Kaspersky biography briefly. Evgeny Kaspersky: biography, personal life, photo

Kaspersky Evgeniy Valentinovich is not only the richest businessman with personal fortune at $1.1 billion according to 2016 data. From his biography we learn about him as a scientist, researcher, talented strategist and simply an extraordinary person.


Smart, interesting and... for some even dangerous - all these are synonyms for the name Kaspersky Evgeniy Valentinovich. The most famous Russian programmer, who became the Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology and a world specialist in the field of computer and information security, this man has already made his name a household name. This year it will be 20 years since Evgeniy and his team saved the world from cyber threats. Businessman Kaspersky, of course, is mostly famous for his anti-virus programs, but it is the story of the formation of a personality who is not afraid of falls and unexpected turns of fate that deserves a separate story.

How it all began

The biography dates back to October 4, 1965 - on this day the future computer genius appeared in Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory. Young Zhenya developed an interest in mathematics as a child - fortunately, his mother noticed this and tried in every possible way to support him in her son. So the talented boy ended up in physics and mathematics school No. 18, named after Academician Kolmogorov.

Educational institution was located at Moscow State University, but the graduate chose another alma mater - the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics, which was located at the KGB Higher School. This is where he became interested in cyberattacks. A little later, a fateful “meeting” between young Kaspersky and his… first virus happened: a computer was infected with a malicious program. But instead of destroying uninvited guest, Evgeniy recorded the virus on a floppy disk and began to study it in detail - as a result, he was able to write a program to treat it. A little later another one new virus was given to Kaspersky by a colleague - again, our hero neutralized the dangerous “raider” on his own. These cases prompted the future luminary of IT security to engage in antivirus programs.

Birth of Kaspersky Lab

Initially, Evgeniy planned a career in the military sphere: after college he served in the army, from where he left as a senior lieutenant, and in 1991 he began working at a closed research institute under the General Staff of the Russian Air Force.

It was there that he began to develop his first antivirus-related project. 1994 was marked by the creation of a product called AVP (AntiViral Toolkit Pro), which began to rapidly gain popularity. Within three years, AVP became a leader in the field information systems, related to security, and Kaspersky himself, together with a team of five people, goes on an independent voyage, establishing his famous “Laboratory”. At the same time, the antivirus product entered the global market. And here the first trouble awaited him.

The American partner of the Laboratory decided to play by its own rules, registering AVP under its own name trademark. This made it possible to position him as the owner of the development. Nothing helped - the conflict led to the loss of AVP. But this unpleasant situation became the impetus for the creation of a new well-known product, Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Full speed ahead!

As we remember, initially Kaspersky Lab JSC was founded by a group of six people, but over the course of several years the organization has grown into a group consisting of international companies, whose head office is located in Moscow.

The field of activity itself also changed: consumers were offered not only antivirus protection, but the well-thought-out functionality of the company’s information security. We are talking about Kaspersky Anti-Hacker (personal firewall), anti-spam system and other unique “guardians” of data.

The development of the structure proceeded by leaps and bounds:

  • The year 2003 was symbolized by the merger with Romanian partners involved in RAV antivirus programs.
  • In 2007-2008, the company's turnover increased to $60.2 million, which has since provided it with a strong leading position in the market.

The special role of the first wife in business

The name of Evgeniy’s first wife, Natalya, is closely associated with the activities of Kaspersky Lab. She became the first general director of the organization - such cooperation continued even after the divorce. Her tasks included promoting the company both domestically and on the international market - and Natalya coped with this brilliantly. Agreements with Finnish, German and Japanese partners were the merit of Evgeniy’s first wife. By the way, in the Russian Federation itself, with Natalya’s help, they also started close relations with 1C and Polik Pro.

A little more history: the first foreign representative office was opened in 1999 in

Great Britain, in Cambridge, and in 2003, a similar joyful event occurred in China and Japan.

However, intra-family misunderstandings still affected the internal life of the company. Former spouses tried to keep the cash flows through the organization in their hands: Natalya tried to take possession of the same share in the company that her husband had. All this continued until Natalya was appointed to the post of General Director in the InfoWatch subsidiary (the company is also involved in development, but in this case we're talking about on the protection of confidential information from insiders).

Extremely dangerous?

