, without their corresponding systematization does not form a system called the “Criminal Code” (CC);

elements of the system are interconnected and interact within the framework of this system, being its subsystems. Each element of the system, being a subsystem, is characterized by independence, qualitative isolation, due to which it can be considered as independent system another level;

the system as a whole performs a specific function, which cannot be reduced to the functions of each individual element;

elements of the system (as subsystems) can interact as within a certain system, and with the external environment and at the same time change its content or internal structure.

Under the environment V in this case refers to objects external to a specific system, which can be objects, phenomena, relationships, etc. As a result of the interaction of these objects with the system, they influence in one way or another its organization or functioning, while changing themselves. So, if we turn to our example with the Criminal Code and consider the latter as an element of the “man - law” system, then a person who has committed a certain unlawful act “enters into interaction” with a certain norm, which, under certain conditions (for example, establishing its low effectiveness) subject to change. At the same time, interaction also occurs with the system as a whole, i.e. with the Criminal Code, since in addition to specific rules it also contains general principles for their application.

However, the description of a cybernetic system will be incomplete if we do not add to what has been said that it is information within the framework of space and time. Therefore, it can be considered, firstly, from the standpoint of its past (emergence, evolution), present (type, internal structure, organization) and future; secondly, from the standpoint of its “repertoire* and “calendar”. Moreover, by the repertoire of a system we mean “the set of its states in given time; under the calendar there are many moments in time, each of which corresponds to one of the states of the system’s repertoire.

Besides, Each information system exists within the framework of not only time, but also space, those. interacts with its environment (or other system). This interaction is based on information processes and the ability of the system to perceive and output information through its inputs and outputs.

In addition to those noted above, a characteristic feature of complex dynamic information systems is their ability to change their state, i.e. the value of certain parameters that characterize the system as a whole or its individual elements (subsystems). Transferring a system from one state to another by influencing the parameters of its elements is system management.

The task (goal) of management is either set at the very beginning of management, or is developed in the process.

A number of very important provisions follow from the above.

Firstly, any management presupposes the presence of managerial influence, which must come from the subject of management.

Secondly, in addition to the subject of management, there must be an object of management.

Thirdly, the influence of the subject of management on the object of management must be purposeful.

Since both the subject and the object of management themselves are usually Complex systems, their totality, considered from the aspect of management, is called complex system management. In this case, the control subject is called the control system, and the control object is called the managed system. As for the goal of influence pursued by the subject of management, it forms a management task.

Management tasks can be different both in nature and in scope. The area of ​​management is also very important.

Typically, in the literature on managed systems, three main areas of control are distinguished:

management of labor tools, machine systems, production and other processes;

management of the activities of teams solving a particular problem;

control of processes occurring in living organisms.

When analyzing the essence of complex information management systems, it is also necessary to keep in mind that they can be classified according to the nature of their constituent elements.

With this classification, the following types (classes) of systems are distinguished:

It is quite obvious that the above systems are different in nature. At the same time, they have a certain commonality, which allows us to approach their study from a certain general point of view. Such in computer systems are the general patterns of information processes that underlie the management of systems of any nature. Depending on the direction of the influencing signals, such processes proceed according to the principle of direct and feedback.

Direct communication called the connection between the output of an element (A) of the system and the input of some other element (B, C) of the same system. Depending on the structure of the system, there may be various options for direct communication between its elements, in particular a simple direct connection; parallel distribution; parallel connecting.

Feedback called the connection between the output and input of a certain element of the system. And here there may be various options.

Typically, complex computer systems are characterized by combinations of connections, which can also have different structures. In this case, only direct connections are used in open-loop control systems. In closed systems there can be both direct and feedback connections.

Feedback is the most important attribute of functional systems of any nature, including systems of a state-legal nature.

1.4 Legal information and functional information systems of a state legal nature

In the scientific literature and legal practice, the term “legal information” began to be actively used only in the late 60s, which chronologically coincides with the period of development of research on the use of computers to solve specific legal problems.

It seemed to accumulate such concepts as “source of law”, “legal material”, “legal acts”, “legal documents” and others, which were previously used in the analysis of information problems of law and legal activity.

