Quotes are different. What are the types of quotation marks and how to put them on the keyboard Quotation marks in Russian typography

- (Quotation marks, Quotes) Paired punctuation marks [period, comma, colon, dash, ellipsis, etc.], used to highlight names, direct speech, quotes, etc. There are several types of quotation marks used depending on ... ... Font terminology

- (quotes are wrong), quotation marks, unit. No. A sign (or „) to highlight other people’s words, quotes, direct speech of characters in a literary work, as well as names of lit. and other works and words, used. in an ironic or conditional, improper... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

A paired punctuation mark (. or) used to highlight direct speech in the text (including quotations and titles), as well as words used in a different way... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

QUOTATION QUOTES, check, unit. chka, and, female Signs (, or") to highlight direct speech, quotes, titles, as well as words used in a conditional or ironic sense. Take the quotation from: Scientist in quotation marks (not deserving of this title, so-called; ironic) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Quotes- A pattern in which your message is included in the quotation, as if someone else said it. A linguistic pattern in which your message is expressed as if someone else is speaking it. A short explanatory psychological and psychiatric dictionary... Great psychological encyclopedia

Quotes- a paired punctuation mark used to highlight names, direct speech, quotes, to emphasize the ironic use of a word or phrase, etc. In the typographic set of K. there are usually two drawings: “” so-called. Christmas trees and so-called. paws... ... Publishing dictionary-reference book

Punctuation mark. They are used in constructions with direct speech, with quotes and individual words. Enclosing quotation marks marks the foreignness of the words for the author of the statement due to various reasons. Sometimes the use of quotation marks can be explained... Literary encyclopedia

quotes- punctuation mark in the form of a double comma is used when conveying someone else's speech, titles, conventional names, highlighting concepts and words. When writing quickly, quotation marks look like squiggles. They arose from an almost universally forgotten word... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

Check, check; pl. (unit quotation mark, i; g.). Typographical signs (, etc.) to highlight direct speech, quotes, titles; words used not in their own sense, but in an ironic or conventional sense, as well as words and expressions from a vocabulary alien to the author.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A paired punctuation mark, which is used to highlight direct speech, quotes, names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, as well as individual words, if they are included in the text not in their usual meaning, are used in... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


  • Homeless Day. Put in quotation marks, Nadezhda Vasilievna Bazarova. The work of St. Petersburg writer Nadezhda Bazarova is presented in this book with fascinating stories with a slight accent of the crime genre and...
  • Homeless Day. Put in quotation marks, Nadezhda Vasilievna Bazarova. The work of St. Petersburg writer Nadezhda Bazarova is presented in this book with fascinating stories with a slight accent of the crime genre and an intriguing plot.…

What is the difference between quotation marks of different designs?

Quotation marks are paired punctuation marks. They mark the left and right boundaries of a word or a segment of text; thus, quotation marks can be opening and closing quotation marks, with opening and closing quotation marks typically differing in design.

In Russian writing, the following types of quotation marks are most common:

    "Christmas trees"(used in printed texts);

    "paws" are used, as a rule, in handwritten texts);

    ‘Marr quotes’(used to describe the meaning of a word and when translating the meaning of a foreign word, for example: the word “skimmer” is borrowed from the Polish language, in which it goes back to the verb szumować ‘to remove foam’ from szum ‘foam’);

    "computer quotes"– quotation marks of a special type, in which the design of the opening and closing quotation marks is completely indistinguishable. Such quotation marks are found in texts typed on a computer keyboard.

Other languages ​​may use quotation marks of a different style. This is written in detail and interestingly on Wikipedia.

About quotes inside quotes

If inside words enclosed in quotation marks there are other words, in turn enclosed in quotation marks, it is recommended (provided that there is technical possibility for this) to use quotation marks of different patterns: external ones - “herringbone”, internal ones - “paws” (or - in texts typed on a computer - “computer quotes”). If this is not possible, then closing quotes are placed only once. Quotes from the same picture are not repeated next to each other. For example:

Preferably: work by V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and “imperialist economism””, JSC “Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda””, LLC "Company "Metallinvest"".

Acceptable(if it is not technically possible to use quotes of different designs): work by V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and “imperialist economism””, ZAO Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, LLC "Company "Metallinvest".

Wrong: work by V. I. Lenin “On the caricature of Marxism and “imperialist economism””, JSC “Publishing House “Komsomolskaya Pravda””, LLC "Company "Metallinvest"".