If they made another film with the same name, then Evgeniy Valentinovich could well have played in it main role(or act as a prototype). And it's all about the new title - Kaspersky is included in the list of the most dangerous people world according to the American magazine Wired from December 2012.

An honorable eighth place in this “hit parade” (where there are only 15 places) was provided by Russian programmer his work aimed at dismantling Stuxnet, Flame and Duqu - projects with which it was planned to attack large Iranian government and industrial targets.

It is believed that those who exposed spy viruses The specialists worked specifically for the famous Kaspersky. But from the point of view of American journalists, this is not all: it is believed that Evgeniy works in the interests of the FSB and his team is engaged in technical training for intelligence services, providing assistance in forensic matters.

It is known that with the help of the Kaspersky team, 160 hackers speaking Russian were arrested in just three years (2012-2015). For reference, the damage caused by these cyberterrorists is estimated at $790 million.

Many are unhappy that Evgeniy advocates control in the Internet area: Kaspersky believes that there is a lot of freedom there. He especially strongly advocates for control over social networks. And, by the way, his statements do not go unheard - in Russia some web resources are already restricted for visiting. Most likely, at the instigation of our hero, who has been a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation since 2009 (became such by decree of Dmitry Medvedev, who was president at that time).

By the way, about cinema: Kaspersky has already made his debut there too - we are talking about the series “Network”. You can also add a role in a video from “Laboratory” to your “acting” resume, which was prepared for the tenth anniversary global conference, which the company conducts for partners.

This is not all the regalia: Evgeniy participates in scientific research related to computer virology (he is part of CARO). Our hero is happy to share his knowledge: he participates in events dedicated to the problem, and writes a lot of scientific materials on the topic.

Evgeniy’s contribution is often recognized with awards: in 2007, the medal “Symbol of Science” became one (in the same year the “Laboratory” itself was the laureate of the “Runet Prize” in the category “Technology and Innovation”). And in 2009, Kaspersky himself was a laureate of the Russian State Prize in the field of science and technology.

Recent research includes the development of a secure operating system. Today, neither Microsoft, nor Apple, nor other communities have this. This system is planned for use in highly specialized (usually “industrial”) purposes; with it it will be impossible to win games and surf social networks. This software will perform its strictly prescribed functionality. Therefore, such a thing cannot be hacked using third party code, influence a system or program.

Details of the technology have not yet been disclosed so that competitors do not find out about it in advance. Some things, as Kaspersky himself says, will remain in closed access(confidential for customers) - this is necessary to protect against cyber-terrorists.

Tourist on a kayak

For all his busyness, Evgeny bears little resemblance to “office plankton” - this is especially noticeable on the Kaspersky Blog. And the programmer himself admits that his passion is kayaking and mountaineering. He was lucky enough to visit many beautiful corners of the planet: for example, Evgeniy loves climbing… volcanoes.

Sports are also interesting - Evgeniy Valentinovich Kaspersky acts as a sponsor in Formula 1 racing, supporting the Scuderia Ferrari team. Another wards are Australian rugby players.

The company is involved in charity work: for example, after the Japanese tsunami, $1.5 million was donated to orphanages, hospitals and the Japanese Red Cross.

Everything is “excellent” in my personal life!

This is precisely the assessment that can be given to today’s marital relations of Evgeniy Valentinovich. He is married for the second time, and met his future wife while skiing. The wife fully corresponds to all the businessman’s ideas about women, embodying intelligence and delicacy of character. She is a worker in the humanitarian sphere - the Russian Language Institute. A.S. Pushkin.

He maintained good relations with his ex-wife Natalya (also co-founder of the Laboratory) and sons Maxim and Ivan. And so good that families often vacation together, each with his own new family.

As for children, Maxim, the eldest son computer genius, did not want to follow in his father’s footsteps - he chose the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. And not entirely related to the younger Ivan good story with kidnapping: criminals grabbed a child near the metro and demanded a ransom of 3 million rubles. However, thanks to a special operation carried out jointly with the FBI, the criminals were caught and punished.

Apart from this unpleasant episode, the life of our hero is somewhat reminiscent of an interesting kaleidoscope: you never know what interesting event will turn out next. One thing is clear: it will definitely be extraordinary, just like Evgeniy Valentinovich Kaspersky himself, whose biography will be replenished with worthy discoveries and bright moments.