In a broad sense, legal information should be understood as the content of data (messages), the use of which predetermines the solution of a particular legal problem or contributes to its solution.

The multiplicity of such tasks and the complexity of the functions of law, on the one hand, predetermine the variety of types of legal information and its sources, on the other, give rise to certain difficulties in distinguishing it from other types of information (scientific, economic, political, etc.). This explains the fact that both in domestic and foreign literature one can find different interpretations of the term “legal information”.

Much depends on which aspect of this problem comes to the fore, since legal information, like any other, by the way, can be considered both in its semantic (notional) and pragmatic aspects. Typically, legal information is recognized as the semantic content of legal norms. At the same time, it is believed that the latter are contained not only in acts of higher and local authorities and management, but also in departmental regulations. Judicial, arbitration and notarial practice are also considered as a source of legal information.

This approach to the analysis of legal information is correct, but clearly insufficient. The semantic content of legal information very significantly influences its pragmatic aspect, because the universality of legal norms a priori predetermines the value and practical significance of legal information. In addition, in the field of legal activity, in particular when solving specific legal problems, information is used not only in legal norms, but also in a number of other sources. Let's take, for example, such a type of legal activity as solving and investigating crimes. Here, along with the information contained in the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which regulate the procedural order of this type of activity, information contained in sources called traces of the crime and the criminal, as well as in images imprinted in the minds of people (the victim, the witness and the criminal himself) is very widely used. . These are sources of forensic information, which is nothing more than a type of legal information, since it is on its basis that the tasks of solving and investigating crimes are solved.

An independent type of legal information is criminological information. It is identified and analyzed during criminological research, which is one of the types of legal activity. But the subject of research here is not the mechanism of a specific crime and its forensic characteristics, as is the case in forensic studies, but crime as a social phenomenon, consisting of socially dangerous behavior of people that contradicts the requirements of the criminal law, the causes of crime, i.e. social factors, phenomena and processes that influence crime in general and the commission of specific crimes.

It is quite obvious that the sources of information here will be used both the norms of criminal law that define the concept of crime and its types, and sources that contain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of crime, its state, structure, dynamics, territorial distribution and other parameters. If we consider this kind of information only from a semantic point of view, it has a socio-legal nature. From the standpoint of its pragmatic analysis, this is legal information, since it is used in one of the types of legal activities.

Thus, a specific type of legal activity leaves a certain imprint on the information used in it and predetermines the sources from which it can be obtained.

The variety of sources of legal information is usually divided into two main classes: official and unofficial.

To official sources legal information includes acts of supreme bodies of state power and administration, normative acts of ministries and departments, normative and legal decisions of local authorities, as well as acts of higher judicial and arbitration bodies.

Under unofficial sources legal information should be understood as orders and instructions of heads of institutions, enterprises and organizations; court verdicts, decisions and determinations; arbitration awards and determinations; acts of notarial authorities; acts recording the results of scientific and practical legal activities (for example, protocols of interrogations, inspections of crime scenes and other sources containing data used in solving legal problems).

As for legal information itself, it is divided into documentary and non-documentary.

To documentary information This includes data secured in any way and on any medium. From this point of view, a legal document is any material object that records the most diverse properties of knowledge (data) about law and legal activity, intended for transmission in time and space and used in social practice.

To non-documentary legal information refers to those that are not materially expressed (for example, oral statements of a witness to a crime).

The traditional material expression of a legal document is paper carrier. At the same time, in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, when electronic computers, in particular automated control systems of all levels and automated legal information systems, are increasingly interfering in the process of managing society, new types of legal information carriers have appeared. Legal information in the computer management process is fixed, stored, and moved on various magnetic media (disks, floppy disks, tapes, etc.). They were preceded by specific types of paper media (punched cards, punched tape and printouts). In addition, legal information can be recorded and stored on photographic films for subsequent reproduction in the form of photocopies. The display screen is a unique carrier of legal information, since it serves only as a means of displaying information located in the computer’s memory.