Quotes- a paired punctuation mark that is used to highlight direct speech, quotes, references, names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, as well as individual words, if they are included in the text not in their usual meaning, are used in an ironic sense, are offered for the first time or , on the contrary, as outdated, etc., is explained on Wikipedia.

Main types of quotation marks

Based on their design, the following types of quotation marks are distinguished:

Quotation marks used in Russian

In the Russian language, French “herringbones” are traditionally used, and for “quotation marks “within” quotation marks” and when writing by hand, German “legs” are used. In addition, when translating the meaning of a foreign word, English single (or so-called Marr) quotation marks (‘ ’) are sometimes also used: for example, English. reader- 'reader'.

If there are words inside the quotation, which in turn are enclosed in quotation marks, then the internal quotation marks should be of a different pattern, different from the design of the external quotation marks that close and open the entire quotation, while the external quotation marks are usually herringbones “ ”, the internal ones are paws “ “”.

Right: Pushkin wrote to Delvig: “I’m waiting for “Gypsies” and will immediately emboss it.” Acceptable: “My “Gypsies” are not for sale at all,” Pushkin complained

If for technical reasons it is impossible to set quotes from another picture, quotes from one picture are not repeated next to each other. For example, it is incorrect:

“My “Gypsies” are not for sale at all,” Pushkin complained.

It is better, however, to highlight quotes in some way by removing the outer quotes, for example, type quotes with a retract and without indentation. It is also possible to set outer quotes with a different style (for example, bold) or inner quotes with single quotes (‹ ›).

Quotation marks used in other languages

In British English, we use 'English single' for first-level quotation marks and 'English double' for 'within quotation marks'. In American English it's the opposite. Also in English (especially in its American version), a period and a comma are often placed before the closing quotation mark, and not after, as in Russian.

Special quotation marks (along with “Christmas trees”) exist in the Polish language; the same quotation marks are used in Romanian and Dutch: „Cytować ‚wewnętrzny’ cytować”

In French there are sometimes “single trees”. Quotation marks, as well as parentheses, exclamation and question marks in French are separated by spaces: "Son ‹ explication › n"est qu"un mensonge"

In some European languages ​​(for example, in Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Denmark, Sweden, in books in Germany and Austria), the opening quote looks like a French closing quote and vice versa: "citirati"

Some countries (eg Finland) use unpaired quotation marks: "lainata" or "noteerata"

Hieroglyphic writing has its own quotation marks: 『引號』

In Japanese, a simpler analogue of the previous quotation marks is often used: 「こんばんは」

Other Applications

In a number of programming and markup languages ​​(BASIC, C, HTML, PHP), quotes on both sides contain the value assigned to a string or character variable.

Typing quotes on the keyboard

On the X Window System (which is often used on Linux), to type the French quotation mark, you must first press Compose , then press twice the symbol< или два раза >, depending on which way the quotes should be directed.

In Windows OS, you need to enable Num Lock, after which typing on the numeric keypad works Alt+0171, Alt+0187 for « » , and Alt+0132, Alt+0147 for „ “ respectively. To type the English double closing quotation mark ( ) Alt+0148 is used, for single ( ‘ ’ ) - Alt+0145 and Alt+0146 respectively.

Which I conducted on my blog, most users do not type texts in any way before publishing (UFO does not count). Those who work on texts mostly do it manually, so I decided to try to put together screen typography recipes so as not to forget myself and remind others. I don’t think that the article will be anything new for experienced layout designers. Beginners will learn, pros will correct :)

  1. Hyphens, dashes, cons and other sticks
  2. Quotes and dashes
  3. Brackets
  4. Ellipsis
  5. Headings, lists
First of all, I would like to remind you that text typography takes into account the national standards of the site’s audience (and not the language used). For example, on the website of the Russian American Club it is recommended to use the rules of Russian typography, even if all the texts are written in English. You should also not forget about the appearance of the text: sometimes it is better to sacrifice the rules in order for the text to look really beautiful (this applies, first of all, to the em dash).

For some reason the tag doesn't work , so I recommend typing all character codes manually rather than copying them from text.

1. Hyphens, dashes, cons and other sticks

Hyphen(‐) is the character U+2010 (x2010; in HTML).

Words with a hyphen are not broken, because they are not two different words, but one, most often with two roots. The particles are hyphenated - that, -either, -ka, -yet, -something, something-.