Kaspersky Evgeniy Valentinovich born in Novorossiysk on October 4, 1965. The future world-famous specialist in the field of virus protection began to show a keen interest in mathematics at an early age. Noticing their son’s outstanding abilities, the parents send the child to physics and mathematics boarding school No. 18 named after Kolmogorov at Moscow State University. After graduating from school, Evgeniy continues his studies at the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics at the KGB Higher School.

Since 1989, while still a student, Kaspersky began studying computer viruses. Creation antivirus programs he started studying after a successful attempt to cure his first computer from viruses on his own. Having saved the virus on a floppy disk, Kaspersky decided to find out how it works. After thoroughly studying the virus, he creates special program on its treatment, then deals with another virus. In a word, Evgeniy became seriously interested in creating his own antiviral applications... It was this passion that had a decisive influence on the future fate of the talented young man, indicating the path to follow.

Between 1991 and 1997 Evgeniy Kaspersky works at the Scientific and Technical Center "KAMI" and is engaged in the development of an anti-virus project, which later becomes known as "AVP" (AntiViral Toolkit Pro). In 1997, together with five associates, he founded his own company called Kaspersky Lab. After some time, Kaspersky Lab occupies a leading position among companies developing information security systems. Subsequently, Kaspersky’s unscrupulous American partners appropriated all rights to the brand. Then Evgeniy openly announced a change of brand - in 2000, the company’s product, widely known on the international market, received the name “Kaspersky Anti-Virus”.

Under the skillful management of the founder, the company is actively conquering not only the Russian but also the international market. Cooperation is being established with Russian companies"Polikom Pro" and "1C", and also conclude profitable agreements with Vintage Solutions (Japan), F-Secure (Finland) and the German by G-Data. Since 1999, the company's representative offices began to open abroad. Kaspersky Labs UK is the first branch of the company to appear in the UK. After 4 years, representative offices of the laboratory open in China and Japan.

On this moment Kaspersky Lab is a group of international companies with 10 representative offices abroad and a staff of over 500 people. Since 2002, the company's scope of activities has expanded. Now Kaspersky Lab strives to provide protection against all types of information security threats that a user may encounter. In the same year, the company introduces new products - Kaspersky Anti-Spam - an anti-spam system and Kaspersky Anti-Hacker - a firewall that protects against unauthorized access to computer network or a separate node.

In 2008, Kaspersky Lab's sales were $60.2 million. Kaspersky Lab owns 45% of the Russian market share. The company is a leader in Russian market and declares its intentions to list its shares for sale on the London Stock Exchange. Since 2007, Evgeny Kaspersky has been the CEO of Kaspersky Lab and owns 50% of the company's shares.

In September 2009, by decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Evgeny Kaspersky was appointed a member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation. Evgeny Valentinovich Kaspersky is also a member of CARO - Organization of Researchers computer viruses, uniting the world's leading experts in the field of virus protection. He has written many reviews, articles and scientific papers devoted to the problems of virology, as well as the protection and filtering of information. In 2007 he was awarded the Symbol of Science medal, and in 2009 he became a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. In 2007, for its contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet, Kaspersky Lab was among the winners of the Runet Prize 2007 in the Technology and Innovation category.

In 2007, Kaspersky starred in the series about Russian hackers “Network”, as well as in a video dedicated to the 10th anniversary conference of the company’s partners. Evgeniy Valentinovich is married twice. The first marriage was unsuccessful. In 2007, Kaspersky divorced his wife Natalya, who at that time held the post of CEO of the company. Despite family troubles, Evgeniy and Natalya continue to successfully cooperate. Natalya is an excellent manager who provides constant search new serious partners and access to new markets. The financial success of Kaspersky Lab is largely due to Natalya. From his first marriage, Kaspersky has two sons left. Evgeniy leads healthy image life, enjoys skiing, kayaking and mountaineering.


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early years

Evgeny Kaspersky was born on October 4, 1965, the only child in the family. He began his studies at secondary school No. 3 named after Gastello in the town of Dolgoprudny near Moscow. While still at school, Kaspersky began an in-depth study of mathematics as part of a special course. After winning the Mathematical Olympiad in 1980, he was enrolled and in 1982 graduated from Physics and Mathematics Boarding School No. 18 named after A. N. Kolmogorov at Moscow State University.