Regardless of what source the legal information is obtained from and on what medium it is presented, certain requirements are imposed on it. She must be reliable, those. strictly comply current legislation and law enforcement documents. Moreover, she must be full, those. reflect all the most important aspects of a legal phenomenon or object of legal research and the results of their knowledge. And finally, complete and reliable information will lose its practical significance if she doesn't in a timely manner apply to one or another subject of legal activity.

1.4.2 Legal information as the basis for the functioning of legal systems

Legal activity in all its diversity is implemented through a set of systems of a state legal nature.

Such systems, as a rule, have a complex organization, that is, they consist of a complex of subsystems, each of which performs a specific function. In cases where a particular subsystem performs a management function, it is called a functional management system. If the functions of a subsystem are limited to information support for legal activities, it is called an information support system.

Systems of a state-legal nature are among the Purposeful management mechanisms. They are closely related to law and, because of this, perform the function of a regulator of social relations. They have subjects and objects of influence, channels of direct and feedback connections, through which the processes of collecting, processing and using information and, ultimately, management processes are carried out.

Thus, functional state-legal systems are sufficient complex look public entities. As a part of society, as its legal superstructure, functional state legal systems represent a living organism in its functioning and development. In this regard, these systems are sometimes defined as more or less significant associations of government bodies, legal norms, acts of behavior of subjects of legal relations and other objects and phenomena. The systemic formations here can be global socio-legal formations (the state-legal system of society as a whole, the legal superstructure as part of the political system) and their various subsystems, the elements of which can be, say, the prosecutor’s office, court, justice, internal affairs, mechanisms of legal consciousness, lawmaking, maintaining law and order. The most important systems of this kind are the mechanisms of legal regulation of economic, financial, labor and other social relations.

Processes, for example, the adoption of laws, the resolution of economic disputes, and the consideration of cases in courts, can also act as a subsystem of functional state legal systems.

So, functional systems in the field of legal activity act as materialized integral mechanisms for solving problems that arise in connection with the need to achieve established goals. Therefore, their structure and functions are linked to the structure of goals. In turn, the goals various elements, subsystems of state legal systems are linked to each other in a certain way. In this sense, the entire set of goals of social systems forms a kind of hierarchical “tree” of goals, the implementation of which constitutes the content of one or another type of legal activity.


All managed systems operating in the field of legal activity, can be structurally divided into subjects and objects of management or into managing and managed subsystems. Control subsystems carry out control, regulatory and other influences. These include relevant government bodies, management, courts, prosecutors, public organizations, etc. Managed systems are subject to management influences. The control object (managed subsystem) is the behavior of the subject - enterprises, institutions, organizations, officials, citizens, etc. Control and controlled subsystems have channels of direct and reverse information connections. Direct communication channels go from the control subsystem to the controlled one, and feedback channels go from the controlled subsystem to the control one. Without information exchange, neither the functioning of the system nor its management is possible.

Let us explain this using the example of such a state-legal system as "Justice" system.

One of the objectives of this system is to combat crime. As an integral mechanism, it has the following structure: specific government bodies, united by the concept of civil, criminal and administrative justice; legal and other norms; actions of people.

The subjects of this system are the internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office, the court, etc.; the object of influence is human behavior. Performing its function, this system interacts with other functional systems, such as, in particular, the legal regulation mechanism and the law-making mechanism.

The connections between subjects and objects of influence of this system are informational. Justice authorities have specific functioning programs - legal and other norms. These norms contain information about the goals and objectives of justice authorities, the forms and methods of their activities, the procedure for considering cases, the unlawful behavior of citizens, etc.

Organs "Justice" systems are guided by these programs in their immediate activities. Carrying out their functions on a daily basis, these bodies identify crimes, administrative violations, unlawful acts, etc. Consequently, through direct communication channels, the subject of influence receives diverse social and legal information regarding the behavior of people. Justice bodies (each in its own line and within its competence) collect and process incoming information, on its basis initiate and investigate criminal cases, conduct inquiries, preliminary investigations, trials, consider administrative violations, etc. Through feedback channels, the system receives information about the results of its activities. Thus, the functioning of any legal system “is always associated with the collection, processing and use of information

Having become familiar with the most important concepts of legal informatics, we will consider in detail the technical means that ensure the process of computerization of legal activities and are the most important elements of modern information technologies.


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