Digital line(figure dash, ‒) - used to separate numbers in telephone numbers. In essence, this is not a minus, because... Mathematical operations are not performed in the phone number. This is the symbol U+2012 (x2012; in HTML).

Correct spelling of telephone numbers:


  • 123-45-67 (use of dashes or other similar characters)
  • 123 45 67 (use spaces)
  • 123 ‒ 45 ‒ 67 (padding with spaces)
Also, you cannot put the operator code in brackets in your mobile phone number: 8 (987) 123‒45‒67

Carry symbol(soft hyphen, &shу; in HTML) - placed between syllables in words, displayed only if the word comes to the end of the line. This symbol is recommended to break up long words that may not fit at the end of a line, as well as chemical components.


  • en &shу; cycle &shу; lo &shу; ne &shу; diya
  • nicotine &shу; amide ­ adenine &shу; Dinucleotide phos ­ veil

En dash(-, en dash, a dash the width of the letter “n”, –) and em dash(—, em dash, a dash the width of the letter “M”, —) - the symbols are known to everyone. I will only note that in Russian typography it is recommended to use only em dashes.

2. Quotes and dashes

Quote mark(", U+0022, x0022; in HTML) - in Unicode it has the name "QUOTATION MARK". It is neither a quotation mark, nor an inch sign, nor an arcsecond sign. Used in programming. It is allowed to be used only if it is not possible replace with another sign. Accordingly, any use in the text is erroneous.

Apostrophe(", U+0027, x0027; in HTML) - is not actually an apostrophe; in Unicode it is called "APOSTROPHE", but its use in text is also not recommended. This sign is not a foot sign or an arcminute sign. Used in programming.

Minute and second, foot and inch signs(′and ″, U+2032 and U+2033, &рrimе; and &Рrimе; in HTML) - are used only to indicate arc minutes and seconds; in Russian typography, feet and inches are recommended to be denoted in words.

3. Parentheses

Brackets, thank God, are not divided into typographical and programmer ones. But even here there are certain rules:
  • There are no spaces after the opening parenthesis or before the closing parenthesis.
  • Punctuation marks are placed after parentheses, with only a dash separated by a space.
  • Brackets cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence, unless the sentence before the brackets ends. In this case, a period is placed after the brackets. Exception: in the design of plays to describe the states of the characters, brackets may appear at the beginning of the sentence, but after the indication of the actor.
  • If the style of the text inside the brackets changes, the style of the brackets themselves remains unchanged.

4. Ellipsis

There is an excellent article: . There are a lot of rules and examples of use, and in this article they are sufficiently covered. Most importantly: use an ellipsis sign, not three dots in a row. The regular dot in almost all fonts is made bolder and larger than the dots in an exclamation or question mark. Therefore, three dots look dirty and sloppy compared to ellipses.

5. Headings, lists

5.1. Headings
There are several rules for designing headings:
  • The title should stand out from the background of the main text
  • There should be a clear hierarchy: the font of the main heading is larger than the font of any subheading
  • Titles cannot be underlined unless they are links.
5.2. Lists
Whatever one may say, bulleted lists have entered our lives and began to appear not only on computer screens, but also in printed materials. Therefore, you shouldn’t prevaricate and say that “there are no bullets in Russian typography.” It wasn't there before, but now it is. And we witnessed this penetration. To create a beautiful bulleted list, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
  • Any list must maintain a hierarchy. To do this, a tab character is added before each line of the nested list and the bullet or numbering method is changed.
  • The starting marker or numbering symbol can be any character.
  • If the list is a continuation of an unfinished sentence, where each line is an alternative ending, then a semicolon is placed at the end of the line.
  • If a list line is an independent sentence, then a period is placed at the end.
  • If a list line consists of many characters that are not combined into a sentence, or words that are combined into a phrase, then the sign is not placed at the end of the line.
  • In a numbered list, a period is placed after each number or letter of the marker, regardless of the level of nesting.
Habr offers only one type of numbered list and one type of bulleted list. Even in this situation, you can achieve correct construction of nested lists by mixing them:
  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
    1. Dolor
  1. Lorem
  2. Ipsum
    • Dolor

In addition to the usual circle and square markers, there is a so-called “dash bullet”: x2043; , "⁃". In general, there is no specific rule for what a marker should be, so you can even put a picture.


This brings us to the end of the review of the basic recipes for competent text layout. Typography, of course, doesn't stop there. I hope that all the information in one place will save you time and nerves.

Beautiful texts to you:)

2024 gtavrl.ru.