In 1987 he graduated from the 4th (technical) faculty of the KGB Higher School (currently the faculty is known as the Academy of the FSB of Russia) in Moscow, where he studied mathematics, cryptography and Computer techologies, and received the specialty “mathematical engineer”.


In 1987, Evgeny Kaspersky began working at a multidisciplinary research institute under the USSR Ministry of Defense. It was here that he began studying computer viruses after encountering the Cascade virus in 1989. After analyzing the virus code, Evgeniy developed special utility for his treatment and became interested in this topic.

In 1991, Evgeny Kaspersky began working at the Center information technologies KAMI, where he led a small group of specialists involved in the development of anti-virus solutions.

In November 1992, the group released its first full-fledged product - AVP 1.0. In 1994 it won a comparative test carried out by the test laboratory of the University of Hamburg. This provided the product with international fame, and developers began to license their technologies to foreign IT companies.

In 1997, Kaspersky and his colleagues decided to create their own company, acting as co-founders of Kaspersky Lab. Evgeniy did not want his last name to appear in the name of the company, but Natalya Kasperskaya, Evgeniy’s wife at that time, who was also one of the co-founders of the Laboratory, convinced him. In November 2000, the AVP product was renamed Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Kaspersky led anti-virus research at the company from its founding until 2007, when he took over as CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky's office is located in a new business center on Leningradskoye Shosse. Evgeny Kaspersky's office is located on the same floor with the company's leading developers and analysts, next to Kaspersky Lab's Global Research Center (GReAT). Evgeniy is a co-author of several patents in the field of information security, including a patent for a restrictive attribute security system that controls the interaction of software components. This patent was issued for the technology underlying the secure operating system currently being developed by Kaspersky Lab.

Today, Kaspersky is one of the world's leading experts in the field of virus protection. He is the author large number articles and reviews on the problem of computer virology, regularly speaks at specialized seminars and conferences in Russia and abroad. Kaspersky is a member of the Computer Virus Research Organization (CARO), which brings together experts in the field.

Kaspersky is the founder of the Virus Bulletin conference, which has been held annually by the antivirus industry since 2001.

In 2012, Kaspersky was included in the ranking of the 100 most influential thinkers of the year according to Foreign Policy magazine and took 40th place, losing among representatives of Russia to the punk group Pussy Riot, which took 16th place in the ranking.

In December 2012, the American magazine Wired placed Kaspersky in 8th place on its list of “the most dangerous people in the world” - for exposing American cyber weapons created for espionage in the Middle East and disrupting the Iranian nuclear program.

Evgeniy feels like a man who is on the front line in the war against cybercriminals. The "laboratory", according to Kaspersky, has no investors, operates exclusively at the expense of its own resources, invests all profits in further development.

During his travels around the world, Evgeniy Kaspersky regularly gives reports on the dangers of cyber warfare and the need to counter the escalation of cyber threats at the global level. He views cybersecurity education as key to successfully combating cyber threats. This applies to both ordinary users and IT security specialists, who often lack qualifications. Evgeniy also actively supports the idea of ​​universal standardization and adoption of common policies in the field of cybersecurity, as well as the idea of ​​cooperation between government agencies and companies operating in the IT security industry.

“Private companies - especially in the IT and security industries, as well as in some strategically important industries for which IT security is a top priority - have accumulated a wealth of practical experience in combating cyber threats, which the government could use extremely successfully.”

Evgeny Kaspersky supports the idea of ​​using Internet passports when performing critical operations in global network: when voting in elections, working in online banking systems, receiving public services etc.

“It seems to me that the Internet space needs to be divided into three zones. “Red” zone - for those processes where safety is critical; here the use of an Internet passport is mandatory. In the “yellow” zone, authorization requirements are lower - it is necessary, for example, to verify the age of the buyer in online stores selling alcohol or offering products for adults. And finally, the “green” zone: blogs, social networks, news sites, chats - everything that has to do with freedom of speech. No authorization is required here."

According to Kaspersky, the main vulnerability of the Internet is its anonymity. Therefore, in order to make the World Wide Web less vulnerable, each user should be accurately identified. Kaspersky suggests allowing connection to the network only after receiving a special passport and passing an exam, similar to a driver’s license. And to monitor compliance with the law on the Internet, a special Internet police (Internet Interpol) should be created. “Everyone is required to have an ID or an Internet passport,” Evgeny Kaspersky told ZDNet Asia while attending an Interpol conference in Singapore. - The Internet was originally developed not for public use, but for scientists and the US military. Only then was it presented to the public, and it turned out to be a mistake... to present it the way it was done.” At the same time, Kaspersky is convinced that new system must be purely coercive and all countries must obey it. “If any country disagrees or ignores the agreement, just cut off their Internet,” he said. Evgeny Kaspersky has been making a proposal to escape anonymity on the Internet for several years [ When?], but only now [ When?] his ideas attracted the attention of the Western press. Considers it necessary to introduce criminal penalties for spam.

It is characterized in the press as “the menace of computer crime.”

Family and hobbies


With the exception of Kaspersky Lab shares, Evgeniy does not have significant investments: “I have a company, an apartment in Moscow and a BMW car. But other than that I have nothing else.”


Written by Evgeny Kaspersky:


  • Vladislav Dorofeev, Tatyana Kostyleva. Kaspersky principle: bodyguard of the Internet. - M.: Eksmo, 2011.


In 2012, Evgeny Kaspersky was awarded an honorary doctorate of science. University of Plymouth en. That same year, he was included in the Top 25 Innovators of the Year ranking by CRN.

Awards and prizes:

see also


  1. IT personality: Evgeniy Kaspersky. Competent look. Review. Dailycomm.ru (undefined) . www.dailycomm.ru. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  2. Kaspersky Evgeniy Valentinovich(English) . Forbes.ru (April 15, 2011). Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  3. Official page of Evgeny Kaspersky V social network"In contact with "
  4. Dmitry Vinogradov. Figure: Evgeniy Kaspersky: I am fighting global malice (Russian). Russian reporter. rusrep.ru (August 27, 2008). Retrieved December 23, 2012. Archived December 25, 2012.
  5. Vladislav Yuryevich Dorofeev, Tatyana Petrovna Kostyleva. Chapter 1, White Target Pebbles// Kaspersky principle: bodyguard of the Internet. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 332 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-49120-9.
  6. Kiwi Bird. Believe it or not (undefined) . magazine " Home Computer"(April 4, 2008). Retrieved August 14, 2015. Archived August 13, 2009.
  7. Kaspersky: antivirus was my hobby (Russian). RIA Novosti (20120712T1754+0400Z). Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  8. The secret of Evgeny Kaspersky (Russian). www.elle.ru. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  9. Sergey Villanov. Report from Evgeniy Kaspersky's office (undefined) . Digital World Magazine. dgl.ru (August 28, 2013). Retrieved August 29, 2013.
  10. ininventor:"Eugene V. Kaspersky" - Google Search (undefined) . www.google.com. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  11. In the hundred thinkers of the year, Pussy Riot is ahead of Kaspersky and Navalny (undefined) . Forbes. forbes.ru (November 26, 2012). Retrieved November 27, 2012. Archived November 29, 2012.
  12. Noah Shachtman. The 15 Most Dangerous People in the World(English) . Wired. wired.com (19 December 2012). Retrieved December 20, 2012. Archived December 23, 2012.
  13. Andrey Sidorchik. Extremely dangerous. Kaspersky is included in the list of the world's main villains (undefined) . AiF. aif.ru (December 25, 2012). Retrieved December 26, 2012. Archived December 27, 2012.
  14. Carol Matlack; Michael Riley, Jordan Robertson. The Company Securing Your Internet Has Close Ties to Russian Spies(English) . Bloomberg Television (19 March 2015). Retrieved August 14, 2015. Archived March 20, 2015.
  15. Andrey Kuznetsov. Bloomberg spoke about Kaspersky's connections with Russian intelligence services (undefined) . RBC (March 19, 2015). Retrieved August 14, 2015. Archived March 19, 2015.
  16. Kaspersky responded to the publication about connections with intelligence services (undefined) . Forbes (March 20, 2015). Retrieved August 14, 2015. Archived May 9, 2015.
  17. Vladislav Novy. If they "bring down" a region, city or country as a whole - goodbye (undefined) . Kommersant. kommersant.ru (March 28, 2013). Retrieved September 15, 2013.
  18. Silicon UK | Technology & Business News(undefined) . Silicon UK. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  19. Kramer, Andrew E.. Cyberweapon Warning From Kaspersky, a Computer Security Expert (English) , The New York Times(June 3, 2012). Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  20. Kaspersky Warns UK Government Of ‘Catastrophic’ Cyber ​​Attack
  21. Interviews: Eugene Kaspersky Answers Your Questions - Slashdot
  22. Evgeniy Kaspersky (undefined) . vse-o-kompyutere.ru. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  23. Evgeny Kaspersky: founder of Kaspersky Lab (undefined) . www.webplaneta.de. Retrieved December 28, 2018.
  24. Pavel Kantyshev, Oleg Salmanov, Olga Shlyapnikova“The threat of cyberterrorism is a sad reality” Vedomosti
  25. Kaspersky's son has been released, five kidnappers, including the organizer, have been detained (undefined) . Gazeta.Ru. Retrieved January 30, 2013. Archived February 1, 2013.
  26. Kaspersky's son identified his kidnapper in court - Gazeta. Ru | News. Society
  27. Kidnappers demand 3 million euros for Kaspersky's son // Vesti.ru

This is the end of the 20th century, a century in which the development of technology aroused the interest of a number of very talented people and, wanting to prove to the whole world their superiority in the computer world, they created the so-called computer viruses. The history of Kaspersky Lab began in that legendary time when “virus writers” were just taking their first steps, and viruses were distributed mainly on floppy disks.

At the end of 1989, the famous “orderly” computer world, Evgeniy Kaspersky, the Cascade virus was detected on the computer. This virus led to one of the first viral epidemics in Russia. Having created an “antidote” to the virus, Evgeniy Valentinovich acquired a taste for “medical practice” and still manages a leading company in the antivirus industry.

And already in 1991, Evgeny Kaspersky and his like-minded people (colleague developers) began working with computer company“Kami”, where the anti-virus department was created. Subsequently, Natalya Kasperskaya headed the department. With the beginning of her leadership position, Natalya began to lay the foundations for the future commercial success of the antivirus project. Under her leadership, the development of a partner network began.

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In 1987, he graduated from the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (currently a structural unit of the Academy of the FSB of Russia), where, in addition to mathematics and cryptography, he studied computer technology.

After finishing his studies, he ended up in a multidisciplinary research institute under the Ministry of Defense, where he worked until 1991. Here he began studying the phenomenon of computer viruses, in October 1989 he first discovered the “Cascade” virus on his work computer, disassembled it and created the first computer antidote in my life. Started collecting malware, creating healing modules for them. It was this exotic collection that later formed the basis of the famous antivirus database Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Currently it contains more than 4 million records and is one of the most complete in the world.

In 1991, he began working at the KAMI company, where, together with a group of like-minded people, he developed the anti-virus project "Antiviral Toolkit Pro" ("AVP"), the prototype of the future Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The first international recognition of the project came in 1994. "AVP", still little known in the West, was first tested by the test laboratory of the University of Hamburg and showed best result, surpassing all popular antivirus programs in the quality of virus detection.

In 1997, Evgeny Kaspersky and his colleagues decided to create independent company and became one of the founders of Kaspersky Lab. From this moment on, Evgeny Kaspersky is the permanent head of the company’s antivirus research.

Since 2007, he has been the General Director of Kaspersky Lab.

Evgeny Kaspersky is one of the world's leading experts in the field of virus protection. He is the author of a large number of articles and reviews on the problem of computer virology, and regularly speaks at specialized seminars and conferences in Russia and abroad.

Kaspersky is a member of the Computer Virus Research Organization (CARO), which brings together the most prominent experts in the field.

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2009).

In 2010, Evgeniy Kaspersky received the title of "Executive of the Year" from SC Magazine Europe.

His first wife, Natalya Kasperskaya, is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and one of the founders of Kaspersky Lab, General Director of InfoWatch.

From his first marriage, Evgeniy Kaspersky has two sons.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

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